@Miami Heat

Real Talk on Jimmy Butler, The Miami Heat and the 76ers

Real Talk on Jimmy Butler, The Miami Heat and the 76ers

this is the Big O [Music] show this is the Big O show so let’s bring him on Keith Pompei pompe on Sixers what’s up man how you doing how you doing my friend you feeling good yeah I really love that youu thing in the back you have that the what the the U Miami Miami yeah yes back in the day huh I’m a Florida guy it’s a South Florida show so back there is South Florida except for the Eiffel Tower I got that when uh when I went with the wife to Paris for our 25th wedding anniversary oh well yeah you gotta get that you have so I bought it I go this is this will look badass in the studio yeah it does it does yeah it does and plus you know the wife loves it too like representing us right exact exactly so you know I can’t you know I’m going to lose every time as you know when you’re married you’re going to lose every time but every once in a while you’re going to hit one out of the park and you know and then that that’ll give her a smile every time she she walks in here you know exactly so I don’t know if you gave Heat fans a smile a smirk or they mad I’m not sure because you know it’s it’s interesting Keith because you talk about the Jimmy Butler move right and Heat fans are kind of torn you know I’m the Heat fan that says time to move on okay because the Run has been more than phenomenal yeah I mean Jesus Christ three Eastern Conference Finals two NBA finals in five years under Jimmy you you couldn’t ask for more but the one thing why I’m the guy that says you need to move on it’s because Riley failed unfortunately and when he made this trade five years ago I said this trade will only end up being you know complete if you’re able to trade for that other star MH and see I’m the guy I I love bam but I don’t look at him as a franchise player as a star because to me in this league not the 90s not the 80s but in the 90s he would be a star but now that points are you know 120 to me stars in this league have to be able to impose their offensive will on people and that’s the one thing that has never happened for bam he’s a terrific player and all around Terri player but he will not take the ball and say I’m going to score and I’m going to take over it’s not who he is he’s I don’t know if it’s such a nice DNA in him or whatever but they never got that other dog next to Jimmy and you’re at a point now where he doesn’t have much gas left in the tank Sixers have that other stud actually they have two of them in embiid and Maxi because Maxi has turned into what I don’t think uh uh bam is maxi impose his offensive will on people and and change the game so for me it makes a lot of sense Miami notice Keith every time they try to trade for somebody they fail why they have no Capital they have no Capital so you have a couple of young pieces make this trade if you can with the Sixers and go aass that Capital so you could kind of reset the team and maybe build around yic and build around hawz and Bam and that kind of stuff I think you need to go in another Direction whereas if you’re the Sixers it makes sense for you to make this deal because this is kind of the guy you need you need that last so to put you over the top and you probably they probably should have kept them over the last over uh what’s the name of the kid that they gave the money to instead Tobias yeah yeah probably kep him over Tobias and we might be talking about the Sixers already you know winning a title already at this point so that’s where I’m at there are Heat fans that say oh no hang on and and try but I have I’m the guy that says it’s time to move on because Riley can’t find that other star and he doesn’t have the ammunition to get that other star yeah I mean that’s a great point it’s funny because you know after I wrote that story uh there was a a friend of of mine who’s a reporter in LA and he was saying I’ve been calling for this for a while I’ve been calling for this for a while he he feels like that you know if they could work it out he thinks the best thing for Miami would be a three team trade where they can get these assets or they can give the assets to another team and probably get a guy like Donovan Mitchell who a younger player you know what I mean and and would be would be happy to like who who doesn’t want go to South Florida right but we’ll be happy to go there and and then you know basically you know I I don’t know if he has that I mean I know he’s a tough-minded guy I don’t know if he has that DNA that Jimmy has com you know to that level but at the same time he’s a younger guy a wing who can impose his will on teams and score and will possibly be a great fit but yeah you’re you’re right man it’s it’s one of those things where I think people are going to be torn because of the years but when you look at the Sixers they are a desperate team and they should have never traded Jimmy in the first place and he’s a guy who will get the utmost respect and everybody loves him so yeah it it would be a great deal a great trade for both teams I think if Miami could get a player who they think that can that can step in and and a younger guy and and here’s the part that I don’t under I I I know your story is correct correct but I don’t understand their thinking on this one the Sixers yeah the Sixers and tell me if you agree or not Paul George is your first option I’m sorry dude I want a son of a [ __ ] yeah and Jimmy is a son of a [ __ ] and yeah I you has not proven that to me yet he hasn’t proven it to me whereas I’ve watched Jimmy take a bunch of r players bro to the NBA finals to the Eastern Conference Finals there is no other star next to him there are some good players but no stars I’ve never seen Paul George do anything like what Jimmy has done the not this year but the prior four years to this if I’m the Sixers I don’t give a [ __ ] about Paul George I want Jimmy Butler if I’m the Sixers because that’s the DNA I’m missing I’m missing that mofo I’m missing that guy in that locker room that’s really going to Stir It Up and and I I that’s the part I don’t understand the thinking can you walk me yeah it’s easy because when you look at Jimmy let let’s you look at Jimmy and a lot of is predicated on what Pat Raleigh wants to do right so if Pat Raleigh wants to give him that money the extension then everything’s good but if he doesn’t want to give him that money he doesn’t want to give him extension Pat rally is the type of guy that’s not not really going to be swayed by how he thinks you feel right now right so it’s one of those but whereas Paul George is just a matter of look if they they offered you three years x amount right but we’re going to give you four years $212 million right what do you want to do so is an easier path you know I mean the thing with Jimmy is is just that you know know let’s face it it’s South Florida you know Jimmy loves it in South Florida you know how many dudes do you know from like from Texas who who went to school in Milwaukee and and lived in Minnesota and Chicago and now all of a sudden it’s like you all y’all want me to go back to Philly where I gotta pay taxes so it’s kind of like you know what I’m saying is is a tougher G than than where Paul George is kind of like you know what all I got to do is just turn down this money and next thing you know the Sixers are going to pay me four years 212 million Hometown stuff doesn’t matter to Paul George anymore I mean it does and see that’s the that’s that that’s the that’s the thing and there are people who are like that’s why I think the Sixers have so many options because you don’t know what’s going to happen right you know right now you have the Clippers who were saying what about that home Town what about the hometown discount you know you’re from Southern California you know you come to Philadelphia I’m a Philadelphia we’re rude right you come to Philly they’re going to Ru they’re going to be rude if you guys are down 15 at halftime they’re going to boo you they’re going to tell you you’re overpaid they’re not going to want you they’re gonna tell you you you you suck everything right so that’s what the question is people are saying is he really willing to give that up to come to Philadelphia I mean I’m G give you a prime example there’s a guy from Orlando on the team and by the way I don’t think he’s cut from that cloth where n he’s not it’s tough dude I’m telling you it’s tough yeah is Jimmy can take that Jimmy can take it oh Jimmy can see they and the thing the fact of the matter is that you know Jimmy all that grit and you said the tough sob and everything now you got certain people saying Jimmy’s about to be 35 his injury history the whole n why are you going to do it but while he was here it was one of those things where they looked at the Alpha Dog they looked at how he stepped up in the playoffs they looked at how it got to a point where you know people forget they moved Ben Simmons off the ball and Ben Simmons was playing Power for it in the playoffs because Jimmy was the better ball handler he was more clutch he was the point guard in the playoffs so people look at that and Jimmy is just a a tough dude but I’m me just just tell you how these fans are in Philly there was a guy last year by the name of he’s still with the team his name is Paul Reed so Paul Reed got uh a $23 million uh deal contract over three years from the Indiana I know from the uh Utah Jazz they were pissed off at the organization if they if they you better match it you better match it you better match it they matched it Paul Reed they loved them they call him from the mud bball Paul he struggled in the playoffs everyone wants him out of Philly they like get him out of here he sucks he’s trash but a year ago they were about to kill Daryl myy for not for not if he didn’t bring him back so that’s just how it is and that’s what you know people have to deal with but Jimmy was the only one when he was here and the Sixers like sucked and they got booed he was like we deserved it I’m surprised they didn’t they weren’t harder on us so the people here love him and and that’s the thing but the only question is some people are wondering about to be 35 or do you want to invest all that money in that guy you know and that’s a legitimate one and then here’s the other thing that I can I can talk about and and ask you the Sixers also have to know that they’ve got some leverage in this because you know while yeah they want Jimmy and they need him but there there isn’t a line for Jimmy there aren’t going to be a but very few teams teams can take Jimmy’s salary and Jimmy’s character on yeah yeah that that he he he just does not fit in in 95% of the organizations in the NBA so the Sixers will practically have no competition for Jimmy Butler so they’re not really going to be competing pretty much with anyone for his services so I wonder how that affects also you know this situation because that kind of gives them a little bit of Leverage here yeah it it it does it it does but I also think that they need to get this deal done if they want to do it they got to do it now and the reason being is because yes you do have a lot of cat space you do have stuff available but you’re about to give um Maxi a max deal right so what’s going to happen is Jimmy you know he wants to get paid so I don’t see Jimmy saying all right well I’mma come here on a discount next year so is in everyone’s best interest in Jimmy’s best interest in the Sixers best interest to get it done now and here’s another thing like a guy who they also want to go with they also want to bring back is one of Jimmy’s best friends he has two of them on the team Joel embiid of course is one of his best friends and the other one is Kyle Lowry a guy who was there in in in Miami now you know Kyle’s not going to be the star but he’s going to be that veteran type of Mentor guy for uh for Tyreek um for Tyrese Maxi so if you have him and you got Jimmy and you have Joel like oh Jimmy’s gonna be in Paradise you know what I mean because he’s back there and and I’ll be honest with you the Sixers realized that they made a drastic Mistake by letting them go it really wasn’t for Tobias Harris’s everybody kept saying what it was is it was to a point I think Jimmy’s presence was intimidating to a lot of people it also stunned the growth of Ben Simmons because Jimmy was the better guy with the ball in his hands and it took stuff away but Ben was younger they wanted to give Ben that contract so they gave it to him and then they kept um Tobias but believe me it it was more to do with Ben Simmons than it was um Tobias Harris Keith Pompei joining us of of course who covers the Sixers on a daily basis you could follow him on Twitter at pompe on Sixers so Keith if I ask you what happens here but what because I I I believe that you know whatever Pat Riley said he said just to say it in the press conference I think they’re willing to part ways now with Jimmy and one of the things I think that they’ve been running into is that they don’t have ammunition and so you know people are talking about Donovan Mitchell through you you have no shot of trading for Donovan Mitchell right now because you don’t have the ammo to get him so you’re going to need to kind of reset this whole thing I think they’re going to be willing to to part ways with him question is what do the Sixers want to do Keith you’ve been around them forever man what who who ends up in Philadelphia because you know Mor is gonna make a move he’s going to shake things up one way or another so it’s either Paul George or Butler door number three which I have no idea what it would be I mean you know what I think a lot of is is great I mean I I think a lot of it has to do with well a how does Jimmy respond within the next couple weeks right if he becomes a Mal content and how does Pat Riley deal with it because I think that you know they would love to have Jimmy Butler he will fit in nicely they know he will but I think that I hate to say it it has to do with Pat Riley now if Pat Riley if they can get Cleveland involved and if Cleveland wants those draft picks you know for him I think that would be perfect but I I think that the Sixers you know yeah they would love to have them but a lot of things have to go right you know what I mean now you know more than I do on how how Pat is but I think that if Pat tries to be tough and act like he doesn’t want to give them up then it could be tough for for them and I think this the the Miami Heat could have problems next year but if he wants to give him up and I I I think that yeah I think Jimmy could catapult to be the one guy because he’s already been in Philadelphia they missed him I mean they miss him they know that him and Joel gets along they know that he gets the best out of Joel he respects Tyrese Maxi right Tyrese Maxi respects him and I I feel like it would just be a perfect fit for him even though now let’s get it really like they’re going to have a lot of guys games where they got dmps though I’m going tell you that in the regular season but but then in the playoffs I think that he brings that toughness that they want and they’re going to go hard they just really are but again I think it’s all up to Pat Riley man I really I really do you know I think it’s up to him what he wants but the Sixers what they have five for they’re gonna on draft night they’re going to have five first round draft picks um they give and and multiple pick squats they also have close to $65 million available in cap space right they don’t have anyone on the roster that they want but at the same time you can get a third team involved like we just stated and then you can try to get what you want with that used those draft picks to get what you want all right before I let you go what was the watershed moment what was the thing that made Maxi a monster you know what it it’s crazy the thing that really made him a monster well I mean you kind of knew a couple years ago that he was going to be this guy when when at covid and he had 30 something points against um against Denver at home he was a rookie and he had 30 something points but I think the biggest thing that happened to him was when when Jimmy Butler said he refused to I’m not Jimmy Butler when James Haren said he refused to play and then Maxi had to have the ball in his hands and then all of a sudden he was forced to be more aggressive he was forced to look for his own shot and take a leadership role and he just took off because no one expected him to be this good now he did but no one outside of him not even the coaching staff expected that but what he did is he took off and he had 30 points that first game against the Milwaukee Bucks he was just abusing um Dame Lillard and that’s when you were like wow and then his funny because the next day or two days later is when they traded James Haren to the Clippers like they knew exactly what they had at that point that kid is that kid’s an absolute dog all right you could catch Keith’s work there at Philadelphia inquire he’s your Pro Hoops Rider VP follow him on Twitter at pompe on Sixers Keith thank you for taking some time and joining us and dropping the knowledge man uh should be a very interesting off season for the Sixers in the heat my friend appreciate thanks for having me I really enjoyed being on the show man much love my man appreciate you peace you got it there you go Keith Pompei Pompei on the Sixers oh man oh man I am uh hoping that this trade happens that’s all I can tell you I am hoping that this trade happens it is time to make that move [Music] [Music] this is the big old [Music] show this is the Big O show [Music]

Big O Talks about #Miamiheat and #jimmybutler with Keith Pompey who covers the #76ers

Host By Orlando “Big O” Alzugaray
Executive Producer – Sean Stanley
Edited By Sean Stanley

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  1. Jimmy's PTO plan does not fit Heat"s needs. Sixers better off with him. Heat need a full-time star.

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