@Miami Heat

Kyle Kuzma AVAILABLE For Trade! Should Miami Trade For Kuzma? Heat Trade Rumors

Kyle Kuzma AVAILABLE For Trade! Should Miami Trade For Kuzma? Heat Trade Rumors

we have a fun show planned surrounding Kyle kozma and a potential trade but I need your help Pete fans I am very competitive and you would know that if you watched our watch parties but if you did not watch our watch parties well maybe you need to be subscribed and it would also help us beat the Philadelphia 76ers in our Mesa battle we have one week to go in the month of May so help us out we Trail by 39 hit that sub button and let’s beat Philadelphia [Music] hi I am Nick rolloff this is the heat report by chat sports happy weekend everybody but Today’s Show we’re talking about this man right here Kyle kosma and if Miami and Pat Riley should make a play for the Washington Wizards forward we talked a lot about kozma back in February before the NBA trade dead line and someone Miami could Target that was obviously before Terry Rosier came came to the 305 but could we spin the block on Kyle Kuba well the rumors are coming out after Jake fiser dropped this report late in the week he said that Kyle kozma will be another Advanced Wing player on the trade market this off season although Washington’s asking price for the veteran score prior to February’s tread deadline was too rich for most rival teams so I have a couple thoughts on this well one yes he was made available via trade back in February we talked about him a lot but it seems like they are willing to move off of him again as they go to a complete youth movement they have the second overall pick they have Denny Advia they have Bal kabali could they move on from Kuba to try to compile some other younger assets well the heat should jump on it if that’s the case because to me he is a perfect fit in Miami alongside Jimmy and Bam because he could slide in right into that power forward or that four spot and he can honestly play small ball Center I know you guys W want to hear that cuz you want the heat to go big and I do too but he could if necessary and he started a game at center for the Wizards against the Miami Heat late in this past season and he did play pretty well for the Wizards in 2023 and the part that really stood out to me is how much he was able to get to the rim and score another part that really pleases me at least is that top number not even a statistic but 70 games played you saw Pat Riley call out some of his own players for not being a ailable during this past regular season allaha Tyler her only playing 40 games Jimmy Butler not playing more than 65 like he wants players to be available and kuzma proved that he can show up on a night toight basis be healthy and provide some nice scoring at 22.2 points per game sure the three-point efficiency could use a bump up but I believe he would have a better efficient season from Beyond The Arc because his shots would go down being with Jimmy bam Terry and whoever else is on the roster but also working with the heat shooting staff which is one of the best in the NBA as I said just before we showcase his stats like he would be an elite four for Miami this dude is damn near as tall as bam atab bio Yes you heard that correctly so to pair those two up in the front Court would be very very enticing for not only Pat Riley and the Miami Heat but for the fans that have been begging for this team to get a bit larger so they don’t get beat on the inside by opposing teams that have either two bigs or just a plethora of wings we talked about kuzma size well here is his size this is all by the way when he measured at the combine this could have changed in terms of growing still cuz you know some people still do grow when they’re going to 25 but kosma without shoes came in at 68 when he rang in at the combine in 200 17 so it means with shoes on he’s about 69 69 and a quarter that’s pretty damn good for a power forward and like I said bam is 68 and 3/4 with no shoes and he’s about 69 and 3/4 with shoes on so it’s only about one inch smaller than bam like they are very very similar in size kma’s also got some good weight to him at 226 um good um excuse me what was the uh you know we could go back to the wingspan here Reed because he did have a pretty solid wingspan which I’ve always talked about too by the way in my players I like like the wingspan it was 7t and a quarter was his wingspan by the way at 68 that’s a plus-size wingspan and it allows kuzma to be a nice little weak side rim protector and that would be very helpful alongside bam right like bam is so good at rotating and switching onto opponents on the wing on the perimeter inside like he can do it all but you get kozmo who could either help bam if he has to switch and he has to take a quick Center for a couple seconds or not k would be a perfect fit on the defensive end as well as the offensive end for the Miami Heat we’re going to Showcase some more numbers on why the heat could acquire Kyle kma and should be interested him in just a second but I’ll ask you this question and this is not should the heat trade for him would the heat trade for him would you trade for him that’s not what I’m asking I’m just asking you if you think the Miami Heat and Pat Riley should be interested in Kyle kosma different type of question than we are Norm asking type y for yes or type n for no maybe you’re typing your A’s for absolutely they should be interested in the services of Kyle kosman and I don’t know if you’ve been able to tell through the at least early portion of this video but he would add some good size for Miami but he would also create a fantastic scoring balance right like he scored 22 points a game for Washington that would actually be the highest number on Miami they were well balanced last year Jimmy averaged 21 and change bam averaged just under 20 hero just got over 20 Rosier averaged about 20 for the season but in Miami averaged 18 so you would have a well-balanced team which has its ups and downs like well-balanced teams usually play well in the regular season which Miami needs to start doing so they don’t have to play in the playing every year but it also does have its drawbacks in the postseason but you would expect Jimmy Butler to take over in the playoffs and you when you look at what kozma could bring to the Heats offense in terms of advanced shooting and some Advan metrics I want to look at well these actually paint a very nice picture that makes me even more excited about a potential fit with Kyle kozma and the Miami Heat so when kozma gets to the rim which he does a lot more than he does anything else right his most shot attempts come within 10 ft from the basket 8.9 a game 59.9% that’s very very good like that is a good number for Kyle kozma it gets a little dicey here in the next two the pull-up midi and the pull-up three so not the best shot maker when having to put it on the deck and pulling up for a jump shot when he puts on the deck and gets the rim you see it’s just fine but 36 and 30 that’s not ideal the catch and shoot three is actually not that ideal either if we’re going to be honest at 35.5% you’d like catch and shoot three to be at least 37 38 because well it’s much easier to do and when you’re catching and putting it up you’re likely to get a much more open look but when you look at these numbers right this tells you kzo was shooting about 19 shots a game for Washington a year ago well half of them actually more than half of them came either at the three-point line or the rim that is your modern NBA score right when you look and if you watch college basketball this has been starting to be preached at quite a bit shout out Nate o Nate o from Alabama he spams this he wants his players either taking threes or shots at The Rim he doesn’t want mid-range shots and Kyle kusma kind of embodies that he’s not afraid to take a R shot which is good he’s got to be capable but he likes to either get to the rim and attack or just take a three ball and that actually fits perfectly with Miami right cuz Jimmy and Bam do like to live in the mid-range and within 15 ft from basket so if you’ve got kozma not trying to settle in that same area that bam and Jimmy like to hang out in well that only creates more layers on your offense that makes it more difficult for opposing defenses to defend and when I’ve been starting to think and look at what the heat can do this off Seas right it feels like Kyle kozma could be the perfect move for Miami if they strike out on a quote unquote whale that they always hunt obviously Mitchell is the number one option it will always be my number one option for the Heat this off season Trey young is up there as well because well he would be able to hold the burden of this Heats offense in the regular season and he would unlock a different level of bam a bio on offense and a pick and roll but I think Kyle kozma’s right up there after dmch and just maybe slightly behind Trey honestly like in terms of a player I’d like to acquire to try to improve this Miami Heat roster another reason why I would like to do this deal I don’t think it would cost too much if we go back to Jake Fisher’s report of saying it the asking price from Washington was just too steep at the trade deadline I think it was about two first round picks is what they were asking for I’ll talk more about that and what he might cost in this off seon in just a second but want to make sure you are hooked up with some Miami heat gear in the form of the sweet looking red Polo you can get it at heat running out of sizes if we’re going to be honest we only have small large medium I don’t know why I went large after medium but we got small medium large extra large in stock 2x 3x 4X 5x not in stock so get yours today before they run out of stock in those other sizes heat Polo links in the description and comments of today’s video all right like I mentioned before we had to talk about that sweet Polo get it by the way um it was two first round picks at the deadline that’s what Washington was asking for for the services of Kyle kozman to be honest rightfully so right kzo was in the middle of a career year in terms of points per game the efficiency is not career-wise but the points were and when you are trying to make a deal with the deadline you’re obviously going to ask for more because the other GMS trying to call for kozma are more in a bunch like just the demand for kozma is much more higher back in February before that deadline than it is now because there’s so much time before he can’t get traded anymore that it would cost less so to me you might think well what might it cost for Kyle kozma in a trade I actually think it’s not that much and I think it would be between a first round pick and a second round pick like or excuse me said that wrong first one first and two first let’s get back on track here that was a disaster right there but either way I think would cost between one first round pick and two first round picks in value it wouldn’t cost us one I don’t think it would cost two somewhere in that middle ground so where does Miami come up with the package for that well I think this is what you would look like if the Wizards are okay with this right obviously they’d have to be okay with it but hero in a second round pick for Kaio kozman and you might ask is that enough value I think it is enough value it would also be very dependent on how the Washington Wizards View or excuse me Tyler hero because they tried the Jordan pool experiment right they acquired him in a deal for Chris Paul after some trades it was a crazy deal right they get Jordan pool Jordan pool wasn’t that good like and I don’t think he’s that good and Jordan pool has been compared to Tyler hero in the past but I think Jordan pool is way worse than hero Hero’s just proven to be more of efficient player um both have the same play style yes but hero is better so to me I do think this would be enough to maybe persuade Washington to accept like Tyler Hero’s value is a first run pick like don’t get it twisted as much as Heat fans might dislike him they would get a first round pick if they just sold him to a team and didn’t get a player back like they would get a first so you trade hero in a second which comes to that middle ground in between one first round pick and two first round picks I think it’s enough and let’s just say Washington wasn’t interested in Tyler hero well maybe you can call up the Brooklyn Nets or San Antonio Spurs who have had interest in Tyler hero get them to send a first round pick to the Wizards and then there you go you trade hero to a third team becomes a three team deal and wizards get the picks that they’ want rather than Tyler hero but I actually don’t know why they wouldn’t want Tyler because tyus Jones is a free agent Jordan p is their only lead guard he stinks and hero would be able to Mentor whatever Wings they have and a Cory kissper a Denny Advia Bol Kali and whoever they take it number two like I think it would actually be an interesting young core to watch on a nightly basis and see how they can blossom together but this is a heat Channel not a Wizard’s channel so I want to know what the Heat fans think would you do this trade would you send Tyler hero in a 2026 second round pick that’s via the Los Angeles Lakers by the way should have made that clear for Kyle kosma type A for accept or type D for decline I think this one might be the one folks I really do because obviously Don Mitchell is priority number one but if you have been with us on the channel you would know that I’ve talked about how the heat still need to trade Tyler hero this off season even if it’s not for an Allstar all NBA type guy because there just needs to be a Vibe switch up and just needs to be a change in that locker room to move forward a hero Jimmy bam sixth time going at this it’s just not going to work it hasn’t worked for 5 years it’s gotten good success but success in Miami is measured by championships not finals appearances they have yet to win and it seems very evident they’re not going to win so this could be that lateral move where you don’t give up a first round pick you just give up hero in a second to get kozma because the Vibes would change in the locker room I think he fits better in Miami because think about this you still have Terry Rosier in this potential hypothetical move right so you have a 18 20 point per game score in the back court and Rosier you have a good front court and then that might allow Duncan Robinson to slide into the starting lineup because the Miami Heat very very very good when Duncan Robinson started and he was healthy in 2023 this could be the perfect opportunity and perfect trade to move hero and get a player at least semi close to Value not a complete upgrade but still make some good changes to the roster another reason why I like Kyle kozma it’s actually a contract yeah you heard that correctly there’s three years left on Kyle kozma’s deal this year in two years after that it’s actually depreciating in value every single year it is not the most uncommon thing but I would say it’s more rare or it’s yeah more rare than you would find other contracts usually goes up every year this one goes down $2 million every single season and by the time 26 27 rolls around yeah he’s only getting paid $19 million that’s pretty dang good and considering hero is getting paid 29 31 and 33 going up $2 million every year for the next three you save yourself quite a bit of money if you make this deal now and keep kosma as that third fourth piece instead of Tyler hero that is why I think if you had to power rank moves Miami could make to improve this roster and improve their situation for the foreseeable future at least as of now because nobody else has come to a uh come available I think Kyle kman would be my second choice one will always be Don Mitchell for this off season you could try to argue Trey young for number two I’m going to say I would rather do this specific trade for Kyle kosma rather than selling a little bit more on the house for Trey young I’m a big fan of kma’s game I think he would fit give Miami size that the fans really want and they desperately need as well so it’s just an all round win-win if you’re asking me for the Miami Heat all right that’s going to do it for today’s show make sure you are subscribed to the channel because we’re talking all possible avenues for Miami in this off season trade rumors Draft rumors free agency we’ll have it all I’ll see you tomorrow with another video go Heat oh [Music]

Yahoo Sports’ Jake Fischer released a report about a lot of NBA trade rumors, and reported that Kyle Kuzma could be on the trade block this NBA Offseason! The Washington Wizards were asking for two first round picks in the NBA Draft back during the 2024 NBA Trade Deadline. Now that the Kuzma trade price will be lower, could Heat president Pat Riley swoop in and trade for Kyle Kuzma? Heat Report host Nic Rohloff believes this could be the PERFECT move for the Miami Heat if they strike out on a Donovan Mitchell trade. The Heat need size, and Kuzma, listed at 6’9”, could be the perfect power forward next to Bam Adebayo in the Heat’s lineup! Miami Heat trade rumors discussed on this Heat YouTube video!

Get ready for the 2024 NBA Offseason with the Heat Report! Latest Miami Heat rumors:

The only sizes left for this Heat polo are S, M, L and XL! Get yours today before they run out:

Tyler Herro has been rumored to be in a trade for almost every offseason he’s been in the NBA. Herro could be traded to the Cleveland Cavaliers for Donovan Mitchell but if he isn’t, a Tyler Herro trade for Kyle Kuzma could be the perfect solution for the Heat. Kuzma has three years left on his deal with a value going down every season by $2 MM.

NBA Insider Jake Fischer on Kyle Kuzma trade rumors:
“Kyle Kuzma will be another advanced wing player on the trade market, although Washington’s asking price for the veteran scorer prior to February’s trade deadline was too rich for most rival teams.”

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Kyle Kuzma 2023 stats:
22.2 PPG
6.6 RPG
4.2 APG
46.3 FG%
33.6 3P%

Kyle Kuzma measurables:
Height (W/O shoes): 6’8”
Wingspan: 7’0.25”
Weight: 222.6 lbs
Standing Reach: 8’11.5”

Kyle Kuzma advanced shooting stats:
Less than 10ft (8.9 FGA): 59.9%
Pull Up Middy (2.9 FGA): 36.3%
Pull Up 3 (2.2 FGA): 30.5%
C&S 3 (4.2 FGA): 35.5%

Kyle Kuzma contract:
24-25: $23.5 MM
25-26: $21.4 MM
26-27: $19.4 MM
27-28: UFA

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Heat 2023-24 bench:
– Nikola Jovic, F
– Duncan Robinson, F
– Caleb Martin, F
– Josh Richardson, G
– Kevin Love, F
– Haywood Highsmith, F
– Orlando Robinson, C

Prove you KNOW ball by answering today’s questions in the comments:
– Should Miami be interested in Kyle Kuzma? Type ‘Y’ for Yes or ‘N’ for No
– Would you do this Kyle Kuzma trade? Type ‘A’ for Accept or ‘D’ for Decline

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Want more Heat rumors YouTube videos? Check out some of the ones posted this week:
– Miami Heat Draft Rumors: Draft Jared McCain? | McCain Prospect Profile:
– Miami Heat Rumors On A Dejounte Murray Trade + Haywood Highsmith WANTS To Return In NBA Free Agency:

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  1. I think this makes sense for Miami but definitely wouldn't be my first preference. If it's possible to get Mitchell with Butler and Bam; it only makes sense. Even if it means losing young assets and draft picks.

    Somehow I feel like Mitchell will end up staying in Cleveland and Miami should move on from Herro. Kuzma could make up for a lot of the offensive inconsistency of Herro and Duncan Robinson. He would need help on the defensive end though and Bam would help.

    Food for thought: Miami could then keep their picks this year to add another big that can rebound/ defend the paint and a true point gaurd or combo gaurd. I would also try to find a suitor for Robinson and or Rozier to free up cap space. Maybe we could add a more effective PG in the buyout market: CP3, Westbrook potentially. I'm not sure if Robinson could get the value of a point gaurd like Malcolm Brogdon.

  2. KYLE KUZMA for DUNCAN ROBINSON and THOMAS BRYANT and DEJOUNTE MURRAY for TYLER HERRO plus a pick would be a great for the heat! Lets go! 🔥

  3. NO ! ! ! ::: go alll in for Mitchell or a guard … shop jaquez and herro to make it happen … sign guys like naz reed, Jae crowder , finny smith , Andre Drummond , tyus jones ,

    we just need a star guard reliable , two bigs and some wings and our young farm

  4. NO ! ! ! ::: go alll in for Mitchell or a guard … shop jaquez and herro to make it happen … sign guys like naz reed, Jae crowder , finny smith , Andre Drummond , tyus jones ,

    we just need a star guard reliable , two bigs and some wings and our young farm

  5. If they can’t get a center in the draft then go after kyle kuzma. He would be a perfect front court with bam.

  6. kuzma is a good fit thats true. But herro must go then and we need a healthy, efficient, selfless guard. Someone like fox, sexton, garland, shadon sharpe maybe idk. Terry must go if possible to make space. And can we get like at least one good free agent like damn?

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