@Miami Heat

Isaiah Collier Would Make the Miami Heat UNSTOPPABLE | Miami Heat NBA Draft Prospect

Isaiah Collier Would Make the Miami Heat UNSTOPPABLE | Miami Heat NBA Draft Prospect

Isaiah cier is a pank I’m Shin break what’s good y’all welcome back to my five-part Series where I’m ranking the top five draft picks that the Miami he to Target at number 15 in the NBA draft this year make sure to like the video and subscribe because I’m on the grind to 5K Subs before the start of next basketball season and I greatly appreciate dud you’re wasting your time we’re trading the pick for spider oh don’t get your hopes up remember what happened with Dame D both of y’all got to get out of here these people got a video to watch so we’re here at number one on my draft wish list for the Miami Heat we have Isaiah CER out of us I told you to subscribe the button all the other parts I’ll be giving you guys a little bit of a draft like scouting report in case you’re unfamiliar with his game and we’ll talk about his fit with the Miami Heat along the way I think a lot of you guys may be familiar because at least at the mock drafts that I’ve looked at this has been the most common name that I’ve seen going to the heat at 15 now I looked at a few websites USA Today bleach report the ringer led by that bomb Bill Simmons and CBS and they had him at number 16 number 17 number 15 number 19 and number 10 obviously there’s some variance there like the rest of these prospects because there is no set order in this draft I am concerned though CBS did have him going as high as 10 I I did see some other smaller mocks with the same thing so there’s potential that he’ll be gone by then but if he’s gone then we’ll get Jared McCain or Tristan the silver well let me not spoil the rest of the list in case you guys didn’t see those videos yet you can go check it out but in his one season at USC playing behind bronny James he he he was leading that team with bronny James doing his thing y’all know I want bronny James in the second round what if they take USC guys both picks that that’ll be interesting maybe not great cuz USC kind of sucked this year but uh but anyways in his one- year at USC Isaiah CER played 30 minutes T night averaged 16 and4 shot 49% from the field great efficiency for a guard you love to see it but only 34% from three which isn’t which isn’t great they get six uh free throw attempts which I love that he’d have too many guards that can’t get to the free throw line so drafting one that could get six a night that’s pretty positive to me and he did have some player comps of Jeff Teague who I think I would like on this Heat team not well Jeff Teague is hilarious in all these podcasts and stuff he does but you can tell he’s not a heat culture guy cuz he’s been you know obvious as clear as day saying that a lot of times he didn’t care about winning in certain aspects and scenarios uh so if he’s like Jeff teag mentally like that maybe I wouldn’t want it on the heat but if his game is similar to Jeff teag which I kind of think it is that’s something that would be nice in the heat I also saw Eric bledo which in today NBA isn’t great but Prime Eric bledo was a was a decent player so if this guy can get a little bit of a better jump shot with Eric bledo tangibles that would be a pretty nice player and I also saw guys like Emanuel moodier and then Tyrese Evans and Colin sexon those two names I love a lot if you put a prime Tyrese Evans on or Tyreek Evans excuse me I think I said Tyreek if you put a a prime Tyreek Evans on this team well a prime Tyreek Gans was literally his rookie year which is kind of crazy but he did deal with some injuries there was a little bit of a Resurgence later but that’s besides the point this was a guy that was averaging 20 points per game get you six assists six rebounds a low 30% three uh three-point shooter but he was a bucket and he could facilitate play defense a true point guard and scorer which are two things I think that he desperately need and obviously I love Colin seon that boy’s a dog but he’s he’s a pretty decent shooter nowadays so uh maybe Isaiah CER has that potential and I’ll take it he’s just not quite there yet uh but he is 19 years old he does turn 20 in October so right before the season starts so there’s obviously a ton of room for potential I know I I’ve said a lot in this series that I tend to lean towards the older prospects because the heat are trying to win now right if they don’t get Donovan Mitchell or Trey young or maybe if or if they don’t get those guys I don’t know what else they can get Gordon Hayward on a minimum he said he was unhappy with his role in OKC he sounds like he’s a guy that wants to contribute so does that mean he wants to get paid too I don’t know point is if there’s not a lot a lot of other major moves out there with regards to uh free agency or trades the best way to improve this roster is through the draft and for a team that I want to compete next year I want to compete in the Jimmy Butler window you want a guy that can compete now and I think Isaiah ker is the best of both words worlds there because he’s super young with a ton of potential and I think he’s good enough to be a legit rotation player right now as well at the combine he measured 62 and a half which is a bit concerning because at USC he was listed at 65 210 lbs so he definitely measured in several inches below his listed you know measurables but with the combine almost all guys do I mean they measure you without shoes so I’m not super concerned about that drop off because although he is listed at 6’2 the combine did measure his wingspan at almost 65 so he does have a bit of a uh uh you know positive wingspan there unlike Tyler hero which was one of the concerns about him but I I don’t think it affected Tyler too much right I mean a guy’s scoring over 20 points per game in the last video I compared Tyler to Jared McCain a lot somehow I ended up being pretty negative towards Tyler so I’ll be more positive in this video about him uh but uh he’s also a little bit skinnier than than 210 he came in at 204 so but uh but Isaiah CER is big he’s he’s a tank that’s how I started the video and that is really like you know his best asset is that he is such a skilled player while being just an absolute unit uh he’s absolutely Unstoppable downhill he can get into the paint at will and he knows how to use his body I heard someone say it was someone in the basement I forget if it was Kendall or someone but he said that Isaiah CER is basically Tyrese Maxi if he grew up playing football and that’s what made me say damn I like the idea of that let me look into this kid a little bit more and I love what I see because a guy that can get into the paint at will that that’s something that he’d have needed for years all these years watching Kyle Lowry be too slow to blow past Defenders can’t get no drives and kicks stagnates the offense now Terry Roser is able to do that don’t get me wrong Terry roir is very good at that but he’s only really one guy that does that consistently obviously Jimmy can and Bam picks his spots but I’m talking about a guard who is that’s the name of his game because not only does getting into the rim mean you get easy shots and easy layups but it also initiates the drive and kick game for guys like Tyler heru on the perimeter Duncan Robinson outside Hayward heith who’s been an improving catch and shooter if they do resign him shoot maybe even by the time next year bamal has truly extended his three-point range to to the outside can you imagine having a guy like bam out there and yovic out there Jam hakz he said that’s what he wants to work on in his game so the the fact that he can get into the paint really really has me excited and he is such a skilled finisher it’s not all physicality he’ll use his body but he also has such a level of finesse that makes him so tough to guard that that’s what I’m saying about him being so skilled you know earlier we talked about uh in part he was number four on my list we talked about khil wear excellent player potential through the roof but has a lot of things he needs to work on to be like a real you know 30 minute a night rotation player and I well 30 minute night is kind of like a starter but you you get what I’m saying Isaiah Coler has enough skill to play 30 minutes a night right now now at the point guard position it’s a little bit tougher so I don’t want to make that assumption I think if he was to come to the heat I feel more comfortable saying he’d play around you know 20 minutes a night but he is a guy that will be a legit rotation player immediately and obviously like any other point guard coming in as a rookie he’ll need a couple years to to develop still so I’m not saying he’s the perfect win now player that would be Tristan the Silva that’s why I put him in part three of this series but he is a guy that I do think is the best of both worlds and and the potential is through the roof it’s hard to not take a guy who I think can contribute now but also has potential through the roof and the ways he can uh contribute now are obviously ways that they need now he’s very good at pushing the pace but can also change Pace that’s a skill set that’s very difficult for young guards a lot of these young fast guards that like to go downhill are out of control they’re wild that’s what we read about Devin Carter but and you know but but Isaiah CER can change speeds and that makes it so difficult for NBA defenses to guard you and that’ll make Isaiah CER be able to get to his spots I know he’s not a great three-point shooter but this will allow him to get there and set up and then once he works with those heat you know shooting coaches and development staff to get his shot he will be able to get it off in the NBA cuz being an improving shooter and getting your shot off are two different things this is a guy that can get his shot off catch and shoots step backs he’s very capable of doing it and we’ve seen guys I mentioned it in an earlier video Josh Richardson his first half of his rookie season he could not shoot the ball but he worked with the heat shooting coach I remember they told J Rich they said all you got to do position your your foot is like this it has to be positions like this straight pointing at The Rim once J Rich fixed that he was like a 40% three-point shooter the rest of that season he’s been a pretty good shooter since then so I can’t wait for Isaiah CER if he was to come here to put in some work with the shooting coaches and when he gets that down he is going to be absolutely Unstoppable I mean not like he’s terrible at it now I said he took what was it six uh uh three threes a game 34% he’s capable just not as high as you would like to see from him but again as a facilitator this is something he can do very well this is where Devin Carter lacked this is where Jared McCain lacked at least because of his role but Isaiah CER did have the role and he performed very well driving kicks finding guys back door he can do it all and that is why I know that he can be an actual point guard in the league one day not like not like Jared McCain who may be more offb obviously the same again the same with Devin Carter he can play the point and for the Miami he there’s questions about if they have a point guard is Terry waser two is Ty hero a two we’ve heard a lot of that now I think Terry’s a great facilitator so I do think he can play the one but maybe you can play him next to Coler start you know if Coler can grow some more maybe he can actually get closer to 65 like he was listed at now you got a 65 guard you got Scary Terry who’s what closer to 63 6’4 uh and I think that could be a potential starting du in this league and still have Tyler come off the bench for Cleveland with and we got Donovan Mitchell I I don’t know obviously all of this stuff could change because if the heat do get Donovan Mitchell then I guess they’d probably trade this pick too but even if they don’t get Donovan they can get some other pieces in change the whole roster so it is difficult to exactly say what their guys what these guys fit could be but Isaiah CER is a talented player who could probably play on any team he did have three turnovers a game so I know I said he wasn’t out of control but with the passing sometimes he did try to force it too much and maybe that’s because he’s a capable passer he tried to do a little too much but that is like the most common thing for a young point guard I think he’ll pretty easily learn that plus he had a high usage rate so three turnovers for a high usage rate isn’t that terrible but it’s not something that was overly concerning that I don’t think he can get better at uh he was 28% shooting from three off the dribble but 37% off catch and shoots so when you look at it like that maybe in the heat system they obviously have some other guys like Jimmy and Bam and Tyler and Terry that can handle the ball so if Isaiah Kier has to play off the ball those 37% uh efficiency from catch and shoot from three it’s pretty good numbers actually so that is something that is very promising there uh the form is sometimes inconsistent uh sometimes it looks great great follow through other times it doesn’t look fluid looks like one of those one two shots you’re not supposed to have a two motion shot but it’s close enough that I think it’s something that could be fixed pretty easily with a year or two of development so now we’re talking he’s capable shooter now but two years from now he is lethal so that is something that’s pretty positive not a super athlete only six dunks on the season but doesn’t matter I don’t need him dunking if he’s Bing people getting to the rim and finishing with finesse or or driving through them I don’t need the guy to dunk not known for his defense I saw a couple questions about his motor but he has the tools he had such a high usage rate at USC not trying to make excuses but that team sucked they were looking at him to score they were looking at him to facilitate everyone wanted bronny James to show out like put isai coier with that body and that speed and and this heat system and I really think he’ll be a phenomenal on ball Defender he can already play the passing Lanes a little bit too I think he averaged like a little over a steal a game so a lot of that was in the passing Lanes which hey we see the heat do that right in the the playing game with Jimmy Butler we seen kayn Martin do that a lot few years ago gave Vincent victo the depot back in the day you obviously lost those guys so I think Isaiah ker uh would be a nice replacement you know ex you know defensively if he can continue to improve that and he has the tools so I think that’s what’s most important but that’s really all I got to say for this video kind of talked a lot about how I think he would fit here so let me know what you guys think I’m pretty sure this time a lot of people would agree with me he’s just he’s such an excellent scorer at a position of need and does things that the heat can’t do I typically don’t like to draft guards that have a questionable shot because I remember the days of Justice Winslow even jameh hakz now to a lesser extent it’s frustrating when you get these guys that you always have to wonder oh is he going to hit the open three is he going to get better at this one day is he going to Brick terribly or airball it’s frustrating as a fan but I don’t think isaa CER is that bad I don’t think he was Justice Winslow rookie bad and Justice Winslow eventually did get substantially better from three at least for that one season and then he kind of fell off a bit but anyways let me know what y’all think about is Isaiah CER that is the final part to this video I do have a miracle pick that I highly doubt will fall to Miami but it’s possible he’s currently slotted around 10 so in the future I might make a video about that but make sure y’all like this video And subscribe so you don’t miss that we’re on the grind to 5K Subs by the start of the season and I can’t do it without y’all so I’ll see y’all next time peace [Music] out my own I don’t need no dead we had a kill them off yeah I need a head space you know this homegrown [ __ ] don’t offend me hm

Scouting report for 2024 NBA Draft prospect Isaiah Collier and his fit with the Miami Heat. The Miami Heat pick at 15 and and the USC guard could be a nice fit. NBA and Miami Heat News featuring Jimmy Butler, Bam Adebayo, Tyler Herro, Terry Rozier, Nikola Jovic, Jaime Jaquez Jr., Caleb Martin, Duncan Robinson, Josh Richardson, Kevin Love, Haywood Highsmith, Erik Spoelstra and more. Subscribe for more Miami Heat, Miami Dolphins, NBA and NFL news
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Background Music: Excursion – Po13o
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Outro Song: Pull Up (prod. by KENO) – RadixTheRuler

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