@Miami Heat

Report: 2 more teams interested in Jimmy Butler as he privately makes stance known

Report: 2 more teams interested in Jimmy Butler as he privately makes stance known

by Gold_Ad_7892


  1. Repulsive-Slice2234

    Anthony Chiang = MORE PAIN 😞

    Time to get off Reddit.

  2. iliveonramen

    I remember when losers were bad mouthing the Heat’s contract with Jimmy on social media. They all seemed to criticize those last years.

    Now look where we are, worth every penny and teams lining up to give him a pay raise that option year and tack on another.

  3. nomoretape

    Grizzlies and Pelicans two interesting options. With the Rockets third for me as interesting.

  4. stilloriginal

    The article doesn’t say who???

    I would have said the mavs before they made it to the finals. I suppose if they choke a 3-0 lead it could mean they look for short term upgrades.

    I would guess its the knicks and lakers?

  5. iankstarr

    I’ll start by saying Jimmy is my 2nd favorite Heat player of all time; I definitely won’t be upset if the team ends up resigning him.

    That being said, Jimmy and Bam have never been a seamless fit and the team’s offense has largely suffered because of it (part of that is the FO’s inability to build a proper roster around them, but that’s a different issue). The defense has been great, but the fact is that they’ve been a play-in team 2 years in row because the offense is so stagnant with this core.

    That’s not even touching on the fact that Jimmy doesn’t seem capable of being Jimmy Buckets for more than 16 games anymore. Is that type of player worth a super max?

    Ultimately, this isn’t a terrible spot to be in. Either Miami maxes Jimmy and keeps their franchise star long-term, or they decide it’s finally time to move on and they can get a haul of assets for Jimmy that will help them jumpstart the Bam era.

  6. SudTheThug

    pat riley gonna let him go out of principle and it will be a huge mistake .

  7. The team does not get better by trading him. Anyone who wants to let him walk or trade him I guess is in a hurry to be a 37 win team. You think it’s frustrating being a bubble team.

    The organization doesn’t tank, so without truly amazing ping pong ball luck you can be stuck just below average awhile.

    Herro needs to be moved and go from there in trying to compete next season. Indiana is very mid and should be up 3-1 right now against the Celtics. The East is watered down terrible time to move on from Jimmy

  8. DoubleT110

    Man I love Riles but fuck off man. If he lets Jimmy go it sets a bad precedent. First the GOAT Wade then being cheap with Jimmy. Not to mention had a spout with Shaq at one point and pretty much said Lebron had no guts. Yh cmon, players will be reluctant to wanna come thinking they’ll just ve discarded when they start to get older. No fn reason why Wade didn’t retire a heat but instead Riles pays fkin Hassan. Stop fkin around, pay Jimmy.

  9. We should trade him to OKC

    With them he can win the chip

    And we use the picks and Herro to trade for Mitchell – we stay very competitive and have a team to compete for next 5 years

  10. surgeyou123

    I don’t think Butler’s game is going to age well. I’d hate to see him go but if there was a great offer on the table, you have to consider it. Can’t think with emotions.

  11. KayRay1994

    I’m of the mind that if he really wants the max, we are better off trading him. Any kind of usable asset in return is better than letting him walk and giving him a max is ensuring a dead end of mediocrity for the next few years (likely with the team actively getting worse as he ages)

  12. Awkward-Seaweed-5129

    Mr Butler I think has put his home up for Sale,Thought I read that. If so ,seen million X ,he is gone

  13. Raps fan here. I think you’re better off trading Butler this offseason and maximizing his value if reports are true that teams are willing to max him. He’ll be 37 when he signs his new contract đŸ˜± You have a good young depth of players so hopefully you’ll find the right superstar to work with them.

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