@Dallas Mavericks

T-Wolves avoid sweep vs. Mavs in WCF: Edwards nears triple-double, KAT scores 25 | NBA | UNDISPUTED

T-Wolves avoid sweep vs. Mavs in WCF: Edwards nears triple-double, KAT scores 25 | NBA | UNDISPUTED

you guys were right about last night here we go so Paul your biggest reason Minnesota won this game well I know you can State the obvious Town showed up in the fourth quarters the star star but what I saw was they put Edwards on Luca which gave him a problem McDaniels guarded Kyrie a lot you you thought luk Luca was having a hard time with yeah I did he shot five for 15 with Edwards guard him come on it was some tough shots yeah yeah but down the stretch you know it was it was a different story in the middle part of game but the biggest thing that I saw was that that Gap in the middle skip no Lively no Lively no Lively to to stop that’s that’s a big deal that’s a big deal if he’s not out there altering shots going downhill on the screen and rad catching lobs then the Minnesota are going to have their way at the basket and I thought I thought they did a great job at tacked in the paint finally I saw Carl towns in post on a little guy I mean I was like why is he settling for threes when he got guys like Jones Jr Gard them I mean I thought he took advantage of some opportunities there then once he got it going in the paint fourth quarter opened up his three-point game so the stars starred finally they outplayed the two stars of the Dallas Mavericks now the key to this series now you’re not going to stop Luca completely it just is what it is like the sun is going to come up and the moon is going come out you’re not stopping Luca the key is you got to find a way to continue to slow down Kyrie because Kyrie his effect on the game is his scoring and I said this yesterday you know he’s not a 6768 guy who can manipulate the defense like some of these other athletes or dominate the boards you know his what he brings to the game is his scoring in different ways he can score so if you can somehow slow that down you got a chance but ultimately I said this series was going five if you had any kind of resilience as a superstar cat Anthony Edwards this was a pride game you had it going six five no we can go back to the tape I said no when they went up I said oh when they went up before you predicted it in six no listen no when they went up 20 I said I’m saying before the the series the series no no no look before the series I said six okay when they went up 2 when they went up 2 when they was going back to Dallas when I was I can’t see them beating him okay but I do see a pride game I said Dallas and five and so I feel like Dallas is going to go into Minnesota and we gonna have one of them Luca one of them them Luca games yeah and they gonna close it out all right go well first of all the obvious right they followed their leader in Antman in Anthony Edwards whatever whatever motivational tactics he used before the game during in the game at practice whatever it was meetings you could tell they followed him then obviously is cat his fourth quarter was big his second half in general was huge it was huge let’s not only give cat his flowers but we also got to look to Rudy goar okay Rudy Gober did a tremendous job for them okay at times as he got into foul trouble C fouled out he got into fou trouble but you talk about four from five for the field for him 10 boards for him he altered people shots he discouraged guys from doing certain things in the paint and he got to the free throw line nine times he had nine opportunities to knock down free throw so that tells me right there like Paul said there was a void in the middle and Lively the fact that you was giving Rudy goar the opportunity to be a scorer it just and he didn’t back down from it then com combine now you combine that with Kyrie and Luca not playing their best game didn’t shoot the ball well at all didn’t shoot the ball well at all 13 39 they had 39 attempts okay they only knocked down 13 of those shots so you can’t expect to win basketball games against a team like Minnesota if your star players the the you know the the best backourt to ever play in the history of the game the best scoring back court to ever play in the history of the game the moment that y’all started raising that bar all of a sudden they look like a different too now they don’t look like the best back court anymore now Paul thinks that is going to just all of a sudden disappear when they get to Minnesota I’m not so sure because again like I told to tell y’all yesterday in the day before when this dude Antman says what he says and motivates himself for whatever reasons they play better skip they just do he did he just did it again with Michael Parson okay hey man you know I’m going hook you up when I get back here for game six you got to get back to to hook him up but that’s what he he I like how he lay himself out on the line he lay himself out on the line yeah he do he lay out on the line skip yeah and he knocked the dagger shot down and I will say it like a Michael Jordan like a Kobe Bryant at the elbow the last shot when he when he stepped up in front of the three pump fake and moved in just a little bit and knocked it down that was a killer and I understand Luca gave everybody a little heartache when that Phantom foul and one three man come on man nobody even tat but they couldn’t challenge it skip cuz they didn’t have any challenges left okay but Anthony Edwards can’t even get in the area code on that one there’s no reason to even guard him at all he was over the game is over that’s true but he didn’t even touch him yeah he looked around like what he did what just happened cuz he didn’t touch him he flashed in front of him but you know the winers and winers a win and they did exactly what I said the referees kind of extended the series a little bit so you think it was scripted come on man you see the text I sent you you did send me a text I still think you’ve never seen that movie I have not seen that movie that’s all you’re 100% correct that’s from Princess Bride and I said kesan has never seen Princess Bride never seen the movie okay but it is a funny gift that you sent me about script he’s reading the script right okay maybe Paul thinks it was a little scripted last night maybe the referees needed this to get on another game oh yeah these ratings to go up yeah all right so two key quotes for me after the game first from Luca who sat right up there and said this is on me because it was about energy and then he repeated it two more times energy energy Dallas didn’t have any energy from jump and I immediately tweeted it I was shocked because I thought they would play desperate just to get this thing over with so they could match your Celtics in rest and recuperation and get l healthy and Lively healthy for Boston and it did not happen because Luca especially on the defensive end was just resting every possession he was playing no defense Kyrie played a little but Luca played none none and I think Ant-Man smelled that right away and was like okay if you guys and and by the way not once last night did they double Anthony Edwards they don’t jump him they don’t Blitz him they don’t do nothing to him him a little they but they treat him like he’s just another guy and last night he hurt them with his energy and his aggression he took it to them he kept getting in their kitchen and in their kitchen there was no Derek Lively to bother him because he has bothered Ant-Man every time that there’s been a crucial play on the line it’s been Lively versus Ant-Man Y and stopped him cold in the paint and he’s thrown it away or made a a bad idea play and last night it was pretty much a super highway to the basket because PJ Washington Gafford will get up and block a shot and he had some Big Blocks last night but he’s 610 he’s not 71 and he’s not long CL is just not the same and he’s not the same he’s more of a perimeter three and D guy but the point was they didn’t have any early energy and Al they they kept doing the Are We There Yet game where they’d kind of scratch and Claw back into it and tie it and they’d look at Minnesota like you guys you you’re going to quit now you done you want to go one two 3 Cancun now or not or not no no we don’t we want to go home that’s where we want to go to not to go home to stay home we want to go home to play game five at home and that happened and then Anthony Edwards had a great quote right after the game on the floor in which he said about the fourth quarter he said I didn’t run to the corner I didn’t shy away from the basketball good for you young man because you can’t because you’re it man you you got to set the tone you you got to establish your energy and your aggression and he did that and what I loved the most about his stat line was Anthony Edwards had nine assists and he led them at nine assist because he kept getting in the kitchen and this time it worked because he’d whip it out to the corner to to cat which brings me to Carl Anthony towns yeah it’s the weirdest phenomenon because he’s OB viously a talented shooter he’s an Allstar what you score in the All-Star Game didn’t he score 50 something 50 right something like that okay so we know he can do that he has proclaimed himself the greatest shooting big man in the history of the NBA and that came back to bite him obviously through the first three games because he was four out of 32 going into last night and then he didn’t even try a three in the first half and he didn’t even try a three for about half the third quarter and then very quietly he snuck one in and it it went in and I think you know how it is a shooter once you see it Go in you’re like oh that that felt I’m back that felt pretty good right and then just before he went on his tear they sent him to the line to shoot a technical free throw and it helps because you go up there and you see it Swish and you say you say oh oh that that felt pretty good that’s who I am so all of a sudden after all the hubub about I’m shooting 1500 shots a day mhm he gets another one over in the corner and we could see him bang bang bang in a row this is still this is pretty late in the game cuz it’s 5:41 to go this is hug and here we go he just didn’t hesitate just RI from the top Corner Swish and then this is the third one when he made that one I said that that just could be ball game because that put them up six with 254 left and then the Mavericks weren’t into it Kyrie wasn’t really into it Luca really wasn’t into it and real quick I’m going to show you two of their disastrous turnovers down the stretch PJ Washington who’s now in a he’s now in the cat shooting slum because he is he’s been terrible what is he he’s six for 27 in the series from three but here are their turnovers late he’s dribbling he just dribbles the ball off his foot out of bounds you just can’t do it you’re going to lose to that team they’re just too good you can’t do that and that was Anthony all over you way to go and then we got Kyrie if we could see the Kyrie play I I don’t know what he’s thinking I don’t know what he’s doing I don’t know I guess he’s trying to get I think I don’t think he saw Anderson right there he was trying to get it to gaffi over the other side he just didn’t see him that was just a bad pass all right it it’s just just such a bad and it’s left-handed it’s no good and remember that that that came with 32 seconds left and you still have a chance all right and then we got Luca so let’s go to Luca’s Miracle shot he makes it you know I didn’t need this that’s a foul F he body F Well he he right here once he reached in he didn’t touch him yeah he body he was a body file okay but still you’re up five or you’re up six at this point stay out the way just let shoot just let him just let him shoot well he cold as ice knock go ahead you want to take that shot go ahead buddy okay but the great thing is you just call timeout and Advance the ball down but Luca goes to the free throw line and here’s the weirdest thing about this dude yeah it is on the road road warrior at home he’s never been that clutch at home and I don’t know what he he likes to go shut up a an away crowd but he he’s never been that clutch at home and in the fourth quarter last night he was what one of five and and one of four from three and he goes to the free throw line and he he shoots him flat anyway but he left that one just a little short and it just it it it didn’t get up and in it’s it’s a flat shot and he used to really struggle from the free throw line he was actually he’s been very good in these playoffs but if you make that now it’s a two-point game and it’s a free throw game so now it’s up to who can you foul can you foul goar can you get the ball in his hands can you get somebody on the free throw line that that’s going to clang a couple or you know get you back in the game but at three it’s a whole different ball game and that was that and then NZ Reed made a nice shot on yeah the layup at the end I mean listen Luca wants doesn’t mind wearing the black hat I’ve seen them many times in in this playoff not just this series he’ll rather get it done on the road he rather look at the crowd in their face and shoot daggers and and smile and and and do all these gestures towards the other team’s bench and I just don’t see this type of performance coming from him in game five now you can say that Minnesota has all the momentum right now because they’re going home they feel good about the themselves car Anthony towns probably probably found his shooting touch so you know they got a lot of positive things going for themselves but the one thing is Luca if you don’t even watch this game you like Luca was he was balling he was he was balling 25 but he didn’t play well no and that’s that’s when you know you’re a superstar but he’s going to play well on the road I can guarantee that cuz that’s what he does does and he’s going to go in there play villain and they don’t want this series to linger anymore because I’m telling you skipping key somebody is going to come back from a three-oh deficit it’s going to happen one day in our lifetime I guarantee that and they don’t want it to be this team because you know they one number one defense that that translates a shoe you get a couple good games on defense and push this to a game seven anything can happen so I I truly believe this will end in five uh because if they let this linger we’re going to go to the skipping key what if the what if somebody Jam a toe what what if somebody sprain their wrist well might even be beyond what if it might just happen you know what I’m saying so this was a missed opportunity for Dallas and I truly believe they going to find a way to take care of business all right so in Minnesota Anthony Edwards leader of this team raved about two players last night he went out of his way to Rave and the box score doesn’t validate what he was saying because you look at Kyle Anderson who I’ve always loved because he was a Spur to start with but he raved about him so did Carl Anthony towns and you look at the box and he scored two points but look how long he played he played 25 minutes last night that was one of those series you know where you make a change where you you adjust you you you go at it differently so they let him play 25 minutes because he was playing good defense some on Luca on some on Kyrie he just knows how to play and and he was overseeing he was directing he was traffic coping he was pointing there a couple times Anthony said he got in the lane and and he looked up and and Kyle’s pointing to Carl Anthony in the corner here here oh okay I’ll throw it over there yeah the key with him skip he’s their most versatile player you know outside of Ant-Man because you could put him on all five positions defensively you can use him as an auxiliary ball handler to kind of like you know take some pressure off an and connley and and he and he takes up those spaces in the middle when he when he gets those little shots he’s hitting them and and it goes beyond you know his his scoring you know you look and say well he didn’t play well but he did so many other little things that helps the ball club and you need those type of guys to no he he certainly did a whole bunch of good things and that’s why a pointed him out that’s why call Anthony Point him out it’s not just about the scoring we like to look at the box score and go all the way to the right and go oh my God he had 19 but when you look at the game he did everything right like you saying skip whether it was pointing whether it was setting screens at the right time whether it was rebounding put putting the pressure on the opponent so sometimes it’s not always about the scoring you got to find other ways to contribute when you playing a sport so my point is they think they’ve found something that will serve them well even in game five at home look for Kyle Anderson to play a bunch of minutes he’s going to play 25 or 30 minutes because they feel like that’s the new adjustment that works against Luca and Kyrie yeah okay so you got that and they got to stay out of foul trouble though and they got to stay out of foul trouble but in the end Anthony made jokes about it but they love Mike Conley as their little quarterback you know they’re it’s somebody you can trust he does the same thing every night he’s always there and it’s not going to be Sensational but it’s going to be 14 and but it’s it’s stable and trustable and consistent and he made a joke about he’s old as you know what and yeah he is but he can still play so it feels to me like they found themselves like they hid on all their cylinders starting as Kean said their leader had to lead them he had to show energy and aggression like he felt like he belonged out there and all of a sudden everybody followed and they got huge contributions from everybody we just talked about but especially in the end from the one guy you least expected cat he made three straight Threes And if you don’t do that I don’t think you win the game yeah I I don’t know I don’t see this I don’t see the dup them duplicating this it’s just something I just but if you look at all the games man Luka is not going to have it next the games have been what we saw last night all the games have been there they have keep it in the end keep it close to the end you know how many times have they been tied or or one two possessions down at halftime either one of these teams that’s the way it’s been you get into that last five minutes of the game and let’s see what happens yeah but you look at the game and you see how they scored they scored a couple you know Cat made some big threes but they were challenging so like I’m looking at their down a stretch execution as compared to what uh Dallas does I’m talking in you know those are shot those are hit and miss shots you know that’s Hit or Miss execution Antman just kicking it out driving down the lane and just jumping up in the air throwing it out you know that’s a hit or miss execution whereas you know I like Dallas you just still had the feeling Dallas was going to try to pull this out even though they was down two or three you know C makes tough threes if he don’t make those I just like Dallas down the stretch understands what they what they want to do down the stretch what plays they going to run we going to put Luke in his pick and roll he’s going to pro pro pro get Lane we got the live midrange whereas I’m not sure what Minnesota’s trying to do they won a close game finally when it was back and forth I’m just not sure they know what they want to do in sets when I look at the sets that they’re comfortable in to just execute down the stretch you know I mean if Carl towns is gonna make contested threes down the stretch wait he just used that word if if I was going to get him skipped huh well I’m not sure he can continue to do that you know to push them to a game six or a game seven okay but in the end I’ll say this I think Minnesota can play better than Minnesota played last night because they turned it over 15 times that that translated to 30 points for Dallas listen it’s hard to win a game on the road when you turn it over 15 times and they score 30 points off it you you’re just giving them away right yeah so will they can they clean that up on tomorrow night well it would start with Antman he had six car Anthony towns had four four that’s a lot he’s got to stay his ass out of foul trouble cuz he has some goofy files man just some unnecessary especially on the offensive end just unnecessary fouls where you like man why why would you do that yeah yeah this game is a product I believe of just not having the presence of L well and I think and I still don’t know what his status is I don’t know so I sounds like to me you’re saying that if the Mavs don’t make it to the final is because a rookie Center didn’t participate on the back end of the series that would be interesting could be they lose because of the six man yeah that can happen no I I get it just it’s just funny that you actually become the third man he’s only well the thirdd man yeah from the field yeah I know I’m just saying a double double you lose your opportunity to go to the final because Derek Lively isn’t on the floor as a rookie okay that’s a participant it’s just while he had made all 13 of his shots in this series that’s it that’s all all right that’s all two best guards ever play do the Timberwolves as four and a half Point favorites win tomorrow night’s game five we debate that next thanks for watching Undisputed fans do you want more highlights from the show make sure to click that subscribe button for all the exclusive content from Undisputed

Skip Bayless, Paul Pierce and Keyshawn Johnson react to the Minnesota Timberwolves win over the Dallas Mavericks in Game 4 of the Western Conference Finals.

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T-Wolves avoid sweep vs. Mavs in WCF: Edwards nears triple-double, KAT scores 25 | NBA | UNDISPUTED



  1. Daniel Gafford had a few blocks and caused Ant to miss more than enough contested layups at the rim, so I don’t like the take that Lively wasn’t there. Gafford had a great game.

  2. Let’s be real Kyrie missed like 3 layups at the rim he never misses. Thats six points right there. Mavs in 5. Lfg!!

  3. Fox better keep Pierce on the payroll because just Key and Skip would be a complete dud of a show.

  4. Derrick Lively is their 3rd best player and a future All Star. He’s #2 behind Wemby in this rookie class. He’s necessary.

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