@Washington Wizards

Is it down to Sarr or Risacher at 2? Is it time to move on from Kyle Kuzma?

Is it down to Sarr or Risacher at 2? Is it time to move on from Kyle Kuzma?

number two overall pick is it still alexar or rash or is there wild card and is it time to move on from Kyle kusma why we should or should not we gonna talk about it next on locked on [Music] Wizards you are locked on Wizards your daily Washington Wizards podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day what’s up everybody it’s your boy Brandon Scott again and I appreciate you guys making lock Wizards your first listen every single day we are free and available wherever get your podcast and on YouTube part of locked on podcast Network your team every single day and tonight’s episode is brought to you by fandu make every moment more right now new customers get $150 and bonus Bets with any winning $5 bet that’s 150 bucks with any winning $5 bet all you have to do is visit lockon to get started so we got a special guest my guy Matt madal representing believe in Wizards podcast and YouTube channel and a writer and uh uh lost my train of thought and uh con Creator over at bullet forever so definitely definitely check him out on both platforms and my God Don man representing the Wizards of Gallery Place podcast both of the channels definitely must listen and must see man so definitely check them out so how you guys doing tonight man doing great doing good man doing good happy to be here appreciate the invite yes sir anytime anytime so we’re going to touch based on a couple subjects tonight we’re going to talk about the number two overall pick man uh what you guys are looking at at the number two overall pick and might talk about number 26 also and then we’re gonna at Kyle kman you know it’s big news right now he’s on the trade block so I’m get you guys opinion on that so let’s get into it let’s dig in like the British say um we’re gonna look at the number two overall pick now the Wizards this year I got the number two overall pick is a nice break from number nine to 10 right so looking at number two we’re gonna start with Matt um who you looking at at number two and why I this is like such a copout answer I I swear I mean this though like I’m cool with whatever they do with the guys that are in their range I feel like that’s being at peace with the front office and and what they’ve done so far but also just I don’t know two through 10 if you told me any of them ended up the best guy of the group I I wouldn’t bet against it I think there’s just so much kind of uncertainty and it just really depends on what you’re looking for I think this is going to be like the ultimate like beauty is in the eye of the beholder draft I know dammo and I are kind of split on a couple of these guys of just you know how big a swing you should take and things like that or or role you can fill right now I think I’m a little more along the lines of guys I wouldn’t want to see them take yeah I don’t really kind of love the clinging idea at two brand I know you’re higher on him with that pick than I am but it’s just sort of like an overall upside thing I think it’s a little easier you’re seeing what Dallas did to have these sort of uh you know Rim protecting uh lob threat centers and just platoon solid guys to kind of put those minutes together that I wouldn’t put a number two pick to work on a guy like that it’s a little easier I think to find serviceable backup centers just because teams don’t need as many of them and they come a little cheaper whereas it’s tougher to get wings and and dynamic guards so I would lean that kind of way and on the dynamic guard side I just I just want to see like a guard on the Wizards that’s over six foot three for a change so the Reed Shepard Rob Dillingham choice would would be a little out for me pretty much fill in the blank with any the other names kind of speculated in the top 10 right now and I’m cool with that okay I like that okay what you thinking Dono yeah uh I’mma piggy back off mat a little bit I I’m it’s not so much who I I’m banging the table for because it’s really there is no player like that in this draft really um but it’s more so who I don’t want um I just keep going back to you know with this new staff Dawkins he always talks about positional size so I’m I’m with whoever fits that for them um positional side somebody that’s over 63 64 um that can kind of play up and down the lineup um now I have my preferences of who I think fits that best um but but as far as just what they decide to do with the pick um as long as it fits in that positional size uh uh criteria for me I’ll be fine with it yeah I’m with you guys man I think that we find ourselves in a really precarious place right like we have options which was isn’t always the case in DC man and uh you know I like clinging yeah I do like clinging because you know the the dang was really scream to me man 73 280 NBA body but there’s so many options I mean you could go reace and I get that I think the biggest thing with this draft because a lot of people a lot of draft experts are D’s draft and yeah there’s not a lot of talent that’s going to start right away you know there’s definitely a high highly developmental draft which with the Wizards where you know we’re going a year two of a rebuild that’s a really good draft in my opinion because you can get two three guys where you can develop them right and look here’s the couple things we don’t really talk about as far as Wizards now now we have scouting development in place we have guys in the building who can scout they can develop they can work with these guys they can get the most out of these guys and you know they don’t have a Feel the Rush to really start these guys right away you know a lot of people talk about Tommy sheeper and his picks and I guess in hindsight they weren’t necessarily bad picks it’s just they we needed to draft that time for mediate impact and obviously with Denny Cory kissper Johnny Davis jury still out but you know these guys had to be developed so I I wouldn’t say bad picks just impact we need to immediate impact so um I’m with you guys I what I’m looking for in this draft as hitting all needs as far as longterm and the immediate you know I’m with you Matt I’m not really Dillingham guy I like his scoring potential but his size man you know Castle to me has that size and you know he wants to play point and um so we’ll see Castle is a guy that I’m really high on uh rash I love his you know his potential as a three and D guy you know the defense is there now he you got to have to TI with the defense a little bit he’s going to take time for him to acclimate to the speed of the NBA but rash is a very intriguing pick man um kingan you know the body’s there obviously the shots still a work in progress but you know you definitely see the potential with that so I think the biggest thing with this draft and I agree with both of you man um is that we have options you know we we can take our time you know find the right guys for our system develop them right and go from there so yeah know I think that like I said we have a lot of options we we did not have a lot of options at DC so um I’m with you guys man you know I think there’s a lot of good picks there now I don’t know if you guys saw a lot of mck Dr have um Nia topic now I’m gonna get your thoughts on topic real quick I’m not big on toe pitch and not the knee injury but the lack of a shot and the defense really kind of scream out at me what you guys thinking you wantan to go down yeah yeah I I like toic man um if if he was the pick I wouldn’t be mad because I I think his ability to get two feet in the paint which is something I’ve been kind of screaming about for like the last what four or five years since wall as Achilles we haven’t really had a dynamic guard that can consistently get two in the paint which attracts the defense draws guys in and then you can kick out to to to open threes and Shooters uh he does that he’s probably he’s probably the best in this draft at doing that um his passing fi and vision pick and roll play I love it the question is the defense like you said and the shooting um you know but I I look at his mechanics his free throw his free throw numbers his touch in the in the uh uh paint area I think he can add a three ball at least one that’s good enough to be a starter in this league um the the question is can his offense be dynamic enough to offset what he’s going to allow on the defensive end um so you know but but I trust Dawkins his evaluation on that is to me is going to determine you know where top pit get slotted um but like I said if he was the pick I wouldn’t mind it because we haven’t had a point guard wall got hurt yeah same here I don’t think he’d be my top one or two option but if they took it I’d be like cool this this makes sense he’s a a guy with some upside but he also feels a need where they could actually get him some real minutes and I think it especially if you’re not going to have tus around there’s plenty of guard minutes to go around so that that would also be kind of the question the thing with both him and kingan I would make sure that like the physical is really thorough these are both guys that have had lower body non- cont injuries the last year and just the Wizards can’t afford the one year they’re actually in the top three to have a guy that you know is limited or or something like that so as long as that checks out I think I feel pretty good about that and like dammo talked about with the defense like at least if you’re not going to be good on defense be big and it’s a little harder for teams to hunt you and and you become a little more switchable at least if you can hold up physically and the thing with topage I think you’re seeing this with Luca the ability to like sort of make these creative passes once the defense is overc committed to you I think he really huge and he kind of like holds people in place and like it’s not just a highlight thing when you watch videos of this guy like you watch actual game film his team is missing a lot of bunnies because he’s surprising them with some of the passes he’s throwing and and I think he’s going to look you know even more Dynamic offensively on an NBA team and I think athleticism on offense in the NBA matters even less now than maybe it ever has because you can’t touch anybody so as long as you’ve got one of Pace strength or you know explosiveness two of the three is even better I think you’re in good shape and he’s looks like a guy who could put on weight and have a big enough frame and he also plays with really good pace for a young guy so I think he’ll be able to get people on his hip get in the lane you know kind of collapse defenses and that’s the name of the game right now absolutely I mean you know it’s not that I don’t like his size I love the intangibles of him you know he’s a taller guy and like you guys both said we need a taller guard man you know these six2 six Street guys you know especially trying to turn combo guards into point guards you knowto at small forward you know man I’m trying to tell you um yeah we definitely need some size of the guard position so um you guys kind of mentioned this front office and I’m with you guys I’m a big fan of the big three in the front office of Michael Winger Will Dawkins and Travis schlink man and like I said um I was down there for the exit interviews with Michael Winger and um Will Dawkins and I’ll say this as opposed to Ernie grunfeld and Tommy shepher I ain’t trying to kick nobody wi down but you know these guys have a blueprint you know and I I sit there for about 20 minutes and I just talk ball with Michael Winger man and these guys they they know what they’re talking about as far as scouting development they have a blueprint for this team and you know we all know man Wizards Twitter in in the Wizards fan base man and being patient is is a skill that not a lot of people have and um one thing that I noticed you know this rebuild is gonna take a little time but in order to do it right you want it to take time for them to actually Scout develop develop them right and then when time comes create that atmosphere where we can attract free agents or that one move that we can make to get in contention we can do that but so I’m a big fan of this front office so you know we also got a another 26 pick are you guys cool with the 26 or are you trying to trade back into the lottery what do you think Matt Brandon can I ask you guys one question before we go to 26 real quick just on sort of like the time frame we were talking about this on on our show a little bit about the potential move to Virginia and the timeline that comes with that because if they were gonna open arena in a new arena in 2026 they probably wouldn’t want to be bad you know going into the opening or or 2028 maybe whatever it was that puts a cap on how long you can actually rebuild so I think the fact that we’re hearing these guys talk about three through four through five years of getting this right and letting guys kind of naturally you know grow into their their you know ideal peak development time frame and things like that I think is like so huge and underrated where like as much as people did or didn’t care about the games being in Virginia now I think that’s like the one really bright spot of it of just there’s no rush to like sell out a new Arena and things like that like you can just be organically on whatever time frame you need to be on so I’m just curious to get your guys kind of take on that I mean I’ll start real quick man um I agree with you know if if they would have moved to Virginia you definitely would try to get a competing team sooner than later because obviously in the Commonwealth man the ticket prices go up and people are expecting a winning product a lot sooner than later and so I agree with you that now they can take their time but I don’t think it’s going to take as long as they say it’s going to take I think it’s going to be around two to three years maybe four and you know that was actually a comment that D he made uh down in practice facility which is they believe in you know the coach is you know I’m not gonna say it’s Brian ke even though I think we all know it’s gonna be Brian ke I think it should be but they established the most important factor in the rebuild which is culture and these guys like playing here they like playing together there’s no issues like the last couple years where you got you know people fighting in the tunnel and all that you didn’t have these issues this year so um I think that now you know they’re going to be in DC they can take their time they can do it right but look if they progress faster than you think why not take those swings in year three you know what I mean because who say we can’t be a competitive team in three years who knows you know so so go ahead D my bad man yeah no I I I was I mean I I agree with you man I think uh you know that’s definitely a factor with this whole you know how they’re how they’re building this team you know this is not a microwave situation they they got it in the slow cooker man so you got to let it marinate you got to get those pieces in here build that culture up and then you look up 2027 all of a sudden you got a you got a team competing uh you know top six seed in the playoffs so I you know I’m you know I’m I’m with it I I if you’re going to do a rebuild man do it like don’t don’t have half it so I’m I’m I’m with it man I’m I’m I’m I’m all for it yes sir yes sir I think we all can agree on that man we ready for some you know we were ready for that reset button but like I said I think that if they re if they rebuild right definitely we have to hit through the draft obviously but I think the DC can eventually be a city where people want to come you know I mean I think that if you set the right environment right culture you know people talk you know players talk you know obviously if you look at people like Jordan P Kyle kosma they have ties to other teams and other players players talk and that was another thing that was sit in the building which is there’s there is a lot of Buzz with the Wizards right now because now you have adults in the building as far as the front office man like they you know these guys are ready to build this thing right and it’s trying to put put everything in place as far as scouting development culture so a lot of people there’s a lot of buzz you know I don’t care what Stephen A Smith says you know about you know the Wizards man I think the Wizards are definitely he’s hating man he’s hating oh man he stays hating on the Wizards man all way back to John Wall and Bradley bills back court days man so um so we’re gonna get into number 26 or whether we should trade back and then we gonna talk a little bit about Kyle kma but before we do tonight’s episode is brought to you by FanDuel so it’s winner take all in the NBA and NHL and FanDuel giving you a shot to bring home a big win of your own right now new customers 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with this draft there’s no real consensus so I I think there’s a there’s even more chance you could get you know you could have a situation like with Cam Whitmore last year a guy that is you know touted highly um and he just drops uh and you’re sitting there at 26 and you know you got an opportunity to kind of take a swing on them um but I would also love to I think they have an opportunity to get another lottery pick depending on which veteran they decide to move and and how how those things shake out uh to to get a lottery Pick and then you can add another you could take another swing um or you could take you know that pick plus 26 and maybe you could try to get into the more hered 20 2025 draft uh class um so I think they got options man I’m I think they need to explore everything because obviously this team 15 wins they need talent so however way they could do that to get a higher pick to get another pick next year they need to do it got you what you thinking Matt as we just talked about that last convo about the rebuild and the time frame one of the things I was thinking about with with the Pacers is one of the things you hear from guys that have joined the Pacers in the last couple years is the reason they wanted to play for the Pacers is Tyrese halberton being a fun guy to play with and this might be a stupid factor to consider if I were drafting somebody but eventually you’re G to have to add free agents and I think that’s something guys really consider is who would be a fun you know fun set of guys to play with and and who are the really the guys on the Wizards that other free are looking at and be like yeah that’s the dude so somebody like a topage a two he might actually be a fun dude for people to play with because he can set them up so if you don’t get someone like that at two I would be considering guys like that at 26 maybe you’re not bringing you know your 26th pick in with the expectation that he’s a franchise piece that you build around but even like an Andrew nard that’s like the hot name you know in the league or wizard Twitter right now that’s another dude that like other people are looking at as like that would be a fun guy to play next to so who were maybe some dudes you could snag at 26 that that fit that mold a little bit I think Jaylen Tyson out of Cal is a fun guy to play with he could be a guard in some situations or a wing so you get a little positional versatility he’s kind of done both at the college level you’ve got an AJ Mitchell is another name I think that’s become a little more popular with Wizards fans too out of UC Santa Barbara uh sort of a dynamic guard that could be a one or a two uh got good touch again good enough fi to kind of like help other guys get good shots and stuff so guys like that would be interesting still like Ryan Dunn at of UVA he’ll just come in do the Dirty Work defend for people if you’re establishing a defensive culture he’s somebody who would fit that and I think guys would like playing with him too because one he’s gonna finish their assists uh it’s one thing I think he does reasonably well and two he’ll do all the kind of gritty Dirty Work stuff that that maybe some of your stars don’t want to do so I would consider that as like a sneaky you know Factor when looking at guys um like a buob Carrington is one that everybody in the Wizards family likes I I would bet a large money as I’m sure you guys would that he’s he’s long gone by then maybe somebody like a Don Holmes might be another interesting name out of Dayton I think he’s probably somewhere in that ballpark too so all a couple names i’ I’d keep an eye on yeah great names man uh another one guy I really like is K kashan George Man Ke to George’s brother man out the U man he’s he’s Scrappy and he can definitely score man so they actually related yeah that’s his brother oh I had no idea yeah I didn’t know that that’s oh wow yeah brother man yeah I didn’t know till I got into the draft man but yeah that’s that’s uh Keo George’s brother from the Utah Jazz man so um and they actually two different play Styles which is weird but um big height difference too oh absolutely yeah he’s a taller guy too he’s a taller guy play uh guard and forward too so um I’m with you guys you know 26 there’s a still a lot of talent at 26 but you know I still I think that Will Dawkins is gonna be a little crafty in this draft I think you could definitely see him move back into the lottery and you know potentially come out of this draft with two in prospects in in the lottery which I think would be a big win for the wizard man because if you could grab a guard and maybe a center you know you know outside of kinging you’re looking at where um you looking at Zack Eddie at at Purdue you know there’s a lot of options at Center because you know the center position while you know we we’re ey right now you know next year is really we need a center you know you look at Marvin Bagley third expiring deal ran Holmes you know he’s got a player option so we’ll see if he enacts that Tristan vich offensively very very polished but defensively um he was he was all right as a RI protector but lateral movement on defense he needs to work on man because people are taking advantage of that and really blown pass him in the in the paint man so I agree with you guys man a lot of options so let’s get into the big subject man in Wizards land man Kyle kman on the Block um looking at CZ obviously looking at his contract man very Team friendly not only for the Wizards board for a potential suitter who wants to trade for him you know 20 plus Point night scoring you know in his League uh he’s been really good leader in the locker room in DC and he is very popular with his fan base well half the fan base that is because try to trade him um so you know looking at Kyle kman the fact that he’s got a team freely contract um and the fact that even if we pick up a guy who could play power forward he’s not gonna start right away so do you necessarily see the need to trade him right now or if the if you see the right deal do you still make that deal I’m gonna start Matt uh I mean I I don’t think you need to uh I think that’s sort of the beauty of where he’s ad he provides enough on Court and off Court value I’m a firm believer and you need at least one sort of High usage veteran to kind of take some of the the weight off these young guys shoulders I don’t think you want a situation where like I I know the Denny St will say something about like I’m hating but like I don’t think you want Denny to have to be you know 30% volume the entire season it’s nice to have kind of that that safety valve to to be able to offload some of the the usage to but you also don’t have to hurry to do this and and if you get a great deal you’re also not really hurting your your you know objectives for this year either by doing it so there’s no rush there’s no pressure If you get a great deal you move on from him and you send him on his way and you try to send him to a spot where you know he’ll he’ll be happy because I think that’s good for you guys in terms of kind of rehabbing your image around the league and you know if if you can get like something that kind of helps you steady the ship enough now with some long-term value out of it too like a future pick awesome I I also just maybe I’m less inclined to want to rush to get rid of him too because I think teams are going to try to offload picks in this draft on you and I’d just rather have a pick anywhere in next year’s draft ahead of where they’d likely get a pick in this draft too and and I think his value is g to be a first round pick I don’t think teams are goingon to filter it that much from this year to next year um so if you could get 20 next year is that better than 13 this year you know I I would strongly look at that if I were you know the front office no great points great points what do you think of d yeah I I would have said before the the gaffer trade for 26 uh that you had to do it but I think that gives you some leverage as far as the assets you’re able to work with and talent you’re able to bring in um but I I would I would just weigh it weigh all the the uh opportunities you have like there’s a I mentioned it a while ago but there’s a few teams sitting in this top 10 in Lottery area that aren’t trying to be here next year like they’re trying to be in the playoffs they’re trying contend uh Memphis Houston um Chicago right uh there’s there’s OKC there’s a few team sitting there that uh the Kings which has has been going around a lot with uh kman that’s that’s a Cali destination um you know see what they want see see what they willing to offer uh and if it’s something that you can use or you know it’s a player that you love that might be there I say do it but if they’re just giving you some you know if they throwing back a bad contract like a grant Williams um and and some picks that are like heavily protected yeah uh or or projected to be super low then you don’t have to do it because you have him under contract for another three years and it’s a descending deal so there is no and like I said you have the the pick the additional pick this year so there’s there’s no rush um he’s it’s not like he’s 32 33 you know he’s still 20 he’s going to be 29 this upcoming season so there there’s no real Rush um in spite of you know I think what what someone on Twitter will want you to believe but um I think they got they’re in a good spot to make the best deal possible it’s leverage man like they finally have leverage for a change like you can negotiate from a position of strength and when was the last time the Wizards have been able to do that so um take advantage of it oh absolutely and I’m with you guys you know kma it’s been fun watching him go from a role player with the Lakers to being that complete player in DC where you know he can score 20 plus T night you know he’s been a really consistent score for the Wizards like I said he’s been C him out in in in the the locker room as far as leadership you know we look you know obviously there’s other leaders you know Anthony guilds me is like really under radar leader with this team man really good leader but kma’s done well with working with these young guys so I’m with you guys I I think that with his contract being very Team friendly you don’t necessarily need to move him you know you could have a guy even if you draft for a replacement let him sit on the second unit you don’t necessarily need to move cou because again his contract ain’t breaking any kind of cap issues you know and so I’m with you guys but again if you find a deal that is really really good deals you know because Don mentioned it you know uh Memphis that’s an intriguing move man because they’re looking for guy that can help Jah they’re looking to make the playoffs they’re not trying to rebuild you know especially with Jah you know look he wants to win so you know that could be a definitely a good destination and a good pickup to get back into the lottery for the Wizards um Miami at 15 you know he’s been linked also Jord P been linked over there um and that could be a chance to get Eddie at 15 so we have a you know you both mentioned we have a lot of room for improvement man but we have a lot more leeway now you know we have the leverage you know we it’s a good sit situation now you know it’s not like a year ago or a year plus ago when we had Bradley Bill and super Max and we were bogged down by contracts now yeah we have guys on long-term contracts but you know they’re movable you know kle kman is a very movable contract but you know so I think it’s a really I don’t envy real dog man because that’s a hard decision man because I do like Koz I think he’s good for this organization but then I think the to a certain degree eventually you do move on just you got to get the maximum value from and I think that’s the biggest thing you have to get max value for him because you cannot let him walk away from nothing and I think that’s a big reason he brought him back because you know people look at certain moves like Bradley Bill which we waited too long to move him and the return was just it was abysmal and you know if you look at the KP Trade A lot of people are down on that I’m not so down because you know Ty Jones was not a bad point guard I mean he he filled the RO of the floor General he came in he did his job I said the same thing about Monte Morris you know not a point guard is going to wack value you know he’s not going to dunk on folk like John Mor but he’s G he’s going to be a guy who’s gonna come in do his job look at the distribute first you know definitely attack the basket collaps it you know and look the you utilize Shooters on the outside so um we have a lot of capabilities of this draft going on man so um can I can I throw one more thing on that real quick right I just thought of as you guys were talking through it I think this is another situation where I would talk to kzo about it yeah the same way they talked to him before the Maverick’s trade I would find out like what he’s looking for moving forward because I I I do think we got to a situation last year where there was a little bit of there’s a lack of cohesion with with guys offensively so if you can say hey kosma we really want you to get back into playmaking facilitation kozma instead of iso first option kosma I think I’d be a little more inclined to not rush that if he’s like hey I want to get shots up uh you know like then maybe that’s hey our our objectives kind of aren’t as aligned here too so they had an honest convo with him it sounded like at last year’s trade deadline I do the same thing this offseason and if he’s kind of on the same page with yeah you know now I’ve got to kind of switch back into maybe I’m more of a decoy or I’m I’m creating to kind of get other guys shots as well too I think maybe that’s that that you know kind of disincentivizes you to make the trade as quickly I would say oh no that’s a great Point man and you know I asked who man I said look you won a championship with the Lakers you know you’re leader in DC what’s the next step for you personally as far as a player and he said look you know get other people involved make other people better which was my stipulation obviously we all know that efficiency was an issue with Cruz man but he was a constant source of points you know efficieny was an issue he was the only one you know we got Jordan P was another guy and there’s other people on the contract or on the roster that efficiency was definitely an issue but you know that was my biggest issue was you know if he stays I definitely want to see him you know utilize his body I mean he’s look he knows how to attack the paintt he knows how to use his body to put himself in the best position to score you know sometimes he can be a little too reliant on that jump shot but overall you know he uses his body well and so you know if he could get everybody else involved and because look the name of the game is development you know we have to develop these young guys and you know for him to stay I definitely want to see him get other people more involved and and that goes for Jordan pool too um so before I guess before we roll man I I want to get your um your comments on Jordan P um do you think that he’s the point guard of the future or you think we’re just keeping them warm to eventually trade them what do you think DMO ah man I’mma say TBD on that uh to be determined man um he’s got an opportunity to show that he is um you know I was calling for at the beginning of the year last year uh and I just thought they they they kind of wasted a few a lot of games with his development and growing in that position um but that’s that’s that’s dead now like you got a summer in front of you you got a season in front of you where you have an opportunity to show everybody that hey you can run the ship uh you can make good decisions under the rest you can play a little bit of Defense um you know you can keep the turnovers down you can be more efficient um Smarter with your your your basketball decisions so um I’m I’m rooting for the kid man I he was one of the guys that was on my list of of players to go after should we move on from Bradley Bill it was him Maxi and then tyah hero and and at one point Jordan P was at the top of the list amongst consensus before maxi took off Jordan P was the hottest guard young guard name that was out there that you maybe could see all right you know you know if the Warriors ever decided they want to move on move on maybe you go get him and make him your guy um so the fact that he’s here now I I think we just got to give it a little bit of time let’s see him with a with a uh pick and roll big athletic you know maybe his name rhms with Carr I don’t know rolling to the rim uh you know let’s let’s see what he does with the ball in his hand as as the lead guy from the start of the season I agree with you um Matt is the point guard of the future on the roster what you think it’s tough man like I agree with everything DMO just said and and branding the way you guys have talked about him on the show for the last year I think we’re all kind of like on the same page about you know once they gave him something he seemed a little more comfortable with that’s great be honest with you though I would almost lean the other way in terms of there are plenty of times in the NBA where that you’re not going to use you in your ideal role and you can’t go from good to a total zero so actually I think for him I would still be trying to get him reps in the role they used him in to start the year last year too just to see if that is an area where he can improve because you may draft another really young Dynamic guard and he’s gonna have to be able to survive off ball like his G his game can’t totally crater so you know I I think can he be really good piece for them as an non-ball creator for the next couple years like absolutely I don’t see any reason why you know he can’t get kind of more into a Groove if he gets a full season of that under his belt here but it’s to find out if he really fits long term I think this front office really values versatility and if you can only play in this one very specific context you know this one specific role to be valuable I don’t know that that’s going to be appealing to them for you know kind of a long-term piece so for him it’s okay I can I can excel in this one role but I can also survive a little bit or at least 10 minutes a game you know as the secondary guy too I I think that really probably determines if he’s here longer term or not just just that flexibility that that would give them to build out the roster man great Point great points man uh and I agree with both of you you know I’m big on Jordan P you know I was very intrigued because of the talent going at Golden State and he shown that he could be that score man he can definitely score in his League he’s not he’s not even close to his prime yet he’s shown that he could be that guy in the league and I definitely think he has all sort of potential the biggest thing was him is obviously his struggles in the first half you know was the mental side which a lot of people don’t talk about when it comes to sports where usually where your mind goes your body follows you know the middle side is is key if you look at Denny you know Denny’s a perfect player when it comes to confidence when his confidence is high you see that potential with Denny when it’s low is a totally different player so I agree with you guys that I think that he could be the answer long term but not necessarily as starting point guard or he could start as a starting point guard and maybe they revert to a six-man role if they add more Talent at point guard so I definitely definitely agree on that man so hey man we’re gonna go and head WP it there but I definitely appreciate you guys coming on today man um like I said DMO man representing wizard of Gallery Place good content man I I listen to you all the time man so definitely I’ve been trying to C it up with you for a long time man so I definitely definitely I’m glad you came on the show today man and Matt man you’ve been on there before but glad to have you back man uh doing good work over there bullet forever man and obviously man the podcast is rocking man you know you and J you’re doing your thing man so like I said both of these gentlemen man I’m tell definitely check them out y’all if you don’t already check them out so again appreciate you guys man so um before roll you guys want to plug anything else no Brandon thanks for your service man doing this after Memorial Day so um thanks for everything yes sir yes sir so um definitely um again check out their content because I’m a big fan of it so you guys should definitely be too so umh let’s see lockone has launched the first ever National Sports 247 streaming Channel on YouTube and now it’s available on Amazon Fire TV and the free Fire TV channels Z Lock on sports today is here for you 247 covering the top sports stories of the day with local Experts of locked on plus and National shows covering every League find Lock sports today now available on the free Fire TV channels app so again U check me out tomorrow night we’re gonna be talking about Matas billis man is he maybe an undercover gem in this draft so definitely check me out tomorrow night and again appreciate you gentlemen tonight um and we’re gonna and call it hail to the Wizards and peace see you guys next time

Brandon is joined by Special Guest Matt Modderno from the Bleav In Wizards Podcast and Domo from the Wizards of Gallery Place Podcast to discuss the draft and Kyle Kuzma’s future in DC.

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  1. I hope they don't pick risarcher second. Sarr, Clingan or Topic…trade Kuzma and move up for Edey if they get Topic or Collier if they get a center first…

  2. Start with Donovan Klingon he is just great Oster tag 2.0 if you want a big center who’s shown more athletic than him in what we just saw in the testing who is probably gonna be bigger version of George Mikan they is Edey but not drafting him number 2 I keep bringvidea of either trade 2 and pool to San Antonio for the 4/8 picks or just trade Kuzma to team in top 12 draft Edey and draft Zac at number two and us 26 get a point

  3. As a Hawks fan I'm here to say that you guys should feel fortunate that a dumb organization like the Hawks are going to pass on Alex Sarr who will at the very least walk into the NBA with an NBA level trait because he offers some solid rim protection as a nineteen year old.

  4. Keep 26 trade Kuz for a higher pick..and trade Deni aswell for a high pick..Baylor Scheierman at 26th..
    Look at Cody Williams & Kalel Ware and/or Keyshawn George for higher picks

  5. Trade the 2nd pick to the Spurs for 4 and 8. Draft Castle and Holland. Let them and Bilal dunk on people. If they take Risacher, trade Kuzma so Risacher will get the shots.

  6. Matt, shut up.
    Deni is by far the best wizard.
    On one hand, I want him to be a star for the wiz, but on the other hand, I hope he’s traded to a team that competing right now.

  7. In a future podcast can you talk about if Tristan Vukcevic can be a key piece of the rebuild. He didn’t play many games as a rookie but he looked pretty good when he finally got to play.

  8. Great show fellas. This was my favorite Locked on. Matt’s spot on covering quite a bit👍🏾. Domo, Brandon thanks for your perspectives 👍🏾.

  9. About Topic. The defence in Europe is more complex (as a group) then NBA. Deni for example wasn't a good defender (he wasn't bad), and even today, there are better defenders then Deni in Israel national team (of course he is the big star there). Meaning if topic is a bad defender in Europe, in NBA he probably will be ok.
    Btw interesting point. He has the same Greek coach that Deni had in Maccabi Giannis Sfairopoulos.

  10. If we want to move away from Poole, at least that what i want lol we should draft Stephon Castle if Saar wont be available at 2.

  11. Last times we were decent we had top tier PGs Wall Westbrook Arenas and they are all tough so Castle has to be the choice its evident

  12. What's with those $2.99 mics?
    Can't understand you.
    Brandon send them link to purchase same mic as yours

  13. I like the idea of trying to get another pick in next years draft, since it is supposed to be a better class. We have a few players already that we need to fully evaluate. Lets find out more about them, before committing to more unproven players, if they really have a long term plan. The rookie center, the backup point guard, and Bilal all showed potential and maybe we could find a hidden gem with one of the lower round picks this year. Could we maneuver a deal to draft at number two for the team picking at three and they draft Edey for us?

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