@Phoenix Suns

Reacting To The LeBron James Phoenix Suns Rumors And MORE Suns News

Reacting To The LeBron James Phoenix Suns Rumors And MORE Suns News

St [Music] oh [Music] is LeBron James coming to the Valley of the Sun we’re gonna talk about it all right now and uh first off thank you for everybody who is here thank you to everybody who is taking their time out of their day or night or whenever you’re watching this thank you so much for being here I really do appreciate it uh sorry if my microphone just made a noise right there I had to move it up all right you guys so there’s a lot to talk about here we’re just going to literally jump right into it and keep in mind you guys that this is just a reaction live show like I’m just giving you guys my thoughts a lot of the stuff I’ve already kind of seen and had time to sort of process but like at the same time I want to really just try to give you my best quote analysis if you want to call it that it’s really just my thoughts on this whole LeBron to Phoenix rumors and I think that that’s a good place to start at all of this is just rumors it’s just fan speculation media speculation whatever you want to call it it’s all of that it’s just rumors the only people who like really know what’s going on are LeBron James himself his agent Rich Paul which we’re going to talk about him in a minute and and I don’t know bronnie James he those the only three people who really know what’s going on unless there’s stuff that’s been going on behind the scenes like really behind closed doors that we don’t know about so we’re going to talk about it all you guys let’s dive into it I’m really excited about today’s live show once again thank you to everybody that’s in here and just a quick reminder you guys if you’re going to sit here and troll or leave me mean negative comments you will be banned if if there’s a few admins in here please remove those comments I would appreciate it um and and look if there’s any LeBron stands out there please do not dislike this live show just because I am playing messenger that is pretty much all I’m doing here I am just playing messenger here giving my thoughts reacting to all this stuff the my me doing this live show does not mean that LeBron James is going to come to Phoenix you know what I mean all right guys with all that out of the way let’s finally dive into it so all of this started you guys as a lot of you already may know a lot of this started because it was announced I Believe by sham shiria of the athletic that Ronnie James will be working out with the Phoenix Suns before the 2024 NBA draft you guys already know that I already made a video and everything go check that out it’s on the channel then this really sort of gained a little more momentum when Rich Paul uh I believe was on like the NBA on TNT or whatever and he was talking with like people like Chris Haynes uh TNT’s Adam left go Etc um about I I forgot exactly what they were talking about but somehow it ended up talking with them talking about LeBron and we’re literally gonna put on the headphones and react to this clip now for copyright Reasons I’m gonna I kind of moved my camera and stuff a certain way so I can block you’ll see what I’m talking about in a minute but for copyright Reasons I’m going to kind put myself on the screen and there is background noise because they were like talking while the game was going on you’ll see what I’m talking about here in a minute um so let me just put on my headphones oops and we’re GNA react to this you guys you already know the drill here one man show take a shot for every time I’ve said that on this channel and you’d be wasted and uh let’s go ahead and react to this you guys so again this is LeBron James’s agent um Rich Paul with like the TNT crew uh NBA Insider Chris Haynes Etc that whole crew so let’s go ahead and let me just make sure this looks good let’s pull this up so this is what I was talking about earlier you guys you see how I’m kind of covering up what I should be covering up that way you know there’s no copyright issues or anything but all right guys so let’s go ahead and react to Rich Paul’s you can see he’s on the bottom of the screen there he’s from the he’s the CEO of the clutch Sports Group LeBron’s agent bronnie Bron’s agent and let’s go ahead and listen to what they had to say is the volume all the way up all right here we go you know look LeBron’s a free agent LeBron’s a free agent Focus I’ll go back and I’ll go back and let you guys listen to that again just listen and you know look LeBron’s a free agent you have to decide and I gotta focus on his business and he should be focused on his business and let the Lakers hire whoever they want to hire and he’s always he’s always showed up and played for whatever coach is there you know um but yeah I hear you bman and again I’m not you know there’s no need to try to drive a specific narrative or try to dodge anything it is what it is I think he’s earned the right to have input if he wanted that obviously but it’s just not the case hold’s gonna come hold hold hold on real quick you you said something rich you said LeBron’s a free agent so I take it LeBron’s gonna decline that player option Chris you know do my bus over heard what said know evate situation and we G make the best decision okay guys obviously right there there’s a lot to unpack and look I’m sure this has already been discussed and everything but like I don’t think Rich Paul even if it was like a quote slip up I don’t think Rich Paul would be like yeah LeBron’s a free agent LeBron wants to leave Los Angeles I I doubt that I give that like a 1% chance of happening because what one he’s a smart guy he’s not gonna literally throw LeBron under the bus like that because that’s his agent that’s his biggest client one of the biggest and greatest basketball players ever he’s not going to do that so even if it was a slip up I don’t think he meant to do this intentionally and let’s kind of just listen to the last 10 seconds because honestly this sounded pretty genuine in my personal opinion just listen to Rich Paul right here this is about like the last 13 seconds Chris you know do my business over I don’t know what G do do we do year evaluate situ and we gon make the best decision like honestly that sounded pretty legitimate to me he’s like I don’t know what LeBron’s going to do we’re look at everything quote evaluate the situation and go from there that’s a fair statement for him to say so again even if it was a quote slip up it’s not like I don’t think he was like oh I’m gonna throw my my biggest client ever under the bus and let him deal with the media backlash and all of that and the speculations and the rumors I don’t think he was doing that now so again let let’s recap it started off with the Brony you know working out with the Phoenix Suns before the draft then this whole Rich Paul stuff yada yada yada media goes crazy I kind of gave it a day or so for me to kind of gather my thoughts if you will and kind of see let let things develop if you will so then there was a tweet and I’m sure a lot of you guys saw this tweet right here now this comes from Evan cedri I hope I said his uh last name right I always butcher that last name now for the record you guys for anybody who cares this guy um has been covering the league for a long time he used to cover the Suns for a long time I forget where he’s currently at I don’t know if he’s technically quote like a NBA Insider but he covers the league so it’s not like this is just some guy tweeting out random things and real quick before we talk about evans’s tweet uh I want to give a big thank you and a big shout out to Rob Bart for the generous $20 Super Chat I appreciate you sir thank you so much for the generous super chat he says love the live stream can we get Paul George Rob I promise we will get to that in a minute if you guys have comments questions I’ll do my best to try to get all of them uh if you want to you totally do not have to uh but you can donate with a super chat or a super thanks ask a question or leave a comment I will try to get to all of it once again thank you to Rob for the generous $20 Super Chat okay so Evan cedri tweets this out right here as you can see on my screen let me just share that okay stop sharing here we go okay it’s a long tweet so I’m gonna just I’m going to read you guys I I’ll just read it all to you guys okay he tweets this out the suns are hoping keyword already the suns are hoping to pursue LeBron James this offseason which is why bronny James is a very serious draft option at number 22 overall potentially to lure him in Phoenix appears to believe they can convince LeBron to join forces can you guys see this okay let me zoom in to join forces with Kevin Durant Devin Booker Bradley Beal to create a historic super team LeBron would be sacrificing almost 50 million uh next season if he were to legitimately consider joining the Suns on a veteran minimums contract could the Suns really be plotting LeBron and Brony as their big plan it certainly seems like that’s on the table now uh I got to put somebody I got to ban somebody because they’re just trolling here okay so now again don’t know if Evan is technically like a NBA Insider if you will but this tweet blew up I mean look at this you guys can see down here uh let me remove this little LeBron thing 6,000 likes 1,000 or 1.7 retweets and a whole bunch of replies this tweet blew up so this is kind of what I’m getting at here is like started off with the bronny stuff then the rich Paul stuff and now with this Evan tweet so that got people talking I mean I saw this on like multiple websites and I understand why people are doing it like I don’t want this show to come off as like a quote like clickbait show I promise that’s not my intentions here I’m just playing messenger I’m just recapping you guys I’m just reacting like we normally do that’s Evans Tweet now there’s a couple key takeaways if you kind of read what he’s saying here because I’m sure a lot of people got defensive about this jumped into his mentions without really reading this tweet and it kind of starts right here the suns are hoping to pursue LeBron James this off seon you know and then which is why Bron’s a serious pick pick at 22 blah blah blah Now Phoenix appears to believe they can convince LeBron to join forces with Kevin Durant Booker Beal now here’s sort of the bottom part could the Suns really be plotting LeBron and bronny as their big plan it certainly seems like that’s on the table so it’s not like Evans like hey um it’s not like Evans sitting here being like hey like I’ve heard from from this source that I’m sorry guys we we got to we got to address this troll right here uh there’s a troll in here if if somebody’s in the moderator Squad please get rid of this guy man he’s saying really bad things anyways um let me just shake that off for a minute let me just take a sip of my water y’all all right what was I talking about oh yeah LeBron to Phoenix it’s 110% happening I’m just kidding maybe I don’t know so yeah it’s not like Evans like hey like I’ve heard from this real NBA Insider that the suns are pursuing LeBron James there’s no nothing in the in this tweet says that you know what I mean it’s not like Evan said like hey I’ve heard from sources close to the situation that this is happening right but it’s still worth a dressing I wonder if somebody from LeBron’s Camp saw this I’m not talking about rich Paul I’m just saying like I just wonder if you know somebody from LeBron’s Camp saw this now a couple of uh screenshots that I want to react to from certain websites that I was reading make a good point here let me just upload them real quick I meant to do that sooner but I got distracted okay so I read a couple articles about this kind of saw the reaction and everything first off I want read you a couple quotes here from AZ Central which we’re going to talk about something Suns related from AZ Central a little bit later um this comes from AZ Central and by the way guys actually you know what before we start with the AZ Central stuff let’s just look at Lebron’s contract here just so people are aware I think that’s a good place to continue on here this comes from spot track which is a great website by the way not only do they do excellent coverage of the NBA you know player contracts the latest news etc etc um they and they do a great job like breaking down the salary cap and all this other great stuff right but they do it for all sports so if you’re a big football fan baseball fan they got it all covered but here is Lebron’s contract let me just share this real quick okay let’s go here there we go let’s get out of that okay um here we go here is Lebron’s contract and just so you guys know this is him you can see his profile LeBron James Lakers forward blah blah blah there’s his salary cap for the 2024 25 season cash career earning good God career earnings 479 million plus some change for LeBron James he’s on the veteran exception M maximum veteran except except maximum veteran extension okay but as you can see he has a player option not a team option he has a player option so you guys are probably like Suns geek we don’t like I don’t like heck I don’t even understand that to an extent like Suns geek what does this mean this is where I wanted to get to some things that I read a central wrote this LeBron James can opt out of his contract for the 2024 25 season and become a free agent which would likely be the only way Phoenix could land him as the team is very limited financially due to being well over the NBA salary cap that comes from Arizona Sports then there’s a quote from CBS Sports essentially that means that he is considering his options at the moment returning to the Lakers is the obvious one finding finding a new team would be as well though as Rich Paul obviously would not state that directly let me reread that last part because I kind of butchered it finding a new sorry returning to the Lakers is the obvious one of them finding a new team would be as well though Paul obviously would not state that directly that comes from CBS Sports and speaking of CBS Sports so again here’s Lebron’s contract player option what the media is saying what people who understand the situation better than I do are saying here’s another quote from from CBS sports right here even if LeBron isn’t technically a quote free agent he functionally is one he has the capacity to get out of his contract even if he can’t directly speak to teams yet he knows that all 30 teams which I I I think maybe they meant to say all 29 teams in adding him if he is interested in other opportunities he can explore them independently before making up his mind on that option ultimately the expectation is that James will remain with the Lakers but so long as the option exists it’s no guarantee again that comes from CBS Sports I think that’s a good way to kind of put it it’s like yeah LeBron’s a free agent but he’s not really a free agent he holds all the cards here he holds all the power blah blah blah and you heard it from Rich Paul himself his agent you heard it from him himself saying like he’s a free agent I don’t know what he’s going to do we’re going to look at everything we’re gonna go from there I’m not gonna say this on National Television you know I’m not GNA do that you know it’s not like Rich Paul’s got like a podcast to rely on he’s going to be like oh I gotta get clicks and views for the podcast or whatever he’s not going to do that so you see what we’re kind of building towards you know what I mean starts with the bronny stuff you know suns have the 22nd overall pick and they’re bringing in bronny for a draft workout before the draft then the rich Paul thing happens the quote slip up which I don’t think was intentional and then you know there’s Evans tweet and then there’s people reporting on this and it’s gaining traction now again kind of like I said at the very start of this live show all of this this is just rumors and speculation should I say it a bit quieter so you guys can hear me it’s all just rumors and speculation if you were to ask me right now do I think LeBron James is going to play for the Phoenix Suns in the Valley of the Sun I don’t know if I could really give you a legit answer I don’t know it’s unpredictable it’s LeBron James we’re talking about y’all one of the greatest players ever and one of the most dominant you know the NBA’s all-time leading scorer and so many other achievements and and titles and awards and all that stuff it’s like I also said at the start of the show I feel like the only people who really know what’s going on LeBron James his Camp his family obviously Rich Paul and maybe like a few people who are like close to that situation so don’t worry y’all we got a little bit more to talk about here because there’s a lot more to this as well I want to read you guys another thing here and I hope I’m getting this right but it’s from ah ahfir um now this is kind of a long quote here so I’ll just kind of read you guys the basics here it’s on the screen if you guys want to read it but they’re talking about how it’ be poetic to see Kevin Durant LeBron James join forces perhaps a playmaker of LeBron james’ caliber to complement their Trio of elite scores is what the Suns need in order to make a Deep Run in the 2025 NBA playoffs James is one of the greatest passers the game has ever seen he ranks fourth in NBA history in regular season assists second behind only former Lakers floor General Magic Johnson in playoff assist and then you know they’re talking about his 71 games all starts uh with the Lakers I believe last season James averaged a or excuse me James averaged a team High 8.3 assists per contest after uh competing against uh one of the I can’t read after competing against one another for such a long time he’s talking about Kevin Durant LeBron James it would be poetic to see the two two of the best players of their generation James and Durant finally join forces I I’ll leave that up on the screen again if you guys want to read it and everything so okay you guys let’s keep going here so let’s see what what’s the next thing there there’s just so much here you guys okay so after after the um after the Tweet kind of went viral from Evan cedri I hope I pronounced his name right um gambo I’ll take the oh okay wait what’s going on here I don’t know my I I don’t know what’s going on okay gambo from Arizona Sports John gambadoro I hope I pronounced his name right quote tweeted this and I kind of like gambo’s response here I feel like gambo and it’s funny because gambo I and I feel like he even kind of jokes about this from time to time gambo kind of didn’t necessarily shoot down the LeBron stuff but gave his thoughts and opinion and I’m sure he’s talked about it on the radio I do listen to Arizona Sports I do listen to their show and everything they do a great job you know Burns and gambo all the other guys that are part of Arizona Sports they do a great job so here’s what gambo had to say can you guys see this okay let me just make sure okay cool that looks pretty good all right so gambo quote tweets Evan here and he says of course they would love him who wouldn’t at the vet minimum but it’s not realistic drafting bronny James just to think you can get LeBron to take 47 million less is not a strategy the suns are employing they will work about they will work out about 30 players with Brony being one of them and that makes a lot of sense and I feel like that tweet again didn’t necessarily shut it down but like hey this probably isn’t realistic it’s not realistic sorry Suns fans oh and also it’s not just bronny that they’re working out it’s like 30 other players and fun fact I actually said that kind of in my video I made it clear I said hey it’s not just bronny that they are working out you know what I mean it’s it’s other players you know big draft class so again gambo from Arizona Sports says of course they would love him who wouldn’t at the vet MIM minimum but it’s not realistic drafting bronny James just to think you can get LeBron to take take 47 million less is not a strategy the suns are employing they’ll work about 30 work out about 30 players with bronny being one of them so gambo good response there I like that answer and that’s why I was like I can’t really give you guys an answer if if I if I think LeBron is going to come to the Phoenix Suns like I don’t know y like we you have to like think like let’s put this in terms you guys can understand this is an NBA 2K I say that a lot on this channel it’s not like you can just press a couple buttons and convince one of the greatest players ever to join the Phoenix Suns just like that now again now with with all that being said I will get a little delusional here I will get a little bias here and say this like and and I say this on the channel a lot but I really believe it like let’s fast forward a little bit let’s say maybe like a couple weeks from now closer to the draft and I’m going to talk about this in a second here too but like couple weeks from now maybe about a month from now maybe near the draft maybe after the draft what if this seems more realistic what if things change and LeBron somehow gets out of his contract and becomes a real like free agent that’s kind of what we’ve been going over for the past like 27 minutes is that like he is a free agent but like he can get out of it and I I don’t know I mean my guy man man I’m so sorry to butcher your name my guy right here manelle says we still gotta try exactly there’s a tweet or it wasn’t a tweet there was a reaction that I read in an article that said or you know was it was it the athletic that said it somebody said like it’s worth a shot like you won’t find out if you don’t ask you know what I mean so let’s read another Super Chat here from the J ver I’m losing my words you guys I’m so sorry let’s read another Super Chat from Rob Bart appreciate the generosity man another or this is a $999.99 super chat I appreciate you man he says on a high note remember when no stars would even consider going to the Suns five years ago LeBron even being rumored to the Suns shows how far we’ve come amen I love this I love this comment again thank you for the generous $10 Super Chat and earlier thank you for the $20 Super Chat I really do appreciate it Rob’s great comment here on a high note remember when no stars would even consider going to the Phoenix Suns five years ago LeBron even being rumored to the Suns shows how far we’ve come like let’s be real you guys I’m sure LeBron’s thought about it I mean he’s a he’s a fan of the game like LeBron and Kobe Bryant may he rest in peace are like two of the biggest like NBA historians that I’ve ever seen and I love NBA history I’ve studied NBA history you got to think that even if it was like a quick thought like oh man joining Phoenix would be fun and then boom the thought’s gone you got to think maybe he’s at least thought about it you know and him thinking about it would be like me thinking about playing in the NBA like it’s never gonna happen you know but like I don’t know maybe it’s crossed his mind now let’s continue on here let’s kind of keep building the or putting together the the quote puzzle if you will and it’s really not even a puzzle it’s more of just rumors and things I’ve read and things I want to react to and we actually got other Sons not not Lebron news to react to it’s crazy that I’m talking about LeBron James on a Phoenix Sun show during the off season it’s nuts I love that comment from Rob right here I love it great comment man okay let’s keep going here guys I do want to apologize real quick there was a troll in here earlier saying some harsh things kind of kind of got my wheels spinning for a minute I was slightly distracted my apologies y’all let me take a SI of my water normally like I don’t care like what people say like you know people are going to leave whatever they want on the internet but there’s just some people that shouldn’t post the things they post and especially on Twitter there’s some people that shouldn’t um tweet I’ll just say that anyways okay let’s see where were okay so let’s keep going here so gambo responds to Evan’s tweet and these are just more kind of reaction posts if you will but I think it’s worth discussing so this is a tweet from Gerald and I know that uh phnx has done a great job so far of talking about it like they even had Bobby marks from ESPN on their show and he gave his thoughts and kind of like a quote if you will about LeBron James potentially joining the Phoenix Suns I think it might have been Bobby Marx that said the whole like you won’t know if you don’t ask and he’s talking about you won’t know if you can get LeBron if you don’t pursue it or ask him or whatever the case I think that was Bobby Marx who said it so Gerald tweets these out right here and again big shout out to phnx Big shout out to Gerald great follows great show great content and everything so Gerald tweets this out and hopefully you guys can see that okay let me zoom in a little bit so he tweets this out on the bronny LeBron James front bronze sacrificing Millions to join the Suns on a vet minimum isn’t out isn’t as outlandish as it seems LeBron is a billionaire with a B LeBron is a billionaire as much as it isn’t the sole Factor where he plays next playing with his son would be a once in a lifetime opportunity and Gerald’s pretty much right there to an extent you know he’s saying like look it’s not as outlandish or as crazy as some might say it is and he’s also saying playing with his son would be a once in a-lifetime Opportunity because bronnie joked about it bronnie was doing a post draft comb by interview and he was like I I and I’m paraphrasing what he said but he said something like oh I don’t know if I’ve ever really thought about playing with my dad but LeBron my dad has brought it up before you know what I mean so so with him saying where he plays next playing with his son would be a once in a life lifetime opportunity I don’t think Gerald’s too far off there because LeBron’s even kind of talked about it where he said likei want to give this a couple more years you know like I want to play at least two more years so what if LeBron like stays in LA and they don’t draft bronnie and you know let’s say bronnie you know I don’t think he’s going to play in the G league but let’s just say he’s stuck on the bench can’t get to La let’s say the Lakers aren’t as good next year or even the season after LeBron will be like what 41 by then you know know like what if this is sort of his chance like what if the Phoenix Suns draft bronny James at 22 and after that LeBron out pops out of his contract or whatever and joins the sun somehow I don’t know so he’s not necessarily wrong when he says playing with the sun would be a once in a-lifetime Opportunity now there was a follow-up tweet to that he goes just in my opinion not sourced info but if he can do that on a team that’s built to contend in a city that’s only an hour flight from LA for an owner willing to spend question mark it’s a crazy conversation but hypothetically Phoenix would have to be near the top of that list so let me read that again this is just Gerald’s opinion now he’s tweeting this Gerald’s opinion not sourced info that’s a key takeaway right there not sourced it’s just Gerald’s opinion here if he can do that on a team that’s built to contend in a city that’s only an hour flight from LA for an owner willing to spend it’s a crazy conversation but hypothetically Phoenix would have to be near the top of that list that’s Gerald boray from phnx let’s get to some more reactions here speaking of phnx we might as well go to a tweet that I saw from espo here and this one’s kind of funny because this is what espo does he’s humorous and all that I’ve met him before he’s a great guy P sources like quote per per sources close to Logic the Suns would have interest in any Hall of Famer playing at a high level Kevin Durant willing to sign for the vet minimum to play with KD book and Beal could there plan be to add quality Talent at the minimum salary it sure seems that way clearly Espo’s joking here but like he’s not wrong it’s true it’s it’s kind of like what we’ve been reading and what what we’ve been talking about for the last 35 minutes if LeBron James were to somehow opt out of his contract or whatever that case is you know decline the player option and become like a legit free agent all other 20 9 teams in the league would be interested in LeBron James but there’s maybe what like four or five teams that would get him or be realistic to get him that he that he would want to go to that’s why this tweet’s kind of funny right here all right let’s keep going on here shout out to phnx they do great work okay so remember when I was talking about I I got a little confused it was Doug Hower from the athletic and everything this was a post now this was around the time that the bronny stuff was coming out this is like a couple days ago this is what was written in uh an article from the athletic and let’s see if you guys can see this okay it is possible drafting bronny James could help the Suns lure LeBron to the desert on a minimum contract probably not but if you’re James Jones and owner Matt ishbia it does hurt to explore close quote Doug Hower on the Suns potentially drafting bronny to lure LeBron to Phoenix I think that was worth reading because I did read that article by the way um oh and speaking of stuff like that y’all uh actually you know we’ll get to that in a second one more tweet from one of my favorite accounts on suns Twitter this is suns are better or at suns are better he says to be honest if it feels like there’s no way the Suns would consider drafting bronne unless they had some sort of confirmation from LeBron that he would follow suit hosting a workout for Brony is not nothing there’s smoke and then I saw a tweet from cam Cox uh I I believe he’s from Fox or Fox Sports or something like that uh Arizona and everything I forgot where exactly he’s from but he’s on the news and he quote tweeted one of the tweets and was like where there’s smoke there’s fire so it seems like a lot of suns fans media members podcasters whatever you want to call us are really kind of you know gaining this traction and getting excited and it’s all fan speculation and rumors and all that stuff okay let’s get to Let’s kind of wrap this up here at least on the LeBron stuff because there’s a couple more things I want to talk about now I also saw this tweet here we’re going to kind of wrap up this LeBron stuff here in a little bit okay let’s see um here we go wait what’s going on here share this tab okay you guys doing okay everything good you guys all right out there all right cool yeah thank you Carlos uh D my guy DJ oo says cam is from 12 News Arizona yeah I got that mixed up for a minute I but he’s a great he great follow as well I’ve engaged with him on Twitter a few times all right another great tweet here from inside the Sun on Twitter uh can you guys see this what’s going on here okay _ inside Theon quote tweets Gerald’s tweet that we read earlier LeBron getting a once in a life op LeBron getting a once in a-lifetime opportunity to play with his son remains in close Pro Pro imity to his La residents and joins a core of Devin Booker Kevin Durant and Bradley Beal which is arguably better than what La can do this off seon so speaking of that speaking of what La can do this off season I wish I would have screencapped this but this does come from CBS Sports and they kind of make a good point here and I’m just going to read you guys the quote by the way after this show you guys all these like articles that I’ve read tweets I’ll put in the description also if you read the description there’s a whole bunch of my past videos past live shows all my socials so follow me check all that stuff out okay um so there was a an article I read on CBS Sports and this kind of goes back to the the whole like LeBron can take his time with this see what happens to bronnie in the draft and go from there so from CVS Sports this is what they wrote LeBron James has until June 29th I’m recording this on May 27th by the way the draft is like the 26th and 27th of June James has until June 29th to make up his mind on the player option James has until June 29th to make up his mind on the player option which is three days after the 2024 NBA Draft when his son bronne is expected to be selected James said in the past that he plans to play with Brony at the end of his career though he has softened on that stance since of late so again CBS Sports makes a good point James has until June 29th to make up his mind on that player option three days after the 2024 NBA draft and quote he has like softened on the whole I want to play with my son at the end at the end of my career so unless LeBron is going to just stay in La for the next two years which he’s talked about he said like hey I want to give this at least two more years if LeBron is thinking to stay in La maybe letting bronnie develop somewhere else and then joining that team whatever team he’s on in two years he can do that there’s that Avenue as well so I I don’t know I’m just saying started with the bronny stuff then the Evan tweet and then the rich Paul stuff or in some kind of order you know and then the media and fan speculation and you know I was talking to some family members about this and I have seen it in the chat and I’ve seen other people talk about it like it would be very difficult for anybody including myself to turn down nearly $50 million let’s be real even though LeBron is a billionaire with a B it would be difficult for him to turn down 50 mil but like what if the Lakers aren’t that good next year is LeBron Really Gonna want to keep you know not necessarily losing years in his career but like keep fighting for like a playin tournament spot or like a six seed you know like does he really want to do that I know he’s like best friends with Anthony Davis and I don’t know now I did watch this one video from a Lakers person and he’s mentioned this a few times like I think LeBron LeBron hasn’t mentioned it but the the guy I was watching who covers the Lakers and all that he did make a good point he said something like you know obviously to an extent here whatever contract LeBron wants the Lakers will give him and that makes sense you know what I mean like let’s pretend we had LeBron and LeBron said hey I want like two years 50 mil or or three years 60 mil right we would give that to him let’s be real Lakers are going to do that you know so you know I’m just saying there there’s a lot to this and let me repeat something that I said not too long ago about a week from now you know once it’s June and the draft is starting to heat up and we’re hearing more news and more player workouts and more rumors from the NBA landscape and more free agency stuff we could be having a completely different conversation because the bronny James sons draft stuff that caught me by surprise at least where I live it was like 12 o’clock when that happened and I was like oh gotta do a video today I was like gotta talk about it that’s worth talking about and as one of the super chats said earlier I’m G to pull it up here again very generous Super Chat from Rob Bart like five years ago six years ago seven years ago there there was no stars no Allstar players that would even consider joining our team and the fact that LeBron James is a rumor is a speculation is heck I’ll even say it is delusion from Suns fans Suns media Sons podcasters it shows how far we’ve come so wow that was a lot to unpack don’t go anywhere you guys couple more Suns related things I want to talk about that do not involve LeBron James so if you hate LeBron James this is probably the time to tune in can I take a sip of my water y’all I’m very thirsty how you guys doing happy Memorial Day thank you to everybody who is served our country active past you know thank you to everybody who is protecting and serving our country I’ll drink to that I hope you guys had a good relaxing Memorial Day and um I appreciate you guys thank you for being here all right real quick shout out to my brother uh and his YouTube channel Starships of greatness for the $199 super sticker I appreciate you um you know my brother recently joined YouTube not too long ago does videos from time to time if you’re a big Star Trek fan check out Starships of greatness and thank you for being here and again you guys totally don’t have to we’ve had a couple today uh if you want to leave a super sticker or a Super Chat feel free to do that we’ve had a couple of them today I’ll pull them up right now all of it goes to the channel it helps keep the lights on back here and uh you know I appreciate it it’s just very generous of you guys to do that okay and and Rob if you’re still watching I will get to this Paul George stuff I do have some thought on it so we’ll get to that in a minute let’s talk some not LeBron stuff oh one more thing actually before we move on here I put a poll in the chat I’m pulling it up right now we can see where um I put it earlier okay so right now I put in the chat four hours ago do you want LeBron James on the Phoenix Suns 42% of you guys now there’s only 165 votes 40 um 42% of you guys out of 165 votes said yes 33% of you guys said no 133% said draft Brony get LeBron so that’s pretty much a yes and then 12% of you guys said make other moves so get active in the poll right there it’s in the it’s in the chat and it says now 167 people voted do you want LeBron James on the fan Sons let me know okay can we finally move on from this LeBron stuff at least for now because heck because heck in a week or so or two weeks or three weeks we could be talking about something else or maybe these rumors gain more traction and more insiders like hey LeBron’s gonna opt out and blah blah blah so I don’t know all right more Suns news and this is actual Suns related news um let’s start with this now look sort of like how I was a little I guess torn if you will and I couldn’t give you guys like a legit answer on do I think LeBron’s gonna join the Suns or not I’m a little torn on use of nerk I’m a little torn on it okay because look I know he has his faults and I know that there were times in the playoffs where he got like benched and was quote unplayable if some people put that that’s not my words that’s other people’s words but people tend to forget nerkish had a really good season for us and he was healthy a lot of the season and not only that the dude is a great teammate at least on the outside he is I don’t know how he is in the locker rooms but social media during broadcasts interviews he’s a great teammate and I get the sense that he really does love playing for Phoenix now that doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re a phoenix son for life I mean Kelly UB loved playing for the Phoenix Suns and now he’s playing for the Sixers which by the way personal opinion I think the Sixers should keep him because he played very well for them as well now look nage isn’t really like this this kind of goes back to like the quote rumors and speculation there’s no like real proof or evidence that nurk is in trade talks but him being traded isn’t impossible and I’ve seen some other Suns pod people and content creators talk about this I’m late to this heck I’m even kind of late to this LeBron stuff okay but I saw a tweet here from Brandon clean from locked on suns he does a great job I listen to his show go follow him this was and this was tweeted a few hours before I went live he tweets this out whoops I should probably share the screen here he tweeted this out like two-ish hours before I went live and I think this is a fair tweet especially coming from a media member like him and you know his podcast and the way he covers the team and all that shout out to lock locked on suns by the way he tweets this out my ideal Suns draft night is keeping not trading keeping pick number 22 this year and trading nerk plus the 2031 first round pick for multiple players and asss now don’t get his tweet mixed up here because the Phoenix Suns due to the new CBA and all those second apron rules they can’t like stack players and can’t stack contracts and trade that away right so I get what he’s kind of saying here he’s saying we should keep pick 22 trade nerk and that future 31 pick for multiple players and assets now he says assets so would would whoever this team taking on nage is that giving us some picks back and he says draft a big or a wing at 22 sign a center in free agency which right now my brain’s fried I can’t even name who those players would be replenish your uh I can’t say that word for some reason for future moves so again I’m a little torn on the nage stuff I don’t know if he’s a trade Target I mean Mike buen hoser pretty much said hey we got our starting five all locked up but again it’s not even draft day yet and you guys know the NBA a lot could happen from today May 27th to draft day I’m not saying I want Yousef nket traded but I could see it if it helps the team going forward and another thing to remember you guys is new Sun’s head coach Mike buen Hoser which that comes with a new coaching staff which we’re going to talk about in a minute a new philosophy new system new offense new defense and even though I love nage and he’s a great teammate maybe he’s not the best fit here and you you hear that term get thrown out a lot is this player a good fit like let’s talk draft terms here do teams draft off fit or best available player and that’s a conversation for another time maybe we’ll do that in another live show I’ve always kind of weighed more on the side of you take the best available player sometimes that doesn’t work sometimes it does and then sometimes it’s the opposite sometimes you take the best available fit at the time and it doesn’t work out sometimes it does um so I don’t know do you guys want use of nerk ISS traded if you’re watching now or later let me know and don’t expand on it a little bit if you were the GM and and owner mat ispia and you are trading Yousef nerkish what would you trade him for and and heck get active in the rest of this like do you want LeBron James expand on your thoughts on why you want LeBron in the comments expand why they shouldn’t pursue him tell me why they shouldn’t draft bronny at 22 get active in the comments y’all don’t worry we got a couple more things to talk about before we get out of here and then I’ll then I’ll talk about the Paul George thing and I’ll try to get to as many comments and questions as I can okay okay um also before I went live we got some news here let me just pull this up I meant to have this pulled up got some news right before I went live so shout out to Dwayne Ranken for adding to the show a little bit here excuse me I’m burping over here shout outs to Dwayne Ranken who tweeted this out Phoenix Suns land Vince larza is that how you say that I hope I I hope I didn’t just butcher his last name Vince larza to work as an assistant coach under Mike buen hoser sources say and you know you click into the article I’m just going to read you guys some of the quotes from that article says Sons uh Sons or yeah the Phoenix Sons have landed Vince larza I hope I pronounced his name right to work under a new head coach Mike buen hoser sources informed the Arizona Republic larza was an assistant in Milwaukee in buen hoser final season there in 2022 23 and then he goes on to say uh Vince was an assistant with the Utah Jazz for Four Seasons from 2018 to 2022 and a Player Development coach with the Minnesota Timberwolves for three seasons in 2015 to 2018 he started his NBA career and Player Development under buen hoer in his first two seasons 2013 2015 which was that was when he was with the Hawks I believe and yeah so this guy’s got experience he’s been under Mike buen hoser I believe a couple times and there was also the player development in there so it seems like this guy is developing players now I don’t exactly know like what order the whole like coaching thing is I mean obviously there’s the head coach head assistant coach etc etc goes down the line I don’t know if this is like a Player Development kind of assistant coach or if this guy’s going to be sitting on the bench I don’t know we’ll see but either way this is the first hire from The Mike boser uh era and I I meant to take down this use of nerk thing right here uh so yeah it’s we we have our first hire from Mike buen hoser and his staff and there’s going to be more to come I promise you guys there’ll be lots more coaches and you know with all due respect maybe some more notable names we’ll see because I mean last year we had a notable name David fizdale who was hired and we we all saw how that worked out although there was like rumors he was going to join our front office and apparently turn down I don’t know but congratulations to Vince larza I hope I pronounced his last name right he will be working under Mike buen hoser and he is our first coaching hire in the Mike buen hoser era okay one actually we’ll do like two more things here three more things actually to kind of put a bow on the LeBron Suns talk for today I want to show you this beautiful graphic now I am not a let me change my words here I am far from a Photoshop expert I don’t even know how to photoshop I use a different software and place for all my thumbnails um but let let’s look at this beautiful graphic here this comes from clutch points and Kevin o’ Conor shared this you know Kevin oconor from the ringer look at that beautiful beautiful graphic of bronny James LeBron James Kevin Durant Devon Booker and Bradley Beal again you guys it’s all just rumors it’s all just speculation it’s all just fans and media and content creators like myself just giving their thoughts like I don’t know what LeBron is doing at this exact moment he’s probably on vacation or he’s working on his game or he’s spending time with his family I don’t know but you got to think he probably does check social media every once in a while and he probably has people in his camp that are like saying like hey uh they’re talking about you and they’re talking about you going to Phoenix like I don’t know it’s all just rumors and speculation we’re just going to have to see we’re almost at the hour Mark we’re going to get to a couple more things we’re going to wrap things up this has been a great show despite a couple trolls and haters in here and that’s another thing Suns fans especially and I’m really talking to my content creator friends here and media people if the Suns do get LeBron James there’s gonna be so many LeBron stands and LeBron people in here and LeBron critics it’s going to be nuts and we saw it with the KD stuff like when we got KD all the KD stands started rising up in comment sections and on Twitter and some for good some for bad you know some or I should say for better for worse um that’s gonna happen so if you’re if you’re a son’s content creator if you’re a son’s podcaster and the son somehow get LeBron that also comes with all of his critics the national media and all the Lebron stands there’s heck there’s a few LeBron stands in this chat room right now trust me I’ve even though I’ve kind of been avoiding the comments I’ve been seeing them all right you guys so I don’t know if Rob is still in here but he left a Super Chat earlier and I was talking to somebody about this on Twitter at least through DMs I was now again thank you for the generous $20 Super Chat I’m grateful for that I appreciate it all that will go towards keeping the lights on here and I appreciate that he says love the stream can we get Paul George my first thoughts here first and I’m this is coming from a Paul George fan I I like Paul George he’s a great player sometimes I think he’s overlooked at times first thought he does not like Devon Booker Devon Booker does not like him now I don’t know if Paul George has ever publicly said I do not like Devon Booker I hate Devon Booker get him out of my face every time I play against him I want to play better and beat him I don’t think Paul George has ever publicly said that to my knowledge but you guys can go and look at the film they do not like each other they’ve gotten in in each other’s faces they compete hard against each other so that’s already going against this Paul George stuff secondly from what I’ve been following there’s been sort of like this LeBron stuff there’s been real like traction and real rumors and and speculation that Paul George could end up with Philadelphia 76ers and get joelb and Tyrese Maxi some help by the way if you haven’t been following what the Sixers have been doing to my knowledge they actually have a whole bunch of cap space this year like yeah they can bring back Kelly UB and maybe a couple other guys but they’re gonna have a lot of cap space so Paul George joining Philly is possible again I don’t know how the math works on all of that but it is possible but can the Suns get Paul George we can’t afford him and in the extremely unlikely event that we could afford him it’s like would him and Booker even get along also for all you people who are like oh I don’t know how he fits like would the fit even be there I mean yeah he’s a great defender a great scorer one of the best players in this league still still Allstar I believe so it’s like you know I’m not saying it’s impossible but it’s highly unlikely and also what if with all due respect to Paul George What if Paul George is not who the suns are looking at what if that’s not really a James Jones type of guy and and all like I just think it’s extremely extremely unlikely so again Rob with another great Super Chat we’ve read that a few few times and my brother and his Star Trek Channel with the $1.99 super sticker so there was one more comment here um somebody said Westbrook Harden Wade Melo CP3 LeBron on vet minimum name and change to Suns City Suns at this point somebody asked me uh I think it was a while ago like could we get James Harden there was all those rumors floating that’s not NE neily as outlandish as it seems either but like again I think there’s the money aspect that comes into it and that’s all rumors and speculation but I will say this about James Harden love him or hate him and I know he’s a liability on defense I will say this though he’s still an incredible incredible playmaker and scorer but I texted my friend romp about that and he was like no stay away from that bum James Harden don’t do that that was a long time ago all right let’s just make sure I didn’t miss anything um Ivan says 2031 first round pick for nage sorry 20 let me try that again 2031 first round pick for nage and nage for Josh Giddy and get Goa baz in free agency I don’t know that about Goa I know that he was a high pick a long time ago and been with the magic I believe the last couple years Josh giddy’s kind of getting a bad rep right now obviously because of some off the court stuff which I’m not going to touch and he had a pretty bad playoffs where he got benched and only played like 12 minutes or something like that I don’t know it’s this right here is not impossible and like Josh giddy would bring first off he’ bring some Youth and and I know a lot of suns fans like we need to build around the draft and build around around young players Josh skiddy still very young does have some Talent there but I don’t know I this isn’t impossible I see the vision I do but I I just don’t know all right let’s see let’s get some more comments here Anthony says I want CP to come back on vet minimum could you imagine that would I welcome back Chris Paul on a vet minimum hell yeah I know he had a rough season with the Warriors I know there were some injuries involved there I thought I thought the the whole fit with the Warriors was GNA work out well because the way I looked at it was like Hey Chris Paul is setting up one of the greatest Shooters if not the greatest shooter ever and Steph Curry and we saw how all that worked out injuries or not the Warriors were not that good obviously and they they have a whole bunch of question marks around their team I would welcome back Chris Paul for the vet minimum does Chris Paul want to do that I don’t know does Matt ishia M Mike buen hoser Etc want that to happen I don’t know James Jones I don’t know would Chris Paul even take the minimum that goes back to like the James Harden stuff and the LeBron stuff would they even take the minimum I don’t know vision says is there a universe where we could package nerk Nas little and a first so probably the 202 2020 31 I can’t talk let let me try that again is there a universe where we could package nerk Nas and a first for Walker Kessler I’ll just say this walker Kessler had a really really good rookie year and he literally hit the I guess you could call it seconde wall or sophomore wall whatever you want to call it I don’t know if that was injury related I don’t know if that was fit related he sort of looked like a steel the dude’s a great shot blocker a big presence great size but he had a really bad year there was one point where I I I think he wasn’t even playing I see the vision ironically Vision fasma I see the vision but I don’t know and this also goes back back to like hey that’s a possibility but do the Jazz want to maybe keep him around for another year the only thing I know about the jazz is that they have a lot of assets because of the Rudy goar Donny V Mitchell trades and all that they have a lot of assets but maybe they want to hang on to Walker Kessler one more year maybe just maybe all right you guys I think that’s it to sum up I guess to to summarize my thoughts getting LeBron James is not impossible but there’s a lot to it because one we would have to draft Brony at 20 number 22 he would have to decline his player option and all that become a real free agent he would have to take the vet minimum he would have to have interest in coming here and we will just have to see so despite some trolls and some haters that were in here this was a good show and whether you’re watching now or later I do appreciate you guys we have 182 people in here thank you guys for sticking with me during my sort of slip ups and being patient with me in terms of pulling everything up and being a oneman show here I truly am a oneman show it’s not like I have a production team behind me I’m literally pressing all the buttons myself and the fact that you guys continue to support me with all the great Suns content out there all the great Suns podcast and everything it’s awesome you guys are truly amazing people this show does not exist this channel does not exist without you guys and I forever will be grateful I really do mean that I will forever be grateful that after all these years because yes I’ve been doing this a very long time after all these years you guys continue to watch me and and that’s how I want to end the show the best way to support the channel is just to keep watching Crush that like button share the show tell people about Suns geek you know I always joke on this channel like tell your cousin tell your friends tell your family tell your grandma like seriously if they’re Sons fans tell them about Suns geek because the content is going to keep on rolling as long as I can physically and mentally do this content is going to keep rolling y’all and I know we’re sort of in a slow season right now you know the the Western and Eastern finals are going on although a lot of that’s going to uh is going to end probably today I believe if Boston wins they go to the finals but um little bit of slow but you know we’ve had a lot of rumors a lot of speculation and a lot of sort of just basketball news in general and it’s going to start really picking up soon because again today’s May 27th the draft is June 26 and 27 which by the way maybe I’m like a basketball sicko or whatever you want to call me but I like how they’re doing the draft it could be a failure and I I could see I could see a scenario where day two the ratings and the numbers drop but I could see I I guess what I’m saying is I like how they’re breaking the draft up into two days I could do a whole segment and Spiel on that maybe I’ll do that next live show but I like it I think it’s good for the fans it’s a little more interesting maybe more eyes will be on there and it also is good for the teams because not only can more trades go down but teams can really have more time to look even if it is just 10 hours 12 hours an extra whatever amount of hours it is to really look at these second rounders or or trade say hey this is what we want to do let’s call it in I like that you guys know me I’m not a big football guy even though I am rocking a new Cardinal hat that I got not a big football guy but I like how the NFL draft is what like five days or something like that I think I think that’s cool don’t know where I was going with that big Spiel but um Jason says how many superstars do the Suns need they already have three I love that um so yeah uh can’t wait to be better next season yeah y’all like that’s really all this that that’s what this off season is you guys just getting better next season we have to be better next season there’s no if ANS or butts there’s no excuses we have to be better next season and it’s not just the players it’s literally from ownership and you guys know me I’m a little bit of a Matt ishbia Stan it’s from ownership from the front office to the coaching staff to the players we have to be better we have to be better the the Phenix Suns franchise and I’ve said this before and I’m GNA say it so many times more the Phoenix Suns franchise has to get everybody including myself excited again cuz this season was miserable this season was rough there was so there was so much excitement and expectations and whatever you want to use whatever word you want to use headed in this season and at the end of the day at the end of the season prior to that last win that we had which I was hyped after that when we clinched the playoff spot there were there were so many times where I was just exhausted to do this content creating stuff in the in these live shows and these podcast I was exhausted that’s how rough of a season it was and it must have been worse in the locker room so uh Trent says Suns geek I’m a huge fan could you sign my Booker Jersey at the at a game next year that’s hilarious first off thank you Trent I’m honored that you’re a huge fan that means a lot to me secondly if I if I happen to go to a game next year and I happen to see you yeah I’d love to do that for you um he says my friends can attest that I’m a huge fan they are also subscribed you’re making me feel like a celebrity here that’s hilarious thank you Trent I appreciate you if I ever see you in person please mention yourself and I will sign whever you want me to sign all right Rob says don’t we also have a pick a worse pick than the Lakers good question here Rob to close out the show by the way that’s a that’s a heads up to get your comments questions in right now to close out this show good question don’t we also have a worst pick than the Lakers to my knowledge we don’t and first off you can look it up the Suns do have future draft picks they do it’s just some of them are out of our control on where they land but this year a month from now the 20 24 NBA draft we have the 22nd overall pick we should have had like pick 50 something is 58 I [Music] believe but we apparently according to reports and rumors quote tampered it for Drew Eubanks or whatever so that they took it away from us the league took it away and I believe there was like didn’t like the Knicks get like a pick taken away for tampering something like that so to answer your question we did have a pick in the second round but due to the Drew Eubanks tampering it got taken away now next year’s draft I don’t think we have a pick and if we do it’s one of those swaps so it’ll be like a late first rounder I think it’s like every other year we have like a pick sometimes two picks so yeah all right shout outs to Andrew appreciate you being here man hey Suns geek long time no see yeah appreciate you being here man hope you’re doing well bro Ivan says can we get a good three and D small forward with the 2 second 22nd overall pick possibly this draft is quote weak and I am I’ve only done barely little to know homework I have a few notes I’ve watched a few highlights but if you’re talking just three and D forward I don’t know I haven’t I’m not a draft expert is what I’m saying I don’t know probably but yeah it would mean a lot Suns geek I go to almost all home games and love to have you autograph my jersey I’m honored man I appreciate that all right guys that’s gonna do it you guys are all amazing people if you’re watching this now or later I appreciate you guys I’m honored that you guys watch me and I’m honored that there’s people out there that are big fans of me and you know what screw it man I’m honor that there’s even haters in here cuz if you’re if you’re hating on me you’re doing something right also if you’re hating on me you might want to find other things to do with your life because I’m nobody special I’m nobody famous y’all I’m just a guy on YouTube who talks about the Phoenix Suns and as you can see by my wall I’m a massive Suns fan so like I know there’s GNA be haters everywhere but come on like I don’t know anyways you guys I love you guys you’re all amazing people please be nice to people out there be kind to people spread positivity spread love and I know it’s really difficult to do because of 56 years without an NBA championship but please believe in the Phoenix Suns please have faith in this franchise and I know it’s difficult to do please believe in Matt ishia and James Jones please believe in our front office please believe in Mike buen hoser and our big three I know it’s hard to do especially after after last season so yeah you guys I’m out of here stay safe out there enjoy the rest of your Memorial Day I know I will I will be back as soon as there is news because if it has to deal with the Phoenix Suns I’m going to make a video about it you already know about that and you guys are all amazing God bless you guys stay safe out there peace out God bless win or lose Phoenix Suns for life and go Suns [Music] what’s up son oh [Music]

I break down the latest LeBron James/Suns rumors and reports plus what’s being said and later in the Suns I react to the hire of the newest Suns assistant coach MORE Phoenix Suns news!
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Bronny James will work out for the Phoenix Suns before the NBA Draft. Here are my thoughts

The Valley Suns officially introduced as Suns G-League affiliate team -Reaction/Live show

Phoenix Suns Mike Budenholzer’s Introductory Press conference (Reaction/Live show) on Suns Geek

Should Phoenix Suns GM James Jones be on the hot seat? It’s a fair question to ask. Here are my thoughts #Suns #NBA

Mike Budenholzer hired as the Phoenix Suns next head coach and MORE Suns talk!

Frank Vogel Fired Mike Budenholzer To Become Next Suns Head Coach

The most disappointing Phoenix Suns season is OVER! With Suns JAM

Grayson Allen agrees to a 4-year 70 million contract extension with the Phoenix Suns (My Thoughts)

Suns JAM & Suns Geek Merch! Suns Geek AZ License Plate products

Suns JAM Session shop:

The Phoenix Suns should draft BRONNY JAMES 😂

Phoenix Suns sign Isaiah Thomas to 10 day contract (My Thoughts)

Suns Geek and Suns JAM went live to recap the Phoenix Suns 2024 NBA trade deadline

During my trip to Phoenix, I had the honor of geeking with the PHNX Suns crew. I filmed a video of the “behind-the-scenes” and took tons of pictures. I also included fun moments from the podcast. Enjoy! Thanks again PHNX!

Phoenix Suns Media Day 2023 Watch-Along/Live Reaction Show

The Athletic reported that Phoenix Suns Owner Mat Ishbia was “very involved” in the Deandre Ayton deal. More Ayton trade talk and our biggest concern with the Suns roster.

The Bradley Beal vs Cooper Flagg 1-on-1 story NEVER HAPPENED. Here’s why. What do you think about this fake story and all the Suns hate?

ICYMI Emergency podcast with the Suns JAM Session podcast as we react to Bradley Beal being traded to the Phoenix Suns. The Chris Paul Suns era is over. What do you think of the trade?

🚨The Phoenix Suns trade for Kevin Durant and TJ Warren emergency live show🚨

Music Credits: Current live show intro countdown music Born a Rockstar (Instrumental) – NEFFEX (YouTube Audio Library)

End card beat by:

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  1. Or just take Bronny at 22 and trade him to where LeBron is strongly rumored to be going (or Lakers again) for more extra picks this year's Draft or for the future.

  2. Get Beal to waive his no trade clause and trade him to the Lakers for LeBron, Beal would love to be in LA with AD

  3. The mavs are about to sweep the team that swept us…. shows us how very far we are from contenting.. Lebron on a vet min is probably our only hope at even having a shot.

  4. Sorry I was so distracted by the haters/trolls during the live show. Thank you to everyone who was saying nice things. 🙏

  5. I can't wait for Bronny to join the team and get more media exposure than Booker, Kevin Durant and Beal combined. Future Hall of Famers? WHO CARES!! What does Bronny like for Breakfast? Would love to know!!!

  6. Just have Ishbia give LeBron 50 mil under the table.
    I mean don't do that. That would be illegal and bad.
    Do it
    Do it

    Do it!

  7. NO GEEK. No, on LeBron. Book would get little love, and this I'd his team. Winning out 1st tittle with LeBron, KD, Beal and Book would taint Book or I'm worried it would. Book has enough…put better and younger deph around Book, Beal and KD and we good

  8. I have a lot more to say, but i hate typing, so I'll just say… Big moves are coming. Legit moves. I dont see LBJ being one of them.

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