@Minnesota Timberwolves

Anthony Edwards & KAT talk Game 4 Win vs Mavericks, Postgame Interview 🎤

Anthony Edwards & KAT talk Game 4 Win vs Mavericks, Postgame Interview 🎤

Carl this was uh yeah had obviously a tough start to the series just what did you feel did you feel any differently out there tonight being able to knock down the shots or um what came together for you everything came together for him he was he was super confident he wasn’t worried about any shots previous to the shots that he hit tonight um he played exceptionally well and um he came through big time and he was the reason we won tonight one of shots Carl came out a play where Kyle director did the corner Kyle set a screen Kyle told a to pass it what is it like sometimes have our plays man we got some good plays but like what is it like kind of having a coordinator on the court sometimes like Kyle can seemingly be Kyle’s special he’s special that we need man um he’s like The X Factor it’s it’s like him and Jaden him and Jaden is like X factors you know what I mean so he’s out there I was dribbling the ball I damn sure was about to shoot it and um I seen him like pointing that big and I’m like okay cool I seen big fella he cashed out Kyle made that play happen he definitely org he made a lot of plays happen especially his defense too man so shout out to out to’s he’s been a guy who’s had a little bit up and down season like um has it been is it cool to see him kind of have his moment in the series to see cuz I know how good he is um I used to play against him um in my early early in my career when he used went Memphis and he was killing so it’s great to see him get back to that play a long time with the five fouls tonight and and still found a way to to score I tell you about five what you mean you have five but I didn’t file out F out I get what I need to do I’mma beat him up on the bus y’all get out of here don’t believe that did your mindset shift at that point Carl when when you got the fifth foul or how did you kind of navigate that stretch while still being effective agressive being aggressive they ain’t no time to have any doubts in your mind especially at this time it’s game four we down 3 0 ain’t no time to have any doubts I’m going to go out there be aggressive uh shoot my shot uh like I’ve been doing all series and and I’m be a confident every shot I shoot so um defensively being my spots so all I could think about was being in my spots earlier make sure that I do as discipline of Defense as possible and uh on the offensive end you know don’t don’t lose any confidence and don’t lose any aggression oh since and told us about your offense can you tell us what you saw his kind of game ceiling go jumper man I was on the bench I had a front row seat to watch it yeah when I F out and I’m watching and I can see the play developing and I’m seeing and just kind of in a way I feel like he was visualizing that make and he got to exactly the spot he wanted to I see the work he puts in uh I knew at that place I knew at that spot if he gets over to his right hand with that pull-up it’s it g to be cash and uh if he was any more right of the Court I would have been a little mad if he would have went for the backboard but he he went for the straight end shot and it it was cash so um like I said I’m I’m honored to be playing with my brother here and seeing him every day put the work in and I knew when he got to that spot it was high likelihood he was going to make that and uh last last game you said um you know you got a lot of good looks but when the shots wen’t falling you know was easier for them to crowd the paint you know when cat’s hitting those shots and Jaden and and nille um what does that mean for your team and and the spacing as your uh it means I can operate yeah I think that’s the main thing when these guys knocking down shots um you know um it’s like a pride thing when when your man scores whether you supposed to be in the gap or not you don’t want him to keep scoring so if these guys H shots I mean the gaps going to get more open and more open and more open and um lateer in that fourth because cat and Jaden was knocking them down I was able to just get anywhere I wanted and whether I miss it or make it I can live with that and um I haven’t been doing that the last three games of of this series I’ve been going to the corner and not shooting the ball and not being aggressive and um yeah that won’t happen anymore anytime late in the fourth I’m going to shoot it every time prior to game you mention you wanted to get back to the joy of the game of basketball do you feel like these last two games you’ve been able to do that uh I feel like last game I did it early and then um as the game the game um kept going my uh my emotions I mean the the emotional part of the game I just my my joy started to you know Fall Away um I think tonight the entire game I didn’t let anything bother me my joy was there the entire time and um big shout out to my college coach man he always takes me um Coach K and tell me uh Man play with joy that’s when you’re playing at your best and um he he made sure he takes me that before the game at Halftime today you mention with the college coach how much of your foundation in your hometown and just your family do you take on the court with you every night uh every night man that’s why I play with so much joy um anytime I’m around my family we have a good time always uh it’s never a d moment um laughing joking you know all type of things like that even with my teammates man we always having a great time so you know we just try to carry that over to the courtl how do you see the your guys defense as a team kind of growing or progressing throughout the series I just love the aggression we played with today you know you could tell that we had that desperation that makes us special I talked about it in uh shoot around just that desperation um playing with so much energy on defense you know making those uh rotations and the plays needed to win and um you know I mean the numbers speak for themselves you know we showed up defensively tonight against a really great team and uh did the things we needed to do to win a game especially on the road is over here y’all y’all got any questions for Mike y’all want to ask me about Mike nobody want to ask me about Mike B B mik the first half it seemed like he really old as and and and and and he was getting down H lay laying the ball up so shout out to B bik and he coming in here with these clown pants on so y’all about to see him in a minute but that’s my OG that’s my point guard he played great tonight and I couldn’t ask nothing more from him so thank you Mike Conley hey uh Carl what does what does just getting one mean to you just to get on the board here and and and extend the series we get another chance to get another one pretty [Music] simple what do you say end of the game um I think we was talking about the uh the N1 yeah I think that’s what we was talking about it was just you know it was crazy hey you told somebody inall you told somebody in the hallway you see for game six what where does that confidence come from um what am I supposed to say I’m supposed to say um we going to lose game five no I’m not going to never say that um Michael Parsons you know he was rocking the a1s and I told him he wear a size 14 I’ll bring back some nice shoes for game six that’s what I told him here go my stood up man was performing

Minnesota Timberwolves vs Dallas Mavericks – Full WCF Game 4 Highlights | May 28, 2024 NBA Playoffs


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  1. Dnt like how ant talks to kat. Its like kats a rookie or sum? Kat cant be cool with that. Ant needs to respect kat like the vet he is. And humble himself here.. that beat him up later comment was outta pocket.

  2. Maaan KAT take yo ass wherever you were the first 3 games.. Ant bring you up there everytime you shine & you leave him hanging up there down 0-3.. that’s why he’s the 22yr old leader.

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