@Phoenix Suns

Would LeBron James fit on the Phoenix Suns?

Would LeBron James fit on the Phoenix Suns?

all right maybe the suns are going to work out bronny James and then it was like Hey not every team’s going to work out Brony James just a few and then depending who you believe today it’s like two teams are going to work out Brony James the Lakers the Lakers who you would assume where do they pick again in the first round uh just outside the first round deep into the second round actually Luke uh they picked 17th Suns picked 22nd isn’t that interesting how that works out Oh I thought you were going with yeah I jumped the uh yeah it’s okay I say where would they pick bronnie they’re not picking bronnie at 7 well what if the team at 22nd is working him out Luke watch out oh look at that huh I see what you’re saying they might do it oh no um it sounds like at least right now the plan is for it to just be those two teams working him out so let’s just start here Kellen because it it did happen during our show on Friday towards the end and we just kind of we talked about it for a couple minutes but we didn’t dive into it yet how scale of 1 to 10 how realistic is is it even if the Suns let’s start with this path there’s a few paths here let’s start with the path of the Suns the Suns really want LeBron so they go out and probably draft bronny James way too high to try to get LeBron how realistic is this path even anyway because it hinges on LeBron James giving up several several several millions of dollars uh two maybe three okay out of 10 so not not zero not zero just because I don’t know LeBron James it’s like for anyone to speak with the utmost confidence of what he’s going to do would have to have a very personal relationship with him and even those people probably don’t have an 100% idea what he’s going to do he’s the only one who really knows he and his family are probably the only ones who really know and I’m guessing it’s just like I’m guessing bronnie has no idea what LeBron’s doing like LeBron was talking about it on his podcast with JJ reic um last week and was saying that a lot of the things that Brony was saying at the combine and the things that he was like talking about his game and like what he sees for himself in the future and like the league are things that he and bronnie LeBron have never talked about before like the player comparisons he was making all that kind of stuff LeBron was encouraged as a dad to hear those answers because he wasn’t sitting there coaching him or whatever he was just kind of letting him do his own thing so with all that being said I think that you can’t say zero because no one knows except him what exactly that he wants but there is no precedent for someone doing this before there’s no precedent for someone turning down over $45 million to go play somewhere because the situation is more so what they want ‘s also no precedent for someone with LeBron’s Financial Comfort I’ll phrase it as true and he’s going to keep making money after retire but you know what’s sick when you’re a billionaire $ 150 million more dollars that helps you get to another billion I more money is better than less money most of the time you should be you should be an agent Society we live in I could go down a deep Rabbit Hole there if you want me to about capitalism but I will instead choose to decline because we are hours I don’t know if he get through all of it yeah okay so back to LeBron we’ll need we’ll need at least like six segments there to kind of Tor it out we’ll come back 11:15 for more well you won’t be able to hear us for five and a half of those segments cuz Aaron will have cut our mics at that point well there it’s a lot of extreme reaction happening and that’s what always happens with these types of things like you got the people saying like you have to take him at 22 if you think it means you even have a chance at LeBron James and then you shouldn’t take bronnie at 22 because he has zero chance of becoming an NBA player ever and it’s like well bronny is an NBA prospect it’s he’s not just an NBA Prospect because his dad is LeBron James now is he a first round caliber NBA Prospect ECT he is not um is there precedent speaking of precedent for guys having terrible freshman Seasons when they’re pretty heralded recruits and pretty heralded draft picks there are we’ve seen Peyton Watson do stuff for the Denver Nuggets he had a horrible UCLA freshman year he average like three points a game if I remember correctly he barely played for them he didn’t even get in their rotation that much at all there’s a lot of precedent for this Brony went through a scary horrifying situation with his medical Situation off the court and then he landed in a terrible situation on a really bad team that had a lot of guards where he couldn’t really fit in and kind of do what he does which is he said at the combine like I want to be a Marcus Smart Derrik white type so he is he is an NBA Prospect is the an NBA Prospect worth taking a 22 absolutely not um and I think the part of this no one is really talking about is like why would LeBron do this from a basketball perspective because every team that he goes to is a LeBron James team yeah and this is a LeBron James Kevin dur and Devon Booker team if he comes here and that just wouldn’t work I’m not saying LeBron is selfish I’m not saying that at all what I’m saying is you are now running into a situation where we are there’s 6 minutes left in the fourth quarter we’re like wow Kevin’s only taken one shot this half wow Devon’s only had brought the ball up twice this half like it’s just going to happen I’m not the often or very rarely I am the there’s only one ball guy but now you’re just running out of space now this is ridiculous if you have all four of these guys yes LeBron James is a point guard no he should not take eight shots a game like you expect the guy playing next to like what Bradley Beal did yeah do you want LeBron James to do that Bradley Beal would never even get a shot no and yeah then Bradley Beal is just not playing like that’s that’s the other part of this uh so that that’s I guess sort of where I think we need to start and I’m sure we’ll have more of this conversation later on in the show but um but just starting there kind of like how realistic is this because you can’t you can’t draft bronny James at 22 if you’re the Suns unless you’re getting LeBron and getting LeBron as weird as this is to say doesn’t really make a ton of sense for the Suns I mean now you could be maybe trading that first round pick on draft night and dropping down and taking bronny in the second round I guess um but the fact if it really is just the Suns and Lakers working him out that that in itself seems kind of strange here’s uh Shams on the running back today yeah bran James has over 10 workout invites during the pre-drive process but I’m told he’s only going to visit a couple of those and that’s going to include the Lakers and the Phoenix Suns the Suns of the number 22 overall pick in the draft he’s under consideration there among obviously a lot of players at at 22 but it’s going to come down to a development plan it’s going to come down to guaranteed money whether it’s late in the first round in the second round but the fact that there’s only going to be a couple teams two three teams that Brony James visits and the Lakers and Suns interestingly are among the two teams all right so if you need a reminder of the power of Shams speaking Aaron just said that on FanDuel the Lakers are the favorites and then the suns are the second favorites now and the suns were not the second favorites for a while yeah remember the Golden Rule with reports why is this out who does this benefit it it benefits bronny James to have a workout in the first round and how does it benefit the Phoenix Suns exactly would be my next question what it benefits for them is it gives them another Prospect to look at and they’re looking at a situation right now where that 22nd pick is extremely valuable and there might just end up being a situation where let’s say they’re a 22 and they don’t really like anyone there and there’s a couple guys that other teams like and a team at 28 calls and says hey we have like four second round picks you guys can have like 36 and 28 then you can drop down and take Bron and it’s not you can drop down to 28 take a guy at 28 and then take Brony at 36 Which is far more feasible like he’s a guy ranked in like the 30s to 50s based on most also probably more what Suns need is to do something like that ex they need to take more shots they need to because if they hit over these next couple years on a guy that’s making $2 million a year for the next four years that’s gold for them the list of players too that you if you just go back I don’t know let’s go back like 10 years and you start looking at players that were drafted 22nd or lower in the draft like 23 24 all the way down in the second round there are quite a few like I I there’s not like a ton because it’s the NBA and generally speaking there’s not a whole lot of open roster spots anyway so second round pick in the NBA is not the same as second round pick in the NFL certainly but this thought of like oh the 22nd pick in the draft is worthless like no go through there’s you and a lot of times you can get guys that are serviceable right away with that pick they’re CU you’re not they’re not going to be an amazing player probably overall but they might be able to step in in their rookie year and help so that that pick in itself uh aside from bronny is just really interesting to me as to how the Suns might approach it because also James Jones hasn’t really put a lot of uh value seemingly into these draft picks the last couple years thanks for watching wolf and Luke tap to see more and click the button in the middle to subscribe to Arizona Sports e

The Phoenix Suns are one of two known teams working out Bronny James ahead of the NBA Draft. Luke Lapinski and guest host Kellan Olson ponder the odds of the LeBron James joining the organization if the Suns were to draft his son, and if so, could the super star veteran fit in with Phoenix’s Big 3?

Video: Felisa Cárdenas and Jeremy Schnell/Arizona Sports
Photos: Getty Images

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