@Cleveland Cavaliers

What qualities does the Cleveland Cavaliers next head coach need to have to succeed?

What qualities does the Cleveland Cavaliers next head coach need to have to succeed?

he’s Jason Lloyd I’m Mikey McNuggets we’re going to tell you what qualities the Cavs need to have and need to find in their new head coach plus some comparisons between the Cavs best players and some NFL quarterbacks that I know Jason Lloyd is going to hate we’ll get into it all coming up right now on the ultimate cavaliere show [Music] Jason Lloyd Mikey McNuggets as always joining on the ultimate cavaliere show Jason just got back from I believe AJ’s hitting practice yes hitting lesson like literally just peeled in on two wheels and sprinted in here and turned my computer on man of the people Jason Lloyd speaking of man of the people the Cavaliers are still combing through their rollad decks looking for a new head coach Jason we’ve had a couple guys be linked to the Cavs via National writers Endor yourself some of the bigger Publications not just me speculating from behind the glass in the ucss studio some of those names include Kenny Atkinson James bergo Johnny Bryant Dave Jager Terry stots just to name kind of the five biggest as they kind of narrow down this list from a wide pool of candidates to a top five or six let’s take names out of the equation for today Jason let’s just focus on the qualities if you were in the decision makers chair for the Cleveland Cavaliers what qualities would you be weighing most heavily when it comes to deciding who is the right man for this Cavaliers head coaching job that’s a loaded question to me because what’s the roster look like first of all I don’t know that we necessarily know we know what it looks like today well could I I got to stop you because that brings me to the next thing we’re gonna talk about later but it ties back here yeah they can’t really make roster moves before they deal with the head coaching can they or do you think there’s a scenario where the Cavs May shake up the roster before we know who the head coach is here’s it was really interesting to me that Kobe Alman said at the end of season presser that basically I’m paraphrasing it would be aggressive for them to have a head coach by this by the NBA draft most teams have their coaching situation sorted out by the draft not always but usually you have these vacancies filled with the with the position that the Cavs are in nobody’s told me this this is just my speculation I tend to wonder if are learning from what happened in 2014 where they ran out and hired David blat and then LeBron came back and then you had a coach that did not come close to fitting the roster so what’s the rush there’s not a ton of teams looking for coaches right now it’s the Cavs it’s the Lakers and it’s the Wizards and the Wizards job is in a different Stratosphere so it’s really the Cavs and the Lakers and if they really are settled on JJ reck there is no rush to this so let this play out a little bit B get into because if you get into the draft then you get into free agency it’s like a week later yeah so get into free agency figure out if you’re gonna get the commitment you think you’re G to get from Donovan and if you get the commitment the coaching search is going to go one way and if you don’t get that commitment the coaching search may go a different way so I I don’t see any harm in waiting I I think it’s the smart move uh because you don’t want to get in a position of where you were 10 years ago I can’t believe it’s 10 years ago time flies where you you have this coach because you think you’re gonna have this young developmental roster and then all of a sudden the greatest player in the world comes back and everything flipped on you like that and that’s not to say the Cavs would have a young developmental roster because they won’t but still if you get the commitment from Donovan you might go with somebody who Donovan likes and if you don’t get the commitment from Donovan you may not so I don’t see any reason to rush but to get back to the original question of what are you looking for honestly to me it’s someone who will command the locker room it’s someone who these guys are going to trust and respect and it may sound silly I want I want a postseason coach and I want a coach who when we how many times have we talked about it on the show and this is an area where JB struggled if you’re GNA get a timeout and you got to get a bucket what’s your go-to play and what are you drawing up on an atto yeah like that’s what I want in a coach it’s not and and and yes you need to maximize the Evan moyy pieace offensively yes yes you do 100% uh if you’re going to keep these guards together you got to figure out a way to play with a small back court and a big front Court you can talk offense vers defense I think Evan Moy and Jared Allen if they are going to stay together which I don’t I don’t believe that it’s going to come back the way it is but let’s for the sake of the next 25 seconds say that it is going to come back the way that it is you know you have to have a coach who can incorporate two non-shooting bigs with two smaller guards in the back court but bigger picture you know that’s where I go back to where I thought tyloo was just phenomenal and Ty just signed today a massive extension with the Clippers Tai was a postseason coach Tai was a coach that would give these guys leash during the regular season but he knew how to Reign them in the postseason and he knew how to get the very best out of them at the moments when you needed their very best so that’s it’s kind of a I don’t know if that’s specific enough answer but quite like that’s honestly that’s what I that’s what I would look for if I’m Kobe Alman if I’m Dan Gilbert if I’m looking for a coach I want someone who’s going to lead men who’s going to command their respect and who can thrive in the postseason do you get a cut of Tao’s new $7 million contract for how hard you push him on this platform Jason I think he may owe you like half a percentage of that contract I I couldn’t believe they fired him I couldn’t believe they fired him when they fired him I thought he was the one of the best young coaches in the league and he let and they let him get away and here they are now scrambling and looking for another one uh because they had their guy and they let him get away so when I initially texted you yesterday or talked to you yesterday about this I hadn’t even fathomed the fact that they could make roster moves before hiring a head coach Jason I’ll be honest when you were saying that I hadn’t even really considered that possibility just because it makes sense what you’re saying they’re in no rush it appears the Wizards are gonna promote the guy they hired as their interm head coach into their full-time head coach they’re not fishing in the same pool of candidates as the Cavs to begin with it appears the Lakers have circled JJ reick to be their next head coach we’ll find out if that’s true I know W reported James burgo is back there for a second interview today who knows if that was just due diligence whatnot if depends on what you want to believe it appears JJ reick is heading to La which leaves the Cavs to have essentially their choice of the litter for who they want to be their next head coach and in that case there is no rush but I do feel like you’re damned if you do damned if don’t in a way because you would like to have your head coach be someone you hire because you like his vision for this franchise one way or another right yeah and his vision would hopefully either include or not include some pieces of the core four and either you’re selling Dan Gilbert and Kobe Alman on your plan to put these pieces together Andor you’re selling them on the reasons why it can’t work and I’m just I feel like a head coach should be involved in those decisions one way or another especially if he’s going to inherent the team afterwards that I don’t know how I feel about the possibility of Kobe and Dan and the rest of the front office and it’s no knock against them I this I would say this about any all 30 organizations I would say the exact same thing I just feel like the head coach should be part of those conversations and we’ll talk about Brandon Ingram in a set but if you’re gonna bring in a guy like Brandon Ingram his game fits a specific style and does not fit others and if you’re gonna make that trade I I I I don’t know I just feel like you should have the head coach in place first and maybe I’m way off on that and if you’re in the comments let me know if you think you should be able the front office should be able to make these moves before hiring a head coach or if the head coach should be the next dominant that falls but to the answer of the actual question Jason in my opinion playoff experience is crucial Player Development is crucial leadership of men is crucial but I was looking at this from the standpoint of how do I maximize the pieces on this team and if I’m going to bring in other pieces how do I maximize that Talent this is an offensive League and I want an offensive Guru and I understand you may be sacrificing some other stuff you may be sacrificing experience you may be sacrificing uh command and the cache that comes along with some of the bigger names technically out there like a Frank vogle who has the championship or someone like that I want a guy who’s gonna come in and look at this roster with a fresh offensive perspective that can find ways to either make Donovan and Darius work and door decide this isn’t going to work I want to go a different direction that can find ways to make a two non shooting big lineup work Andor says I don’t think it can work we’re going to go a different direction a guy that can unlock Evan Mobley in the high post the guy who can find the perfect balance of Donovan as the point guard versus Donovan as the off ball guard and mesh it into the best version of Donovan Donovan over 82 games where I don’t think he’s getting worn down to the capacity he was over the last two seasons playing essentially the on ball guard for way more than I think he’d ever had been asked to do in his NBA career which led to kind of the wear and tear injury that cost him the entire month the March for the most part so to me if I was ranking the qualities of this next head coach I want just an offensive Guru a guy who knows offensive basketball inside and out in an Innovative offensive mind which then goes back to your atto plays Jason and your change of adjustments in between quarters and halves and playoff games and whatnot but I want an offensive guy first because the defensive players on this team I think you could hire defensive coordinator but they have enough defensive talent to be confident defensively regardless of who the head coach is that’s right need an offensive guy to unlock the engine and take this team from six last year five or six to an eight or nine we talked about this I think before about just it’s it’s you I’ve talked people in the league who who say like you you can win at a high level with mediocre defense and terrific shooting and terrific offense a lot easier than you can with Elite defense but just mediocre offense and we’ve seen that we’ve seen that play out you don’t have to be elite defensively you just can’t be at the bottom you can’t be 30th but if you’re 17th 15th n 18 n somewhere in there if you’re in the middle defensively you’re not terrible and you can get stops when you need them like that that’s good enough and it doesn’t have to be it’s great if it is like hey everybody would take what the Cavs had defensively last couple years but it’s more important you’re right it’s more important that you get it right on the offensive end and we’ve seen this team struggle to break 100 points in a playoff game how many times over the last two years way too often yeah and and last thing the defense we’ll move on but like you go to game two of the Mavericks Timberwolves and the Defensive Player of the Year got switched onto Luca and Luca’s gonna torch 99.9% of defensive players in that standpoint it’s even a knock on goar but a good offensive player is going to beat a good defensive player like your defensive principles they make a difference and they do matter but it comes down to Personnel like wemi was probably having a better defensive effort than goar in that situation it’s just goar is the one out there offensively you can do things to get certain matchups to have certain guys come off picks and down screens and get them in open space going downhill that defensively it makes a difference but I think you could have talented defensive guys in a good defense as opposed to just having talented offensive guys roll the ball out and see what happens so I I would prioritize offensive mind last thing we talked about playoff experience Jason I know you said that’s something you prioritized you followed tyou and you were there for all the kind of caps coaches Mike Brown and how much difference did you notice from their first playoff run to their second playoff run even even JB because I wasn’t around last year for JB but that first playoff run to the second how much difference did you notice being up close and personal at them having that playoff experience under their belt the second time around you what first to the second you mean the first year LeBron came back to the year they won the title or the first time LeBron was here to the second time from the head coaching standpoint just that year of experience were you able to was there any tangible things you picked up and and I’m putting you on the spot here oh any tangible things you noticed from their first playoff run to their second playoff run I don’t think so because I thought Tai was pretty good right away well blat was there for the first one I mean blat blat was the coach 2014 2015 and and I had people with the Warriors telling me LeBron’s not like everybody knows everybody’s plays and David blat would call out a play and LeBron would come down and run whatever he wanted like he he just wasn’t even paying any attention to he was drawing a place in the Huddle I remember watching it on TV LeBron was LeBron was drawing up plays in the Huddle and blat was standing there on the side nodding his head it was unbelievable uh but from Tai’s first run as the won the championship in 16 uh so that’s why like he just kind of he just had it right away I don’t know if it was the former player I don’t know what it was but he was you know he was basically given the job at midseason or right around mid season and that first year he’s in LeBron’s face at game halftime of game seven saying I need more out of you and and LeBron was like me like what about all these other guys and and and James Jones is the one that told him like hey you said you wanted to be coached hard this is what this is it like this is he’s giving you what you said you wanted yeah and and LeBron responded in the second half so Tai kind of had it right away and that’s just and I I do think like I I have a lot of respect for JB I think Mike Brown is fantastic uh I think Tai’s the best coach that they’ve had come through here in the last however many years and it’s hard to argue yeah and it’s I just can’t believe they let him get away uh Jason we’re gonna pivot real quick and talk about a potential guy that Cavs could look into this off season but first a word from FanDuel it is winner take all time in the n ba and NHL and FanDuel is giving you a shot to bring home a big one of your own right now new customers get $150 in bonus Bets with any winning $5 bet that’s 150 bucks to bet on spreads money lines player props and more just visit ucss and make every playoff shot count FanDuel America’s number one sports book uh we talked about this on the show earlier Jason I just want your thoughts just two minutes real quick uh Earl asked the question how interested would you be in Brandon Ingram in any kind of trade that happens this offseason between the Cavs and pelicans and and my answer was some people love Brandon Ingram I’m like okay on I don’t hate him I don’t think he’s great I think he he’s kind of dependent on system and fit yeah as a he’s clearly talented like that dude could score don’t get me wrong but he’s an ISO guy when he gets the ball it’s kind of a black hole it kind of stops he likes to get to the mid-range and if you’re playing with two non-shooting bigs it just creates more spacing issues so he isn’t at the top of my wish list when it comes to the Cavs in terms of wing priorities but he also might be the best one available on the market that the Cavs could realistically acquire so I understand there’s kind of a give and take and a balance he’s just not my personal cup of tea when it comes to a pairing for Donovan Mitchell and Evan moley but people may disagree I’m curious what do you think about Brandon Ingram in any potential trade with the Pelicans this summer if the Cass were to acquire The Talented 68 Wing he’s good not great um he he he is a playmaker you know he can shoot it I think his career like 35 36% three-point shooter exactly right there yeah yeah averages probably four or five assists a game so like you know Carew numbers are 19 and a half five and four okay there you go there you go so um I don’t he’s not a perfect player by any means he’s incredibly injury injury-prone and if a guy who’s been in their system how many years has he been in New Orleans now four five five okay play eight years in the league he played three in La then got traded part of the Anthony Davis trade if you spend five years in the with a team and they don’t want to give you the max why and and you’re a position of need like a yes you are the most coveted position in the league and your current team has looked at you for five years now and says n we’re good like that’s a red flag to me that’s a big red flag but to your earlier Point anybody you get is going to be damaged goods in some form or fashion because this is such a coveted spot the very best guys are not going to be available uh and I’m actually curious to see I do think the teams match up well the Pelicans have what the Cavs need and the Cavs have what the Pelicans need but which piece is it Darius F Ingram or is it Jarrett FR Ingram because those are two very different trades and I could see either one working with a little massaging so and I don’t think you’re putting both in there so I’m just I’m just curious to see what form that takes uh because again like you can look from the Cavs players and say Darius is good but not great and there’s injury concern there and he’s obviously coming off a terrible year and Jared Allen you can look and say good not great non- shooting big so these these are all sort of flawed players that you’re talking about in this deal both what you would be signing out and what you would be getting back so ultimately I don’t think you could say oh my God I can’t believe that they would go get an Brandon Brandon Ingram I think he’s missed like almost a full season over the last couple years he’s only played 65 games once in his career it was his rookie season seven straight seasons of under 65 and if you trade for him he’s entering the final year of his deal Jason he’s gonna want and he’s going to get it’s not a question he’s going to get go track projected five years 245 so you’re gonna pay him essentially a Max contract I mean I think he’s he’s got because he’s got a year left I think he’s looking at the same 4208 deal that Donovan’s looking at this summer to sign because he’s got one yeah so and again if your current team is looking at you and saying we’ve had this guy for five years we don’t feel comfortable giving him that money but you do and but the Cavs also are in a desperate spot of like they’ve never had great playmaking Wings in 20 years outside of LeBron and you you kind of got to take what you can get at this point so he wouldn’t be my number one choice but maybe he would be the number one choice depending on who’s legitimately available this summer because you can’t find these guys I was talking to somebody with the Cavs when they traded Larry Nance Jr and it was I said you needed a wing and the response was there ain’t none to go get so they they went and got Lowry Markin in and they turned him into a wing they did a hell of a job with it like they nailed it and and now look at lry in Utah but that goes to illustrate the point of you can’t find these guys they don’t become available it’s sort of leading into your next topic NFL quarterbacks that when you have a great one you don’t let them go and if you do let him go there’s a reason why you’re letting him go yeah that was I may have done a bad job articulating it on the show I’m not like anti Brandon Ingram I just he comes with a lot of risks and I think you could probably get a little more for your best assets but maybe I’ll be wrong and we’ll depend on the head coach I mentioned the fact that he’s more of an ISO scorer than someone who fits into an offense and we just spent all season yelling about JB’s offense being stagnant well you want to see more stagnant offense how about you throw the ball to Brandon Ingram and let him go ISO in the mid-range like that’s what he does and it’s not a knock he’s great at it yeah but that’s what he does so he’s a flawed player but to your point so is Darius so is Jarrett uh it almost is a perfect money match Jason Darius for Brandon straight up so I that that to me makes a little more sense than the Jared Allen side of it just because of the the financial aspect yeah but we’ll see the Cavs need a wing it is by far unquestionably their most uh prominent need this offseason a playmaking wing Brandon Ingram is a playmaking wing is he the perfect one no but guess what the perfect ones aren’t on the market so he may end up being the best of what the Cavs can realistically acquire and he’ll come in because he I said he’s not my favorite player he’ll probably score 39 points a game and 12 rebounds and eight assists and off to e cro so it is what it is all right Jason you ready to do a little NBA NFL player comps oh this is where Mikey’s brain gets turned loose and I get terrified uh also want to remind you guys at seven o’clock tonight we’re doing a behind the glass so make sure you guys come back to the YouTube channel at 7 to check us out for behind the glass okay Jason I did this probably three weeks ago almost a month ago Anthony finally made the graphics I’m doing this on Friday on the TV on the TV YouTube show on ucss but I wanted to run these by you first I went through and I was like it’s the middle of the summer Cavs The Season’s gonna come to an end how could I fill 20 minutes on the show with something fun all right let’s compare Cavs players to NFL quarterbacks it’s an old gig Ryan rillo and Scott Vel used to do on their show rillo still does it but he does NBA stars to quarterbacks I said I don’t care about NBA stars I care about the Cavs let’s do the Cavs yeah so I have a Cav to an NFL quarterback I’ll give you my reasonings and then you tell me if you agree if you disagree and if you disagree do you have a better one or am I just a little off or my way off so you ready all right let’s try it let me pull up my notes so I can read exactly why okay first one and we’ll start with the biggest names we’ll go down to the bottom Donovan Mitchell’s Dak Prescott very good no question they are very good players but are they good enough to be the face of a franchise Jason what’s your real ceiling with with this guy leading your team is it win a playoff game or playoff series is it reach the NBA Championship or Super Bowl it’s still a question mark and they both have contract questions that are on the horizon and is the headache that’s come with their contract talks over the last year to two years depending on which player we’re talking about is it really worth the caliber of player they are so I think Donovan Mitchell J Jon is Dak Prescott that’s actually really good like I have to give you credit on that one I thought this might be insane but that I mean dak’s had some real clunker playoff games and so is Donovan Mitchell Donovan’s had some phenomenal playoff games I’m not sure Dak has has D has good numbers in the playoffs but it hasn’t translated to wins Donovan’s playoff success is better than dak’s and and neither one of them is made it to a championship no or Conference Finals Conference Finals yeah neither one made into Conference Finals so that’s that’s actually spoton I like that one okay number two I mentioned this one on the show before we’ll do it again Darius is Baker Mayfield He’s good there’s no doubt that he’s good but is he good enough they show flashes of Brilliance but they’re too few and far in between the clutch Gene is a major question mark they drive you bananas because you see the talent you see what they can do and then you see what they can’t do and you’re like oh where’s where is that flash of Brilliance that we once saw and they are incredibly divisive within the Cleveland Fan base you either love them or you hate them and there’s very little middle ground so I had Darius Garland as Baker Mayfield the difference is Darius got the monster contract and Baker didn’t at least in Cleveland but that’s actually pretty good they had one great year each of them had one I mean Baker never went to a Pro Bowl in Cleveland but Darius went to an All-Star that’s not bad that’s that’s pretty good two for two okay moving on how about Evan Mobley and Trevor Lawrence super talented tabbed as unicorns they have shown flashes of every single skill you want to see from their respective positions but they have yet to put it all together yet they’ve both played three seasons and entering year four the question is are you the dude we thought you were and we invested essentially our entire franchise in you it’s put up or shut up time for both Mobley and Trevor Lawrence we know the potential is there but can they reach the ceiling that is the question Jason that’s why I compared Evan Moy to Trevor Lawrence I like that one too I wish I could push back on these but because you like you look at Trevor Lawrence and you say there’s more in there right like there’s more in there there’s supposed to be more in there and you look at Evan and you say there’s more in there like there better be more in there as much as he been he’s been buil and and I’m the one doing it I’m the one that’s been building up Evan Moy for three years and thinking that he was going to be that guy so yeah that’s pretty good too I like those three for three if you’re in the chat let us know what you think of these if you have a better one please drop them I’ll read those at the very end all right Jason number four Jared Allen is Kurt Cousins he’s better than you probably think and better than he probably gets credit for but there is a limited ceiling they’re solid they’re consistent but they’re not great and uh Prime Time Kirk not great Jared Allen a little bit scared of the bright lights if you know what I’m saying so Jared Allen is Kirk C cousins yeah I see it um I feel like cousins was overpaid more than Jarrett’s been although that Jarrett contract when he first signed it I was like oh that’s a lot of money to play to pay a non- shooting big who can get schemed off the floor in the playoff series that’s pretty good man you’re you’re cooking you’re cooking all right this next one’s my personal favorite I’ll be honest Max stru I’ll give you one second who do you think I have for maxu oh gosh all right time’s up it’s Jared gof you know why because in the perfect situation he thrives when he’s out of the situation not nearly as good Jared G in Detroit with a great offensive line and weapons can lead you to an NFC Championship game Max dreu is a starting shooting guard in an Eric spoler offense surrounded by Playmakers in the heat culture of Miami can lead you to an NBA Finals appearance leads a little loose term there for ma dreu but he can be part of that out of system we saw Max dreu his numbers dropped he uh not necessarily a fan favorite here in Cleveland Jason up to this point he could totally change that next year when he slides back into his more natural two guard position instead of a three but in system just like Jared Goff maxw can be a uh a serious contributor on a team that makes it deep in a playoff run out of position he’s he’s okay but I’m not sure you’re wouldn’t anything big with Max Tru as a key part of your offense if he’s not in the right system I actually like Baker for Max dreu well I could I couldn’t use guys twice that was my one caveat it was one but you like I feel like you just described Baker uh yeah Goff was a guy I mean the Rams gave up serious Capital to move off of him gave him the monster contract regretted it almost instantly and gave up incredible draft Capital to get off of that two first I don’t know that that fits struce because Miami just let him go yeah um they signing trade they got Jetty Osman back in flipped to San Antonio I’m not saying Jetty is two first round picks but yeah I don’t love that one as much as the others okay but but I can’t give it I off top my head I don’t know that I can come up with a better comp I I except Baker like I like Baker for Max even more than Baker for Darius I think all right hey that’s the beauty of this I I want the feedback now and then we’ll do it again Friday because I can’t wait to see what bu G and Jay have to say because yeah that’s gonna rile them up all right next Caris LeVert is Gardner muu or 2023 Josh JBS on some days they look incredible think of Jer muu against the Cleveland Browns this season think of Carris Levert against the Celtics when he dropped 51 on other days think of Carris Levert in the playoffs in the first game against or in the second game or no game three against Orlando when he was unplayable and think of Gardner mchu down the stretch for the Colts they are unplayable Josh dos the same way he’ll have four touchdowns one game and then he’ll have seven interceptions and fumbles the next game he’s a guy you literally have no idea who is going to be there no idea which version is showing up until they step on the court end door the field and then you just have to live with the consequences of whether it’s good Gardner or good Caris or bad Gardner or bad Caris and you always say I want more of this guy like hey I want Caris maybe we put Carris in as the starting guard alongside Donovan Mitchell until you see that happening you’re like yeah I’m not quite sure that was the right idea Gardner mchu is a great backup until he has to be a starter and then you’re always like we’re in the market for a new quarterback the next year so Darius uh so Caris LeVert excuse me is Gardner mchu I will accept that I think Ryan Fitzpatrick is perfect as Caris LeVert I swear to God I have in my notes Ryan Fitzpatrick if he was still playing yeah trying to think of who the modern day Fitzpatrick is yep that’s perfect fit Fitzpatrick is perfect Caris LeVert Gard menu because Fitzpatrick’s retired Gard muu is a decent enough standing okay so I’ll allow it thank you thank you all right next Isaac aoro had to think deep long about this one this was this was tough but I think I came up with one how about Justin Fields they have one definite legitimate professional skill that we know of yeah Isaac is his point of attack defense Justin Fields is his ability to scramble and pickup yards as a runner the rest of their games are giant question marks Isaac aoro improved as an offensive player this season in the playoffs took a step back not a guy you could rely on as an offensive contributor Justin fields has shown flashes as a passer in the NFL but when push came to shove Chicago said hey we’re going in a different direction we didn’t trust the development you had as a passer and now the big question for both of them is how much are the teams that currently employ them willing to invest in their Futures long term so Justin fields and Isaac aoro is my NFL QB to Cavs player comp that’s really good that’s really good because I was thinking like Kyler Murray but I don’t think Kyler Murray is very well liked in Arizona and he’s not a very hard worker and Isaac works his ass off so I don’t know where Justin Fields Falls in that Spectrum but that’s I like that that’s pretty good all right we got two more I had to do one for my boy Sam Merill now I wanted to I wanted to put Joe Milton as the comp Joe Milton was just drafted by the Patriots and I think in the sixth round they threw an orange 108 yards at the Orange Bowl when he was the quarterback at Tennessee so I was like all right he’s a sniper so I wanted to do that but I couldn’t do it so instead I went with an old friend of the program jacobe brassette here’s why Jason the first thing I had to ask is are they actually good the answer is I don’t know for both of them I don’t know if they’re either good but can Sam shoot the absolute piss out of a basketball yes can jacobe brassette get you one yard on a QB sneak every damn time yes so one Elite skill as a shooter in Sam Marill as a QB sneak expert in jacobe brassette uh it’s not a great comp admit admittedly but I had to find one I couldn’t think of anyone better for Sam Merill than Mr beloved here himself jacobe brassette for their ability to come in when needed and give you the one thing they do best Sam Merill shoot jacobe brassette get one yard on a QB sneak I don’t love that one I’m actually scrambling through an NFL list to see if I can find a better one uh yeah you lost me on that one but bet I mean you’re trying to crowbar your Bo Sam Marland this conversation we did eight and then I had to find a ninth for Sam and I was like it’s not great because I have one more and this next one’s a little better that one I just had to throw in there all right if you think of a better one for Merl by Friday let me know because that one up in the air I will the last one is George Nang now George leang is Derek Car Jason here’s why when you get him on paper it’s like oh that’s a great fit the Saints needed a quarterback to replace Drew Brees the Cavs needed someone who could hit corner threes you look at him and when you see him play you’re you’re not quite sure what you’re looking at George Nang doesn’t look like your typical NBA player Derek Carr some days wants to throw it 50 yards deep other days he’s content checking the ball down 83 times on 90 pass attempts at the end of the day they both drive you crazy more often than not so on paper this is the kind of thing that you get excited when your team brings in a George Nang or a Derek Car you know it’s not a game changer you know this isn’t a championship caliber piece the Saints knew they weren’t winning Super Bowl with Derek Carr but they had higher expectations than what’s been delivered and when push comes to shove for both of these George and Derek Carr it sounds a lot better on paper than it ended up being in reality so that’s why I compared Derek C to George Nang all right you’re back on track I like that one okay you you did really well on that’s seven seven out of nine is not bad for something as wonky and crazy as this yeah you did really well on that I I give you full flowers for for that exercise that’s that went better than I was fearing that it to expect did you have a favorite of those Moy to Lawrence Mo to Lawrence I think that one was and honestly Dak to Donovan I think both of those are spoton I think those are really good uh I’m gonna go through some of these comments real quick uh based off the quarterback things Jason then we’ll wrap up and then I’ll go through the rest afterwards there’s a couple more um let’s see where this starts uh Robert says Baker broke some pretty records does Darius have any does Darius have any records nothing noteworthy I mean Baker broke the rookie passing record um Darius had the 51-point game but I don’t think he broke a record in that game no I don’t I don’t think that he did no Robert says Darius might be more Justin Fields I don’t love that one yeah I don’t know if I Darius is better than Justin Fields is to this point of his career someone said uh Robert said Darius is Kyler Murray which I guess size-wise undersized guard with athleticism but I yeah I don’t I don’t know I’d have to think about that I I I don’t know who did you have Baker you had Baker to Darius right Dar and HC says Darius is definitely Baker can make big plays but you always fear the late game turnovers well that was this year for sure that was this year but that hasn’t necessarily been his emo throughout his career I just don’t know what happened to him this year um all right that’s all the ones we got so I’ll read some other comments Jason if you want to dip I appreciate you tuning in as always if not you want to stick around for two more minutes I’ll read only got a couple so uh Freddy B says is Kyle kosma an option uh he is on the trading block I have no idea what the Wizards want from a Kyle kosma trade yeah they had accepted a trade last year with kozma to Dallas and kozma said no I don’t want to be traded he is he wants to be part of whatever rebuild is in Washington which is crazy because now look where Dallas is him saying no turned into PJ Washington so that may be one of the best sliding door moments of the entire NBA season yeah I I guess he’s an option I think he fits better than Ingram I think he’s also gonna cost a lot more than Ingram yeah so that’s kind of what you got away he’s younger his contract he signed a big deal but it’s not crazy so yeah I would say kozma’s an option yeah I again I don’t love him I think I might actually take Ingram over kozma I think maybe I have to think about that one my one thing with with uh kman though I don’t know what you could interest Washington wants to rebuild they don’t want to take on a Darius contract right they have no need for Jared like Jared Allen’s a win now player I don’t know yeah I don’t know if you have any pieces to interest Washington in a deal yeah that’s good point and Denny Avia who we’re going to talk about in the show tomorrow would be a perfect candidate for the Cavs like he is exactly the issue is he’s young and on a Phenom he’s on a fouryear $55 million deal Jason it’s one of the best contracts in basketball yeah that’s the guy they’re not giving up right so kosma is Expendable but I’m not sure if the Cavs have anything that would interest Washington yeah that’s a good point escot had two names that Miles Bridges mayy and Tobias Harris Tobias is a free agent miles Bridges I don’t I go ahead listen he could play yeah he could play I don’t know how teams feel about him I I don’t even want to speculate I I have not talked to anybody regarding miles Bridges I don’t know what you think Jason I I have no idea if he’d be on the Cavs radar or not I have no idea I haven’t checked um I don’t know there’s a lot there there’s a lot there yeah uh let’s see let’s see let’s see Mike Jay says if he’s right minded after his father’s passing why not Luke Walton there’s no way they’re GNA promote an assistant from this staff right no I think it’ll be a full clear out uh I don’t think they’re keeping anybody from the staff uh Mike or diesel says what coach wants to come here when we have zero Wings we need to settle that then the job will be more attractive uh that’s kind of we talked about earlier Jason I guess only 30 of these jobs yeah so you take the ones a lot of times you take the ones you can get yep yep yep and it’s a good team it’s a good team roster and it’s in the East uh Ian says male Bridges from Brooklyn would be ideal he is the perfect by the way he is the perfect fit I’m not sure Brooklyn has interest in parting ways with him and if they do I’m not sure the Cavs have the assets to to pay what other teams would pay right for M they don’t have draft picks and I think we we have to like be realistic with ourselves yeah like they have what one draft pick of their own and they can’t trade a couple because of the Utah deal and it’s pick swaps and it’s so it’s just GNA be tough to find a uh a trade partner that if they’re looking for picks players they have players picks not a ton of picks yeah they don’t have control of their own draft for five years after this draft they have their own pick this year and then they don’t control their draft for five years Utah gets three first and the Cavs get the lesser of the two two picks between Utah and Cleveland in the other years and you can’t trade those because the steppan rule so there’s really and a lot of teams are if you’re if they’re making again wings are the most coveted spot if you’re making a guy available like that is because you’re not trying to win it’s very rare to have a team with a plethora of wings or make a wing available and also is trying to compete and win and also is interested in your pieces so it makes makes a deal like this really difficult uh we got three more J Creative Juice says Mikey loves the word piss I’ll allow it piss missile now shoot the piss out the ball I prefer fart and poop as descriptive ver terms versus urine I don’t know why I started saying piss missile or like shoot the piss out the ball but I do I apologize if it offends anybody uh Bobby G says why was Sam canel not considered for a head coaching job interview for the Lakers but I I didn’t hear anything about him speaking with the Cavs Jason so his name has not come up Frank vogel’s name has not come up at all Mark Jackson has not come up no Mark Jackson so some of them that are like out there in at this time of year have not been attached to the Caps uh couple things real quick on vogo and Jackson both defensive minded guys I think the Cav and you look at the the guys they’ve actually talked to all offensive minded first yeah which could be a part we have a three two more escott says about cam Johnson in Brooklyn definitely a more realistic Target than male Bridges his contracts 100 million which you could piece together uh you could piece together to get to a 100 million for cam Johnson he fits like he’s definitely not the prize in the sky but he’s a good role player three and D Wing yeah absolutely fits kind of the the mold they’re looking for I don’t know how much you’ve seen a cam Johnson Jason but he could play it’s not great he certainly can play he’s an upgrade over okoro but I don’t know how much I I’m being honest he’s definitely a better offensive player he’s not as good of a point of attack defensive player he’s I’d rather have Cam Johnson than Isaac okoro on my team but I don’t know how much better you’re really getting and is it worth what you’d have to give up when you all you have to do is just sign your guy that’s fair uh your personal friend LeBron James says Darius is too skinny and now he’s fearful of getting hit in the face again I think we should move on guys even if we can see into the future and it gets back to being an All-Star in the future and uh someone said we talked about Tobias Harris and Mike Jay says that’s a no no and teren Senor also says that’s a no so Tobias Harris not popular here among Cleveland fans Jason I appreciate you hanging out with us today I’m glad the uh quarterback thing went over better than you anticipated and I can’t wait to see G and bull are gonna uh G and Jay are gonna hate some of these I already know oh I know watch that they’re gonna hate Evan Mo I don’t even know what they’re gonna hate the most but I’m not changing it unless you think of a better one for Merill I’m not changing it so I’ll think about it yeah that’s the only one I’m open to hear in changes for the other ones I’m gonna let Rock we appreciate everyone who tuned in today we’ll see y’all tomorrow on the ultimate Cleveland sports show for Jason I’m McNuggets peace

The Cleveland Cavaliers are still in the search for a new head coach after dismissing JB Bickerstaff last week.

Donovan Mitchell and his impending contract extension are looming over everything, so what qualities should Koby Altman be looking for in his next HC?

Is it experience? Creativity on offense? Player development? All the above?

The list of candidates tied to Cleveland is sitting at 5 right now: Kenny Atkinson, James Borrego, Dave Joerger, Terry Stotts & Johnnie Bryant. Others have been linked, such as Micah Nori and Dave Adelman, but they appear to be lower on the list.

Which NFL QBs do the Cavs top players resemble the most? McNuggets presents his list to Jason Lloyd who is sure to hate this exercise because he hates everything.


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