@Milwaukee Bucks

Chasing Derrick Jones Jr: How the Bucks can add athletic wing players | Gyro Step

Chasing Derrick Jones Jr: How the Bucks can add athletic wing players | Gyro Step

hey there welcome to the eurostep Milwaukee Bucks podcast proudly a part of the bluewire podcast Network and gspn plus we are presented by our friends at prize pick I am one of your hosts Ty Windish joined as always by the very brightly colored kind of looks like Sunday tiger Rohan cotti Monday Rohan how’s it going Rohan you know doing well doing well I don’t think I can I don’t think I can emulate to replicate The Vibes of Sunday Tiger but I’m going to do my best right now you should always be careful about emulating Tigers Vibes that’s what I’m that’s why I’m a little trepidacious yeah yeah yeah that’s probably good but I appreciate the comparison to an iconic look how about that there we go um it was so funny you said GSN plus presented by by prize pick and that reminded me we got to we got to remind the people that we now have a premium subscription available if you go to gspn doino you can find all fun stuff exclusive podcast videos articles and adree versions of all of your G favorite gspn podcast so just a reminder that’s at gspn doino but yeah Ty doing well uh it’s the it’s the Tuesday morning after a long weekend but you know we persevere we we keep going we keep bringing everyone the best content possible and uh we’re here the NBA season still going along we’re getting a lot of rumors about the off season as well that’s what happens when there’s only three teams left at time of recording but really two yeah basically two teams left at time of reporting and yeah we just keep we just keep chugging along absolutely um yeah so today the main part of the episode we’ll see actually how long everything ends up being we’re in a weird part in the offseason right now we keep saying we’re going to have draft coverage soon we will have draft covered soon it’s been it’s been a busy time folks it’s hard to learn enough about all these players but we will have that I’ll just I’ll just start saying before the draft sometime before the draft we’re going we’re going to have our in the next month we’ll have our draft coverage but we are going to go through my Matrix of Derrick Jones Junes Derek Jones jres players uh which I am calling chasing J Derrick Jones Jr and I will share the data set on gspn premium uh I’m going to do a little write up with some takeaways as well so you can look forward to that later this week that is a firmer timeline than uh than the uh the draft coverage that is eventually coming from us it it’ll it’s going to happen it will happen it will it will at some point it will at some point before the draft I will say we’re not going to just do Post draff we we’ll we’ll get there um but you can look forward to that you can find commercial free versions of our episodes you can find gspn Jeopardy you can find our first premium episode last week where we along with God there’s a bunch of people us neach Jordan and Andrew all discussed uh which Wisconsin sports team pro will win the next title so that was fun so all that uh can be found over at gspn doino should take you right to the the new sub stack page where again it’s not just written content on there although we have that too there is uh videos there is podcasts all of that all is the home base is over there at the first one as you mentioned Rohan but the NBA is down to three teams but really two teams as the Mavericks lead the Timberwolves 3 to Zer and the Celtics eliminated the Boston Pacers last the Boston the Indiana Pacers last night the coffee still cooling down uh so it will be a Boston it’ll almost certainly be a Boston Dallas NBA Finals you said before we started recording this makes you sick discuss it’s just it’s it’s a lot of it’s a lot of teams that for personal reasons and uh as someone who’s an avid watcher of the Milwaukee Buck I don’t like first of all Boston I shouldn’t need to explain that I’m sorry I know we have some Celtics fans that are listening but you have to understand I just I I cannot get behind it I just can’t I’m sorry it’s the boogeyman that’s what the Boston Celtics are the Boogeyman and it’s been really really really fun to just point out the fact that they’ve only won one title in the last like 40 years it’s been really fun and now they have a chance to end that and I’m very upset about it it’s just for for Boston first and foremost they’re just they’re the poster child they’re the you know uh they’re they’re the favorite Child and I don’t want to see them succeed I feel like that’s pretty straightforward and simple and for Dallas oh my God they what what reasons are there to not what reasons are there to like Dallas I mean one you’ve got Jason kid at the helm which is just evil that’s just evil on its own this morning you were thinking about Jason kid this morning yeah just like why it’s worked so well with him there I feel like he I feel like he gave up on being idealistic with players maybe he did maybe he did maybe Shan Sweeney turned a corner and is not going to just call out his best defensive players every single freaking possession yeah uh and you know how upsetting of a person you have to be to make Giannis satmo start chewing you out in the middle of a play pretty upsetting yeah one of the like nicest people to ever exist and then like if you’re Sean sweetie you can make him upset at the drop of a hat so that’s just evil first and foremost uh up top with Jason kid you have Kyrie Irving who just I I don’t need to explain is just yeah I’m I’m okay not seeing him succeed and then that’s basically it but that’s pretty that’s that’s a lot yeah the kid the kid part I don’t like it all uh I think it would be fitting if Luca W one cuz he really is that dude as whiny as he can be I for all the annoyance of Kyrie and dangerous rhetoric that he has spread I have enjoyed the Dallas Kyrie when he just doesn’t he’s just like something about those two playing together like they’ve just both I seem it feels like gotten so much out of it I I saw somebody tweeted the other day Kyrie found the Euro LeBron and now he’s all good again which is very very funny considering how much he wanted to get out of that shadow and I wonder if the same thing will play out again with Luca at some point Kyrie is much older now of course but for now they’re in position and they are just the whole team I think an extremely fun team to watch play like Kyrie and Luca just put on a show like every single game so and and hopefully I actually think it could be a short series if Derrik Lively misses significant time I think he is like really important to what they do and that the I don’t know if you saw the knee he took from tals was was nasty so it was it was not great really then there’s a guy who is very easy to root for was going through tragedy ahead of the playoffs when he lost his mother and everyone’s like was he even going to be able to play and played awesome he’s played awesome the entire playoffs has really been like one of the rookie Revelations of the season I think he was not first team all rookie I don’t think but I think if you held the voting post playoffs he would easily be first team all rookie I don’t know is it position bound still maybe I hope not that’s the one that should be the least but uh he is certainly played at that level I mean he to me is like you just drop Prime DeAndre Jordan into the NBA as a rookie and maybe even better like he is really good and the exact kind of player the buck should be looking for I just I just Googled First Team all rookie to make sure he is not make it by the way no yeah and the first thing that popped up was ESPN’s like history of the all rookie first team yeah and it just shows the all rookie first team throughout the years um it’s it’s it’s a weird list because it says like Hae hawz Jr position Guard team Miami Heat Brandon Miller position forward team Charlotte Hornet Brandon psky position Guard team null unknown uh Chad holgren position forward team null unknown’s they’re on the Move they’re on the Move Victor wanyama position center team San Antonio Spurs so they maybe it was so that was though two guards two forwards and a center yeah it looks like it looks like it is still POS no because it looks like it’s two guards three forwards at least oh so but it would have been tough because psky would clearly be the first guy out and he’s very clearly a guard yes um anyway L’s been awesome and for on the on the Spurs side or not spur godam on the Celtics side of it I was looking at the word Spurs when I’m looking at this all rookie team uh obviously not going to argue with you you on not wanting the Celtics to win I never want the Celtics to win I will say oh no wouldn’t be mad if Drew won yeah that’s he’s the one guy to they show Drew after and I was like oh that’s that’s real nice and as we’ve discussed many times on this podcast can’t hate Jason Tatum makes it harder yeah makes it harder to hate them like who is the most hatable individual Celtic Jaylen Brown I guess I see the thing is it’s just it’s almost worse than hating on individuals for Dallas like kid like Kyrie because it’s just the whole entity I know but I feel like it’s harder that I I don’t have hate for many of the specific players yeah Horford’s burn me do I hate El Horford though not really I’m sick of him I I am the that LeBron tweet like LeBron’s 35 he has to that’s how that’s been me with Horford for years too I keep meaning to post a meme version of that I keep forgetting but like it’s got to be over soon it’s got to be over soon the piss just keeps getting hotter uh porzingis I think is hatable yeah but he’s not even playing he’s not even playing uh if you hate Derek white you’re a loser like he’s he’s like the perfect role player guard and him and Drew both like they’re just they’re collecting they’re going to end up with Aaron Gordon too they’re just getting all these guys somehow I I I hate Pritchard I hate Pritchard I was gonna say Pritchard yeah but pritchard’s like bar he’s like he’s just there Sam Hower Milwaukee people can hate Sam yeah you can hate s again though these are like such irrelevant part to their team like at part of the rotation yeah but like they’re also I don’t think they’re truly as hatable in an NBA context like when they had Blake even when he barely played much easier to hate yeah I think smart was easier to hate than anyone they have now yeah but the thing is it’s and eay eay I hated eay Udo from day one and I think Missoula kind of stinks but I don’t hate him he’s just weird yeah there’s a there’s a bit about the town I have to tell you about off air okay oh boy but it’s just there’s I think it’s easier for me because I can just say oh I just hate Boston I do too I do too but I I just mean I’m I’m bright siding this and I feel like my very positive feelings toward Drew and then slightly positive toward the rest of these players let let me give you let me give you something else do you want to deal with the headache of takes if Drew wins a title I we already are I don’t care I I I close the app if if it gets stupid that’s my new that’s my new strategy I’m not going to sit here and argue with people I saw John Hensen tweeted the Bucks just gave away Drew holiday they got Dame like no I’m not GNA do this no not John Henson yeah joh like they gave him away like what are you watching so in John Henson’s mind they dumped Drew and the trade was actually Grayson Allen and two picks for Dame hey that’s one heck of a trade John hor wow it’s getting even better it’s getting even better that one transaction was really good the Drew part he’s just trying to he’s just trying to root for that that pobo promotion that we still haven’t seen yeah we’ll see we’ll see about that one um but no I I I don’t I’m not going to factor that stuff in I I do I do always wish failure on Boston and I would prefer if the West team one even if it is the Mavericks the kid thing is interesting I I still hate him more than than anyone else we’ve said he’s done pretty well there and I I do feel like he’s just he’s not aspirational anymore I mean kid bucks he was like all right I’m gonna make I’m gonna make Brandon Knight my point guard I’m gonna make Michael Carter Williams I’m gonna make Giannis my point guard now he’s just like you know what we got Luca we went and got Kyrie I don’t need to mold these guys let me just focus on defense like that’s pretty much it yeah that’s true I mean he’s still a terrible person yeah 100% it’s I just think it’s a better fit for what he does as a coach that is fair he probably has to he’s probably in his mind has to like break down guys less because they’re pretty much all vets yeah starting I mean who are the young guys in the rotation I mean you got Lively you got Jaden Hardy Josh Green yeah who sometimes are factoring in uh it was really funny uh in game three there were two possessions when Jaden Hardy got a switch with goar tried to pass it to Luca Luka’s like no just do something he’s like you’ve got Rudy Goa you do something I’m glad you brought this up why I I I’m confused about the and I know just it’s because people hate go for whatever reason like I saw this with Horford too like nard gets the Horford switch and is able to get an pretty open mid-ranger and he’s cooking Horford is this not just like what 99.9% of bigs look like switched on to crafty guards yeah I think it’s when they’re it’s when they’re lauded for a defensive reputation though yeah but I understand the disconnect I do understand the disconnect it’s silly like oh it Jose Alvarado is guarding Yiannis in the post he’s getting cooked like yeah of course he is that’s that’s second Team all defense Jose Alvarado if you ever made that I I think he did actually this or did he I don’t know he certainly laed as a good Defender and he’s like probably the smallest guy who is so it’s it’s an extreme example but it’s the same thing like nobody would be like oh wow he couldn’t guard yic in the post he actually sucks at defense but we do it the other way he is not no okay or like you could say let’s see I have the first and I you have to be careful because some of these guys are really like Drew is really good in the post but still probably I was going to say a lot of these guys I can’t really like Caruso like herb Jones herb Jones is bigger I think but even like Drew like Drew if you had joic on Drew eight feet from the basket he’s gonna score yeah like and and again it’s not a great example with jic but also it is and Jaden Hardy’s not that guy Drew is Drew is such a good all-around Defender it’s tough yeah that’s true but I think a lot of I I don’t know I think it’s it’s certainly been overblown quite a bit I think I mean I’m looking at this list though but it’s like guys like jiren like bam uh it’s bam is probably the best guard Defender he’s the best switchable big in so that’s just a wanyama like yeah it’s tougher to make that argument it’s a little tougher but I also think cat’s got to be loving this dialogue big Pur oh cat cat is Cat is loving this he I mean he’s getting a pass because one goar is the Target Two Anthony Edwards is just putting up tour dates and he’s just the third guy I think is goar scoring more than cat in this series I hope not I mean I I I was watching the second half and gobear is like every other possession felt like he had an offensive rebound or or a little layup and I did not see cat do anything I would be shocked if that was the case but I wouldn’t be surprised consideran cat’s only scoring what 14 per game in this series thought it was yeah maybe I P the basketball reference but yeah it’s it’s just just difficult uh for guys to to really oh no 15 to 12.3 yeah but they’re pretty similar goar has taken 22 shots cat has taken 54 shots though oh my God so 2.5 the shots for uh less than three more points per game not not ideal that is horrendous yeah I’m I’m I’m no great go bear Defender but I I just I look at the guy I I kind of hate him as a person too but I just think we’re getting a little ridiculous with some of this stuff yeah Jaden Hardy doing it is a bad look it is a bad look uh and it it’s you’re seeing The Dallas Players fully lean into it as well yeah like they’re going to attack him every chance they get they want to embarrass him like LCA has made it his personal mission to embarrass Rudy goar for some reason does not like it has to be there has to be history there like Euro Euro basket I don’t know I don’t know because he’s doing it on both ends yeah and well he hates ant too it seems like yeah but I think that that’s more of like a respect thing yeah because it’s like oh you know he’s the guy on their team I’m the guy on this team just sort of going at it he has that he has that classic picture of him leaning at the free throw line talking to him and it’s like you see people are saying don’t put these in black and white or they’re going to have to cancel Luca it’s very funny um do you think Aunt regrets the Kyrie thing he said on national TV I don’t even think he said anything bad he said that’s my assignment yeah he’s not wrong well he ended up being wrong soz I had to take him off of him they did yeah it wasn’t disrespectful I just I don’t think he said anything that bad he’s like I’m just I’m excited I don’t know if he actually said anything like I’m excited to lock him up he said I’m excited about the assignment but yeah he should like I took that personally that assignment is kicking his ass I mean that’s what these guys do they take everything personally yeah that’s they’re insane competitive athletes yeah at the highest levels the absolute highest levels Eric bledo made first team all defense in 2019 there’s a guy who couldn’t even guard guards in the playoffs there’s yeah I just realized there’s someone missing from my data set so I’m going to introduce the report that the Milwaukee Bucks do you have anything else on the finals uh no let’s go to the second thing the milwauke Bucks tied for third or fourth favorite team to be James Harden’s next team so before I send this to you I will note there is almost no way possible the Milwaukee Bucks could actually acquire James Harden unless he is signing for either a vetman or the mini mle which is like $5 million like a very small number uh he is a true free agent there’s no option he can opt into and the sign and trade rules are you cannot take back your player in the sign in a signning trade if it would leave you over the first salary cap apron not the second the one that The Bu could duck under the first apron exactly the Bucks are are we’re we’re trying to figure out if the buck can make it under the second apron they’re obviously going to be over the first apron if they’re under the first apron something horrible happens something has really gone bad yeah that’s that’s not like Yannis and Dame and Chris alone will you at the first APR yeah so let’s not root for that unless they unless the NBA suddenly says we’re actually jumping the cap by $50 million which would be which by the way that’s another thing the the newest TV deals are reportedly ready to be signed in the the coming weeks and uh uh that means we’re going to see a lot of uh salary cap and uh increases but due to the new collective bargaining agreement there is going to be cap smoothing it can only be raised by a maximum of 10% each year 10 we’re not I I believe it’s 10% uh we’re not going to have another KD to the warrior situation another Mirza toich to the buck situation which is what people truly remember remember from that summer we won’t have another mozgov to the Hornet situation mozgov and Deng no what a hall Mitch Cup cheack going go ape with that one uh so we likely won’t have another uh rehashing of that but yeah that’s going to be coming soon Max salaries could reach uh close to100 million a year which is just there’s going to be a whole another wave of people going that’s just not right I mean I understand I understand too but also I’d rather the money go to the players than the owners but I also I do also understand the position of people should not be making that much money yeah and I I do I do empathize with both sides not to be a both sides guy not not I I am a both sides guy but not to be one the Euro Step is brought to you by prize picks all gspn bucks podcasts are brought to you by prize pick our presenting sponsor and America’s number one fantasy sports app with more than 5 million members where all you have to do is pick more or less on two or more player stats for a shot to win up to 100 times your cash playing on prize picks this basketball playoff season is the most simple way to get in on the action it’s also the most fun I’ve had winning up to 100 times my money this basketball season quick withdrawals easy gameplay and an enormous selection of players and Stat types are what make prize picks the number one fantasy sports app and this playoffs the stars mean more on prize picks keep an eye out for starred players on the board and you could receive a 10% payout boost if they’re in your winning lineup this week on prize picks well I’m getting ready for the finals next week on prize picks uh not going to not going to focus too much on on the Conference Finals since there’s maybe just one game left but I am looking at Luca donic and Kyrie Irving for their points and assists for Dallas and the Celtics is kind of just a grab bag but the way he’s been playing let’s go with Jaylen Browns points rebound J more than Tatum EAS conf confence Finals MVP the Larry Bird trophy kind of funny it a Celtics Pacer series but anyway that’s what we’re looking at on prize picks and even when the NBA is off or over WNBA just started up so you can get it on on Caitlyn Clark Angel Reese and other great WNBA rookies and just other players Brianna Stewart Sabrina ycu Etc on prize picks download the app today and use code eurostep for a first deposit match up to $100 that’s promo code eurostep on the prize picks app today and they will match your first deposit up to $100 pick more pick less it’s that easy but James Harden James Harden listed as the the bo of the fourth best odds this is just lunacy it it it truly is I don’t know how these I don’t know how these odds are made but it’s clearly made with some sort of information because that’s how these things work but I don’t understand it I mean who H how just how one they like you mentioned they’re not going to be able to sign and trade for so it’s either a vetman or a mini mle and in what world is James Harden doing that to go to Milwaukee yeah exactly I don’t understand so here are the teams number one Phoenix number two also also stupid by the way and this is this is also assuming he doesn’t stay with the Clippers I’m assuming the Clippers would be the the the top I would sure hope so so we have Phoenix then the Orlando magic which I guess I mean at least at least they could pH like do it I think where where’s yeah they they have the cap space yeah uh where’s where’s uh where’s Magic City at oh wow is that what it’s called yeah he’s going to put the that’s in it’s an Atlanta but he’s going to put the he’s going to put the Magic City in Orlando is Orlando close to Atlanta or am I tripping am I embarrassing myself right now I ah I don’t know oh no oh I I don’t remember where it is in Florida it might not be that far oh no I don’t think it’s helicopter ride six and a half hour drive I don’t think Harden would be driving it yeah that’s fair I mean that’s a pretty that’s not a bad flight that can’t be a bad flight it’s a it’s less than two hour flight yeah uh but yeah Orlando is at least conceivable because of the location like you’re in Florida yeah and to they have the cap space they can do a sign and trade as well yeah three the Los Angeles Lakers I don’t believe they have the ability to do that in ter depends what LeBron’s doing that is true that if if you’re could come off the bush if you’re James Harden are you going to the Lakers if LeBron leaves I mean still there still there unless ad Demands a trade that’d be funny Harden Reeves Anthony Davis is like the funniest Lakers team ever it really is uh and then we have the Bucks uh coming in fourth place and it’s just why how why I I keep I saw a report that the the Suns May draft bronie and their super into getting LeBron too and it’s just like you literally can’t dude minimum contract man I I think I don’t think Adam Silva would let him and I don’t think LeBron would ever do it either yeah why would LeBron sign for a minimum when he like KD when Bradley Beal is making $50 million do you think LeBron can take a minimum on the same team there’s also it’s a whole like it’s a big players so like they don’t want to set the precedent of guys taking way way less because it’s obviously bad for their earning power of the league and it’s also just less money going to players overall like there’s that’s like that’s not going to be made up anywhere right that’s just like 50 million less dollars going to NBA players so yeah I would be pretty shocked the suns are just stupid yeah like anyone who a free agent these second apron teams just need to give up like you’re not anyone who’s you know again role players maybe but a star free agent no it doesn’t make any sense it doesn’t make any sense for the box I mean I think the suns are at the second apron with their four guys aren’t they I believe so or maybe almost just their Tam near just their three I mean that’s what 150 million between three guys yeah like what do you I are you going to Sal dump Kevin Durant hey if you now that would be bad because he’d be going to Philly yeah he would that’s really bad I guess maybe maybe Orlando is it that no that’s bad that’s that’s worse than Paul George for sure yeah I don’t know man he’s not the guy he used to be neither are no I think I’d be more worried about Paul George really is that a hot take I don’t know I feel like no maybe not Kevin Durant’s a worse third guy than Paul George better first or second guy but he’s a worse third guy cuz he just he just does the same thing he just does it’s no matter he’s just like I’m just going to take a bunch of midies and not pass that much and not space the floor that much he’s is he supercharged Michael Porter Jr at this point wow a little bit a little bit right a little bit Katie I hope you’re you’re not listening to this or I hope you are I’m sure he’s going to Tweet about it but you won’t know it’s him um but anyway yeah the the Harden thing hard stuff it’s lunacy it’s absolute lunacy and this is again this is not a report even I don’t this is just like someone made a list of odds yeah and you have to take that in in the in today’s climate you should take that but I take Harden on a vet Min yes would I take hard on a vetman absolutely would I take him on the mini mle yeah yes also yes if you’re looking for a shooting guard to slot in I mean the last time they used one of these exceptions it was Joe Eng Les it’s pretty comparable players well see yeah no yeah yeah yeah he was because I didn’t use one last year um yeah if you’re looking for a two guard to slot in I know he does not help with what we’ve been preaching all summer about like you know you got to get faster you got to get younger you got to get more athletic so throwing six Man of the Year Sixth Man of the Year you could have the sixth and eighth man of the year or the 18th as you would say Y and if Yiannis wins MVP then you have the first man of the year that is the first man of the year yeah so a lot of men of the year you could have yeah that’s true uh but anyway the quick guide to is it absolute BS if the Bucks are going to reportedly acquire a player or not are are if they’re a true free agent no op so like LeBron that they’re they’re they’re not going to get LeBron but could they if LeBron opted into his deal trade for LeBron like could they functionally do that yes if you have a player option we saw this with Harden last summer like if you want slightly more flexibility on where you go with all the cap rules as a player you can opt in and demand a trade and then a team can just send salary for you and it’s not a sign and trade it’s different it’s just you’re basically an expiring contract and then they could extend him later so like players with options they can do that the Bucks could at least theor Al and again I’ve said I don’t think this is really a star hunting summer for them but it is like just to know what’s functionally that’s functionally possible someone Ops it and they could trade for them if they are just a true blue free agent like James Harden uh I’m trying to think of any other players who are in this boat Isaac aoro who I think would be like a really intriguing 3 andd player to Target a true free agent like there just Klay Thompson there’s just no real way hascal cakam yes Gordon Hayward no there is a way they could acquire Gordon Hayward the vetman is suddenly very realistic unfortun is Harris probably not everyone’s saying he’s going to get overpaid by Detroit if he gets like 12 to 16 million per year 16 might be high but that’s he does stuff I don’t even think 16’s terrible it’s a little high given the way he just disappears but 16 on Detroit though I don’t think that’s an overpay depends how long it is yeah like a fouryear deal 16 no that’s too that’s too long really I don’t 16’s not that much nowadays man he’s bad though he’s not he’s not good okay I was gonna say he’s not act active detriment he he disappears way too often and it’s not like he was their second guy he was like their fourth guy so 16 over4 for me that’s going to be a little honorous when you have to start paying Kade and these other guys that’s true give him give him two years 40 total before you do that in my opinion I agree I think that’s a good that’s a good value two two for 40 I think that’s a good deal for Detroit you can come be in aan langon is that how you say that I think so I don’t know I didn’t know if it was like Trahan oh I don’t think so no Tren yeah okay I think so I’m sorry if I’m getting this wrong yeah thought it was a good high I thought the same about Troy raver so I guess we’ll see that’s pretty much all my exact hire unless it’s a retread I’m just like yeah it sounds good he worked smart places Yeah Tim con should have built a team to beat more than one team we do have one more bit of news what’s that uh RP to Bill Walton oh yeah yeah very sad legendary career legendary broadcaster will be missed 100% Pioneer of the game absolutely Pioneer in real life too yeah it’s a great Point awesome some guy no will be missed went with good call wow no like he’s literally out live the pack by one day that’s crazy he’s like this pack the pack I will not go on without the Pack 12 he won two rings then he won two rings one MP MVP one with Portland one with Boston winning a ring in Portland is tough man as the as the best guy yeah top 7 five guy for a reason they were so excited about it I I think like almost 10 guys from that team have their numbers retired important as they should which is always what I bring up when people yell at me about the Pat cond in case yeah as they should you never know when these things come along you never know when you’re I’d rather rather have Pat C than Frank wyers immortalized is all I’m saying sorry Frank winners he’s never coming on the Pod I thought you said Brian Winters for a second oh I met I met Brian Winters Frank Winters is is that anyone or is that just a name I I don’t know that I thought it was like a Portland no I don’t know who that is he is a America former NFL yes Frankie Bag of Donuts what that’s what my dad called him I don’t know if that’s his real name he’s a packer he sucked yeah right here here Browns Giants Chiefs and Packers uh he played in the Pro Bowl oh no he didn’t suck he was in the Pro Bowl was an all proo his nickname was Frankie Bag of Donuts or Old Bag of Donuts that’s amazing yeah he got an internship with the Colts in 2009 an internship yeah to do what I don’t know man wanted to broaden his Horizons a little bit relax I mean fair enough Frankie Bag of Donuts is Prett Frankie bag see we don’t have good nicknames anymore it’s all just like oh we share birday I share a birthday I share a birthday with Frankie bag of donuts oh wow look at that yeah uh no John Madden gave the Frankie bag see that’s why we’re missing guys who just throw out you know Marcus tries he does but like back in the old days yeah they would like I mean they would the games aren’t long enough no the round mound of rebound who that was one of the Barkley nicknames oh okay also flying Coke machine which is a little more problematic if you if you really think about it um but anyway I don’t think you to really think about it I think you just need to think about it for a second it took me years to get that oh why he just used soda yeah that’s what we’re talking about yeah yeah yeah it’s problematic CU he was a bigger guy he drank too much soda that’s allegedly allegedly but yeah rip to Bill Walton will do this um okay the Dereck Jones Jr Matrix yes let’s do it so here are here’s what I’ve compiled I’ve got 17 players so far I’ll continue adding there is an 18th so there’s a control so what these are the stats I looked at and I I wish I had better data I think up front one of the biggest limitations here is there are just not many good statistics for athleticism publicly available for all players I do have the average speed in miles per hour when these players are on the court which is again it’s it’s fuzzy I mean some of it can depend on roll some of it can depend on I’d probably say it lightly minutes too cuz the less you play the more you can run in all your minutes but it’s something so I have average speed height wingspan and average threo percentage over the last two seasons I didn’t do that for the speed but I wanted for three point to have a little bit more of a control to make sure the sample size didn’t get too inflated one way or the other so Derek Jones Jr who is going to be an under free agent who had just made 2.7 million he is going to get a big race he is almost certainly going to be starting in the finals in 10 days nine we have to wait forever June 6th is the first day of the final yeah jeez come on like it’s going to be such a long it’s going to be pretty anticlimactic unless the wolves do a a Celtics from last year but oh no was it vice versa no the heat were up yeah you’re right you’re right you’re right don’t touch yourself U but DK Jones Jr so over the last two seasons regular seasons only shot 34.2% from three so for this list uh he ended up being I colorcoded green is the top in each category yellow is the middle red is the bottom Derrik Jones Jr ended up in the yellow on three out of the four ended up green on wingspan because he’s just got a really long wingspan so he is not the ideal platonic Derrick Jones Junes drick Jones Jr player which is kind of funny it’s so funny that Derrick Jones Jr is not the ideal Derrick Jones Jr and again just according to data I think he’s probably better than a lot of the players who I think that honestly helps your case yeah because there’s the ability to to really do you do you look at Derek I can’t I can’t say it now Derek J AP apologies apologies DJJ now I’m just messing everything up airplane mode yeah that’s a good nickname that’s a good nickname yeah uh I’m just thinking of now when John Collins put on the uh uh the the flight guy and barely cleared an airplane in the dunk contest that was about that uh at least he tried I’ll give him that he tried to make a spectacle but the fact that you you can watch Dereck Jones Jr right now not he’s going to be a starter on a final scene oh we got a Sophie sighting she just ran she runs in here I close the door and she can open it she bashes it with her head and it just opens I don’t have a very good door yeah that’s amazing Sophie’s numbers don’t really compare here but just real quick 0% from three definitely less than in the four is on miles per actually maybe on speed you do okay height and wingspan like one foot and even less I mean you have a negative wingspan Sophie okay the uh the Youtube viewers are getting a good show here yeah uh Scouting Report always love Sophie I’m P but yeah Derrick Jones Jr you you watch starting for this team and you think yeah he’s a player that could help the bucks but you’re more looking for that archetype of player not necessarily the player itself so I think that lends itself well to this Matrix we’re about to discuss exactly so the in between 33 and 37% ended up being the yellow so that’s where that’s where Derrick Jones Jr actually sits on this list he is I think eighth out of 17 so pretty much right in the middle then for average speed and this is in Miles hour and I took both the offense and defense combined number they have not wanting to separate because I think there’s there can be a bit of variance between them so the average was good Derrik Jones Jr was actually on the low end of the yellow here his average speed was 4.32 Miles hour for reference I included Brooke Lopez just on average speed he is at 3.8 miles per hour which isn’t that much slower but is the slowest there’s none of these players are any slower than that every everyone else is between 4.05 and 4.8 so 4.32 is the low end of the middle everything between 4.3 and 4.4 which is about a third of the list is yellow so that’s where Derrick Jones Jr is there then on height he is 66 that is also the yellow 65 and 66 is yellow anything below 65 is red and then 67 and above is green so those are his three kind of middleof the road metrics and then wingspan is 7t uh which is quite long that’s green green is 7t and above yellow is 69 to between 69 and 7 and then anything below 69 is red so I can throw out some players here and kind of go over their their rankings in these categories or at least where they their their color grades let me start with some of the kind of surprise ones who ended up with multiple greens and again I think this is carrying off the what we talked about um last week which is like do you need great Defenders do you need guys who are not as great Defenders or can you just get by with like locked in athletes which I think is the Mavs are testing this Theory scheme over Personnel I love scheme and yeah and just like traits attributes over yeah like true defensive Stoppers exactly so a surprise one here with three out of four greens a player we have not liked very much Andrew Wiggins Andrew Wiggins okay okay so oh another thing so I didn’t include like I think nard and N Smith would have been on here I didn’t include guys I didn’t think the Bucs could really trade for or sign so it’s a list of free agents and Veteran veterans on contracts who I felt were at least sort of available and then I added some just for like comparison sake as well for other active players that they probably couldn’t get either just a heads up but Wiggins 37.6% from three as much as he’s felt like an under whelming three-point shooter that is actually third best on this list and again I it’s a good percentage it’s not bad and and I think for this kind of player like again um drik Jones Jr 34.2 his teammate PJ Washington 33.4 like these guys who are excelling at this three and D role in the playoffs do not have a track record as excellent three-point Shooters so wiggin’s worst thing out of these four core stats is actually his average speed which kind of given how much would you say Space Case sure is that harsh no I mean maybe not let’s we’ll just say not all the time locked in which isn’t great considering he’s been on the Warriors 4.21 miles we do not we do not know the reason why he’s missed so much time due to no but even just outside of missing time for sure you like even I just want to make sure we’re not saying that no no no yeah I I just mean like his actual play even just this last season this is not two years this is just this last season for Speed he’s third worst only PJ Washington is actually one of the ones below him and then a player that we’ll talk about is also uh the worst besides Brook Lopez who a lot of a lot of Bucs fans actually want this player so that’s interesting but Wiggins 67 is a good height on here and does have the seven foot wingspan which is one of the big criteria here before we go any further even before we talk about Wiggins what do you think about these four stats I think it’s a it’s a good like way to look at these players in the aggregate right like you’re just taking the some athleticism stats plus some uh measurables and that’s really how you look at a player archetype so I do like the methodology I think what I will add before I publish is I think average attempted threes per game or maybe per minute would be helpful too just to give you a better idea on shooting but for now this will work I also think the wingspan is sneakily really really important for for what the bucks specif or what we’re looking for for the bucks so I think that’s going to be really relevant too so Wiggins rates out quite well here with three greens and one red no I do think Andrew Wiggins is a player who would foot really well with the Bucks just given like all you you mentioned he’s a guy who can shoot who has been like proven that he can be a he was the second best player on a title winning team somehow which is insane against the Boston cels uh so that’s a massive that’s a that’s in favor of the Mavs I will say uh yeah you know just you got to get some good Wing play D sorry I’m still thinking about this I know the one thing is is just the contract right three years remaining 28.2 million average annual value so that is the heest contract on this list which is probably a pro for acquiring him I mean it’s going to be outside you have to find the money but outside of that it’s easier the Bucks have to be out of the second apron to get him though yes because otherwise you can’t aggregate salaries and then it would have to be one of your big three players which is just not happening and the the Warriors they I mean they wouldn’t matter for this case but they couldn’t you’d probably need to come in at or below his number if they’re going to be a second apron team yeah I realized this when I did a pod with the timeline guys about bud it’s pretty much impossible for two second apron team trades two second apron teams to trade because they both need to trade one for one and they need to exactly match the dollars so unless you have two players making the exact same amount you can’t do a trade yeah that is which is pretty crazy there’s only going to be like a handful of second apron teams though and they’re all going to be theoretically contenders and contenders don’t usually trade with each other but they don’t but it is it’s just an interesting no fun thought experiment like if if the buck stayed over like the Brook Lopez ideal to Phoenix they’d have to have someone make exactly which they don’t exactly the same no that’s true that is very true uh okay uh you ready for another three there’s only a couple three green players there’s two more okay let’s see it this one was actually pretty surprising Tory Craig Tory Craig okay Tory Craig has a player option I think a vet Min player option so probably a pretty good chance he declines at 2.8 million shot 39.4% over the last two seasons second best on the list very close to the top spot on the list 4.54 milph that’s a green as well that is only let’s see one two only two players were actually higher than that in terms of average speed so when he’s out there although he’s probably one of the older guys on this list Tory Craig is shoven the 6’7 height is also a green again it’s not amazing height but for this Arc Type for this list of guys it’s pretty good only like I think two or taller than 67 the wingspan is what holds him back it’s actually a red he’s only got a 6’8 wingspan so that is I would say a concern I mean that is very small I think that is I have a couple guards on here but even the guards some of the guards have a higher wingspan than that so that’s the big concern but I think a guy who will almost certainly be available again for vet Min I mean given the rest of these numbers I think that’s a good flyer I know it didn’t work out last time with the Bucks hey or you could spin that into a positive and say he’s already familiar with Milwaukee yeah he’s familiar with the city and there’s a new coaching staff now which do we know if he got a ring I no idea yeah we could ask him if he comes back yeah and he does our PO he should do our podcast he should Tory Craig he yeah should do both the 39% jumped out he really that number together that’s not something that you would think about when you think about Tory Craig the last couple of Seasons I mean maybe just being in a in a Billy Donovan offense will help you out with that I said that as a joke because that’s just funny after being uh in a Bud offense and then who who was he with with oh Amman yeah uh Billy Donovan fixed him somehow uh Dilly bovan Dilly bovan Florida’s he’s he want he’s a Florida guy right yeah I think he won there with that Al Horford Joe Keem noan that might have been him maybe I’ll look it up but shout out University of Florida I guess but sure well Willam John Donovan Jr William John Donovan Jr oh yeah that was him he coached there from 96 to 2015 sheesh wow and yeah one back toback titles he looks good how old is he he is 58 he looks good for 58 I I think he’s actually a pretty solid coach sure let’s leave it at that um it looks good for 58 I’ll say that but yeah Tory Craig I mean you’re talking about but a guy like you mentioned who just flies under the radar and you wouldn’t really assume he has that those shooting numbers because he’s not a guy who traditionally has shot the ball a lot but if you’re able to really get that uh get that number up I mean the percentage is there yeah and he’s a versatile Defender like 67 68 wingspan I know 68 wingspan isn’t great but it it’s it’s enough almost if you want to switch like maybe one through three or four you could do that to me he feels like does he have the starter upside of a of a Wiggins or a DJJ I would probably think no but I think it would be a great just another just more more of these options I mean could he be a realized version of what the Bucs wanted from Jay Crowder just coming off the bench maybe maybe do you want to try and name a player and see if I have them on here oo okay see okay so I to think they’re they’re couple guards they’re almost all wings I didn’t do Dennis Smith Jr who I should have so I’ll give you that he’s not on here okay are they are they free agents uh some are some are under contract okay most I think are under contract there is another vetman guy who did really well from the Bulls ironically enough and there’s a there’s a couple option guys who probably will be free agents EV vent Min option from the Bulls javante green javante green D jav so underrated a little undersized 37% last two years he only got signed super late last season but the year before he played a lot 4.41 miles per hour is a green 6.5 height is a yellow he’s just below green height though 610 wingspan for gavon green which makes sense because he’s always played as a four actually really like would really like that flyer I mean run around younger player too I don’t think he is I mean he’s younger than Tory Craig is he I’m pretty I hope so he’s 30 so he is younger than Tory Craig is Tory Craig like 31 33 33 damn okay uh so he’s a little younger I mean I I should add I should add age to this too maybe but yeah javante Green he’s technically on that Giannis timeline yeah just a little older five not many miles not many miles no so he’s not like he’s not like a burned out vet not it’s not a tibs 30 no it’s not tis 30 it’s more of a a John horse 30 30 because he only drafts guys who four year guys out of college yeah maybe Wella just hasn’t played a ton in his NBA career either but yeah for sure Al a definitely a John horse 30 yeah hey know um but yeah he’s he’s a guy who’s just he’s versatile I I like the versatility there like you mentioned not a ton of miles and he jumps out at you in terms of like he he’s got got some athleticism he’s got the ability to space out and stretch he’s got the ability to switch I mean he’s just I think he might just be like a little older version of current derck Jones Jr yeah he’s just he’s never had that level of success but I feel like never had J yeah he’s never really had that opportunity I I I’m pretty high on javante green personally okay that’s fair he’s another one of your guys yeah yeah I I I don’t love everyone on the list I I like Javon I kind I think I like gavon green a little more than Tory Craig I think I would say that too even though the metrics have Craig is a little better except for wings band have Craig is better no what’s the wings band on javante again 610 610 yeah that that’ll play 65 was 610 so that’s why it’s like 65 with a 610 wingspan is almost better than 67 with a 68 wingspan maybe it is better I think it I think it might be and hey if you’re javante you really love Chicago You’ve Been There milwa is close enough man I is nice yeah yeah just take the train you know easy it’s an easy drive it’s a very easy Drive I do it a lot you know it’s it’s an easy absolutely so yeah we can add the Chicago guys do you want to try and guess one there is a restricted free agent an unrestricted free agent and then a lot of player options and then guys under contract restricted free agent I don’t know if it’s a player you would guess are they from the Bulls no no I think we’re done with Bulls nowk oh I was gonna say like Pat will like oh yeah I didn’t I figured not attainable no not attainable I don’t think he’s attainable H are they in Atlanta Hawk there is a hawk at least one Hawk on here is it a a restricted free agent from the Hawks no the restricted free agent is from Miami from Miami yeah I like I said I didn’t think it’s a player you’d guess it’s a player I’ve had a soft spot for for quite a while a restricted free agent from the Miami Heat I’m trying to think who even wait just okay who is it it is Haywood heith Haywood heith Haywood heith thankfully as much as I like him rid it out well in my uh DJJ Matrix so uh 37.5% from three to the last two years fourth highest on the list 4.57 mph is second on the list so he’s moved very fast which makes free agent by the way he’s not restricted no I thought spot track said restricted unrestricted unrestricted oh I don’t know what I was looking so unrestricted that’s even better uh 6’5 height which is shocking to me mostly because he has a 6′ 11 a half wingspan so one of the bigger Wings just a just below green there’s not one of the bigger there’s a lot of seven-footers but like right there with the top of the list there so he he is technically two greens on the shooting and speed and two yellows on the height and the wingspan but he’s pretty close on both I really like Haywood High Smith I think he has a big upside I think so too honestly I’ve made jokes a lot a lot of jokes about hayw with heith and rightfully so I’m got to get my jokes off yeah but just watching him play watching him rise to the level in in postseason play consistently is just something where you’re like yeah this is a guy who’s you know an undrafted guy he is an undrafted guy I believe right not crazy either on or very low drafted but I think he is not a highly touted player coming in to say the least and just being able to come in and make an impact immediately and just develop in that heat heat culture for as much as it’s M for a good reason uh just being able to go and do that or is that a detriment because the guys who go out who are successful in Miami then go out don’t usually pan out though I don’t know I think streu had a pretty good year that is true I think maxu did did break the mold I think da Vincent was just hurt yeah he was hurt all year which was unfort maybe it is a uh it is a trend that isn’t really found out to be super super accurate yeah but I I do think Haywood heith he has that athleticism as you mentioned he’s a bigger guy he’s got that rangy wingspan type player he’s got the burst he’s got the just the the vertical yeah that’s an inging one I’ve seen him pick the pocket of like the Jays at least one of them in a playoff series before like it’s it’s I feel like I’ve seen him apply that wingspan more than some of the other guys on this list on the defensive end in the way we’re seeing PJ Washington and Derrik Jones Jr do it like I think if the Bucks got Haywood heith on whether it’s a vetman or it’s a mini mle I would be ecstatic like I think that is in terms of free agents probably one of the best guys you could get to try and fit this mold no and the fact that he’s not rest red makes it even better assuming spot TR is accurate here yeah I I’m sure spot tr’s usually the best so I don’t know where I got restricted but that’s that’s even better so yeah I mean he yeah it says he signed a three-year deal uh back in 2021 as part of the non- taxpayer mle so I think he’s just unrestricted let’s see yeah CU I think if he has four years of service he for sure would be um it gets weird with the undrafted guys where it’s like they’re yeah he’s got four so I would think he is probably nonrestricted or no four could be restricted do you it seem I don’t know it’s uh I don’t know yeah it does say UFA on SPO trk though so let’s go with that yeah yeah yeah let’s go with that but no Haywood heith is a very intriguing guy I mean he’s he’s another one of your guys that you’ve had on your list for a while which I’ve I’ve liked Haywood for quite a while it’s funny we’ve gone through like four players here and two of them have been your guys so I think you’re this there’s a lot of confirmation bias going the DAT is working out for me that’s what that’s what I that’s how I would describe it that’s how someone would describe confirmation bias as well I don’t I don’t know about that I I had Wiggins on here I know I know I’m just playing but no Haywood heith that’s a good one that’s a really good one not someone I was thinking about here’s one of my guys who didn’t work out on this list bismo no Chris dun uned free agent uh too small the wingspan and the speed wasn’t great he was number one on the three-point shooting of all the players I considered 39.5% the last two years which is kind of funny cuz I feel like not really a guy anyone thinks of as a shooter uh the speed wasn’t great 4.37 mph is a low yellow on that or medium yellow but yeah 6’4 is red and then actually this is what I laugh with Craig 69ine wingspan makes him a yellow so that does make up for it quite a bit actually but I still think a guy you probably don’t want Chris Don guarding Jason Tatum right like he can guard guards and even bigger guards but not super rangy uh 6469 is is pretty small he is the uh there’s three other two other 64 guys but there’s one only one guy actually shorter than that uh I’ll just say it’s Davon Mitchell I threw him on here just to see and the speed was good but he’s six less than 6’2 with a less than 65 wingspan just not what the Bucks are looking for no not in uh not in this regard how about that yeah I still think you know that backup point guard position is a yeah up for grabs especially if there’s no pev we’ll see on that one well we we shall see for sure uh yeah so chrison I think chrison and you you mentioned earlier Dennis Smith Jr I think these are two guys who might not necessarily fit that mold but are still valuable players maybe we have to do a a pat Bev Matrix yeah I I do think should be the primary I I don’t know actually if this should be I I do think it should be I do think do you need a mobile big the most the Isaiah Jackson Matrix no I’m making that next I’m making that next you can’t stop me from making we’re done we’re done we’re done I can publish it the substack myself I’m going to put out the Isaiah Jackson it’s just gonna be Isaiah Jackson but did you watch him kick a guy in the head yesterday that was bad not on purpose it’s not the first time he’s done that when you’re moving that fast and you’re that big why are you kicking your leg up like that he shouldn’t do that no that is the SEC I think it was a he did someone on the wolves like last year yeah someone brought up the video I was like this is this is Tai’s guy right here just a just a face ker I’m done with Isaiah Jackson I can’t quit what what stood out to you about Isaiah Jackson in these Eastern Conference hasn’t had a good Eastern Conference Finals what stood out to you about Isaiah Jackson in the Eastern Conference semi-finals it’s more about when I’ve seen him play the Bucks which is what you should not do when you’re scouting a player he has not gotten to play very much but he is he’s very athletic Jaylen Smith has gotten more opport has some gotten some opportunities because Isaiah Jackson has been not great I think it’s a spacing thing but yeah he yes no anyway anyway enough we won’t do um I’m I’m Gonna Save that one for later o oh DeAndre Hunter a lot of people like DeAndre Hunter yeah Hawks guy I mean we’ve seen the defense second most expensive player on the list yes we’ve seen the defense uh up front and first if you’re the if you’re the Milwaukee Bucks obviously from that Eastern Conference Finals uh you you get to see what a guy like DeAndre Hunter can do and the upside is definitely there it’s there for sure and the problem is that we haven’t seen it a too much the last couple of Seasons injuries are a big problem there which is not captured here also I don’t know if this is just like the Hawks of it all his average speed is second lowest on the list and scarily close to Brook Lopez 4.05 miles per hour on average again Brooke is 3.8 there are players that are near five so he is he is farther from number one on this list than Brook Lopez is from him which I don’t love uh 36.8% from three is actually just a yellow too so we’re gotten through almost all the green Shooters now but he does have a 6’7 uh height 7 foot2 wingspan is second on this list he is very very long in that sense in that sense uh the only player with a bigger wingspan and again I don’t he’s not obtainable just for reference PJ Washington who’s 67 with allegedly a 6 foot a 7 foot 2.5 inch wingspan you know what I I believe that yeah I do too um but again DeAndre Hunter almost there DeAndre Hunter is almost there foot too DeAndre like that is the type of measurables that jump out yeah right where you see a guy who just has a mass massive plus wingspan and you can see the defensive tools are there we’ve seen him play at a high defensive level maybe just the hawk situation was bad for him maybe and you know what fair enough that Hawk situation does not look great yeah if a guy can go from the Charlotte Hornets and be a key contributor to a final team anything can happen you know I mean you could certainly go from the Hawks to be one exactly so if you can go from the Hornets to be one you can go from the Hawks to be one and and oh Brook Lopez oh wait are they tradable what it’s really close the salaries of Brook Lopez and DeAndre H they are very close DeAndre Hunter is making 217 yeah they could do straight up Brooke is making 23 next season that’s a straightup trade I mean would the Hawks do that who knows No One Knows No One Ever Knows Brook Lopez and two picks two top could be could be a could be a three-way deal too no I mean bu have two top 33 picks in the Arsenal this year yeah that’s got to be the injury concern is just such a big deal though it really is you don’t want to get a guy who’s not going to because then you’re just out everything so that that’s I think the biggest flag there and the speed isn’t great but I I attribute a lot of that to the Hawks of it all I don’t think he’s a bad athlete I think there’s probably just a lot of standing around when you’re on that team for sure when you have two ball dominant guards who want to dominate the ball you tend to do a lot of standing around offense gets set up slow that’s how it works yeah uh a player who I was actually high on for a while but unfortunately got scooped up on a two-year deal late last season Darius basley oh Darius basley 36.1% from three which again is higher than the actual d Jones Jr the 4.36 average miles per hour is not great but again higher than DJJ 69 height 7t Wings span are both greens though so it’s like the shooting and the speed are just okay according to these metrics but the frame is for sure there he’s a big guy and I think he moves pretty well like I’m not too worried about his athleticism for some players it’ probably be an issue but um yeah he an exciting guy but probably not I mean it could be aable yeah I don’t think it’s impossible the Jazz signed him two a two plus remainder of last season year deal a very like a basically a vet a long vet Min deal it’s a bit higher than vet Min considering he’s only 23 yeah about to be 24 June 12th I I have it as 2 2.6 million average annual so it’s pretty low that is low but I think that’s higher than a vetman for him he’s got like F four years of service maybe he’s been in the league for a while it’s whatever it’s it’s a very cheap deal yeah happy early birthday Darius basley oh nice yeah I I’ll I’ll put it next to this so Maron Bo champ makes 3.8 million per year and I have that number accessible because they are right next to each other in almost all of these metrics oh so Maran 355 from three compared to 36 for basley moved a little quicker 4.39 to 4.36 670 is a little shorter actually according to and the wingspan on this I will add another note like I there’s not one clear source for all players cuz some these guys weren’t at the combine and some of the combine data is missing but according to multiple reports is what I did I just kind of searched around Maran actually is nearly a 7 foot one wingspan so despite being shorter than basley he is longer okay okay more Maran hype here he this is two yellows two greens rates out pretty well on this list and again he’s held back by the fact that I did two season three point percentage just last season I think he shot 40% so would have been number one on that number but I didn’t want to just take that yeah fair enough but yeah rated out better than Derrick Jones Jr in every stat on the Derek Jones junor Matrix you love to see that honestly you You’ truly love to see that and uh that that just feeds right into my agendas it does and I was saving this one I was saving this one one of the better ranking players on the list is Andre Jackson Jr hey okay 37% who needs Derrick Jones junr we have Derrick Jones Jr at home twice twice we have two Derrik Jones jors at home I didn’t I couldn’t even do Chris Livingston but I imagine he could rate out here too 37% from three this is just last season cuz he was a rookie so that that’s Pro that’s a questionable number 4.81 average speed is number one by a mile on this list like nobody was really close to how fast he move 66 is yellow six just under 610 wingspan is also a yellow so not raing out green there but we know he has functional size and athleticism but yeah the Bucks two young guys being who play outside of AJ Green being on here thought was pretty interesting that is music to my ears Ty you have no idea how yeah uh that just made me feel really good about the the the young core of this team and yeah there’s guys that fit like the Bucs don’t need to sign three of these players they probably I would say one good one and you’d feel pretty good about the athleticism and the rotation if Maran plays for sure like you have these guys available to you on cheap deals already on the team so yeah I do think I agree with you just being able to get one additional guy because you can’t have too many of these guys in my opinion and if you do if you have a lot you can just cut one of them yeah or just send them away I mean these are all they’re going to be all pretty cheap players and players that teams want to acquire who wouldn’t want to trade for a Derrick Jones Jr right now who wouldn’t want to trade for a Haywood High Smith right now on those contracts like you could get an asset out of it maybe yeah so that’s am amazing to hear maran’s on that list Andre Jackson Jr also very high on that list and that’s that fits I don’t know why I didn’t even think about that like that never crossed my mind when we were so very glad I’m glad yeah I was trying to play it up a little bit very well very well I kept having to be like oh he’s like the second fastest I was like oh the fastest is Ajax I won’t say it yet I won’t say it yet very in addition to Brooks slow speed I snuck those guys on the list too then we have all that’s left is five players who are poor Shooters so I haven’t covered any of the five Reds on shooting so we can dip through these a little quickly so these are below 33% so in context you know PJ Washington who had some great shooting games 33.4% the last two years so there’s a little more than just a percentage that matters here but that said these guys are all worse so the worst player on the list Reds in every metric and this is so I some of these guys I found by looking through the metrics some of them I found by just like who’s available who’s been in trade rumors I just added them too Jan Tate team option for 7 million next year the lowest three-point percentage on the list 29.3 a red speed yeah a red speed 4.29 mil hour is again one of the lowest on the list which that is that’s a little bit of a cloudier metric but it is low 64 height is red 68 wingspan is red so small has not shown to be as quick at least according to this and again I think that’s probably the one that’s most subject to be off I think he is regarded as a good Defender but he’s not super long he’s not super big and he has not shut the ball well I like I I wouldn’t trade 7.1 Million worth of contracts for him it would have been great like two years ago on vetman maybe but yeah I just he’s been the one who rised the lowest and that’s understandable like I mentioned two years ago the hype was there he was playing really well and he was younger and he kind of hasn’t grown as a player since then and he’s lost ground to a lot of these young guys that he’s kind of just buried there it wouldn’t surprise me if they deined the option unless they wanted to trade him yeah um here’s a fun one uh Vando oh no Jaylen McDaniels Jaylen McDaniels yeah V McDaniels V McDaniels uh Jared why did I put Jared Vanderbilt on here I don’t know I should have I forgot he existed uh Jaylen McDaniels we had talked about last week uh just a guy I knew this when I brought him up then by the way so he’s been on my mind you tell him the story I like it uh just being able to maybe catch some of the magic of his brother Jaden uh who’s still playing well for the Minnesota Timberwolves yeah had some huge offensive games and he’s been a better shooter than Jaylen for a while I wouldn’t expect Jaylen better overall player than jayen for for sure for sure but just being able to capture that archetype of player Jaylen McDaniels fits that I mean he’s a pretty young as well just being able to get into that uh system like that’s that’s why Philly was able to take a flyer on him and say Hey you know can we can we make this happen because you trust in that in that sort of body type and play style and you really really want to be able to say hey maybe you can be somewhat of your brother I mean the Bucks have tried that before with the Brooke and Robin Lopez type thing but uh is I think it’s I think it’s possible I don’t think Jaylen will ever be as good as Jaden McDaniels but if you’re if you’re able to capture just like hey can you go out there and be a rangy wing who will shoot some threes can you be an actual three and D guy I think he could I don’t know if he’ll ever get the three he is expiring at 4.7 million next year still on the Raptors they sign him to a two-year deal so youd have to trade with Toronto I have no idea how much they value him I don’t think they played him a whole lot I like like rebuilding I don’t think this is the type of player that they’re really excited about having like a true like I think upside is a role player not a player who’s going to be a star 29.4% from three last two years which is just above Jan Tate for worst on the list but he is one of like very few two players with three greens so everything except for the shooting is exceptional 4.41 miles per hour is great 69 height is the tallest player on this list or tied with basley for the tallest player on this list and has a 7ft wingspan so like the frame and the athleticism are there the shooting is a huge question with McDaniels but now that you have Dame can you work around that maybe like I think it’d be a very intriguing flyer who checks all the boxes except shooting oh for sure for sure and can you do you trust your system enough to be able to I mean you don’t have your you don’t have your shot doctor anymore in Josh Oppenheimer so thank God then maybe he has a chance I’ll tell you what though maybe he’s the reason Ajax was being able to shoot well maybe maybe he’s an actual good shot doctor maybe Yiannis is just busted that could be true better than lethal shooter I’ll give him that oh man did you see Marcus linked up with lethal shooter yeah he’s gon to miss his next birthday dunk he will he’s gonna shoot it over the backboard Marcus please don’t try to dunk on a nail backboard be careful please please value yourself Marcus please um a couple just three more guys um cam reddish has been a Hot Topic cam reddish I’m out I’m all the way out I know I know you talked about this last week said he was on your list yeah I’m still he’s not one of my guys he’s on the list I was worried that he was going to be one of your guys no he’s not one of my guys um 32.3% from three it’s it’s a higher red again within like about one point worse than PJ Washington so pretty close but not good uh 4.36 speed is a yellow just below the 4. for Mark but 6’7 height 7.1 wingspan the frame is pretty phenomenal and he was I would say a good Defender with the Lakers last year I think the hype has moved from like cam reddish is going to be a great two-way player to cam reddish has really good defensive upside which is kind of what the bus are looking for now that is fair that is true can you tap in to one some of that offensive potential be be that arrested development team uh meme it didn’t work out for them but maybe it for us uh probably not let’s go that vetman is player option is his contract status by the way if anyone pays him more than a vetman that’s a yeah I don’t know if pH op in are out maybe he’ll won another OnePlus One could stay in LA but it kind of TBD and similar note is Josh aogi who is0 3% better from three better than what happened to Josh aogi man like two years ago he was killing yeah I I just his offense maybe it’s the Phoenix thing his offense has been a big issue they’ve just been unable to run offense with him out there it seems yeah I guess that’s always been the issue and maybe you would think Phoenix would be a good situation for him maybe there’s I don’t like they don’t actually space the floor well enough that’s true they don’t all their guys stand around like 16 ft away so it’s like they kind of lose the spacing benefit I think he might I think he he’ll try good luck bud but I think aogi could be a better fit get ready to learn blue squares buddy yeah yeah seriously um it’s going to be like him telling Kevin Durant to stand in a blue square I wish we had video of that I hope this on social media team need to stand over here Kevin and Kevin’s just like what he’s like no you stand over here pulls out two phones um but yeah Ki you know you have to work with the offensive limitations the speed wasn’t great but 6’4 height is a red but seven more than a 7 foot wingspan so he again is a player who makes up for that lack of height with the wingspan and I think I buy him as a very good Defender too I think he would be a good upside swing on this list as well yeah I think he would be I mean maybe maybe maybe I think the defense is there the athleticism is there yeah it’s just the offense is such such a such a question mark and I know that’s what the list of players we’re in right now but I think him him Tate jayen McDaniels like these are probably the biggest like I think even cam reddish Even though three like he I think at least he could get to the rim and dunk a little bit more effectively some of these guys are just like can you do anything can he more than a Ki Oh yeah yeah it’s just such a low bar Josh no I know I know it does make you more excited about a Maran looking at this list right doesn’t it like even more than Ajax I think I think I expected Ajax to do okay here I kind of came into it like is he just that guy and he rates out well in a lot of these things but Maran it’s like he’s way more skilled offensively than almost everyone on this list he just needs to be more consistent yeah he just needs to be more consistent being able to do it on a larger sample size and that comes down to Doc just being able to play is Maron going to be able to see the floor I mean we we’ve talked to about his comments after the after the season ended about how Maran might be the most talented of the group just inconsistencies it’s a big summer for Maron I I feel good about him being at some of these Portland workouts with Yannis and Dame short flight from Yakama yeah I was going to say he’s the Pacific Northwest anyway which will not hurt him um but yeah that’s oh one player left Dyson Daniels di I like that everyone throws him in the Pelicans trade rumors because they just have too many of these guy like I didn’t do herb Jones I don’t think he’s obtainable herb Jones I’m sure would rate very well in all of these I should add him I mean he’s may be attainable but 31.2% from three for Dyson Daniels which is bad 4.4 speed is good 6.7 height is good just under green wingspan he’s 610 and a half so pretty long good Defender two years about 7 million per year left on his rookie deal still seems like a guy they are ready to move on from no idea how he would specifically end up with the Bucks probably would be part of a bigger trade but figured out Adam on here is one of these players so again that Larry Nance Jr trade baby there you go um big big offensive question mark That’s pretty much this whole section of the thing but a big guard yeah 6′ s guard and I think he does I think there’s there’s a clear path to him being a better offensive player than Josh aogi I think pretty pretty reasonably no for sure I love that I love that I wasn’t even thinking about a guy like Dyson I mean kind of falling out of favor in New Orleans they just have a lot of guys like you mentioned uh a big summer for New Orleans man they’ve said it too I think it was uh David Griffin was like yeah we’re gonna be active like oh okay Brandon Ingram’s gone got it yeah bybi he’s not on the list get ready to learn Cleveland buddy I need to stop doing that I do that Meme too much it’s a good meme it is a very I I wish I knew what it was from because obviously Adam Silver did not tell Kyrie IR get ready to learn Chinese buddy he did not say that ity m is this a rare one where it’s actually just like somebody just made up the template and it caught fire I hope so because that’s like someone just randomly was like let me just take the Adam Silver and put get ready cuz get ready to learn has been around for a while of course that must have just been like somebody’s funny tweet but wow get ready to learn Chinese buddies is just iconic yeah it’s iconic but yeah I mean Dyson Daniels like I said falling out of favor these are guys who are attainable like maybe it’s not part of like a bigger deal maybe it’s just part of its own smaller deal who knows I could see it going either way I just don’t know like like I think if they just sent off Dyson Daniels they probably just you know again probably maybe it’s in the aftermath of a bigger trade like let’s say I think it’ have to be another three-way trade though cuz I don’t like why would they want okay take pat Conan on more money for long for the same time back for Dyson Daniels well because Pat Conan’s a proven Champion that’s true he is he is a veteran presence that every team needs yeah he’ll spruce up your real estate that’s yeah you know maybe he’ll buy the best pro shop I I can’t say that in good faith about New Orleans I can’t I can’t I think he could do it no he cannot he’s gonna buy up the Nick the Nick Cage maum and the haunted house and stuff imagine Pat is renting out like next to his Milwaukee properties on the three leaf website there’s just like a big haunted mum we have lots of options portol New Orleans no I can’t reference that movie on this podcast why not we’d be here all day Bad Lieutenant that’s what it’s called right Bad Lieutenant portol New Orleans just the most random movie po shoot him again his Soul’s still dancing no one knows what you’re talking about it’s a classic that’s a that’s a pod for a different day yeah but that’s going to be on the premium feed we’re I’m gonna make everyone watch it we’re g to talk about it you know what I’m down uh it’s it’s it’s Unforgettable there’s a couple un there’s a couple unfortunate scenes but it’s a it’s a it’s an unforgettable movie yeah Adam’s not listening so I can tell you so I’m starting a letter box to a bit uh to bother Adam oh boy has he seen it yet no he is not and I know he’s not listening to this like Dark Knight five there’s two there’s two movies on my list right now it’s the Dark Knight at Sky yeah exact okay perfect I nailed it um yeah what were we talking about Dyson oh yeah Dyson pretty vacuum uh yeah and you know would be a good fit like the offensive question mark I think Dyson out of these last couple guys I think Dyson might be the most intriguing for me I like Jaylen McDaniels and maybe I’m just a sucker for the brother thing which as you said hasn’t always worked out for Milwaukee but just as a player they do like doing it it’s just as a player it’s like again probably not starter upside here but I is he a guy who could probably come in and be like a big big rangy athletic Defender right away I think yeah for sure the the offense is such a question mark and then at that point I guess you do get into like well why play him ever over Ajax or Maron that’s another interesting part of this is like if you bring someone in like is it worth it to bring in another flyer like would they just never play I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know either it’s who who is the most intriguing player on the list for you outside of the Bucks guys okay I was gonna say on the entire list is Maran boam yeah I think maybe heith I I like heith a lot if they gotth on a vet I I would go crazy heith or Dyson yeah I uh like yeah who would you want to acquire the most I guess is another way to put it like like Wiggins is the most proven the most expensive monetarily I think I I just don’t know about him man I don’t know about Wiggins either maybe a DeAndre Hunter but the injury questions are there yeah I think he has a pretty direct translation like you you put him up next to PJ Washington uh Hunter has been a better shooter he’s moved slower again maybe that’s the Hawks of it all same height almost same wingspan yes so and we’ve seen Hunter defend well before like he is certainly that same kind of player where you like drop him on a good team and I think he could look much much better for sure which is why I’m very very intrigued by him it’s just it’s the injury question you can’t syn that much money into a guy with that much injury questions it maybe maybe it’s not it doesn’t even end up being that way maybe he ends up being more consistent as a member of the bucks with their medical staff and everything but I don’t know in terms of like that’s that’s still a 20 plus million dollar player yeah uh Haywood heith Dyson Daniels and DeAndre Hunter are my three guys outside of Bock we’re not counting like Derrick Jones Jr himself I’m guessing no he would come in and start right away he’d be perfect they can’t offer him any money and would be the best Derrik Jones Jr even though he may not be the best Derrik Jones Jr yeah yeah he would be I think even well would you rather have him or PJ Washington I think I’d take Dereck Jones J yeah I think I’d prefer the guy who I think can size down a little better a little quicker for sure especially when you have him if you if you have a back court that involves Damen Lillard and a lot of switching you need to be be able to have a guy who can size down he can yeah you want i’ put him on guards a lot more comfortably than PJ Washington for sure yeah I think there’s a couple like Hunter is a guy like maybe he comes in and starts High Smith I probably not but he’d compete for it and then I think there’s some guys like Tory Craig and and gavon green the Bulls like these are more like can you slide him in for boss man that’s how I feel about Jaylen McDaniels like a cam reddish like these are guys where it’s like you know he comes off the bench and just gives you more of that where you wanted it from boss man and just didn’t get it from Boss Man true would a guy like Demar de rozan fit in you know if we’re just throwing out bll sorry I know that’s not the excise he wouldn’t rank well actually probably has pretty decent height wingspan I mean he’s like what 67 65 is he is he that big I think he’s like yeah 65 66 but I feel like he’s kind of long actually thear de rozan is why isn’t it telling me it’s a mystery thear de rozan is 66 69ine wingspan there we go probably this is apparently he has a very similar frame to Stefan Castle who is a much better Defender yeah if dear Darnell would just lock in dear Darnell imagine dear comes to the buck and is just a good Defender all of a sudden starts going by Darnell oh no that’d be pretty but Demar is such a nothing wrong with James but dear is I mean come on that’s a sick name dear D rozan is such a great name it is a great name James Middleton good old J I’m a little I’m a little disappointed that it’s not another D lowercase capital name for the middle name yeah but would that be overdoing it I think it might be overdoing it yeah Darnell is a good name too yeah we don’t know if there’s any familial thing there true do you think Chris responds if someone calls him James I’m gonna guess no it’s like hey James I guess no I feel like it doesn’t seem like it’s just a basketball thing yeah that’s fair what do you think is like family call Chris maybe like his mom but I feel like on the street he wouldn’t look for James yeah maybe he would it’s like you’re you’re like in a room with Chris and like two other people you just say hey James do you think he looks over no no what about no and Jimmy definitely not no I’m trying to remember if in that in the big in the Jim oari article if he mentions what his family calls him I thought it was still Chris but I don’t remember it’s probably Chris and you ever just you ever just riff uh clearly I think that’s the sign we should wrap this up but no that is an amazing list uh well done Tai putting that together a lot of fun a lot of fun names in there yeah I’ll keep adding to it if if anyone has good names that they would like add it let me know and I can get the metrics and and add them to as I put this together what I’ll probably do is like find a way to link it in the suback so I can keep editing it so GBM premium yeah yeah so let me know about that as you listen and think about this list and make sure you subscribe to gspm premium to get the full data set uh so you can review it yourselves and watch the additions for sure for sure it’ll be uh it’ll be something uh we keep going forward and I I think that’s is a valuable tool so well done well done tie on this thank you yeah of course gota watch them get none of these guys and then trade one away John hor is deep in his bag Doug mcdermitt’s available oh my God don’t even don’t even hit a shot yesterday don’t even speak that into existence yeah what else is he supposed to do clap talking about this with numac yesterday like hey Doug mcbuckets is doing something it’s like yeah he’s like hitting the shot it’s like yeah good I’d hope so what else is whole job yeah that’s the only thing he’s supposed to do out there yeah if he’s not doing that what’s the point Remember When was on like was it like 8 figure per year contract crazy the a shooting overvaluation was pretty crazy I mean the Duncan Robinson contract pop give him that contract was it or was it the Pacers I think it might have been the Pacers I think I think he got sent to pop you know where where overpriced role players went to die for quite a while and still Devonte Graham is still there oh yeah he is do you see there what about Kellin apparently the Spurs might move on from him yeah I should add Kellin I I assume he would be too expensive to get he’s also a little short for this list I think he’s 6’5 I don’t know much about calan Johnson I think the Spurs gave him this contract did they the Spurs did give him this contract more riing that’s crazy just making sure we get to an hour and a half on all we think we have nothing to talk about ends up being 90minut pod okay we’re we’re hey we like hearing each other talk and ourselves talk we do uh but no we’ll wrap this up uh say thank you for listening to this episode of the eurostep here on gspn and blue presented by prize pick uh make sure that you are subscribed to gspn premium to be able to uh get access to the full DJJ list and be able to uh see everything we have going forward see watch read everything we have going forward make sure you stay tuned for that uh draft coverage coming soon we promise um but yeah make sure you check out uh I guess I don’t even have to give multiple links it’s all G pn. info now we have a new hub for everything everything is gspn doino just go to GSN doino find everything make sure you’re subscribed wherever you’re listening to this watching this on your podcast platform of choice or watching on YouTube uh hopefully you’re on the ad free feed on the uh on the gspn premium but if not also you know we still support you you don’t have to sign up everything is going to stay the same for you so uh yeah appreciate you listening pod random and we’ll talk to you next time

Given the Dallas Mavericks are up 3-0 in the Western Conference Finals, they instead of the Minnesota Timberwolves are now the squad to take team-building lessons from. The Dallas lesson is clear: athletic, rangy wing players around dynamic star ball-handlers. The good news for the Bucks is they have those ball-handlers in Damian Lillard and Khris Middleton, plus Giannis Antetokounmpo who checks boxes in both of those skill sets. The bad news is a lot of the Bucks roster around them is old and slow.

Ahead of today’s Gyro Step, Ti Windisch compiled a list of players similar to Derrick Jones Jr. using three-point shooting, height, wingspan, and average speed and sorted a list of 17 players who are either feasibly obtainable for Milwaukee or actually already on the roster, and then he and Rohan Katti discussed each option. At the end their picked their favorites from the list and chose who they wanted the Bucks to acquire the most.

Also, before the DJJ Matrix talk Ti and Rohan discussed the NBA Finals matchup (probably) of Boston vs Dallas and who they hated less out of the two teams, and the insane rumor that the Bucks are a James Harden landing spot option according to oddsmakers.

GSPN’s Bucks podcasts are presented by PrizePicks – Go to and use code Gyrostep for a first deposit match up to $100! Pick more. Pick less. It’s that easy.

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  1. I wouldn't want James Harden regardless of the salary. Guessing he wouldn't want to be in Wisconsin either

  2. Gary Harris , Spencer Dinwiddie , Simone Fotecchio. Alec Burcs , Alex Caruso. Rob co , Andre Drummond. Aaron Holiday would all be cool pick ups

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