@New York Knicks

The New York Knicks PERFECT Offseason! What Does It Look Like? | NBA Ideal Offseason

The New York Knicks PERFECT Offseason! What Does It Look Like? | NBA Ideal Offseason

what’s going on y’all welcome back to Ideal off season you guys know the drill by now this is the series where I get to put the JM cap on for a little bit and help a team navigate through the NBA off season we try to make this series as realistic as possible so if I’m taking the Spurs I’m not trying to turn them into a championship Contender right away that’s just not realistic but a team like the Philadelphia 76ers they’re obviously trying to win right now so we’re going to help them try to get there now before we jump in make sure you guys like subscribe and comment uh the Channel’s been doing really really well recently so thank you so much for that it’s mostly due to this series you guys seem to be loving it so just know that when you drop a comment I’m going to respond to it I’ve responded to every single comment on my YouTube channel up to this point and I intend to keep on doing so let’s have a conversation even if you’re wrong or I’m wrong I just want to talk about it y’all but anyway let’s get into it all righty back here on the ideal off seon spreadsheet you guys know about this it’s a little thing that I built to kind of help demonstrate my ideas for this series and everything and if you guys want access to the spreadsheet just leave me a comment saying I would like the spreadsheet I’m going to drop you a link to my Discord where then you can DM me again and be like hey I’m so and so uh I was just hoping to get the spreadsheet I’ll literally just give you a link to the spreadsheet have fun with it this is all a marketing ploy to get you guys on my Discord I’m not going to lie to you but you know what if I can help you you help me type thing you know how it works but anyway we got the New York Knicks today the Knicks just got bounced uh this weekend really really unfortunate because they made a lot of phenomenal moves uh throughout the season uh the Knicks front office they’re doing their thing right now what they can’t prevent is every single player on the team getting hurt and that’s something that’s a theme I want to maintain as we look at this New York Knicks team I truly think if healthy this New York Knicks team was a contender this year I don’t think any of us can like look at that and say no like ogn and Obi really good for them when healthy we didn’t get to see them play with Julius Randall at all but it’s not like the team’s going to be worse with Julius Randle out there um guys like Mitchell Robinson and hartenstein were awesome for them Brunson miles McBride stepped up dienzo was awesome bdon went went down and we didn’t even really get to unlock him so I really don’t want to mess with this team too much I think there’s a really good argument to be made to just kind of run it back with this group and see what you can do now that’s not like as easy as it sounds there’s a lot of decisions that need to be made uh to make that happen this is going to become a very expensive basketball team very very quickly so those are all just things I want to keep in mind at the end of the day but let let’s start getting into the assets of everything um obviously cap space not looking great right but that’s not the biggest deal to us because we’ve got a lot of talent already we don’t need to go sign some big free agent honestly there’s not really a ton out there to go get anyway like we’re not bringing in Paul George that’s not what we’re really trying to do at the end of the day uh we’re looking to bring back our own talent and just looking at our own talent I mean guys like oan and Obi we’re going to have to address him like Alec Burks like he’d be a guy that’d be nice to bring back hartenstein big player that we want to bring back right like Precious sucha is one to think about Shake Milton’s one to think about right so I’m not worried about like signing free agents because we’re going to be use or going for guys that were already over the luxury tax for anyway it’s not a big deal but what we do have that that’s kind of interesting is we have some draft Capital cuz obviously the other way that we can bring in Talent is via trade or via the draft right and we take a look at these picks and it’s like okay we have two first round picks like do we need two first round picks well there’s arguments kind of for both actually right because these aren’t like Elite first round picks and it’s not a very good draft so part of me thinks you know we we can just have these picks that we can take and we can try to get some young talent that maybe if somebody does become available via trade and we kind of know what our holes are going into the season we can use those guys to go make a move plus when we draft guys at the end of the first round that’s a really easy way to fill out the back half of our roster with really cheap contracts because we’re paying a lot to the rest of the roster so something to think about there but then we look at the actual contracts that we do have like it sounds like Jaylen Brunson might be getting a new contract that’s cool we still got Julius Randall uh boan bogdanovich he’s got one year left is that somebody that we look to explore in a trade because we didn’t see a great fit on there but like boan bogdanovich is a pretty good player man you put him on the court for consistent minutes probably going to get you 20 points in a game and we just went and traded to get him so something to think about there oan and obi’s got a player option right most likely he is going to opt out of this almost 99% certain so we’re going to take OG and Obi off but you know what we’re just we’re we’re looking to resign Og man like he was too good for the Knicks and I know he got hurt Knicks fans I don’t want to hear you complain about it I just I really just don’t right he’s a good basketball player who are you going to get that’s better than an anobi right um I do think that the injuries play A Part in his uh contract like negotiations or whatever like I I I know he’s going to get a four-year contract but let’s just say we met with OG throughout the summer we’re talking to him and he’s like man I want this much money we’re like bro you got hurt most of the time so I don’t know but you were really good for us so let’s settle on a number like this how about 32 smackaroos 32 million 4 years 32 mil for those of you that were curious It’s $128 million contract that’s a pretty hefty contract that’s a big pay raise to what he was getting before it’s not exactly as much as maybe he wants but I think that’s a pretty fair offer for ogan anobi who’s a huge differen maker when he’s on the court man like just the things he can do the ab the just the having a guy that can be so successful without having the basketball a ton is so hard to get and he’s one of the elite guys that can do that so I’m I’m more than happy giving uh OG that much let’s hope that we can keep him healthy make sure you invest in your training staff uh this offseason New York Knicks that’s that’s all I can tell you guys here but if we take a look then at the rest of the guys on this team Mitchell Robinson’s still on the team uh for two seasons right he’s had some injury problems but Mitchell Robinson’s really really good when he’s playing dienzo awesome contract we love that Jericho Sims has a team option I would very much like to pick up Jericho Sims been on the team for a while now nice athletic presence another big man on the team totally cool to keep him on there especially because the big man Market isn’t very good right now and then we got mamadi deite deete I I can’t remember exactly how to say it um his contract is not guaranteed and I personally don’t see a ton of value in keeping him I think I’d rather use that roster space somewhere else so I think what I’m going to do is I’m not going to guarantee his contract I’m sorry I’m sorry I know I know I just I I personally don’t see the purpose and I just I just don’t need him on the team right now we’ve got all of our core still here minus hartenstein right so hartenstein is going to be a big thing that we address come free agency time we’re in the luxury tax already um it’s probably going to take us into like the first or second apron to keep him around because man I don’t even know how much we’re going to have to give him it’s going to be it’s going to be a decent amount at the end of the day though but you look at this team right now and there’s not a ton of Youth on it so that’s something to consider about keeping the draft picks or whatever but one thing I do want to like look at is I just kind of want to go over to the trade machine here at fanso and you can kind of just look at some of the players that are kind of hot on the Block who is trying to trade Michael Porter Jr right now calm down he had one bad like series you’re just fine just like looking at names is there anybody that like we would want to try and trade for and more here’s the bigger question right like is there anybody that we’d realistically want to move from this team like maybe Mitchell Robinson maybe boan like if we could package those guys into something like what would we actually like get right now what would what what hole are we trying to fill on this team cuz let’s say we traded Mitch Rob or like Boon or we tried to package them together like who are we benching we’re trying to find like a better shooting guard or something and then we’re bringing div chenzo Off the Bench dienzo was really really good for us and I think I’d rather have the depth like we we proved that like the Knicks like they’ve got a lot of injuries and stuff like that so I feel like prioritizing depth on this team is going to be more important than anything else rather than trying to go get as cool as it would be and I thought about it before starting the video is getting Mcall Bridges I think that’d be super super cool I think there’s an Avenue to get it done but I’m going to ignore it because I think having depth on the team is going to be just more important at the end of the day so what I think we’re going to do is I think we’re going to use all three of these draft picks and we’re going to tryy to fill out the back half of our roster with some youth on the team guys that Tom tho can run into the ground if he wants we can start to develop him Tom diido is generally pretty good at developing his talent too so we get some back half guys like me being a bulls fan I can’t tell you how many back half of the first round guys he took and turned into nice role players we’re going to take those guys and we’re going to keep the perspective that going into the regular season if we see a move that needs to happen we can use these guys uh in the package to try and go get what we want or try to fill a hole that we really need to fill so let’s let’s go into the draft all right y’all so we’re back here on fanso for those of you that don’t know fanso is this really cool website that does a whole bunch of like basketball and NFL tools and we’re using their Mock Draft simulator because it takes in like some AI components to kind of simulate how the draft might go and I feel like this adds a sense of realism to the series because otherwise I’d just be like I think this guy will be available here and there’s no like Randomness that happens I just saw Donovan kingan wi 11 to the Bulls there that would be absolutely phenomenal there’s no way he drops that far but that’d be really really cool and that’s the randomness that this throws in sometimes I I tell it to be pretty consistent for the most part but just things to consider but anyway we have the 24th and 25th pick um I’m very curious to see who’s going to follow us is Tyler Smith still going to be available oh my goodness we are 100% taking Tyler Smith for those of you that don’t know Tyler Smith played for the g-league ignite this year I think he’s a super intriguing Prospect like I actually think that once teams start to get people like in their practice facilities and they actually start working out with them that they’re going to really start to like that he has a little bit higher ceiling than everybody else so he’s like 610 like 220 or something does yeah 610 218 okay you get what I’m saying and he’s shown the ability to shoot a little bit put the ball on the floor he played power forward for most of the Season even sometimes it’s Center but people are like I think this guy’s like more of like a wing actually and that’s kind of what he’s starting to develop into and I just I just think in a draft where there’s not a ton of high ceilings this is one of the guys that you could be like this guy might end up turning into something if we develop him properly put him on the New York Knicks with Tom thibo I think that could be really good here’s a couple up upsides that people have talked about like great I don’t know if I’d call him a great three-point shooter he didn’t shoot the ball a ton but like he was good in the ones he took nice off ball defense I would agree with that shot creation upside really like that yeah really good athletes that helps him be a rim Defender uh downsides not a great playmaker yeah that’s true he played for the g- league ignite they’re not teaching him anything on that team that’s why they got rid of it high floor but maybe not a ton of upside I would disagree with that completely like you just like watch him move and everything I think that there’s a lot of potential there so I’m going to take Tyler Smith with us I think this is a great pick so we get Tyler Smith for this much money for 4 years and this is why we wanted to keep a pick a pick like this because we can get a guy that we can develop and keep around and have as a nice asset for only like $2 million uh cuz we’re trying to be cheap because we still have to pay hartenstein and other guys this summer right and we get a guy that can come in and just be a good asset for us there so we slide Tyler Smith in there for now we now have the 25th pick that we have to use so who do we want next all right so there’s two guys I’m really considering picking with this the first one is Ryan Dunn here out of Virginia Ryan Dunn is basically this uh this big Wing really really good Defender really nice athlete plays well without the basketball kind of ogan and noi esque right not a very good shooter at all he doesn’t take many threes and the ones he takes don’t go in so that’s kind of a scary thing but when I when I see Ryan Dunn I picture Tom Fido looking at that and being like o Jimmy Butler a guy that does all the little things well already and I can just teach him to be such a hard work that he’s going to develop everything else around him and you know it’s to find a 68 Wing like athlete like that really really interesting to look at if you want more of a finished product the other one I’m looking at is teren Shannon Jr uh teren Shannon Jr is somebody that I think is a top 10 Prospect in this draft uh he’s obviously going to fall in this draft because of all the off court stuff going on not going to touch on that if it’s proven that he did something really wrong obviously got to pay the consequences for that if not then well let the dude play basketball right like that’s just how it is and I don’t know what happen so I I can’t speak on that but I think teren Shannon is a phenomenal phenomenal player I think he’s a really Elite Defender I think he’s a nice shot Creator which is interesting I think he’s a very smart basketball player he’s a nice athlete I think he’s got a really good package that truly if you put him in the right situation he can contribute for an NBA team right now if needed and considering who we just took in Tyler Smith I kind of want to take a guy that would be ready to play if somebody went down and a teren Shannon Jr right away so I won’t be mad at you in the comments were saying I should have taken Ryan Dunn there’s a total argument for that but with this one I’m going to take Terence Shannon Jr again another cheap contract for Four Seasons that we just get to have on the team have be a really nice asset to us I really really like this pickup uh presuming that nothing goes wrong with him off the court right and that could very well be true then just take Ryan d right that’s how we’re going to look at it but two really nice young assets that we got on the team and now we got a second round pick to use as well I think this is the most draft picks that I’ve gotten to use in this we’ve got the 38th pick in the draft now and there’s a couple players on here that could be really really interesting for this team so with the second round pick let’s take a look at what else we need on this team like we’re probably going to need another guard it probably wouldn’t be the worst idea to bring in another young point guard to develop right we’re looking pretty good at the forward spots right um the center position we’re obviously going to be bringing in uh hartenstein again we’re going to try to we’re going to presume that we can try to resign him right like there’s a very good chance that somebody else tries to offer him I don’t know who that would be exactly like the center Market’s really confused us using this year and I’m not sure who exactly is going to put a lot of money down on him but I would sure like to bring him back so my thought is to go guard here and that’s kind of what I want to do but let’s let’s take a look at who all is available we got Cameron Christie a local guy that I’ve gotten to see work out a couple times I believe he’s related to Max Christie right like I’m pretty sure that he is uh kind of an interesting Prospect a decent shooter nice athlete not really sure if I want to take on like an that type of project here I’d rather take on somebody that I believe can contribute a little more right away so I’m looking at like a Trey Alexander like you could probably talk me into like a Melvin ainsa here who’s a nice for those of you that don’t know there’s a lot of French prospects now which is really really cool um a younger French uh Wing that’s 6’8 he’s a really good shooter kind of the problem with Melvin though is like his defense doesn’t look that great so he’d kind of just be a pure outside shooter most likely but if anybody can teach him it’s Tom thibo but let’s take a look at Trey Alexander here the point guard out of kraton obviously had a really really good season he was a junior last year so he’s a little more built and developed a 64 1885 pound point guard is kind of a nice option to have I don’t know why the lines keep glitching here on like my sheet but don’t worry about it um we don’t have like tall guards on this team right we don’t have a lot of tall guards between dienzo Bruns and McBride so I kind of like the idea of bringing in like a bigger uh a bigger guard like this some other things to know about Trey Alexander like he was really nice at attacking the rim this year he’s a really good Defender like moving around screens and everything I was really impressed with his ability to navigate that stuff I think that’s interesting he’s a very solid athlete I think his passing could use a little bit of work so if he came in it’d be more of kind of like a defensive guard role which I feel like Tom liido would love to have so with that being said I think I’m going to take Trey Alexander with this pick Trey Alexander would be making this much he’d get a nice two-year deal awesome right we filled out three roster spots for like $5 million that’s awesome right uh we throw Trey Alexander in here I can’t spell names there we go phenomenal okay three roster spots left we still haven’t hit the first apron yet which is good right but um we’re most likely going to get into it right and that’s going to limit our ability to make roster moves and everything once we get into that second apron which is hard but I think this is going to be a really deep team that can honestly contend if we can keep all these guys healthy so let’s just let’s just not even worry about trades or anything anymore let’s just look at our guys and let’s talk about Isaiah hardenstein obviously an elite back half of the Season uh really was keeping this team live in the playoffs uh he’s going to have other biders right so how do we make sure that he comes back well I think you got to throw a decent contract his way he’s only 26 years old I just think we got to throw him like a 28 to30 million contract over like four years right like a starter level player making like 20ish million right now is pretty normal so we want to make sure he doesn’t go anywhere else can we say that we’re bringing in like Isaiah hartenstein for let’s call it 29 one two three one two three like not as much as ogan and Obi right we’re not giving him quite that much but around the same like number right I think I think that’s what it cost to bring Isaiah hartenstein back presumably then we would move Mitchell Robinson down here and we would move hartenstein back up here perfect perfect perfect perfect okay we’ve got our guys back right we got two roster spots left we’re in the second apron this is an expensive basketball team I know it’s sucks like it’s just it is what it is this is the cost of competing y’all and honestly I I think it’s just what you have to do I I really like this team like I really do I think it was well constructed I think it fits I think you can win a championship with this team I genuinely think you could with the amount of depth and the heart that they play with so what do we do with the last two roster spots right I think we look at some of these dudes like Alec Burks I’d really like to bring back I think that somebody’s going to give him more than a minimum contract and I don’t think it’s worth us giving him more of a minim contractor that’s the only reason I don’t think he’s coming back you look at like Precious auua I like Precious auua I think he was good for them as well I think somebody’s going to give him a little bit more money as well I think these last two roster spots have to be minimum contracts for us and I just don’t think that that’s going to be what ends up happening Shake Milton now I think I can get Shake Milton back on a minimum contract he’s also a guy that’s been a really good NBA player in the past dealt with a couple injuries and stuff I think we bring him back here on a minimum deal for a season and just kind of fill in these like reserve kind of guard spots he can guard one through three which is nice as well so he’s versatile in that sense I’d like to bring Shake Milton back so Shake Milton would be making this much money for one season um maybe you can say that Teran Shannon Jr would be above him in the depth chart right so that’s kind of what I’m thinking for that so we have one more roster spot left let’s try and find one more Wing maybe a defensive-minded wing or something like you could probably say that like Josh Hart kind of fills that role as well so maybe it’s not the biggest deal we don’t necessarily need a more size but let’s just let’s just see what’s kind of available at the forward spot in free agency and see if there’s like a name that just really really sticks out to us do we think that Orlando is really going to bring like Joe Eng Les back I personally don’t think so I don’t think they’re going to like accept that club option so I think bringing in like a Joe Les makes a ton of sense for this team just have like another floor spacer out there that is just trying to win a championship as he’s coming towards kind of the Twilight part of his career care you know he’s going to be a good locker room guy right like you know he’s going to push everybody in practice I think it makes a lot of sense to bring a Joe Engles type guy in here as just the last dude on the roster and there you go your 2024 2025 New York Knicks looks pretty much the same right I mean really all we did is we brought in some young guys to kind of help uh bolster the team and we’re we’re honestly going to look at them more as assets right now in the sense that um trading the picks right now don’t make a ton of sense like if you want to tell me that like mall bridg is coming in is better than depth like I’ll hear you out on the argument I just don’t think it makes a ton of sense at the end of the day I I’d rather just have the depth on this team I think that was a really strong Value Point for them especially for how Tom thibo runs his guys right eventually like there’s just going to be some injuries and I’m not blaming thibo for what happened this year I just think that’s a a wise way to build this team right I mean we saw injuries happen let’s make sure we’ve got dudes at the ready to play but yeah no we’re looking at these guys’ assets if there’s a problem on the team if there seems to be a hole we’re going to have young guys that we can move along with some tradable contracts that we can put together along with picks that we didn’t move to go get the guy that we need to should they become available right you just never know what’s going to happen in the season we remain flexible to make the move otherwise we’ve got like our five this five really really good looking at the bench miles McBride like a shake Milton the teren Shannon Jr most likely like a Josh Hart boan type thing with Mitchell Robinson still here this is a very expensive basketball team but man is it a good basketball team right and it is important to remember as well that we can’t like package contracts once we’re in the second apron so that is something to consider but you know we can move like like a young guy and like some picks or something and maybe go pick up the right role player that we want to like I’m not saying it’s going to be like a star player or whatever like cuz I just don’t know how we would move those things in general but I I just think that there’s enough here that we can be flexible yeah y’all this was kind of a straightforward one like we didn’t have to think too much about it I I genuinely think the theme of this team should be run it back y’all cuz like New York Knicks fans I know you guys are upset and everything but like your whole team got hurt like what are you supposed to do like you built this team for a reason we have to see it out so I like this team it’s an expensive team but it’s going to be what it’s going to be you guys let me know what you think in the comments though um and I’ll be doing more of these videos coming up soon I’ve got the Charlotte Hornets up next and presuming a team doesn’t get like eliminated before then I don’t know how that would be possible but um after that we’ll be going into like the Pistons probably something like that so be on the lookout for those next week but until then y’all I appreciate it as always and we’ll talk to you guys later bye [Music]

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    Big Hart can’t get that much money. I forgot he was an MLE player this year! Doesn’t change anything really but the team will be less expensive! S/O the comments for that one haha.

  2. If we get hart back I don’t see Mitch sticking around. It’d be in our best interest to draft a center along with another power forward that can take minutes from Julius because precious is not a power forward. I’d go best center available, then maybe a DaRon Holmes

  3. Keep Brunson (obviously hope his hand heals well) Hart, DiVincenco, (keep my Nova in my Knicks), OG and Hartenstein. The only reason we didn’t excel is bc of the injuries. I love these Knicks and haven’t loved a Knicks team like this since the 90s!

  4. I’m pretty confident the most the Knicks CAN offer ihart is 78 for 4, which isn’t ideal but ihart has offered pay cuts to stay with previous teams, and I think he loves NY, wouldn’t be surprised for him to do that. If he left for more I would understand but I’d hate to see him go

  5. Don't forget about Rokas Jokubatis. He's developing nicely in Europe and is worth a look this summer.

  6. If we sign OG for that much we need to trade Randle because he'll disappear with him on the court…everyone does.

  7. I enjoy your content keep it up. I like the many of different perspectives you have on the direction of the Knicks

  8. I liked this from start to finish. This team will only get older and more expensive. Bring in guys who are young but experienced. Knicks couldve honestly won this year if it wasn’t for the injuries. I think realistically that the Knicks Will make a big move by trade deadline if things aren’t up to par due to injuries if it happens again. Great video

  9. Bojan is a good key piece to have.. good shooter, attacks the basket, great with ball transition.. one of the best play creators on the team.
    I would trade McBride & Sims before thinking of trading Bojan. McBride & Sims would both do better on the Nets. McBride getting more playing time & not being told he has to pass to Brunson being in his shadow 24/7.

  10. I would get Bridges from the Nets since our Nova 3 want their boy on the squad. Other than that all we would need is a Center & another offensive Power Forward. Andre Drummond would do well on this Knicks team. Someone to pose a threat on the offensive & defense. Should be aiming to get whatever best young center we can get out of the draft. Adding an Offensive minded power forward to back Randle would help as well. Achuwa is purely a defensive player but he doesn’t score much and tends to turn the ball over. Having more size & power on the team is a must if we want to contend against those larger top teams on the Westcoast. Can’t just rely on perimeter shooting and expect the guards to make everything happen. If they had some offensive threats in the paint they could run plays to dish the ball to their big men instead of feeling as if they have to force shots every play.

  11. I would try and package Bojan mitch and picks to get Bridges then need a backup big wing for OG with MLE and a backup versatile C/PF with size like Olynyk type if cant get Bridges i would go and see if another wing with size we can pick up to backup OG and a legit backup PG to handle ball when Brunson sits your bench without getting Bridges would be Mitch Hart Deuce and with MLE a big wing and round that out with a few vets on vet minimum contracts.. if u look at the other centers IHart with get no more then 20mil a yr MAX maybe home town discount for like 15-18

  12. I would try and package Bojan mitch and picks to get Bridges then need a backup big wing for OG with MLE and a backup versatile C/PF with size like Olynyk type if cant get Bridges i would go and see if another wing with size we can pick up to backup OG and a legit backup PG to handle ball when Brunson sits your bench without getting Bridges would be Mitch Hart Deuce and with MLE a big wing and round that out with a few vets on vet minimum contracts

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