@Dallas Mavericks

The Most Impressive Thing About the Dallas Mavericks 3-0 Lead Over Minnesota with Mark Followill

The Most Impressive Thing About the Dallas Mavericks 3-0 Lead Over Minnesota with Mark Followill

on today’s show the Dallas Mavericks are three up against the Minnesota Timberwolves I’ve got the voice of the Mavs Mark follow here to talk about what’s the most impressive thing about the Mavs Going Up 3 0 and what happens if drik lley can’t play and Maxi kba can we’ll talk about that in more in today’s lock down Mavs I’m and this is lockdown Mavericks Mavericks NBA champions it’s good and the B have won the game if you don’t believe you shouldn’t be here loyalty never Fades away and welcome you locked on to the Dallas Mavericks my name is Nick angad media member and your best friend covering the Dallas Mavericks the lockedown podcast Network your team every day thanks for being part of the show Making lockedown Maps your first listen today where the best way you can help us grow the show is to listen every day on any podcast platform leave us a review like the video on YouTube and comment anything below today’s episode is brought to you by FanDuel make every moment more right now new customers get $150 in bonus Bets with any winning $5 bet that’s 150 bucks with any winning $5 bet visit lockon to get started and joining me the Mavs play byplay voice on TV what you got for me Mark followwell man it’s great to be on here you know as a podast as a Mavs podcast co-host have take that with you I uh do readily say this is the number one Mavs podcast out there I’m sorry to your listeners and viewers who today are not going to get to hear the witty Wild creative and by his own admission at times unhinged rantings of the great slightly biased but I will I will do the best I can today did you see our setup yesterday we were we were you said our setup yesterday we were like literally 10 yards from the TNT guys it’s me and slightly and Reggie out a tulet and we’re just over there screaming and those guys are trying to do like a TV broadcast oh man oh nobody has more fun than us here on on on locked on Ms we’ll talk about and that is what sports is supposed to be man is supposed to be fun period making it more fun to be a Dallas Mavericks fan every day absolutely uh what would make it more fun to be a Dallas Mavericks fan right now and I think I speak for all mfls and all fans right now as we wish you were on the broadcast or had some kind of broadcast um I think we should sponsor some kind of like covert stream where you do the the play byplay and it’s just like we don’t have to tell the NBA like neither we don’t have to tell them that we’re doing it but scram like old time HBO that’s right uh but yeah we all wish you were on the broadcast and and calling these games and at least until the Conference Finals like that to me makes sense maybe maybe the finals but yeah we’re uh well I guess the networks don’t want our broadcast dunking on theirs so you know it is what so it’s a bummer but uh you know the uh the the way that you keep your head screwed on straight about it is uh to remind yourself that that you know when you’re not on that means that something really really special is happening for the team because a deep playoff run is happening and thrilled for those guys man and thrilled for for all of our mffl community that’s getting a chance to experience this because you know these uh you know past history should uh inform us how special these times truly are it absolutely is after game three I just started realizing man how many times do this really happen in like a Sports Fan’s life I mean in certain certain teams they’ve never done it you think about like our guys that cover the Hornets for lockdown Hornets they haven’t haven’t even covered anything close to this right now and the Mavs have done it now a couple of years my first question I’ve been asking everybody when did you realize this Mavericks team could go to the finals probably after they took a commanding well it’s not commanding but at least after they took a 3-2 series lead against Oklahoma City and we coming home for a closeout game now I knew that was going to be a tough game and it was uh as difficult as it could possibly be but the the clarity of possibility really came into Focus for me when they were one one away for beating Oklahoma City it’s like you know and especially because um at that point uh you know I knew obviously had been following the trends and hadn’t lost back-to-back games yet in the postseason so felt pretty good that uh one way or another they were going to be able to close out that series and then once you’re once you’re there playing in the Conference Finals then you know at that point when you’re in the final four you damn well better get the why not us Vibe and the why not us kind of approach at that point and and so that would that would be probably the time that it it really became real from my perspective I think the first time I like thought thought about it was when I realized Denver was going to be on the opposite bracket when I realized Denver wasn’t going to be there I was like right they’re not going to face him the first round second round okay if it’s third round then maybe like this team things break right and it’s still like there was still like a glimmer of hope it wasn’t like this full-on belief I think the same with you when I realized that they were going to be up and uh in in the Thunder series and uh and that okay it’s it’s it’s Denver or Minnesota and both these teams are kind of going back and forth at each other we’ve seen Denver’s flaws a couple times when in game two against the timber wolves where they just look completely outmatched I like all right well maybe the Mavericks can pull one over on them and maybe they’ll be the team that’s the team of Destiny or something like that was there something about this Mavs team was it the fact that Kyrie Irving is 14-0 in closeout games is that is that what made you think hey this team can can pull one over and and make it to the finals or is there something else that you saw on this team um I think it’s a collective it’s a long list of things it’s it’s uh Kyrie’s leadership it’s Luca’s continued ability to play through being you know obviously less than 100% And still put up great games um and it’s just the the change in mentality that has happened in this team the change in personnel and consequently the change in mentality and change in DNA and change in approach and all of that that’s occurred here over the course of the last one year plus all of the additions uh have made sense you knew that Kyrie and Luca instant instant ously gives them a puncher chance because those two are so gifted and now you’ve got the right puzzle pieces around them so it’s it’s probably roster construction and team makeup more than anything and just seeing how all the the puzzle pieces fit together and how they all provide something that you need at this time of the year to push forward and and you know be in it to win it at the highest level there’s something about the defensive scheme that kid has run the last couple of years here in Dallas that if the pieces are right it can be really really good now if the pieces are not right it looks like last year where the Mavs missed the postseason entirely but there’s something about that and these pieces fit just right and we’ll talk about drick Lively a little bit later but he has been such a great piece obviously PJ Washington has fit in really well Derrick Jones Jr has fit in really well but there’s something about that that has just fit so well together that has made this team like it almost it’s almost like the sum is better than the like the the individual parts right with with a scheme like that and the way that these have fit together it’s just something special right now yeah I mean look there’s buying I I think that’s you know and I think you talk about scheme and scheme of course is very important and I I look at last year’s team and not only did you not maybe have the right players to execute it and the right pieces but um you know it almost seemed like that the players that were there sort of lost belief in what they were doing and there’s belief and buyin in this group they’re there are players who are very talented defensive minded players and then the other thing I think that’s happening that’s such a great tone Setter is as you know those of us you know all of us that are mfls and watching these games closely I mean it’s happening from the top down it’s Luca and Kyrie who are extraordinary offensive players who are taking such pride and putting such commitment in on the defensive end of the floor that there’s just the trickle down effect I mean that’s that’s inspiring to everybody I think it brings out the best from the glue guys on the defensive side of the ball in addition to what they’re contributing on the offensive side so scheme is great and then it’s belief in the scheme and buy in and um you know a locker room that is supporting itself policing itself and a locker room that the tone is being set from the very best players and right on Down the Line Luca’s buyin on that defense has been insane at un certain levels especially him dealing with the injuries what did you what have you seen from from last year be I mean being there close watching every every single game seeing him in the effort that he put in last year which I thought was laxidasical a lot of times to this year to see the difference in Bay and to see that that was maybe a wakeup call last year yeah well the what happened last year was not fun for him and I think that is reflected clearly in his demeanor at the end of the year and the things that he said and then the commitment to conditioning that occurred as soon as the offseason hit and uh that commitment to his body to conditioning I think has also brought out the best in him defensively uh because it allows him to continue to give all that he’s giving on the offensive end of the floor but be in the physical condition and the cardiovascular condition to be able to uh to be a contributor and a participant I I’ll use the jkid word from two playoff from the playoff run two years ago uh as Jason pointed out you know the the Mavericks of 2011 and that era and Jak kid got here of course at the deadline in 20 8 but the Mavericks of that era started to fulfill their potential and of course ultimately make that drive to the championship when their best player jerk nitzky realized that of course they could Dei they could design schemes to help him but he had to be a participant on the defensive end of the floor that’s something that Jason talked about going back to that Phoenix series when Phoenix was hunting Luca in pick and rolls it’s like we’ll come up with things to help him but he’s got to be a participant and um you know that really has that message obviously has very very much sunk in this year uh to go along with the commitment to the conditioning and uh you know I I think you need to see nothing more than uh repeatedly through games in the regular season in this playoff run how fired up Luka gets when he blocks a shot or last night uh you know was recording on Monday night game three you know he took that charge that Chris Finch challenged and I don’t know why he did because pling as day Luca took that charge on that drive by Anthony Edwards and the you know we saw how passionate and fiery and competitive Luca can be after he hit the shot to win game two and the things that he said to Rudy goar but you saw that same passion and fire and competitiveness and intensity when you know he made a play like drawing that charge in game three he’s bringing it he’s bringing it no matter what and he’s also been one of the big reasons why the Mavericks are up three- Z so let’s talk about what’s the most impressive thing about this team being up three oh we’ll talk about that coming up today’s episode is brought to you by FanDuel FanDuel Sports work has everything that you need to get in on the action on Sports bets parlays lines spreads money line all that kind of stuff go check out Mavs game four Mavs two-o favorite at home they not even getting the full three again which I I do find kind of interesting there so you’ve got that for the game uh the conference odds though so far for the series Mavs are minus 3500 the Timberwolves are plus 1,400 on that one the the Celtics are minus 50,000 the game is going on right now as as as we’re doing this butus 50,000 is insane there for that but if you want to get on the action all you have to do is put down five bucks and you can win and you get $150 in bonus Bets with any winning $5 bet that’s $1 bucks on spreads money lines player props and more visit lockon make every playoff shot count visit America’s number one sports book take thanks everybody for hanging out with this on lockdown Maps being part of the show part of the raccoon Squad listening every day appreciate each and every one of you for checking in on the show you like that take that with you right I use that all the I use that all the time but I decided I needed to use it I needed to use it because Mark follow na play byplay and the co-host of the take that with you podcast with Brian Darez uh we’re talking about this series Mavs up 30-0 feels good it was a good feeling on game three oh my gosh The Vibes after were amazing dare I say Immaculate I don’t I feel like I can’t say Vibes are Immaculate anymore since Jaylen Johson is gone I had to retire the drop I had a whole drop with it but uh The Vibes do feel that way what’s been the most impressive thing to you about the Mavs going up 3-0 that they have out executed and outperformed Minnesota in clutch time in all three games um I mean Minnesota has led late in clutch time in all three games now they barely LED in clutch time of game three but they did have a 104 102 lead entering the final five minutes before Dallas tied up the game and then ultimately took the lead for good of the PJ Washington 3 with 338 left in the game but you know Minnesota had um I think maybe an 82 win 82% win probability with their lead that they had late in game one uh they were up by four with under four minutes to go they were up by five with a minute 29 to go in game two the win probability that I saw an in predictable at that point was I think it was 93.7 or something along those lines 933 somewhere around in there um so the fact that the Mavericks have been able to uh perform far better and most of that of course is Lucan Kyrie outperforming Anthony Edwards and Carl Anthony towns but then I would also say that in games one and three man PJ Washington Jr yeah is the player who hit the shot that gave them the lead for good and of course Luke and Kyrie are drawing attention and then they’re making the right basketball play and then PJ is stepping up with that opportunity and making those shots and uh Minnesota role players have played well but you couple Edwards and Carl Anthony Town struggling and then those role players get to late game situations and they’ve kind of cracked a little bit Kyle Anderson finally missed a shot once they got into clutch time last night Mike connley missed two shots one of them was blocked by Daniel Gafford but you get my point he missed a couple of shots both of those guys after they’ had really good games uh Jade McDaniels has missed some shots in late game situations after he’s had good performances so to me it’s the fact that these games have been coin flips entering the final five minutes and the Mavericks aren’t winning it though by just pure luck of a coin flip they uh their offensive execution their defensive game plan and I have to say Nick I think that their experience of being here enough key components and Kyrie Irving’s been in three Conference Finals and three NBA Finals it’s the now four Conference Finals this is the second time for Luca green and Derrick Jones Jr have a little bit of experience and I think that to some degree who knows what the percentage is but I think that is mattering in these late game situations where Dallas is significantly outperforming Minnesota and consequently up three because of it there’s something about the uh the young guys too Lively and Hardy especially they are like kind of like it’s almost like they’re too young to like realize what this moment is and some of that is like I think some of that is playing to their favor too where it’s like hey we don’t know anything different we’re just going to go out there and play like I don’t I I don’t know if they’ve thought about man I maybe only make I may only make this Conference Finals or the finals like two times in my career you know like when you I feel like when a vet starts thinking that way all of a sudden you start overthinking all the stuff that that that’s happening around but they have some sort of that like you know like uh ignorance is bliss about about those young guys especially so they’ve got the experience and they’ve got some of that too which I think is helping them I think that’s I think that’s a good point and I think that I don’t think they’re going to overthink it because I’ll Point specifically to Kyrie’s comments after game three when someone asked him about you know how he felt about being you know 3 in the Conference Finals and and what that meant you know how close they were to the NBA finals and he said I’m not thinking about that and I’m you know where we got to win another game in the series and I’m not you know just that’s that’s what’s out in front of us is we have to win another game and it’s not what the series is or what the lead is in the series or anything like that it’s just we have one more win that we need to secure and obviously want to do it as quickly as possible so I think uh Kyrie’s experience and we saw it all throughout the year I mean you’re around the team I mean he is there’s there’s fiery competitiveness that the team deres from Lucas’s leadership but there’s stability and I would almost say it’s like Luc is fire and Kyrie is ice um and you know the way this Duo leads the team and there’s just uh there’s a been there done that there’s maturity there’s calmness there’s willing mentorship there’s a stabilizing presence because Kyrie is not uh an up and down sort of guy or anything like that and I just I I love what he’s bringing to this team and I think he’s going to ensure through his demeanor and words and and that sort of thing to to help keep those young guys to keep their heads in the right places it was wild there’s post being now like recycled or like regurgitated of when the Nets traded Kyrie to the Mavericks and like all the Nets fans or Nets accounts or whatever just saying like hey good luck with him like Hey he’s your problem now there was that what was the New York Post article that was like something about like your problem now something like that uh was like the cover of it and like to think about that Kyrie and like the the mentality or the the sentiment that was thought about him when he left like oh now now they get to deal with all his stuff to where Kyrie is now and how we rever Kyrie here in Dallas about how he’s you just talk about he’s the ice he’s the steady one he’s the one that like keeps everybody calm keeps them cool you saw after Luca hit the game the the eventual gamewinner in game two you look and immediately Kyrie goes one more one more he’s immediately turns around and is like we got one more possession cuz there was 3 seconds left in that game like for him to be that guy shows so much I think growth for him maybe some overreaction on on the New York media’s part of it but like and then the story lines around him but man just so much growth and like it’s awesome to see he talked about the TNT guys about how he uh he watched the the playoffs in 2023 when the Mavs missed and watched all the leaders and took notes like sat down and took notes I I cannot repeat that story enough because I think that it was just so important to think about Kyrie Superstar $40 million a year guy think has already won a championship already hit one of the biggest shots in NBA history sitting at home with like a I imagine like a physical notepad and pencil like writing down things that he sees and like like humbling himself in that way to get to that moment and it’s all paid off so far well the listen um from the very beginning I think it’s been an organization I mean Mark Cuban you know still is majority owner obviously when they acquired him and you know we we’ve heard what he’s had to say they did a lot less talking and a lot more listening when Kyrie got here Nico Harrison said it’s a risk not to trade for him that we have this opportunity not a risk to trade for him there’s the relationship with Jason kid there’s such a high level of respect there you know Kyrie grew up in New Jersey when Jason kid was starring for the then New Jersey Nets so um you know it’s it’s a great fit because this organization needed what Kyrie Irving brought to the table and I think Kyrie obviously benefits from you know the mentality of this organization and this community I mean obviously I love New York and Boston those are great cities I always have a good time there but obviously there’s there’s difficulties there if you’re a high level professional athlete having to live in that Fishbowl and deal deal with that media environment there are certainly significant challenges to that and you know I can see why coming here and being here has has been just such a breath of fresh air for Kyrie and you know the one thing I guess I would add to all of that is um you know you never understand things wholly and completely until someone is on your team and in your environment and I speak about this from a broadcast standpoint I mean you can prep as much as you want for the other teams but there’s only so much you can learn when you’re going to see a guy two to four times a year but I did feel confident in saying this before Kyrie Irving ever set one foot in Dallas Texas as a Maverick and that is I’d seen enough over the years to know this Kyrie Irving is amongst his NBA peers an immensely respected player and that immense ECT that he already carried with him has permeated from top to bottom of this locker room and that’s such an important part of where things stand right now you mentioned Boston earlier in that you we better be careful about what we say about that City they might be coming for us soon well it’s over matter of fact I can tell you right now game over I got on my I got on my team here yeah sorry I just spoiled it I gave you a spoiler then I’m sorry no no I got I got it up here and they just finished it and uh yeah so B Boston’s waiting seak put in Indiana up man their their Series has a lot of similarities to the Mavs Timberwolf series because Indiana had a chance to win three games in this series and and couldn’t get it done late SE yakum put Indiana up 10298 with 333 to go that’s the last time that the Pacers scored Jason Tatum scored at 310 Jaylen Brown tied it at 240 and then you know there were some turnovers some Miss shots couple you know two or three turnovers by Indiana and then uh look let’s see I’m looking here a big block by Jaylen Brown on Andrew NIMH hard with 105 to go and then Derek white hit a three with 45 seconds left to win it and that was the last basket 105 102 and that was the game and um uh wow it ended really weird I’m just looking at the play byplay maybe you saw it Jason Tatum missed three with eight seconds to go Drew holiday offensive rebound and that was the end of the game just just last thing I see in the play by play on NBA court site what a weird Run for the Celtics we we’ll have I guess now you know whatever hopefully whenever the Mavs close this out we’ll have a whole bunch of time John K locked on Celtics come on we’ll talk about that we’ll make poor Zing jokes we’ll do we’ll do all kinds of stuff I already saw you I already saw you retweeting something today a very very strange take out of Boston about uh perspective on that was that was they’re already they’re already trying to couch it already at this point but yeah uh all right coming up let’s talk about Derek Lively and Maxi let’s talk about the two of those guys and uh and where we stand with them from practice we got some some reports we’ll talk about that coming up take a doubled up I doubled up I’m take that with you all right Mark followell let’s talk about the two bigs for the Mavericks that are kind of in the injury they’re on the injury report injury protocols all that kind of stuff Derrick Lively is doubtful and Chris Haynes has reported that he won’t play in game four I’m not surprised by that I think the doubtful was just more to leave the door open for him but don’t expect D GL playing game four uh CA could return for game four he’s now listed as questionable let’s start with Lively though what do you think his what have you seen from Lively so far in this series and what does his absence mean for Dallas it hurts dude I mean he is a huge part of Walling off the paint and making it difficult for Anthony Edwards uh to you know Minnesota Oklahoma City was a driving kick team Minnesota is a drive and shoot when they get in the paint team Oklahoma City had one of the highest pass percentages in the League this year on drives to the basket Minnesota had one of the lowest pass percentages on drives in the NBA this year when they take it inside so uh livel presence along with the rest of the Mavericks in their scheme of putting bodies and clogging up the paint and limiting driving Lanes uh particularly for Anthony Edwards that’s a huge part of the series and you know his his defensive presence and obviously the way he can contribute in the vertical game on offense and the LW catches and the offensive rebounds and putbacks and extra possessions earned by that that’s that’s a loss of significance no doubt about it yeah they’re a drive and shoot team or a drive and jump over people as Daniel Gafford found out in game three oh my gosh them yeah i’ never heard a crowd react to a a play quite like that where they’re like that was so cool but we’re upset about it against us yeah we’re mad about yeah the Lively the missing Lively is g to be tough I just saw in Street Clos Jeff STS uh who I’ve seen at many Mavericks games uh you know great on injuries and all that kind of stuff on Twitter and everywhere uh he said that on average there’s not a big sample size of next next sprains or next strains but uh four days is the the average amount of time so if we’re going to take if we’re going to take that as maybe where Lively could be you know Monday would be day one two three so he could miss four and a game five if there is a game five and so we’ll see by that but that would mean he’s probably going to be available you know for the finals if if it gets there so uh but his absence is going to be tough Daniel Gafford has to step up in a big way he stepped up with huge clutch plays at the end of game three that block you mentioned on Conley and then immediately on the other end with the the huge alleyoop over goar that should have been an N1 uh that was a massive play he just has these clutch clutch plays that he comes up with the last couple of days so gafford’s gonna have to step up we saw we got a Dwight Powell sighting and so that’s going to be interesting see what they do but the other thing that could help them is Maxi CBA is now questionable and I think that’s significant that he went straight from out to questionable they didn’t do that they not you know designated him as doubtful uh questionable he was practicing he was shooting he was wearing kind of a you know a sleeve he’s been dealing with that shoulder separation but he could be back we didn’t even see him in the Oklahoma City series what could Maxi’s return mean for the Mavericks well it’s it’s big um because it’s it’s a it’s a return of a big body to the rotation of a of a big at the precise time you need it um because if if not then yes to your point gab’s going to have to play more minutes you also Miss Lively on offense because he’s a better ball handler and playmaker whenever they Blitz the pick and roll and livelies the player on the short roll who gets the ball and has it in four on- three situations you know he just he functions better than gaffard does and and those particular cases so Maxi gives you look I I mean it was it was killing me you know was killing me Smalls whenever uh he wasn’t available and Nas Reed was going off in game two and you know Nas Reed quite you know nearly single-handedly won that game for Minnesota with his shooting performance so um you know they they need they can they can use his size they can play him at the five and so um you know I would suspect you would still see some po minutes I said today on our podcast you know uh I want to embrace the Rick Carlile lesson of the 2011 Mavericks we on this team focus on what you can do not what you can’t do and it doesn’t need to be pretty and perfect it just you need to go out there and compete and help the team hold down the fort and I thought white did that last night in a situation where he got immediately thrown in and I think you know he’s he’s a obviously very smart guy and and and you know he going to be a a locked in guy uh as we talk on locked on maps that’s right uh but but I think it you know it’s it’s always difficult when you haven’t been in the rotation and then in the middle of the game you get thrown in so he’ll have had 48 hours to kind of hone in on the game plan and specific things tailored for his minutes on the floor but with Maxi’s presence there and I don’t think they would have put him it questionable if the intent wasn’t for him to be available now obviously it will depend on how his body and soreness and everything like that responds from a practice today yeah so we’ll see but but I’m you know certainly optimistic based on uh reading the Tea Leaves of what’s going on here but first game back in three and a half weeks conditioning you know how well is he going to play you know all of that I mean especially stepping into a series that’s game four of the Conference Finals I mean that’s very very challenging so I don’t know that he can soak up you know quite honestly all of the non Gafford minutes so I would suspect we’ll see but I would assume there’s going to be some pal minutes and and maybe you know for a minute and 29 seconds in the middle of the fourth quarter last night they went small as well they played a small lineup uh and they did for 34 seconds at the end of the game but it was a nine-point game then so I don’t think that really matters but for a minute and 29 seconds they played small they bought gapper a little bit of time to rest and then you know he came in and and and played well to close out the game so that also could be something uh that we see perhaps the presence of Maxi means you don’t have to go to that but I would would I would also say that um you know the game situation will call for it if you feel like hey we need our five best guys and the ability to spread the floor and you know guys who can uh you know who are like sized enough that we can switch in a lot of these pick and roll situations and you know they’re going to be able to space the floor on offense maybe you know just I think the game will dictate you know how they’ll have to like answer all of these questions now that a key component looks like you know highly likely that LLY won’t be there I I assume that there’s always still the possibility you never know with the with the human body he’s 20 years old he can wake up tomorrow and feel great you know that that that certainly is possible so I think that’s why to your point He’s listed as doubtful because uh there are occasions it does happen man not not a lot because that’s why they say it’s doubtful but there are times that players who are listed as doubtful on injury reports due so we’ll cross our does happen uh last thing for you so I mentioned the Kyrie Irving he’s 14 and0 his career so Cavs and Mavs now in closeout game so his team has a chance to close it out yeah did he have any games did he play in the playoffs with the Celtics I don’t even remember now is it just Cavs and he I don’t know if he played a closeout game for the I remember specifically the sage game was a playoff game where he was Sage where was doing the sage around the court um but I don’t know if he had a close out game for them um well he did he did have one he did have one against them because he played nine games in that that that year uh but do you do you buy that at all like do you buy the the 14-0 from Kyrie you think that’s a thing or you think that’s just like a coincidence stat um I think it’s a thing I mean how much again I don’t know but I I don’t think you can just completely dismiss it as coincidence obviously the teams that he’s been on and clearly for a lot of those games his teammate was LeBron James the teams he was on the teams he was playing uh you know clearly that has that has something to do with it but also I think we have enough of a body of work now Nick sample size of one and a third Seasons with the Mavericks to know that Kyrie uh can be a special he can be a special player at any time but he clearly has a knack for being a very special player in the biggest moments so I I can’t I can’t look at that number and not com you know feel like that there’s something there again you know other there are other factors there are other things that are part of it of course but I don’t think it’s just raw coincidence as well there’s you know Kyrie Kyrie is a is a big moment not afraid of the moment heads in the right place focuses in the right place at all times and I and I think you know I I I will go back to his comment after the game last night I’m not and maybe this gives you a window into why he plays well in these situations I’m not thinking about being up three 0 I’m thinking about we just have to go out and win another game and I said this on our pod today when you are in any kind of job whether it’s playing basketball or broadcasting basketball or hosting a podcast or whatever if you’re you’re in a job of skill that requires concentration and focus when do you start making mistakes when you lose your concentration and your focus isn’t on what it needs to be on and I think we’ve learned in watching Kyrie up close in personal for a year and a half and seeing him in his career in previous stops that uh at this time of the year in particular the concentration and focus is where it needs to be and so I know think that probably has some contributing factor to why he has success in these particular situations the great Mark fwell play byplay for the Mavs and also the take that with you pod here I’ll just do one more time for take that with you podcast go check it out and Mark follow thanks for joining us you got it Nick it’s a pleasure to speak with you love the work that you do and and keep on keeping on man

The Dallas Mavericks are up 3-0 against the Minnesota Timberwolves led by Luka Doncic, Kyrie Irving, and Jason Kidd. What’s been the most impressive thing about the Mavs lead against Anthony Edwards, Karl-Anthony Towns, and the Wolves?

Nick Angstadt is joined by Mark Followill (Mavs TV Play By Play Voice & Host of Take Dat Wit You Podcast) to discuss the Dallas Mavericks’ 3-0 lead over the Minnesota Timberwolves, Luka Doncic’s clutch play, Kyrie Irving’s leadership, what the Mavs do without Dereck Lively II, and what Maxi Kleber would bring returning to the lineup.

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  1. Oh hell yeah! Mark Followill is the goat of Mavs broadcasting. Went to the game last night and it was electric. Let’s get this series over with tomorrow since the Pacers got swept tonight.

  2. We’re all missing out on some legendary calls from Followill from this series. I can only imagine how UNHINGED followill would have been on Lukas game winner.

  3. Well every postgame I throw the ticket on and listen to Mark and the gang talk about the Mavs.

  4. THIS IS NOT SARCASM: Can you ask Mark or MAVSCBA if it’s too late to give Tyson Chandler a 10-day contract to play while Lively is out?

  5. We need Followill commentating the postseason. The others just don’t do it for me

  6. I’m not trying to be negative. But if Lively isn’t Lively, this might get very scary. He was HUGE in those wins, and let’s be real… they weren’t exactly blow out wins by any stretch of the imagination. Seeing Dwight Powell on the court in the WCF literally made me sick to my stomach.

  7. If possible, the best thing is using neither Kleber nor Lively, allowing them to more fully heal for the 10 days until Finals.

  8. It's funny to me how even the great Mark Followill recognizes Slightly but the dude is still blocked by Luka 😂

  9. You are winning because and only because this Tim and Maxi are NOT playing. Now if you give them to play, please watch the mistakes they make and watch how you start loosing one after another!

  10. One thing I found interesting about the Kyrie postgame interview is that he talked about how the Mavericks do a lot of scrimmaging at full speed, and he said that hardly any teams still do that. I'm really glad that Kidd keeps them sharp by making them play against one another, iron sharpens iron!

  11. Followil dropping the f bomb caught me off guard. He’s so mild mannered 😂😂

  12. Imagine Mark and Derek on the call for the Luka game winner in Game 2.

    So much missed potential. I would've loved it if the Mavs could do a game watch along with Followill in Studio 41.

  13. Wolves will attack the paint more in game 4 now that Lively is out. They will try to get Gafford into foul trouble and then spam it when he is out.

    Mavs will have to shoot good, especially from 3 to counter it.

    Considering that the wins have been with a small margin there is a risk that the Wolves will get a blowout win if they manage to be succesful with this.

    Wolves might start with Gobert/KAT on the bench and instead go with Naz to avoid clogging the paint and still have a big lineup on the court, and then let the big on the bench come in when Gafford needs a rest.

    They will be looking at their 3rd quarter from game 3 where they went on a nice run.

    Mavs might lose 1-2 games here, but I hope I’m wrong.

  14. Loosing lively for any amount of games can be huge for this team. If maxi can play tonight i wouldnt feel as bad because that can certainly help add to the defense atleast in the paint as well as 3pt line

  15. Lively and Maxi are the Maverick's ceiling. Never saw them winning the championship without both of them. The play where Kyrie made the insane pass to Maxi for the buzzer beater from 3 last year. This was mere weeks after becoming teammates. Out foxing the best big in the league…Anthony Davis. Championship vibes.

  16. Just when I thought Locked on Mavs couldn’t give me any more joy, Followill comes on and shouts out Slightly. Love it.

  17. 1. How often does a player who is listed as "doubtful" [e.g., Dereck Lively] on the NBA Official injury report actually play in the game?

    2. How often does a player who is listed as "questionable" [e.g., Maxi Kleber] actually play in the game?

    3. The word "lackadaisical" [8:33] contains just one S (not two). Just sayin'.

    4. Let's go, Mavs!!!

  18. I would rather Morris get some time than Powell 😭 nothing personal against him I’m just done with the Powell experiment. He can’t contest anything at the rim.

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