@Memphis Grizzlies

Who Should The Memphis Grizzlies Select With Pick 9 In The 2024 NBA Draft!!

Who Should The Memphis Grizzlies Select With Pick 9 In The 2024 NBA Draft!!

so I’m not even too sure if the Memphis Grizzlies are going to be keeping this pig or not because there’s been a ton of rumors that they’re going to be trading it again to try and using a piece to maybe get another Allstar here and there they’ve got a bunch of tradable contracts like Marcus Smart if they really wanted to go that way and they could form some sort of big four of like John Morant Desmond Bane and jiren Jackson and then imagine if they got like a obviously not this play but imagine if they got like Paul George in the team God that that Memphis Grizzlies team would be kind of kind of Juicy right and that’s what they might be doing again for the sake of this video Even though I think they might trade it but we’re still going to be selecting someone at Pick n uh cuz that is what the Memphis Grizzlies do have if you’re wondering why I don’t take a certain player with this pick though that you might have wanted it might be because I’ve already taken him with a higher pick to a different team so go and check out my official 2024 NBA Mock Draft which will be linked in the description down below I guess D Fair Ado here’s who I think that Grizzly should select with the ninth overall pick now moving on to pick nine and this is one of the hardest if not the hardest picks in the whole entire draft because I think it’s pretty self-evident right now that the Memphis Grizzlies are 100% looking to trade this pick again there are a lot of theories going around um of that they might be looking to package this pick Marcus SM and another player here and there to look for a a near allar All-Star type of player like a Brandon Ingram not specifically maybe that player but someone on the lines of that uh again I even saw someone say they might be linked to Jared Allen and move Jackson back to that powerf position that would be really interesting as well and the Cavs who may be looking to trade Allen they might do that so there’s a lot of really interesting things that the Grizzlies could do with this ninth overall pick if you were to have a defensive duo with with Jaren Jackson and Jarrett Allen as the center and power forall with jaran passing to them Lord have mercy on the league but you know for this video I got to select a player here and of course I kind of just went best available because I really didn’t know I also feel like maybe this player could semi fit in with Memphis as a guard Off the Bench but that’s of course raid sheeper now raid Shepard happens to be arguably the most interesting player in this whole entire draft because there’s no secret that a lot of teams have or a lot of uh Scouts sorry and those NBA experts have this guy going at pick three I even saw someone have him on going pick two to the Washington Wizards now I’m not that big of a fan of raid Shepard compared to a lot of people although I still think this is an amazing player we’re looking at here again ESPN have him ranked at number seven he’s a far best the best three-point shooter in this whole entire draft and one of the best we have seen in a long time it’s also being said that he’s an insanely underrated passer a pretty decent off ball Defender but he shot creation is lowy the thing that a lot of people really like about this guy when we look at Reed Shepard if you were to bring him in the NBA right now he should already be a top 10 shooter in like the League this man shoots it absolutely lights out uh a ton of people are saying he actually fits San Antonio but I’ve seen some people say he fits um Memphis what he’s kind of being compared to is Seth Curry and do Dante Davon chenzo who are players who have had really really good careers Dante Davon chenzo being an elite role player right now for the New York Knicks Seth Curry has always been an elite role player I’ve seen some people say that he’s downside as though he kind of plays a bit like Jimma fet which is a bit disrespectful low key but again there are some downsides to this man his defense is pretty rubbish uh he gets pushed around easily his size doesn’t really suit it and again he often is kind of looks like he’s going to be playing like the shooting guard type of role in the NBA I feel like though the the how to make red sheeper a good player is you play him at point guard and then obviously you have a shooting guard who’s more of a playmaker but there are some people on the more optimistic side that Reed Shepard can be one of the better Playmakers in the NBA again he did average 4 and a half assists for Kentucky we got to remember DJ Darius gin averaged like 3.9 assists yeah for vanderbel and then became one of the best you know Playmakers in the NBA even when he’s had his downside now for the Cavaliers in the playoffs he playmaking has still been one of the most elite in the NBA so the realistic thing is there’s some downsides of R Shepards there are some upsides um I don’t know if Memphis Grizzly select him if they keep him or whatnot if they do you’re still looking at a man who’s got like a 54% field goal percentage one of the best Shooters in the whole entire draft as I said and maybe could be a decent bench player for them but as we all know this pick is probably getting traded right I think it’s pretty obvious if they were to go up to the Cavaliers and say we can give you like a Marcus Smart and this pick the Cavaliers might accept that for Jarrett Allen against Smart’s pretty good but he wasn’t that good this year had a ton of injuries while Jarrett Allen even though he heard his ribson couldn’t play in the playoffs he was literally playing like an Allstar this year and literally made the allstar team two years ago and is still like a top five best interior defender in the NBA who puts up 16 and 10 like literally every night so if you were to add that to Memphis and you give them Jared Jackson with Jarett Allen God I think John Morant would love to play with that more than I’d like to play with Tate McCrae should I keep that in the video probably not but you know what I’m going to do it because I love Tate McCrae and if she’s by one in one billion chance watching this please DM me because I think we could be a very good couple but anyway I’m obviously getting very off track with this video what I’m trying to say is here though I think this pick will probably get traded but the end of the day raid Shepard to the Memphis Grizzlies could be a good thing some Scouts as I said have this man going pick three so whether or not you decide to keep him or not he could still be very traded or he could be a very good asset to the team but of course if you haven’t already please make sure to leave a like And subscribe to the channel comment your thoughts and opinions down below did you guys like this mock draft or did you guys not who would you disagree with and whatever it might be let me know your thoughts and opinions subscribe to the channel for all the latest NBA content NBA news draft content all that type of stuff and don’t forget to subscribe to my ir/ vong channel gaming channels all of them will of course be getting Linked In the description down below but as I was saying please make sure to leave a like subscribe and comment and I’ll see you guys next time goodbye theand [Music] [Music] new beginning [Music]

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