@National Basketball Association

[King] Joe Mazzulla: “I coach because I’m not really good at anything else.”

[King] Joe Mazzulla: “I coach because I’m not really good at anything else.”

by EutaxySpy


  1. Babushka5

    And 80% of the league doesn’t even think he’s good at that! Highest win percentage by a coach all time

  2. defeated_engineer

    Reporter: “Why are you the way you are?”

  3. Babushka5

    Pretty obvious he’d be elite at bank/fenway park heists

  4. Funkywormm

    Those who can’t do teach and those who can’t teach teach gym

  5. captaincumsock69

    What the fuck? I thought he was good at jujitsu!

  6. xenoz2020

    He break plays. Punch the ticket at the end of the day, slide down the back of a brontosaurus like Fred Flintstone, call it a night

  7. background_action92

    I like Mazz, I have no quarrels with him. Hopefully we can return to competitive form next season and grind out epic confrontations

  8. Joe would be an amazing homeless person. Like town legend that everyone knows status

  9. wafflehouse4

    thats not true joe there is some empty register at a dollar store that you would be great at operating

  10. PensiveinNJ

    Don’t be humble Joe, your analysis of The Town is worth a dissertation.

  11. JocaComManteiga

    Imagine this guy coaching Josh Hart and them giving a presser

  12. jconley4297

    do you mean to tell me watching the town isn’t a marketable profession?

  13. he really is the pep guardiola of basketball, no woner they met each other

  14. “Those who can’t do, teach, and those who can’t teach, coach Basketball”

  15. Sellmechicken

    Here comes all the memes that seem to poke fun at Joe and not really give credit where it is due. And don’t talk about his team, half of those players were developed at Boston and that includes by mazzulla himself.

  16. IKillZombies4Cash

    Hmmmmm…then maybe I’d be a good coach?

  17. fearofaflatplanet

    I’m only here to do 3 things: coach the Celtics to a championship, watch The Town again, and roll jujitsu. I just lost my dvd of the Town and my BJJ gym is closed for renovations 

  18. I_am_darkness

    Dude obviously has no skills at finding a market that appreciates him. The bum.

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