@Charlotte Hornets

The Charlotte Hornets PERFECT Offseason! What Does It Look Like? | NBA Ideal Offseason

The Charlotte Hornets PERFECT Offseason! What Does It Look Like? | NBA Ideal Offseason

what’s going on y’all welcome back to Ideal off season this is the series where I get to put the GM cap on for a little bit and help a team in the NBA navigate their off season we aim to make this as realistic as possible I know you guys have probably heard this explanation before if you’ve been watching the series at all if not go watch the other ones but like take the San Antonio Spurs for example like they’re not winning a championship next year but how can we make them just a little bit better in the off season to where they can start to build on some of those little successes they had uh this year but if it’s a team like the Lakers and they got LeBron obviously they’re trying to win a championship so we’re trying to help them with that so hey make sure you guys like subscribe and comment I’ve responded to every single comment on my YouTube channel up to this point we just crossed 1,500 subscribers and we just had our first video it was in this series cross 10K views so thank you guys so much I’m not surprised the New York knck one did well you Nicks fans are very passionate and you have a lot of mean things to say all the time but anyway let’s get into the video all righty we got an interesting team here the charlet Hornets this is actually I pushed them up the list a little bit because you guys requested it in the comments so thank you very much I promise you I read and respond to all the comments because there’s a little thing on the app that can uh do so but Charlotte Hornets uh interesting season again for them um in real life they’ve just kind of torn down their entire front office and everything I’m going to give you guys a little bit of insight because I’ve look I’ve been in the NBA I’ve I’ve coached within the ranks and everything there and I’ve just I’ve got a lot of people that go in and out of it I know some of the players and everything I’ve got connections places right there’s two franchises that nobody wants to really be a part of it’s the Washington Wizards and the Charlotte Hornets I’m sorry to say that or whatever we hope that the Charlotte Hornets are going to start to turn it around with their new front office that they’ve got we hope that with like new ownership and everything and just people trying to be better um that we can see some some improvements right because there’s just been a lot of turmoil inside the team the players that they have on the team have been getting into a lot of trouble right it’s clearly not a strong culture from the top bottom they make a lot of poor roster decisions all the time and the success just has not been there we’ve got star players like lamelo ball who should be dominating but get hurt all the time right but we’ve also got some other promising young players on this team Brandon Miller had a phenomenal rookie season that was overshadowed by the Battle of chat in wemi uh especially for a team who had little to no offensive creativity at all did you know that do you guys know the Charlotte Hornets were number one last season in isolations why who exactly there’s no good answer to it Brandon Miller was just out there trying to make it happen and he had his struggles early on in the season with like finishing at the hoop and things like that ended up working out for them they ended up making some trades to acquire some more picks and everything um with the PJ Washington trade PJ Washington I know he looks good now players just aren’t going to thrive in in Charlotte most of the time but we’re hopefully changing that right we’re hopefully changing that Grant Williams is here now he’s an interesting piece for us maybe not a part of the long-term Vision but he’s here for now Mark Williams I think is a very interesting Center I think he’s really talented a perfect pairing with lamelo ball and we picked up Trey Mann who had some really solid moments uh once he was a part of the Gordon Hayward trade from OKC so I want to make sure that Trey man is given an opportunity to be successful but anyway let’s dive into some of the specifics right here let’s take a look at cap space first and uh I’ll mind you currently on the roster we only have one roster spot left there’s 14 contracts on here there’s a lot of things that we can do with these contracts but let’s start off here we’ve got cap space we could go out there and we could go make someone’s life hell like we could go offer like a restricted free agent like a lot of money or something maybe they don’t match like I want to take advantage of the fact that we have some of this and I want to go try and get an impact player to like show these guys like hey this a new front office this is a new regime we’re trying to win some basketball games this year so we’ve got 22 million to work with we’re going to have a little bit more probably by the end of this we’ve got some picks in the draft and everything now this isn’t an elite draft class and I want to keep this perspective as well are the Charlotte Hornet’s going to make the playoffs next year even the championship I don’t necessarily know um maybe a goal would be like the playin or something like that that’s probably a good goal for this team because it’s it’s just not the most talented basketball team it’s not like you hopefully have an Allstar in ball and hopefully Brandon Miller gets better but like let’s be realistic about this right so we’re going to have the sixth pick this year next year uh we have our own pick which is still going to be valuable right let’s presume that we’re still going to be in the lottery next year’s class supposed to be really really good and there’s some real Dynamic players in there I’m very curious if we can try to snag a late 2025 first round pick with somebody on this team so that we can try to move up and get the exact player that we want next year if we need to like I’m trying to make this realistic we’re trying to look not just for next year but the best way to position this franchise moving forward so I want to see if we can pick up another 2025 pick somehow at this but with without further Ado let’s move on to the roster itself lamelo balls making his money I get it he gets hurt a lot nothing we can do about that right now besides hope that we can uh bring in a better training staff and that he’ll be better uh Davis bton second highest contract on the team and he’s got an interesting interesting contract right here it’s not fully guaranteed Davis bton is not the greatest basketball player in the world at one point he was a real lethal catch and shoot four that could move not with the basketball but without it really really well around screens has not been that since he signed that big contract this is the last year of that contract only 5 million of it is guaranteed otherwise we could early terminate him if we want to and that’s why I put the five here I don’t feel the need to just kill the contract and here’s why we’ve got cap space already and there’s not like it’s not like we’re going out and getting like Paul George and LeBron James right just not going to happen but let’s say somebody becomes unhappy throughout the season right that happens all the time in the NBA stars get traded right we’ve now got a Davis Bon that we can throw in a trade or something where we can bring in one of those uh better players or something because we’ve got the salary cap filler to help it work right while also he’s not so bad to take on anymore because it’s the last year of his contract anyway and actually when does it become completely guaranteed let me I’m on fans SPO right now I wanted to uh take a look at this it becomes fully guaranteed on January 10th so if we make the trade before then they don’t even have have to pay him the rest of it they can early terminate him I don’t know if they can actually early terminate him during the season but they could just cut him and only 5 million of it is guaranteed so that could be a phenomenal Financial uh thing to dangle in front of somebody so I’m going to keep bton on the team I know he’s not going to help us much basketball-wise but you know what like it’s totally fine it’s fine for now Grant Williams Brandon Miller they’re on the team right uh meich uh another guy that we got in the OKC trade the backup point guard had some really good moments for Charlotte in his backup point guard role happy with him on the team Cody Mar making a bit too much money for the level of production for perspective seven points a game not shooting the three ball very effectively you don’t get a ton elro I’m actually more assists than I would have thought but I guess they needed some ball handlers last season with lamelo going down not as effective as his brother but he’s on the team again another guy that we could throw in with a bton or something and try to make something happen Nick Richards one of the most underrated players in the NBA I fully believe Nick Richards could start for a handful of NBA teams right now um not a ton of them but I think a handful and I think he would be an impact player on almost all of them Nick Richards a really good athlete really good defensive player I just think he’s got really good instincts he’s a guy I want to see if we can’t turn into like a late first round pick a a championship team that can get a real cheap player and they can just dump us one of their picks or something like that one of their first round picks something I want to explore Seth Curry his contract is not fully guaranteed going into this season but you know what I like having the veteran Steph Curry on there he’s a Charlotte boy and everything because of his dad so we’re going to be we’re going to be keeping Seth on the team I just like having a shooter and a stable presence in the locker room Mark Williams has a team option he’ll be coming back Trey man has a team option oop I did not mean to go all the way down there we’re fine uh Trey man’s coming back Nick Smith um young guard that I’m not particularly high on but we’ve got him under contract and everything so uh let’s let’s at least let it let’s explore it a little bit I’m not too high in him I view him as kind of one of those modern players coming in kind of like the Jaylen greens if you will that just don’t quite understand how to play basketball they just played a ton of aaou and they could jump high when they were kids and they just they haven’t figured out the game so I don’t know how high his ceiling is but we’ll be bringing him back anyway JT Thor a guy that just hasn’t quite found his footing in the NBA yet like I know he’s had like a moment here there everybody does oh not everybody but it’s just I don’t think it’s worth it for the amount of roster spots that we have left CU I do want to bring in a couple different faces so I am not going to pick up I keep pressing control down don’t worry about it I’m not going to be picking up JT Thor’s option he is going to come off the roster here to open up another roster spot for us and free up just a little bit more cap space and then we got Alexi poosi um a former was he a lottery pick for OKC I think so just Big Skinny dude like really interesting movements or whatever but I just I don’t see a ton of value in him as a player I’d rather go get some other like vets or something to try to help correct the culture of this team so I am not going to be picking up uh poky’s contract think we’re fine I think we’ll respectfully Decline and we will roll out with this roster for the season obviously this isn’t the complete roster whatever but at the end of kind of making decisions and everything this is what I’m thinking right so we now have 26 million in cap space we gained a little bit more three roster spots to work with which is good because we plan on drafting two people in itself right and we’d probably like to use them on this and then let’s see if we can’t just go get like an impact free agent or something um but before we even do that I want to go into the draft and want to see if we can do something for Nick Richards right because Nick Richards has two years left on his contract is an extremely valuable asset in that sense he’s healthy right now this is probably the most valuable that he can be and there’s a couple teams that I can think of where it would make sense to go so I want to go here and go to fanso if you guys don’t know fanso is this really cool website with all these Cool Tools that you can use and everything so let’s use fanso to try to help us make a deal and the first team I’m thinking about and I don’t I need to this is going to be me kind of live exploring this do the Golden State Warriors have a 2025 pick that they can give us and they do so here’s the catch right technically they couldn’t trade this pick right now because of the is it the stien rule is that what it is I can never remember the names of the rules but you can’t trade like consecutive first and they don’t have their first round pick in this year’s draft so this would technically have to happen after the draft right but the Warriors are trying to build one more team around Steph Curry right they’ve been trying to find a center for years and I think Nick Richards is their answer 26 years old can run jump and Dunk play play defense things like that so I want to and he’s cheap right so what if we trade him just to the Warriors like let me just let me just take a look at it right just want to take a look at you know what we’ll even say that they can put a top five protection on it right uh just to make them feel better if they completely bought them out for whatever reason they’re not missing out on next year’s like super super Elite draft class right uh let’s try this trade what is it okay it failed uh the Warriors do not have the available cap space that’s totally fine let’s start let’s start talking about it so why is that it’s cuz they’ve got guys like Chris Paul on the team right like what’s up with Chris Paul’s contract right now that’s that’s what I need to know so Chris Paul’s contract is non- guaranteed for this so is there a way that we can just say that Chris Paul won’t be on the team next year are we uh wave for the remaining okay so I think we can wave Chris Paul and say that none of it is guaranteed so his contract has been updated can we now try this trade now what does it come out to it’s still a failure interesting yeah there’re still negative in the cap space that’s interesting okay so what else can we do there’s a player option here there’s a team option here A Team option here is there anywhere else that we can free up some cap space for them to be able to make a move like this or do we just have to like take on a contract from them what if the answer is here in gee Santos is it gu or gee Santos cuz his contract I know isn’t completely guaranteed what happens if we do just something like this we’ve got success now I think I don’t think this is such a bad trade like we get their first round pick but it’s protected right so we try to get in and they’re going to hopefully be making a bunch of other moves to try and make their team competitive next year this is a way for them to get a starter caliber Center on the team right away they’ll also have Trace Jackson Davis maybe they’re trading cavon Looney then because of it because he’s a tradable contract and someone that can help people right we take on uh ge gu Santos and then we end up cutting him by the end of it so that we don’t actually have to take him on at all I think that this works out perfectly for us so that means that Nick Richards is gone I know we’ll try to address the backup center thing and I know that there isn’t a great backup Center Market out there right now and so that’s that is a little bit scary in a sense like I I totally I totally sympathize with you guys on that if that’s something that you guys are feeling um this is now the Warriors this is a 25 first and we now have that it’s um one through five protect right okay cool we’ve picked up another first round pick we’ve cleared up even a little more cap space which is fine we don’t necessarily need all of it but it is something right so what do we want to do now is we probably want to go to the draft and use our six pick and see who we can get here maybe somebody Falls to us or something but for the time being like this is who we got and what what do we think we need like we just kind of need some sort of talent I’m thinking like another Wing or something like that right that could be kind of cool like in theory you could go get a point guard and let lamelo guard twos at points just because he’s got the size and it should also be known that Brandon Miller we can move him over to the two and he played fine at the two at times this season and we could just go really really big and just pick up another Wing or something here there’s not a ton of wings I absolutely love in this class but it’s just just things to keep in mind all righty so that brings us back to fanso where we can kind of use their AI to make this a little bit more realistic because I don’t want to just do this thing where I’m like oh I think this guy will be available here so that’s where he’s going to go trying to use a more realistic way to predict what’s going to happen here and what do we have here interesting interesting interesting okay I’ve got I’ve got some players that I’m interested in I’ve got a couple ideas so let’s walk through them obviously Nia topic is here uh he’s a guy that some people have thought could go like one two three at points in this draft but he just has not played a ton of basketball and he recently got hurt again he’s got a knee injury I don’t know what the problem is I’ve seen a bit of him play or I’ve seen him play just a real little bit I need more film before I can make like a real like assessment of him but he’s very aggressive getting into the hoop he’s very strong very good passer great size for a point guard seems a little redundant to have next to lamelo though so I’m not all that interested Reed Shepard’s an interesting player and maybe makes sense to have another shooter out there but I don’t want to use like the sixth overall pick on Reed Shepard because I feel like uh he’s going to be too much of a deficiency on defense and I know you guys will come out here with like his steel and block percentage was really that’s not going to happen in the NBA it’s just not going to happen uh he can be a smart Defender all he wants but as soon as the swings start happening and everything and he can’t close out effectively on people it’s going to be a problem he’s going to get muscle that points people will attack him just not all that interested about it these next three guys though these are maybe even four these are the guys I want to talk about we’ve got Dalton connect who I think he’s going to keep rising in the draft boards because as people get some of these guys type or these type of guys in they’re going to be like okay you know what maybe this isn’t the class to try and swing for a home run on so we don’t get a bust let’s just go with something that we we’re pretty sure is going to work and that’s what Dalton connect is just a really lethal shooter one of the best scorers there was in college basketball this year can really light it up he’s got a scores mentality should be able to play solid defense once he kind of learns a little bit more about it cuz he’s got a good frame and he’s a pretty solid athlete actually like this isn’t your typical like Caucasian shooter that’s coming off the bench right like he’s got a little bit of athleticism and attitude to him so you feel pretty good about that Stefan Castle is where I start to get a little bit more curious about things now Stefan Castle was a freshman at Yukon this year and we saw a lot of really good things out of him they’ve got him listed as a point guard and I know recently like his Camp’s been saying like we want him to go to somewhere where he can go play point guard I’ve talked to a bunch of NBA Scouts about it they’re like we’re just calling BS on that man he’s not a point guard but he’s got point guard like skills and honestly and I believe this as well I think he’s going to be a lot more valuable as a secondary ball handler and here’s here’s what a secondary ball handler is Right a secondary ball handler is somebody that when the first guy gets going right probably lamelo ball and he tries to create something that doesn’t really work you kick it out to a guy like a Stefan Castle or whatever secondary ball handler it is is they keep the offense moving right they get into their own action now because they can handle a little bit they can distribute things like that but they’re maybe not the ideal person to run the show um the downsides of Castle not a good shooter at all that’s a bit of a concern but elite elite defensive player really really good really good instincts sees the floor well and everything um I’m even just reading this like little I don’t know who wrote this or whatever um I I like this he’s simply too good at too many things to be a highly ranked Prospect yeah he’s one of the best defenders like he gets to the rim well he is a good passer he can handle a little bit really really like Stefan Castle we got Ron Holland as well who’s I this I shouldn’t make this a mock draft video but I just know that there’s going to be a couple different opinions on it uh Ron Holland seems like the wrong guy for the Hornets to go and get right now as we’re trying to correct culture and things I’m not saying Ron Holland’s a bad person it’s just Ron Holland needs has a lot of basketball still to learn like his intangibles are very low right now very talented athletically very skilled in a lot of Fashions of basketball but he just doesn’t have the basketball up here yet and I’m not sure the Charlotte Hornets are equipped enough to develop a guy like that right now I don’t think it’s fair to him to get picked here Cody Williams very long-term project but could be an interesting player maybe he becomes the long-term three or not um wasn’t as explosive as I kind of wanted to see him in some of his high school highlights or whatever I think it’s going to take him a bit to develop as well and that’s the that’s I’m kind of using the same logic as like Ron Holland I think he’s a lot smarter of a basketball player but he has to grow into his body a lot more and tighten up a couple things I want to go for someone that’s got some skills comes from a good place in Yukon can come in and probably start right away for us I’m going to take Stefan castle with the idea that we’re going to be throwing him in at our two guard giving him a lot of ball handling responsibilities and more importantly making sure Brandon Miller doesn’t have to dribble the ball as much because Brandon Miller is most effective when he doesn’t have to dribble the basketball he got a lot better at it this year but he loves just like playing off getting these catch and shoot opportunities just being Dynamic from out there being a really good cutter so if we have two Elite passers out here and a good defensive like uh wing with some size on the team all of a sudden we’ve got 67 66 68 and we’ve got like Dynamic playmaking and smarts out there on the court I feel really really good about that so give me Stefan Castle Stefan Castle would make roughly that much money we get him for Four Seasons how do I want to go about this I’m just going to move these guys down a peg this is now going to be Trey man and you could say Trey man’s probably a point guard too so you know what let’s just let’s slide Trey man into like um no we we’ll keep him at the two we’ll keep him at a two he’s going to play more than Seth and uh Nick Smith maybe we can even put Seth at a backup point guard or something just to just to spread it out a little bit we’ve got a lot of point guard capable players we’ll put it that way right so Nick Smith will move here and the the the the depth chart isn’t that important right now you guys understand that but I’m just trying to space it out for my own ideas so there’s Stefan Castle now now we’ve got another rookie that we can kind of build around right he’s going to be an instant help for us on defense smart basketball player comes from a smart program where he was learning NBA offense already I like that a ton now we got the 42nd pick so let’s see what we can go do with that all righty so we’re here at the 42nd pick now and I’m not going to lie I’m enamored with Baylor chman as a player he was really impressive at the combine I got to watch a lot of his like workouts and everything um I’m willing to bet that I think Baylor shyman might work his way up to like early second round late first round maybe even because again I think this is going to be a draft class where you see some of the more like okay I think this guy can at least contribute a little bit or at least he’ll be able to put up a fight and I don’t I’m not sure I want to swing on the fences with people um I like Baylor shyan a lot here the question is where does he fit in rotation wise for us because he’s going to fall into like this range here and the other reason I like him too is he’s a little bit older he’s pretty mature he’s been around for a little bit do we really like have room for him on the team though like we have to fill out a couple other spots on the roster still I would compare him to like georgees Nang like that’s that’s exactly how I’d see he’s not very athletic but like a competent Defender an absolutely lethal shooter um I’ve got a lot of experience with Baylor shyan actually CU he was in um the conference I was in at one point he was very annoying to deal with um there’s also Alex a caraban if we wanted to go for like a little bit more of a project again the thing with like getting like a guy that’s a project is that like I don’t there’s not a ton of upside in cariban either because he’s not the most athletic or anything like that he’s not the greatest like rebounder or anything he’d just kind of be a lengthy shooter and I’m not sure that’s really worth it with the pick like maybe this is just something where we’re just trying to get good people in and seeing what works because here’s the thing right like we don’t know if Nick Smith’s going to be on the roster like past this year we don’t know if mwan is going to be someone we really want to develop like long term maybe Cody Martin’s not going to stick around through the season because he’s going to end up getting traded so maybe it’s not the worst thing that we’re taking on Baylor shyan and just kind of working with that right I mean we can even we could even say he’s going to come in at kind of like the four or something like that if we have to I mean he’s got some size so at least we could have a little more spacing again so I think this is just a situation where we just take a good name and someone that we think could be a good a solid enough player on our basketball team and um you know I do want to give some credit to like um some of the guys in the board here like a Melvin ainsa is like an interesting player but um I think I think I’m just going to stick with Baylor shyan and keep it simple Baylor shyan would make that much money he’d get a two-year deal out of us and for the time being we’re going to throw Baylor shyan here he may be a guy that when you bring him into Camp he just outworks some of these because he’s older than like Macwan and like Nick Smith and like those dudes and like maybe maybe he just does completely outwork them um the point is is we’ve got options should we trade like a Cody Martin and a bton he might be a guy that be able that could slide in if necessary if not we know he’s going to be a stable presence on the team I like that right like we’re trying to we’re trying to redefine the culture in this first year as well and culture doesn’t just like change right away like that’s something you guys need to know like it’s been bad here for a while it’s been bad here for a while it’s going to take some time to do that so bringing in guys that can be authoritative and can take control of things and have some maturity uh when you bring in hopefully the right staff members around them it’s just going to take some time so know that that’s something that we’re also trying to accomplish this year all righty we used up those two picks so I’m going to slide all of this up so that we know exactly what we’re working with for the rest of this time um I like this right now there’s obviously two roster spots left I don’t think we really need to make any more trades or anything I think we want to remain flexible for the season should someone become available right that they’re just trying to dump right and they don’t really care where they’re going um not sure who that would be but that’s the point right we want to remain vigilant for it obviously got to find another Center probably another power forward as well on the roster so we’re just going to be looking at forwards guys that maybe a power forward that could also play center if necessary just so we can have some depth there right now because Grant Williams like we really don’t want him playing Center if we don’t have to so let’s go into free agency and let’s find these last two roster spots and so I’m sure you guys have been wondering kind of like what’s going on with Miles Bridges and I haven’t touched on that for an exact reason one because I’m trying to comment bait just a little bit and I want to see who actually watches the videos and who doesn’t cuz I know a lot of you don’t and then you go comment but um miles Bridges is a unrestricted free agent I don’t think we’re going to bring miles Bridges back um if I want to be realistic about it I know there’s a chance of it if I’m running the show um I know miles Bridges has gotten into some things off the court don’t really want to talk talk about all that too much I’m not here to say he’s guilty or innocent or anything like that point is there’s been some noise and we’re trying to calm the noise down a little bit I know lamelo ball just ran over a kid’s foot or something in October now he’s being sued for it but look like lamelo we’re trying to trying to make it work with lamelo right um miles Bridges going to let him go somewhere else go get your money somewhere else just not that interested in really bringing him back or anything so just addressing it there all right so this Center Edition for us is an interesting one right we can go steal somebody if we really want to and I think that could be really interesting but this Center position is interesting because they’re going to play minutes right this is going to be a rotational player whoever we go get we want this to be someone that can go actually make like somewhat of an impact um I want to just take a look at like forwards in general is there somebody out there that makes some sense for us to go get and go pay Tobias Harris is really interesting Tobias Harris obviously just kind of had a rough end to his time in uh Philly right um value not that high right now um he’s probably going to want a place that he can go prove himself again what better than a young team like us where we could use some veteran leadership right I really like this idea here’s the thing I can throw two years of guaranteed money in a pretty good amount of it at Tobias Harris right now I can throw a ton at him and here’s the thing like you know he plays for us for a season maybe it doesn’t work out let’s say for whatever reason I don’t know why it doesn’t necessarily he’ll have a lot of guys that are going to be able to feed him the basketball and here’s the other thing too is Stefan cast on the team we need more competent shooting from the perimeter hopefully Tobias Harris goes back to that I know he the playoffs happen and everything Tobias Harris is historically a really really good shooter so let’s hope that we’ve got enough Playmakers around him to where he doesn’t have to do too much he’s just got to be a competent basketball player and we can get some experience in the starting lineup so let’s go after Tobias Harris like when we give him this all this money if it doesn’t work out then we just have another Davis bton on the team we can go get another player or something like that the year afterwards that becomes available and we can trade them a contract that’s about to expire this is perfect so Tobias Harris right what exactly are we going to give him I think 2 years I’m going to say 18 I know one 2 3 one two 3 $18 million for two seasons no options no nothing you get to sign with us 18 million 2 years and you get a starting spot so that means we bump Bon down Grant Williams is now coming off the bench which is totally fine Tobias Harris is here we’ve got a veteran on the team that’s going to help all the guys get better right away he gets the chance to prove himself so that after this maybe he goes and gets a long-term contract elsewhere maybe it’s with us who knows I mean he’s like 31 almost 32 so not really sure but maybe it’s his last big payday and then he’s kind of chasing Rings after that again right that could totally be something that happens we want him to come here be an onc Court coach for us right because otherwise who is it right now like Seth Curry that’s probably the only other option out there right so we needed a guy like that out there that greatly improves our starting lineup we’ve got like $6 million left what kind of backup center can we go get to be really impactful for us right away and now this is the concern right is there’s there’s not a ton of centers out there I think Valen chunis is going to get more than that uh ran Holmes has a player option he’s not going to be available um do we throw something out of James wisman I’d prefer somebody a little bit older I’m not really interested in bringing hartenstein or anything like that um I feel like Mo’s just going to be back on the magic so I’m not all that concerned about that and then it starts to get real dice y I knew this was the problem with trading Nick Richards but I think having that pick is just going to be more valuable than having Nick Richards for this season like I know we want to do better we want to start to improve or whatever but that 2025 class could be really valuable so having this and possibly having two uh picks here hopefully the Warriors are pretty solid next year and that because that they’re really going to try to do that right they’re going to try to be really really solid so if we have those two picks we can move up in the draft but who can we who can we go get I don’t think we’re getting like a Mason plumbley I think he’s going to like a contend I think Kevin Love is as well DeAndre Jordan wouldn’t resign if he wasn’t so like is Alex Len kind of the option for us I kind of hope not it’s not the worst thing in the world but it’s not the best what am I getting with Alex Len man I know it’s not the most interesting but we got to see what we got at the end of the day um two points a game last year yep that’s kind of what I figured shot well from the field that’s cool free throw line was pretty bad rebounding was pretty bad interesting his onoff numbers are like pretty crazy I know his minutes played weren’t very good and they’re usually in blowout time or whatever but kind of interesting nonetheless so I guess if you wanted to talk yourself into Alex Len being able to contribute somewhat that could be at least he’s like played like a lot of NBA minutes you know and it doesn’t have to be a ton of minutes but he’s going to have to play a solid amount and that’s where I’m like hesitating a little bit cuz I’m like this isn’t like just a backup center role like he is going to have to play a decent amount like Mark Williams we’re going to Hope plays as much as possible but he is coming off an injury right and like this person may have to slide in and become uh a center for us at some point is there is there a reason to make a trade at all I don’t think so I don’t know exactly who that would be and why the centers are harder to get right now because there’s not like a there’s a very thin market for it so I think I think we just got to like buckle down and get somebody here the other one I think about is Thomas Bryant because we’ve seen good things out of Thomas Bryant before in the NBA you know he’s got a high motor and everything maybe he wants the chance to prove himself on another team maybe we say hey decline the player option we’ll give you a little bit more or something like that for a year and give you a rotation spot that you didn’t have in Miami like I don’t I don’t know so maybe that’s what we can hope for a little bit otherwise there’s Drew Eubanks kind of the same thing not the greatest option I know you guys are probably screaming at the screen right now and you’re like why not like Andre Drummond like I don’t know like is Andre Drummond going to want to sign for like $4 million to be like a backup on a bad team that doesn’t seem realistic to me like it just that that really just doesn’t there like a Daniel Ty better option is he going to want to go to a contender or is he just going to be happy to get like $4 million and get some PT because he didn’t before Daniel Ty is obviously a little bit more mature of an option he’s not that big and so we could run into a size problem there but you at least got like a competent three-point shooter in the little bit of time that he was like on the court and he’s played a decent amount of NBA games as of late like his rebounding is pretty good considering the minutes that he plays gets a couple points I don’t I don’t know how old is Daniel Ty now he’s 32 who like do we just give him like a oneyear $4 million deal or something maybe maybe that’s how I need to look at this like this is a oneyear $4 million deal and maybe in the trade market or something we could try and find something because I just I don’t see a lot of other good options I just I just don’t if I’m being honest with you I really don’t so and I know maybe you guys are saying well maybe you could afford a little more if you didn’t give so much to Tobias Harris well like that’s kind of what like a starter’s going for at this point is like around that much and we’re trying to entice him to not go anywhere else right because everyone’s going to be trying to get him um on their bad teams or whatever to kind of help like fix the culture up because they know he’s a really good guy and he’s going to be a good contributor so I think what we’re going to do is we’re going to go after Daniel Ty I know it’s not sexy and I know I spent a lot of time on this last roster spot but I wanted to explain to you guys kind of how I’m thinking about it maybe you’ve got a better idea let me know in the comments but for now we’re going to give Daniel Ty like a oneyear $4 million contract Daniel Ty $4 million for one year and he’s slides in at the backup center as just hopefully another good vet to have on this team and this right here is your 2024 2025 Charlotte Hornets let’s recap before you go to the comments and everything but um we added another draft pick to next season we turn Nick Richards into that I really really like that I think it’s more than doable that they would make a trade like that obviously would have to happen after the uh draft and everything so they could have rights to it right totally makes sense um what else did we do we brought in Stefan castle in the draft and we hope that we can develop him into our starting two secondary ball handler for us Elite Defender we’re going to have to teach we’re going to have to teach him how to shoot that’s totally fine he’s going to have enough guys to pass to on this team though which is nice lamelo when he’s playing off ball as an option we got Shooters at the four a shooter and Brandon Miller that loves to run around screens and cut that can go get passes from him as well we can put him in some pick and roll situations uh with Mark Williams to have alleyoop options really really cool Trey man he’s going to make sure that he’s got some minutes still that he can operate in we’ve got options at the reserve Wing to fight it out we made sure we kept Davis bton or Davis Bon yeah as an option to trade like we’re going to we’re going to be on the market for trades during this uh season to try to look to improve right a star player becomes available we package bton Cody Martin like a pick or something because we’ve got three 2027 picks that we can throw at people uh to where we can try to make an immediate Improvement on this team which is really nice right um otherwise not too much different we tried to bring in some more veteran leadership that’s going to be a big one but I I’m not too mad with how this team turned out I think this is at least like somewhat of a direction and like okay like we tried to put at least the right the right pieces in to try and be a little bit bit more competitive for this next season while maintaining flexibility because there’s just not a ton of options to go get a star Talent right now so we’ve positioned ourselves to go get a star Talent if for whatever reason we bought them out uh we we’re going to have our own pick still and we’ve got the Warriors picks that maybe we can package them with somebody and trade up and go get a guy that we really want next year if we want to I really like it let me know what you guys think down below otherwise I appreciate it as always y’all and we’ll talk to y’all later thanks so much bye [Music]

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  1. Cody was better than Caleb before he got injured. Maybe he doesnt get it back, but when he looked good last year, he was good. Just injuries plaguing him. Maybe a full off season for these guys gets us some health. I still want us to draft Holland, partly for this reason

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