@Memphis Grizzlies

Which prospects should the Grizzlies stay away from in the 2024 NBA Draft?

Which prospects should the Grizzlies stay away from in the 2024 NBA Draft?

on this episode of lock on Grizzlies we are talking NBA draft crushes and guys that we wouldn’t touch with a 10- foot pole that’s right demichel and I have cultivated a carefully curated list of prospects to both wine and dine and get the heck out of Dodge as they come through Memphis for workouts who would we take plus we remember the legendary Bill Walton all that and more on a pretty impactful episode of lockdown Grizzlies let’s lock in you are locked on Grizzlies your daily Memphis Grizzlies podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day hello once again everyone I am Joe Mullen X I’m joined by demichel Cole the dynamic duo rides once more it is locked on Grizzlies on this fantastic Wednesday thank you so much for joining us however you are checking out the podcast today’s episode is brought to you by Game Time download the game time app create an account and use the code lockon NBA for $20 off your first purchase terms apply we are free and available wherever you get locked on Grizzlies and wherever you get podcasts YouTube Apple Spotify Amazon like comment rate review subscribe hopefully you’re making us a part of your NBA and Memphis Grizzlies content consumption each and every time an episode drops as the month of May ends in June approaches that means the NBA draft is getting closer and closer and that’s going to be one of our main focuses on today’s episode as I mentioned a moment ago I am joined by my co-host it’s Michael Cole of the Commercial Appeal there in Memphis Tennessee awardwinning beat writer for covering the Memphis Grizzlies for the commercial appeal to Michael it is wonderful to be back with you I trust that you had a wonderful yeah Memorial Day holiday a chance to hang out with family and friends and hope you got some good food at the cookout and that sort of thing yes yes yes um all I I went to Ohio I went to Cedar Cedar Point you you’ve been there to I have never been to Cedar Point but that is a lot of fun I’ve heard that is a phenomenal Amusement part I’m I’m a I’m a big time roller coaster guy there you go 93 miles per hour with in vergins and and fly around the a I love that type of stuff but you know what uh fun time down there at Cedar Point with a couple friends came back Monday night like went straight to my mom’s house uh you know got some of those barbecue got a good over here some spaghetti on the side you know all that good stuff but uh good now it’s time to talk some Grizzlies making me hungry just hearing it partner uh yeah it was a wonderful Memorial Day weekend here as well and I’m glad to hear that you had such great time and um you know it’s great to be back with our wonderful listeners and viewers over on YouTube for another episode of lockdown Grizzlies and again the NBA draft is approaching to Michael felt like a good time to kind kind of revisit that and not just revisit the draft itself but finally plant our flag on a couple of islands you know some early NBA draft crushes later on in the show we’ll talk about guys that we don’t want to draft and it feels a little early for that you know a few weeks until the draft occurs uh but there’s some that you know I’m comfortable saying I’m not interested in having them around and I think you can agree maybe our names will be a little bit different but we’re we’re we’re ready to plant some flags as I said a moment ago and then we’ll close out the show uh talking about the the legendary Bill Walton and the grow trend of having multiple Hall of Fame careers and I’ll explain what I mean by that at the end of the program but let’s start with NBA draft crushes and demichel the floor will be yours I’ll happily seed the mic to you and listen to all the different types of guys that you think the Memphis Grizzlies should draft that aren’t centers so I can get slightly annoyed with your complete ignoring a massive need for the Memphis Grizzlies no I’m not ignoring need for the Grizzlies show because you you L to the you listened to the the episode last week where I listen I made the argument and Joe I think the funny part is I think you would agree with this but our ways of getting there probably a little bit different but I think you would agree that I mean you’ve covered this team all these years you can’t think of one year since Joe MX has been following the Grizzlies where they’ve been a sharp shooting efficient three-point team literally never it’s never I would love for them to be Sharp Shooting three-point team it’s something that makes very sad when they’re not which has literally been the last 11 or so years I’ve covered the team and if you look at if look at this draft for all the things that it doesn’t have got Reed Shepard who just shot 52% from three-point range in college basketball you got Dalton kette who I mean despite being a number one option uh for Tennessee Vol team averaged over 20 points per game and efficiently shot the basketball from three-point range uh that’s a guy I’ll start with dton conet I’ll get to I got a big I got a big that I like to but I I’m going to let you go uh next as well I’ll start with him from the standpoint of shooting is just as important as this whole big thing like we yeah we’re centering the conversation Around The Bigs right uh but at the same time they need shooting like you you can’t just keep saying oh this guy’s gonna take a leap as a shooter this guy’s gonna take a leap as a shooter because we haven’t seen it happen enough I mean the Grizzlies as I said the last time they were top 10 in the NBA in three-point shooting percent was 2006 2007 that’s how long it’s been like that’s a long time Michael you weren’t even alive back then I wasn’t I wasn’t I was but uh and Joe you know you were you were singing your uh ABCs back then remember that was 2006 2007 I was a sophomore and Junior in college sophomore and Junior in college yeah I I don’t know what I was doing there maybe third grade maybe fourth grade somewhere around there but uh but the point is the Grizzlies need to to to emphasize the need for shooting just as much and there’s reason to believe that’s the case you look at the last couple drafts uh a big part of drafting those guys t t bovic a shooting uh even the year before when they drafted Vince Williams Kennedy Chandler David Riley Jake laravia we haven’t seen the results you know uh show show it but uh the emphasis in that draft was getting guys who were efficient three-point Shooters in college which all those players weren’t massively important D and connect would absolutely be on my list I think I’ve talked about connect before in terms of being a guy you can plug him in right now does he have a high ceiling compared to some of these other guys like a reed Shepard right uh maybe Reed Shepard has a higher ceiling I’m willing to seed that the Grizzlies shouldn’t give a damn pardon my language I know we’re a family-friendly show I’m a little fired up on this Wednesday because I’m really excited about my do not draft list that we’ll talk about later on in the program um but Dalton connect is for all his flaws in terms of his draft age that’s probably the biggest knock on him dude shoots the lights out with the basketball he’s a score of the rock he’s a guy that if you subscribe to the starting GG Jackson philosophy which we’ll talk more about on a later episode um you know he could be that bench bucket getter for sure coming in immediately he has a six foot N Wings span which is exciting he has longer arms than he is tall so in terms of Defense he he may have what he might lack laterally he should be able to make up for some and other spaces I sign off on the Dalton connect that would be totally cool with me a couple of names that I like partner uh don Holmes II this is a late a late first round guy out of Dayton um I like how he checks a lot of the analytic boxes right he does a lot of things offensively that are a little bit different uh you know Memphis checks a lot of boxes needing uh offensive production and I think that he’s a guy if you’re looking for a replacement for Santi Alama right this guy should shoot you know 33 to 35% from three in the pros he is an offensive Dynamo really can help on that end of the floor in particular as a reserve big you can do a lot worse I don’t necessarily like him at nine I like him as a guy that maybe they trade back into the first round to try to secure if they go that route then as a second round guy I have to be a bit of a homer here to Michael I’m a big uh which one of those guys you Virginia Cavaliers guy I can’t argue reasonably for Ryan dunk because he doesn’t help the Grizzlies in any way um but Rees beakman right ree beakman is a guy maybe a late second round flyer he is someone who is similar to tus Jones in terms of his assist to turnover ratio he’s a solid Defender he’s a really good distributor of the basketball he has a almost six foot seven wingspan so he’s a guy that maybe can’t play with jaw spoiler alert what I’m going to talk about later but again if he if you are trying to fill a two-way contract maybe convert Scotty Pippen or something happens along the ways with that I think he checks boxes as a second round Crush of mine that could do some things at the point guard position if they’re trying to fill that void so those would be my two I got one more okay and Joe let me say this we spent a lot of time talking about Zack heiti Donovan kingan at Cent what if I said what if I said there’s another Center out there that I would be taking a n I would be comfortable if it’s the option that the Grizzlies go with I would be Comfort I think I know where you’re going with this and that guy is khil we out of Indiana uh sophomore he played his freshman year at Oregon firstman year didn’t go really well uh went into a different opportunity makes big 10 all defensive team and he’s doing everything you know he he shot the basketball over 42% from three-point range a shot over 58% from the F overall Rim running big uh capable shooter and when I look at him and this is kind of a lazy comparison because I got to dive a little bit more into it but when you just look at him and you just watch glimpses of what he’s doing when he’s at his best you see Derek lley that’s who you see and and and the shooting is is is a little bit better and and whatnot but the the ability to protect the rim uh the size and things like that I think the way Derek has performed in the playoffs kind of helps a guy like that in his draft stock status because makes you feel like that’s the type of guy that can be ready to play right right next season you know Joe Mullen says are we trying to win a championship or not I do say that that is a prospect I mean the Dallas mads are trying to win a championship and they they went and got Derek gelyy and he has shifted uh the way that front court is looked at and then how about what our guy Rafael Barlo said you know uh locked on draft they expert as well uh he he made a post on X yesterday as well and and I’ve said a few things in the past about khwar but when when rafhael says it I think you got to pay a little bit more extra attention to it because this is the same guy if you remember we talked about lock on GIS same guy who said GG Jackson should have been a lottery pick last season and people were like what but he said easily the most prominent voice hyping up GG Jackson not even close not even close he said yesterday in a draft full of uncertainty I don’t know why a seven-footer who averaged 1610 in two blocks while shooting 58% from the floor and 42% from three isn’t considered a lock for the lottery he doesn’t know I don’t either I think this is a guy he’s he’s my second draft Chris Jo I think that it comes down to we’re at the point of the process where we overthink things yeah you know I continue to see more and more people talking themselves out of Donovan kingan which is just hilarious to me like he didn’t dominate Illinois who is one of the best offensive teams in the country and put up the best defensive showing of any big in the entire uh NCAA last season if you don’t love kingan I get it there’s flaws to his game the foot injury question but to act like he sucks is just absurd to me um where coping it’s the way people cope around here yeah well I think I’d be fine with where I don’t disagree with that I I think you know we’ll talk about maybe a big that you wouldn’t be as excited about coming up next but I I think we would be fine and I don’t disagree with picking him at nine I want to stress kingan is the guy that I would go with as long as they address it whether it’s the draft whether it’s free agency and we’ve heard kimman time and again Zack kimman Grizzlies GM say we’re going to address the big man situation I don’t necessarily care who they get and that’s being truthful I can’t think like there’s lots of rumors and we’ve talked a little bit about Jared Allen for Marcus Smart you know Brook Lopez for Marcus Smart if that was a route that they went I I don’t necessarily think that’s bad either like as long as it’s addressed I don’t necessarily know that there’s a wrong answer I know what I would prefer but I think that one of the positives of the fluidity of this draft is there’s a lot of guys you can talk yourself into and where I’m with you I I would be okay with him even at nine I think that’s a fair uh Point what do you guys think let us know in the comments do you agree with to Michael’s list my list how are you feeling about our draft crushes coming up next we’re going to see if it’s too soon to talk guys that we wouldn’t touch with a 10- foot pole but I’ve got a type that I’m very much not feeling this Go Round And I know de Michel has a couple of names on his list as well we’ll talk about those next here on lockdown Grizzlies but first this episode of lockdown Grizzlies is brought to you by game time I’m excited for the NBA finals I’m sure you’re excited for the 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out now what are you waiting for we come back here on lockon Grizzlies we’re talking guys we aren’t interested in as much in the NBA draft stick with us welcome back to this episode of lockdown Grizzlies I am Joe Mullen X joined by demichel Cole demichel we’re gonna jump right in and talk about our do not draft list and I want to start off by saying I mine is not so much a player as it is a specific type of player same here you mentioned you mentioned Reed Shepard earlier in the show and he’s a guy who shot the lights out even better than dton connect you know as long as it wasn’t the Oakland Grizzlies Reed sheeper was one of the best players in college basketball this past season Rob Dillingham another guy who completely cost me my NCAA tournament bracket because I thought two NBA guards would lead them to the final or to the NBA championship and they lost again to the Oakland Grizzlies so that guy is another one I’m talking size compared to wingspan and whether or not they can play with John Morant if they can’t play with johnar like I don’t think Shepard and Dillingham can they’re out the great irony of Stefan Cass who is apparently telling teams he only wants to go to places where he can be the starting point guard which obviously is not going to happen at Memphis but he’s almost six foot seven partner he would be a phenomenal fit next to John morance because of his size at almost six foot7 six foot n wingspan the ability to handle the basketball on the flip side of that take a player you know Devin Carter I believe Anthony Carter is the name of the assistant coach there’s lots of smoke to that fire potentially the Grizzlies loving dein Carter Devin Carter is only 63 64 but he’s got a wingspan that’s about 6′ n that’s about a five inton yeah in theory that is a guy that can play next to John Morant whereas an Isaiah klier who’s been moving up draft boards about six foot4 with about a six foot five wingspan so for me I’m cool with taking another ball handler another guy that can score the ball off the dribble I I understand the need for that and you correctly called it last offseason partner the need for that for the roster I’m cool with that but it needs to be guys that have the size that can play next to jaw I am not interested using a lottery pick in particular on a backup point guard it has to be a guard that can fit both parts and part of that is the physical size and length to defend other players that johnar can’t let me make this part make sense because is I’m about to twist the brains of some people’s a littleit Galaxy brain I like it what are you saying but but just stick with me uh I think KY filipowski is going to be a solid NBA player o but I don’t think he’s a fit for the Memphis Grizzlies interesting and when I say solid NBA player I I think he has I mean you look at the way he scores the basketball he has NBA stuff fadea away turnaround footwork he has it but the Grizzlies don’t need any of that the Grizzlies don’t care for any of that the Grizzlies need someone who’s going to rebound the heck out of the ball who’s going to defend at a high level if you look at Cal filipowski from this season last season at Duke uh the physical centers tended to give him you know some problems Memphis doesn’t need those type of guys uh I he is the type of player the reason I’m using him is because he’s the type of player in these settings these workout settings he’s gonna wow some teams some teams are G might look at him and say oh some some large marketing or some porzingis type stuff that you’re going to see right like mean he’s a smooth footer who has the jump shot who has the you know the footwork and things like that but at the end of the day you put him on the floor you go back to Duke you watch him you know struggle against you know uh PJ Hall you know at Clemson you watch him struggle against Armando Bott you know at North Carolina and things like that and you wonder how would that project at the NBA level for a team like the Memphis Grizzlies who in particular need a physical big that’s what they need more than anything Jaren Jackson has has really improved his physicality and has turned into a very physical player of his own but there’s a reason me and you have talked mostly about them needing to get more of a center type of player than a four uh where jiren’s gonna be playing the five and I think if those two share the floor together you’re looking at Cal Philip asy Mo as your four and jar as your five and offensively it works I mean but uh he’s on my do not draft list right now and uh I think at the end of the day there’s there’s a lot of overlap there between he and Santi Alama from a physicality standpoint from the shooting standpoint all of it and uh that’s not what the Grizzlies need you need to be eyeing something different hence Dalton kette earlier on my crush list hence khilo wear on my crush list those are two players one’s a seven foot Rim Runner who’s going to protect the rim and shoot uh the other is probably going to walk into the NBA as above average three-point shooter uh KY filipowski would come on the roster and give you what you already have and his weakness would be similar to those that you already have so he would probably improve the team from a talent standpoint which is why I said I’m going to twist the brins a little bit because you add him the team is more talented for sure but are they better as Joe mull says are they getting closer to winning a CH Championship I don’t think that’s the case I would agree I said earlier in the show that as long as they address the big man situation I’m cool the true big man situation I think you nailed it yeah I was just going off on a tangent about wingspan filipowski has a negative wingspan seven foot tall with a 6’1 and a half wingspan and I’m getting all these numbers from tank ofon by the way and obviously they come out from the NBA Combine and those sorts of places uh I I’m I’m with you on filipowski I think they could make it work but it’s an investment in jiren at the five like I think that philipos would be a Santi replacement if you don’t want to pay him and that’s not a pressing need you have Santi Al dama at least for one more year he’s there you don’t need that you need a bench bucket getter you need especially a true legitimate big filipowski is not that so uh let to Michael know how you’re feeling and let I know let me know how you’re feeling in the comments do you agree with me hating on these guards that don’t have long wingspans do you agree uh it’s similar for filipowski with the Mich I think we both went Arch type yeah yeah we we the Grizzlies have their stars like that’s the biggest thing it’s all about obviously this draft doesn’t have a superstar you know when Alex SAR is the projected number one pick or Nicola topic or whoever the case might be and these guys are getting comps to jiren Jackson Jr jiren Jackson Jr might be the third best player on the Grizzlies so you’re not looking at a LeBron James type draft or an Anthony Edwards type draft but there could be really good role players in this draft I think that from all across the first round Ms absolutely guys that can help a team like Memphis win now that’s possible in Brandon right Joe and airpods that would have been a great pick a year ago but I think that you know obviously I’m I’m a big Desmond Bane guy and Bane doesn’t check that wingspan box so I’m being a bit hypocritical but Bane has proven his Elite basketball skill right it’s it’s about finding guys that can cover up what Bane isn’t able to do physically that’s what I’m most concerned about and it sounds like to Michael again as is usual with us partner we kind of take different paths to get to the same but we get to the same yeah absolutely different roads to the same spot when we come back here on lockdown Grizzlies we’re going to talk about Bill Walton his fascinating life in more ways than one but I want to remind you about lockdown sports today the first ever 247 streaming Channel over on YouTube you’ll notice to Michael and I not yelling at each other not getting mad at one another not trying to speak over one another that’s because this isn’t ESPN it’s not Fox Sports this is a place where you come for Memphis Grizzlies basketball analysis the good news is for just about every team across all the professional sports in America you can find that with the lock on podcast Network and they have started summarizing the best episodes of the day or the most prevalent or relevant episodes of the day over on locked on sports today so go check it out they also have locked on NBA locked on NFL locked on NHL all those different types of shows in addition to the great team specific podcast like lock on Grizzlies check it out over on YouTube it’s also on Amazon Fire TV under the free channels TV part of the app lockd on sports today give them a look when we come back here on lockon Grizzlies remembering the great Bill Walton stick with us welcome back to lockon Grizzlies I am Joe Mullen closing out this Wednesday edition of lockdown Grizzlies with my tremendous partner D Michel Cole it’s been fun talking NBA draft prospects again let us know in the comments if you’re with us or against us here you know to Michael and I are like again like we talked about a moment ago we’re we’re on the same end game but we’re taking different roads to that end game it sounds like with the draft approach let us if you age or disagree with our philosophy but we’re going break away from the draft for the end of theam here and talk Bill Walton who I you know before the show de Michel and I always talk whether it’s in text or you know a quick chat before we record and when I brought up the idea of talking about Bill Walton it fascinates me as the game gets older the game of basketball Sports in general really but this is a basketball podcast as basketball gets older as media advances and gets older you see more and more guys like Bill Walton who have legendary careers in numerous ways right because how many kids today how many demichael Kohl’s you’re not a kid but you understand my point how many younger people that consume basketball look at Bill Walton and do not know that that man won two college basketball championships and two NBA championships with two different teams how many people don’t know that he is one legitimately one of the best big men in the history of the game of basketball they just see him as the goofy guy that was an awesome commentator on ESPN or NBA on NBC which is true he was an awesome commentator and he was Goofy he took off his shirt on live television and I love the Grateful Dead all those sort things I think even talked about shrooms on one episode or on one broadcast um but he was genuine and he was legitimately himself and he was unapologetically himself which is so rare in today’s society he made a legendary broadcasting career after his legendary playing career and for me demichel the the Grizzlies comp is brevan Knight because as someone who came into the Grizzlies not late but in the middle right yeah um I did my Grier research as I became a fan and I realized very quickly that brevan Knight was a successful player for the Grizzlies and obviously elsewhere in the NBA in addition to the work that he did it was him and uh uh I’m having a brain F and I apologize for that the um Tui Sean Tui there we go Shan it was him and Shan Tui that split it at first when I first started watching the team and then as time went on because Brevin was 10 times better than Shan tuille um it just became brevan shop right there were other things that went into that that we don’t need to go down but my point is if you’re a young Grizzlies fan you think of Pete pranica and brevan Knight and how awesome they are as a broadcast Duo I enjoy watching those games all the time and how many of them don’t know that he was a good NBA player not like Bill Walton but again I’m making the point Walton is a wonderful reminder of how as the game evolves players are capable of Reinventing themselves like Chuck you know Charles Barkley probably be the next great example of that um how they reinvent themselves in their careers how they find a new Niche and develop you know Walton was in my opinion and Barkley is unique in his own way um y Walton was the most unique example of that to take his personality and apply it in a way that Not only was he quirky and enjoyable to watch on television but he also like I I think it was Rick Carlile who talked before the Indiana Pacers Boston Celtics game four that the Celtics won on their way to the finals he talked about being on a text thread with the 86 Celtics team and just how much they loved Bill Walton and how phenomenal of a winner was I think red hour boox said I have never coached a better winning player than Bill Walton Larry Bird was on that team you know what I’m saying like I think that it’s so interesting and I know I’m rambling a bit but it’s just one of the parts of fandom and sports fandom that I enjoy how these players are able to reinvent themselves as their lives and careers evolve to me Bill Walt is one of the best examples of that it’s a great point and and I’m just thinking of so many guys who who kind of you know went down that path as you said you know pretty much the last 20 30 years you know so but uh Shannon sharp is the one that comes to mind like great example when you when you watch him now you you kind of get lost in the fact that this is a Hall of Fame tight end legitimately one of the best tight ends in the history yeah exactly but uh to switch to tones a little bit here uh kind of aligning with what you said you know most of my life when I think of Bill walon it is that it’s the quirkiness it’s the you know watching the Pack 12 games and and you know and trying not to fall asleep and then just hearing ESPN after dark you’re falling asleep then you hear Bill Walton say something you’re like wait what did he just say you lock back in real quick while you’re trying to fall asleep and those type things but alongside of that um you know Barber Shop talk is big in Memphis Barber Shop talk is Big a lot of places and and when I think of I always gotta localize it Joe and there’s a local angle here with Bill Walt and I remember you know like I said Barber Shop talk is huge in Memphis and and one thing about Memphis I grew up hearing all the time from the oldheads and things like that it’s Memphis State Memphis State Memphis State uh and you know they’re the University of Memphis Tigers now so in my time I watch the University of Memphis uh the oldheads call still some of them say Memphis State and one game they talk about 85 and they talk about 73 and 73 was Bill Walton 21 of 22 from the field against the Memphis State Tigers National Championship Game 4 4 Points uh tell you what you know you you talk about how he’s remembered you know widely rown this this announcer and things things like that and and you know he should be you know for what he did there but uh you know who does who who who absolutely will not ever forget uh the player uh and how dominant he was it’s the people of Memphis Tennessee because uh they saw it in 73 against that UCLA team Bill walked 21 of 22 from the field uh pretty much single-handedly put us UCLA on his back to defeat Memphis State in that national championship game just phenomenal basketball player a phenomenal human being all the stories coming out about him in the last couple of days really special stuff so to everybody that loved Bill Walton that knew Bill Walton we send you our thoughts uh anybody that respected him like myself and de Michel obviously will continue to be influenced not just by him as a broadcaster but his amazing playing career both in college and the pros uh that’s it for this episode of lockdown Grizzlies the next time we’re together it’ll be a Thursday edition of the show you know more and more there’s Rumblings about Gigi as the starter and I’ve already kind of planted my flag on him as the Sixth Man to Michael you know maybe we’re wavering a bit maybe we’re you know Marcus Smart versus GG how the starting lineup would have to play differently maybe uh might be an angle we can take there’s lots of different ways we can attack that question and others going into our Thursday show yeah looking looking forward to it you know uh this is a big summer you know uh for guys like GG and whatnot but there’s been a lot of talk about you know we we touched on the topic a little bit you know with this trade stuff and all that and people are really uh kind of diving into this whole Marcus Smart conversation and whatnot maybe that’s something we look at as well I like it we can take a couple of different angles with that on our Thursday show so make sure you’re checking that out and hanging out with us on Thursday thank you so much for hanging out with us on this episode of lockon Grizzlies like comment rate review subscribe wherever you get podcasts Apple Amazon Spotify YouTube we’re proud members of the lockon podcast Network your team each and every day and each and every time an episode drops for lockdown Grizzlies hope you are with us checking it out go check out locked on sports today right now as the episode ends for us go see what streaming on YouTube the first ofit kind 247 streaming Sports channel on YouTube check it out on Amazon Fire as well big fans of that and I’m a big fan of you dear listener dear viewer and I know J Michael Cole is as well thank you so much for making us a part of your Memphis Grizzlies and NBA content consumption experience for de Michael I’m Joe we’ll catch you on Thursday Grizzlies fans make sure that you are with us each and every time an episode of lockdown Grizzlies drops have a good one

The 2024 NBA Draft is a month away. In this episode, co-hosts Damichael Cole and Joe Mullinax reveal which players they like for the Memphis Grizzlies and who they would like to see Memphis stay away from at the draft.

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  1. Drafting Knecht means that Kennard should be traded, which I agree with to help with the salary cap. I also like Ware, too because he is one of the very few bigs that can stretch the floor. Good insight, gents!

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