@Detroit Pistons

Bleacher Report Trade Proposal Sending Kyle Kuzma To The Detroit Pistons?

Bleacher Report Trade Proposal Sending Kyle Kuzma To The Detroit Pistons?

hey guys what is going on Anthony here with pistons talk hope you guys are having a great day so far what I wanted to do was react to this article that they did write today it says one new trade idea for every NBA team we are going to be reacting to just the Detroit Pistons side of this article because I think there is a player in there that we’ve talked about the last three to six months a player that some of you guys are particularly high on I I think he could be a very good addition to this team I’ll give them more scoring absolutely but let’s get into it before we jump into the Detroit business trade in this police report article I think what we have to have a conversation about is the two teams that are in this trade Washington and Detroit now I think both of these teams are have different different timelines I think Washington is you know year two of their rebuild they’re looking to get young Talent they’re going to get young Talent with the the second overall pick on this draft whether that is alexar Zachary rishe maybe they swing for the fences and draft Donovan kingan they’re going to get younger in this draft where the Pistons have been rebuilding since 2020 it’s 2024 the Pistons want to get better they want to win more than 14 games next year I guarantee you they do the Pistons want to kind of fast track this and if that means trading some young Talent Trading some picks I think they’re open to it and they’re willing to explore it if it means they can get better in the wind column and give Kate Cunningham a little bit more help out there uh on the perimeter so let’s get into this trade from Bleacher Report so the trade is going to be Isaiah Stewart Quinton Grimes and the number five 2024 first round pick to the Washington Wizards in exchange for Kyle kozma all all right so what I’m going to do is I’ll give you guys my analysis for the Piston side of things and why this makes sense for them why they may do it why they may not and my analysis for the Washington Wizards why they would probably do it right CU I think there’s a world where that they’re just going to trade kman they want to get up the money let’s start with the Piston side of things you just won 14 games last year like I mentioned at the top of the video you want to get better you’ve been rebuilding for four years hasn’t really gotten you anywhere outside of you know this accumulating young players that don’t really fit well at each other in terms of spacing but they’re talented nonetheless right Kyle kozma in the Detroit Pistons starting lineup or on a Detroit Pistons roster you’re instantly going to get another 20 point per game score he’s a guy that can score at all three levels he can playmake a little bit and he’s not terrible on defense he has gotten better over the years as a Defender and that’s something that I think some people underrate him um sometimes and I also think when when you look at the Players involved in this trade you’re getting off Isaiah Stewart who you just signed the contract extension for you gave him a four-year contract extension you’re going over and saying hey we’ll give you Quinton Grimes 2 in this steel who’s a three and D Wing he just hasn’t stayed healthy so far in his young NBA career and you’re banking on this draft just not being good and you’re like hey we want to trade our our our number five overall pick it’s a $10 million salary we we just don’t want well we we we’d much rather have a guy that uh can help Kate Cunningham and this young core of Monty Williams out right now I think that’s why the Detroit Pistons would probably do it they’re getting a 20 point per game score and I don’t know how you guys feel about Kyle kman but I think he’s a good player I I I think he would fit very well offensively in his starting lineup next to Kate Cunningham and Jade naivy uh and jayen dur I I think he would help out a lot I gave you guys my analysis of why I believe the Pistons may make a trade like this I’ll give you guys my analysis of why I believe the Detroit Pistons wouldn’t make a trade like this when you look at it you’re giving up the number five overall pick in the 2024 NBA draft I think when you talk to Pistons fans right now they’re they’re really zero that in on three prospects uh Dalton connect Reed Shepard and Modis Bales right I I think there’s value at keeping five there’s value at drafting a guy like a connect like a re Shepard or whoever you guys want at five I think there’s value there at keeping it I really do um and then you get into the the Quinton Grimes and Isaiah Stewart Quinton Grimes I think the reason why the Pistons really wanted him is he’s a three and D Wing if he can stay healthy obviously he was injured when the Pistons traded for him so we really didn’t get to see too much from him in terms of like what he possibly could be the Knicks game was the one game where you can kind of see the vision you can kind of see what the front office was thinking if he can see stay healthy he’s another three andd wing you can have whether it’s in the starting lineup or Off the Bench and I think there’s value in keeping Quinton Grimes Isaiah Stewart who just signed a contract extension last summer it’s going to go into effect this year you guys he’s the heart and soul of the Detroit Pistons team locker room everything you hear that from coaches you hear that from players and he’s been here since the start of this rebuild in 2020 now I know there’s a lot of mixed feelings with Isaiah Stewart some fans just can’t stand him other fans love him I don’t know he’s probably the most polarizing Detroit Piston on this roster right now I’ve never seen a player that is like he gets so much love and so much hate at the same time it’s wild to me but I think there’s a world where they really value Stewart they value Grimes and they value the fifth pick and they don’t want to move off of it for a guy like Kyle kosma maybe they’re banking for a a bigger fish that possibly they could get into trades with you never know the NBA Summer can be a wild time but that’s kind of my analysis where I’m at where I’m thinking with the Detroit Pistons why they may not want to accept a trade package like this for Kyle kma so we talked about the Pistons analysis of why they might do it why they might not do it I I did say in the video I would talk about why Washington would actually do this I think there’s a world where they would want to do this and let me explain why Washington is going through a rebuild they want to get younger they want to get off Kyle kma’s money and I think this is a situation where in a trade proposal like a mock trade like this they’re getting younger they’re getting younger with Isaiah Stewart they’re getting younger with Quinton Grimes and a number five 2024 overall pick I think if I’m a Wizards fan and this was a trade on the table I would take this all day I think it’s highway robbery to get off Kyle kozma’s pick you’re getting two rotational pieces and another draft pick in the top five in the 2024 NBA draft um I I just think there’s a world where Washington would just want to get off k contract not to say he’s a bad player it’s just they’re going through a rebuild right now and they they they want to get younger they want to get more pieces uh around their draft picks and I I think it would be a good deal for them but let me know what you guys think of this trade proposal from Bleacher Report if you’re a Pistons fan what do you think of this trade are you feeling Isaiah Stewart quiton Grimes in the fifth overall pick in the 2024 NBA draft for him if you’re a Wizards fan and you’re watching this would you be interested in Isaiah Stewart Quinton Grimes and the Pistons fifth overall pick in this upcoming draft let me know I’ll talk to you guys down below in the comment section like always I hope you guys are staying safe take care and I’ll catch you guys in the next video peace [Music] oh [Music]

Today I reacted to Bleacher Report latest article talking about why a trade for Washington Wizards forward Kyle Kuzma could make sense for the Detroit Pistons.

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  1. I prefer a five man but yes you have to go with the known commodity, I'm not looking forward to being a junior varsity team anymore

  2. I dont think Kuzma is remotely good enough to trade another rebuilding team a solid rotation piece, a pick in a draft where they're also picking top 5, indifferent to moving Grimes but I don't think trading what we would for a player who has shown both on the lakers before bron and on the wizards he's just not that type of guy.

  3. Everybody talks about how horrible this roster is until it’s time to start trading some people then all of sudden no one wants to trade anyone away, I swear pistons fans are so fickle 😂

  4. I don’t want to trade for anyone that’s not interested in playing here and will do everything to self sabotage or just sabotage the team like our coach

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