@Dallas Mavericks

Bob Myers & Stephen A. DEBATE 😤 Are Mavericks IMPRESSIVE or Wolves DISAPPOINTING? | NBA Countdown

Bob Myers & Stephen A. DEBATE 😤 Are Mavericks IMPRESSIVE or Wolves DISAPPOINTING? | NBA Countdown

but what what what’s impressed you more is it is it more impressive to you Bob what what luuka and Kyrie are doing or disappointing in what we’re seeing from Minnesota I’m going to be positive the guy on the right the guy on the far right is going to probably take a negative shot at this thing so I’m going to be positive here I think Luca and and and Kyrie the game of basketball we talk about we love we all sit up here we all love basketball people watching It’s A Team game and if you stopped all these games even including the Celtics Pacers series about 3 minutes too Pacers are up 21 and Minnesota’s up 21 but basketball in the last 2 3 minutes it becomes a Stars game if we’re playing to pick up basketball will bond and it’s 8 all and we’re coming down the floor my best player better be better than your best player because that’s who’s going to win the game for the most part and so you’re seeing in this series Mica the two guys on the Mavericks taking over the game when you watch The Possession just watch the possessions forget about the shots Dallas knows what they’re doing with Luca or Kyrie they they have a great sense of the shots they want and get conversely you look at Minnesota who is a young team and it’s the first time being there and I know he’s tuned out down here but I’m I am making a lot of sense to the guys that were willing to listen he tun me out when I criticized them so listen Minnesota’s coming down and and you don’t really know what you’re going to get and the problem is not that I know they don’t know what they’re going to get I think Anthony will figure that out at some point but right now and Chris can tell you we were just talking about it off the air at the end of the game you have to know what you’re getting to and by the way not what who is getting the ball and I think that’s what Minnesota’s been lacking I’m not one of these many players in the league that get upset just because you disagree with me I love you give you a hug every time I see you it don’t fase me okay but you’re right I do disagree with you you calling negativity all you want to I’m talking basketball here okay Kyrie and Luca are Sensational and by the way both of them are shooting over 40% from three-point range Kyrie at 43 Luca at 40 okay you look at Anthony Edwards you know 33% shoo from three-point range leading the team 22 points only shoot 38% from the field the real story is call Anthony towns where’s your Robin he’s averaging 15 points yo he’s the he’s the self-proclaimed best shooting big man in the history of the game CP3 he is shooting 13.6% from three-point range that’s not the crime you know what the crime is Bob way the attempts keep like he keep shooting now he’s shooting three of 22 hold on these are three-point shots come on now you don’t just stop shooting cuz you not you got to continue to Sho you don’t have to Contin two threes take his big butt down there hold on hold on hold I gotta get on are you saying that with a straight somebody somebody is shoot he’s 611 you know he got a mismatch you telling me CP3 the point God that’s who I’m asking this question too a guy is shooting and missing that many threes you going to tell him to keep shooting those threes but at the same time if he’s open he has to continue shooting them now if they close out he can drive it but at the end of the day if you’re a shooter you ever going to tell a guy who can shoot the ball not to shoot open shots okay you’re not going to do that are you telling me that that’s all he ain’t had no shots that he could score R from down low he a had no opportunity to go to basket he a had no opportunity to get himself down the post take he can score in many different ways which is why he’s one of the best big men in our league but the thing that I think about is who in that locker room is talking to him right which one of his teammates is encouraging him to uplift him to make sure that he continues that’s ni question what would you what would you say Chris can you just tell us the last two minutes of the game what what is going you you are this guy you’ve been what is happening man the last two minutes of the game uh it’s just a little bit different right you’re trying to you should have a package of plays that you go to depending on who the guys that that got it going you know and then at the end of the day you got to you have to have guys who are willing to take shots and I think that’s what I see with Dallas right Dallas knows Luca and Kyrie is going to have the ball and they don’t always orchestrate for themselves right so when they break down the defense if they help PJ Washington knocks it down they hit hit guys for lives but they just have so much confidence and you can see the way they play but Chris Mr wilbon Stephen A’s question is a valid one because after being benched the final 9 Minutes of a game I imagine you come into the next game and I don’t know but I imagine that weighs on you a little bit and then that last three not the final three the game he should have been benched for the final 9 Minutes of the pr his confidence has got to be we know Carl Anthony towns is you know Pro sensitive in some ways so you don’t need to have that happen this goes back to a lot of things that Minnesota’s done badly in the last five to seven minutes let’s stretch it out of these games with the lead in a couple of games I don’t like the Judgment that we’re talking about and Carl Anthony towns has been involved in that he should have been on the bench for nine minutes so he comes into the next game questioning himself or not questioning himself Chris certainly not feeling as good about himself and his game as he has felt in these playoffs when he was much better in the earlier rounds well he been hanging out you know I mean Chris Paul has been hanging out with Bob M cuz I asked a question I’m still wait for to answer that question what would you have said to car Anthony towns in that locker room considering what we have seen what would you say to him what after that game yeah I mean I would have talked to him not one person loses you the game first and foremost right so you you’ll talk about it as a team as far as the defense my colle my listen my college coach used to say this all the time the late skip process he used to say it’s Team game played by individuals right even though we all have to do our part guys have to uplift the other guys and that’s why I always say they always say who are the stars uplifting who but who in that on in that locker room is uplifting those guys which I’m sure Mike connley you know Anthony erwards is a very vocal guy and I’m interested to see what that looks like in game four we uplift you I appre I app and I appreciate it buddy but let me tell you something right now I’m not saying you don’t do that but there comes a time when certain people of more important than others Carl Anthony towns is one of the most important players I need him I need him we’ll see we’ll see if fch uses you like Mike Malone did oh Lord right see if that gets him going clip clip [Music] [Applause] time NBA is

Stephen A. Smith, Michael Wilbon, Chris Paul and Bob Myers join Malika Andrews on NBA Countdown to debate whether the Western Conference Finals is going the way it is due to the Dallas Mavericks’ performance being impressive or the Minnesota Timberwolves’ performance being disappointing.

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  1. Is it Kat fault or couching not using him right…. They executed a game plan … In other words no his should run plays for him and they clearly don't

  2. When will they replace 3 of these CLOWNS for intelligent analysts?
    This was sad to watch. The quality of these shows IS ROCK BOTTOM due to DEI.
    Why is the girl there? She adds NOTHING… just checking another DEI box.

  3. The best shooters ever can go ice cold lol. U know how times curry has gone 2/11 in multiple games in a row. His platstyle and tendencies are that of a shooter. He’s not physical enough to go down low with an energetic gafford. It’s like telling curry who people say is one of the best finishers and ball handlers ever should focus on that instead of threes when he’s cold. It’s unrealistic lmao. And he’s a second option while Ant is supposed to be the face of the league. This is mostly on ant and then Kat. Ant needs to drop an efficient 30 or inefficient 35+ before u start looking at KAT. Also it’s on coaching since they need to move Rudy out to open the lane for ant. Overall the way everyone talks about Kat is super unfair bc on one hand everyone treats him as a number 2 and he’s been amazing these playoffs and now that he hits cold streak the talk starts making it seem like they are judging his heart/basketball character and his shooting ability lmao. This more of a cold stretch than a choke job that the media portraying it as imo.

  4. SAS always likes to boast. I'm the basketball guy, so sit back and listen to me. Bob Myers and Chris Paul are staring at each other.

  5. SAS 2-digit IQ has been quite exposed in the recent years.
    Now with that nationalist/racist cream on top, it's time to cancel the motherfucker.

  6. FYI Stephen FA, you don't need a Robin to win games. You need a TEAM.

    You don't know basketball. You just can't hide being a racist. Why so insecure?

    This is not about the Wolves being without a Robin for Ant.

    This is about Luka and Kyrie sparking the whole team to follow their lead and step up!

  7. The real question here is, is stephen a a racist to white players? he always discredit luka and jokic despite their performances.

  8. Dude says "nba scripted" then proceeds to say "nobody picked the Mavs" you just said it was scripted so the Mavs must've been written into the finals, so which is it? It's scripted or no one picked the Mavs?

  9. I like what CP3 said giving his late great college coach George Edward “skip” Prosser credit for the statement, “ it’s a team game played by individuals!” Athletes need constant support and building blocks to reach that next level. And statements like this are so important and encouraging to a young man’s future success! 💯👍🏾🏀

  10. Kobe Jordan AI Tmac Bird Luka Wade are straight killers because they want to take over games when others are afraid of the moment

  11. GSW fan here, I hav my money on Dallas since the playoffs begin. I wanna see Luka win the chip. So far they hav proven me right

  12. He is settling for 3's. That's the point! If you are open 100% shoot it. KAT has daylight and he fires away when people are closing out already knowing he is shooting it. He could be attacking the closeouts instead of settling
    KAT has postgame also but never goes on the block. Great big men are relentless and hit the block every time down if they have an advantage

  13. Wow 🤯SAS would rather bash another black player than praise Luka and Kyrie. If he was watching, he would know that the game was close and it all came down to clutch time in the final minutes of the 4th quarter. Luka and Kyrie are closers and they’re good at what they do.

    SAS was also one of the dumbest analyst who didn’t believe in Jalen Brunson. Clearly he doesn’t watch basketball or he doesn’t know how to properly analyze basketball. So many basketball players are making SAS eat his words. Maybe he should retire.

  14. SAS hates Luka and would rather talk negative than highlight positives for the winners in Dallas

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