@Philadelphia 76ers

Does Lebron to Philadelphia Work? l BEN MALLER SHOW

Does Lebron to Philadelphia Work? l BEN MALLER SHOW

so LeBron James uh was revealed by his agent is going to opt out of his contract with the Lakers later this summer and will enter the transfer portal he will be a free agent now keep in mind from a financial standpoint it makes sense for LeBron to opt out even if he’s planning on staying in la la land because he can get more money but we’re hearing that the Sixers are one of the latest teams that has entered the chat and are said be considering a run at LeBron James of course there are multiple teams that are lining up to take a flyer on that stiff bronny James to try to convince LeBron to come to their team so uh the Sixers though are considering several impact players they’re trying to find someone anyone that can be a number two to Joel NB they tried James Harden that didn’t work they had Ben Simmons he’s you the Aussie muffed he can’t play he’s a weak saws so they’re trying to find somebody who could be that number two option and Philadelphia can go on a run in the playoffs so let us discuss the question the Sixers reports over the weekend saying that the Sixers are window shopping LeBron James would he play in Philadelphia would LeBron play in Philadelphia so I am shaking my head you can’t see me but I’m shaking my head no and if I keep shaking my head no I’m gonna get a headache and I’m going to get dizzy so I’m not going to keep shaking my head no but uh I’ve got miniature horses downrange and French and we will combine all of these things together and we are going to make the babaan we’re GNA make the babaan so number one number one number one so if you look at the track record of LeBron because typically the track record tells you what’s going to happen un guarantee it’s going to happen but it gives you a pretty good indicator of what’s going to happen so LeBron has played in Cleveland he’s from akan so that’s geographically desirable played in Miami Lavita Loca and La La Land those are what’s known in basketball parlins as safe spaces on the professional sports map LeBron is used to being swooned all over that’s right just massage LeBron that’s what that’s what’s happened everywhere’s G absolutely it that does not happen in Philly it it will not happen so known as the of course the City of Brotherly Love we have great listeners in Philadelphia but that’s a a place for their athletes uh does not always go so well and when riddle me this Batman when has LeBron been willing to take a backseat to anybody the idea that LeBron would go to Philadelphia and be a number two option to Joel embiid is faral it’s poppycock it’s not going to happen right and LeBron spends much of his time ver Clem he’s hyper sensitive even though he’s in places where they kiss his da a like Miami La you know Cleveland back in the day but he would need aroundthe clock access LeBron if he played in Philadelphia to an emotional support miniature horse got to get one of those miniature horses for LeBron because he does have faulty wiring things would get very chippy very fast as a talk host I would love it I fully rubber stamp LeBron going to a place like Philadelphia uh No More Mr Nice Guy in Philly uh man man would that be a bad fit but I would love to see it it’s much more realistic to see LeBron go to a place like Arizona the Valley of the Sun there’s certain places now you go to Florida because you got Pon Del own but if you’re in the west and you want to retire a lot of people go to Arizona you go hang out and hang out in the areas of great golfing I if Bron’s a golfer there it’s close enough to La you can get back it’s a short flight until they have a team in Vegas that’s a good option now page two to the swap meet we go again this a by this m monologue a byproduct by the Conference Finals being a total dud another day and another report on the trade speculation machine about Trey young and his absolute lack of popularity now Trey young has a lot of accolades if you go to his basketball reference page he’s had a lot of accomplishments in his career All-Star appearances things like that but Atlanta sucked at a time you cannot suck and they’re said to be looking to shake it up and it’s said that the Hawks are looking to unload either Trey young and or Andor deante Murray uh but the speculation is that among rival NBA teams looking to acquire a player from Atlanta dejonte Murray is more of a palatable option for those teams looking to make a move so the question why is a Bonafide Allstar like Trey young getting shrapnel on the NBA trade market speculation so some of this is likely false but Trey young does have Diva personified he’s the epitome of a diva and that does end up boomeranging back in your face he’s been known as a coach killer in Atlanta uh that the the Hawks have changed coaches quite often and Trey believes he doesn’t need to listen to any of them and people also have just loose lips and Trey young getting caught downrange you don’t want to get caught downrange he’s been caught downrange he’s catching some Strays and it appears that many people have those uh those vendettas they have a vendetta against this guy right Trey Young’s reputation precedes him excess baggage making him an acquired taste now that said if the Hawks continue to fish someone is going to right Trey young scores too many points he’s too Dynamic an offensive player he’s like a designated hitter in baseball he doesn’t play much defense but he’s a very good offensive player all right final point I want to Circle back Circle back now I want to Circle back to the spawn of LeBron as we like to call him on this show scrawny bronnie so scrawny bronnie we are 30 days away from the Collegian SL I didn’t go to college I went to the G League or I went to Europe selection show and bronnie James making some headlines over the holiday weekend bronnie James reputation is is is one of you know I’m I’m the son of LeBron but I’m not I’m not a great I’m not getting this attention because of LeBron right I’m not I’m not here I’m not being talked for the draft because of Leon which we know is is complete you know what right so bronny James agent wants you to know and me to know and every team in the association to know that the former USC guard will not be signing one of those two-way contracts should he be selected say in the second round of the upcoming draft now the the guy involved in this clutch Sports Kingpin LeBron James Toady Rich Paul has confirmed that he would not would not agree to terms on a two-way deal if Brony were to be offered such by a select team in the NBA now this essentially a warning shot it’s a warning shot from the teams in the for the teams in the NBA it’s like hey don’t even mess around bronny James is not going to the G League he’s not now the question this warning that bronny James will not go to the g-league what does this tell you what does this tell you so I will psychoanalyze this it tells you that bronny James is high maintenance is a high maintenance ball player he has been empowered by the luxury lifestyle of his daddy right and you would expect that right he grew up in the lap of luxury as the spawn of LeBron and he wants special treatment and I would say check yourself before you wreck yourself this is a 61 guard who was a backup on a sub 500 college team averaged less than five points a game and now you’re telling the world you’re too good to go to the G League excuse my French but that is chicken feathers that is horse buuny dunk all right come on right most second round picks most find themselves like a human yo-yo up and down spin it all around in between the NBA and the jie that’s just the way life is when you’re a second round pick and then eventually if you stick around long enough and you show something that you’re able to find your way to use a crowbar to open up the door and get a spot on a roster but you’re not given one and from the sound of it it’s it’s all chatter but it’s from Rich Paul that Brony James is not going to settle for a two-way contract so if you believe rich Ball scrawny Brony is way too good for that and uh of course if all things were equal this would eliminate any chance of Brony James being drafted but since teams think that they can get LeBron it’s a brilliant move by LeBron to opt out of his Laker contract because he can then lead these teams on and wait until after the draft to make sure his kid is drafted the whole thing is an ove situation it’s an o i what seriously I what’s going on with this anyway

BEN MALLER SHOW – Ben Maller talks about the NBA offseason chatter including Lebron moving to Philadelphia. Ben also touches on Trae Young and Bronny.

0:00- Does #lebronjames and #joelembiid work?
4:08- #traeyoung catching strays in trade market.
5:39- #bronnyjames not doing the #gleague

#lakers #losangeleslakers #philadelphia76ers #atlantahawks

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  1. LeBron isn't going anywhere. This just gives the media another interesting topic to discuss.

  2. The fact that this is even a topic is disappointing a 40 yo Lebron lol shows you how bad the process has failed us.
    There live with a big man like it’s the 2000s the league has passed this format by lol
    It’s pass time to trade injury biidy and move on

  3. Lefraud needs a situation where he doesnt cause too much damage while he is on the floor…he needs to be a 7th man…. he makes too many losing plays

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