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MAJOR Knicks Prospect Update… | Knicks News

MAJOR Knicks Prospect Update… | Knicks News

New York Knicks draft and stash Prospect rokas yabas has given the team an update on his situation overseas and we have to talk about this as this could have an implication on the Nick summer and also next season so let’s jump right into the video what’s up guys welcome back to Nick’s digest it’s Chris here and we’re just going to go right into it because Dr Strickland recently reported that it’s doubtful that rokas yabas will join the Knicks for the 2024 NBA Summer League and yabas will likely play for lithuania’s national team in July’s Olympic qualifiers which are scheduled for the week before the NBA Summer League begins now yabas is still interested in pursuing the NBA and if Lithuania fails to qualify he may still join the New York Knicks now the Olympic qualifiers are from July 2nd to 7th and then the NBA Summer League begins July 12th so obviously he’d be cutting it pretty close say Lithuania does not qualify he’d have to jump right on a plane get right involved in the team he’d probably miss a few practices that would probably affect his starting role because right now now if you think about it say he did not play for Lithuania which is not happening he’s going to play for them but say he didn’t Ras would be the Nick starting point guard in summer league now he did play in Summer League once before in 2021 and we will get into that but he was the Nick 2021 32nd overall pick he was selected two slots higher than Duce McBride and obviously Duce is panned out very well and with the mix of the Knicks bringing in a franchise point guard in Jaylen Bronson and just having a very deep bench Rogas never came over to the team he knew the Knicks held his draft rights and that if he came over to the NBA unless the Knicks traded his rights he would have to play for the New York Knicks and something that rokus has been adamant about throughout his entire time is that he really does want to play he doesn’t want to be one of those guys bouncing between the g-league and just then sitting on the bench and then going back to the G league and just not getting real NBA minutes Ros likes this situation overseas he’s enjoyed playing for Barcelona enough that if he wants to he’ll stay overseas now he’s not going to resign with Barcelona he would go back to Lithuania and play there but still he would rather I’d assume be on the Eastern Hemisphere if he’s not going to be able to play NBA basketball now I like rokos as a prospect I obviously like everyone else had no idea who he was when the Knicks picked him but I like draft and sash guys I don’t know why I think it’s fun I was really hyped about Anan jarez who never came over because he got that injury but I’ve always been excited when I see that there’s a draft in stash Prospect I just think it’s a fun thing in basketball like you never really think about them and then once in a while one comes over and ends up filling a great NBA role I mean for instance Bogden bogdanovich the man has been on a few different teams he’s been on the on the Hawks and the Sacramento Kings did his thing on both teams has been one of the best shooters in the NBA was a front runner for Sixth Man of the Year at one point this season you get guys who sometimes really pan out after spending some time growing up overseas now obviously there’s also overseas players who come in and instantly just go to the NBA like Luca like sabonis who is Lithuanian is going to play for Lithuanian National team which makes me think they’re going to qualify because sabonis is real good but Ras was not one of them he would ended up going in the second round of the draft which isn’t uncommon with draft and stash guys because when you think about it it’s like are we really going to waste it that high of a pick on someone who’s not even going to play next year because he’s still overseas and we could maybe not see them play for few a few years if ever a lot of times draft and stash guys just don’t come over they think okay I’m not actually going to play in the NBA why would I go to a country that I don’t know anyone that I’m going to be all alone on another side of the world and I’m not even going to get to play basketball I’m just going to be on the basketball team I don’t want to do that and I think that’s fair and I think it makes sense why Ros is worried about I don’t know maybe not getting his minutes and also I keep calling him rokas his real name it’s pronounced rockas I just can’t remember because everyone always calls him Ras but that’s not the point I just want to get that out there now rock is really bald out in Spain when he played for them I mean I know the stats don’t jump out of you but if look at that career three-point percentage at 40 where it’s hard to score overseas as Luca donic said it’s way harder in just 17 minutes per game or an average of 18 minutes per game for his career so far he’s averaged 7.6 points which is really not that bad again like if you go look at overseas stats they’re scoring less the game is more physical it’s a different basketball game it’s way more team oriented he’s also been able to get a couple assists per game at three I kind of like the seven and a half and three assists per game like it I I know I just have said it three times but it’s not that bad it’s actually a pretty good stat he puts up good field goal numbers he’s got very quick hands he could develop into quite the defensive player at least when it comes to getting steals I like rokas as a prospect I think the Knicks should absolutely pursue him but here’s the deal it really it depends on rockus like if he wants to come over if rockus wants to come over I keep saying it just so I’ll like burn it into my brain If rockus wants to come over and can do his thing I would like to test it out I mean right now the Knicks have Duce McBride as a backup point guard I obviously love Duce he’s been excellent with the Knicks the way that he just was able to start shooting 40% from the three while also being one of the best defenders on any NBA bench in the league has been incredible I love his fit next to Jaylen Bronson I love his fit with the team but also I don’t know if he’s a point guard he’s more of a combo guard and that’s fine I’m not saying that negatively I’m just saying that I look at dece McBride as more of a combo guard Rockets can make plays he’s a good ball handler he’s got excellent Court Vision it’s what you see from so many overseas players just an excellent Vision on the game a great feel for the ball I think rocket could come over and really give the Knicks a spark on that bench as a guard now the problem is how do you figure that all out now if the Knicks don’t do anything at all basically in free agency then yeah rockus will have a spot but when you think about it there’s eight guys assuming no massive trade happens and OG and hartenstein resign and obviously Rockets is a point guard so even if hartenstein leaves it doesn’t really affect his playing time but say they resign everyone and not much happens outside of that like they plan on running it back you still have for sure Brunson D venzo OG Julius and hartenstein starting with Mitch Josh Hart and Dante D venzo along with du McBride or not D def or Mitch Josh Hart and then Duce McBride as your bench now yeah maybe they trade Buon bogdanovich maybe buan just doesn’t get minutes and gets the Evan forier treatment and is just used as an expiring tradeable contract then yeah rockus will get the chance to get around 10 minutes per game on the Knicks I kind of hope that happens like when you look at NBA benches I said this a while ago when Josh Hart resigned everyone’s like oh what is he gonna what is he gonna be their power forward he can’t get rebounds and I was like first of all yes he can second of all I understand he’s 6′ but so many backup power forwards are just spot up Shooters who played shooting guard and small forward throughout the earlier parts of their career depending on how long they’ve been in the NBA anyway so it’s not a big deal that being said we don’t know anything about rockus what if he comes over and is trash it’s obviously a possibility maybe it does happen but maybe it doesn’t maybe the Knicks find something Walt Pon has been exceptional at picking players out whether it was Rudy gobear or Donovan Mitchell or Duce McBride or Quinton Grimes like like or Emanuel quickley who we loved there’s so many prospects that the Knicks have hit on because of Walt PN and obviously verie and Donovan were picked by the Jazz when PN was there what I’m saying is they have an excellent draft team I have a feeling they knew what they were doing when they picked rockus yabas they figured that they could develop him now is he G to get minutes instantly it’s tough to say with tibs because rockus will have to show something on the defensive end which has been a weaker part of his game but he does have very quick hands he knows had to steal the ball and again he’s just got a great feel for the game there was recently a post on the Knicks Reddit you can find it if you just look up his name and his name should be somewhere in here that you’ll be able to spell it correctly his highlight tape was put on Reddit a few days ago and it is fun dude he is just a fun player and you’ll see what I mean by he is a feel for the game he knows what he’s doing he gives me a Nicks Vibe like everything about his play style screams this is the this fits the New York Knicks team’s energy so I’m really really curious to see what happens I kind of hope Lithuania doesn’t qualify so Rockets can come over and be the Nick starting point guard in summer league like we never draft anyone I think we’ll draft someone this year because we have 24 and 25 I think we’ll trade one of those picks and maybe the 38th pick also so we’ll get a rookie but summer league sucks when we don’t have rookies we got the most random ass guys on the team it’s like oh come on I don’t want to see that I want to see a rookie or rockus that’d be fun I kind of just want rockus there so we can run the show and be the guy on a summer league team like remember when IQ and Obi played after their rookie years I were like oh yeah let’s see them ball out Obi averaged 22 points per game IQ averaged 20 it was super fun to watch now in the summer league for the New York Knicks when rockas played in 2021 and 2022 after he got drafted he only played 10 minutes per game but put up six points obviously he didn’t shoot too much but he still had a 70% field goal percentage and a 60% percentage from three he I mean the stats you know it’s not the most you could tell but look it’s three games played that he did that so that is something to keep in mind now also something else that was written on posting a toasting mentioned that rockus is still young at 23 and has been playing for FC Barcelona in the country’s national league in the Euro league which is the second best league in the world now he’s also become one of the more prominent players for his country but it hasn’t convinced the Knicks to try to bring him over they’re just kind of waiting on rockas and maybe sign some low-key deal that’s not fully guaranteed or something but he did sign that four-year deal with Barcelona and has exit options into it so he can leave to the NBA without any problems if the Knicks come calling but as posting and toasting mentioned they never did so we’re going to have to see what happens with rockus are the Knicks going to come calling maybe they probably want him to play in Summer League I would assume now is he going to depends on Lithuania so Lithuania go out there and lose so we can see some rocket yabas in I was gonna say New York but in Las Vegas guys leave a comment down below what do you think about rockus do you have any thoughts if not go watch that highlight tape on Reddit as I said his name will be in the in the description of this video below so you’ll be able to spell it right in case you don’t know but guys hope you enjoyed the video like this subscribe to Nick’s digest it helps me out way more than you guys would ever realize but outside of that that’s all I got have a great day and go next

New York Knicks 2021 draft and stash prospect Rokas Jokubaitis has given the team a MAJOR update on his NBA future. After claiming he would come over to play in the 2024 Summer League, he has changed his tune as it appears he is focused on playing for Lithuania’s national team in the 2024 Olympic qualifiers. Chris Gallagher breaks this down and discusses if Rokas will ever come over to NYC.

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  1. Hello l knicks fan what the knicks Draft bronny james manse for can sign LeBron james 100 the knicks winner NBA final championship next season thanks you l knicks fan good afternoon

  2. Deuce IS a pg…. averaged a shade over 10 assists in the G league. I watched EVERY MINUTE OF EVERY G LEAGUE game he played in…."its the G league" says the fan versus the student of the game. Here's the difference: G league team ran offensive sets / plays, whereas The Knicks are let the game tell you what to do, which is great for the guys playing 20 plus minutes, the more minutes Deuce gets, the better he plays. He is DEFINITELY a pg, just not DEFINITELY a pg in Thibs read and react offense…. watch how very LITTLE the guys move on offense when Deuce is a pg….I yelled almost every game about that….bc if guts are in position to show, Deuce will find you.


  4. That's the thing that worries me about Tom thibodeau: we can have a talented player out there and he may not come over because he's not gonna play. Because the coach is stuck in his ways.

  5. I HATE THIBS if we had Ja Morant when he came out of College THIBS would have him coming off the Bench. Horrible Judge of Talent

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