@Boston Celtics

CELTICS SWEEP PACERS ๐Ÿ€ Did Pacers GIVE series away or did Boston TAKE it? ๐Ÿค” | Get Up

CELTICS SWEEP PACERS ๐Ÿ€ Did Pacers GIVE series away or did Boston TAKE it? ๐Ÿค” | Get Up

if these games were only 3/4s long the Pacers would might very well be on their way to the NBA finals they they had a 90% chance to win game one game three and game four last night it was 90.6% with 842 remaining in game four so UD we turn to you first on this when you see a team I mean how did they give this series away let us count the ways from the ridiculously egregious finish of game one to letting the big lead slip away in game three and then the mistakes last night I mean I know you like to play the game of basketball fast this when you’re at your best version when you’re rebounding you’re getting the ball up you’re getting it out you’re spraying you’re moving the defense but there’s some point in the game where you got to slow it down the last two minutes has been very very critical for the Indiana Pacers if they can control the last two minutes of the game these are games they could possibly win and this series could have been 2-2 or possibly even 3-1 you have to slow down you have to attack the matchups you want you have to get the shot you want they just didn’t do that they didn’t know when it was time to slow down and take their foot off the pedal they was all gas no breaks for 48 minutes Wendy well greeny first off it’s a rough morning here in Dallas we had 77 M hour wins but uh the game is played inside so we’ll be fine for tonight I assume uh to me you’re talking about the fourth quarter how about the just if this was a 45 minute game forget about um just the fourth quarter the first 45 minutes of these four games the Pacers won those 45 minutes the last three minutes and that was the sort of the tail here was the Celtics in clutch Play It’s it’s difficult to determine where you place the the credit or blame was it the was it the Pacers who just couldn’t get anything done down the stretch of these games whether it was Heirs of their own making coaching mistakes that Rick Carlile admitted to or was it just brilliant clutch play because if you watch the way the Celtics handled their business at the end of these games it was extremely impressive in last night’s game Tatum made a play Brown made some plays Derek white wins makes the gamewinner once again Drew holiday gets the ball at the end of the game when it matters you got to give the Celtics credit somewhere in there no question about it no one is trying to take anything away from Boston they just completed one of the most dominant runs to an NBA Finals that we have ever seen and we will have nine days to talk about them but this morning it does feel like the conversation begins with a young Indiana team that what I mean gry you’re not going to like me right now go what are you gonna say just cuz I I this conversation can go two ways Indiana gave the series away or Boston took the series which do you think it was it’s Boston took the series cuz frankly look I know we can window down plays on Indie and we can break down the series last night but I I’m going to give credit to the team that has only lost two games in the playoffs right I’m going to give credit to the team that actually has a poison experience just to loom to be there when it matters the most to make clutch plays down the stretch to win these games like I think we continuously look over Boston I know the pressure is there but damn Boston’s taking care of business now now I know Jimmy Butler’s been out you can say Tyrese halberton has been out all these players have been out but they’ve been doing what they supposed to do right like you talk about Jaylen Brown and Jason Tatum took over the game whether that’s an overtime Derek white making clutch plays Jaylen Brown making a clutch three so I hear all this stuff around the Pacers but it does seem like we’re going to come out of this whole thing talking about how Boston has been giving it it’s Boston Invitational but yet they’re doing what they’re supposed to do right no one’s taking that away from them I I know but it feels like the conversation is framed different well because Indiana gift WRA three of the four games the series take it on Jay I’m old enough to remember when you did a whole telestrator on the end of game one where you were calling out all the things that the Pacers did wrong now all of a sudden all the things that the Celtics did right can I not you’re not wrong can I come back that for a second you certainly can when you’re a high volume possession team you’re not used to slowing things down UD when you’re used to having incredible amount of possessions you can play Fast also when the game get slow and you got to execute that’s not who Indiana has been the whole year that’s why they’re two and five in in the playoffs that’s why I will say this I will say this when the game got tough you saw one team speed up and you saw another team slow down you saw another team take a breath you saw another team attack OB topping every time and get the shot that they want I will say that and I will give Boston credit for that they did stick around for game one that’s all it had to do that’s all it had to do for game one just be on the court so the other couple games I will give them credit for being in the right place at the right time but there’s a saying people show you who I believe him you’re sitting in that locker room in your Boston you’re saying just play 48 minutes minutes yes just stick it out we’ll be where we need to be at the end and JJ reck said something at the end of the game and I love that he said it cuz I was thinking the same thing during the regular season one of the knocks we had on Boston was they weren’t really good at closing games that they messed around a lot of times they fumbled some wins away during the regular season they aren’t doing that in the postseason they certainly are getting the job done late in in games in the postseason certainly did it against a team like Indiana and I to to go with what you were saying the one thing we should point out is Joe Missoula somebody who has been maligned a lot over the last year when he took over as coach last second and had to adjust go from an assistant coach to a head coach I thought he handled the end of this game perfectly the way he handled Tatum’s minutes with the five fouls taking him knowing we’re going to get a defense so let me get him out then we’re going to call a timeout I’m going to get him even more rest Tatum comes in and he played fantastic to finish that game all those little things that he did also to manage that win and to make sure they got the sweep instead of giving away a game like they had done in the first two rounds was terrific now all that being said Indiana tricked off the can we call C the most interesting number we had on our screen a second ago in the final three minutes of the game last night with their season on the line Indiana scored zero points I mean literally zero and I tell you what Rick carlle is an excellent coach he’s he’s going to go to the Hall of Fame as a coach I’m not he had a terrible suit he never used to coach like this though he was defense Foundation right you D like he was always a defense Foundation he got us he got us he got us in the finals Lally literally threw out a old school zone and we could not figure it out I mean we blazed our way to the finals and and in in the finals Rick ran circles around he was the coach of the Mavericks you’re talking about an 11 when he beat you guys your first year together in Miami but in game one of this series he did not call a timeout when he absolutely needed to in game three of this series at the very end he did not call a timeout well he can see his young team racing up the court looking discombobulated that’s my point they’re young they play fast they don’t it’s not in their nature to slow it down you know who can slow it down the coach can slow it down you can call a timeout he can say everybody let’s take a breath and we’re going to run a play not not a four wide out everybody run down the floor call like that in game three that was unbelievable bottom line is Indiana need a couple more mango Seasons P need a couple more mango season they just need a couple more mango season they’ll be all right but they just weren’t ready they weren’t ready for the moment they got here they probably didn’t even expect to be there and they got there and they just need a couple more mangoes Jay will show us one of the big plays last night and where it went sideways yeah this is the play where Dereck white makes a three and it’s in the game defensively sometimes for Indiana you wonder what they’re doing watch you holid give the ball up he gives the ball as he gives the ball up now look right away right they know what they’re in here comes the screen you’re going to see the screen down here he’s pointing towards Miles Turner and Al Horford you’re going to have a pin down screen as this pin down screen comes right and you’re seeing the time on the clock 16 seconds left on the shot clock they’re in a a space out five out scenario that’s always is how Boston plays Moment of Truth here comes the screen boom all right screen is coming down right here ad what do you think you do there do you stay or do you switch I stay I stay I think you stay on that one all right so we like to say but if you if you switch now what you’re going to have is you’re going to have Pascal cakam guarding the likes of Al Harper and then Miles Turner guarding likes of JW Hol watch how they recognize it switch boom which you send to switch and watch Al Harper Alper says no you go set the screen Drew recognizes that he comes out and sets the screen and this is where you get down to the the nitty-gritty of it comes off the ball here look momentum takes him all this way boom boom that way he’s going to get into this Gap here as he gets into this Gap why is Tj McConnell sitting in the middle of the paint I understand he’s the low man so he wants to take his he’s taking his 2.9 right here I understand he’s the low man but as that drive starts to happen you got to start Fanning out he put Nate Smith in a tough spot right here so as we get you know Boston loves to play five out I much rather take jayen brown with a tough two against Miles Turner considering the game is tied with 47. seconds left then actually have everybody help in from the weak side you know Boston wants to kick it out for three you have to Fan out to get to your guys right now as I see him he’s got his hand on the ball he’s guarding him I’m starting to Fan out if I’m TJ McConnell and if I’m n Smith I stay here a second longer but I’m starting to Fan out as well because you know they want to spray for three like you said make them take a tough two and by the way look how they’re looking at the ball like he’s he doesn’t even see his man in here in the corner he’s focus on the ball right not ball you man boom gets into the Gap three-point shot I mean everybody was open everybody I mean if you want to go back if you could rewind it everybody was open look at Drew look at tat like take your Pi like what do you want gr a good point literally everybody what do you want here do you want here do you want Jason Tatum 4 three do you want Derek white 4 three I mean you got both options there he hits Derek white knocks down the three and and to the point that we made before about the Celtics doing the right thing he goes to the easiest shot in B the single best shot in basketball today aside from a dunk is a corner three and that is twice in this series the biggest moments of the series meaning the very end of game one and that dagger shot last night the Celtics get a very good look at a corner three the last thing in the world you give up if you’re Indiana I mean that’s the shot I started shooting when I started moving threes when they they took it away to mid-range the first shot they told me to go was to the corner three of course it’s the easiest shot and that’s the shortest three as well agree and gr I will say that sometimes like I know that defensive game plans can be to switch everything there’s a tendency though UD when you switch you become a little bit lazy right match up sometimes like all right so stay all right it starts with communication that’s why we always talk about defensively Indiana really not knowing how to execute down the stretch so look we’ve been sort of in breaks here debating amongst ourselves how much of this we don’t want to take anything away from what the Celtics have done they’ve done what they needed to do the fact that the this has been the Boston Invitational all along the fact that the injuries helped roll out a red carpet for them that’s not their fault they’ve done everything they’re supposed to do sometimes both things can be true at the same time the Pacers can have handled the biggest m of this series very badly and the Celtics can have handled them well I just think experience rear this ugly head with this young Indiana Pacer team that plays at a very fast pace especially without having Tyrese henbert on the floor but I can make this case even with the way halberton plays cuz he’s so erratic sometimes he’s a great passer but when it comes down to making executed plays down the stretch that hasn’t been Indiana’s strength all season long all right so so that’s where that leaves them the Pacers have the summer now to regroup the Celtics go on to the NBA finals after what has been a dominant run through the Eastern Conference playoffs [Music]

On Get Up, Mike Greenberg is joined by Brian Windhorst, Jay Williams, Udonis Haslem and Alan Hahn to discuss who gets the blame or credit for the Boston Celtics sweeping the Indiana Pacers in the Eastern Conference Finals.

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  1. So Indiana 'gifted' the Celtics three games. I assume Minnesota is going to 'gift' the Mavericks for the fourth time in the West as well. So it makes me wonder … which team is going to feel like they were a little greedy in the conference finals, taking all those gifts and giving nothing in return, and then decides to gift their opponent a few games in the championship.


  3. The Pacers didn't even deserve a playoff spot. Their roster is WEAK. I predicted a sweep from the start

  4. Every video from ESPN just has people discrediting the Celtics. Iโ€™ve never seen Windy hating so much the Celtics like this year too

  5. Pacers gave this series away. Remember the star of the Indiana Pacers was hurt and they still was competitive and at times looked like the better team. Boston Celtics got to the finals do too injuries. Dallas Mavericks will be World Champions in 2024.

  6. It all came down to experience. Boston had the experience to win the game. Pacers didn't have it to close the games. Give the credit to Boston and give credit to the pacers for playing hard with no playoff experience

  7. Never apologize for how your team wins in the playoffs. It is not the Celtics fault that their opponent has injuries. The Clippers and Heat load managed all season to keep their guys as fresh as possible, and both of the these teamโ€™s stars still ended up heart.

  8. It's sad to watch supposedly knowledgeable commentators who don't understand the cumulative impact of team defense. Don't they get the whole point of "defense wins, particularly in the playoffs." The Pacers didn.t 'give it away.' The turnovers at the end is why you pressure teams. You wear them down so they make mistakes. Got it, guys?

  9. We lost only 18 games this season by the way. Now they have to make up excuses like this was โ€œgivenโ€ to usโ€ฆ ESPN is absolutely garbage

  10. Funny when the nuggets kept out-executing the lakers they got nothing but credit for being clutch down the stretch, the Celtics do the same thing, sweep an inferior team and the other team โ€œgaveโ€ the games away lol how does that work

  11. Greeny is such an anti-Celtics guy. Boston took these series away from Andy by clamping down Pacers with Celtics defense. Defense wins championship.

  12. ESPN hating on Boston? Nothing new here LOL Remember when the Lakers "gifted" some games to the Nuggets and ESPN called them "clutch"? LOL

    The Celtics will curbstomp the Mavs in the Finals and ESPN will say that the Celtics cheated and put a curse on Kyrie
    Also, this "weak" Pacers team defeated the Mavs twice this season by 17 and 22 points respectively LMAO That should give you an idea what Boston will do to the Mavericks in the Finals

  13. I guess they gave Jaylen brown the 3 and they gave drew the steal in game 3 and they gave Derrick white the corner 3 in game4

  14. Haslem is the better more professional version of draymond clown green.

    Good job espn. Haslem and cp3.

    But the youtuber jj reddick somehow got on the game broadcast.

  15. J Will gets on the screen and draws EXACTLY what Legler said last night right after the game, even the same wordage. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ dude is lazy

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