@Minnesota Timberwolves

Brian Windhorst WAXES LYRICAL on Kyrie Irving & Luka Doncic’s dominance 💪 | Get Up

Brian Windhorst WAXES LYRICAL on Kyrie Irving & Luka Doncic’s dominance 💪 | Get Up

start this morning with us and let’s take you right to Dallas game three last night Anthony Edwards Luca ready to go the stores in the house Mahomes and Kelsey are there and and Monica they hit them with the onew punch immediately Luca and Kyrie I mean that has been the series or the story of this series the two of them the way that they’re able to work together and just manipulate this Wolf’s defense look at the way Kyrie is dancing Mavs a 10-point lead early now here’s a scary moment UD watch this closely the Conley floater Derek Lively is down in pain watch the back of his head we’ll show it to you again boom takes the knee right there UD thoughts immediately that had to hurt I’m sure that was some concussion type thing they say a neck but I’m sure that’s like concuss type thing going he would not return with a neck sprain meanwhile it’s Luca knocking down to three M’s lead was eight at the half 6 minutes to go in the third everyone just silence yourselves and prepare for this oh my goodness Ant-Man with the slam Monica what do we say what do do you say oh my God oh my God you you ever been on the wrong side of that no I want to be on all right and then it’s Edwards doing it from the outside and we were tied at 77 through three we were tied pretty much the entire second half of this game 100 a piece in the fourth quarter and it’s Luca with the turnaround and the Mavs a two-point lead now we’re tied again at 104 and Monica how many Big Shots has PJ Washington made he’s been huge I loved postgame Daniel Gafford talking about he and Washington coming from losing situations and relishing the opportunity with Dallas now he’s been great but then it’s Luca again how do you stop that he had 33 Mavs are up four now and it’s Irving again this time in the corner over Carl Anthony towns that time too 33 points for Irving and then Daniel Gafford would seal it look at the defense UD as he gets up and makes the block and we’ll show it again it is just before it hits the backboard my favorite play of the game right right there that was my favorite play of the game spectacular moment for him and then he does it on the offensive end as well Luca throws it up Gafford throws it down Luca and Kyrie combined for 66 and the Mavs pull away late to take a three nothing lead in the Western Conference finals and after the game the dynamic duo had a lot to say here’s Kyrie on being up three games to none it means absolutely nothing right now uh you know that’s not even something I’m thinking about um you know going into game four is still 0 z um and that’s the type of motivation and mentality we have in that locker room it’s not just me uh we feel like the job isn’t finished last possession I told him I’m tired uh he told me that’s that’s the way it’s supposed to be uh you know and just he brought that uh calmness to our team to me uh the maturity and it’s been unbelievable to have him on our team uh just learning from him every day uh positive energy always uh so just just a blessing having him on our team what these guys are doing in this series is simply remarkable and there’s the wi man who’s up with us early this morning from Dallas where he’s covering the West Conference Final Forest I mean Wendy we were kicking this around in our meeting this morning how do we begin to describe the show that this back court of Luca donic and Kyrie Irving has put on through three games of this Western Conference Final obviously there have been times in their careers where they’ve had individually better three- game performances but in ter terms of the balance that they’re playing with the way that they’re helping each other the way that they’re you know sort of playing off of each other taking turns it’s just as dominant as the two guys that you’re ever going to see really when you get down to the bottom line here you can go through X’s and O’s you can talk about pick and roll defense you can examine individual decisions and strategy moves but at the end of the day two team Superstars are playing like it and two team Superstars are not the spread in this series is very narrow just 13 games or 13 points over these first three games and when you look at what kyria and Luca are doing compared to what an Edwards and Carl towns are doing that right there is the series and that right there is why the Mavericks are going to the finals absolutely well they one win away right now and certainly appear headed that way and you know UD you were on all these championship teams that prided themselves on defense what are you going to do with these two guys when when they are going the way they’re going right now I mean you got to trap them you got to get the ball out of their hands but I like a more aggressive trap I like a trap that’s going to wear on them like a trap that’s going to frustrate them are like a trap that’s going to create some deflections and a little bit of fast pace and getting get them out of a little bit uncomfortable and they’re not doing that and they’re not making them uncomfortable at all they’re just literally just soft trapping which allows them to pick the defense apart or even attack it you saw them attack a two-man trap and get a pull-up jumper so you don’t want that when you’re traing when you want two to the ball you want to be aggressive so is that about let’s teach the the folks at home watching some stuff here is that about Luca and Kyrie just being too good or is that about a defensive mistake you feel like you’re seeing I think that’s a defensive mistake I think you put two to the ball you have to be aggressive you have to wear on them you have to get the flexion you have to frustrate them a soft trap does nothing all do respect you D I just I feel like that’s so hard and I’m I’m even thinking about the timber wolves Personnel right and even if it works say in the first half right like that’s the thing with luuka and Kyrie they’re going to make you continue to adjust your coverages now I’m with you in that I would like to see them at least try especially late in ball game right like you risk obviously they’re going to make the right pass and the ball’s going to swing but late in ball game this Luca island has been an absolute torture chamber and he is killing folks so I do think there’s probably some wrinkles that Finch has to go ahead and and deploy three games this postseason in which both of them scored 30 that includes last night they are the first starting back court to do that in a postseason in the last 50 years that’s how historically good this combination has been and again you made the point afterwards or after you a moment ago Wendy that it’s not it 3 nothing makes it sound like it’s been a very one-sided affair has not been it has been three individual very close games and the difference is in when the moment these games are being decided the MAV Superstars are getting it done and Minnesota are not yeah and this is the way frankly these two teams have been playing for a long time now when you go back to the regular season the Mavericks were number one in the league in clutch time so we’re talking last five minutes score within five points they have a great calm to them when they get to those moments which by the way that’s what the Nuggets were the Nuggets were the number one clutch team last year and you saw as they moved through and had close games they just fell at ease Minnesota despite how great they were on defense throughout the year they were 22nd in clutch time and so if you played 10 or 20 times between these two teams in clutch time the Mavericks would win most of the time what what Minnesota hasn’t been able to do is they haven’t been able to get a lead and sustain it they haven’t be able to play from ahead that’s what they’re designed to do with their defense and that’s because at all times either Luca or Kyrie are on the court and they’re getting great production from their role players Jason kid is coaching brilliantly you really have a team that is beautifully coming together and maybe we shouldn’t be surprised this team did go 16-2 down the stretch of the regular season they’re now 9-2 in their last 11 playoff games they’re playing like a championship level team right now absolutely and let’s give some credit I know he’s up watching our guy legler Tim legler the day these trades were made the day they got Gafford in Washington and you saw the the the contribution both of them made uh Washington had 16 points in the game gafford’s making huge plays on both sides UD the day that trade happened he was in here the next day and legler said this team could win the championship he said it to me that day he liked those pickups so again KD I mean not KD sorry Kyrie and um and and Luca unbelievable and they wouldn’t be able to do any of this without them but you need to have other guys who have their big moments and those two guys have been critical for I with him 100% I love that trade you brought in some dogs I mean the personality of Dallas always has been they’re soft everybody thinks Dallas is soft you brought in some dogs you got switchable matchups you take guys out of pick and roll and these guys came from the slums they came from situations where they were not winning they are thirsty they are hungry yeah I know last uh a year ago Salt Lake City um allstar game uh assistant coach gam guy he’s like man it’s gonna work watch because at that point we were still questioning like can Kyrie and Luka play together can is the ball gonna stick How’s that gonna go he’s like it’s gonna work I promise it’s gonna be all about basketball now granted that was a year ago you make these trades Derek Lively has exceeded expectations likely as a rookie this I mean this looks really really good and I think the clutch stats that Wendy just gave us the way that this team is comfortable in the moments when it gets tight that to me differentiates them from everybody that’s left and don’t forget Derek Jones Jr yeah I know he wasn’t in that trade but he’s a heat guy he’s a guy who they picked up in free agency he’s been great for him this yes you have to find a way to shout out the franchise and I’m glad that you found that way early in the morning okay I had the over under at 9 and A2 minutes you you didn’t quite get to it in the meantime we talk about the superstars on one side getting it done unfortunately on the other side Carl Anthony towns in particular struggling really doesn’t go far enough to say it he was 0 of eight from three-point range last night a very difficult night for him and after the game the crew on TNT had a lot to say I got to laugh I’m putting up to 1,500 today and uh shot so well all playoffs confidence extremely high and to be having these unfortunate bounces and these looks that are just not going in it’s it’s it’s tough it’s tough for sure hey Ernie you know what cap is Cap yes cat kapping he li no nobody’s shooting 1500 shots a day right now I’m surprised that you would wonder if I knew what that meant um these guys getting old K so I’m not sure if they if they telling you to car the time has has not stepped up zero from eight from three is unacceptable after you shoot two threes and it don’t go down take your big ass in the lane and do what Chuck has been talking about he’s just not answering the bell and this is who cat’s been in his career where when going gets tough they say he go to other way so you got to figure that out harsh words but perhaps appropriate you’ve been in the league as long as Carl Anthony longer than he’s been in the league what is your response to that I mean the moment might be a little too big right now Minnesota has never have been there so I can’t agree with draymont and say that he’s that that that this is what he is or this is who he is I think everybody has to go through this learning curve he is not shooting well I do like the fact that he attacked the basket and he was aggressive last night but if you’re going to label yourself the best shooting big in the league and say you putting up 1,500 which that’s definitely cap ain’t nobody getting up, 1500 but if you go label yourself that you got to knock down shots and you got to shoot it it is Cap the first thought I had uh literally the first one more time just tripped right off my tongue immediately I said well that’s Capa you got the Emoji do you got the Emoji on oh I’ve got that emoji someone will show me what that is later but in the meantime I mean how much criticism of Carl Anthony towns is reasonable right now I he’s you got to perform you got to perform you can’t go o of eight as a self-proclaimed best big shooter in the league like you have to be able to perform now what I will say is he’s been able to get to the glass like there are other ways that I think you got to look to activate yourself and part of it as we started our discussion is going to be on the defensive side of the basketball guarding this very prolific offensive unit and maybe the shots begin to fall but like whether you buy being cap or not he has the best intentions clearly but the performance speaks for itself Wendy whether he’s capping or not I think the the point here is uh is he’s struggling of that there is no doubt put put a a you’re down there you’re around them every single day what what are the right things to say yeah being around the timber rolls before the game everybody knew this was one of the biggest moments of Carl’s career and he just didn’t deliver bottom line he’s in a terrible slump at the worst time he’s four of 32 on three-pointers over the last five games that’s as bad of a stretch as you’re ever going to see in any stretch much less in the playoffs I Know Carl I’ve spent a lot of time with him I spent hours with him this year talking for a feature that I did I know that he wants it but I also know that it’s that sometimes the one is too much and it’s a bad time to defend him I don’t think he meant or 1500 shots a day right now I think he meant over the course of the year he works on it but I realize the defend him right now is not going to get you anywhere [Music]

On Get Up, Brian Windhorst, Monica McNutt and Udonis Haslem join Mike Greenberg to react to the NBA Playoffs latest action.
0:00 Timberwolves vs. Mavericks Game 3 highlights and reaction
2:30 Hear from Kyrie Irving
4:30 Udonis Haslem breaks down the Mavs’ dominance
5:30 Double trouble
9:00 Hear from Karl-Anthony Towns

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  1. Nobody choose Mavs to win one series out of espn and these media. Only legler supported Mavs to win every series they played and all of these other people flipped flop and wanted MJ son to win while LUKA DONCIC and Kyrie were still in the playoffs. Luka has the better career and stats out of everyone in the playoffs after Jokic. And STILL.

    Now they’re saying Dallas was 16-2 and best defensive team in the NBA and nobody thought we can win the championship BEFORE THE Playoffs STARTED???

    Now they’re using this fact as “we all seen it coming, I told you”

    Despite all of this and Luka being the leading scorer he still didn’t win MVP despite all the people wanting him to.

    Media is a clown

  2. Monica the moron said Brunson should’ve been 1st team over Luka. She’s only got a job because she’s an equal opportunity hire not because she knows anything about ball. Complete idiot

  3. Kyrie made history twice and in 2 different conferences. Him and Luka had 30 after him and bron had 40.

  4. Luka regularly walking, carrying the ball, turning the ball over, and committing offensive fouls by pushing the defender with his non-dribbling arm. The "Modern" NBA ignores the rules, favoring aggressive, offensive players. Why? I surmise that this occurs because offense/high scoring earns the NBA more income.

  5. ESPN analyst, SAS and Perk with 🤡 behavior last year crapping all over Kyrie and hate they give to Luka. It’s good to see these players ball out and lead the Mavs with great coaching. Those two really make things personal instead of analyzing and reporting like they should.

  6. Idk why people thought kyrie was washed???? He had Jason Tatum & Kevin Durant as teammates… pre Madonna athletes -_-

  7. Don't worry about KAT — he'll be starring on the Washington Wizards next year …. unless the Shanghai Sharks make a better offer. 😉

  8. Trap all day the leads to a wide open 3 and ally oops..T wolves have tried everything it doesn't matter what you do.

  9. Tim Legler the only guy on ESPN who has a much of a clue judging players and teams …. so naturally you rarely hear from him.
    Any random 7-year old from Mongolia will have a better take on the NBA and U.S. sports than Stephen A. Smith…. 🥲
    Imagine SAS getting paid all that money to be wrong 95% of the time … is America a great country or what? 🙃

  10. Kyrie's growth as a leader and a mature superstar has helped him clear all the wrong narratives about him.
    Older and wiser 🧠All we want is for Kyrie Irving to win another ring 😭💪🔥
    So many PEOPLE COUNTED THIS MAN Kyrie OUT!!!!! So many people said Luka and Kyrie wouldn't work!!! So many people said he couldn't win without LeBron…. That's why #Kyrie is my one of the best PG in the league, even before AntMan! He really DONT CARE WHAT PEOPLE SAY OR THINK, it's all about the WORK for him!!!
    You ain't gotta like him or Respect him, but you gone have to DEAL WITH HIM, the most skilled PG EVER!!!
    Next round bout to be a 🍿🎥!!!!
    The Duo of Kyrie and Luka has super passed the duo of joker and Murray. Luka and Kyrie Duo the best in the league right now.

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