@Boston Celtics

The Boston Celtics Are Going To The NBA Finals…

The Boston Celtics Are Going To The NBA Finals…

what’s the word y’all whoa the Boston Celtics are in the NBA Finals yes I understand it’s not my normal setup but we just got done taping our TV show numbers on the board premieres Tuesdays at 2 o’clock Eastern on ESPN 2 and I don’t want to drive 25 minutes home to get this video out I want to talk to y’all about the Celtics finals run right here right now before I do that let me get my flowers to the Indiana Patriot man I know a lot of people are going to put an asteris next to the Boston Celtics run was it the easiest run to the finals of all time maybe some people might put an asers Nest to the Indiana Pacers Conference Finals run because well they went against some teams that were injured none of that is rooted in reality like a cool it’s cool for conversations but the reality is you were in the Conference Finals and you did that this season after 10 years of not making it you did it and that’s something to be proud of right um and and the thing I would be proud of most is that you were down 02 you found out that your your all NBA player T tber was not going to play and you still went out there and played two really really good games obviously you didn’t win those games it really felt like a team that had been there before versus a team that had been there before where it got some costy turnovers and some bad fouls ultimately the Boston Celtics ended up winning we found out if you’re a Pacer fans you probably already knew this part that n hard is just a stud whether he’s a secondary ball handler or primary ball handler he’s very very good at basketball the tyres halber and Pascal SE comparing looked better and better throughout the course of the season and then once we got to the playoffs it just continuously look better and then Miles Turner just showcased like hey you shouldn’t just trade a person because NBA Twitter told you to remember when Miles Turner was like a Laker and even he was talking about him being a Laker because it felt like it was inevitability where they decided to stay keep him there and he was as consistent as anybody in this entire Playoff round I know he had a couple games that wasn’t great but for the most part he was phenomenal and you got some things to build off of I’m curious to see what happens this off season because again no askers for me personally but there are some teams in the Eastern Conference now the easn conference not the Western Conference when it comes to competition but there are some really good teams out east that are either getting better or getting healthy or going to add some people in free agency so I’m curious to see what the Pacers decide to do this offseason is it simply bringing back Pascal seak and Obi toppen and then let continuity do the rest and let these younger players get better or are they going to try to do something else time will tell let’s switch gears to talk about the team net one this series the Boston Celtics who throughout this entire playoff run have only lost two games two games again let’s let’s talk about this Astra s let’s talk about the easiest walk to the finals for me personally none of that really matters now could it matter once we get to June 6th and they’re going against the Dallas Mavericks in the finals maybe yeah maybe it could matter but as of right here right now I couldn’t car L who they went against to get to this point because when you were as consistent and as dominant as they were in the regular season this is what you play for this is why you want to be the one seed you want the favorable matchups nobody is looking to go against the best of the best every chance they get so yes it went five games against the Miami Heat without Jimmy baller yes it went five games against the Cleveland Cavaliers no Jared Allen no D mits the back of it yes it went four games against the Indiana Pat no tyes hurn for the last couple year last couple games none of that’s really relevant because some people tell you throughout history some of the greatest players of all time do not know the feeling of touching the NBA Finals floor you think if you ask those dudes would they rather have the career that didn’t touch the finals or they have the career with the Cakewalk to the finals they taking the Cakewalk 100% of the time 100% of the time and at the end of the day it’s not like this team was some mediocre team come regular season and then got all the injury luck this team was dominant for the regular season so dominant that nobody talked about him me included look at the P look at the the Celtics videos on this channel you can search it on this channel I did not get around to making a full-fledged Celtics video much this season because there wasn’t much to talk about other than them dominating teams but on the on the podcast I got to it all the time right on the podcast about a month or so ago um I I posed a question and I guess this this question doesn’t have any bearings now because again they did go against some teams that were without injury but throughout the course of the Season i’ had been posing a question that are the Celtics just so very dominant that no matter what else happens across the association we’re ending with the Celtics winning the championship you know what I’m saying like the 20 this is not on the same level I don’t want you to misinterpret the 2017 Warriors are the greatest constructed team of all time but I’m just using this as an example right now when we were covering basketball in 2017 we all knew that that team was not only going to make the finals but win the finals but we still covered it as if somebody else had a chance and then this is a Celtics really first year of having this you know I know they had some some years they made it to the finals they had some years they the one seed but this team feels different it’s is coach differently they have more depth I mean they practically running out like five All-Star it players every single night right but in 2017 we knew that that Warriors team was going to win every single series they win against but we still had to act like we still had to talk about the other 29 teams as if we didn’t know the Warriors are going to win and I POS a question are the Celtics similar in the sense that that their dominance in the regular season will translate over so evenly that we’re doing all this talking about oh the at that point the question was Denver Nuggets repeating we’re talking about the Denver Nuggets talking about OKC the Lakers the War all of these other Western Conference teams they might just go against the Boston Cela in the finals and get smoked that was a month or so ago now it’s not like the Boston Cel are the perfect team CU hell you can say Kenny they just went to Four game series if they swep again a win is a win all that’s all it really matters but those last two games they had the overcome an 18-point lead for the Indiana Pacers and then had to get like a a really critical pass out to Dereck White 3 and then a great possession from from Drew holiday to beat the Pacers without Tes halber does that doesn’t that showcase that they’re not as good you might think and maybe but I also think this is I’m sorry if the mic I also think this could be a a conversation of finally facing that adversity right they didn’t really face that in the first couple rounds that Miami Heat series that heat hit 23 three-pointers man 23 three-pointers in game number two but other than that they were dominant and the Cleveland Cavalier series there was no real adversity there was no real back against the- wall moments and then you get to the Conference Finals the Backle against was against the wall again it was into an inferior team but still good reps down by 18 we come back from those down by five with four minutes to go Jason Tatum how do you respond he responded greatly you know like the Pacers were in this series wholeheartedly it took a Jaylen Brown miraculous double Bang three in the first game of the series to even get to overtime so it’s like I can see you both ways I could definitely see you both ways which way am I leaning towards again the moment they acquire Drew holiday you could go watch the tape I posst the question to the guys who’s coming out of Easter Conference everybody else said Milwaukee Bucks and I understood it Damen Lillard was on the team with Giannis I don’t think any of us understood the Adan griffi thing wasn’t going to work but I said the Celtics and from that moment on I’ve been saying that the Celtics win a championship i’ I’ve not wavered at all I’ve set the Celtics this entire entire way because in that moment in time I saw that they had upgraded some positions of need and they look like a team that was ready and they was hungry I going remind you that last time they were in the finals Jason Tatum was 24 years old 24 and though this this playoff run so far for Jason Tatum has has been amazing he’s starting to look better so you telling me that he’s getting better and better throughout the playoffs and they’re about to go June 6 start in the NBA Finals now granted whatever team they go against again probably the Dallas Mavericks is going to be a a a way better defensive team than any of the teams he’s really seen so far because again no Jared Allen in the last series versus the Cavs who are normally a good defensive team and in the Pacers you know the Pacers weren’t a great defensive team regular season or postseason so the Mavericks will be the best defensive team they’ve seen so far in this playoff run but still we’re seeing Tatum look better and better Jaylen Brown continuously has been great Drew holiday had a full series and a half uh where he was pretty bad let’s be real since then he looked great Derek white was Klay Thompson in series number one could he do it again I don’t really know this team has been so very consistent when it comes to their success that we we just write it off as being a normal Boston Celtics season and I think part of that is unfair in a way um considering their star players are so very young like we’ve seen the whole evolution of Jason Tatum and Jaylen Brown and the whole time they were in Conference Finals or NBA Finals they were both extremely extremely young this is the team I believe is going to have enough now if they do not win I know I saw some people talk about no this wouldn’t be a failure because this is their first year together if they went to the finals and and well they in the finals and they go against the Dallas Ms and they lose that that would be a failure objectively a failure because they’d be going against a team that also was basically just constructed two months ago so they should be the heavy favorite all season long they dominated all postseason long they’ve dominated and now they got to go against the Dallas Mavericks to see if they’re the best team in in basketball and again I don’t live in a world of asterisks and this and that all I know is that there will be one team raised in the Larry O’Brien Trophy and that is the end of it all that is the all that’s the end of it all if Tatum gets the first one if Luca gets the first one I’m G to be excited for either one of them but I do want to give tip my hat to the Boston Celtic for never wavering and continuously dominating we’ll see if that translates

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  1. Not trying to discredit the Celtics but it is insane how all the teams they have gone against have had star players injured. and then the upcoming series with the Mavericks Luka and his Knee issues, and hopefully not but Lively with a possible sustained injury. No fault of their own just crazy to think about.

  2. Are they as dominant as the 2017 warriors? Fuck no. They had a losing record against the top teams in the west. Can't wait for Dallas to smack them in 6.


  4. Should've just rigged it for the knicks.. at least that would've been entertaining watching them get swept

  5. You can only play who's in front of you. That said it is alarming the pacers were even close in these games.

  6. The last time The Celtics were in the finals, Tatum had a separated shoulder, Smart was exhausted from all of the general injuries he sustained, Rob was working his way back from an MCL injury and Brown had a badly damaged quad. It's a cop out to be sure, but that team was held together with duct tape and wishes

  7. love the content so much, thank you for this class entertainment and keep going Kenny. we love you <3

  8. as a Cs fan rn i'm so excited. unless ant pulls off something that has NEVER happened before- we have the best chance to win the title we will have in YEARS to come. the NBA is such a good league and the dallas mavs were our easiest matchup out of the final 4 western conference teams (debatable with the thunder but i think mavs take it). obviously they have a chance to beat us bc the celtics haven't faced true comp in this run, and luka and kyrie are playing g outrageous rn, but this is our best shot to win by far. every comment i have left as a skeptical celtics fan about us walking into a trap in the finals with the wolves and nuggets. idk if the mavs are a trap series. i think we are just simply better and should win

  9. Celtics are as battle tested as anyone, they’ve been building this for almost a decade , battles with the Heat, Philly, the Bucks, the KD Nets, and the Warriors, along with an NBA champion in Jrue. People act like they’ve never faced adversity like this is their first year running and the Mavericks dominate them in all the intangibles. Even the way they won this Pacers series is something to at least acknowledge for their late game heroics.

  10. Usually I find myself agreeing with your takes Kenny but I can't agree with pretending like the ease of path to the finals doesn't matter. Yeah injuries are just part of the postseason but its usually a couple of key role stars or superstars with super high usage burning out later in the brackets (like brunson) which are a coaching issue. Pretending like every team you come up against are missing one or more primary star players and 1st options that some of these teams are literally built around 'doesn't matter' isn't true. The Larry O Brian means so much because of what it represents, beating the best to be the best; so if you don't beat the best whats the point. That's not to say that this is the celtics fault at all but pretending like this is expected cause they're the one seed is dishonest. Theres a reason the nba community hold certain championships on way higher of a pedestal than others, like 2016 or 2011 and others are forgotten or tarnished cause of injuries. To pretend that doesn't make a difference is disrespectful to the nature of the big Larry O imo

  11. When the mavs win it will be cool to see 2 stars both drafted in 2018 goin at it in the finals. 2018 is one of my favorite drafts so this is pretty cool to me

  12. Both Boston and Indiana were in no-win situations from the moment the playoffs started. Both teams are being knocked for beating injured teams, but they would've been knocked even more for LOSING to any of those injured teams. Not to mention that neither team faced any BAD opponents, just INJURED opponents. They both faced teams who won 46‐50 games (the Knicks being the only 50-win team of that bunch), and those teams could've won more games than they did if certain things had panned out for them during the regular season. It's not like the Celtics were not expected to reach the Finals anyway, nor was it guaranteed that the Bucks would have dominated the Pacers the way many people thought.

  13. I feel we do this a lot. We see less star talent and immediately jump to, that’s an easier team. Understandable. But you plan for Tyrese, ight he’s not there. Now you gotta change that gameplan to not only what tj McConnell does and niemhard does . But really you gotta adjust the whole gameplan. And it sounds cliche but a team with nothing to lose is dangerous. How many times we see a star player go out and the team actually play better? More often than is brought up

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