@Atlanta Hawks



come [Music] around and you know I will my heart on my sleeve you hitting allies take your [ __ ] like you f to leave I go and hide your keys you in position to win bless you without sne B you down in on the BV we was getting cheat over play my part I can’t Brea pain in [Music] my play my I can’t breathe I feel the pain in my I thought was my heart [Music] that everything this [Music] come around [Music] when and you know I my heart on my sleeve you hitting all the P your [ __ ] like you f to leave going and hide your keys you in position to win bless you without sne B you down in on the BV we was getting cheat over play my part I can’t breath in [Music] my play my part I can’t breathe I feel the pain in my I thought really was my heart [Music] what’s good family it’s your boy Deon in the building my voice is kind of low because I’m on location sorry for the camera quality um my voice is low cuz my uh my wife is over there taking a nap but you know I had can y’all hear me let me know if y’all can hear me man um I’m in Vegas right now so I don’t have my setup so the my audio might be jacked up my my uh vide not as clear but I had to come tap in to hang out with y’all for the for these 30 minutes um big time Big Time draft lottery dog draft lottery why you got no phoh my voice my voice is low CA my wife is still sleeping but I had to come tap in with y’all man let me get the salutes going on real quick before they get started it real quick on this salute everybody who tapped in today man Larry is in the building Pharaoh Phi SS Dame in the building Frank in the building Daniel in the building GM in the building who else we got in the building here we go man draft lottery I feel like we gonna get done Dirty Dog I feel like we gonna get done dirty tonight I just feel it well not tonight but this this evening this afternoon I should say um yo Happy Mother’s Day to everybody man hey yo we got another announcement man shout out to the homeboy Jamal in the building we got a new um we got a new logo coming up we got a new official logo on the way my boy Jamal working it right now for us he sent me the first draft man J it’s fire it’s fire I’m not even going to lie to you it’s fire I can’t wait to get that bad boy put on the hats and the shirts it’s gonna be fire dog I’m telling y’all man but yo here’s a question let me drop the link anybody want to tap in I ain’t gonna be too long man um I’m just do this Draft Lottery and I ain’t gonna take up too much of y’all time here’s the link if anybody want to come tap in and hang out while we watch these pingpong balls go to work um and I know a lot of y’all saying trade the pick if we get it do we trade it if if it’s a if it’s I mean a top four pick do you trade a top four pick I mean you gonna trade in and try to get who I’ve seen people talk about trade back in the draft like and do what trade back and do what get more picks for for what when you ain’t playing the first round pick dudes we got now they barely playing what we gonna do go get more man listen if you get a top four pick take the best player there cuz nine times out of 10 you get a top four pick the best player there could start on our team let’s be real here okay these dudes top four you get a top four pick you get the best player the lottery is about to start right now ran the lottery is about to start right now okay you get a top four pick you take the best player available because he’s probably start can start for our team now if we still down there 10 11 please God what please hook us up damn these dudes NBA lottery don’t never hook us up man come on come on baby he you know how you hey y’all know how you in Vegas right you blow you blow them dice that’s what I’m doing right now man shake them up shake them up shake them up shake them see what these ping pong balls talking about they better not be on no [ __ ] they better not be on no they better not hey real quick real quick over under over under who think the hwks going to be in the top 10 put a one in the chat if you think we going to pick in the top 10 put a two if you think we gonna pick 10 or later outside the top 10 I should say one if you think we gonna pick inside the top 10 I’mma go one I’m think we I think we got some luck today one we inside the top 10 two we outside of the top 10 what y’all thinking shake them up I’m shaking up the dice dog I’m blowing on the dice I’m in Vegas dog I’m in Vegas come on I’m I’m blowing on the dice dog I’m blowing on the dice [Laughter] oh oh you think we gonna go top five she it’ll be feral say 10 I’m with you Dwayne speaking into existence Dwayne speak it into existence speak it into existence can we get in the top four I’m telling you man they gonna do Us’s dirty bro they going to do what dirty I feel it coming everybody seem to be liking clinging man everybody everybody seem to be liking clinging I ain’t seen um I ain’t seen KH we in a top 10 mop yet I ain’t seen nobody put him in a mop in a top 10 killer we but you haven’t done the you haven’t done the combine yet and you haven’t done uh the one1 workouts so that can obviously change during those times but shake them up shake them up shake them up shake them bro if we get a number one pick I’m acting a donkey if we get a number one pick I’m going to the casino and I’m blowing thousands of dollars right now if we win the lottery I’m going to the cin I’m going right downstairs and I’m about to trick off couple I’m about to trick off thousand dollars I’mma tell you that right now I’mma tell you that right now shout out everybody who tapped in man y’all hit that like button for your homie I ain’t gonna take up too bu of y’all time y’all know I’m on vacation man but I had to come tap in with y’all man for the lottery I had to do it man I had to do it man I am man I’m tricking off this Lottery money though if we get the number one pick I’m tricking off some money today I’m acting a damn fool dog yes I’m hearing that now man they might have they might have full lottery picks hopefully they ain’t coming from us hopefully our picks coming from the teenss because that means we making a playoffs or something in the 20s what you say phoh ain’t already tricking off hell to be honest phoh like I don’t even like gambling like that we yeah hey gotta stay in a nice spot man let me tell you something lar lar let me tell you something I would love the hwks to win the number one pick and then hit on the slots oh we that’ll be a lovely day I mean if we can get in the top four that’s a [ __ ] win bro I’mma tell you that right now remember last year was it last year it was either last year or the year before last they say we was off from the number one pick they say we was off for the number more pick by like one number from they little calculations I I think I still think that’s [ __ ] I think they just was lying um he said we going to papos of rof Chris man let me tell you something man I already know in reality we gonna be picking 10th watch we gonna get done so dirty bro watch watch WE 12 13th I’m telling you man 11th watch I can I already feel it because it’s just the way they do Hulk Atlanta Hawks man there go Alexa right there damn bro I would love to get the number one pi sheesh yeah but you know what’s so funny about that Dwayne you don’t find it funny they won the lottery with a 3% chance but also that the following off season they lost who they lost ad every time they lose a a player they get the number New Orleans lost Chris Paul got the number one pick they lost Anthony Davis got the number one pick same thing for Cleveland they lost LeBron got the number one pick and the number four pick but when we lose people we don’t get nothing who the HKS taking at 10 they probably gonna take uh probably you probably gonna look at probably looking at a at a wing player man because I mean we bro we is not uh he is not a top 10 pick man I ain’t seen nobody put this dude near the top 10 since uh uh February so I mean is that a reach for reach of listen top 10 pick bro you got to be playing for real man a top 10 pick they need to be playing we don’t need to be picking nobody in the top 10 that we need to send the College Park you feel me we should not have to send these dudes to college part top 10 pick should be able to come on this team and start they have about where well you know what happened to where man where it is on the street man he didn’t make it at Oregon they said he had a bad work ethic at Oregon we gonna see yeah I know what you talking about lar I was looking I was looking at buddy I was looking at buddy man uh the 67 Wing from Colorado man dude supposed to be a problem dude supposed to be a problem man that’s what I’m that’s what I’ve been trying to tell y’all now Dar and Ryan what I will say is this the combine and the individual workouts could move them up in the draft but I like the guy I like the six seven Wing out of Colorado I think he could play both ways he a good defensive guy it all depends uh it depends on where we at in the draft man but they got clinging people got clinging over uh Zed yeah Cody Williams out of uh Cody Williams out of um Colorado yeah but I mean I seen Ron holler mocked his high mocked his high to one draft but I also seen him knock low as uh like nine I saw a one where he wasn’t even in the uh he wasn’t even top 10 I think he was like 15 Ron speaking on Ron Holland yeah I’m talking about the Williams kid yeah from Colorado six7 could play both sides of the ball shoot I mean that’s what we need Wing Defenders dog we need Wing Defenders we need toughness I mean let’s let’s keep it let’s keep it all the way a b here we need toughness we need Wing Defenders I think we need to fix I think we need to fix more of the wing defending than the back court personally not saying the back court don’t need to be fixed improved but I think we can get more bang for buck fix in the front Court first getting rid of Clint capella get in a serviceable real Center um get know we and we we need that killer small forward man 67 man Cody Williams out of Colorado could slide right in that small forward spot man what do y’all think about that y’all not feeling Cody Williams that forward 67 maybe see if we can address address the center position I mean bro I don’t see the K the we kid man I’m not taking him in the top 10 I’m not doing it not me I’m not taking them I’m not doing it I mean re re Shephard uh you rather have Ron Holland I think holl but I think Holland Frank I think Holland goes before uh uh Cody Williams so maybe we can you you can talk around Holland if we get in the top four man if we can get in the top four we could talk around Holland but I mean let’s be real we gonna be picking 10 11 or 12 watch we gonna be picking 10 11 12 yeah Landry Fields representing us at the draft lottery man hopefully Hey listen if we get more P do all the twerking he want if we can get in the top if we get a top four pick he can sit he I don’t care if he Dan he can dance he can shake his ass he can twer he can put on his little what little female outfit he want to dancing with the Mass singer thing I don’t care what he do that number one pick [ __ ] he can do all that [ __ ] if we get the first pick we better bro we better get S man y’all listen I’m not even thinking about that number one pick bro CA see I’ll be reading y’all stuff and then y’all get me caught up in that [ __ ] believing that [ __ ] I already know what’s gonna happen at Lanta HKS with the 11 pick with the 11th pick in the NBA draft already know what we picking they FNA do a so dirty watch watch but I’m already prepared I’m already mentally prepared to get done dirty right now already I’m already mentally prepared I’m ready I’m already ready I’m I got my mind braak I’m ready come on baby come on give me sub I’m in Vegas man y’all Blow The Dice Man knock on wood knock I’m knocking on wood man I’m knocking on wood blowing The Dice Man shake them up shake them up shake them up shake them come on man who would I take with the fourth pick Ryan uh uh I was looking at the European guy the guy who play for the G the uh ignite the Euro guy I got to do some more homework on them though man I just started looking at the top prospects but I don’t really get into the draft until this until I see what we picking at I need to see what we picking at first I don’t like getting excited looking at all these players and then you’re looking at players going in the top 10 and you end up picking 14 blowing on the dice shake them up shake them up knocking on wood come on come on come on Hawks with a 3% chance so you’re saying there’s a chance you’re saying there’s a chance oh man all right here we go dog they about to do the little me the representative thing man yeah you know what I’m talking about huh yeah yeah get him man I gotta do some more research because I mean if you picking if we picking the top four he got to be ready to play today he got to be ready to play today not nobody we got to send the College Park all right here we go here we go man they doing an introduction oh my God come on I’m blowing on the Dice Man shake them up shake them up shake them they said Scotty bnes come on man hurry up let’s get come on man come on come on come on come on what’s good lar let’s see what it get man Shake him up bro Shake I’m blowing on the Dice Man KN wood KN wood come on baby come on yeah it it all comes to this if we’re not 15 then we’re 10 and we’re not 10 we’re in the top five okay so we’re number four we’re yeah 10 if we get past those we Gucci there’s a chance that we can you know slip from 11 or 15 but mostly it’s like if if you just get real unlucky it’s going to be 15 10 or four you know what I’m saying or one that’s that’s basically is so if we not number 10 we’re top four come on Jesus please give me this please I’m in Vegas baby show me some love give me something you got to give me something to come on Jesus you got to give me something to hold on to Jesus come on come on you’re stressing us whole fans out you got to look out we need we we need to write the ship hold up who’s there is lry there we gotta write the ship what you say l who’s there for us yeah Landry there for us that’s a bad sign nobody gos I’m just saying nobody J goats they send the other dude y or player you know what I’m saying he want to be seen all right here we go family here we go uh Portland that’s sad guys that’s great news for us guys that’s great news for us guys that’s great news Portland fell out Blazers okay come on fell out that’s great news Jam come on Dean that’s great news the Kings Chicago Bulls oh you behind me my bad please please please how we looking L [ __ ] it hey just tell me dog just tell me we in the top four what we gonna make a yo I told you when Portland when Portland went the 14 we we took P Spot come on baby come on let’s go boy win the top four stop playing when the top the de get ready get ready to spend that cash come on J come on J come on I SP this money come on come on come on Jesus Oh My yo Dean at the very least we can get clean oh come on come on M win the top four we’re in top four dog we’re in top four yeah we’re in top four we’re in top four come on De we number one Pistons Charlotte and um and um what’s the name are out of it piston Charlotte and Portland I out of it come on we might be we might be number one bro go spin that St de get ready to please God please please that stack come on man they owe us bro they owe us oh come on they owe oh my God come on my bad I’m way earlier than you Dean I’m way all right so de we got a top four pick at the worst we can get cling clinging is already here all right I want you to know that clinging is already here all right at the very least we get clinging at the best we get S oh come on oh my God come on come on come on come on yo we get S bro I’m knocking on wood baby I’m I’m blowing I’m blowing the dice deamar I know you ain’t really high on withy but SAR is please God please please Jesus please please please can you hear me yeah yeah I can hear you I can hear you go ahead goad hear no um what I’m saying is is that at the very least we getting uh clinged we’re top four our yeah we top four bro oh he falls in our lap regardless either we get number one get s or we get cleaner both seven two I want Sor dog I want number one come on Larry I’m telling you I’m going down to this I’m going down to them slots I’m blowing I’m blowing thousands today I’m SP I’m tricking off money if we win this you winning today I promise you we winning today if the H number one pick we winning today please please God please please our friend we need this so bad we need this so bad they know they’ve been doing come on come on NBA y’all been doing this dirty for decades y’all been doing this dirty for decades NBA y’all gotta hook us up please please please give me this Mike said buy crypto well Mike know I buy crypto he know I buy crypto every uh week okay M automatic okay I buy all I buy my [ __ ] automatic come on baby come on commercials San Antonio get it’ll be the course I mean they had dve Robinson and gifted them you know what I’m saying Duncan so if the Spurs get number more pick bro they need to investigate this they need to investigate that that’s crazy well just like when the um but they were actually bad enough to get like the draft lottery started now realse already gone yeah the draft lottery already on bro real it’s already on the hwks in the top four Portland is 14 [ __ ] we got we got some [ __ ] to work with Now dog we got some that fourth piit we got options now huh get we got options we got options right now let’s see how this go how many commercials they gonna show oh it’s coming back now my bad it’s coming up now where they showing jayen Bronson taking practice shots prob ah come on the game come on in uh 10 minutes could they say 3:30 but really all right look land Fields is up there all right so Washington is the team that actually deserve it who’s up there they better not give it to the Spurs oh [ __ ] y’all so far ahead of me man all right yeah because you’re streaming that’s all come on come on yes the Spurs got the fourth pick we we top three the Spurs got the fourth pick oh we in the top three in the top three come on come come in the top three you we top two top top two come on come on you lying you lying oh my God you was lying you lying you lying you lying that’s the first time there oh my goodness I’m sorry I had to wake up my wife and tell her hey man look here man um dubs in the chat man dubs in the chat nothing but dubs in the chat everybody everybody put a dub in the chat yo put a dove in the chat bro everybody in the chat put a dove in the chat everybody put dubs in the chat what y’all doing all right I see dubs coming dub the chat come on man dubs in the chat bro we did it bro finally finally wow [ __ ] Alex goingon to be a Hulk man they better not trade that welcome home Alex Bro ain’t no discussion ain’t no discuss s bro Alex sorry y’all believe what’s up fell can y’all believe this yo I’m sorry I was too early get oh my God s oh my God my God can y’all believe this yo um fo when went to 14 I was like we got a chance why about 14 because uh if the Hawks were gonna fall backwards they would go all the way to 14 so they’re at 10 if you mess up by a number you go to 14 if like when Portland when Charlotte all of them were in the back half I was like Atlanta got a real good chance to make yeah I knew I knew I saw back there I was like oh Atlanta might be in there went back I said we in the top four top what y’all think we gonna do man we picking draft alexar hey no a no ain’t no options ain’t no options man hey man let’s hope got di Wy go hope let’s hope they don’t mess it up go get Alex listen it changes drafts shepher it changes everything I AG now now now I’m double thinking now do I have to move Murray now I mean with if you move Murray if you move Murray we don’t need to go get a bi oh man listen guys listen I’m in Vegas I can’t be up here for long oh oh foot here foot hey y’all run the show however long y’all need to run it when y’all see pick for what ticket I’m not I’m not trading that damn picket you crazy I’m going to get for superar what the [ __ ] you f to get who who TR Superstar who what star example can’t come here all I really need really now fire listen give me a fire ass small forward what y like about Alex so much what I like his height a’t done no research on this guy for how big he for how big he is he moves so damn well from he’s moved smoothly man as a 72 like these guys freaking nature too Alex all day come on there’s no question no J Ser I there’s no question about go get alexar I’m I’m ready to order me a Alexa Jersey right now for real you already know right now all right no TI It ticket TI it serious real talk real talk as the H what’s what superstar player you didn’t say star player what superstar player can the H get with that pick and either I’m I’m obviously thinking you saying trade the pick and and trade for I’m just assuming to see well see if if you can get a superstar I would trade I would trade the pick if you can’t I will not trade this never if you can’t get a superstar then you know you you go by you know the normal way did you have a superstar did you have a superstar in mind that you wanted to trade for yeah yeah that’s well I well I to say it in be but he ain’t No Superstar to me no more tra this pick you Cann I just saying mean i h the ti on Yiannis I would not don’t no Milwaukee won’t go foris now now tick I won’t disagree with you with that the only thing where I push back on that about keeping SAR or Yiannis is we don’t own our next picks for the next three years if we end up trading try if he’s unhappy you know what I’m saying and we’re going to basically suck we have a franchise potential franchise player place and we have never had the number one pick evera number one pick let me ask you this I ain’t worried about that may never get again let me ask you this yeah go ahead go if we hypothetically we get Yannis are we are we automatically a top four team in in the East yes if we go get how long do you think he needs before we a top four team in the East dep away talk the east as it is now because if it’s theast listen listen listen to me listen to me star Starts day one that that a’t answer my question look Johnson S jayen Johnson Trey young muray give me and give me a fire ass small forward boom don’t hey good [ __ ] man I gotta give you credit but that also also I I can I can answer I can’t answer your question I can’t we have Zar if we have Alex saw on the team we will definitely be in the playoffs guaranteed top six right now that ain’t what I ask I said yes we’re top 14 yes yes yes yes I said top six changes everything this changes everything this changes everything this changes everything what did I tell y’all I said our roster is not a 10 seat roster no it’s not we should minimum we should been fifth or sixth minimum with our current guys let me ask y this let me ask y this replace that bro that’s he giving you offensive defense right there bro JJ SAR listen listen listen you could go JJ SAR right listen to me Murray Trey small forward listen you could take Murray right now you don’t need a bi you could take Murray and see if you can flip and get something else maybe BR what let let me let me ask let me ask y’all this for S does sar need the ball to be I I ain’t talking about no post entry passes but can SAR have an effect on the game without needing uh Trey young I got second part I got a second part and and two it saw a big enough Prospect day one to where Trey will defer to him to where he can be his best version ofen take the word take the word [Music] defer does he help usn more games at the end of G be hard we won 36 at the end it really 36 serious yeah with this’s he said he said Alex that’s crazy that’s I’m not I like alexar but that’s crazy I’m say at least at the same he’s a he’s a much better defensive player ask he’s a much better defensive player H someone got a question I’ll go after I’ll go after Maran this is my question this is a proposal this is a proposal would you trade the number one pick to San Antonio for their number four pick and all the picks that they took from us in the in the DJ trade no no no no never no only train I would slide back yeah I would I would I would not do it I won’t do it I wouldn’t do it there’s no there’s no there’s no clearcut number ones in this draft like that exactly you got a lot of people that can feel RS but you don’t have like a wiy in this draft you don’t have a Zion in this draft you don’t have a LeBron in close to it so that don’t you don’t need you don’t need those Jal every I told you you don’t need those Jal every year but like I said won the damn lottery siral I told you told like this Gerald what this does is it allows us to set up the franchise for the next 10 plus years with or without trade okay with without DJ DJ’s gonna get traded anyway but this this this allows us to move DJ without without having to to sweat over the exact right pieces for replacement for him now we could go out and go get three guys or Ro players that fit what we need in the moment because we got we have we’ll have Trey and we’ll have a Bonafide guy in SAR with Jaylen you know what I’m saying a still there so this this changes the formula for the next decade that reminds me you sure it’s just DJ being moved because I highly doubt I think it’ll be more than just DJ mean no offense but I would like wal talked about that at um after the wal said that is looking to make significant changes to the Rock here’s the thing the thing with that it doesn’t ites it doesn’t have to totally mean trade de muray it could it could mean trading some other pieces on this Rost like definitely P de doesn’t work let me the back cour doesn’t work I’m saying you got to start there let me ask Matt let me ask you this scenarios Matt hold on koola hold on Koolaid go ahead Gerald yeah go ahead Gerald yeah Milwaukee knocked on your door and said I give you Giannis flat out for that number one pick would you trade it no yes no no no no he’s hurt the last years right he’s 31 years old I’m not doing that I’m not doing that everybody else is hurt people call in when they get sick when they’re hurt somebody to play 82 games2 gamesmore doal moreal in my opinion my my my my comp him a more defensive Chris BOS a more defensive Chris Bosch a more defensive a more a a a a a plus defensive Chris Bosch I don’t care if he’s Chris Boss I don’t care if he Shar ABD the second coming soal imagine imagine Chris BOS imagine chrisagis has multiple don’t think he good offensively Chris BOS imagine if Chris BOS was 71 M NBA first team defensive no not C can shoot man this kid can shoot I’ll take him as a if he’s a upper if he’s a upper would you take would you take would you take Chris Bosch plus Chris Bosch with all NBA def defense yes Chris at the center position yes Center it don’t matter he’s 72 72 so Center that’s so when you said Chris BOS you saying he averaging 19 and nine or something no no no no no no I’m talking about Toronto Chris BOS not not I’m talking about jald I’m talking jald I’m talking about 20 jald I’m talking about 23 23 and 10 23 and 10 in all NBA defense now go these slots do feeling now 23 in all NBA defense 25 is Trey gonna allow him to get that 23 and 10 listen listen listen listen listen lald wayal the way you can use jald he not dependent he don’t need the dhos that we already run with capella with him running those D the oh my God JJ on the other side and over hey just a trick man on Atlanta Hawks man it’s a trick a trick how up my wife wants to divorce me it’s just the point that we we got Landry to make a choice on the number one pick that’s true hey hey Matt I’mma be back in 30 I thought I thought we were talking about I thought W was the guy to get oh hell no forget himar you I can’t I can’t I can’t hear you just just let you know when you saw the you saw the first 14 pick was Blazers right that that was from the Warriors not the Blazers blaz the other pick was the Jo that dropped which you talking about the 14 pick was the Warriors we got got Hornets I didn’t I could way better than where I saw Hornets I was like this is the best news ever since the Eastern Conference Finals Gerald Gerald this where and this man this is this is a more bigger than that we got the number one I’m not wrong and I’m G say the pick is made guys that’s all I’m saying I’m not feeling till the pick is made I would you cool it on this hey I’m just gonna say this up mess this thing up we in a bad situation with not want knowing whether Trey Gonna Leave DJ Gonna Leave and all that kind and then we gota make theel this pick this Pi sets us up with this pick sets us up with or without try for the next 10 years matter yeah we have the number one pick we got the number one pick we got a bad manager and we FNA go with the number one pick and we gotta hope that that that in 10 years we win something you knowy I don’t blame saying uh I don’t blame I don’t blame if Tre GNA stay he need a stretch big and a shooting sh guard the obvious looking at SAR highlights and SAR don’t seem like he’s a stretch big don’t seem like he shoot a three out a high clip okay look like he can shoot a three-pointer at a high clip we don’t need another pick and roll guy he just another pick and roll guy need a stretch big he don’t shoot the three can’t shoot I’m looking at his highlights he don’t shoot the three we need like you just came out of church listen here man and that reminds me of that reminds me else y that reminds me look this up guarantee you man to it pick and that reminds me know tell me tell me tell me how many times they miss on team hit one team from so y actually saying that I’m looking at SAR highlight so y’all actually saying this guy is the guy yes this this got this most OB you got to get a you got to get a big on this one what Wy yumy did last year okay okay who hold this guy gonna play well we ain’t picked this guy yet so we got to deal with landra on picking the guy first and and we don’t know what the hell landra gonna do I say I don’t trust so so first of all we got the number one pi and we got Landry having to make that situation the number one Pi but I ain’t happy till I see the so you think so you thinking he’s gonna draft re sheer out out of Kentucky right is that what you’re thinking come on he been looking at guards he been looking at guards if he playing to trade he might go pick a guard he might go pick another guard I time he for the last three years try find a guard to replace you’re not wrong you’re not wrong smaller all right tell you right now I am not happy look I am not happy I am not happy till I see the pit we gotta trust land land is a piece of do man I’m just saying right now I’m happy we got the number one but hell I’m not gonna be happy see I be saying like oh what we should do got okay I want because he shoot the three out of high clip he’s a stretch okay alar but we get but there was no guarantee that you gonna get KH KH wway we got the number one pick Paul first of all start with this we are we gonna be the organization that gonna pick the guy and then the other then the third pick gonna kick Michael Jordan huh all right all right Paul first of all first of all before the draft before the Le okay look look okay okay before the draft lottery we we we we gone to the mindset thinking like we gonna be picking at 10 all right after this draft this changes everything like Matt are won championships okay okay okay pause okay you not wrong with some teams have had the number one picks and missed on it but there’s some teams actually hit on number one picks but I’m sorry have you looked at Minnesota lately I’m sorry ain’t that never one pick Anthony Edwards and he been balling right and so that’s why an cruel trick this was a cruel trick because listen listen that’s why I said that because Anthony ever was was drafted in 2015 that’s the number one pick they didn’t win nothing and then they and not Anthony I mean uh Anthony uh you know I’m talking about cat Catman he would pick at 2015 number one pick they ain’t win nothing then now now they just pick C then they tanked all the way back and got another number one pick okay with Anthony right okay first of all first of all guess what cat still there and Annie still there right okay what now it’ be stupid if we run off Trey and then we we get a number one pick that’ll be if you want to play you want to win with Trey youngon we got the number one pick we need a stretch big and that’s what he is KO he a stretch game he can develop and also where is ranked 40th and as far as Lottery as far as draft pick Pro Prospects he not he’s gonna be he not gonna be go yes the second half of the Season yes he started to shoot the three more he started to develop the but who do the three out the high clip where assar I where look look where where I think where where is underated where where is underrated guy is undery I thought about taking him but I was saying trade DJ plus r pick whatever it was to try to trade up to get SAR that’s how much I like so now we and also uh some of these successful teams yeah yes and also ain’t ain’t he been playing professionally in on in what internationally so I mean like you get a player yes you get a player that actually has played professional basketball for multiple years why Why not pick him this this is the most obvious pick and also one of our biggest weaknesses is lack of size you got to be kidding me we had we had lack of size for the last couple years you can’t have pieces that don’t fit man we have pieces that don’t fit for years now that fit and pieces that gonna be camaraderie and pieces that fit with a good coach win championship if if he’s not a fit with your star that you already have then fine but I’m just saying you make the decision accordingly but still right now getting Alex SAR would improve this team drastically we need we need a freaking big that can score on their own in the pain instead of being baby by Trey young freaking big freaking size that’s freaking obvious what it’s no different than we picking Trey young at three and hope and hope he take us to something well at it this let’s look at it this way let’s look at it this way I’ve been a Hawks fan for 40 years we have never had first pick of the NBA draft people watching and we are all trying to celebrate I’ve been a fan longer than y’all have and I am happy don’t get me wrong I am happy with the number one pick I am very happy with the number one pick but I am not happy with the hands that gonna control that number one pick and that’s Landry then I see who I’m gonna be paying my season ticket to go see you see them you got looka you got Trey you got Trey you move DJ for something you have JJ you have SAR now or a and then SAR or that’s the stretch big we need I seen people talk with the Superstar and the manager and the coach and the owners coming together and they better and Trey young gonna be sting there waiting to see like who are y’all gonna pick he asking that question right now who are you gonna pick that’s question gonna be bad it’s gonna be bad to have the number one pick and then run off a superstar because your because your manager gonna say well we not gonna pick a pick that gon that gon G uh fit you Trey Landry and the P last year the team I don’t know what you’re talking about koid last year is doooo man I said like I said only General Manager that’s that’s all I know one no that just something that happened I’m glad for for that is you know what that is history for Atlanta total history first time ever getting the number in the lottery and look at the Players we got a draft from we got to make a decision with okay no Michael Jordan in this in this draft pick obviously not okay but here’s a but we this an obvious number one pick and we basically all know this I’m saying so you got a field of of guys that going to be playing now I’m looking at some of the some of these guys haven’t even excited me to look at college basketball I don’t play college basketball he play international basketball he plays International that’s what I he plays interational he’s interal yes he plays he has played basketball the last couple is good okay he’s International I’m looking at him but he’s not a yes Notting where at number one no one is drafting we at number one yes no no yeah no one’s not draing number one no one that would be the most stupidest thing of all time come on now not number one no gracious I’m just saying I’m just saying you got to make sure Landing getting the best guy that’s fit the team that you already have Landry have to know for sure that him is Trey and the coaches on the same page they already already came to the conclusion that it take a stretch bid to go with Trey and his and let me let me add this into account the last time we had opportunity to pass up player is in the second round the playoffs in with Dallas we cannot pass up on another International player again we need to get this dude hands down I let me let me S off right now tr get I’m happy with one Pi I was willing to tra DJ and DJ and first and something else to move up to get him so the fact that we can get to give up anything is beautiful I ain’t got what’s going on fellas I don’t that long because I’m kicking it with moms out here Mother’s Day slid down to Florida to say what’s Happ what’s happening shout out to oh shout out to all the moms out here mother that’s tuning in now here’s the here’s the best part about this today here’s the best part the Falcons got they hold on the Falcons got their franchise quarterback to start off with that’s number one now we got the number one pick so honestly maybe maybe this honestly might be a turning point right now in the two in the two sports in the city for the better that’s been lacking for the past couple of years so I’mma tell you and Matt I’m G say this before I get off because I already know you sitting here all on Landry’s jockstrap with this one fam Landry got one chance to fix no no hold up let me say and you can say whatever you got to say after because I’m I gotta get back to Mom dues or whatever I have many days to you come and run it’s not it’s not a hit and run it’s called me dropping off some mail so you can open it up and divulge on it my brother so you can open this up CU I’m cuz I’mma bushing your chops next time y’all get on here and I’m I’m back at the crib now I’mma tell you this here your boy Landry better not screw this up if he screws this up didn’t Landry s the pick huh no no he did not no he did not the draw hold up I’m tell you so I’m I’mma tell you this here now wait a minute let him finish Matt Matt let him finish let me I’m and I’mma let you have it because the one thing I I think Kool-Aid said and he said this a couple of weeks ago soon as the season ended he and foot said it if we ever get in a spot to where we can actually make something happened we’re at the top where we in the top five of the drafts now we’re pretty much at the top of the mountain Landry has a chance to do something and show us what he’s going to bring to the table because if he don’t bring nothing to the table hey man we F to get this cat his Walking Papers I’ll actually drive him to harfi Jackson International myself with this is pro this is I want to thank y’all for let I want to thank y’all for letting me come on fellas I appreciate it good job bro yes sir thank you yes sir Kool appreciate it all I’mma say hey Kool-Aid all I’m G say is this I hope that Landry talks to Terry FR know before this draft really take place and understands how to actually upset the chain and get players that you need and not stuff that’s going to just put asses in seats you got to have things out here that’s going to win ball games in whether everybody realize it or not Michael pennick does have injury history but let’s be real if you can win in Indiana University which is a basketball school and then you take a school like Washington to a national championship game I mean within two years of you getting there and you being hurt just imagine what he’s gonna do with weapons now Landry has a chance to bring a weapon a major weapon to Atlanta and to you know if you depending on who he gets rid of or what not you might be able to make some moves and at least give us a team that’s going to be not just competitive but a team that can get into the first round of the playoffs so we can get back to what we need to do so that’s all I got happy Mother’s Day to all the moms there y’all tell y’ wives if y’all got wives sisters whatever tell them I say Happy Mother’s Day man I love y’all boys hey man I’m about to go one thing I can say good about this draft that I can see Clint capella gone we got Center oh he gone oh he gone definitely thing I know we got our Center I mean that I tell you what Landry come with anything less than a center out of this right here he need his butt kick and also this this the only we got got to win and and if this dude come out with with L than the center in this man he need his butt kick got a go God we got a guy here with with Tre and SAR and JJ it’s gonna feed families for Generations I I just got a question gone y’all was GL here we go Trey gone man y’ was Tre gone [Music] holdaz y’all tell me he y’all tell me he was 7 fo 218 why y hold on wait one second jald let me let me something hold on one second let me let me so one Jal obviously in the professional International League their points aren’t going to be what they would be in college that’s no no no no they not they it’s all different they’re not going to replicate what they would be in college and you said Chris BOS the [ __ ] shoot 28% from three okay he’s [Music] developing one jald Gerald what did Chris BOS Gerald Gerald Gerald hold on what did Chris Boss shoot from three in college man I don’t care I don’t want no number one pick that’s under under under 28% under 20 because he didn’t shoot him okay because he didn’t shoot he didn’t shoot threes yeah CH BOS early in his years was actually had moreid mat is with land so you see he already scares me that mat way Matt thinking with Landry that scares the hell out of me Matt you so we got all I know is we got a number one overall Pi this was the our only general manager in history to get us number oneall fa to us he did not do it he it failed to us and see Mike that’s why I said that’s a because we gonna lose we gonna lose a normal we gonna lose a topd you know jald you know Victor wom Yama Victor wom Yama average in that League Gerald go ahead what what seven 7.5 points a game repeat yeah the same team 7.5 points a game show me that so the me that oh my goodness show me he a 7.5 points don’t say don’t say in one no he played there for two years the season before he got to the NBA Victor wi beond average 7.5 points a game what you telling man he’s talking about years yeah for the [Music] the year he got drafted he averaged seven points a game is what you telling me somebody go look that up got oh my good sign off sign off somebody go look that upal look it up go look it up and come back and talk to me Gerald okay we got what six [ __ ] on here man some somebody look please go yeah go look it up in the in the Euro league what he average year before he got here to to the ba seven hold on that’s not true what who said that’s not true did all right so Mar what is it what the average 21.6 I got it right here pull it up Le what y’all talking about because I’ve been ignoring Le points per game it’s right here I put it in the chat [Music] you got G over here crying you over there lying and [ __ ] it’s it’s in the streamyard I got it pulled up right here mat got his internet configure to tell him what he want to hear say what what did he say though that Vicor average was seven and a half points or something like that he said vic when before he got drafted he said no no he 21.4 you’re talking about no no no no no Mary Mary we’re talking about the Euro league the the the Euro league compe I’m not talking about that that that French league he played in I’m talking about season before he got drafted he did he average seven point whatever the season before women Yama got drafted in the Euro league I’m not Gerald I’m not talking about that that Premier League where he don’t play nobody in the French league I’m talking about when they played the other International teams in the Euro league I just want they have two different seasons they play a but Gerald I’m not jald it’s two different two different season it’s it’s the Premier League season where you everybody in the chat what did I say what did I ask like three different times what did he ever year before he got drafted how many points what I and yo I asked like three separate times you said yes I got it right here you didn’t spe you didn’t jald jald you didn’t specify you didn’t specify so I don’t I don’t know what he I don’t know what he aaging that frencha I never looked at his did I specify yes what did he that’s sound like a specific question to me what did he average the year before he got draft what did he average did you say did you say Euro league did Gerald did you say Euro league or did you say his League was in whatever League he was in but Gerald he I’m telling you he was in two different leagues he was in the French Premier League that plays a bunch of French teams in that little province seon in and then the Euro league like Luca was in the Euro league when he won MVP and all that was in the Euro league and he averaged like 25 points a game in the Euro league his I’m say so so women I don’t know what women Yama average for his little for his French team I’m talking about the Euro I’m talking about the Euro league when he played the other National when he played he didn’t play in the Euro league which one got him drafted which one got him drafted which one go get star drafted man he didn’t play the Euro league Matt he played in 2022 in the Euro league according to Mary what are you talking about I said the year oh my God anyway it was six it was seven points a game that’s all I know it was seven points a game up in the Euro league his he didn’t play in the Euro league his last year [Music] this is that’s what you need to focus on it’s the Euro league I’m focused on 218 pounds at 7 foot one I’m not wor that God dog it seven foot you’re not worried about that [Music] foot so what I’m saying but everybody around you CL I mean you pass tell me that not true you kick it out to her her he not CL Koolaid at koid Koolaid M yourself man Koolaid muted he muted himself I’m about say he talking to somebody I’m not worried about that because I’m not because of his because of his defense Gerald his def old is Star 17 18 years old he’s 19 years old 28 women y needs to put on women y needs to go into the gyen why are you concerned about that I wouldn’t trip jald why Gerald why is that a problem he’s 17 years old or 18 do you not do you not see PJ Washington running through chat right now that’s what I’m saying I mean I feel you but he’s a much better defensive player than than than CAD homr got drafted he don’t even average double digit rebound okay maybe I’m tripping but CH Chad has never been a good Defender no what I’m no what I’m saying okay no no no he was never good ch’s always been a good rent protector but when he got to the NBA that lack of size is being exposed right now specifically in this series what PE with spe specifically PJ Washton every time him and darl Jones the paint every time themal but Gerald it’s a big difference between the two how they play defensively how they played it’s totally different bro if you li in the ass you li in the ass is my point I got what you’re saying Gerald but Gerald like I said this is a composition why are you worried about him adding he can add weight to make it to make it clearing that SAR is listed at 7 foot1 224 Chad hream is listed at 7 foot one 2 195 godamn hold up what already bigger damn look already bigger than onald like I said Gerald Gerald Chris Bosch Chris Bosch with all NBA defense I’ll take that every day of the week Chris go ahead play one year at Georgia Tech too I’m just gonna go ahead and keep it a 100 with everybody you know I’m staying even kill bro I don’t care who we draft I ain’t saying crap till I see them on the basketball court in the NBA because I’m gonna be a 100 with you bro shoot hell we could have just took Joe Smith we could take Anthony Bennett we can take and I don’t want to be pessimistic like that but I’m just saying bro like I don’t know it’s just like why we can’t get it when it’s when everybody in their Mama saying this is a Sure Fire number one and why we can’t get it then but like I said I’m G I’m G do my best stay even kill I’m not gonna be Mr pessimistic but I’m gonna do my best be even killed until they actually I can actually watch them playing against NBA players and playing bro because I’m I’m a scoring F I’m a scoring H fan I be I got I got you Mike but there but like there is there is a clear difference between SAR and everybody else in the draft it’s a clear separation bro but Matt that’s what I’m saying though the people who are older than me can vouch for this I’ve heard that before before hey go get S the Falcons never draft a quarterback the fal never drafted a quarterback after listen Hey listen listen listen listen Qui about to go you see your boy got spaz I’m G to go trick trick off some money at the casino Matt hold it down for me end it whenever y’all done hit on 16 number one pick Alexander we come nothing else yeah like I said now have like I said now that changes the franchise is 56 presume presume we get do that change what y’all what y’all looking for for a DJ return hey who who that Bing we y’all good yes who was the I’m not taking back the ain’t got be no big name but I’m not taking back I’m not just trading him for no second round I don’t I don’t know the okay second but I don’t know who you talking about I don’t know what y’all want we should be happy we got the four the number one pick for the first time in 56 years let me serving the country and all TR all these teams go to people laugh at you go to LA to the Lakers game go to Golden State go to Orlando people laugh at you Hawks are sorry why you got finally we got a number one pick and can y’all be happy with that if you and Mike’s pis let me say something real quick this is a great day in Hawk’s history okay thank you great day Hawks history listen I done been through the worst of the worst time with this organization this is a great we have so many options right now the only concern you should have as a fan is is your front office capable of taking advantage of the position that we’re in if you have to take SAR you take him he’s the best player available hands down we should be celebrating the only thing only concern you should have in your head is Landry fields to be honest okay to be hon concern celebrate concern everybody who listen salute who everybody who tapped in man cause I’m lit I’m gonna go down here right now hey I’m gonna use my this Hulk look let’s go let’s go I’m calling call me you call me what you but I don’t trust trust them got the number one no y down matt yeah mat can you hear me dude yeah go ahead is Alex SAR just the best player available in this draft or is he a Bonafide number one in any draft this so obviously not any not any draft not any draft if you told me like last year right the only player that I would consider drafting him over him last year would be Brandon Miller but that’s in part because of our KN at a small forward but I take him over anybody else yeah I think’s not looking at both looking at both if you look at Gerald if you look at the last four years the last drafts I would probably take him number one overall all four years that’s a goddamn lie that’s a damn lie at all I mean I mean I’m sorry besides women Yama I’m sorry besides wom Y what are you talking come on man you just stretching it man women Yama was 2020 women Yama was 2020 okay at the highlights man have y’all looked at the highlights so if you look at so so last year went number one y’ looked at where highlight did y’all look at where highlights number one uh KOA out we moved up that’s whole news the number one in the number one place you can’t pick what you want no no was it when you when you talk about who you gonna pick Koolaid you normally talk about in the range of where you think you the team gonna pick now the fact that we done we done shot up now you can talk about a different range of players I’m not saying that SAR is not the best player in this draft I’m not saying that what I’m saying saying is that and this is the main reason why I say trade the pick the number one pick in my eyes you looking for a future first ballot Hall of fam that’s what you that’s what you looking for that’s not every year I I I know that okay okay Gerald so so so Gerald 2022 so it was C I mean it was number one number two javar number three I would take I take so so so 2022 they can’t pick where not at number one so you gon tell me where is not worthy to play to be he’s not one of the best players in basketball he wouldn’t be he wouldn’t be the pick right now I’m s looking this D he looking like a Keem Elijah won the way he playing right now he and he lost every game all right go ahead man all right so22 so Paulo went one t went two Jabari went three I would take overall three I take Paulo over everybody I’ll text I’ll T no you’re asking me will he go you’re asking me is will he go number one in other drafts I don’t know about put it like this man LeBron is probably gonna go number one in any draft though I’m saying not knowing what we know now I’m saying coming in the way his hype was LeBron was will probably go number one in any draft um who else is a big number one can we do this like well I don’t want to do that to folk CA that’s too much never mind I hear you but I I’m I want to venture to say like I want to say like how many drafts when it the number one W up being the best person and say not like maybe the second third that that don’t H that happens less time than it um I’m just saying it’s not it’s not just appr okay so let’s let’s go let’s go back especially when they especially when all the especially when all the pundits claiming that it’s the worst draft in whatever long time I hate when they say that disrespect I don’t subscribe to that they said that they said the um the Scotty Barnes draft was was a bad draft so I mean I wouldn’t say I wouldn’t say that Scot bar who they said the one where K went number one overall they said that was a bad draft oh so Matt you don’t even like in that draft so Matt I don’t but he’s a good player Matt I would take Paulo over over I would take but keep keep going keep going on your list so all right so 20 you want me to go through the drafts or what just just the top three picks in each draft you just go all right so the year all right so the year before the year before the the the Kade draft so Kade was one uh uh Jaylen green was two EV Moy was three I would take SAR over all I’ll take SAR in that draft all right keep going and what J I missed the one with K Cunningham and Evan Moy Mo all right we all know Antman was we all know an was one we all know a in 2020 it was a so y’all take s over you say s over Kade Cunningham over Kade Jaylen green and I would dra over cam yeah I’m looking at this highlights on I don’t know even with those we talking about coming into it yeah coming into it not what you know now not what you know now man I don’t know what y’all not seeing with where bro number oneall good number oneall at number about the player that g fit the team man that’s not that’s just got the number one saying I don’t know man I think y’all kind of I mean I understand like Boo the thing but I don’t know bro about I’m going back to the cage J J I don’t know bro I don’t know I don’t think I don’t think star is being talked about as oh he’s number one in thator green K it might be I a really heard about s until you start talking about it yeah man I didn’t know nothing about s till you and dear mentioned them that what I’m saying haven’t been keeping up with the draft I can’t go can’t with that I I talk with de Leon time out time out Matt he’s not clear cut number one this draft yes he is he is that’s what they say that that just make this look [Applause] terrible if they saying it’s the wor he’s not clear cut one that’s like that’s tough too go back but Mike go back go back to the last couple years so Kate wasn’t the clearcut number one in that year class Anthony Edwards wasn’t the clearcut number one in that class so I mean if you go back pause though pause pause for a second were they saying that but were they saying it’s the worst draft in history basically or something but those comments being thrown around it’s not not because the draft is just that deep so it’s not a clearcut you got people that can kind of like it depends on the team needs so that’s who might go number one but when they when they say that the draft is worst or one of the worst then I need number one to be a clearcut number one LeBron like I said like like like I said like I If if you pay attention to the scouting if you pay attention to the draft in the scouting Community whoever get a winner whoever get is gon be a winner in the top three that’s one I care two two two like I said if you go throughout the last few years nobody that was considered a weak draft class he play all draft that draft was considered a weak so good I like I like over the floor he a good he’s a good player for eight n and 10 but you don’t take him at number one he’s not he’s not that he not in that Circle Number don’t care hey you could make him your number one this dude is a bad ass I’m looking at him bro no he’s a good player but I’m not no you don’t do that KOA I ain’t gonna Flex with you all right let’s pause for a second how tall is K where he’s seven foot man that what they show seven pause for a second though I know I agree with you Matt if the whole league he not number one I ain’t reaching for nobody at number one when everybody and their Mama saying they not if anything if I’m that sold I’ll trade back or some crap like that get more assets and things of that nature but all I’m saying is that skill-wise and I gotta dig deeper into SAR but just briefly looking or whatever he he don’t he don’t look no better like that he it don’t when I look at him I don’t see and I’m like oh yeah he better than khil I don’t walk right way and just see that but y gotta but y’all have to y’all gotta understand one he’s playing in professional he like a a he look like a just play a little bit less than a has a little bit less a but they also play plenty of times in leagues that are under 19 that’s their age though they’re not always just the adult 30 year olds or 20 something year olds they be on the 9 teams in Euro for Madrid for France and everything playing against other countries 9 that’s how I saw Kenny Lofton beasting wmy couple years and stuff ago because he was on us under 19 but Mike mik but Mike that’s what but Mike that’s why I said Mike that’s why I told Gerald that when I when he asked about lman Young stats I said you have to you have to separate what he averaged in the Euro league when he’s playing against other Pros every day compared to what he’s what he’s averaged in his um in his Euro in his Euro league Premier League you know who else look like this damn Darko milic come on stop it Jal stop it man again like I said this guy this guy I will not I would not be surprised at all if this guy makes all NBA defense this rookie season first team if Wy ain’t do it he ain’t doing it yeah you you Wy did make first team Oh I thought you said I thought you made play of the year my bad no no no no not all not not Defensive Player of the Year first team def my bad I got oh but defense Matt Matt I I agree with drafting at the center position I ain’t gonna lie I’m not saying draft him at number one Z Ed cook this dude bro oh hell no Ed a cook his the [ __ ] iald one Gerald how old how old is Ed 24 I think is a love man come on man Ed is a love he’s lug man he’s what 20 what he’s a lug what’s that a laring type Center that that that that’s all he do block play a little defense he he just a I thought it was an acronym or something he Gerald Gerald he’s what five years older than SAR but I’m not but see that’s what I’m saying I don’t want to draft a player that I gotta worry about having a plan for like they got with Kobe I need a number one pick that’s this [ __ ] ready to go he play right away Geral he gonna play right away no no no no no no playing D is one thing he just playing because Clint out of here that’s the only reason why he playing but playing noal jald like I said I I told I told de I told Deon I said trade I said trade I think I asked you J I put it in the chat I said I would trade DJ and because I thought it was going to be like seven8 that plus DJ to move up to getar like he’s that good but now we don’t have to do that know what youal you got Gerald Gerald Gerald he is no you’re you’re saying he can be that good he ain’t that good right now Gerald when play next number one I need somebody that’s good that’s that good right now Gerald he’s I mean LeBron only average 19 points a game is rooky season so but he almost average the triple double his rookie season what you mean I’m just saying he only average 20 so I’m saying how much women Yama average is 17 18 eight hold up and LeBron almost averaged that and they didn’t even score as much y’all said y’all say s average in the 9 stuff he nine like nine points no in the un9 because I know he was trying to differentiate the the two like leagues and stuff like that um I we had we had went off into a different tangent before I think he got to it like I said because I tried to look at some of those I looking at like I said it I mean look cool but it just not like like I said I don’t see like Mike I got a scenario keep watching I keep watching Mike let me ask you a question if Milwaukee knocked on your door right now I heard you okay would you would you trade the number one pick for Giannis me me personally I I I may I might just because I feel like right now bro with with trade regardless of anything bro you you you need to be I don’t want to say competing because people gonna think that means like finish top or something like that no your be in the finals or winning the Finals within the next three years yeah I said after the Eastern Conference Finals I like man package these fools up and move in my opinion my rookie still is Jaylen Johnson I’m sorry like I really don’t really care J John this dude bro I mean hey again like I said Gerald you’re Gerald he’s playing in the league he’s one he’s playing in the in the league where it’s much slower a b he’s playing with other professionals and then you know the Euro league International they always they typically they typically do things but they hierarchy how long is a game 48 minutes how long is the I’m talking about overseas how long is the game um it’s the same man no they do no they do halves but it’s still how many minutes is it yeah about say what Hal got to do it anything man it’s time the same the amount of time play is it 48 minutes or less I I have I have to look at that they got different rules their paint is a little wider towards the bottom you can slap the ball off the rim you know what I’m saying it ain’t golden you can do crazy crap like that but I mean but the minutes I think is the same give me a scenario where the number one overall pick is averaging nine points a game man you keep saying that is he told yald I told you in the Euro league Gerald Gerald in the Euro league the best of the best basketb to his thing on YouTube Mike and the first thing it said he averaging 9.8 points a game I think it was seven rebounds assist I a one really looking at but he shot 28% from from three look guys and he was 2 who want who man who want who who want who I got research I’m kind of kind of turn who say who want who I go first then since I start I was hoping when I heard and I watching it’s like oh we missed 15 and we missed that 10 Mark I was like let’s just fit around four I was happy like being around four or something because I was like clinican we take clinican thatd be cool you know what I’m saying but like one I don’t know man no no no I’m not saying do that over a number one pick per se I’m just saying like probably like around that four or five I feel like in this draft when they talking about work that might be the more comfortable spot number one in the draft that they say not good that jump I don’t know bro that a man it’s just not it ain’t like I said y can’t like I said they’re talking aboutall who he play for hold hold on hold on who the next person you want for yuk KO but if but if mix of clinican and khil for us oh yeah we in there yeah so just pick one just pick one just pick one all right I gave it to okay hold on hold you you say you you just you just take you talking about what I do with number one yeah you a pick Clin G that who you said I was saying you I ain’t reaching for nobody at one you know what I’m saying one is either just say right now just say who would you take all right right now and I probably have changed this but right now I’ll package that ho up okay you said you’ll package up okay now you say you’ll package it up and package it up to go get who see now that’s when y’all start getting all them specific that what we we need a name in that spot what I mean I speciic you up we got to go get a player man veteran experienced players to go along with Trey and JJ for me my youth is Trey and JJ I don’t want crap else younger than that I don’t want no more Pro I don’t want no more potential I want to be trying to have ring years just give me somebody that you going to package again you got to I can’t I’m sorry you can go to somebody else bro okay you said you go package it okay so we got a package we don’t know who we gonna get I’ll go next go ahead I tra okay I kic the ties on on Giannis giv the turo to they then they’ve been having going on um yeah I think that’ll be my main target is Giannis yeah I probably try to go get Yannis now if I can’t get a superstar or if I can’t package it with somebody to get a superstar then in the draft I would probably get I ain’t gonna lie I probably trade it and move down and then go get clinging or um clinging wear or or eting okay so but your main thing your main thing is package and trade it for Yannis if that’s available yeah because I want to make i w to be I want to win now you want to be already you want to be all you want to go get Yiannis okay okay and and so who would you want phell okay if I’m tra if I’m trading it because I’m standing number one because the trades I want a happening I’m only trading for Edwards or Victor that’s not happening so I’m taking SAR so you take SAR so you take SAR okay so Matt you take SAR too right Absolut right okay what about you uh Maran the way I look at it is that if if if I’m trading it there’s one trade that I’ll do and that’s for San Antonio’s number four pick and the number ones that they that we ow them that would be my that would be my trade down um if I’m picking picking I’m picking for the best player available that’s going to help our franchise through the future and that’s s okay so so uh okay so you say s okay and and you know where I stand I’m I mean I think it’s I think it’s clear think clearly s like I said you can put him you can put him with with Trey JJ now I mean who number two mat oh number two I think number was it was it Detroit number two no not not not the team who who’s the projected overall they overall number two the other International Guy what’s the name Zachariah or um oh hell no a wing guy he a wing ain’t he he’s two yeah he’s a four a wing or something right six seven I think he seven foot or six 6 and then three would be a projection of like what the dude from Yukon not not kleinan but the young boy that’s from Atlanta or no cuz I think they was saying he was high right not think hey I I don’t see him getting picked in the top 10 Castle I don’t see him getting picked in the top 10 okay now I didn’t see it offensively when I was watching Yukon and stuff but I was personally surpris he was a lottery pick I just heard that he was a potential lottery pick I mean it was surprised to me watching him I’m like I mean maybe he can get there but I I didn’t necessarily think so but I’ll just ask I don’t see I don’t see he’s short too I don’t see a lot I mean six before I don’t see a lottery I don’t I mean he might go in a lottery I don’t see a top 10 guy I mean I don’t see him being in the top 10 but and fit so well and S fits so well with what we need specifically like with JJ and I know you say all the time that 28% he don’t Mike I know all the time Mike you say like oh we too small I mean you can have a lineup where you have Trey K and say we do get Ingram let’s say let’s say we do let’s say we do a Leon and we get Ingram we’ll have Trey Kobe Ingram JJ and SAR I mean you said what made out of grle man J I’m not I’m not worried about I’m not worried about the size no worri about that size he’s 17 or 18 years old all right all right but like I said I mean this was this was this was a beautiful day in Hawks history beautiful [Music] day don’t I mean yeah we don’t have to overpay for we don’t have to overpay for Ingram but I’m if we now that we have him I’m more inclined to get Ingram now than what I was a week ago because now I’m not banking on Ingram to be the second star he could just be another good player on the team so I’m I would be more in favor of getting him now than What DJ can’t so you still saying we going in the next with one starter so we well in reality in reality we already know I I gotve DJ one of them is not gonna be here in reality DJ or if you don’t want Ingram to be another star are you saying we go still going there with only one star CA s ain’t gonna be no star next year uh oh that was my other point I meant to bring my bad I was reading the chat they said I think I think I think I think that I think that Brandon Ingram I think and JJ kind of can kind of carry that second star mantle until star is until star is ready I I think take a maybe a year he just needs to ask that’s really it because you look at his you look at his touch you look at his touch you look at his free how his free throw percentage you look at what he finishes around the rim you could tell he can shoot he has touch it’s just gonna take a minute he didn’t shoot threes until this year you know so it’s you can see he could shoot so it’s about adding strength and it’s about the repetition the muscle M hold on let me get right you’re telling to wait so you’re telling Trey to wait another year correct and and the thing he can do all that still be normal I don’t know bro that’s all I just gotta watch before I just would like to have one a freaking franchise type thing like like for real for real not no I mean add I’m saying you have Trey Trey Trey Kobe Ingram JJ S I think that’s a top four seed next season top top four top three somewhere in there and the only thing about it with me is that say say pharoh if they ain’t say we was top four being a top four seed the last three off Seasons I listen to these guys but since y’all thinking we top four every off season that J going one year difference the the difference is I’m not hoping on J I’m not hoping on DJ to take a jump defense ly I’m not hoping on the rest of these dudes to take a jump defensively now so you’re not hoping you’re not hoping on an unproven draft pick player and help no no no no because he’s already he’s already he’s already an elite defender in professional League now bro ain’t nothing ain’t nothing guarante Matt Matt Luca SAR uh even wiy and they are not the first international players in the NBA bro go top or anything a difference between playing International and being good International like being being being good like denn Dennis was not a bum International Dennis shuder was not a bum or sorry point guard he wasn’t he wasn’t a top he wasn’t he wasn’t a top three he wasn’t a top three pick because he is short Den shuder was 68 or seven feet or something like that he would High sh the shot the shot never the shot never the shot he couldn’t shoot International so just explain but s listen to me though if SAR was six if SAR was a point guard with the shooting that you just said and all that stuff he wouldn’t be disgust that’s my point because he’s he can potentially develop a shot that’s not true Mike he he was smart he was short and up until a couple years ago he was a point guard up until a couple years ago he just added height like three four years ago and if he stay that and Matt if he stayed that way he will not be discussed as a top pick they will be discussing him later down the road the only reason I’m just saying Matt that Dennis wasn’t a bum International but even I got Mike I got what you’re saying but it’s it’s different Mike I got what you’re saying but it’s different it’s different because of theight that’s it it’s always different with height because you always go it’s besides the you always go physics over the the the where physics don’t side with you you always go with hype it’s not it’s not just I have a question guys I have a question the year that Trey young I my fa koola my fault koola again you saying the defense if he was 64 and a lot be discussed as a number one pick no I’m not no I’m talking about Dennis schroer Dennis schroer was never a good Defender so my question is my question is you say he’s never a good Defender when the man came in the league picking up folks 90 feet like come on bro that dude was a key claw coming off the bench mainly because I’m saying I’m saying he was I’m saying he wasn’t known for his defense he wasn’t he wasn’t known for his defense when he got drafted you don’t recall that bro you don’t remember it bro that is not true man it wasn’t I’m just saying bro I’m just saying and I don’t have no hype fetish I’m just if you look at his scouting report he was not a good Defender who he said Den wasn’t schroer look at look at look at his Scouting Report when he came into the NBA consider he that man wasn’t considered a good Defender but I’m telling you man then then he must be stupid coming into the NBA picking up guys full court coming out the Ben St like that that’s a that’s a that’s a [ __ ] I’m not saying he I’m not saying he was bad I’m saying if you go pull up his scou report defense was not highlighted on there particular y know you got Matt right now I a doing it but I’ll do it in a second I want to focus on one player per se I’m just saying Matt that the same thing isn’t given to Shorter players that’s how it goes in the league and like it’s not just me with the quote unquote height fetish the league shows it all the dog on time if you got equal if that was the if that was the case wisman would have would havee Anthony Edwards if that if it was only about height you said he would have went ahead of Anthony Edwards yeah went number one overall he was 7even foot one what was that draft again am I [ __ ] you making me feel stupid right now I thought Edward and um was that Millow what was the draft picks what was the order Minnesota it was Minnesota W Golden State and Charlotte I forgot so Minnesota Minnesota got one that year I thought they got second pick that year yeah so I’m saying if it was all about height then then Wiman would have went one and Edward because Edwards is only six fo four so he would have went you know you know also to though but but they already had cat though it’s also a matter of fit and need they already had cat they already had uh I mean Minnesota been having bigs or whatever they cycle them out left and right they a lot like Denver we the ones who [ __ ] that don’t want to get no seven Footers but Minnesota had well now we about to get one Mike we about to get seven foot in the mix that nobody even see about I would love for the hwks see if you if you recall if you recall back during the um during that particular draft that draft was just about as uncertain as this draft in fact a lot of people had Lamela ball going number one for the longest uh it wasn’t until were clearly at the top it wasn’t until draft night that Ant-Man was taken first so you know was that was based off a need and those three were clearly at the top too well I think I think that he also I think I think during the workout nobody’s debating over SAR is clearly number one if you pull up any random mock draft he’s clearly number one if you read any Scout reports he’s clearly number one okay but I’m saying blow okay during the clear number one let me ask the question question who during trade on time uh a was number one right yes okay so just say for instance if the hwks would have got that Lottery Pick and got number one do you think they would have took Aiden yeah they would have took aen baggley or JJ Jaren Jackson Jr it would have been out of them no they they had a chance to take Jared Jackson Jr they turned it down bro one they did because they they weren gonna take him cuz they they had a chance to take they had a chance to take well technically technically we didn’t because we wanted trade right the deal was to take that was the question that’s that’s why I asked that question because I don’t think they would have picked a at number one I don’t reach I still I still believe that they would have picked Trey at number one no well I hope not I really believe I’m saying in their heart with what they want saying that I’m saying this for a reason man Larry I’m saying it for a reason just because a player is number one don’t mean a team is gonna take him number one man I don’t think we would have took you don’t have to take him number one if he’s not if he’s not if he’s not all of that and everybody put say number one don’t mean the lottery so gonna take that guy s so s s meets so SAR fits Atlanta culture is it because he black or or because I’m I thought international players didn’t fit no yeah that’s why because you know we got talking he just he just saying that because SAR and Aiden was number one a number one to be the number one mark draft spot and with with trade them so therefore Aiden would pick number one when the person who won the lottery what and then just like was sorry everybody saying sorry number one it’s the number one draft pick in this lottery I me I’ve been watching the lottery and every time come off sorry at the number one stop at the top of every at the top of the list of every Mark drought so therefore Mark s number one but but sometime is he the number one that is gonna be the one that’s gonna change a franchise that’s my point is he the number one that going to change him and Trey not necessarily I him and Trey in my opinion him and Trey is immediately a top duel just a pick and roll guy he’s not like I saidy out take just take Trey out of it right now this was no let’s take Trey and DJ and let look at this as a rebuild let’s look at this as a rebuild is this so you telling me sorry and y’all telling me SAR is going to be the one that gonna be our franchise player just like the same conversation over there with the Atlanta Falcon is pennis gonna be our franchise quarterback I mean I mean are you asking G be our franchise player right so if y’all say that g be our franchise player I’m G be wait I’m G be be I’m be just a wait and see thing yeah I mean think franchise player comment by you Matt they caught it in the uh chat though I agree with Jay that was a wild comment I heard it but I ain’t I ain’t say nothing yeah I I do I do as far as the well I was talking about I was talking about the pick and roll particularly but yeah I do I believe that would be one of the top pick and roll Duos in the Eastern Conference right off the right off the gate like I said what this does for JJ what this does for I’m saying Trey we don’t need pick and roll we don’t need a consist pick and roll with Tre like we can season I’m taking about I’m thinking I’m talking about getting that number one draft pick that gonna be our franchise player and y’all say SAR is gonna be it I’m just taking y’all word on it man because I feel like k player that’s just my opinion but if y’all say that and then we still gotta wait on Landry to make the pick but according to y’all SAR is the is the pick is the number one pick that gonna be a franchise that can become on a team and take a team to a championship it gonna be the franchise player that can take a team to through him through him making him play through time your number one guy is the guy you playing through but who said but but but KO who said all that huh that’s what he’s saying he telling you that he’s saying that okay okay go back go back D Tim when Tim dun when Tim Duncan got to San Antonio he didn’t start off as a number one player they playson got once he retire hey y’all don’t don’t listen to Matt Matt do not know the boy was like two years old when when when um when when that was happening bro he don’t know bro Tim Duncan was legit from the jump to go with another number one draft pick that they already had in the Admiral to get him but Tim dunan came in they don’t win the championship basically right away dunan wasn’t that thing bro like bro was like Tim Duncan like no that [ __ ] came in Bal came in and Tim Duncan added to AB and it was over man it was Championship I got that but dun right away that’s what I’m saying they didn’t play two dunan right away how many championship they won with that draft Pi how many how many when I’m talking about franchise Matt how many championship did they win with that guy five okay five so that was a draft when we get number one we finally got number one like Lord please be a actual real number one pick and ain’t no freaking role player like that’s all I’m saying bro like Lord please let it be a real number one pick that bring us championships to this city and set us straight for the next decade I don’t want no dog on role player this Negro need to develop to be the best player on our team whether Trey is here or not whoever we take I agree I agree with that Mike exactly that what I saying if y’all say this boy better to be the one it’s not gonna I’m saying it’s not gonna be this is the first time minute this guy better be this guy better be the guy he’s not that’s the best he’s not no nobody said he’s not a power four one nobody said Tim Duncan I’m just saying yeah I he better bring five championships oh just not next season that’s all Koolaid let’s try to get to the finals first ain’t nobody in this draft single handly no one in this draft single handly is getting us nobody singlehandedly there yeah that’s single handedly that’s also true man his name had the be up on the board his name had to be up on the board like Michael Jordan like like like like like all the other guys had to be up there shining this the first time we got a number one techn go be shining his name to be up there to be the reason like a LeBron James why Cleveland why Lebron James is the reason why Cleveland won a championship talking about the second best player NBA history we we don’t care you think KH gonna be the that player yes he does I’m saying what I’m saying is no no you you feel a br turn right now tell me right now what player do you think gonna be that player in this rft that’s what that’s why I told no no no no let me finish man let me finish what I said you ain’t let me finish you not let me finish let me tell you why I say it was a crazy trick on us to give us a number one tra a number one draft pick in with this draft class that it ain’t nobody in this draft class that I feel that we can get in this draft class that is in the top five that is showing us they gonna be one of those LeBron picks that’s fair or that’s what I’m saying it’s nobody man and what I was saying what I was saying the reason I was getting kware was that with the mindset of keeping Trey young and khil we being a match with Trey to be that player to help Trey young and him together get a championship I didn’t say that KH W was gonna be the guy who has ability because there’s nobody in the draft that gonna have that that that key name that Superstar name they gonna say oh this is the guy that gonna counterpart Atlanta Hawks to be a dynasty it’s this draft is not not that good this draft class is not that good but thing I was saying about KH we is saying that if Treyon need a stretch big to go with him right now to take us to give us the battle chance to win a championship that’s the only reason I said khil where because he’s a stretch he over the floor stretch y’all need to go to to to get a chance to go to that championship ship to partner with Trey that’s all I’m saying but if it not gonna be if it’s just gonna be one player no Trey Young no DJ and we gonna take this one player by himself to get the Hawks to a championship it’s nobody in that draft that has that ability Koolaid you rather ra down very rare it’s a player like that just say when Anthony Edwards went number one overall nobody was saying he’s going to be the Lynch pin to a championship no one said that k no one said that they don’t say that but it’s certain comparison like for for anman coming into the league though it was a couple rumors of some Scouts talking very highly of him so that was the thing the only thing some Scouts that talk very hard number one before mean what I mean High talk about him I don’t want to say it but how you hear all the comparisons right now of comparing him to Jordan there was a couple earlier Scouts earlier on saying those things and those few Whispers behind things never heard nobody say only heard only heard Dwayne Wade I heard Dwayne Wade or Michael red the only reason why people said Dwayne Wade is because the coach Kar that’s it but like I said I’ll pull it up I’ll be quiet I’ll be quiet and I’ll pull it up already been drafted number one Catman just need he need a part you ain’t doing away with they with I’m being quiet bro I said I got youon I need to see that in black and white he was drafted number one because like I said Anthony Anthony drafted after him one after C afteron after the towns was drafted Anthony Anthony Edwards was not considered the number one okay Le up to the draft he was not considered going number one overall That’s because nobody knew who was gonna get number one and what position they needed no no the morning of the draft go back and number one go back and pull up mock no phell this is after the lottery go back and pull up mock drafts the week before the draft Anthony was two he was three sometimes he was one sometimes he was two sometimes he was he what I’m saying they kep mixing them three up because they was okay I see never mind I see what you’re saying I think I think that’s what I’m telling and Mike like it was I mean not Mike per se but koola like there was like there’s the years where there isn’t a guy who’s however this draft is not comparable to that one that that this draft is I don’t want to say trash but it ain’t as good as that one it’s a difference you saying have you watch have you watch not comparable to that draft stop capping yeah you don’t get generational but I’m saying this is a weak draft it’s not it’s not even average what I’m telling you is there’s other drafts in the last few years they consider we because nobody Hunter draft that was weak it only had two people in it in the next couple of weeks this draft is going to get a lot strong because you’re gonna start getting a lot more scouting reports all right check this out I just thank the whole I don’t buy into I’m not saying they can’t play I’m saying there’s only when they we were going into that draft it was only two names you heard about no one cared about anybody else we were dumb enough to try to trade off somebody nobody cared about but but Pharaoh I’m saying every year when we when they say oh this is this happens every few years oh this is a weak draft class then we go back and look oh damn it actually wasn’t a weak class it was actually pretty good it happens all the time provide receipt who which one are we talking about okay look at look at the look at the cutting cut consider a very weak Draft before the draft a very draft it was no big name in it but remember what I’m saying that was a very weak draft double o double O draft was weak wasn’t it supposed to be yeah it was at one point I mean it turned out to be two I’m just saying I’m just saying that that a lot of well one you have what 300 almost 400 college players and put their name in the draft this year you got a bunch of upper classmen because of Co they know to people they can get up there all right check this out guys check hold on hold on everybody uh first and foremost I think a lot of people got an emotion in it because uh they don’t feel like there’s a clear and we just have to realize like we’re not going to be able to make up for not getting everybody say that with we can’t make up for trade lcer away okay everybody who did that made a mistake fine there’s not a guy like that in this draft okay but what what I would tell you is is that out of anyone that could fit with Trey young in this draft it’s either SAR or cling that’s it K where to offensive and he needs the ball to be most effective he is not a def Center he is a offensive Center but that’s what I’m trying to understand though Larry can I ask you a question go ahead I’m trying to I’m trying to do homework on S I heard Matt say earlier that basically he was a point guard he one of them guys who got a little later grow spurk correct that’s a lie that’s a lot okay you say that’s a lot pause my eye watching this video and stuff I don’t see like Anthony Davis was this man I’m watching s gives up the ball darn he was a he was a he was before he grew yeah he had a grow spur no the game that he has in my I’m agreeing with Matt about the Chris BOS or if he have he has a little nasty this to him you know what I’m saying so I’m not saying kg or anything like that but when you see his gay when you see well if you can go back and look at kg um game in high school and like defensively that’s how nasty is like in my opinion if s steps on to the court next year n top name the top five centers in the East name the top five centers in the East right now INB one um bam number two who’s number three and B bam you got uh Jared Allen there jar Allen I’ll take you Allen okay you got Jared Allen up there um you said cers though I mean yes cers y homeboy Orlando gonna clean clock with him Brook Lopez Center yto talking about the homeboy that play C for I’m saying probably after it’s a few that’s on the same level that you wouldn’t put so probably like off the top of my head vous viix and Drummond probably go in around five okay so really talking talking about look in my opinion comes in here he’s the third best center the East really yes I would agree with that I would agree with that because if you look at the NBA game compared to the European game the kid is 19 like 19 so it’s not like like when everybody gave those comparisons about Wy obviously skinny nothing he was 19 he just turned 20 so the the maturation of a player who’s been playing and now he’s gonna get the freedom of the NBA the European league is straight bro it’s a much they call stuff much more rigid that’s why that’s why they are better players in Euro league they played a more controlled game versus here is just flashing fast that’s all they want to score that’s why they proven to be more skilled more physical and better and more smarter players right now at the moment and we got to catch up I I I agree with that what I’m I mean to I mean to me you can’t tell me you say m and you said M about you I agree with that there will not be another there would not be a what about Philadelphia Center look you look at Mike you look at you look at what Mitchell Robinson does defensively for the Knicks right like that’s the type of impact he’s gonna have I think for the Hawks from day one that type of um Mitchell Robinson type imp I know and the but I’m saying the offense part that I’ve heard I’m talking about defensively no I I’m not denying that I’m just saying that I was hearing a lot of offense Parts too that’s all the defense I’m seeing and I’mma give y’all I can see it can finish but I ain’t seen a I ain’t really seen too much of like being able to do maybe he could project and grow and something but I’m sorry Larry right now I don’t see a kg y’all might have to link me highlights and stuff like that I ain’t deep yet I’m talking about defensive not off okay defensive cuz I’m thinking like I’m like bro I’m off I’m not seeing that okay that Center that can’t score man that can’t score I’m sick of that I’m sick of that Center that can’t score we gonna draft number one give it you have to watch Euro League highlights because it’s morej looking at a person that got to be helped to score man I understand your defense we get a lug in that hey go get my Eddie tar is a better defensive player than he is he necessarily we don’t necessarily need the offense because of trade but all I’m saying is that what I see guys because I’ve seen other people saying yeah we don’t need somebody getting baby food and this that I think uh what’s the D homie in Portland Mar marel was on earlier saying something like that from what I see no bro still gonna get baby food and be honest with that’s not bad that’s what the point guard point guard does that’s what they do so it’s not necessar a bad thing look we don’t need a player that’s gonna feel like he he’s the type of player that you could run the offense since you have you need someone who could who could basically ass I need let Elijah war in this draft no exactly that what I what I’m the point I’m making let me get in let White Mike say guys let get in here’s what I’m G say I am beyond excited uh I’ve been a Hawks fan for 30 something years 40 years and to have the number one pick that we’ve never had least in Atlanta uh I it’s got me super excited I’m not going to dwell on I don’t know these players enough to sweat on who really is number one but what I like about this more than anything is this gives us hope this gives Trey a reason to see and say hey that we got the number one pick we got Trey we got Jaylen I mean for the first time in a long time time the Atlanta Hawks are actually in an envious position to other teams in the NBA and I can’t I can’t remember thinking of about us being in this situation so I am super I am super excited about it uh I do I hope I am a little bit I guess you can call me sizeb I am I I actually do want I will I hope this SAR kid is what y’all hadn’t seen him hadn’t researched him or anything but I hope he is what people are saying he is cu that is what we need we need hey baby food call it what you want I want to lay that ball up and I want some grab it jam it score and then block shots at The Rim I want the whole package so so uh if that kid’s that then sign me up if not we we’re gonna find somebody who’s G to make a difference with the number one pick I believe that hey Mike yeah you know how Clint capella go up and try to tap the ball with one hand and miss it and tap the ball and miss it this kid go up and grab with two hands and dunk that’s I see I see that that’s the thing that I can see do the same thing I’m he will finish a lot better that’s that’s that’s one thing for sure make a difference man what I like hold on let me finish here’s what I like about European players they’re fundamentally better they are fundamentally they know how to play basketball Cy needs somebody who knows how to play fundamental basketball he does and this will work I’m telling you if these guy if this guy is legit those guys that are in the Euro league they just play a better brand of basketball don’t don’t don’t Trey need to know how to play fundamental basketball well maybe he needs somebody like I said take Trey out of the them man take Trey out of we need a player or we getting this player that gonna be a franchise player without Tre without who ain’t nobody ain’t nobody guaranteed that nobody ever gets a guarantee you hope he is good but you don’t gu there’s no guarantees in this life except your ass is gonna die that’s it nobody knows what this guy’s gonna be so hey so then then everything is just a crap shot it always is basically well and that and that and that’s what we all doing is crup shooting at this number one draft pick that’s right hey but this the first time get first op get to Brothers I just want to make so clear my sh let me something I shoot my my crap shot with KH wear on the offensive side and then and then energize him to the defense side down we got number one you know is rank number that’s what I’m saying like that’s so far off or whatever like we can’t even really trade up for hold on also it if you have kept up with khil wear you’ll know that khil wear takes takes play the court a little lazy he’s a little lazy and he is a big risk on a bus I promise you I’ve kept I would take Dante be careful with KH not a guarantee KH is not a guarantee it’s it’s not a guarantee I just I just want I know I know Hawks fans everybody excited I get it it’s great day it really is we’ll never get number one I’m just like I’m just like crap though because I’m just like I don’t know even everything I see I hear I feel it’s still good though I just feel like we got number one on the year that is you’re more so getting a a piece versus like I’ll take it I’ll take it I’ll take that [ __ ] I’ll take sweet for me take it one but it is so Bittersweet I give a Bittersweet tonight when I’m drinking and I’m firing that blunt up and I’m thinking about it because we got that [ __ ] we we got it y’all ain’t bringing me down we got it hey I’m gonna bring you down bring it down I’m with Koolaid though this what I said too soon as we got I was like up Trey gone this what the league be doing he give aanch some crap when they take a star away from you they’re like we the number trading the number one pick is not in the it’s not in the cards that’s true Trey gonna love this [ __ ] Trey gonna love this [ __ ] but see that’s why I’m tell oh my goodness withy he don’t mat no actually KO he do match with Trey because he don’t need the ball really on offense Tre ball the whole time on offense he just need folks to catch and finish that ho what I see the man can catch and finish he’s devel not stretch that can shoot the three you ain’t [ __ ] on my day today Koolaid you Ain I’m just saying if not it’s not a stretch big a big that shoot the three be will be I’m telling Koolaid look at how percent look at how he question the answer is yes answer is yes a stretch big is is a big that can shoot the three right yes okay then so did not did not did not te what kind of player do Trey need to win with the team let’s D Frank what what did they say that Treyon need to win with has a a post fade if a kid can learn a post fate a 10 foot 10 or 10 foot or 15 foot post fade he will develop a three I promise you um Chris Bosch was not shooting threes when he first came basketballers say that need stretch B partner with him if he gonna be on the team okay when treyo play with wimy is not wimy a stretch big wom shot what is not wom a stretch B um womy shot what 30 draft bro it’s not ad is not ad a stretch big if he go play with LA not ad Shoot 28% from three but he shoot my point I’m making is he not a stretch big man y’all be cing y looking at these players what I’m saying is he not a stretch Big Stretch B he not really anymore an he used to be I would call him one now in this draft yall can’t see got out didn’t come get up where Max at come on come on come onha get back up here that’s thing guarantee yeah I’m with Mike yall are not pissing my yeah I mean this is a this is a great day a proud day yeah Jayla ain’t even a stretch big right now but he can do it like you got to develop like s is 19 years oh like he already has Elite deons coming into the league that’s what we need first and foremost we need Elite defense we don’t need someone down here doing this I’m open no Trey’s going to baby food him too guess what when he get that offensive rebound he’s going to turn and shoot that b mid-range jumper and I want you to call out that baby food next year man because that’s your favorite line hey hey hey hey I will but I don’t think I think his game is more developed than just baby food yeah yeah it is it is I still need you to call it out oh no no no no I don’t care about B food do talking about the one who does care about baby food all right guys I’m let y’all go man I’ll talk to y’all later all right take it easy koola all righta easy like I tell all the time I only ask for consistency hey I’ll give hey man I’ll give I’ll give you consistency I’m just saying I think this game is more what said and go get Yannis you go get me Yannis then okay yeah I agree with jannis but I said Victor and uh Edwards but that ain’t happening so I would do that’s not happening so yeah you get me Yannis if he ready to get up out of there um I still need to get a wing Defender so I still need to trade uh de Jon because I have to get a wing Defender if I’m G play with that because that’s a problem with uh the Milwaukee Bucks right now I think Trey is better than Dane I think Dane is on his last leg but I also [Music] think whatever he get hurt all right I mean look all I’m saying is this if you go out and get jiannis I’m not gonna be mad at that because you’re getting a Hall of Fame and you’re trying to win I get it I personally was get Sor because either way he’s gonna be an anchored Defender like basically I think he’s better than Jared Allen already I think he’s better than ovich I think he’s better than what other s say only s I think that’s clearcut better than him coming into this season is uh mbid of course because that’s the first battle and other than that other than that we not getting whooped on the glass not especially if you depend on how you lined up if you go get did you say did you say just Joel what about bam I said bam okay Jo bam is Joel are the two dominant cers in one plays like a center the other one forgets time uh now now it’s going to be key how we use him with Co Quinn Co Quinn could really mess this up he could really mess it up if he tries to If he tries to um go be oh no offens offensively he tried to go be him I think he M I think he has more skill than that you know I’m no I mean like I said look at look at look at the how they were develop this past year is him or cling yeah I mean look at the way they’re developing Mo right they’re not trying to turn Mo into a center just because he’s 611 they’re allowing him to face up and um do the dribble handoff and attack from the nail so I think you can that’s another thing you can use S in the same in the same bad passes SAR shows the acen to throw good passes oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah so I mean like I he already got better handles than uh JC he’s 19 he’s 19 got better handles than JC better than DeAndre like I said I mean my my J but that’s not saying much it’s Chris BOS With Better Chris Bosch with better defense he projects that he projects that um what I will say is chrisos at Georgia Tech had number of low movs I see where you’re going M this would be the one time I you know 80% agree with you uh the pick is soft if we overthink it then you want to move back and possibly get I just don’t see that I don’t see one get and I think we all need to go down there and string him up you could probably I don’t think he anybody else I mean it’s pretty much who you take this who you’ll get I mean I don’t think anybody said they don’t want s outside of Koolaid boldly saying he want KH we that’s one person I mean my thing is outside the other part I agree with Koolaid is my thing is I just I just really hope because number one for me when we get number one like I said like I hope he becomes better than Trey yeah that’s all I just hope he becomes better than Trey I don’t want to get number one for this franchise that all I’ve been through we get it and it’s you know somebody just fall in line under later draft it’s like no I yeah I’m just I’m I’m praying I’m hoping that like yeah bro like literally like bro we straight for the next decade like I said regardless of who the you know and we building around him like that’s what this all about you feel me so if that’s the case like yeah bro like I’m yeah if I’m I’m ecstatic if that’s what canone in this but then that’s what that’s where that that’s where it has me like in this little middle ground part though see don’t tell me that bro I’m trying to get myself happy about it you feel me but no bro I need him to become the best player on this team we finally got number one bro we finally got a number one pick like this dude need to be the best player on our team man in like go back and change the trade versus look we can’t all right no we can’t but but what I would tell you this if you could draft a I mean I ain’t seen that before watching at same time if you can draft a better offensive tumbo would you take that I mean I mean serious better I feel like you’ll get that regardless these days not necessarily regardless but that’s the style of basketball now what I’m say draa a better version of a tumbo who can run up and down the court like a small for power for would you take that now couple that would you trade de Jon for kamanga on top of that I I I I don’t know kaming playing the four or he playing something he’s playing the four four so where JJ playing JJ playing a three I’m just gonna leave that I don’t know bro I’m the top defensive team in the East I am yeah go to they in the East I am absolutely the top defensive team in the East and JJ and kaminga gonna get me [Music] 20 I don’t know if JJ a three though but yeah he’s a undiz four he’s undiz three bro when he was playing the three he was snagging 15 rebounds put his ass at the three don’t make him play against bigger players who wear him down and bang on him and get him inched with them weak ankles put him at the three what are we talking about what are we talking about three yeah I mean yeah I mean well when I saw that inite game when I saw those two exhibition games in Vegas against unite and I think he averaged what 23 10 and six 26 I’m like I’m like I I didn’t think we had a possibility to get him guys SAR is the pck don’t overthink this don’t take cool talking about clear W that he put a name on who was saying that but I just like I said I just I just you know yeah I just want this to develop and be literally yeah he’s he’s best person our team so he can be that bro like thank God I don’t know if he’s gonna be the best player but I know he would be like how they look at JJ same thing with JJ my hopes is JJ can develop the best play on this team Okay but well then JJ need to become the best player about say I said that plenty of times that’s my hope that’s my hope with young players you never know also it do a concern with everybody say will Trey allow that you know that’s another thing that’s a valid point will Trey looking himself and say I can trust these guys to you know what I’m saying you know help go along but in the end you know I can close it unless someone’s hot someone else hot let them cook you know what I’m saying don’t think you just got to do something just because oh I never noticed that um Darth Maul picture you oh Dar right there yeah oh yeah then you got Darth vad up there oh okay that’s what’s up yeah man you know it’s a piece of my brother man a few of his art pieces man oh man that’s brother was an artist man I mean yeah pling dope art man I mean some of the stuff y’all might see in the background me from me though but you know stuff be from him too though what not though my brother pie but yeah see I do see I rock with you Larry n the other folk man they don’t be they don’t be catching your jokes too you be throwing them in there man Larry hitting y’all with Marvel jokes and stuff like that be going over a lot of y’all heads man I have no I have I just I don’t know what I don’t know what’s going on there no I feel it’s all good it’s all good man I to be beg to go watch The Avengers and all that sh so I’m like everybody Co yeah it’s all good man but yeah hey y’all y’all y’all you know I’m I’m going be happy man it just you know I guess I’m a little bit in shock like d we actually got number one you know y’all can call me for what it is I’m just like dang like we actually won 13 games in the season a getting no one like what in the world you know what I’m saying like dang like we actually suck suck worse than this and we couldn’t get but hey that’s what’s up that’s what make me too kind of think like dang but Trey definitely gone because the NBA be giving you crap when uh when they try to take a star from you when they G to take something from you but hopefully that’s not the case hope that’s not the case man and Cat moment this is our Antman and Cat I mean this is when cat got Antman moment oh for sure for sure oh who said they y coming book fans you know I pull out my comment books for y’all too see that chat but yeah man you said it’s Atman and Cat I mean that’s it’s a lot closer in years I mean they both not number one picks but Trey technically what third pick or whatever so fifth Pi fifth me traded or whatnot though but U yeah I mean hey or or J and J or Triple J that’s probably more accurate I mean ideally though I like that yeah John Triple J because if you say yeah if you had SAR what you said JJ I guess we make a trade or something for for even if you still had Dre it says Dre JJ and SAR even with Trey I mean I know uh Matt don’t like him though you threw like a vit or something like that the two or some crap like that I mean yeah I mean ideally what I’ve Begg for like for the longest whatever we can instantly in so many ways just become a bigger team so that’s a good thing I was with until you said still had I mean I I just couldn’t think really too much about other name I know y’all want to be specific with names and stuff so I just threw them back out there real quick so I mean for me for me like I said this this G getting SAR makes makes getting Brandon Ingram a lot more palatable to me I would be much I’m more I’m a lot more open to that now than what I was yesterday oh yeah man you move DJ for Ingram I was start Kobe at the two personally yeah I will start Kobe at the two so I have Trey Ingram yeah I mean maybe yeah although I think I think I think Kobe I think Kobe could start next year I thought he had a threeyear deal well might well I about say to the he making big money too d a making no big money I thought he signed a big contract no I think he’s sign something he’s making like 14 million year something like that I mean that’s big Larry it wasn’t that big I wanted to get him but he wasn’t that uh even if he making 20 milon the defense long is working to be honest I mean yeah I mean he’s okay I I like I think Kobe I think Kobe’s gonna be a really good Defender and I think Kobe has more offense than Dort so I would I would I was I would really hard about starting starting Kobe defensive roric can play one through four Kobe can yes dor do you see how strong that dude is oh no he he he had a [ __ ] who was seven seven inch tall to him in shackles and chains like I no I know I know I know I know but he ain’t you know against Luca he’s struggling defens he did well the first game struggling he was seven for 20 something the last game he had a lot of rebounds but L dud look one do here man what are you talking about no I’m I’m talking about I’m talking about the fouls Larry I’m talking about the fouls this got to be what a STD game in a row where he picked up three plus files that’s FY a lot of damn time he’s a Defender and Kobe KOB Kobe 6′ 566 he’s bigger than ludor that’s okay so you know then I mean Mike Mike would be swooning we got we got um Trey small you got you got Kobe at 66 you got Ingram at 69 you got JJ at 610 and you guys saw at seven foot one I mean Mike Mike would fall out his chair hold on hold it be a better lineup than what we’ve been having no I don’t want to get the lineally at least so you know hey we do that I’m G have to call J I’m G have to buy some season tickets hold up the last like that there you ain’t got nothing already sitting next to landra hey man they don’t sell don’t don’t sell tickets in that section they don’t sell tickets in that section but I mean hey look the job he’s done I mean I mean inevitably it’s not you know he did not that are you telling me David Griffin or whatever the owner son got Pi for Cleveland are you telling me that yeah he he was that good look CH he got two two number one overall picks oh yeah his son yeah R yeah his his son um yeah his son got secured them two number one picks it was a luck you know he had to have some luck with him right and so Landry had to have some luck with him I’m the first GM in 60 years to get a number one overall pick or the odds just fell in our face did you say 60 I mean maybe but they I I I had a feeling we was gonna jump I just didn’t know it was G to be number one I I did but then it something told me I posted a video in the chat but something told me I was like right before it started I was like I feel like we gonna get number one I feel like the NBA gon get gonna do us a solid so and you think because all the other teams had a number one pick recently 17 Luka was seven for 17 I mean yeah I’m just talking about lar that’s all I’m talking about listen listen he had 22 points uh seven of points was off threee drugs he was one for four for three and he had 15 rebounds that’s awesome but again he only had five assists he was and after the game he talked about ask what hurts on you look up everything you need a Defender like that you don’t think Kobe can be that in time hell no he too little man I like his effort he got [Music] like 65 65 66 same don’t Matt don’t do that because when I when I told you how tall DJ was you like don’t do add pause well I’m just saying if you look at if you I think he’s measured what without shoes at the combine 65 without shoes AJ stand [Music] knows so I mean like I said what 65 65 6566 whatever whatever it is and like I said he’s much more offensively skilled than D so but I’m and yeah yeah like I said Trey s hold on wait I have to fill it up I know I text somebody this line up a couple months ago because I was like I’ll trade DJ to get SAR DJ and and a top 10 pick you would trade DJ to get an open bag of Doritos I mean you’re not you okay you didn’t deny so yes I’m just saying you know but Mike I need you to be happy Mike this is this is a CH this is a a a turning point for the franchise like I said this stabilizes the franchise with or without Trey um with Trey obviously that when you first become H fan I’m not trying to question your fandom I’m just saying what year right 2004 okay so you can understand why some people be skeptical when we went through the uh Chris Paul stuff and well I mean the difference between the difference between that and this is um what a lot of different differences but one of the biggest differences is um Landry has proven he makes sound smart decisions time and time again that’s one two we’re in a much different position franchise wise than what we were we were searching for a franchise player back then now we have a franchise player right third I mean you can question the okay hold on okay good play he I didn’t say Superstar I said a franchise player that’s why I took it back okay I see franchise player right and then why this is so great It lines up perfectly we need a center right we’re looking for a center I wanted us to draft a center and it just so happens we get the pick where the number one player in the draft is a center so it just lines up and that’s a two you saw uh L post right that Ed already pulling strings yeah like I said I just think um I just think it’s the right Confluence of things we need a center he’s clearly cutting away the number one pick in this class um at the center position so I I just think it’s a perfect mix um and we definitely getting some national games with him right every number one pick gets national game so um that’ll help but is that a yeah so I mean like I said I just think people who haven’t watched them when they go back and watch I like I said you need to watch the Euro league and you need to watch those g-league unite games those are the games you need to focus on because those are the games that most that are most analogous to the NBA the other games that he played in with the French rules and it’s 20 minutes per half it’s only a 40 minute game he was the youngest player on the team we know those teams go by hierarchy over there in Europe so I mean he wasn’t really but even still he did good things in those minutes he played about half the M half the game you know what I’m saying so but if you look at those the Vegas games against the G leag unight the overtime Elite games and then the Euro League games I think you’ll come away and like man this guy is this guy’s a star I never said I no pun intended I like him I’m saying it’s not um this isn’t Zion this isn’t Victor this isn’t no I okay I will give you I I will give you it’s not the media hype of other drafts I’ll give you that but if you look at skill set right like Zion to me I never love Zion as a prospect ever I never thought I thought I thought he was a good I didn’t have him number one I me personally I had jaw but yeah I had had John number one I never thought Zion was particularly skilled right he’s just bigger and faster than dudes I don’t but if like you look at his game he’s not real he can’t shoot right like he’s not real he can’t really his dribble isn’t really Advanced right like if you look at his game he’s not really that skilled you know like he’s not uberly talented he’s just uberly athletic and More Physical than the guys he’s playing next to um so and then I you know like I said I thought JW was much much more talented um I thought in that next draft I thought Trey was near the top of the D draft as far as overall talent I thought jiren Jackson was the second best player in that draft right like people oh like Marvin baggley like I never believed in Marvin Bagley I never thought he was you know good enough defensively to Warrant the type of attempts he needed offensively so you know I think SAR can step in right away and be jiren Jackson type player you know what I’m saying so and that’s what we need right like if we had jiren Jackson last year next to a seven foot one jiren Jackson next to Trey I mean who wouldn’t take that I mean like I said I think everybody would take it I don’t think that’s the question of anything I run with it right so I mean like I said you I would you got to be careful to go with the you know media consensus number one guy because a lot of times those guys aren’t no I’m not saying do what the media said do I’m just saying oh who’s the media consens no I’m saying no I’m saying I’m saying when the media says that this draft class is is incredible or this draft class is weak or whatever because it you know out of the last five years said three of the classes have been weak but I’m saying but usually they they’ll they’ll deem something that way if they don’t if they if if they’re not feeling really like any any potential stars or like really no franchise player if because I mean I I I I feel you it’s hard to say a draft is weak I don’t like saying that but when they look at him basically like in the top 10 in Lottery players like all of them are just role players that’s going to be deemed a draft there there’s no I mean I don’t that’s what I disagree I don’t think you have I think you have three guys that could be multi like SAR I think SAR once he give it like two years I think he once he adds on the weight because he already said he wants to get up to like 250 he’s at 220 right now I think in three years he’s going to be a multiple time Allstar because in three years he would have developed strength and he would have developed his three-point shot and off defensively he’s already on NBA so in three years he’s going to be a perennial allar like that’s good at any pick in the draft to get a perennial Allstar you know what I’m saying he can dribble he can pass his passing out of the post is very good defensively like I said he’s already all NBA the the defensive coverage wean this year is beautiful for him to be able to switch hedge and recover I mean he’s a perfect fit for that type of a scheme so I just think like I said it’s the right Confluence of things it’s what we need at a position that you know what I’m saying we needed to upgrade at it’s a guy who can defensively transform our defense quarterback our defense and it’s a guy who offensively I can play on ball I can play off ball I can move him around you know what I’m saying it if it’s a Nothing in life is perfect but it’s as almost perfect fit as I can get I mean I I mean I understand I know one thing just going into the whole situation I’ve said before I was like no matter where we drive or something like that I was like we should come away with the center and we should be taking the center so I mean if we can get the top one that’s listed great you know that’s that’s idea a great situation because yeah like you said position and need probably the most specific well the position that we needed the most so yeah I’ll take it exactly exactly exactly well Mike if you don’t have any parting words I’mma head out to diner oh yeah yeah yeah yeah um no not not really any parting words or anything like that man just uh yeah go Hawks man and hopefully yeah this is the change of things and you know greater things to come better things to come and everything like that as I continue to watch some more SAR and everything like that I you know like I mean look look good look like good player and everything like that like I said Mike Mike write it down Mike so you can remember I’mma ask you later did you did you look look at the SAR versus G leite those games two games in I saw I saw the night game I saw the night game um like I was watching that before y’all had brought it up or what not stuff like that though but yeah yeah I mean those gam more from those and then look at his Euro League games those I think I had already saw something the euro too though but it was really the U I want to say I think it was the ignite game I think it was that one or whatever where you see a little bit more from yeah those are games like I said are much are more like parallel with the NBA like more wide open more up and down more how the NBA is kind of structured so y like I said I think he’s gonna come we got number one pick y’all we got number one pick we going to be happy like you said we going drink one and and and toast one to have having the number one pick we got the number one pick the Hawks got the number one pick that sound crazy but yeah the Hawks got the number one pick I gotta keep saying it hey man good day good day we got the number one pick on what a 3% a 3% chance of some crap what was it it was um 3% yeah 3% man yeah bro like come on man that’s like that year but for real though like they give it to us now I mean I’ll take it but that’s like that’s like when we had like better percentage and that jump slapped us what was yeah the year we wed up getting Drake we had to trade up and get Drake they screwed us because the league was trying to help La at that time or whatever too though but yeah it’s just crazy how that it J just happens man like hey they we’ll take it man we had a chance and we got it let the number one pick that’s crazy hey man it’s gonna be phenomenal but all right Mike I will definitely talk in with you all right for show hold it down man all right y’all great uh CH uh we will see you next time you know Deon he’s gonna pop in with another show probably tomorrow or something when he can be be more engaged all right guys thank you all right

#atlantahawks #traeyoung


  1. This was the worst draft for atl to get the number 1 pick no team is trading a superstar for Sarr and stop saying he’s gonna be wemby he doesn’t shoot like wemby

  2. lmao sarr isnt no where near what y'all saying…sarr is basically myles turner ..which is a great player ..but he's no where near chet

  3. This can be good or bad, this also reminds me of when the pelicans got the first pick and got zion but traded AD, u know how nba is when it comes to the lakers, ao will it happen again? Will trae young gets traded, we shall see.

  4. Good luck with that pick and congrats. Does that mean its more likely they will send Tre the Lakers way or will they keep him now and continue to build?

  5. Alex Sarr Trade DeAndre Hunter Saddiq Bey Clint Capela To Phoenix Suns For Bol Bol Center Udoka 2024 2025 Draft picks Azubuike 6foot11 weight 270 23years old

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