@Dallas Mavericks

Some people still don’t want to admit it, but you gotta respect markieff, it’s obvious he’s been huge for the team.

Some people still don’t want to admit it, but you gotta respect markieff, it’s obvious he’s been huge for the team.

by Accurate-Albatross34


  1. I don’t think anyone in this sub dogs on Markeiff. 

  2. StolenLampy

    Undisputed one of the greats on the bench, you knew it when he came here, he started out at “Kyrie’s guy” but has taken everyone under his wing and we’re lucky as hell to have him.

  3. lost_in_trepidation

    If you told me 2 years ago a Morris twin and Kyrie were the heart and soul of our team, I think I’d assume the worst.

  4. Dat_Boi_John

    Kyrie trade lol, literally everyone we got in it has been amazing for us, hopefully we can even get DFS back soon.

  5. fordangliacanfly

    Calling Markieff the team MVP is objectively demented but fuck it, keep doin what you’re doin Kidd, it’s working

  6. mavericksnipe

    He’s our new Theo Pinson but better in my opinion. More experienced and he was the most vocal one after a stretch of losses. Theo was great but I feel like he coddled the Mavs a lot during his time. Which was great for that team. Now we upgraded to Markieff who will tell guys what’s what and yell

  7. Drizzt3919

    Who doesn’t want to admit it? What an odd thing to say. I don’t think anyone has ever said a negative thing about him.

  8. I was reluctant to like him after his brother was a complete asshole and tried to injure Luka in his Clippers days. But yeah, he’s been a great bench guy for us

  9. ForestJordie

    We had a bad opinion of him due to his brother, but it’s clear he’s a great teammate and veteran presence for us

  10. Liftedlarvitar

    God Jaden Hardy is so retarted lol (in a good way like a cute, goofy, retarted dog that you love but hate when he eats his own shit)

  11. There was a clip towards the end of yesterdays game. Luka came off high fived most but had a full on embrace with Kieff. So yeah, he seems looked up to by Luka qt least.

  12. BadCowboysFan

    Big Theo Energy

    Edit: This is not an insult

  13. UpbeatRaspberry9828

    Markieff has been awesome. After every play, huddle, or timeout dude is first on the floor giving high fives and hyping up the team. He’s a vet guy on his way out that’s basically another coach on the bench. But at the end of the day he’s not on the floor making plays.

  14. who did jokic fight with? Markeiff or the other guy?

  15. The twins had a deservingly bad rep. We hate Marcus especially because of his antics against Luka and that he’s been the more relevant asshole twin recently. Kieff had his fair share of moments when they were starting out but he’s mellowed down and has definitely been the vet this team needs. Respect to him for that.

  16. adeadmanshand

    I keep Saying Morris should get minutes. Game planning that his job is to deal with KAT down low, using those 6 fouls of his. Give him all the outside shots he wants because the numbers tell you thats a good bet.

  17. little_did_he_kn0w

    To quote Dracula Flow: “Markieff Morris is my favorite twin.”

  18. Andrew0409

    How can we dog someone who doesn’t even get playing time.

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