@Dallas Mavericks

FIRST TAKE | “This season changed Kyrie’s career” – Stephen A. tells Shannon after Mavs go up 3-0

FIRST TAKE | “This season changed Kyrie’s career” – Stephen A. tells Shannon after Mavs go up 3-0

Kyrie Jason kid and the Dallas Mavs up three in their Series against the team many picked to win the west and even win it all in the Timberwolves tonight the Mavs will look to take out the brooms like Boston on the Wolves home floor after a tumultuous stretch of seasons in Brooklyn Kyrie Irving is one win away from returning to the NBA finals for the first time since going to three in a row from 2015 to 2017 Kyrie’s 14-0 record in closeout games is the best in NBA history and his Mavs will look to complete the sweep of the Wolves tonight all right perk tell me this has this season transformed Kyrie’s career oh absolutely and Miley before we start hold on let me say this before we start pulling and applauding for Kyrie Irving we need to start getting these apologies out there okay they need to be as loud as the as as everybody were when they were criticizing Kyrie and I’m one of them let let me start off by apologizing because I had a lot of disrespectful things to say about Kyrie I thought Kyrie didn’t give a damn about the game of basketball but a different situation a different coach a team that’s going to embrace him a team that’s going to actually be on his side we’re seeing the best version of Kyrie Irving right now and what he has done from a leadership aspect for us leading this Dallas Maverick team being the voice in that locker room being a mentor to Luca and performing at a high level he has definitely definitely definitely P proved a lot of people wrong I don’t know exactly what went what all went on down there with you know when he was with the Brooklyn Nets but to come from being part of one of the biggest failures in NBA history to changing it over and coming down here with Dallas and on the verge of taking this team and helping a young and upcoming Superstar Luca dones go to the NBA finals I must say I need to see those apology letters out right now and they need to be signed guys you go ahead go ahead Judy go ahead go ahead I’m I’mma say this man I’mma say this it reminds me of when we got Jimmy Butler when Jimmy came from Minnesota and everybody understood the issues that he had in Minnesota and when he was going at people in practice telling them I go at you and you can’t stop me you can’t stop me and he didn’t fit in there you put a guy and I said this when in Jimmy you take a dog out the kennel and you put him in I’m Excuse me you take a dog away from playing with other guys and you put him in the kenel with other dogs and he fits right in perfectly you put Kyrie in a situation where he fits in perfectly where he’s accepted where he’s wanted where he’s appreciated and then you see the best version of Kyrie I’m not saying that the situations he was in are the reason why he acted the way he acted because every grown man is responsible for their own actions but I will say that the situation he is in now he is embraced he is with Jason kid who’s a Hall of Famer who’s a Olympian who’s possibly going to respect and somebody who’s word holds weight with you you know what I’m saying we all know that’s a little bit different when we talking to somebody who maybe is an analytical coach or a guy that ain’t never played the game when it’s coming from a guy that’s been there and he know where you trying to get to those words and those messages translate differently I agree with you guys but I I think there has to be a level of growth and maturity on Kyrie’s part let’s not forget he wanted out of Cleveland after they won the championship went back to the finals and lost in five games he wanted out he was on this talented team remember now when he went to Boston they had JT and they had JB perk they were there they were young so imagine Kyrie this mature this level of Kyrie with that team we they should have probably had two or three uh uh championships by now anyway he goes to Brooklyn whatever happened to Brooklyn we know about the vaccine we know about the Tweet the book and whatever case may be but I think what Kyrie is doing in in Dallas is what LeBron tried to do for him and you know sometimes when you young and your mom and dad trying to tell you something you don’t want to hear it it takes somebody else perk you know this fir head you coach your son your son listen to other coaches more than he listen to you and you right there in his house and you try to tell him you played in the NBA and those guys probably didn’t go past YMCA but it’s different coming from someone else Kyrie had to mature Kyrie had to grow up and I think he and you everything you said guys are absolutely correct he’s somewhere where he’s embraced he feels he’s being respected because for whatever reason he didn’t want to play alongside LeBron James any longer for whatever reason he didn’t want to be in Boston any longer for whatever reason he didn’t want to be in Brooklyn now we can dress it up and say perk and you’re right there were some things that said that maybe went above the line I don’t think I said anything I tried to keep it on the floor talked about Kyrie as the basketball player all that other stuff the book and all that other stuff I get he said what he said he did but he’s at peace if you watch Kyrie there’s something said about finding a wife having kids that mature some men and I believe that’s where Kyrie is in his life now he didn’t have those things in Cleveland he didn’t have those things in Boston he was getting those things I believe at the end in Brooklyn but whatever happened Kyrie it is she has change the narrative because people were saying how could you break up LeBron James you this young team with LeBron James you’re going to go back to the finals what have happened what happened how could you not stay with JT and JB if I’m not mistaken I think Al Horford was on that team also so it was a situation where Kyrie has changed the narrative through his behavior through his play through his matchup ration process and it’s something to be commended but but see also we got to give a lot of credit to the Dallas m a because the thing that they did do was treat Kyrie like he’s supposed to be treated now here’s the thing when you talk about franchise guys UD Shannon y’all know this they supposed to get special privilege every every every franchise guy had I play with they got special privileges it’s part of it that’s why they get paid the big bucks long as you go out there and produce I could give a damn if you late to the plane I could give a damn if you’re holding up the bus damn it you long as you coming out there giving us that 20110 and five kg used to be 45 minutes to hour late to every plane ride cuz he had to get a massage but we know one thing he was going to go out there and give us that 20 10 and five every single night at the end of the day the Dallas Mavericks did a hell of a job of making sure Kyrie Irving was treated accordingly and with that being said they’re getting the best out of him and I got to say one thing this is Kyrie with a chip on his shoulder too cuz as well a lot of people turn their back on Kyrie in that situation it’s not not just the media need to be apologizing a lot of NBA teams probably should apologize cuz y had a chance and a lot of people turn their back on Kyrie right and I you know what I think the thing is guys is that you look at a situation like well damn he couldn’t play with LeBron he couldn’t play with a young JT and JB he didn’t want to be there with with KD and so forth and so on they was like well damn what’s the perfect situation for Kyrie well he’s found it in Dallas he’s found someone that he can play alongside and that he’s will he’s like this is uh this is Lucas team and I’m okay with that hey Lucas and you’ll see Luca hey K you take it man I’m exhausted hey K do what you do and Kyrie like okay but he’s for the for the first time I think Kyrie because he realizes that he’s the veteran presence in that locker room he’s the voice of Reon now I don’t think he ever felt like that because he had LeBron in that locker room and we know what comes along with LeBron James now he should have been the voice of reason in Boston and I for whatever reason that situation didn’t work out now he goes to Brooklyn and that was a situation that he wanted he and KD put that together guys he wanted they could have gone to uh the Nicks they could have gone anywhere as a package deal and nobody’s turning those two guys down I don’t know why and I don’t really care why it didn’t work it didn’t work now all I care about is this man seems to be extremely happy and I think it has more to do with what he has going on off the court with a wife and his kids he’s found his purpose and you know sometimes you know what gets you out of bed what makes you spring out of bed you don’t need an alarm clock that is your purpose and once you find your purpose you can find peace Kyrie is at peace he’s found his purpose he’s found his peace and it’s it’s you see what’s happening on the court and he’s playing at an extremely high level he’s always been talented what is Kyrie doing now that we haven’t seen him do since he’s been the league we’ve seen him dance on people hit big shot after Big Shot finish at the rim with either hand Kyrie Irving is not he hit one of the biggest shots in NBA finals history so him taking over the fourth quarter I’m not surprised because I saw LeBron James a lot of time would give Kyrie the ball and go stand in the corner in game seven he say hey tou Kyrie can go get the best shot give him the ball so Kyrie is not doing anything that I have not seen him do before and his entire NBA career he’s just at peace now and his he’s flourishing yep happy to see it and witness it he has the best close out game record 14 and0 in the NBA so I can’t wait to see what kind of show he puts on tonight coming up Anthony Edwards hasn’t looked the same in the Western Conference Finals is he the reason the Wolves find themselves in this 03 hole someone here doesn’t think so plus the infamous cheese Rolling competition took place in England yesterday we’ll let you know who you for V I fix what I see [Music] way First Blood N an enemy has been defeated an ally has been defeated you have defeated an enemy the power returns can you an enemy has been defeated too slow you have been defeated it’s not time I have unfinished business an ally has been defeated can you see my you have defeated an enemy your team has destroyed a tower it’s over an ally has been defeated enemy double kill you have deated an [Music] enemy shut down on the way on an enemy has been defeated the power returns Heal the World Ally has been defeated enemy double kill [Music] you are on the red team something fore fore spee foreign foreign spee [Music] the water is alive our Tower is under attack you have defeated an enemy our Dragon Lane Tower is under attack dragon and our Slayer Lane Tower is under attack you have defeated an enemy double kill [Music] spee spee on slot

FIRST TAKE | “This season changed Kyrie’s career” – Stephen A. tells Shannon after Mavericks go up 3-0


  1. Espn spent years hating on the best players in the league to push their narrative. The announcers for ESPN and the talking heads are making the NBA the least entertaining sport they cover.

  2. ESPN hires the worst talent. Why do basketball fans have to listen to doris burk and Kendrick Perkins? Hard to watch haters and liars flip flop everyday.

  3. Where I'm from they have an old saying, YOU CAN STICK THAT APOLOGY UP UR ZZZZ. Its been personal, saying im sorry doesn't clean that up.Take the high road, be the bigger man, F that.

  4. Apologize for what nobody said he couldnt play it was if he really wants to play he chose to go to Brooklyn with kd

  5. Nah Sharpe Ky been at piece doc. You the media was not at piece with his verbiage and neither was I at the time. I'm pulling for Ky and I was wrong about his endeavors.

  6. They don’t wanna talk about the fact that Cavs tried to trade him prior to him leaving and Bron didn’t fight it.

  7. The white Jewish people got mad because he said black Americans are the real Jews, and they stole our heritage and land, he said that black Americans are the real Israelites🎉

  8. I think Luka has changed Kyrie's career this season is what you mean. And Luka is leader of this team and the Face Of The NBA! I know it's not the color face y'all want, but get over it! A WHITE MAN IS THE KING OF NBA NOW! Kyrie is looking up to him and everyone should be apologizing to Luka for not giving him any respect!

  9. It didn’t work in Boston bc the surgery he got when he left Cleveland got infected. When he opted to get surgery it just so happened to be during Boston’s playoff run. Boston media and fans turned on him. Even tho it was there doctors that made him get the surgery. His grandfather also died and they just didn’t care. Kyrie got a lot of hate thanks in part to ESPN’s smear campaign!

  10. Even when he got to the Mav the media,and sports commentators tried to start the same thing. Saying he's not going to fit in and play with Luka! Mark Cuban mentioned that,and said he's not listening to them!

  11. LBJ never liked player development for younger players so Kyrie was taking a script from what he experienced with Bron

  12. Just Face It, The Mainstream Media & Powers that be made yall assassinate his character, No one knows what went on behind the scenes in Cleveland & Boston, in Brooklyn he was up against City Legislation that preventing him from playing home games, but allowed Non-Jabbed Visiting Players to play… Thats Crazy, the same Law that was conveniently resented right before Baseball Season with Word that Aaron Judge & other big names Mets & Yankees were unjabbed as well….

  13. Some would say the disrespect of Kyrie Irving for being a Black man living in America is unreal. Unfortunately it’s very real.

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