@National Basketball Association

[Clemente Almanza]Sam Presti on the Gordon Hayward trade: “I missed on that. That’s on me. But I’m learning. Trying to learn this team… Just trying to be a great observer of this team as it’s going through its paces… I don’t think I read that one perfect.”

[Clemente Almanza]Sam Presti on the Gordon Hayward trade: “I missed on that. That’s on me. But I’m learning. Trying to learn this team… Just trying to be a great observer of this team as it’s going through its paces… I don’t think I read that one perfect.”

by darnclem


  1. darnclem

    I don’t think I’ve ever heard of Sam saying something like this. I feel like there is a possibility that Hayward isn’t going to be back with the Thunder next year.

    Edit: Apparently it’s not obvious that my comment about him not returning to the Thunder is sarcasm. Hopefully this edit clears that up lol.

  2. Literal_Satan

    crazy thing to say like 3 months after making it but still true lmao

  3. ducksonaroof

    “yeah i was wrong – that dude sucks”

  4. HorizontalRodman

    Hayward learning that he is, in fact, a brick

  5. Just coming out and calling Hayward garbage is hilarious 😂😂

  6. Headlesshorsman02

    I love that Sam is willing to tell it how it is, he missed with this trade big time and he is owning it

  7. HS941317

    Wowwwww that’s a huge insult to say that so openly lmao

  8. We all make mistakes. But one mistake like that won’t hurt very much, considering all of the great decisions Presti has already made.

  9. LazyTitan___

    Hayward about to be in his Lakers, Heat, Suns vet min era

  10. ClaymoresRevenge

    This off season will be the true definition of him learning. From his former big 3 to this core.

    Gotta add shooting and a big

  11. Having micic instead of useless Hayward in the playoffs couldve actually been beneficial.

    And I agree with others that Sam wouldn’t publicly say this if Gordon hadn’t had his piss baby fit in his exit interview.

  12. New_Essay_4869

    I was happy when the trade happened. He was one of my favorite players of all-time. I thought Hayward would be a great bench guy for us.


    there are two ways you could interpretate this, pick and choose lmfao

  14. Kball4177

    I’m honestly shocked at how bad Hayward was in OKC. I recall seeing his statlines earlier in the year and thinking that he’s still pretty good. When I saw the trade to OKC I was so sure he would end up replacing Giddey in the starting lineup.

  15. Methamine

    “Learning” ? I know he said learning this team, but this guy is a vet GM at this point lmao

  16. dbinkowski

    Every GM, coach, player, podcaster, broadcaster, announcer, journalist, talking head, Redditor, blogger, fan, Facebook Group member, grandmother, casual, niece, nephew, cousin, ice cream man, barista, landscaper, Thunder arena employee, homeless person, TikToker, and their brother: The Thunder need a backup C.

    Sam Presti: Viola! Here’s Gordon Hayward!

  17. AnkitPancakes

    Even though Gordon sucks ass, it freed up a lot of cap space this summer to allow us to make moves. So despite this outcome being what it is, I think we’d still make that move even with hindsight. The only difference maybe being we buy him out instead of trying to integrate him lol

    Sam’s pressers are always a good listen, but this was funny

  18. Yodudewhatsupmanbruh

    Yet we had delusional fans berating people for saying it was a bad trade 

    Presti is a good GM and is willing to admit when he screws up.

  19. KingNephew

    Sam Presti is likely the greatest GM ever in terms of drafting and scamming teams in trades. But what he does with what he has remains to be seen.

  20. Basic_Commercial_806

    All he had to do was not help the Mavs trade for Gafford and OKC would be in the finals.

  21. Glad Presti said this, still have no idea why Hayward thought they wronged him or something when he was clearly washed

  22. trezzy1242

    LMAO this is fucking hilarious. I thought this was a troll post

  23. Kindly-Damage-7505

    This is a sign of great GM, just as much as making a great trade. Knowing when to take an L/admit that a move was an L and not double down on it for ego sake, is so important.

  24. Teddyyy_B

    He actually said several things about Hayward during his two and a half hour press conference. He mentioned he didn’t have any problem with what Hayward said in his exit interview and actually agreed with it. Particularly about how difficult of an adjustment it was to make for various reasons. In full context, this quote that is blowing up is not nearly the jab people are making it out to be. But Reddit gonna Reddit.

  25. ICouldEvenBeYou

    Hayward was still playing quite well at times for the Hornets this year. Then he ended up in OKC and seemingly just mailed it in. Was really odd. It was like he had no desire or purpose when he was on the court.

  26. Ginoblee

    That’s a comment from a GM that knows he’s solid in his position.

  27. Doncriminal

    This guy needs to retire and play video games

  28. AdmiralSnackbar816

    Thanks for taking Bertans off our hands, and helping with the Gafford trade!

  29. spotty15

    Gordo wasn’t great in Charlotte this year and hadn’t been as good ever since he first got here. Constantly hurt. Clearly wasn’t the kind of locker room leader we thought he was (the FO is at fault as well, but Gordo seemed to be more complacent and complaining than anything).

    I think he could wind up somewhere and be a positive on the court, but he’s a role guy now and I wouldn’t expect much else from him. Thought OKC would be great for him as a stabilizing vet presence, but watching him looks like a husk of the former All Star.

    A lot of us hated signing him a few years ago, but damn good trade for us. Wish him the best, but yea dude, you kinda suck now.

  30. Thehelloman0

    It would be funny if Hayward had a huge resurgence like Batum did. People thought Batum was trash 4 years ago and he’s been an important player on good teams every year since then.

  31. BetweenTheBuzzAndMe

    on paper, Hayward definitely gives them what they needed, he just appears to be completely toasted after his latest injury.

  32. Da_Plague22

    Sam Presti can make five more mistakes and still be the best in the game.

    Crazy how he’s so good and so young.

  33. Potential-Ad5470

    who the fuck things Gordon Hayward is a positive assert at this stage in his career? Seriously?

  34. If only he had draft picks to avoid this problem

  35. GooseMay0

    Hayward averaged over 14 a game and 4 assists with the Hornets. This is on the Thunder. They could have utilized him but didn’t. To act like it was Hayward who had nothing left to give when he was literally still producing on the Hornets is disingenuous bullshit.

  36. SyncRacket

    Crazy what that injury did to that man’s career

  37. CoolAsTheUnthawed

    We didn’t even need him to be good, just average lmao. Shoot the ball when you’re open, look at the rim! You know, basic stuff!!

  38. Electrical-Mule-2057

    Eh. Presti has done more things right than wrong. He gets a pass on this.

  39. Hayward very respectfully said he was frustrated with his role on the team, so Presti very respectfully said it’s because he’s ass.

  40. SubstantialRaise6479

    I’m confused by what happened with him in OKC. He’s obviously not the same player that he was 5 years ago but even at the start of this season he was fine. Not really drastically different than his other CLT seasons.

    He’s certainly not a 0 ppg player like we saw in OKC – I mean that’s absurd and I’m not sure what was going on.

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