@Minnesota Timberwolves

Timberwolves fans KNEW their fate was sealed!😭

Timberwolves fans KNEW their fate was sealed!😭


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  1. I get it !! It was a good move tho….i good basketball move. Cause he would of definitely did it over a smaller guy. So good call coach. Unfortunately!

  2. Idk why they ain’t send a double to get the ball out of his hands. Send anyone else on a double except for whoever is guarding kyrie

  3. Bigs defend better in the post. On the perimeter its little tougher for them ro contest because lateral movement and thus threat of penetration.

  4. You know what would be really awesome? If we actually just gave Luka credit for the shot, and stopped pretending like the only reason he would have made it is because of the defender on him at the time

  5. Damn bro I’m a Mavs fan but hearing these fans is breaking my heart right now 😂 They were both great games we are lucky to have come out on top of both

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