@Sacramento Kings

Kyle Kuzma vs Brandon Ingram: Should the Kings Play It Safe or Take A Risk? | Locked On Kings

Kyle Kuzma vs Brandon Ingram: Should the Kings Play It Safe or Take A Risk? | Locked On Kings

play it safe or take a risk two potential paths available to the Sacramento Kings this off season with two names attached play it safe with Kyle kosma take a risk with Brandon Ingram what about a third secret Wild Card option I have all three for you we’ll break them down right here on lockon Kings you are locked on Kings your daily Sacramento Kings podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day and now ladies and gentlemen it is that time time for another episode of Locked on Kings hello and welcome into lockon Kings your podcast hub for Sacramento Kings coverage all offseason long today’s episode is brought to you by prize picks the easiest and most exciting way to play daily fantasy Sports go to lockon NBA and use promo code all lowercase locked on NBA for a instant deposit match up to $100 my name is Matt George I have the privilege of being your host here I’m a Sacramento Sports Anchor and reporter for abc10 news risk versus playing it safe right these are decisions that we all make in life and the Sacramento Kings have to decide if now is the right time to go for it or if they can improve while not throwing everything at the wall without going all in right and there are two names that reportedly have been made available this off season Brandon Ingram and Kyle kosma we’re going to look at both of those names we’re going to break them down Ingram why he’s the more risky option with the higher reward Kyle kozma why he’s the safer option who can absolutely still help this Kings team get to where they want to go a look at the pros and cons I also have a trade package for both of those players of what I would feel comfortable with the Kings offering I’m not saying the other side would accept it but what the Kings should offer or be willing to offer in order to trade for that player so we’re going to start with Brandon Ingram in the risk then we’ll go to Kyle kosman the safe but like I said in the introduction I have a third Wild Card option it’s a guy we’ve talked about before it’s a guy that I would absolutely love to have here in Sacramento it’s a guy that the Kings would 100% have to go all in to get he’s not being made or reported as available but reading the tea leaves and the comments of his owner maybe just maybe he could be available I’m going to keep it vague and I’m going to keep it secret until the final segment but roll with me until we get there right because let’s talk about the risk of Brandon Ingram let’s talk about which with the potentially High reward let’s talk about kind of the safety of Kyle kozma and if the king should pursue these routes like I said we’re starting with Ingram we’re talking about the risk between these two Ingram and kozma if the kings are looking for a more immediate impact noticeable boost to this team right away someone who next season can get this team from their ninth seed and 46 wins to over the 50 win mark and hopefully amongst the top four seeds again in the Western Conference and a team that legitimately not just will make it out of the first round but could potentially make a little bit of a push Brandon Ingram is more of that guy than Kyle kosma is he is like if we’re looking at it that way he absolutely is so if you’re just looking at pure immediate impact and who’s the better player to go out and help this Kings team get as good as they can possibly be or improve as much as they possibly can in one summer Brandon Ingram is the guy for you but he comes with some risks we’ll talk about that in just a little bit but both of these guys but especially Brandon Ingram perfectly fits what this Kings team needs more of I’ve talked about it a lot this off season already right this team has a significant lack of wing depth they need more guys that are 68 69 610 who are long athletic 7 foot wingspans who can close out on the perimeter who can hold their own on the defensive end who can also stretch the floor but what KY or excuse me what Brandon Ingram does on top of all of that is something that this king’s roster yes their offensive loaded roster needs more of and that’s someone who can go out and just get them a bucket dearon Fox is that guy and Malik monk was kind of the other guy that was Kings need a bucket give the ball to one of the two of them but typically that is dearon fox’s role they’re hoping that K Keegan Murray can develop into that right they want Dam sabonis we all want damont sabonis to kind of show more of that game from time to time too especially for the money he’s being paid but Brandon Ingram is a guy that immediately comes in and say if you need a bucket whether fox is in the game or out of the game he’s facing a double team whatever the circumstance might be run a clear out isolation set for Brandon Ingram from long range from the mid-range let him attack the basket wherever he is a three-level scorer he will go out and get you buckets that doesn’t mean that he has to be the leading scorer on the team I wouldn’t expect him to be that doesn’t mean that he has to be the first option or even second option offensively all the time he does not have to be but whether it’s late in the shot clock late in a quarter late in the game you need a bucket Brandon Ingram can go out and can get you one he would Bo he would immediately go right up there with the Aaron foxes the goto got to have it scores for this king’s team in important situations when you got to have a bucket give the ball to either fox or Ingram and it gives them more versatility gives them more options it does take a lot of the scoring load off of damont sabonis so sabonis can more naturally I think fill that role of wanting to be a facilitator over a scorer because of Ingram and the amount of points that Ingram is capable of putting up and it gives Keegan more time you go out and get Brandon Ingram you’re still wanting a boost and jump from Keegan you’re wanting to continue to see his development on the offensive end and Keegan continue to turn into that go-to score that you believe he can be in his third year and Beyond but you’re not ryant upon that at this point in time right if the kings are going into this season this this upcoming season and and they don’t go out and get another go-to score they are significantly Reliant relying on not just the continued growth of fox and sabonis they’re very much relying on Keegan Murray to take another leap but this time on the offensive end this time with being being able to to get his own shot and create off the dribble things that Keegan hasn’t really shown in his first two years in the league bringing in Brandon Ingram means Brandon can kind of take that responsibility on and Keegan while he hopefully can continue to develop if he is still more of a catch and through shoot three Point poacher and three point Merchant who every once in a while will attack the basket and try and get to the rim and finish around the rim great you can get away with that a lot more on the offensive end Brandon last season averaged 20 points on 49% from the field 35% from three-point range and 80 uh% shooting from the free throw line he also averaged five rebounds and five assists a game so he’s a guy that can get you a little bit of everything in fact I’d say five assists and five rebounds is more than a little bit he’s a guy that can help facilitate because he draws so much attention he’s long so he can help on the glass he doesn’t have to take rebounds away from D sabonis but any help that you can give sabonis on the glass especially when he’s being boxed out and facing even double team box outs if Ingram can get in there and get you some boards and help you secure those re rebounds that’s certainly a a boost of course the offense is what speaks through and here’s what’s good for uh for Brandon Ingram last season he played the most games last season that he’s played since his rookie year now that number was 64 it’s not great it’s not phenomenal but it’s not terrible at all 64 games for Brandon Ingram is fantastic that’s the most since he played 79 his rookie year in between that he had seasons of 59 52 62 61 55 and then the season before last he had only 45 games played so there are some injury risks there are some injury concerns that is part of the risk to Brandon Ingram but certainly not the main part but last season he played the most games that he’s played since he first came into the league that is an encouraging sign but what is the major risk with Brandon Ingram he’s in the last year of his deal $36 million the reason why the the Pelicans are reportedly making Brandon Ingram available is because they don’t want to have to pay him because they’re trying to go in another Direction and they think they’re kind of capped out with this team as it is right now and if they were to keep him and pay him they’re just keeping themselves stuck in this picture that they don’t believe is going to be good enough to win Brandon Ingram could come to the Sacramento Kings play here for one year and walk away and then the Sacramento Kings are left with the assets or they no longer have the assets that they traded away and now they have once again a big gap in their roster right that is the risk that you are taking with this Brandon Ingram situation the reward is you know what type of player he is you know how he can come out and he can get you a bucket and he addresses your need but he’s only guaranteed to address it for one year there’s no guarantee that he’s going to sign a new contract to come back and continue to play for you now you took that risk to some extent when you did the Tyrese Halbert and damont sabonis trade the only difference with that is you had two years with Dam montis to to make it right right you had two years to convince him to stay thankfully it didn’t take very long the Kings had success right away and that’s fantastic if the kings bring bring Brandon Ingram in next season needs to go well because if next season doesn’t go well Brandon’s going to walk and going to go find an opportunity elsewhere whether he chases the bag or chases the opport opportunity to be on a more like stable winning franchise whatever it may be who knows what the circumstances are if you go out and get Brandon Ingram you have to be as confident as you possibly can that you’re going to be able to get him back because a one-year rental Brandon Ingram as much as I like him and as much as I think he can improve this roster this is not a Kawhi Leonard situation in Toronto Brandon Ingram coming to Sacramento doesn’t instantly turn the Kings into a title favorite where they can win the title Brandon can leave and they can still feel good because they got a championship and it’s worth it that’s not the circumstance we’re talking about here so you lose Brandon Ingram you’re potentially really really stuck there also this season there were some reports of I don’t know if attitude issues are the right thing but he was certainly unhappy at times with his role as not the main guy right he was kind of second fiddle to Brandon excuse me second fiddle to Zion Williamson at times second fiddle at times to J McCollum so he wasn’t exactly happy with his role I think it’s not necessarily grasping at straws I think I’m working too hard to connect negative dots to suggest oh he’d come to Sacramento and feel the same way he wouldn’t want to back up or be the second option to dearon Fox or wouldn’t want to take less shots than Keegan Murray some game blah blah blah blah blah yeah I’m not I think I’m working too hard to be negative if if if that’s how I feel but it is worth bringing up and is worth discussing really this whole conversation is get better immediately but take the risk of it only being a short-term rental is that worth it especially for what you would have to give up now here is what I would be willing to give up like this is this is the trade where if I don’t I have no idea if the Pelicans say yes to this no clue I’m not even going to pretend that they are are going to say yes and Brandon Ingram being available he’s going to have suitors the Pelicans are going to have options they’re going to be teams that are interested in trading for Brandon I have no idea what his value is I have no idea idea how desperate any team is to get him on their roster that of course changes things but here is the RO here is a deal that I would be comfortable with the Kings making for Ingram or an offer for the Kings to put out there so the Kings would get Brandon Ingram in this deal the Pelicans would get Harrison Barnes and his $18 million per year Sasha venkov with his I think $6 million per year both of them still have two years left on their deals Chris Duarte who is an expiring deal next season the 13th pick so this trade would happen on trade night or on draft night and a 2027 first round pick I didn’t put protections or anything on it because we’re not getting that far into the weeds if there’s protections great if there’s not whatever basically we’re talking about two first rounders Harrison Barnes Sasha venkov Chris Duarte for Brandon Ingram I’m not comfortable including another first round pick I don’t think Brandon Ingram is worth three first rounders and you have to include either Harrison Barnes or Kevin herder in this deal to make the money work plus the Pelicans are not tanking they’re still trying to be good so they’re going to want a player back that is going to at least help them a little bit in the short term I’m sure as hell not including Keegan Murray in any kind of Brandon Ingram deal I’ve made that very clear with episodes earlier this week I’m not including Keegan Murray at all and if that’s where the the conversation ends that’s where the conversation ends if the Pelicans say we’re not trading you Brandon Ingram unless Keegan Murray is involved end the conversations there don’t waste your time or anybody else’s and move on to the next option I’m not very clearly not including Keegan Murray in any Brandon Ingram trade and I’m not going more than two draft picks two first round draft picks if you want to sprinkle in some seconds in there if that makes a difference fine I’m not not including more than I’m not including three first round draft picks in a Brandon Ingram trade so this is what I’m comfortable doing I have no idea if they’d say yes if you like the trade great if you don’t great you want to respond to anything we’re talking about feel free to do so you can do so on in the YouTube comment section down below if you’re watching if you’re listening hit me up on Twitter atmt Georg sack you can email me Matt Georg Sports so Brandon Ingram is the risk Kyle kosma is the safer route and I’ll break that down as to why in just a second like I said at the top of the show today’s episode of the lockon Kings podcast is brought to you by prize picks prize pick is America’s number one Play way to play daily fantasy sports with more than 3 million members it’s the easiest and most exciting way to get in on the action while you watch your favorite sports and players you just pick more or less on two or more player stats and watch the winnings roll in we’re talking about Brandon Ingram and Kyle kozma right so let’s say it’s the regular season right and you’re playing a night of prize picks you don’t have to fa pick two teams that are playing one another you could pick a smattering of teams and a smattering of different games depending upon how much you’re paying attention to or how confident you are in your picks but the way it works let’s say you pick Brandon Ingram to score more than 26 and a half points and you pick Kyle kosma to hit more than two and a half threes and you partner that with dearon Fox having more than two and a half steals right you hit on all those cha-ching you’re making money there’s so many fun and creative ways for you to play especially during the NBA season but you can also partner with MLB 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the king Kings have needed and been like the Kings have been looking for players like Kyle kozma for a while Excuse me yes they’ve been looking for players like Kyle kosma for a while he makes the Kings better 100% but not significantly and I don’t mean that in a negative way because the Kings might not feel based off of their end of season press conference comments that we’ve talked lot about here on lockon Kings this summer Monty McNair Mike Browns talking about how close this team was they might not feel they need to make a significant addition this off season Kyle kozma is a very very solid acquisition if the Kings can get it of course it depends on what they’re giving up but Kyle kosman improves this roster if you bring Kyle kozman in without getting rid of any of your core players you are a better basketball team 100% but Kyle kosma doesn’t moonshot you into higher playoff expectations I think the same way that Brandon Ingram does and I know again Brandon Ingram to me doesn’t make the Kings instant contenders or doesn’t shouldn’t be con the Kings should not be considered instant contenders if Brandon Ingram is on this roster with this core but he’s expected to be really really good and the kings are therefore expected to be really really really really good KY kosma come to comes to this team and the team is expected to absolutely be better but they’re still ring on the growth of other guys more so than they would be by bringing in Brandon Ingram if that makes sense kuzma gives them another scoring option he’s not as good of a Creator as Ingram he’s someone who can go out and get his own bucket but not at the same level that Brandon Ingram can but still he addresses your need of of someone who can go out and get you buckets his role in Washington and his scoring opport unities in Washington very very different from what he would get here in Sacramento so take his stats and his his numbers with a grain of salt to me what I see Kyle kozma as is whether Harrison Barnes is involved in the deal or not to me Kyle kozma takes over the Harrison Barnes role he is an instantly better scorer than Harrison Barnes of course he’s younger than Harrison Barnes and defensively I think think it’s a push if there’s an edge maybe Harrison gets it like I’ve never in conversations about Kyle kzo over the years I’ve never ever heard conversation about Kyle being a good to great defender I’ve also never heard conversation about Kyle being a bad Defender which means he’s probably just average and if he’s just average defensively that’s about the same as Harrison Barnes with the offensive boost that he gives you and fits more of the timeline of the Sacramento Kings I think it makes a whole lot of sense the Kings would be relying upon KY kosma to fill a role though Brandon Ingram comes in and Ingram has a role to play but Ingram is more of a feature part of your offense you figure out how to feature Brandon Ingram more kuzma is a role player and I don’t mean that in a negative way because he’s a really really really really really good role player and you can be a role player as a starter right right he’s a guy that at times will catch fire and the Kings will lean on him to win them a basketball game but he’s not a guy that the kings are going to turn to consistently in big moments to help them get wins compared to a Brandon Ingram certainly compared to a dearon fox right so Kyle kma comes in is an upgrade on that Harrison Barnes spot 100% the King still need another jump from Keegan and other jumps from other players on both the offensive and defensive side of the ball last season he averaged 22 points so technically he averaged more than Brandon Ingram but again we can kind of take that for what it’s worth Brandon Ingram averaged 20 on a playoff team in the Pelicans kausman averaged 22 for one of the worst teams in the league in Washington you shot 46% from the field only 33% from three-point range it’s not terrible but you would like to see that number higher 77% from the free throw line does average six rebounds and four assists per game I was reading a lot about how people think that his playmaking and his assisting is actually underrated and in an offense that’s free flowing they they like to move the basketball I’m sure the Kings would enjoy that here is where KY kusma is a lot more enticing to so many people maybe including King’s Executives than Brandon Ingram is Kyle kosma has three years left on his deal not only that he is on a really really good contract it goes down every single year next season it’s worth 23 million the season after that it’s worth 21 million the final season is 19 million remember the king the NBA is about to sign a historically lucrative ridiculous deal television deal right salary cap is going to keep going up and up and up and up and up every year you have a featured starter player while the salary cap keeps going up and you have to worry about paying Keegan and worry about Fox’s extension and other players that you’re trying to bring in kma’s just going to go down and down and down and down that either makes him easier to hold on to or that makes his contract easier to trade if you do need to upgrade that position down the line so he gives you more flexibility and flexibility has been a big word a big word a big word from general manager Monty McNair and his time here in Sacramento kma is also under contract for three years so you can bring kozma in again you’re not expecting as much of an immediate impact as you’re getting from Brandon Ingram but kozma comes in and you know he’s here for a while and you know that the pieces that you’re giving up are not going to be go not going to go to waste and it’s not going to turn into just a one-year rental doesn’t mean the trade’s guaranteed to work out it could still be a failure but it’s not going to be a failure because you just lose that player after one year right kuzma is a lot safer of option but are the kings in a position right now with how good the western conference is are the kings in a position right now where playing it safe is the right thing to do or with the state of the West and with the kings in win now mode like they say they are is it time to go for it here’s the trade package that I’m looking at with Kyle kozma actually it’s a couple of them Kings get k kma for Kevin herder Chris Duarte and the 13th overall pick this year so it’s a draft night trade again important to note reportedly the Wizards were shopping Kyle kosman at the trade deadline last season and his starting price was two first rounders he didn’t have any suitors people were interested people aren’t going to give up two first rounders for Kyle kosma one first rounder though now we’re talking so you give up 13 you give up Kevin herder you give up Chris dwarte why did I pick her herder over Barnes because herder has $2 million left on his contract per year than Barnes does and I think the Washington Wizards are in the business of trying to save themselves money for a rebuild so you go out you move her move on from herder you also include Chris Duarte in there who’s an expiring deal so he’s off the books by the end of the year that is the route that the the the Wizards could take if they still want to get a player that can keep them somewhat competitive or or a decent player we know Kevin herd is a good player plus that contract is easy to move in the future if they want to but if the Wizards want all expiring deals like they want this they want a pick and they want money to come off of their books then you could go Trey lyes Davon Mitchell and Chris Duarte and the 13th pick for kozma now I personally if I’m the Wizards I’m asking for that second package more than the first package Trey lles good player would hate to see him go Davon Mitchell good young player that they’ll be able to extend for not a a boatload of money could help them going forward I like Davon Mitchell the way he ended last season I thought was fantastic for the Sacramento Kings I know for a fact the Kings don’t want to get rid of him and then Chris Duarte who’s whatever if I’m the Wizards I’m asking for that deal if I’m the Kings I’m trying to avoid that deal but if it got to a point where the Wizards said no we’re not doing herder Duarte in 13 but we will do all those expiring for 13 I think the Kings would have to to strongly strongly consider saying yes safe with kozma risk with Brandon Ingram you’re ready for the wild card I’ll share that in just a second and the wild card is Michel Bridges now before all of you go that one Matt that option forget the other two Michel Bridges bring him in Sacramento I feel that energy I understand that I hear you why is this a card when this could be the best option and most ideal option for the Sacramento Kings why is this the Wild Card compared to the other two well because we don’t know for sure that the Nets want to move on from him I don’t think they’re in a position where they’ll ever say definitively he is not available for trade unless they were posturing but we don’t know if and how willing they are to move on from Bridges and what the asking price will be we can only speculate however we have some recent comments in an interview and I I tweeted these out you can find them on my Twitter atmt George sack this is from the Nets owner Joe Sai he said that the franchise is at a Crossroads and he talked a lot about going for it and how that can hurt the franchise and hurt the organization trying to rush a win versus trying to build for more long-term sustainable success he used words like long-term approach and competing in the long run those are words that he used in this clip that I tweeted so that has opened the door to speculation that if the if the the Nets are looking for more long-term success if they’re looking for more of a slower approach if they want to build from the ground up and build a core that can turn into something three four years down the road not only does Bridges who’s in his prime not exactly fit with that right now but Bridges could potentially get you the assets that you need to really get that rebuild ball rolling so he’s the Wild Card let’s speculate if Mikel Bridges is at all available at 28 years old owed $23 million this year and $24.9 million next year if he’s available this is the move for the Kings to go all in on if you if you want to go all in this summer if it’s about trying to become a championship championship team as soon as possible if you are truly about it is a win now window and we’re going for it today Mikel Bridges is the best realistic option out there you’re gonna have to you’re gonna have to convince the Nets you’re going to have to with what you’re offering and I promise you if he is even remotely available again other teams are going to be trying to do the exact same thing so you have to beat some offers that means you have to go deep in into your pockets to make this deal happen we’ll get to that a little bit if you add Bridges to this core which we’re talking about fox sabonis and Keegan Murray if your big four is Fox sabonis Bridges and Murray the Kings can only expect to be contenders now what do I mean by that that does not mean that they’re guaranteed to win a championship that does not mean that to start next season the should be looked at as a top three seed and a team that is expected to be in the Western Conference Finals minimum that’s not what that means again bridg is under contract for the next couple of years but if you are going all in for a player to add them to your core you have to believe that that core is is is has the potential to actually legitimately win a championship not just words during media day and preseason at the beginning of the year when you’re optimistic no you’re looking at this roster and you’re going we are selling our future to put this cord together cuz we believe it will be worth it with a title by the end of it at least one title that’s what an all-in move is so if the kings were to pull off this move it is not a guarantee that they are a championship team it does not mean that they should be looked at immediately as a legit Championship Contender but this organization only makes this move if they truly feel that that core is going to win them a title if there’s any hesitancy you probably don’t make the offer or make the move of what it’s going to take to get Bridges here we’re talking next season you want to expect or look forward to an OKC or Timberwolves level jump to the top of the Western Conference that’s what you’re hoping for and maybe even expecting with Mikel Bridges and a deal this off season Bridges averaged 19 points shot 43% from the field 37% from three-point range 81% from the free throw line averaged four rebounds and three assists for the Nets last season he played all 82 games so he is available which is brutal or beautiful and he is the when you’re talking about his physical measurements his size his length he is to a te exactly what the kings are looking for exactly and with his defense and his skill set on the defensive end to boot I don’t know if there is a more perfect player who is potentially available there are dream players out there players that you would love to have on this king’s roster but their availability is like it’s it’s it’s a it’s a pipe dream Mel Bridges kind of does feel like a pipe dream but the net circumstances open the door to maybe they’ll actually listen maybe they really will consider going this route and that’s where you have to pick up the phone and you have to make them really consider what is the deal I have no idea if the net say yes to this no idea but here’s the offer here’s what I’m starting with Kings get uh Bridges Nets get their pick of Harrison Barnes or Kevin herder whichever one they want more 18 million for two year two more years of of Harrison Barnes 18 million a year or 16 million a year for two more years of Kevin herder they want the shooter want the wing or or or the forward they go out and pick their pick of either Keon Ellis or Davon Mitchell throwing a solid young player who’s low money who can help that team right away who kind of fits that timeline of not completely rebuilding necessarily but a younger player who can be a part of building a new core and building a new um a new a new culture going forward in Brooklyn yeah it would suck to get rid of one of those players especially if that player was Keon Ellis but again you got to do stuff like this to to get this deal done throw Chris Duarte in there to make the money work and he’s an expiring contract they can decide what they want to do with him with that and then three first round picks 13 this year again this is a draft night trade 13 2027 and 2029 first round picks you can make both those picks unpredicted for all I care three first rounders I absolutely would have on the table for myel Bridges would not have a problem with it you’re selling a lot of your future you’re going for it this is an all-in move three first round picks have to be available now listen to me very CL carefully when I say this because I did a podcast two episodes ago titled keep Keegan Murray’s name out your trade talks these are the trade talks where you humor and you listen to Keegan Murray being involved but hear me very clearly I’m not trying to trade Keegan Murray in this deal but if you’re the Sacramento Kings and the Nets counter and say we’re listening put Keegan Murray in that deal then the kings are going okay we put Keegan Murray in that deal we’re taking two first round picks off the table that’s that’s my feeling and maybe the Nets say no but there’s no shot in hell no shot in hell that the Nets are getting three first rounders and a package revolving around Keegan Murray no ch now Keegan Murray and one first rounder and a Keon or a Davon or whatever and and salary to match or whatever if that’s what they’re asking for Kings have to really strongly considerate because as much as I love Keegan and believe in what Keegan Keegan can turn into you are hoping that Keegan turns into what mik Mikel Bridges is and Mikel Bridges is Young under contract for two more years you don’t have to worry about paying Keegan anymore in that situation and he used that money to extend bridges down the road that is one of those realistic deals where I legitimately think about moving on from Keegan Murray it is an all-in move again you only make this move if you truly believe that this core can get you to contend if you don’t feel like that can happen you probably bow out of these trade talks but he’s a wild card in this entire situation risk Brandon Ingram safe Kyle kosma wildcard SL Allin Mikel Bridges which route do you think the king should take which route do you take put your general manager hat on and if you like these deals that I put out there say that you like them or which one you would accept or turn down if you want to submit your own deal to me do so again at Matt Georg saac on Twitter you can email me Matt Georg sportsg or if you’re watching on YouTube leave your thoughts in the YouTube comment section down below appreciate your support can’t wait to hear your thoughts on this can’t wait to have you join me on the next episode of lockon Kings if you want any of these names one in particular tell me one and why and I look forward to having you joining me on the next episode my name is Matt George you’ve been listening to the lockon Kings podcast part of the lockon podcast Network [Music]

Matt George compares the risks of the Sacramento Kings trading for Brandon Ingram vs the safety of the Kings trading for Kyle Kuzma. Plus, an all-in wild card option.

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Kyle Kuzma vs Brandon Ingram: Should the Kings Play It Safe or Take A Risk?


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  1. Don't get your hopes up kings fan Monte doesn't seem to want to make a major move monte kinda scary in my mind he hasn't done nothing really since monk signing hope I'm wrong & I hope he makes a big splash I just don't see how also

  2. None of those players will make kings better then any top teams in the west plus you need to pay them along with Fox,Sabonis, and Keegan will need to get paid at some point. I would rather them improve in the draft,trade up if there is a player they want to target

  3. Between the options of Kyle Kuzma or Brandon Ingram, I lean towards Ingram.

    I am not sure financially how the trade would work, so I am not right now going to put forth an idea.

    However, I do think it would involve Harrison Barnes and Kevin Huerter, possibly Davion Mitchell and the pick as well. Of which, I would have no issues with.

    I think the Kings have another solid backup point guard, keeping Malik Monk and adding Ingram would greatly improve the team.

    Playing it safe this off-season, is not an option if the Kings want to be a 50+ win team and make the playoffs, preferably with a very deep run.

    The Kings were good during the season. But have not gotten to greatness yet.

    Now, there are other players than Ingram, so one needs to keep an open mind.

    Hopefully, the Kings figure it out.

    I think Monte McNair and Mike Brown will figure out a game plan and execute it.

    If it can't be done for Ingram or Kuzma, then even though there is the injury risk with him, I turn to the Clippers and Paul George.

    The Kings need to add some of the offensive firepower back to the team. So whomever is added, I just hope that it is someone who is a game changer.

    Get that person and I think the guys who make up for the depth loss will want to come and play in Sacramento seeing a legit chance to compete for a title.

  4. GM messed up once again and should have traded Monk. Ingram isnt worth the next bag. Kuz doesn't fit a spray three. Brown would be on the hot seat.

  5. Wouldn’t want to trade Barnes in an Ingram trade because I’d want more quality depth at forward as part of the deal, particularly with Ingram’s injuries. Perhaps a big shooting guard might be more attractive to New Orleans, with their forward depth?

    Definitely no Barnes trade with Kuzma. A Kuzma trade could be a good one, but would have to be the right deal.

    Bridges doesn’t get you to a title window without forward depth, one of Sacramento’s biggest weaknesses. The Nets have Mikal playing SG, although he’d be a SF on the Kings. Trade Huerter, expiring contracts, and 3 1sts. The picks are what they’re going for if they’re rebuilding.

    What deal ‘can’ the Kings get? That’s the real question, as not all 3 teams will go for what the Kings offer.

    Resigning Brown should be priority #1 to getting to a championship window. Resigning Monk will certainly affect negotiations as well for other players.

  6. What is wrong with people? We should have already gotten kuzma… go get him he will be locked up and you still have flexibility to get a bridges or whoever later, and have both players with the cap rise. Plus if it doesn't work you can get almost everything you spent back in trade.. we keep waiting for no reason and if we make a pick we waste another asset.. when we could be adding on top of him..this is silly. i would even throw a second on to have his valuable deal in my books, as it goes down for a player like that… Those are exactly the margin deals you want to exploit to build and win…it is primed for this team to take advantage of….stop wasting time and assets…

  7. If our ownerhip fumbles this offseason again , vivek should sell the team he’s so clueless , are they scared to spend money ?

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