@Miami Heat

Big O & Ira Winderman – Did the Miami Heat Think They Could Just Flip the Switch?

Big O & Ira Winderman – Did the Miami Heat Think They Could Just Flip the Switch?

this is the Big O [Music] show this is the Big O [Music] show alrighty how you feeling Ira I’m feeling good to a degree nice holiday weekend I’m feeling a little uneven when you realized how little the Celtics had to go through to get to the NBA finals and that if the Heat played things right at worst we might have been talking about might have the last Heat game of the season last night I mean the East was a disaster Boston as we saw basically turned it on for five minutes at the end of every game and go okay this will be good enough we’ll win the game and it just really showed you how I don’t want to say the East was there for the taking but the opportunity Big O to be competitive was there for the taking and a month later it just makes you feel all the worse about how a team could basically crap away a regular season and expect something that was reasonable from the get-go by the way they’ve cropped away two regular seasons they just were fortunate that they made something out of it last year but they tried to do that same again this year and so let’s you know let’s call it like we see it you know um if Jimmy wants to be a star again then hey you’re more than welcome to start working in the regular season again because real stars carry you through the regular season and in the postseason because that’s what I’m used to I you I’m used to watching Alonzo Morning carry you through the regular season and Wade and LeBron and everybody else so you know let’s get back to playing real basketball where you actually give a you know about the regular season but let me get and the Celtics players with the exception of porzingis played the regular season and were mostly healthy of the regular season and developed this wonderful chemistry that at moments of Truth was there because it was there in November and December and January so all of a sudden you don’t have to flip a switch there’s no flipping of switches you have told me on our acur Penbrook Pines report during the season they might think they’re G to flip a switch but that switch sometimes doesn’t exist you don’t know where to go for it you remember those commercials and the Easy Button the hell are you are you are you magic and and worthy and Kareem that you can flip the switch are you all of a sudden Michael and Pippen and all those guys didn’t flip a switch those Michael Jordan went out every year have the best regular season record but my point is if you are Duncan janoby and Parker and all I can see you flipping a switch because you guys are all studs and you’ve been together forever and so maybe you go through a law for a couple of months and you SW you can flip it sure but who the hell are you you’re you’re Jimmy Butler and a bunch of role players get the hell out of here bro who the hell do you people think you are you’re you’re a bunch of over overachievers the last couple of years you’re not a star studded team like I just mentioned that I can respect and say yeah we can turn it on and turn it off on you because you are this you are I’m talking about Magic Johnson I’m talking about James Worthy and I’m talking about Kareem of course you can turn it on and turn it off and Michael if you wanted to turn it on and turn it off he could do stuff like that but the Miami Heat that I’ve seen the last couple of years years if you thought that way shame on you but you know what pigo let’s let’s not generalize let’s not generalize because for this reason no matter what you might think of him as a super role player or something else I think you would agree batay will bust his ass to the best of his ability just about every night correct yes Eric spoler bust his ass to the best of his ability right Eric spoler yeah yeah but but bam cannot impose his offensive will but he gives his all he gives his all and that’s all you want and that’s all fans want when I know when I go to a Heat game or even see an injured list of questionable I know Bam’s gonna be there and work his hardest when I know that Eric spoler goes into a game I know that whether it’s December against the uh a bottom feeding Washington Wizards team Eric spoler is gonna coach his ass off because that’s what he does because that’s what he get paid to do so let’s not overly generalize I would say probably at least half the team on this Heat team for better or worse for lack of ability or Worse do push hard but when certain people set a tone of otherwise we saw it with Jimmy we saw it with Kyle Lowry it becomes infectious and it leads to the kind of season you have whereas a Boston team had continuity all the way along look at a guy like Luca donet playing tonight in the Western Conference Finals to go to the finals bigo say what you want about Luca I think you would agree he pushes himself every night he is pitching at the referees in November in December in February because it matters to him all I want to see we’re seeing it now from the Panthers I see our other team I want to see it matter every single night and you know what to your to your argument bigo certain players can pick and choose lonel Messi if he doesn’t want to go to Vancouver he doesn’t have to go to Vancouver we knew what we were getting an aging Superstar who would pick his times if Jimmy wants to be the aging Superstar that’s one thing but this isn’t the MLS this is the top basketball league in the world and that’s a lot harder to do believe me Messi couldn’t pick and choose in the Premiership when he was gonna play hard and when he wasn’t it’s a different level in the MLS yeah inner Miami can pull that off okay but you you know it’s funny how but in this case I know what you’re saying but it’s funny on the on the inter side I look at it like Messi plays so freaking hard in when he does plays and he plays all the time he plays all the time it’s hard to take him off so I’m glad actually they’ve taken this twist the last couple of weeks where they’ve said no no no no no we’re not pushing it let’s give them a rest we got two games this week let’s let’s end Vancouver in back and all for me what I needed on Saturday just to kind of get off the beaten path a little bit because I can’t do this with anybody else I could do it with you because you’re an all sports guy but what I needed on Saturday I needed my SPO moment from Tata and that’s what I got on Saturday I got a little tiny bit I’m not going to even put Tata spo’s uh you know Stratosphere but but I saw Taylor and compana and all these younger cats play well together and and I know Taylor and compana can play so that was the satisfactory Mo for me it was it was inter Miami’s we have enough night it was there we have enough night like tell me all year that’s what coaching is about until you don’t until you don’t have enough that in the MLS you can pull that off and have enough but if you would have put that roster out there in a legitimate cup scenario against a higher level of competition it would have been a different story no that’s fine but see I know compana can start on half the league okay so and I know Robert Taylor’s a a heck of a player he’s already proven that and and kraski and these guys it’s like yo and you got a heck of a a goenda Vancouver show me something Tata and that’s what I needed on Saturday so I was kind of I I need a little more of a a SPO moment out of Tata than anything else because it’s like yo bro you’re messy dependent of course the Messi’s out there the offense is on fire show me something without him and that’s what I that’s what I needed to see on Saturday now let me get to this stuff that I really want to get to because I laughed at Cuban when he made the Kyrie Irving trade I said you’re out of your effing mind for making this trade I would never count on Kyrie Irving I would never imagine that the Dallas Mavericks could play enough defense to make a Deep Run in the playoffs to be quite honest um I never predicted that the Mavs would dominate the Minnesota Timberwolves I don’t know how many times I can be wrong on this situation but I never ever in my life saw this coming so I give cubin and his front office a ton of credit for the guts to make the move for the vision for the I don’t know for for staying with it too because early on it was kind of ugly and yet they stayed with it they extended him and everything to me I man I just you know you got to admit when you’re wrong when you’re wrong and wow dude and this is why award should be voted after the playoffs including executive of the year for Nico Harrison for this reason let’s not only look at the Kyrie trade but the Daniel Gafford pickup and having a big body the Derek Lively draft choice in number 12 and having a big body signing for the minimum a name you’re familiar with Big O Derek Jones Jr and getting a three and D power forward Defender and putting that together so what I would equate to this is and this folks goes back to a conversation I had with Orlando aligar two decades ago when we were talking about a Shaquille O’Neal trade and we were talking I think it was a QAM at the time as how much is too much and the debate was okay Brian Grant Eddie Jones and everything is fine can’t throw in Karan Butler and we debated back and forth whether you should let that be the breaking point for the Sha trade and we agree you get a great player you do it the lesson we’ve learned from Dallas is you might have thought at the time that Dorian finny Smith and Spencer Den witty and the capital they gave up was too much for Kyrie Irving but you have to take a chance for greatness so bigo I’m gonna posit this to you now two decades after Karan Butler going out to LA for Shaquille O’Neal would you be willing to and I’m gonna hold you to this on our upcoming Acura penber Pines reports through the off season in a package that includes enough salary whether it’s Tyler hero whether it’s other players would you be willing to give up both haime hak Jr and Nicole yic for Donovan Mitchell in a package yes or no yeah yeah you gota you you’re gonna have to give him up now Donovan Mitchell again is not 400 pounds with a tow problem Shack is not flat Earth Problem Child Kyrie I can’t grow up Irving so all these things you were inheriting this and then Kyrie you’ve gotten the best out of them Shaq lost an entire human being in weight and played basket the year the year before they won the championship that was the year that Shaq played out of his freaking mind that if he wasn’t injured they should have beaten they would have easily beaten the Pistons and they I think they would have beaten the Spurs uh that year the way Shaq and Wade were playing it was amazing so there were issues with those those moves that you know the Kyrie is kind of shady and Shaq at that moment wasn’t taking care of himself physically so that’s why I I had trepidations Donovan Mitchell is a class A individual dude like there’s never you’ve never said anything B for C D and F no no no those grades have never even no this is an A+ individual and my point is you give up a little bit more of good and nice for a chance of greatness that he took a chance a greatness with shaedon and worked out the Mavericks took a chance of greatness of a player who already won a championship in Kyrie Irving and it worked out now sometimes you trade for the Ben Simmons sometimes you trade for the James Harden and you get burned but you know what this is a star league this is a league more than any other sport including I’m G even put football up there where one player because only five play at a time is not yeah can make can make that much of a difference so when you look at it so when people are talking about heat possibilities heard this plenty wait you can’t give up yic and haime and two first round picks yeah you can because greatness is so hard to find in this league that I think if the heat have to make a choice and Pat Riley has to make that choice I think you always go all in because greatness is what wins championships yeah yeah no I I mean listen that it goes without saying and we’ve seen it and but now I’m I’m kind of not buying that whole thing because won I don’t think he’s going anywhere I think Cleveland’s going to give him the deal I think he I think the Run they had kind of convinced him overall and I also believe that there’ll be a bunch of teams that can outbid the heat so I I I just can’t build myself up for that because I just don’t think it’s going to end up Happ but you know what I think when a player starts his career in Utah and in Cleveland he get that Wonder lust of wanting to get to a real place in enjoying your off in your Seasons not having that bitter cold of being in the glamour market and I see some of Don that in Donovan Mitchell now everyone thought okay go to the Knicks Perfect Fit grew up a Knicks fan from the New York area makes sense he doesn’t mesh with Jaylen Brunson they were the same ball dominant player the Nets are back to being what the Nets always were the other team they’re the Clippers of New York they’re never going to measure up to the Knicks even when they have a better team so I don’t see that so if Donovan Mitchell gets the point where you know what I want to play where I want to play and I want to play for a place that has that Championship L lineage I think that could open the heat door now as far as Dan Gilbert dealing with the heat okay that’s a little bit different that’s another thing it might not quite be Joe Cronin like but that’ll be interesting but bigo I’m here for the possibilities I was here for Lillard last summer whether you agreed or not I’m here for Mitchell until proven otherwise you have to shoot for the stars without letting it upset the Apple card I understand that in the Kevin Durant stuff but you got to think big you’re you’re Pat freaking Riley no no I I I get it and and if you want to you know FastTrack it you’re gonna have to try to do it this way and I I totally understand that I just don’t want to I just don’t want to build myself up because what I’ve seen lately if Dwayne Wade’s not involved you’re not getting it and and so and I don’t even know just you know like last year with with Damen Lillard they only shot with Damen Lillard was Damen Lillard had to become a dick and he wasn’t willing to become a dick and that’s what they needed and I almost feel like we’ll never know but I almost feel like the heat knew he had to be a dick the agent knew he had to be a dick but unfortunately Damen lard didn’t figure it out himself or something I don’t know couldn’t or wouldn’t or couldn’t or wouldn’t what what were you Brian Flores you’re on that boat and you’re like yo man you know we’re we got Tom Brady coming uh you know Brian let’s uh let’s have a little conversation with him ah I’m not doing that you know what’s wrong with you bro what let’s get this done you the difference is Damen Lillard had a new extension in place in multi years and couldn’t control Donovan Mitchell can leave any team the Cavaliers or a team he’s traded to after one year that’s the hook that matters in the NBA that’s why I got Paul George out of Indiana early when he went to OKC so there’s a little bit more leverage here so you might need to be a little you don’t have to be as much of a jerk in that case you can simply say hey any team who gets me I might be walking after a year just know that Damen Lillard couldn’t do that that’s why he had to show up in Milwaukee with four years left out his contract and say he could have told Milwaukee hey you guys want to trade for me fine but I don’t want to be there so if you want a player to be there not be there for four years and you’re asking me to play in a play in a place I don’t want to be at you guys go ahead and make that trade because that’s what I would have done he W Damien wasn’t willing to four years of contract not one where you can sit and be miserable we’ve seen in fact in fact Ira let me spend that on you that’s more leverage than even the one year you know why I’m a I’m telling you yo I’m gonna be a dick for four years I’m gonna tell you I don’t want to be in Milwaukee for four years in fact when the media asked me going to say I got traded here I’m only here because I’ve been forced to be here I don’t want to be here so if you want a player like that that’s not going to create a good vibe for your media or your fans I will tell everybody publicly I don’t want to be here Milwaukee would not have made that move then he wasn’t Damen doesn’t have it in him that’s the that’s his problem he’s a nice guy actually he has he might have an edge on the court off the court he has no business Edge clearly he has no business Edge see my opposite is I think better leverages I’m glad to be here for one year but I’m out of here I’m renting I’m not buying because come next July I’m gone that’s pretty good leverage also you can play that with a smile that’s the difference bigo you can do that with a smile not hurt your image and be clear about it from the moment Jimmy Butler went to Minnesota from Chicago he let him know as soon as this Deal’s over I’m headed somewhere else to get rid of me now or get nothing in exchange they got their package back I think Donovan Mitchell still can we have to see the direction they go with the coach and the rest of the roster that’s going to be in flux for a little while I think well um if Damian ever wants to learn how to have balls in business he can call me and and I and I’ll and I’ll teach him how to how to do it because and give him a Bitcoin hat also feel free forget the Bitcoin that’s that’s balls on another end I’m just saying that I did it because I did it at QAM okay I knew how to get out I knew how to be in a better place because I’m in I’ve been in a much better place in fact June 15 will be four years and so you know I’m in a better place I have total control of everything I don’t know but but I had to force the issue and you know he’s not willing to force the issue sometimes sometimes you got to force the issue and he wasn’t willing to do it all right let’s get to the um happy and depressing news because when you talk Bill Walton there’s go always going to be a smile on your face because that’s all Bill Walton could ever do is bring you entertainment bring you a smile make you laugh because he was so he was so good for basketball in every way possible colorful on the court off the court as an announcer um just you know a guy that we by the way you know he went out with cancer but those of us that are old we know how tough he was as a player because he had those fused ankles that he played with all the way to the end where you and I know even as a broadcaster for him to get around and all that it was mission this is one tough son of a because he fought a lot of pain for well over half a century you know this was the rare case if someone you see publicly is the same person you see privately I have run into bigo over the years plenty of front-facing wow he’s a good guy guys and you get back in the bows of the arena and he wants nothing to do with you Bill Walton was the opposite the one line I’ve heard resonates since we learned about his death yesterday John Stockton anyone all right go ahead I’m sorry go ahead I’ll leave that for the politicals and and other people Bill Walton was who you saw the same way both places he was just a guy that it was great to be around he was friendly to everyone he understood how important it was to make the people connection so the connection whether is with Dave P or working the NBA national broadcast and bringing that Joy to the game he really you know what the lesson we learned which is why when you mentioned here about bringing a smile to your face also is those of us who don’t savor every day and enjoy every moment look at someone like that who appreciated life to the fullest he took the ride it’s a ride for all of us we don’t know when it’s going to end but we know along the way we can bring joy we can deliver joy we can experience jooy that’s really who Bill Walton was I mean I once dealt with him he published a magazine one of these things you put your name on it it was Bill Walton’s NBA basketball preview and I wrote an article and the magazine folded and I got stiffed out of my out of my pay and Bill comes over and goes oh that’s terrible we have to talk to those people he was just you know he he didn’t give me the money but he commiserated he understood The Working Man what you go through he was a really really really good person there was nothing phony about him and Big O in our industry there was so much phony there were so many people in your seat when the microphone goes off people go man what an a-hole that guy is and then you turn the lights on and they’re a different person he was the same lights on lights off it was a pleasure to be around him and the difference was when the heat but great every broadcaster was my best friend because they wanted to know what was going on with the team they had to covered on a regular basis when he wasn’t great it didn’t matter to Bill he would still greet you when he was doing a game he would still treat you the same he was a special guy I’m glad I got to meet him I’m glad I got to know him and I’m glad even now I’m getting to read all these remembrances when you realize how many lives that he touched exactly and and it didn’t matter where he was um you know whether he was calling a game at Oregon or an NBA game it was always going to be the greatest broadcast of all because that’s how he made it feel you know what I mean and and to him it was a blessing to call whatever game he was at pro or college you know what I mean it’s just just a really good dude overall maybe also it’s part of the era where he came from too because he obviously came from a a more of a of a of a loving era you know what I’m saying so I I don’t know what it was about him but it was just a dude that he he everybody was the same to him and then and everybody could relate to him one way or another no matter if we weren’t even on his same plane right because he obviously was thinking you know things that we would never be thinking of but we all kind of wanted to relate to him you know what I mean it’s just and if you go through with life with a smile as opposed to these angry times it doesn’t matter whether you’re Pro marijuana or an marijuana whether you’re liberal or conservative however you feel about social injustice and however you want to vent if you go through life with a smile you’re more likely to get a positive reaction that’s what he did because bigo he understood more than anything one thing this is a game that’s all it is you know you’re on the before you come on the air you watch these Sports Talk debate shows where everyone is angry and bloviating you mentioned it before my segment today about people talking about what does Tua think and what doesn’t he think and trying to come up with but their outrageous opinions he never veered from the course of this is a game I’m trying to throw a sphere through a circle while running around in short pants he appreciated that and it came off as that it’s just a game he enjoyed the game no doubt all right what do you got going on the Sentinel so folks can check you out just posted a story it’s on it’ll be at your doorstep tomorrow for the first time ever the NBA is introducing an early negotiating period for your own free agents it used to be until June 30th 6 PM you could not talk to your own players either now more like the NFL one day after the NBA Finals ends you get an open Period to negotiate with your own free agents for the heat that’s Cayla Martin Haywood heith maybe Josh Richardson Thomas Bryan Kevin Love it gives him the extra period but here’s the interesting part Big O that window opens the day after the end of the NBA Finals so you have 28 teams who only want one thing right now the fastest possible NBA finals cuz those teams an important situation for a lot including the Lakers with LeBron you can wind up with a two- week Runway to establish yourself ahead of free agency or you can wind up with four or five days if the finals goes the full seven so it’s the first time that’s in place I broke it down I talked about how that might have impacted Heat last year with Gabe Vincent and Max stru and how it might impact the Heat this year believe it or not please read the story about Jimmy Butler so it’s a different approach by the NBA I think it’s smart because everyone cheats anyway at least now you can legally cheat with your own free agents there you go follow him on Twitter at IRA heatbeat and catch his work there at the South Florida Sun Sentinel Ira have a terrific week we’ll catch up on Monday my friends catch you next week at their NBA Finals preview and the actur of penr Pines report thanks bigo thank you sir and Acura penbroke Pines they’ve got it going on right now 15601 Pines Boulevard just off of I75 and Pines and by the way if you own or lease an acur tell them that Big O sent you get on down there go see Mike Chan and Jordan Ferber they do an excellent job and folks they got their 16th anniversary sale going on right now you can get 3.9% financing for 60 months the 2024’s the Integra 319 the RDX 419 the MDX 429 and of course the electrified ZDX is here folks you can sign up you want to get your ZD X order it now get on down there go see Larry schlosberg Pat nasto Tony stampone all the great people out there at Craig Zin Acura of pimo [Music] [Music] Pines this is the big old [Music] show this is the big old show go [Music]

Big O Talks about #MiamiHeat with Ira Winderman – RIP Bill Walton – Dallas Mavericks Chemistry – #heatculture trading for greatness – Damian Lillard

Host By Orlando “Big O” Alzugaray
Executive Producer – Sean Stanley
Edited By Sean Stanley

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  1. The Heat need to make the best decision for the future. Can’t overpay for players anymore, Jimmy isn’t a superstar he’s a star. Bam has the talent but he’s not naturally aggressive and you to have that to be a superstar. That me against you I win easily attitude, nothing wrong with passing but he needs to be more selfish and establish himself early in games.

  2. Spot on regarding MITCHELL

    BIG O smack that little old Jew in his face . Winderman makes no sense
    I am JEW so I can say that

  3. The problem is we turn our noses up at players that can help us, as if certain players are beneath us and not good enough. We had a chance at Kyrie, Gaffod, and PJ Washington

  4. Dame is a lil bich….EVERY OTHER start and wannabe star gets to go where he wants, but if your too scared to make a fuss, than you deserve to be in Milwaukee

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