@Denver Nuggets

Anthony Edwards showing leadership 🗣️

Anthony Edwards showing leadership 🗣️

they not doubling you on the post take your time don’t rush nothing hey this what I was talking about the other day we get a lead and get comfortable keep your foot on the gas

AntMan mic’d up during Game 6 of Timberwolves vs. Nuggets in the NBA Playoffs.

#nba #anthonyedwards #timberwolves


  1. ✅ Go Ant-Man GO !!
    After 21 years of a
    Bozo Loser Bum-Zero…
    ✅ Ant's energy is🔥🔥🔥 refreshing because he is genuine, not fake/phony.
    ✅ Young 💪🏾Leadership!
    ✅ Fans appreciate his vibe.
    ✅ His BAG is Loaded,
    ✅ His GAME is only gonna get
    ✅ The League is yours–
    ✅ Go get dat young fella!!

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