@Philadelphia 76ers

Devon Givens joins Jamie Lynch to discuss 76ers offseason plan

Devon Givens joins Jamie Lynch to discuss 76ers offseason plan

man that is tied in a little bit more to the NBA than I am uh because I’m deep in Philly Land is Our Man Devon given who’s joining us now and this portion of the I love the car hits I love it this portion of the segment is brought to you by bet Parks the presenting sponsor uh the NBA Finals have taken shape here Devon and it was a sweep sweep we’ll see if Luca and the Mavs can close it out tonight uh but of course if you want to get in on the action you can download the BET Park sports book uh to do it we were just talking about Devon tomorrow is the day that bronnie has to declare for the drafts or uh go back to college and you know if he says I’m going to Ohio State then you might as well just say LeBron’s going to Cleveland um what are what are your thoughts on this bronny James situation is is LeBron going to follow him if he is picked and should the Sixers do it if you listen to LeBron James he says that that’s not going to be the case sure he does go somewhere just because his sun is gone uh but the one thing is funny because now that we are looking at the Dallas Mavericks and and and and one more game tonight potentially for a sweep right with the Minnesota temper Woods before they uh head to their first NBA finals in in in some time is that Dallas has always been linked to LeBron James because if there’s anybody weird enough and crazy enough to try to do something like this it would be Mark cubin you owner of the Dallas Mavericks so that would be drafting bronny James in the in the late part of the first round and then of course that’s with the commitment or hey we’re taking your son we hope that you can join us too so it’s it’s weird that it’s all playing out the way that it is because Dallas maybe headed to the NBA finals with one more win over the Minnesota timberwol so the the bronie James part though Jay we talked about this a few weeks ago uh just because of exactly what you’re saying the combine was going on he was getting ready to the combine we hadn’t seen any workouts as of yet but since then we were all discussing of course you think about it but not with the first round pick especially for the Sixers at pick number 16 we were focused on pick number 41 in the second round and was that enough and then you hear Brian wior is talking about how the Sixers might be a real threat not a real real real threat but a real threat in general when it comes to this so it it’s it’s a fascinating thing because we’ve seen Suns drafted before right of of the but never when they were playing in the NBA and never when the guy is still an all NBA level player even when he’s on the doorstep of 40 years of age where if you get one you can probably get the other so the story is GNA be fascinating we still have a whole month before the draft takes place and this is not going to stop if he decides to stay in the draft so do you what’s your what’s your gut right now do you think he stays in the draft because tomorrow is the deadline for him you do yeah I do and Rich Paul already coming out saying that he’s not going to sign a two-way contract so he’s already putting some stuff right some pressure on the qualifiers yeah exactly yeah yeah so I I do think he keeps his name in draft I was surprised that he did uh declare in the first place because of the the the transfer port on how that looked but maybe they just feel like he’s a much better NBA player and he will be a much better player in a free flowing style of the of the NBA than the college ranks yeah I mean part of it too you have to remember the the kid did have a cardiac arrest and he he did come back and you know pretty scary stuff there I I I’m shocked he’s not going to play one more year at college and try and up that a little bit we’ll find out you did mention the windhorse stuff and that’s kind of the reason why I brought it up now Kevin oconor from the ringer yesterday Devon says Paul George PL plan a for the Sixers they’re going all in the first time I got a glimpse of Hope for Paul George because I do kind of think he’s the best situation here at the end of the day we’ll get your thoughts on that all Georgia’s girls from New York we’re we’re a quick helicopter R away or a train ride away so so maybe we got some hope here what did it JJ reick did it right where he commuted uh and and I’m not I’m not saying that that’s going to be the case but sure that all of that stuff factors in of what players want to do they they speak to their their significant other of where they would like to live and what’s the situation of course for you on the court first and this is still a winning situation I’m I’m guessing that Kevin oconor was listening to PHL Sixers since we’ve talked about this so much during the regular season into the postseason certainly in the uh in the and the offseason now where we’ve talked about him and Jay I agree with you I’ve said he even though he has all those qualifiers as you just mentioned with the rich Paul thing he has the qualifiers of the injury history in general for him the age the fact that you’re G to have to Max him out and give him at the age of 34 uh that big contract that’s something that will pull make you pull back of not wanting to do it and Derek BR talked about this on our show last week where if ogan and noi became available like some of the reports were saying coming out of New York that he would be number one because of most importantly the age uh at 27 versus 34 but for me yes he is the prototypical wing that you look at Paul George and I agree with you that that was my number one ogan and noi is probably number two in that one because they’re both going to be free agents and you don’t have to give up any draft Capital to sign either one of them the age is a funny part of it certainly but he’s going to be the other option he’s not going to be the option for this basketball team should they have to do it 200 million is a lot of money but but it’s not our money and and again you’re playing with these two guys where he would be the the best Wing that they’ve had since certainly Jimmy Butler yeah it’s going to be fascinating and you know I think the likelihood of Landing one of these stars is probably pretty minimal um um and OG I like I wouldn’t hate it that’s what’s weird about this off season is there’s a bunch of moves that I wouldn’t hate but none that I necessarily love I think Paul George is the one well you wouldn’t hate him you wouldn’t hate him because you don’t have any of those players that we’re talking about on your roster currently right so so they come with caveats but yeah so that’s kind of leading me into the next question like even if they are able to land one of these Stars what’s the rest of this roster going to look like uh it feels like Daryl’s comments Paul Reed’s back uh obviously Rick Ricky council’s back but then it’s kind of unknown any sense of like guys they might want to keep other guys role player types uh that they might be targeting what’s the rest of this roster going to look like because there’s a lot of room to fill well Doan beid would like to have Nick Batum back he he said he’s not retiring he told him he’s not allowed to retire sorry at the end of the season in the locker room when Kyle was standing there talking to Nick with Jo France Devon he did is that awkward he they can hash that out while they’re in Paris for the Olympics they can hash that out um he wants with tuned back of course Kyle was in the locker room when that was happening so that that was clear then you also look at Kelly UB who had a really good season as it turned out some rocky things with some off the court stuff that caused him to miss some time and a few other incidents yeah just stay out the street and and and get an Uber and you’ll be fine and but as far as the play on the court while he wasn’t perfect he was pretty good and with that pretty good that’s something that’s worthy of looking at of course to bring back then you have the question of the backup point guard campaign Kyle Lowry do you bring any of those to back and ideally you would say yes to Anthony Melton can you get him on a a favorable deal because of the back injury is that something that will work for you and him while he tries to rehab not only his back but also rehab the image of is play and show that he is able to stay on the floor I’m not sure anybody wants to give him big money over the course of three four years with that back injury continuing to flare up where he couldn’t even play in the postseason he would have been a big help against the New York Knicks in that first round so those are a few that I would think they would look at and they would Target and then you would just have to look at some of the minimum guys some of that you can get on the mid level that you can maybe fit some of those players within that structure that salary structure for Daryl Mory in the Sixers so big offseason of course an important offseason for him but it certainly starts with the big name the role play is going to be very important also yeah you see that with the Dallas Mavericks I mean like what hitting on a lively can do a draft for you can can change a whole season so speaking of the draft I think we’re just under a month away um is there are the Sixers in the position where they just want to go best player available because they have so many roster spots to fit or do you think there’s a position in this draft in the in the low 20s range um that might be something they target or do you think they’re just an open book I think they’re an open book Because as 16 to your point the draft is before everything else so if you get best player you get best player and as as we said there just a few minutes ago they don’t have a lot of anything on the roster anyway the cover is be with just four players that Daryl Mory mentioned that you already laid out as well so I would think best player available highly un likely that they keep that pick but if they do best player available maybe they get someone that’s a little bit longer to we brought up Devin Carter from Providence some of the the the Juniors that have played for a little bit that are a little more season that can come right in and even when you look at although Oklahoma City has been eliminated the one that we talked about a lot was kesan Wallace coming in at the number 10 overall pick so a few picks higher a lottery pick but still someone who can fill a role on your team make a difference play an important part of your basketball team why you’re trying to make that push for the NBA Finals you’re not asking them to come in and and make a big difference maybe they do have a game that swing thing look at Jaden Hardy right now for the Dallas Mavericks he comes in he’s getting some pretty decent minutes for the Dallas Mavericks they maybe 10 minutes but there’s a lot you can do in 10 minutes to help swing a game for your team in a seven game series so if they do I think they go best player available simply because they are limited in what they currently have when they roster and if they identify someone that’s probably someone that they feel like that that can come in and play Ricky counil you mentioned him and maybe that’s another guy year two in the system a big summer league a full training camp with his basketball team once again in a Nick nner system you might have two players that can contribute in a playoff rotation even if it’s just a short amount of minutes yeah I mean you say 10 minutes it’s like well that’s why the Sixers end up losing majority of the time when the big fellow leaves the court those 10-minute you know runs kill them um is there any idea backup center- wise you know like I feel like this is Devon we’ve been talking about this for a decade uh when Joel embiid leaves the court they just they just never have really had that guy maybe Andre Drummond was the best um it’s it’s crucial to address uh any idea out there on who’s gonna and if you say Paul Reed I’m leaving uh is there any idea out there uh of who’s gonna be backing up the big fellow this year because it’s it’s a crucial role on this team well you mentioned Andre Drummond here before Kyle reported at the time that they were trying to get him at the at the deadline and they thought they had a deal done until they didn’t and he’s going to be available again maybe this offseason so with that that’s one Jonas valent Tunis a possibility unless he still has a starting position for him somewhere with the other 20 28 teams I’m just eliminating the New Orleans Pelicans because I’m thinking he’s not going back so outside of the Sixers and the Pelicans the other 28 and and those are two right there that that I would I would look at and focus on although you do maybe want to get a little bit younger a little more athletic at that position where you’re not going to those those older guys because when you do have someone like Joel B coming off the floor and the backups are generally guys who can stretch the floor also can can Andre Drummond and Jones Val chunis can defend the perimeter even with that second unit is the question so they don’t go with those two veterans maybe look for something a little bit younger a little more athletic on this team to help them out in that way all right two two more for you as we let you go uh what’s going to be the worst big deal signed in the NBA this off season who’s going to get overpaid that doesn’t deserve it wow that’s a great question um yeah I’m overid it’s the NBA you know yeah some someone is um I don’t I haven’t looked of course all these names in now just starting to pop in my head because you say that and someone is gonna get overpaid that is not worthy of it not here yeah hopefully it’s not here so if we’re going to say not here and not overpaid let’s go to big man that Kyle brought up on I think it was Thursday or Friday Jackson Hayes I’m not a Jackson Hayes fan and there is a surplus though where you need him backup big man played for the Lakers did some okay things but I still think he’s he’s just an energy guy that’s annoying and doesn’t do much for me so I would say Jackson Hayes is gonna get more than a oneyear deal and overpaid ni can’t stand that guy don’t bring him here yeah darl Mory listen to me yeah uh so Devon I I uh I’m very jealous watching Drew holiday and the Boston Celtics play Drew holiday to me might be the most underrated NBA player in the last like 10 years why is this guy just given away to make room for another Superstar when he himself he may not be a superstar differenc maker but he’s damn close and he’s one of the best two-way guards in the league why is this guy underrated in the NBA like why doesn’t he get the respect he kind of deserves a little more because he doesn’t look for any Limelight he just stays to himself doesn’t argue with officials he can fit in with any team so anywhere you put him he’s going to go out there do all the little things the intangibles and just try to help the the team win and that’s what’s great about Drew holiday that’s why most people want him and someone like Giannis is silly for not wanting to keep him there and because of his defensive presence make a big difference there that’s why he was available that’s why decided to go to Boston and that’s why he’s headed to another NBA Finals where he has an opportunity to get another championship over the last what three years after winning in 21 with the Milwaukee Bucks he just goes about his business and doesn’t make waves except for Making Waves by causing enough havoc on the defensive end where he’s an all NBA Defender and certainly on the offensive side where he might be very quiet and he goes off for eight points in a row to help get your team back in it like he did uh in in the series against the Indiana Pacers one of my favorite players to watch he’s a terror defensively knows how to run a basketball team and just knows how to win and that’s what makes him so valuable to a basketball team that’s why he got that extension with Boston and that’s why he going back to another NBA Finals because he’s that important man and to for for someone like Giannis to not understand the value after you had that and and seeing as much as I love Damen Lillard as a player offensively looking what Drew holiday means where you have the offense from Giannis you have the offense from Drew for what he gives you the offense from Chris Middleton when he is healthy that’s a big loss man and now now Giannis has to sit back and just watch his former teammate play in Another NBA Finals yeah like Dame Millard’s not making that game-winning Steel on Saturday night to close out the game you know what I mean like those are the little things that don’t show up on Sports Center every night but uh they help you win to your point uh I love Drew holiday I love watching them play uh it’s pretty to see his revenge tour going back to the finals all right Devon what time of the Sixers today 2:30 2:30 today K newbeck Derek Bodner myself also all week 2:30 and uh a lot to talk about man with all these all these things just popping up everywhere with the Sixers attached to it I lied one last one is the BR LeBron Phoenix rumor that’s popped up that he would take a vet minimum and go chase out there you think you think there’s any validity to that I don’t think so not really Now bronnie is working out for the Suns so you know just put two and two together there I I don’t know I don’t know every every every every team that may be in contention that think they can offer LeBron James the the vet minimum to come to their team and help them win why would he do that when he can still command 50 [Music] million we all sitting like the mayor yeah e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e [Music] [Applause] sitting like the mayor

Devon Givens joins Jamie Lynch to discuss 76ers offseason plan.

No Cuz this week, so we had on our boy Devon Givens to talk some rumors and set some facts straight!

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  1. Morey is living in dream land. Mikael Bridges and Lauri Marketon are both unobtainable via a trade. We simply don't have the picks to pull it off. Donavon Mitchell is too similar to Maxey. PG is injury prone and too old. Butler aint going nowhere and is too old and injury prone. Ingram is too soft .KD has seen better days and only will get worse , and he is a disrupter of culture. Lebron is gonna be 40 and is not a plan for the future. OG would cost us a fortune and he isn't that much of a game changer for all of the money we would pay. The Knicks will pull out all the stops to sign OG because the Nets wont trade Bridges to the Knicks then sit there and watch them succeed. How bout this. Stick it to the Knicks and swoop in and overpay Hartenstein. The Knicks wont have much money once they resign OG. Hartenstein is just what the Sixers need. A hard nosed rebounder who can score around the basket,He can play the 4 and play center when Embid is not on the court. He was a rebound machine during the playoffs. Most of them offensive. Just what we lacked! Embid could then play point center ala Jockic Then go sign Miles Bridges.A rebounding forward with a 3 point shot. Then sign Klay Thompson and bring in some championship caliber leadership and outside 3 point shooting. After that ,go all in on getting Marcus Smart via a trade. Jah is coming back and Memphis needs to do something cause they way they are now it ain't gonna cut it. Give a boatload of picks for Smart.He is way better than Caruso that everyone is going ga ga over. He is a tough defender and clutch shooter/ Resign Oubre for sure. Then fill in from there.Yes to Payne ,Heild , and KJ Martin
    Lowery and Batum on the cheap if possible .Thats a tough team! And this plan is one that we could pull off. Not a pipe dream

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