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Ant Says He’s Beating KAT Up On The Bus For Fouling Out 🤣 +Inside talks DAL Adjustments | NBA on TNT

Ant Says He’s Beating KAT Up On The Bus For Fouling Out 🤣 +Inside talks DAL Adjustments | NBA on TNT

for particularly in the first half I I think we had like nine in the first half um that that allow that that kind of allowed them to keep coming back into the game and a bunch of Miss free throws too and of course we weathered a lot of foul trouble out there which was you know frustrating say the least um but uh you know all credit to our guys they they found a way to to win a game um you know it’s a lot like games one and two and we were able to get it done tonight we’ve been resilient Team all year I think you know we didn’t lose we never lost three in a r till we got to the playoffs so we love it off four in a row um guys you know respond uh you know it’s a fun team to coach because they believe that they can always win no matter what so it felt like some of the other games where you guys were going to turn it around in the last five minutes and and win this game did you have a good feeling and good vibe again that it was going to flip and you were going to get it despite those stretches that weren’t going the way you wanted yeah we had good looks PJ had a good look D Jones had a good look corner we you know we couldn’t ask for a better situation um the the one that I felt that um was going to put us in a good place was uh Lucas three um the three he made now it becomes if he makes a free throw it becomes a two-point game now it becomes a free throw game it puts the pressure back on them that to have to make free throws and coming down a stretch they had missed a couple so um now it’s any once’s game with the timeout left so um that’s where I thought the game could maybe change but un fortunately we just didn’t we we didn’t capitalize on that Carl this was uh you had obviously a tough start to this series just what did you feel did you feel any differently out there tonight being able to knock down the shots or U what came together for you everything came together for him he was he was super confident he wasn’t worried about any shots previous to the shots that he hit tonight um he played exceptionally well and um he came through big time and he was the reason we won tonight shots Carl came out of play where Kyle director to the corner Kyle set a screen Kyle told ant to pass it what is it like sometimes plays man we got some good plays but like what is it like kind of having a coordinator on the court sometimes like Kyle can seemingly be Kyle’s special he’s special man um he’s like the exactor it’s it’s like him and Jaden him and Jaden is like X factors you know what I mean so he’s out there I was dribbling the ball I damn sure was about to shoot it and um I seen him like pointing at big fella and I’m like okay cool I seen big fella he cashed out Kyle made that play happen he definitely or he made a lot of plays happen especially his defense too man so shout out to out to C he’s been a guy who’s had a little bit up and down season like has it been is it cool to see him kind of have his moment in the series to see because I know how good he is um I used to play against him um in my early early in my career when he used went Memphis and he was killing so it’s great to see him get back to that you played a long time with the five fouls tonight and and still found a way to to score I tell you about five what you mean you had five but I didn’t foul out F out I what I need to do I’mma beat him up on the bus y’all get out of here don’t believe that did did your mindset shift at that point Carl when when you got the fifl or how did you kind of navigate that stretch while still being effective being aggressive ain’t no time to have any doubts in your mind especially at this time it’s game four we down 3 0 ain’t no time to have any doubts I’m going to go out there be aggressive uh shoot my shot uh like I’ve been doing all series and and I’m be a confident every shot I shoot so um defensively being my spots so all I can think about was being in my spots earlier make sure that I do as discipline of Defense as possible and uh on the offensive end you know don’t don’t lose any confidence and don’t lose any aggression oh since amazing what a win will do for the uh for the postgame demeanor of of a team and now got to find my way back Minnesota after that win I’ve never been in this position every time I’ve been down three I’ve been swept five times but I’ve always said if if we can get that first game so you know the key for them is cuz right now they’re very happy so enjoy this but tomorrow need to get back on it so you know the key for them is to you know just do what they’ve been doing if they get a lead try to be able to maintain the lead and hopefully extend the lead a little longer and just you know play the same way you play tonight and cat got to play the same way don’t switch P it up now and going back to you know starting out and then coming back in coach friend Gundy said it I’ve been saying it Chuck been saying it your first seven a shots inside the paint high percentage shots and then you came back out he’s the key so he’s very confident right now so we’re g to see if he’s confident this next game because it’s it’s all all eyes on him and and Dre and Chuck can answer that this might be the first time now Dallas has to make an adjustment like what do you mean if calling Anthony towns starts inside and works his way out you have to make an adjustment he exploded the second half that’s not a lot they can do if he plays he’s an Allstar he’s going like what are they going to do like he if he plays like that if the guy who got because they had Derek Jones a lot of times switch off on him well that’s the way he got he got an N1 he he went to the basket where other nights he floated out he he did it a couple times he had Kyrie on him a couple times and I watched he float back out yeah there should never be a time when if the guy is under 69 that he doesn’t go to the 100% they miss Lively tonight too they miss Lively but you know C an Allstar Lively is not an Allstar if this dude played like that this would have been a really good series I mean it still might be but he’s like I was just going to be really confident and aggressive like well you should have did that in game one n for 13 game two and game three you don’t go four for 32 then like you’re back against the wall and now like oh maybe too little too late but we still see uh yeah games have been decided by 13 five and seven been uh great to watch I mean if you’re a fan at home and you’re watching them these games are all in doubt in the fourth quarter you can’t ask for much more than that

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  1. Mann so Kat cant talk to media for his terrible games. But now he can talk. I just dont like that fr fr

  2. Ant Man should not be teaching Gobert how to set screens at this point in either of their careers smh.

  3. I love Ant, but I gotta be honest if I was Kat I’d feel a way about another man speaking for me! The reporter was Kat a question and Ant just jumps in and doesn’t let the man speak for himself.

  4. 🐜 is the epitome of this ‘Gen Z’
    No respect for elders. Thinks he smarter than everyone else.
    Terrible language skills.

  5. Lot of immaturity in their games and also in press conference. Ant has to always please KAT by saying overly good things about KAT. They are not ready to win against Luka and Kyrie.

  6. I hate that they are breaking up Inside The NBA but if I had to do a complete new line up other then Ernie. I would have Ernie, Kevin Garnett, Dirk, Paul Pierce

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