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NBA Insider REVEALS Knicks Donovan Mitchell Trade Package… | Knicks News

NBA Insider REVEALS Knicks Donovan Mitchell Trade Package… | Knicks News

Bobby marks just threw out a hypothetical trade for the New York Knicks and I’m here to break it all down all that and much more on the nck digest what’s up guys it’s your boy Dario from Nix digas and let’s get right into today’s video if you take a look here Bobby marks on Nicks and the Donovan Mitchell trade New York doesn’t need to chase Superstar unless upper tier like yanis available but hypothetical boan bogdanovich Don de venzo and three first for Donovan Mitchell but only if OG and anobi and horenstein take less in free agency or New York find third team for Mitchell Robinson okay first and foremost as far as the trade itself my answer to that trade is no no no and no and the reason why I’m so adamant in saying no to Donovan Mitchell is because we have a good thing going we have a nucleus we have a core of Dante Josh Hart Jaylen Brunson if you want to throw in Randall Mitchell Robinson and the rumors of us maybe going after Mel Bridges this summer we’ll see what happens with that but we have a nice nucleus why would why would would we want to throw everything away for a so-called star what I don’t want to see and what I don’t want to happen I don’t want the Knicks organization and Leon roll and worldwide West to pretend like this is the early 2000s 2001 2002 2003 when the Knicks of course what they ended up doing was they just started to look for stars they tried to throw money at the stars and they weren’t really taking their time to build a foundation but fast forward to 2024 we actually have a really great foundation and on top of that we have one of the best players in the league and Jaylen Brunson and another thing about the Donovan Mitchell trade why would we want to bring Donovan Mitchell here when we’ve seen what his career has panned out to be he has been the best player on his team so far in his career the Utah Jazz the Cleveland Cavaliers look what happened with Donovan Mitchell in the Utah Jazz all those years when he was with Utah he was never able to get past the second round I’m not even sure if he went to the second round past his rookie year as far as being the guy Donovan Mitchell in my opinion hasn’t improved enough of course he’s an All-Star a solidified all star of course the skills the talent the everything in his game everything that he has Donovan Mitchell is a solidified All-Star three LEL scorer some might say five basically at The Rim mid-range three-pointer and the other two is isolation and free throws I’d say probably four out of the five he has he’s not really a great isolation player even though he’s able to do that but I’m talking everything beyond that beyond the skills and talent what has Donovan Mitchell showed us so far in order to defend this hypothetical trade if we’re going to be throwing three first round picks if we’re going to be throwing bonan bogdanovich and Dante de venzo in a trade for hypothetical player I want it to be somebody that’s a little bit more proven as being the guy and not just a perennial Allstar season after season you can make the allstar games every season that’s great but what are you going to do for your team in the postseason when it really counts are you going to be somebody who just leads them to to the first round and then it’s a first round exit are you going to be somebody that gets to the second round and then after that you not really ever seen in the second round ever again we also got to talk about Don Mitchell’s impact on other players if Donovan Mitchell comes to the Knicks the impact that it’ll have on Jaylen Brunson I don’t believe the back court of of Donovan Mitchell and Jaylen Brunson would work because all we’ve seen for Donovan Mitchell’s career so far is that he has to have the ball in order to be effective Jaylen Brunson in his two season with the Knicks he’s been very very very effective with the Knicks and he’s had the ball in his hands so if Donovan Mitchell would come here one of the two would have to sacrifice and in my opinion it would 100% undoubtedly be Donovan Mitchell now what Donovan Mitchell want to do that I don’t know we don’t really we haven’t really heard any stories of Donovan Mitchell sacrificing for his team I mean take a look at the Cleveland Cavalier situation he got traded from Utah to Cleveland and what ended up happening he ended up stunting the growth of Darius Garland he ended up stunting the growth of Evan Mobley and what have they done in this postseason they were able to get past the first round and beating Orlando Magic which took them seven games an Orlando Magic team who’s young who’s in experienced and it took them seven games and then they end up losing to Boston and five and by the way Boston has had the most cookie cutter playoff path to the finals that I have ever seen as I’m recording this Boston is Up 3 0 against the Indiana Pacers the Indiana Pacers who should not have been in the Eastern Conference Finals but that’s a story for another day but the Boston Celtics man they’re not going to get challenged until the NBA Finals if it’s between Dallas and Minnesota in my opinion I think it’s going to be Minnesota even though they’re down 20 but going back to the Donovan Mitchell thing Donovan Mitchell going to the Cleveland Cavaliers he has stunted the growth of Darius Garin and Evan Mobley if he comes to the Knicks whose growth is he going to stunt is he going going to stunt the growth of Jaylen Brunson I think Jaylen Brunson is a little bit further advanced in his career than than a Darius Garland Darius Garland I think I believe is maybe like his third fourth season but as far as the pressure as far as the responsibility of being one of the best player on the team night in and Night Out Darius Garland hasn’t had the Reps and Jaylen Brunson has but what about the other players around him what about a Josh har what about a Duce McBride what about a Dante de venzo if Dante is not part of the trade there’s just too many questions and I’ve seen too much of Donovan Mitchell’s career so far to really be excited for this trade now I know Chris and I in the middle of the Season we talked about trade rumors and Donovan Mitchell being linked to the Knicks and at the time I said that if the Knicks pulled the trigger and they actually made the trade I’d be open to it cuz at that point in time I thought that they had to make a move because because they had first round picks they had the pieces to make a move but they didn’t they didn’t pull the trigger and then we ended up seeing what the Knicks did going all the way to the second round of the playoffs in a game seven and that’s that was without a Julius Randle that was with the trade of Bon bogdanovich Alec Burks and OG and anobi so at this point I kind of just want to see the Knicks run it back I just want to see the Knicks run it back with everybody healthy Julius Randle OG Mitch bogdanovich I want to see everybody healthy Jaylen Brunson Jaylen Brunson before he broke his hand he was dealing with a foot injury so he wasn’t 100% Josh Hart in game six he had an abdominal muscle strain Dante de venzo was dealing with with injuries so ogj and anobi pulled hamstring and the whole OG and anobi pulled hamstring thing ever since it happened everybody has been saying that coach tibs and the minutes that he played OG and the rest of the players is one of if not the biggest reason why OG pulled that hamstring I mean obviously we’re not ever going to definitively know what happened why he pulled a hamstring but but if you take a look at OG’s career and the minutes he’s averaged in the past he’s never really played those type of minutes and then he comes to the Knicks coach tibs everybody knows that he likes to run his players into the ground and then ogj ends up pulling his hamstring again we’re not definitively going to know if that’s the reason why he pulled the hamstring but it happened so we got to move forward but running it back with this team look at the Eastern Conference right now the Eastern Conference right now is a little bit of a joke the Indiana Pacers making it to the easn Conference Finals is a joke they’re about to get swept the Milwaukee Bucks they were a mess all season the Orlando Magic they’re still young now they got their first playoff experience so we also got to see what they do if they add anybody in the offseason or if they just run it back as well but if they run it back as as well that experience is definitely going to be big for them Boston is always going to be there with a tandem of Jason Tatum and Jaylen Brown and who knows if they win the championship this year if they beat Dallas or Minnesota whoever comes out of the west then maybe maybe the next year they come back and they play as if they finally got that monkey off their back and next thing you know they wi they go back to back that might be putting a little bit too much on them but in my opinion I just feel like Jason Tatum and Jaylen Brown like they just they just need to get that monkey off their back and once they get that monkey off their back I think we’re going to see them just grow and flourish to become the players that they really truly are because in my opinion I don’t think that Jason Tatum specifically has reached his his ceiling I think he has another level to go up to compete with the other best players in the world of the Lucas the Anthony Edwards the sgas I think those players right now have a higher ceiling than Jason Tatum but Jason Tatum in my opinion I just I there’s something missing with him and I believe that if he’s able to get this monkey off this back this season by winning the championship we’re going to see him play at an all-time MVP level but going back to the Knicks again run it back don’t make any panic Trad don’t don’t act like this is 2001 2002 2003 and just look for the Superstar to fix all of our problems we don’t need any problems to be fixed we just got hit by the injury bug a big time hit by the injury bug just run it back get all of our players back and I I fully believe we can contend for the eastn Conference Finals the ncks right now we’re in a great situation and I don’t want to see us throw it all away for a Allstar in Donovan Mitchell but that’s it for today’s video guys I want to see thank you for checking it out leave it in the comments let me know what you guys think about this hypothetical trade but until next time you know the drill you know the vibe Taj Gibson for president Jaylen Brunson for all the MVPs the dece is loose for Co MVP and I’ll check you out in the next video peace go next baby

Another day, another Donovan Mitchel trade rumor. This time it involves one of our core players and Dariel Concha breaks it all down!

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  1. This why I don’t listen to y’all when you do trade rumors ,,,, what makes you soooooooooo sure he won’t work with Brunson ? Do you know their good friends just as much as bridges is ? So you don’t think they never ran together? That’s why you need to be optimistic cause you have no clue what you talking about trade wise bro the IQ ain’t there

  2. How can adding a star not be a good fit Spida Neva had a PG like Brunson too you see what Luka is doing ? This kid has no basketball knowledge take the mic from this kid

  3. The Donte DiVencenzo disrespect is getting wild. Big Ragu Chenzo The Spash Cousin was out there putting in work. 21 points, 4.4 boards, 3.3 assists, 1.6 steals, 1.8 turnovers per game after Randle went down. 39% from three and was third in the league in total threes made. Good defender. Durable. Dirt cheap contract. Just put up 35 and 39 points in a couple playoff games. iHart is not taking less. Thibs already tried to tank his value by having him be a backup to the worst offensive player in the NBA. He's getting the full 4/72.5. OG probably getting 5 years, 190.

    Adding a third star won't work. Either replace Randle with a real go to scorer or run the team back as is.


  5. So Brunson and Spida have to be on the floor together the whole time ? I thought you wanted someone that can playmake with the bench ? You make no sense bro delete this video you sound sooooooo dumb if a NBA player saw this they would think your 8 years old , this man said Spida won’t be a good fit lmao


  7. I get your point but we got knocked out in the second round 2 years in a row. We do need more talent for sure to get pass Boston in the east

  8. The Villanova trio is not for sale. They all make each other better. We need to expand that club by nabbing Bridges, and not sell our soul for a low defensive volume scorer—and I’m a fan of DM.

  9. Good job on your take. A different angle in my opinion is to use the Mitchell talk to work a deal somewhere else like Brooklyn. The knicks have the draft capital and pieces to get a deal done However to deal with Brooklyn, you might need a 3 team trade.

  10. I fully agree. Jalen, Donte and Hart are non-negotiable. OG and IHart extensions must be prioritized. Randle should only be traded if it is for someone who really aligns with our style of play, who comes to add more value than him. I also think it's early to lose McBride.
    But I agree that the others can be negotiated: Mitchell Robinson + Burks + Bogda + Sims + first picks = could give us almost 50$ cap space. That's where I think we should move.
    But I hope something that really makes us contenders. Such as Mikal Bridges, Devin Booker, Jalen Duren… don't know, maybe Brandon Ingram, Rudy Gobert…

  11. Lol…the emotion. I tell ya. If we can get Donovan Mitchell without trading Randle and keep our core, we do it. WTH yall talkin bout?

  12. Giannis and Dame will be healthy Next year. We good? Embiid and Maxey coming back next season with help with all that cap money they have. We good. Boston? We good? What team are you looking at? I know better than to rest on laurels and so should you.

  13. Mitchell gonna ruin Cavs making sure he gets paid. Problem is not sure anyone (Garland/Allen) cares getting traded away from Cleveland, hence moot point either way, as Cleveland gonna be mid (this past year was their realistic shot to overachieve and injuries largrly derailed it, similar to Pelicans … small market teams always got the odds stacked against).

  14. Mitchell is a better on ball defender than luka. Look at the defensive numbers. So brunson mitchell wouldnt be as bad defensively as they try to make it seem

  15. Luka and kyrie are not the same players as Brunson and Mitchell. Just throwing 2 stars in the backcourt doesn’t mean automatic success. Case n point- Mitchell is already on a team with a shifty scoring PG in garland and Knicks sent them home last year without Randle producing and got bounced again this year. Please don’t trade for Mitchell it is not a good fit.

  16. Hell no! Love DMs game, but I feel like this ship has sailed.
    DiVincenzo isn't as good as Donovan Mitchell, but he's a much better fit for the team. And he plays defense.

    We've already got our undersized, scoring gaurd slot filled with a player who I believe is actually better than DM.
    I also don't feel comfortable giving Thibs a small scoring gaurd who likes to jump as high as DM, end up with another Derrick Rose.

  17. Knicks won't make a big trade unless Giannis or Embiid are available… not even sure about Embiid with the injuries. Knicks will run it back, it's the only thing that makes sense. They're not going to give up key players for DM!

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