@Detroit Pistons

Detroit Pistons Might BUYOUT Monty Williams

Detroit Pistons Might BUYOUT Monty Williams

trejon langden was hired as the damn this just closed out on us but either way we’re going to reopen it right in front of your eyes Mr trejon langon was hired as Detroit Pistons new front Running Man Ika the president of bball opts for this organization and it seems as if this is a team that maybe needs a refresh from the start from all parts of it we’re hearing potentially they could be going out and getting themselves a brand new coach yes Monty Williams could see himself on the way out he has $60 million left on his deal and Tom Gorge according to James L Edwards and Sham Shania is willing to eat that he was hired last summer he was had to be told to play Jaden Ivy yes he had to be told to play Jaden Ivy and trej Langdon all right is a guy who’s coming over from New Orleans and I would not be surprised if he tries to bring someone off that New Orleans staff as his head coach who could that be you know I feel like there’s a plethora guys but I just don’t see them keeping Monty Williams as a smart move I think it would be dumb and if I were them I would would I I personally I would go out and try to Target maybe uh a player a players coach I just don’t think Monty is able to touch the young guys like the way that they thought but I just don’t like how this was an organization that just went out like supposedly so last year this is what happened the team okay the ownership wanted Charles Lee or like the execs wanted Charles Lee will U Troy Weaver wanted wanted Kevin Oly and they compromised on Monty Williams basically by overpaying him that’s kind of what I was told I mean what are you supposed to do at that point I just feel like it’s just bad management I mean it’s just sad dude it’s sad it’s sad it’s sad because this is just a an organization that just keeps getting in its own way and it’s more annoying than anything because if you just look at it they keep doing it to themselves when if they were just able to go ahead and you know take the the right approach the building I I really think this is just Troy weever just being an incompetent executive and just doubling down and he just put them in such a bad position he’s gone though okay he’s gone it’s going to be a very quiet issuing they’re going to like slowly kick him out you you won’t see it but it’ll happen very quickly and and suddenly but I don’t know I am shocked that they just let this drag out as long as they did they should they should have pulled the plug when they could have way earlier and the bleeding wouldn’t have been as bad they’re about to have to pay Cade Cunningham and they have nothing to show Cade or k like it just it just sucks it just sucks and he’s a good player he’s like the closest thing we’ve had in the draft to since LCA johnic was drafted to be a player to show like Luca donic Tendencies like when I was in college I hadn’t seen a player as good as Luca Don as K cym when he came into you know KU like to play us but that’s that’s my opinion I I just thought he was a ridiculous player and it’s just unbelievable how they fumbled the bag on that one but I mean what do I know I could just be a goofball what and know nothing I do want to hear your guys’s thoughts in the comment section what is your guys’s expectations with the team and if you guys agree with me I think it’s going to be interesting to see how they reshaped this roster and if they can even be competitive this upcoming season because that was the their whole argument was to try and be competitive this coming season which I don’t know if it’s possible but you know who knows who who knows I could be wrong but I like the idea of me still being right but I don’t know anything I hope you guys did enjoy like comment subscribe if there was anything else I could have talked about let me know I’m always down to to hear more but yep that’s my two cents I’m out of here goodbye everybody ch

Tom Gores is willing to “eat” the rest of Monty Williams’ contract, sources told James L. Edwards III and Shams Charania of The Athletic.

Williams, who was hired last summer, has around $60 million left on his deal.

Trajan Langdon, newly hired as the team’s president of basketball operations, will have the final say on Williams’ future in Detroit.

James L. Edwards III & Shams Charania/The Athletic

#detroitpistons #philadelphia76ers #montywilliams



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I own none of the footage in the video, it is intended for the purposes of critique and education.


  1. I don't agree with a GOT DARN THING YOUR SAYING!! You adopt a team of misfits and see if you can make a WINNER out of them. You start the season with one of your best players injured for a long stretch and you try to make the best of it. COME ON MAN WHAT CAN YOU DO?? ASK THE FREAKIN KNICKS THE SAME QUESTION WHILE YOUR SITTING ON YOUR KEESTER WITH THEM WATCHING THE PLAYOFFS. I WASN'T A FAN OF ALL HIS MOVES AS COACH BUT, HE WAS HIRED BASED ON THE BUBBLE PHOENIX TEAM. THEY WERE TRASH AND THEY SLOWLY TURNED THINGS AROUND. This situation was CRAP before he got here. If you got 60 million to throw away there are a lot of poor folks present company included who would like a donation to!! The man is still one of the TOP COACHES in the league. Let him get a retooled roster of his own guys not leftovers from the previous coaching regime and then judge him. This society today is just weak as pond water. When Dan Campbell was losing games before he turned the Lions around did you have this same energy and want him gone as well?? Are you now riding on the BANDWAGON now that they are WINNING?? This bias BULL CRAP erks me because you keep viewing these reports about the coach being FIRED and hear NOTHING ABOUT THE GM WHO CONSTRUCTED THIS LOTTERY JOKER SEASON AFTER SEASON OF LOSING MISFITS IN THE FIRST PLACE!! WHAT'S HIS FATE?? Pistons gonna continue letting him STEAL money for a job done PISS POOR?? COME ON MAN BE FAIR ACROSS THE BOARD!! EVERYONE MUST GO!! IF WE BEING FAIR!! THE GM SHOULD BE THE FIRST TO GO NOT THE COACH. I still believe COACH can do the job but he needs his own players not inherit the Washington Generals!!

  2. And one more thing I am so SICK of these PISTON MOCK DRAFTS. Who are these nuts wasting time trying to be an even WORSER GM than TROY!! None of these picks I have viewed help the Pistons in the long run. I have said it until I am sounding like a BROKEN RECORD if you don't get a TRUE number 2 to go along with CADE prepare to be in the draft NEXT year also and every year after that until you do. The league is about DYNAMIC DUOS now. Not BIG 3'S. The rebuild needs to be centered around the current NBA BLUEPRINT! NUFF SAID!!

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