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Are Kyrie Irving and Luka Dončić the most talented duo in NBA history? | SPEAK

Are Kyrie Irving and Luka Dončić the most talented duo in NBA history? | SPEAK

Duo NBA history talking about 30 plus each in consecutive games well that led to San Van Gundy the analyst of the NBA Western Conference Finals saying that this is the best offensive back court in the history of the NBA he said most talented is the direct quote offensive backourt in the history of the NBA we’ve seen a lot of talented back courts a lot of them but this has been the most polarizing conversation in sports thus far so glad you are here for it James Jones what is your response to Luke and Kyrie being the most talented offensive back court in NBA history yeah I think talented is the thing that that’s operative word there yes sir that’s the one that that stands out because I agree when you talk about Kyrie Irving we talk about Kyrie Irving as one of the greatest talents we’ve seen in the NBA with this ball in his hands in the history of the NBA the way Kyrie Irving can finish the way Kyrie Irving can get through three four five six people at a time Kyrie Irving is like that and then when you look at Luca Luca is the same way with the ball in his hands how Luca is able to create we always talk about Luca playing at his own pace he ain’t fast he ain’t strong he ain’t quicker than everybody but somehow he finds ways to get Buckets year after year after year and when I look at these two I don’t think there’s a backourt that has what they have with the ball in their hands being the most talented yes you have the Steph Curry’s and the Klay Thompson but we praise Klay Thompson off of not dribbling catching the ball getting it out of his hand shooting greatest shoo shooting back court but most talented I don’t even really think it’s close when you talk about what Luca and Kyrie brings to this game with that basketball in their hands I think this is the most talented back court that we’ve seen ever you mentioned two people so let me further that I would say that it is clay and Steph and the reason is shooting is a talent now is Klay as good a dribbler as Kyrie Irving is Clay as good a talented overall player as Luka donic I don’t believe so but shooting is a talent they literally got a nickname to Splash Brothers and not only did they get a nickname based upon their ability to do one thing that classifies as a talent which is shoot their talent translated cuz they won chips plural multiple of them so not only did Steph and Clay actually accomplish what Luke and Kyrie hope to accomplish and I do believe they have a good chance in accomplishing it in winning a chip but if shooting is a talent and Stephen Clay shoot better than any back court we have ever seen in the history so much so that it led them two four championships and so much so that they got a nickname for me I have to lean into the Steph and clayback most talented because of the shoting ability because of Steph’s ability Steph’s the one that’s the top 10 top 12 player of all time right now Luka isn’t Kyrie isn’t Luca could get there Kyrie I believe that ship is sale Luca could get there but Steph is the one who would be greater than all four of those names that I have mentioned thus far three other names excluding Steph Joy what do you say because you’ve been covering the sport for a long time most talented back court LCA Kyrie are they talent I mean I I I default to saying no because I do think that what you accomplished together as a back court has to matter but I think if we if we’re separating them as individual talents and examining them as individuals okay so then they’re two great players that are playing together but they’re also playing well together which is why we are referring to them as this Duo together it’s tough for me because once once a a hyperbolic statement like this is made then we have to go back and examine what has come before this Duo and then we have to examine what this Duo has actually done together individual Talent players you can make that argument because Luca is an individually extremely talented player Kyrie is an individually extremely talented player I would also mention Steph Curry and Klay Thompson and then you’re looking at some of the other combinations of back courts that have won multiple championships together I mean you have Tony Parker and mono jobi they have four championships together Michael Jordan and Ron Harper have four championships together Kobe Bryant Derek fiser have five championships together so it’s not all about championships obviously because then you look at who was coaching these teams and what other teammates did they have and what kind of system did they run and how much did that play a role in the Dy dynastic nature of some of these these back courts that were mentioning so I think if we separate if we siphon off and say who are the two most talented together because Michael Jordan is the greatest player of all time but is Ron Harper okay but is Luka saying I hear you but is Luka the greatest player of all time no no he’s not is Kyrie Irving better than Ron Harper no question is Luca as close to Michael you know what I’m saying like this is why these conversations get very like debatable because I do think surfly they are two extremely talented players and maybe this statement is true how much does the Championships matter I don’t know I still would say Klay Thompson and Steph Curry though two five where you at yeah I’m gonna go with Steph Curry and Klay Thompson I mean I think Luca is phenomenal he’s a hell of a player so was Kyrie Irving you talk about Talent they are super talented but when I just watched Steph Curry and and uh Klay Thompson like they changed the game shooting you can’t tell me that shooting is not a skill it’s not a talent the way that you talked about Klay I guess I don’t know if it’s was a shot or not cuz he you know he scored a certain amount of points when not driving the ball but that’s that’s hard as hell to do think about that for a second 60 points and another thing is is um when the cham does matter when we talking about the most talented on skilled back court of all time since basketball starts right now yeah they accomplished something and Jo talks about updating your information now if they want a championship then we can revisit this right and we’ll talk about it but today it has to be Steph Curry and Thompson and another thing I want to talk about talk about it what about defense right yeah Kay was a two-way player Steph um um Luka I mean he’s he has good defensive moments he don’t play play defense right and then I will say Kyrie Irving right he plays solid defense he don’t play the defense like like Klay did in his prime your best player I got him am I tripping not at all so when you talking about the best Court of all time yeah it’s a lot of offense yeah but it’s some defense too and the last thing is Steph curb he’s changed the game forever right we watching playoff games you know from the Celtics to to the MAV where these dudes are shooting over over threes over threes you missing more threes who does that the Golden State Warriors so if you ask me the best back court of all time it’s it’s lightskin Boys best shooting back court because he said talent and he said offensive for for Clear exactly he said most talented offensive back and usually when you say who’s the most talented offensive player out of all these guys we talking about Steph Curry is but Kay Thompson ain’t got what these dudes got and that’s what I’m saying we’re talking about these two together right there’s nobody right well I ain’t going to talk for y’all I’m not taking Klay Thompson and putting him on the Dallas Mavericks over Luca I’m not taking Klay Thompson and putting him on the Dallas Mavericks or the starter franchise over Kyrie he’s not like that now the shoot I’m saying what what these guys have Klay Thompson does not have the talent you got you got some got some you know I’m not I’m not trying to disrespect clay know Klay Thompson is one of the greatest Shooters to ever play this game but Klay Thompson is not one of the greatest players in our game with that ball in his hands Point Blank period not like these dudes and the talent of these dudes with the ball in their hands here my thing here’s my thing you said the ball in their hands Klay Thompson gave you 60 points with 11 dribbles only way to give you 60 points is if the ball is in your hand and leaving your hand and then going into the net catch and shoot catch but that’s very hard this wouldn’t even be a topic if we said greatest shooting back court it ain’t even a top but it’s offensive that’s implied Talent with what you can do with this basketball and what these two dudes can do with this basketball dribbling getting to the cup shooting the three whatever it is they have more offensive Talent than Klay Thompson am I trip it no you use I see what James is saying I believe what I’m hearing let me not say what you’re saying you’re talking about offensive gamut like the array of skill you’re talking about that’s what he’s saying but but but if if Clay is a better shooter then then Kyrie might be a shooter and finisher that his ability to shoot counts like it counts so much so cuz he’s such a good shooter so AO are you sitting here saying that Clay Thompson is a better offensive Talent than Kyrie Irving because this is what he’s saying is that what you’re telling me we’re talking about thank you hold hold hold on hold on hold on let’s first of all we have to go back to the prime all right we’re not talking about today because this is about in NBA history he didn’t say today right now he said in NBA history which means we got to go all the way back like Fraser R we got to go all the way back so we’re thinking of these players in their Prime travel back through your mind think of the Splash Brothers right okay so Steph Curry in his prime clay thomps in his prime is Steph Curry in his prime better than Luca donic course yes of course okay so we’re talking I don’t think Clay is better than none of those we’re talking about the combination we’re not we’re not just talking about the best of the best so like this is why I don’t like these conversations because it makes it sound like we’re hating on Luka and Kyrie and Luka and Kyrie are you hey trust me I just felt like I hated on Clay trying to hate on Clay what I’m saying like as soon as somebody has a moment we have to jump to like this is the greatest thing we’ve ever seen and maybe sometimes it is but we don’t have the to Shady’s point the conclusion of this story this series isn’t even over I know it’s like kind of over but it isn’t over like there’s there’s still things that can be written if they don’t win a championship this year are we going to say they’re the most talented backourt in NBA history but I think they losing five in the finals are we saying that well all I’m saying is I don’t even think that what Stan is saying Stan is saying with what he’s watching the offensive skill that both these dudes have is absolutely special we have not seen two dudes in an offensive back court together with the talent that these dudes have off the dribble shooting the three whatever you want left hand right hand Fade Away what we have not seen it yes is there one Mike Steph Yes do they have help yes but together with what these two dudes both have I don’t think we’ve seen that in two players you have a valid point I just I just can’t take away from what Steph and Klay did I’m with you and it’s like yeah if you ask me who’s the greatest back court that that matters with you done right job finish yet we had some we had some good moments in the playoffs with Luca and and and uh Kyrie Kyrie’s amazing Luca’s amazing I’ve been picking him to win since since day one I love what I see with the Mavericks because they got that offense but we like the steping them did was was was not spectacular and another thing is like we keep talking like cuz cuz Klay can shoot I’ve seen games where Steph hasn’t shown up in the playoffs and Clay carry him did you forget cuz you forgot Right the dude that can’t shoot the D can’t dribble he can’t do this in all that other book we talking about I watch games right against OKC right let’s let’s go back to that first yeah where where where stuff couldn’t get it going cuz he’s better than all these guys we talking about right stuff is okay couldn’t get it going Clay did yeah I think we forget before the KN Andes who he was was different you forgot when they played the Rockets when James hard was cooking this cook right before you start choking choking M and Steph can’t get it going first three quarters who did clay clay right this step got to go baller you tripping like I get what you saying when you talk about Skilling when it’s more flash you’re cool but if you getting 30 points tribbling left hand all this crazy stuff nice right but I get my 30 pick and rolls three balls off the screen it’s the same thing that’s what I’m saying that’s what I’m saying the only reason why Stan is saying it what talking about said talent because of these dudes are doing with that rock in their hands I would have preferred the most offensive skilled Talent skill same thing it’s not because I’m Shady the fact if you get your 30 with your ambidextrously and I get my 30 straight off the right hand so if I say AO d man you super skilled AO you super Talent that’s the same D thing and these two dudes with what they here’s here’s where here’s where it it feels respect like it’s dismissive to Steph Curry and Klay Thompson because and this is why I don’t like when we go we go to the best NBA history like okay great but what have they accomplished together like what what Steph Curry and Klay Thompson did together they elevated each other like it’s about the combination of their talent so I can’t just I can’t just put them above Steph Curry and Klay Thompson because they had they’ve had a nice stretch in this in the in the Western Conference finals and and they’re they’re spectacular like they’re great to watch they’re both playing at a super high level but what we can’t just forget what people did because we’re watching something spectacular in the moment like what Steph Curry and Klay Thompson did transformed the sport like Steph being able to have Klay Thompson as talented as Klay Thompson was in that moment also helped Elevate Steph because he had the ability to shoot those shots that he’s been shooting because you have to worry about Klay Thompson over there off the catch and shoot so I just can’t and shooting is a skill and being able to catch and shoot is a skill like that is Talent it’s we can’t just Define like the talent in the space that we want to say this is talent and this is not I’m just I’m just saying those two first off you can’t put championships in it cuz these dudes ain’t won one yet and that and I’m I for sure 100% know that ain’t what Stan was talking about you can’t put winning in this they ain’t even been together long enough to win championships these dudes are talented back court with the ball in their hands it’s a lot of talented dudes that’s ranked are better than these dudes that’s won championships and we put them in front of them because of how talented they were I’m telling you with these dudes with how they create can create for themselves on the basketball court offensively and we’re talking about offensive talent I don’t think Klay Thompson has the offensive Talent of Luca and Kyrie with the ball in his hands you have a point yeah I mean Kyrie Irv he’s amazing him with the ball in his hand and so is Luca but another thing is like Klay Thompson and sethh really had dynasties though dog correct right think about that though so like I get what you saying but I I can’t look past success either though right there’s a lot of guys that had um Great Moments together offensively right even got we gota change the topic then n that’s you talking Talent know do you know know personally you don’t I’m going off of what he I don’t know him either do you know me I’m me right you know you know have her own topic right well what’s our topic then so so I can get in on it yall switching that though subscribe here to get the latest from speak and go watch a few segments from our other shows on FS1

Emmanuel Acho, Joy Taylor, LeSean McCoy and James Jones debate whether Kyrie Irving and Luka Dončić are the most talented duo in NBA history.

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Are Kyrie Irving and Luka Dončić the most talented duo in NBA history? | SPEAK



  1. Michael Jordan is regarded as yhe goat because if his shot creating and clutch gene. Both backcourts are both are equally clutch. And Luka and Kyrie are miles better when it comes to shot creating. This is barely a debate😂.

  2. Bruh Kevin Durant came to golden state and forgot what a double team was cuz u had to watch klay and Steph so much ty lue said their defensive scheme was to stop Steph and the shooting from klay not Durant lol Durant had a cake walk to his 2 fmvps

  3. For a guy who tries so hard to come off as smart, Acho doesn’t really say anything that has substance. He just uses a lot of words to make you think he’s smart 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️

  4. Curry prime vs Luka prime, Luka is way better, stats wise. Curry is shooting but over all talent, Luka

  5. most talented offensive backcourt…also again we are ignoring Draymond Greens impact…they don't have a chip without dray that is a TRIO…but because he ain't a splash brother y'all consider them a duo…as good as Lively, Gafford, and even Tim Hardaway are, I just don't think this is even remotely the same, also if you talk about them at their best lets also talk how often that they play at their worst. How bout we factor in effect on and off ball because Luka and Klay off ball could be an argument right?

  6. Only in this generation that people could be give goat status right out the gate, it has a lot to do with the media but gotta think more critically

  7. I really wish Shady actually watched games and not just highlights or actually pay attention to what’s going on. No way you can say “you have to play on both sides” like Luka hasn’t been playing defense since round 1. Please just pay attention.

  8. title says most talented duo in nba history – then it must be MJ and Pip, cant argue with success. But best backcourt… too early for Kyrie and Luka, this is their first real playoff run.

  9. Joey, it's not about best backcourt that have achieved together. That's not the question or the claim that has been mated. "MOST TALENTED". Do not add interpretation to it. TALENT. Individually if combined is the best talent. Period that's Kyre and Luka over Steph and Klay. Men… TALENT. People can have the greatest talent in life yet they dont achieve much. Life is more than that. Just like Basketball is MORE THAN JUST TALENT!!!!!!!!!!!! JOEY!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. James is right, of course. What is everybody else even saying? Championships, defense…answer the question people.

  11. Klay isn’t talented like Luka or Kyrie🤣 Klay is skills, his best game is scoring 60 barely dribbling😭 most accomplished is Splash Bros, no ones hitting moves + stepbacks like Luka even Kyrie…

  12. Lets break down the skills, Luka and Kyrie could drive to the basket, shoot, pass, Isolate, create plays, read mismatch, creative on the ball and control the tempo of the game. On the other end Steph and Klay have excellent shooting skills, one is an excellent 2 way player and the other can create shots anywhere on the floor. I think it's safe to say that Kyrie and Luka tick more boxes than Steph and Klay. We are talking about skills right not accomplishments?

  13. Did ppl forget that Durant and Steph played on the same team? Durant I’m his prime is more unguardable than Ky and Luca

  14. The fact that ppl are still saying Luka doesn't really play defense makes me question if they are watching the games verses watching highlights.

  15. This has to be a joke right? The tittle must be the most delusional perspective of the game I have ever read lmfao

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