@Los Angeles Lakers

Lakers Get Some Good News About D’Angelo Russell!

Lakers Get Some Good News About D’Angelo Russell!

what’s going on everyone so the Lakers have a very big dilemma with d’angel Russell and they don’t really have a lot of control or say right it’s kind of all in D’Angelo Russell’s hands I mean that’s why he did what he did and sign the contract that he did he even talked about how you know he likes that he kind of has this control he can kind of dictate where he wants to go how does he want to approach it does he opt in does he leave for nothing right and the Lakers have a couple options that they can explore uh one is they just let him go kind of free up the uh full mid-level exception thing is that one hard caps them which chances are Lakers are probably going to be hard kept no matter what they do uh because they want to go and get uh you know another star things like that so see how that all progresses so I don’t think that that that’s that big of a deal but the big question is what can you get with that exception right can you get somebody that is a comparable replacement for d’angel Russell right cuz if you can’t it’s like ah now you lost him for nothing um another option would be to kind of give him an inflated contract that’s something that has been kind of thrown out there that the Lakers may look to kind of hey here’s no team’s offering you 20 million we’ll give you 25 million and then now we can kind of look to maybe move you later on down the road but you get a back and the big question though ultimately comes down to d’angel Russell’s market right because that that’s the big thing if d’angel Russell it’s just the Lakers and that’s it well then DLo doesn’t really have any power DLo doesn’t really have much say right but if he is like oh you know you got Orlando and you got San Antonio and you got all these teams Brooklyn and you got 10 teams that are interested in d’angel Russell well now that just lessens the the Lakers kind of control over the situation right well we got a little update that obviously we know Orlando is really interested in d’angel Russell right keep getting reports you keep hearing that he is somebody that they really want there’s even talks around the trade deadline uh but beyond that right now it looks like there is no other suitors uh San Antonio was a team that was rumored uh and speculated to potentially want him looks like they might either go like the Chris Paul route or they’re just going to go the young route that they don’t really see DLo as the guy that they want for the the foundation for the future right there was talks that the Spurs may be interested and kind of like that that middle ground guy right maybe go get you know like a castle or whatever go get forward and then like have like a d for a couple years to to kind of just get be have a guy that Victor can get or can get Victor the basketball but he’s not like the long-term solution just kind of like hey until we find that guy whether it’s to trade or free agency or you know the draft whatever they end up doing that was kind of the thought process but now it looks like they might actually go a different direction that they’re not really quite interested in that Brooklyn Brooklyn was heavily interested there was even a report that that came out I think it was like two days ago now time of recording this video that said that the Brooklyn Nets were extremely close for trading for dandel Russell that it was going to be a three- team trade where the Lakers would have landed Deonte Murray the Brooklyn Nets would have landed d’angel Russell they were a team that we talked about here on the channel uh because Brooklyn really liked the idea of d’angel Russell and Atlanta at the time didn’t want DLo because they were planning on keeping Trey and wanted to kind of use Trey as like their their building block for the future but now have changed so there’s also talks that maybe Atlanta would be more open to to taking on a d if it was like something where they gave him kind of this one-year deal or if he opted in because he’d be an expiring contract right and Atlanta wants to clear money off their books now on top of clearing money off their books now they’re looking to move Trey so if you could work something like that out teams might be more interested but if Orlando really is the only suit couple things right one how much is Orlando willing to give D now gin Dow I would imagine wants years right so even if Orlando’s like hey we’ll give you 15 million but we’ll give you four years 60 million right so it breaks down to 15 million a year right he I could see him maybe opting out of that 18 I think it’s like 18 and a half 18.7 million uh and going to a team like Orlando just because it’s like okay yeah it’s you know three and a half million less than what I’m making or if I opt it in but I have four more I have three more years on top of that um for just contract right now if it’s something where it’s like hey we’ll give you four years40 million then I think I could see him opting in because at that point it’s like yes I’m not getting yes I’d be getting the years but if I opt in with the Lakers I basically get two years worth of that money and then I could just go sign a contract like that elsewhere right so I do think it just depends on if or one if Orlando’s the only team that’s huge for the Lakers right because now the Lakers kind of have a couple leverage points one obviously they could work out some type of trade where it’s like hey you know because Orlando wants other guys right DLo isn’t like at the top of their list but DLo is definitely a guy that they’d be interested in now if Orlando let’s say cuz Klay Thompson is an example right they’re interested in clay so we’ll use him as as an example if let’s say they want to sign clay they have I think it’s like 19 million 19.5 million just Round Up call it 20 million right they could look and go okay we could steal clay for 20 million right like boom but we still kind of like the idea of d’angel Russell right so what we could do is we could sign clay and then talk to the Lakers and work out some type of trade with the Lakers maybe have DLo opt in for a year and then we can work out his contract you know and and work on you know give him a new one in in the off season but get him to opt in and then we can kind of clear some of this Log Jam maybe get rid of a couple guys kind of restructure the roster bring in clay bring in DLo Lakers get some pieces and it’s kind of a win-win for everybody right so the idea that like you know why would Orlando because I I see a lot of that like why would Orlando trade for DLo when they could just sign him well it’s because Orlando wants other pieces Orlando wants other players right they they yes they want DLo but he’s not like the only guy that they’re hoping to get they want to get they really want to upgrade the wrester they were just in the playoffs they want to be a team in the Conference Finals winning a championship right so they want to get guys shooting playmaking things like that so if they can get a guy or two and then go and trade for Deo right then that’s the best of all worlds for Orlando and Orlando they’re kind of getting to the point where they’re going to have to start making decisions on guys right like they got to start paying these guys and and you have like kind of your core guys that are already taking a bulk of money you need to kind of at some point you’re going to I’m not saying they have to do it to the Lakers I’m not saying that they have to do it for Deo but at some point you got to imagine they’re going to kind of clear the deck a little bit they’ve already done that in a couple ways right so they’re going to have to do another wave of that coming up and they’re going to have to make some decisions on various players you know free agent and stuff like that uh this upcoming off seon but you know ideally in a perfect world DLo just Ops in for the Lakers right because one it gives the Lakers the the opportunity to trade him later on down the road or package him in a deal to where maybe you could keep a ruy right maybe you don’t have to give up ruy maybe you could trade a DLo in a in a Reeves for for Trey or whatever or whoever they end up ultimately Landing right and secondly he’s also be an expiring contract we’ve seen in the past teams value that because they have contracts and they have salary that they want to move off of or they want to go a different direction and it’s like ah like we could kind of take on DLo and kind of reset the deck here a little bit right we kind of clear some stuff up and then now kind of hit the reset button the following year right and so if you’re the Lakers the Lakers are going to be a cap team regardless right cuz they’re also going to go get that other star they’re going to attempt to get that other star even if they don’t they’re going to get some other pieces they’re already an apron team so they’re they’re whoever they end up getting this off season it’s why I keep expressing and saying like they got to get this right they cannot afford to drop the ball on whoever they acquire right because if they don’t like whoever they get that’s probably your team for the next few years right because they’re going to end up trading all their picks and everything like and they’re not going to have a bunch of salary to go and sign other guys and do all this stuff right so you know if you can flip DLo at the trade deadline into a guy or two that yeah maybe he has a little longer salary it doesn’t matter because you’re you’re in a position to where hey this guy’s probably going to be with us for two or three years anyway so I don’t care that he has a three-year contract right because we need that so I think it just depends on that but the best best world DLo opts in because it just now it gives the Lakers the control gives the Lakers the decision to make and maybe you keep them right like let’s say if you went and got a Trey I’m not really too sold on that but like what if you got like a dejonte Murray right and you got some like real athleticism and if he can get back to being that all defensive guy pair him with DLo like now DLo he’s not your third guy he’s your fourth guy and if he has a season like he did in the regular season this this season next season him dejon Murray LeBron James and Anthony Davis would say Jared vanderbelt at the three like that would be ridiculous right like cuz I mean the dude shot the lights out know giving you a 17 a game like super efficient right he’s a guy that can make plays and so like you know if dejon’s on the bench or LeBron’s on the bench he’s a guy that can handle the offense and operate the offense he’s actually best at that right that’s when he thrived the most it’s not a coincidence that whenever LeBron didn’t play DLo had his best games right like he had his career high and all that stuff like because that’s his role he’s best with being on Ball but he is very good playing off ball and being that shooting threat so you could have him and keep him around and now when you get to the playoffs one there’s not as much pressure because he’s now the fourth guy and two if he does have a bad game right it’s not as impactful right so if he does you know have a game where he has five points it’s not as impactful because again he’s our our fourth guy you know so again sticking with dejon Murray you know LeBron and AD do ad do LeBron and AD things say dejonte Murray chips in with 20 right like whatever you’re getting from DLo is just kind of the icing on the cake at that point right you’re just you’re just trying to collectively get another 20 to 25 points right like that’s the idea right but the games that DLo does go off and he does have that game where he’s you know seven of nine from three or whatever you probably are never losing those games ever right so again it just it puts the Lakers in the driving seat is the point but anyway as always this is a discussion I pass question sh you let me know your thoughts and opinions down in the comments below what do you think how do you feel what are your thoughts do you you like the idea of like hey if you keep D cool like love to keep him especially if he’s your fourth guy think no you got to get dowlo off the team regardless think Dow walks do you want to work out some trade whatever it is however you feel I’d love to hear your thoughts and opinions so let me know down in the comments below that being said if you haven’t liked this video hit that like button helps me a lot we enjoy these types of videos and I truly appreciate it if you’re not subscribed to the channel hit that subscribe button turn on the Bell notifications appreciate y’all see you in the next one thank you

Lakers have alot to figure out with D’Angelo Russell. Lakers could Trade Dlo if he opts in or could lose him for nothing if he was to get a new contract elsewhere. Lakers News landed and looks like only the Orlando Magic are interested in D’Angelo Russell which is good for Lakers Nation.

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  1. Come on Lakers fan we need to stop being delusional of getting another star i will believe it when we actually get a third star

  2. The one star that will help the Lakers Mitchell. D Murray good to but you need a player that plays defense. Not turn the ball over. No to T. Young.

  3. I could see the Nets using their trade exception or Dennis Schroder to get DLo. They're at 135 mil cap and would still be able to give a back contract to Claxton. Plus they'll still have the MLE. The 1st apron is projected at 178 mil. But most likely I believe it will be 188 mil because of the TV deal. Deals will get done

  4. If lakers win another championship. Dlo will not be the starting pg. Lakers need a upgrade, how many times have dlo proved he's not him. Stop being blind and delusional

  5. Why should he sign, when you guys always want to trade him?
    Dlo, Rui, Austin need to make this their team. Real coach would have been different.

  6. Dlo would not and should not be a #4 option behind Murray. This has to stop. We should keep Dlo and run the damn offense trough him. He is not only better when he runs the offense but the team is also better. We saw it all season…

  7. Tired of this D Murry or D Mitchell bs …neither one of these guys are defensive and D Murry hasn't been know for winning game on his own like Dlo …when did the Hawks become some defensive first team , everyone knows you can get buckets on them that's why they are a bottom tier team .Lakers fans know Dlo won like 5 games by himself with LBJ or Davis out .

  8. Honestly Dlo is one of the best point guards the lakers have seen lately..! I hate that they traded him to begin with..!

  9. I wouldn’t mind DLo for Issac. We can take a one year flyer on a lanky defensive minded player.

  10. Because other main players Want take blame, they want stand up and be man Austin is trash!!!! Rui coming off bench.

  11. Why are people high on Trea? He’s too small and a bigger liability on defense than DLo. And to say you lose AR and Rui for Trea is crazy

  12. DLO is tired of LeBron undermining him -.Run DLO it’s not going to change Bronny got dibs unfortunately I am just saying

  13. What’s stopping the magic and hawks from saying f the lakers and do a trade with each other with Trae going to Orlando ?

  14. Am being laker fan since 1979 but the lakers management disappointed me along with this team every year is worse and worse and i quit I don’t wasting my time watching those losers I prefer watching a movie or going to a gym or something more interesting

  15. People need to go look at the new CBA rules. The second apron brings more expectations than have been stated here.

  16. Lakers doesn't need another star. Keep DLo bcoz he's the only legit shooter of the team. All DLo needs is to practice defense, not only him but all the players. It's just practice makes perfect. All Lakers needs, as Rajon Rondo says is to get 3 legit defensive center player. I think, the Lakers is getting Valanciunas. Valanciunas is a perfect match for Jokic, because of his perfect body built. The team and Valanciunas should work out on how to minimize the scoring of Jokic, if not stop. Then trade for Nick Richards, a 7-footer center from the Hornets. And the third one is ouck from the draft the 7-footer Ware. These 3 7-footers are perfect. I am sure for Dwight Howard, not not sure if he the same Dwight Howard 4 years ago, BUT I am not sure if he is getting better or stronger now bcoz he had never played for 4 years in the NBA. Jokic is getting better and better every year… and how about Howard? I also hope for Robert Williams III, for power forward position. All these are just my opinion, as a Lakers' fan 🙋🏻‍♀️

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