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MAJOR Mikal Bridges Knicks Update… – Nets TRADING Star? | Knicks News

MAJOR Mikal Bridges Knicks Update… – Nets TRADING Star? | Knicks News

this is massive the New York Knicks number one trade Target in male Bridges may become available after comments by Nets owner Joe Sai and we are going to break this down so what’s up guys welcome back to Nick’s digest it’s Chris here and we’re going to jump right into the video as we always do because joai recently talked about how the Nets can be contenders once again and here’s what he had to say if you want to be a win now team you could ruin your future by trading away all of your assets but I think what I want to do with the Brooklyn Nets is take a longer term approach and that sounds exactly like the Brooklyn Nets be patient don’t trade away all your draft picks for stars or maybe aging guys who maybe were not once in their primes I mean the Nets have never done that nope never mind yeah we all remember this debacle when they traded for James Harden and instead of doing anything great the James Harden KD and Kyrie played 17 games together went 15 and two didn’t play anything else together won absolutely nothing and went as far as the New York Nicks did with this current roster now the net trade away Jared Allen who became an All-Star one year with the Cavs Tori and Prince Alexander venkov who I mean probably is the greatest player of all time but no one’s giving him a chance Caris LeVert Kooks three first round picks in 2022 2024 2026 and then four first round picks swaps in 21 23 25 and 27 in the 2024 overall pick is third overall so great job Nets now Joi is talking about this but I think it’s a little late dummy because you let Shawn Marx trade all your picks away now all you got is those Phoenix Suns picks maybe you want to flip them for your own draft picks back along with M Bridges but it seems like the Rockets aren’t as interested in Mel Bridges as they once were when they offered the Nets their picks back and Jaylen Green in exchange for male now we all know the Nets are a stupid franchise this is nothing new they’re a failure they’re a joke no one cares about them and no one watches them it’s why their games were being taken off of YES Network the network that they are on their version of MSG if you’re a Yankee fan you know what yes network is the Nets games weren’t being televised because they don’t have fans you think male Bridges is cool with that well some of his best friends are across the Brooklyn Bridge winning games looking like an NBA Finals Contender a team that if male went to in a trade for buan bogdanovich and four to five first round picks would probably go to the NBA finals no male Bridges isn’t okay with that no matter what he says I refuse to believe that because that sounds like a real punch in the face of a situation now the New York Nicks I think would offer the Brooklyn Nets the best trade package possible for male Bridges and why is that well that’s because the New York Knicks think Mel is a great fit not only Personnel wise but also he’d be a great fit it gets to move Dante D venzo to the sixthman role where he would flourish and then you got Jaylen Brunson male Bridges ogan and Obi Julius Randall Isaiah hard and or Mitchell Robinson as your starting center not to mention Dante D venzo Josh Hart Duce McBride and probably Mitchel Robinson or Isaiah hartenstein on your bench as the backup center probably Mitch would be the backup so not only do you have the best top nine in the NBA you have the best bench in the NBA you have the best Wing forward defense in the NBA in male and OG you have one of the best Rim protectors in the NBA in Mitch you have one of the other best Rim protectors in the NBA and Isaiah hartenstein when it comes to field goal percentage at The Rim you have one of the best passing bigs in the NBA in Isaiah hardstein and you have two all NBA players and Jaylen Brunson who well should have been first team over Tatum because Tatum’s overrated that’s not the point and Julius Randall that team wins the finals genuinely they do it’s like a better version of the Celtics I think that team would win the NBA Finals so I think the Knicks are going to go all out for male Bridges and now it seems like the Nets might be willing to trade Bridges the Nets aren’t in position to be picky and whiny and upset that they’d be giving the Knicks exactly what they want in male the Nets can get picks back from the Knicks that the Knicks don’t own or well didn’t initially own meaning that they don’t need to pray on the Knicks downfall in the process the Knicks can give them the Nets draft picks and then what can happen is teams that the Knicks got those draft picks from like the Pistons the Wizards the Milwaukee Bucks stuff like that the Nets can pray on their downfall and those teams are way worse once the those protections go down and the Nets can get a chance to use that Wizard and pistons picks cuz let’s be serious those teams are not going to be good anytime soon especially the Washington Wizards and then I don’t know you get like that Bucks pick and the Bucks could easily be bad in 2025 I don’t know seems like a good deal to me you get buan bonovich is expiring contract Ben Simmons’s contract expires the same year after you got $50 million worth of cap space to I don’t know go out and try to do something with seems like your best bet to try to restart cuz those Sons picks could be good and you could use them or you could stockpile your assets trade literally everyone of any value and try to start over the best you humanly can or do just do something to try to get those picks back from the Houston Rockets because the Net’s going to be bad for a long long long long long time unless they get Donovan Mitchell which would ruin this Nick’s m Bridges pipe dream officially but that seems less and less likely as the days go by I’m starting to think that Donovan might stay in Cleveland after JB bicker staff got fired but we’ll have to see on that one Donovan never really seemed like he wanted to go to the Cavs that much but what do I know and now Bill Simmons talked about male going to the Knicks and a couple months back he posed this question with RJ and OG he’s like if you’re Toronto why wouldn’t you just flip OG for Barrett grab one of those Knicks protected picks and call it a day I actually like Barrett now instead of those protected picks they took um Emanuel quickly and that sucked because everyone loves Emanuel quickly and I love both of them but it is what it is you move on you keep going and the Knicks and Bill Simmons well they got what they wanted bill was right and then he proposed the idea of the Knicks overpaying for male Bridges which I think is fair and I think they would and I’d kind of be okay with it because I think they’d win the finals so what if they just do that what if they offer both on and five firsts and two of them are protected one’s unprotected two of them are swaps boom you got a great package for a guy who’s not an All-Star player if you get five firsts three firsts two protected one unprotected and two swaps for a non Allstar level player you I mean sha Shawn Mark should throw a party for that so I don’t see why that doesn’t happen I think that would make a ton of sense now correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t think there’s a team that’s going to go out there and pay more for M Bridges why the hell would any other team pay that much the Maks it makes sense no other team it makes sense to pay that much money to or that much assets to now Josh Hart has been recruiting male Bridges out in the open and basically said it’s like that SpongeBob Meme where Squidward is looking out the window and he sees SpongeBob and Patrick having fun male is Squidward now he’s obviously talking about the Nova Knicks thing how Bronson and hard and D venzo are on the Knicks having a blast in the playoffs everyone loves them the Nicks are loved in the city even after the loss everyone loves Bronson and dvo and Hart they’re just the literal heart and soul of this team and J’s like you know what I’m gonna make fun of my friend here because he’s stuck on the Nets and no one cares about the Nets no one not even Nets fans care about the Nets one of my best friends is a Nets fan and he doesn’t care about the Nets that’s not true he does but he he just claims he doesn’t because he’s miserable and I would be too what a joke if franchise also Net’s digest is coming and I’m going to help promote them because my friend will be running the channel so separate note you might see me over there just like doing some Duos you guys should check him out but that’s separate now Josh Hart has also gone out of his way and said go NY go NY go after the Knicks beat the Nets in that game where Cam Thomas threw a fit at the end and it was really funny because cam Thomas is always like oh I’m angry like he’s like some 14-year-old going through puberty who’s like Broody and I don’t know is watching One Tree Hill and is really sad all the time for no reason and listening to juice world or whatever I don’t know I just I don’t like the cut of Cam Thomas’s jib if you ask me but melber just posted that little Emoji right there kind of just being sad and just like kind of just you know messing with his friend because that’s what friends do also Josh Hart did this the day that Dante D venzo signed with the Knicks he tweeted out yo Mel Bridges hit my phone bro why because he wants male to be the final of the Infinity Stones now it’s also important to mention that the Knicks have had Ryan Arch diako on their team for the start of the last two seasons before having to use him in a trade now they neither time wanted to trade Ryan away it was just something they’ve had to do for financial reasons now you better believe that Ryan Arch deako is going to be the Knick’s 15th man next season he’s just going to be they’re going to bring him back because they legally can now because they couldn’t initially in the season if you trade some away and they get drafted or drafted if you trade some away and they get waved you can’t pick them back up for the rest of the year if you wave them you can sign them later as we saw with Taj Gibson 6,000 times this season but if you trade them away they cannot get picked back up now because of that Ryan archo has been balling in the G League doing his thing knowing the Knicks are going to resign him at the end of the day when you know the offseason comes around he’s going to get an exhibit 10 they’re going to give him a fully guaranteed or partially guaranteed enough contract where he’ll be the 15th man and he’ll do his thing calling out defensive 3 seconds and stuff like that and we’re all going to love him for it now again it just leaves M as the final infinity stone of the five Nova Knicks that could possibly be there now there’s other guys on the villain NOA team who made the NBA most notably Eric Pascal but he’s out of the league now bummer I thought he was actually kind of a solid player but Utah didn’t know how to use him and I mean that is what it is but Josh Hart after male was seen shaten with the Knicks after that game when cam Thomas complained and shoved Brunson because he was salty that his team sucks and no one cares about him or the Nets Josh Hart tweeted out people really mad we all friends why because male was standing and laughing with Rick Brunson Jaylen Brunson Josh Hart Dante all them even Julius came over and started hanging out Mel wants to be on the Knicks and I mean think about it this way think about four of your closest friends or three of your closest friends on the planet imagine you guys are all in the NBA now imagine you’re all in the same city and you’re like dude this is awesome we’re all in the same city we’re all NBA players we got money we can hang out more this would be so fun especially in the off season we won’t have as many responsibilities but then three of your friends are on the same team that everyone loves and gets a ton of fans and is in the playoffs and are just gravitating or and yeah they’re just they’re it’s easy to gravitate to the team and then you’re on the other team that no one cares about has terrible Vibes their arena is weirdly dark like someone forgot to make extra lighting or something thing the I mean the in-game PA announcer her voice is brutal I I want to tear my ears out when I go to Nets games um and you have no fans you don’t pack the arena ever the Nicks sell out all the time and you’re just on the outside looking in of your friends having fun and being part of this thing and you’re just sitting there like damn like you’re just going to feel left out from that and it’s like I’m not trying to bash on male Bridges I am trying to bash on the Nets because I think they’re stupid and I hate their fans um but I genuinely do like and it’s it’s stupid but I kind of do feel for male like it kind of sucks dude like I’d imagine if three of my friends were all on the same NBA team and I’m on the other one across town I’m like all right rationalize it we’re all in the NBA we’re all rich as all hell we’re never going to have to work another job in our lives this is sick at the end of the day still great not going to really want to complain because it’s champagne problems but like also it sucks that my friends are together and I’m not man like that that would just it would just be a bad feeling you’d feel left out you’d feel sad about it like part of me feels for M and I’m like damn dude I’m I’m sorry M that kind of sucks so Mel should say I want to go to the New York dicks and say if you tread me anywhere else I won’t play for them and then male gets to go to the Knicks for cheaper and then the Knicks win the finals and everyone loves male for screwing the Nets over because there’s no Nets fans to be mad at him anyway there’s like two on the planet and one of them is my friend so it’s fine but yeah I think they to do that guys let me know what you think in the comments down below give me your male Bridges trades I know I make a ton of male Bridges videos but they’re fun to make and I don’t know guys you know what it is like subscribe this video is way too long I’m G get the hell out of here have a great day you don’t have to listen to me talk anymore go ni

The New York Knicks may FINALLY have an opening to trade for Mikal Bridges of the Brooklyn Nets. Nets owner Joe Tsai criticized trading a bunch of picks and not trying to go full win-now mode, alluding to (somehow) building through the draft. This can give the Knicks an opening to make a massive trade package and Chris Gallagher breaks down why it’s time to strike.

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  1. 5 first AND bog for a role player in bridges HELL NO. drank way too much NOVA koolaid and what's with all these knicks YouTubers just ranting on how the nets suck for like 20min in every video kicking a team while there way down is corny also its not like net are gonna be like your right just take bridges off our hands thanks your right knicks.

  2. A starting lineup of Brunson Bridges OG Randle Hartenstein/Robinson is scary. Donte becomes best heater off bench in the league. Opens up all kinds of mismatch lineups. Imagine Brunson Donte Bridges/Hart OG Randle small ball lineup. Yikes!

  3. 5 1st round picks??? Problem with Knicks is FOR DECADES THEY TRADED AWAY DRAFT PICKS for players that have not worked out!! I’m not saying Bridges won’t workout but 5 first round picks!! Please get a brain . A first rounder and Mitchell Robinson call it a day

  4. Wait…'One Tree Hill' is still a thing? It's been years since I last heard about that TV show…lmao

    Goof vid…but I'm not a huge fan of the Knicks offering 5 first-round draft picks for Mikal Bridges…at least not as a first offer. I would hope that the offer would start at Bojan Bogadanovic and 2 First Round draft picks, and then negotiate the mutually agreeable number of 1st round picks from there. But I just hope that the Knicks Front Office doesn't start the negotiations with Brooklyn for Mikal Bridges with the highest price. Because if the Knicks initiate the offer at Five 1st round picks, then that will soon end up being 7 or 8 first-round picks.

  5. Yall realize the Nets have traded away 5 lottery picks since 2010. All of them top 10 and four #3’s

    In case you’re wondering that’s
    2010 could’ve been Paul George
    2012 the pick was used on Dame
    2016 the pick was used on Jaylen Brown
    2018 pick was Tatum

  6. Silly YouTuber, compared to the other offers the Nets are getting the Knicks might as well focus on Mitchell. If they don't involve a third team with a bunch of players and young talent they're not getting Bridges.

  7. I don't understand why everyone is sweating Bridges. He ain't all that and he sure ain't the answer for us to win a championship.

  8. I'm a Ny'er and I have to be brutally honestly here. Only reason ppl rocked with the Nets in the first place was because of Jay-Z 🤷🏾‍♂️ The Knicks will forever be a big Knicks town respectfully.

  9. ugh, so tired of every day there are trade rumors from you guys trying to get clicks and views.. they should run it back healthy and see what happens, so tired of everyone anticapating trades.. its ridiculous..

  10. He sound crazy. We already have foundation. Brunson and Nova 3 with randel wins. Robinson healthy is the final piece. We have a champion base alrrady

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