@Sacramento Kings

Are the Kings Going to Make Mike Brown Prove It? – May 29: The Insiders + D-Lo & KC

Are the Kings Going to Make Mike Brown Prove It? – May 29: The Insiders + D-Lo & KC

good morning chatty house what a gang congratulations to Russell Russell hunt he gets the belt second day in a row good morning everybody Russell’s gone streaking I’m gonna with our whiteboard I’m GNA count how many days it’s been since the season ended and I’m going to say it’s been x amount of days since Mike Brown got a contract extension and I’ll just hold it up at the beginning of each day and we’ll erase it and think that’s going to be a good visual bit for you guys hello Warren we up in here what up Warren Shogun start now oh good morning good morning it is a couple minutes before 10: a.m. uh typically we start right at 10: but today we said hey we want to do a little more radio so we’re going to steal a couple minutes that’s going to that’s going to be our plan just going to quietly start thieving more and more minutes yep just every just every few days just Ste a couple more minutes it’s 9:43 yeah but how’s it going we started 9:43 hey we have an extra segment now we have an extra segment oh hey look at us starting at 9:30 got two extra segments to get in now that’s right 9:15 all right we got three segments to do those insiders there’s some sneaky dudes yeah like we might as well and then we get to by the time we get inside of 9:30 when we’re on the the north side of 9:30 on the clock yeah then we can just be like hey we’re already doing two just give it we’ll just do the get give Carlin and Joe the time off they’ve they’ve earned it we’ll just do nine o’clock that’s right no I see it as like as our way of like quietly is that like passive aggressive I think it might be passive aggressive well passively I feel like uh see maybe um I’m the king of passive aggressiveness and and to me that’s just full aggressive that’s just taking the time passive aggressive is when we get on air and go man it’d be you know really cool if they sold a third hour so we could do a third hour that’d be really sick I know uh my my son my oldest had a friend who anytime he came over he would just kind of surey wish I had something to drink oh bro it’s like man you’ve been here at least 300 times you know where everything is the little te he is gone bro you know where everything is you go you go get whatever you want it’s all open like it’s yours dude that is BR sure do it no no no no what do you want kid what do you want and like you said if he’s been to your house look if it’s his first time at your house and he’s 13 14 years old kind of in that awkward stage and you’re still finding yourself as a person you want to make a spectacle I get that that’s maybe your defense mechanism instead of asking and getting told no for whatever reason like that’s a crazy fear but it’s there you just kind of casually just like man I was you know I just wish I just had something to drink you know I get I get where that comes from like mentally but also at that point when he’s been over to your house dozens of times like dog just go for it get get with the program well that’s why like the Fortress of snackitudes oldest son has had his group of friends that had been there forever they they’ll walk in grab an entire box Costco siiz box of fruit snacks and next thing you know they they’ll rip through like 23 packs of fruit snacks all over the ground fruit snack rappers all over the ground okay somebody has to clean up the fruit snack wrappers oh are bad are bad and somebody needs to put the mostly empty box back where you know lunches go you know or sure we pull stuff for lunches this is so relatable this is very very relatable yeah um we’re that house yeah good shout out to the Fortress of s actitude um it turns out NBA coaches can get extensions can they tyo today got an extension from the Los Angeles Clippers congratulations to tyou and congratulations to the Clippers on making sure that their good head coach is going to stay with them and not unceremoniously exit now or in the near future yeah it’s it’s funny because that’s a team that got bounced in the first round of the playoffs they haven’t really under underachieved a little yeah maybe underachieved quite a bit Yeah quite a bit I I would assume quite a quite a bit especially their their payroll was much higher and yeah they they do have four hall of famers on the roster yeah you know they dealt with some injury issues as well um you know I don’t know I I guess good on Steve Balmer for recognizing the value of continuity and for building something and for taking a path and sticking to it there there it is um I kind of wish you would done this is passive aggressive this is passive aggressive uh he he definitely uh handles his basketball team much better than he did uh his roll out of the zoom so yeah yes he’s he’s doing all right for Steve Balmer he’s doing he’s doing great yeah they got a new building to to move into next year so they are keeping things together I’m guessing they’re going to do what they can to run it back with Paul George and James Harden and Kawhi Leonard and hope everybody stays healthy and that’s going to be what they’re going to do but tyo did get extended uh I haven’t seen numbers on that yet I haven’t either I I think it’s interesting but like since March I think uh Jason kid tyo uh Jamal Mosley like we’re seeing a lot of teams take care of their coaches and and and kind of realize that the market has changed and and if you want to retain really good coaches uh you’ve got to you know shell out some D yeah that’s how it goes when you start to have success you do what you can to bottle that yeah H interesting Ty by the way 590 career winning percentage okay below Mike Browns right uh but he does have an NBA championship and two Eastern conference championships under his belt uh and he’s done he’s he’s really he’s done a really nice job with the Clippers 47 wins in Year One he was an assistant there in in 201920 but in 2020 2021 when he became the head coach 47 wins then 42 then 44 then 51 uh so he’s got them heading the right direction but like you said not anything super notable in the postseason yet out of out of Tai lose clippers but they want to keep him around yeah that’s a smart thing oh there it is a five-year deal worth nearly $70 million according to Shams chirania so 14 yeah yeah no and that’s a like I said he has he’s been to the finals Thrice they he was the coach that uh helped the Cavs come back from a 3-1 deficit in the 2016 finals and tyou is a really really excellent coach and nobody’s looking at this going yeah hey Mike Brown should now get $14 million the impact of this I saw somebody in the chatty house ask do what does this mean for Mike Brown It’s not that hey he’s going to look at tylo’s deal and go this is the deal I want it’s just it’s the princip it it’s it’s what we talked about all day yesterday literally for two hours yeah it’s the principle of it the Clippers and and the the magic and the Mavericks and to a to a different extent Golden State and Miami and extending their coaches are saying here’s a successful thing that we have we’re going to move forward with it yes yeah and also it’s on a coach like Mike Brown just like it’s on a coach like Mike buzer to go out there and and make sure the market is established M forward that that the coaches that are that maybe don’t have two or three rings that that aren’t like or considered the the like Greg papovich is of the world but still way better than most of the other coaches in the league a guy with a 607 win percentage they should be around the $10 million a year mark and that’s I mean it’s we’re not Reinventing the whe here it’s just the the market has changed it’s called the going rate the going rate that’s how things work so um yeah still no still no extension for Mike Brown but good for tyou getting his deal done and also good for the Minnesota Timberwolves Minnesota Timberwolves won game four of the Western Conference Final against the Mavs they will have a game five in Minnesota I have two things about Carl Anthony towns because he was very good last night uh one did you see or read about the SB Nation article that got published yesterday I did not about Carl Anthony towns no uh I did not click on it and it I I got the gist of what people were saying on Twitter but I also know that sometimes people on the internet will take things out of context or exaggerate things and say uh you know turn it into something more than it is but still it sounded bad it sounded like a bad piece about Carl andony towns so I just wasn’t going to give it a click I didn’t care that much but I did see a screenshot of it and the the Crux of the screenshot I saw was Yeah Carl Anthony towns is all this tragedy in his life and he has the the the the thesis of the piece was that the guy doesn’t like Carl Anthony towns that was the the CR piece and this graph I saw was him saying Carl anony towns has had all this tragedy in his life uh but he’s just corny that’s his problem oh and it’s like yeah sure he has lost multiple family members to co and he lost his mother and all this and that but have you guys ever considered that he’s a corny ass dude oh that is what the piece is that’s really weird brutal like that’s just that’s not Shock journalism that’s not even journalism that’s not that’s just bad that’s just a bad opinion yeah that that’s wild too because you know I think when you look at uh like look at the way the miles Turner’s been portrayed right his Lego collection has become like this giant thing like he has I I don’t know if you’ve ever seen any articles on him and his Legos I have not like he has the Titanic which is almost as big as his wingspan like he has a life-sized seven foot tall Darth Vader with his face as Vader’s face that either he bought or made like his his Lego collection is worth probably a couple of million dollars yeah yeah it’s wild and he loves to sit there and build Legos that’s what he does it’s it’s it’s like what my son does my son loves to build Legos still and uh you know and I even think back like Derek favers is a gigantic comic book collector like he loves comic books it’s okay for people to not be like NBA players just because you’re tall doesn’t mean that you have to like fit into one specific box and you know and you’re you’re a super athlete like you’re allowed to have all kinds of interests it’s why I never had an issue at all with Marvin baggley and is and his rap career I don’t care like they have so much free time like I hope you have something else you know they have so much free time they do have a lot of free time imagine you wake up during the off season this is something I think is funny you hear this especially in football a lot that guy should be in his Playbook okay consider this you wake up at let’s say 8 a.m. during the offseason you wake up you’re going to go to the gym you’re going to work out for 4 hours you’re there until noon and now you have all day all day or even if you’re going to go work out again in the evening and you’re going to work out at 7 you have six hours to kill once you get home and shower yeah there’s six hours to kill until you go back and exercise again so there’s a lot of downtime in a day when your one job is like stay in shape and get good at basketball yes no I there’s a ton you know and you gota like they there’s a lot of family time but there’s also a lot a lot of these guys are single just like hanging out like there’s a lot of downtime and so I don’t blame them for having yeah these other things now if it was like he’s he’s putting out like three albums during the season and it’s like man that seems a little excessive uh then maybe you start to have that conversation but if not like yeah you know dearon Fox likes to play Call of Duty and likes to play video games crazy that’s been his thing forever like that’s fine like I I have no I don’t want to be Grudge these guys no so the that Carl Anthony towns piece comes out last night or yesterday I guess and I’ve been pretty critical of Carl Anthony towns like on the court because it just like man really would like to see him come through in a big spot because that’s kind of just been the knock on him he’s never really gotten over that hump as a player he’s a very very good excellent player but he’s not quite got into that like Elite status so for him to go out last night and be as good as he was and to hit as many big shots as he did uh that was a just good for him just personally like that’s awesome but yeah in the face of that piece that came out yesterday I thought it was great shout out to Carl Anthony towns that’s big time oh man he was tremendous he was really really good when he’s knocking down threes like there that’s Peak Timberwolves that’s where he really like in that game he turned it on like all a sudden he was just like out of nowhere boom boom boom like what do he have like three threes in the fourth before he fouled out and it was just like the Difference Maker in that game and it is like I hate to say it’s about time time is year year nine for him but okay he’s getting there he’s trying his best and he’s growing from this experience that’s what I love to watch this playoffs for me has been been so much about watching players and teams grow yeah and it it goes for almost every team that we’re watching even like the Boston Celtics watching Jaylen Brown all a sudden become this leader that we didn’t know you know we’re seeing these guys take steps it’s really cool to watch yeah cat going into last night in game one two for nine from three game two one for five game three 0 for eight from downtown and then to go four or five last night um we’ll continue talking about this game moving forward because I have another question about Carl Anthony towns because I think the entire series revolves around him but I like what you just said too about what we’ve been seeing in these playoffs from particular players and particular teams I would like to discuss that next as well we are the Insiders we’re sponsored by Jiffy we’re hanging out with you until noon on this Wednesday uh lock in folks we’ll be right back what’s going on everybody oh charges dropped against sheffler but the pants he did irreparable harm to the pants nobody is thinking about the pants what is happening ah we got a lot of people up in here what’s going on whato gang hello everybody I’m poer uh sack King’s Rock um from what I know that figure is a little high the high end’s a little high uh but around that range H well that’s cool uh sack Republic FC’s match at Oakland roots on July 21st will be the second over theair free National telecast in USL championship history free over the air okay not streaming okay charges are are being dropped against Scotty sheffler ending a legal Saga that began with images of the world’s top male golfer uh being arrested and handcuffed in Louisiana Kentucky during the PJ championship yeah I don’t know who Tao’s agent is um but like I do know who Mike Brown’s agent is and there’s not a lot of guys out there that are coaching agents oh Tao’s agent is uh his player agent so that’s there’s only like two or three true coaching agents in the league now um Spencer breaker and Warren legary are the two big fish and they have like a huge amount of the guys that come through through and then like Luke Walton had his werman agent that was his player agent and then a couple of coaches are like that where they still have their agent from when they when they played but uh it’s a very very small coaching Circle um even like the Kings during their like I’m trying to think um Alvin Gentry was a war legary is a war lary guy uh Mike Brown Dave joerger like there’s a lot of them uh and then Spencer breaker took over for oh it’ll come to me eventually but that agency has it was like Paul Westfall back now back to the Insiders with James ham and Kyle Madson brought to you by Jiffy Lube on ESPN 1320 we got some Kings news not Kings news just Kings stuff to get to in a bit but I want to keep talking about the NBA playoffs right now uh I have you said earlier it’s been really fun watching different players kind of grow and different teams kind of grow and come to the Forefront and you see just kind of the changing tide in the NBA as we shift out of the LeBron James Steph Curry James Harden Kevin Durant Russell Westbrook era and into the uh Anthony Edwards Luca donic pick a player Jason Tatum sure Jaylen Brown yeah like yeah this era yes and part of this is it’s it’s funny because I’ve had no feel for any of these games or series I thought Boston was going to handle the Pacers and they did they they swept him but that was the most like non sweep sweep of all time I agree the Pacers had like a 90 plus win probability with two minutes to go in or five minutes to go or whatever it was in three of those games where you could look at a couple possessions here and a couple possessions there and they could still be playing and have like a lead in the series right now but Boston is just a better team Boston’s the best team in the league yeah but and that’s what I keep coming back to with all this is it has been so fun watching these series play out and man hey I was I was I felt good about the Timberwolves winning last night I have no idea tomorrow night I’ve got nothing for you no I totally agree and I was even I I was surprised that Dallas took a three lead in the way that they did it and I think that it it just shows you that again the western conference is so much about matchups MH where the Eastern Conference has been all about injuries the Western conference been so much about matchups yeah like either it’s a good match up for you or it’s a bad matchup and either you’re going to make it through or you’re not going to make it through I think it’s been pretty clear that that that’s kind of the way it like this whole entire playoff on the Western conf in the western confisco the the funniest part about it is while we’ve had all these great series and oh man an upset here and an upset there oh wow what’s what’s gonna Happ it’s like Boston’s just going to win the finals and probably do so pretty comfortably but maybe not I don’t know that’s why we keep thinking that but then but then something weird keeps happening in this playoff and I totally but everything has come back to oh Boston won that Series in five oh Boston won that Series in a sweep Boston was just the best team in the league this year and and I’m I’m hoping that Minnesota can make this a series against Dallas because I think that would be a lot of fun especially if we can if they can pull out the next three and get to a game seven I mean that’s just that’s pure electricity that’s so much fun and it gives us basketball to watch before junee 6th when the finals start but I I I I was sitting there last night I’m going man that was a really really nice win for Minnesota I think Dallas is is probably going to go in and win in game five but also if Minnesota went in one game five comfortably and they went to Dallas for game six are you feeling gry for Dallas no I’m not I I don’t I but again I all of this comes back to as I started thinking about okay well let’s see if this goes seven Dallas or Minnesota gets x amount of days of rest and Boston’s had all this time off and I just I I keep coming back to despite everything that’s happened in these playoffs I think it by the end of it we’re going to see Boston hoisting a O’Brien and the the discussion point is going to be well yeah of course were the best team yeah it was a fun season and a fun playoffs but like the best team just won yeah but I think there’s also like the moment that they have to get over the hump it’s yeah and we’ve been waiting for that forever for them to like figure out how to like capitalize on on all the talent that they have and then they bulked up this offseason like nobody’s business I mean they’ve separated themselves so far from the rest of the NBA as far as like pure talent and if you give them an opportunity to win one now you open the floodgates and there there’s a possibility for two or three here like the talent of that roster Al Horford is going to get old and and is going to be able to hang yeah um but you can replace Al Horford yeah yeah I mean the Drew holiday deal that they signed I mean he might be 33 but he’s on a contract for another I think four years like this core is going to be together Derek white and you know Jaylen Brown Jason Tatum like they’re a very very good team and they’re a matchup nightmare for for almost anyone in the league but very specifically the Dallas Mavericks like because your best two players are two guards and their third fourth fifth best players are also two guards that play incredible defense right and while the other two guys get to go roam free and do what they want to do yeah it’s going to be a really really interesting series if that’s how it turns out but again I I really think it’s about the growth we’re watching Luca donic really Ascend to like the the Beyond Superstar generational talent that that he has been but you’ve been waiting for the moment where it translated into the playoffs and he became like you know a Jordan LeBron type player that that makes it to the finals or it gets there I think what we’re seeing from you know even Carl Anthony towns taking these steps but Anthony Edwards improving Jaylen uh Jaylen Brunson McDaniel Jaden McDaniel Jaden McDaniel yeah you know McDaniels same thing with what you’re saying with Brunson with tyres halberton with nard all of these guys are are finding their MBA voices and taking these huge steps and it’s really really cool to watch because we’re watching organic growth right in front of us yeah for the whole league not just you know we get so King Centric that you’re always like oh what is gonna happen with this player this player but we’re watching The League grow as a whole and the next tier the next group of stars take over and be something better I have a question okay is Luca a top five player in the league for you now yeah he’s there oh he’s done it yeah I mean like I’m not going to put him like all time I don’t know where he but right now yes yeah and I think he even like in the second half of the Season he started to make that move where you’re like okay like look it’s more than just the numbers yeah because the numbers are are Gody and crazy I mean he led the league in scoring with like over 33 points per game might even be 34 his numbers out of the gate are silly he already has I need to I hang on that’s not the right name he has I want to make sure I have this right either more than or as many seasons averaging 28 n and eight at least he has as many of those as LeBron James does wow and is 26 years old 25 years old 24 year that’s not right yes he’s still 24 no I thought he’s 25 just turned 25 that’s right in February yeah yeah he just turned 25 you know what’s brutal if I was a Hawks fan I would not I would because we get we sit here in Sacramento and go oh there was Luca Bagley over Luca and this and that on Luca’s basketball reference page like that’s just a whiff on a draft pick you know it stuff happens sometimes yep that’s Sam buy over Michael Jordan it says on Luca’s basketball reference page Draft Atlanta Hawks first round third pick third overall that’s wild I would not be able to live with that yeah that would be brutal like I said the the the Marvin Bagley thing the kings are not not absolved of that that’s a that’s a huge whiff that is that is that is bad but at least it doesn’t say draft Sacramento Kings they drafted him and then just did they they immediately moved in for a treyo yeah and a first round pick I I even wonder what is the first round pick that they got which is uh H they a first round pick which was cam reddish H that’s tough man yeah five time All-Star five time all NBA no Rookie of the Year scoring CH I mean the team that really gets I always say that the team that totally gets off the hook here for some reason is the Phoenix Suns which have blown more top tier picks than any team I’ve ever like it’s the Kings and the Suns who are competing but DeAndre Aiden isn’t on their roster either and he should be in Phoenix he should have been the number one pick in that draft um but like how many other times I mean they took dragin Bender they took Alex Lenn in the top five like they took uh didn’t they take Anthony Bennett no that was the Cavs okay the Cavs Anthony Bennett yeah yeah yeah but yeah no they have we went through that one day and it’s just it’s brutal how many times they they’ve missed what I want what I won’t do DeAndre Aon over Luca is a massive whiff for sure but I’m not going to revision his history that because when Aton came out he was that dude at U OFA yeah and Luca was like man how’s his game gonna translate he’s he’s still so young and he’s going to be playing against you know grown ass men in the NBA who are who are better than the players he’s he’s facing in Europe there were and there were questions remember that whole thing he’s like 6’4 but then he was 65 and then he was 67 and then he was 69 and then he was like 71 there was all these there were all these conflicting reports about his height well that and I mean he wasn’t a great he was a really really good scorer in Europe but he he didn’t tell like you believed he was going to be a multi-positional player like yeah he was going to stuff the stat he’s not going to be able to play defense at at a true NBA level and the other thing was he was a great shooter in in Europe and so I think most people believed like 20 22 points per game but with nine rebounds and nine assists or something Jason kid type yeah something really really like incredible but I don’t think anyone saw the the 30 plus points for his career which he’s gonna average wild yeah yeah all right uh we’ll talk plenty more about Luka donic I’m sure we need to talk about some King stuff though because our talk with Kenny yesterday was was really interesting to me I was thinking about it a lot and so I want to continue that discussion with you now without Kenny uh no we will we can even pick it up with with Kenny when he’s in with us later on this week but uh yeah do the kings need more help on offense or defense this offseason where should their focus be what is this team’s identity going to be going forward we’re going to talk about that next right here on ESPN 1320 Sacramento sports clear yeah the um the Suns you know again Josh Jackson instead of dearn fox oh that’s right Josh Jackson um they also took uh Jaylen Smith two picks before Tyrese halberton when Chris Paul was aging at that point and you could have right now like a back court of Tyrese halberton and and Devin Booker and you would have never had to make that horrific trade to I think that’s what we’re going to wind up saying with halberton is throughout his career I think he’s gonna be a really really good player but I think they’re going to continually fall short and we’re going to go man they need another shock Creator like I I think they might wind up having a lot of the same problems that Kings had this year yeah but then I I think that nemard and I think TJ McConnell like those guys and even Pascal sakam like you have brought in other guys it’s whether he can successfully find a way to to play with those guys without you know being the guy who has a ball in his hands for the entire game yeah oh Brian if the Suns took Luca I don’t the Kings did not like Aon that year and to be honest like they really like Marvin baggley a lot the other player they loved was Michael Porter Jr but his Medicals came back and were horrific like and then he went on to have back surgery right then and he’d already had back surgery and then he had another back surgery so three back surgeries before he was like 21 the Kings like definitely like they were out on Trey young um they didn’t particularly love jiren Jackson from what I can remember did someone say that Marvin Bagley is better than DeAndre Aon that’s crazy yeah I mean the only time that DeAndre Aiden’s been good really good is with Chris Paul yeah not saying Aiden is any great shakes but I I think Aon would be really good with Tyrese halberton too yeah which almost happened were they going to trade him for Miles Turner or something something maybe but then he signed that extension and they couldn’t trade him oh might be misremembering h i I think he there was rumor of him going to Indiana yeah Turner or as a free agent maybe I think oh it’s even possible they did like a I don’t think they did an offer sheet I can’t remember they matched him okay yeah oh yeah yeah yeah that’s right thank you yeah thank you um I definitely um vlady did tell us that uh he wouldn’t draft Emanuel moodier because Emanuel moodier didn’t want to work out for Vlade like that literally was something he told us that’s a Willie cystein draft but also just so everyone knows everyone George Carl and all of his staff wanted Willie cystein really bad he’s the rim runner in the dribble Drive motion offense that that you need even like I think two years in a row before he left Willie cystein led the kings in Wind chairs yeah they were all over yeah all over Willie cystein the kings were talking about Willie cystein like February we last year now back to the Insiders with James ham and Kyle Madson brought to you by Jiffy Lube on ESPN 1320 James hon C adson that’s us it is we have to we have to talk uh oh we do what do we talk about I think we do we could talk about all kinds of things in the chat yeah a lot going on yeah this is this is why this is my favorite sports talk thing is the fact that we can take a conversation Luka donic and this is why the chatty house is great join us there at ESPN 1320 91699 1320 91699 1320 is the number if you want to call and join the show uh everybody’s favorite segment coming up shortly Mitch hang in there um we can talk about Luka donic and whether he is now a top five player in the in the NBA oh yeah he’s definitely there right he’s there he’s right and uh um so we’re talking about that and then we went on to his basketball reference page and I mentioned that it’s got to suck that the Hawks you’re a Hawks fan you have to look at Forever the fact that the Hawks drafted Luca donic and then traded him and then that just got into like draft talk and now the entire chatty house is just reminiscing about players and NBA drafts just random a lot of Willie colie Stein talk some yorgos papanas yorgos yeah uh Thomas Robinson to me is is the wor worst pick because uh like that I’ve covered um because Thomas Robinson was basically out of the league like very very quickly but the problem you had there is that the Kings drafted him at number five and number six was Damen Lillard and the kings were drafting Damen Lillard like the day before I was told that they were drafting Damien Lillard yeah um just like like the Marvin baggley I news like I put that out the the kings are selecting Marvin bagal as second pick yeah the day before like I knew that for a fact um but they were drafting Damen Lillard he came in and did like two or three workouts one workout he I think he missed one shot total and they were like blown away but they had just drafted Jimmer and Isaiah Thomas in the draft before and they were walking into an offseason where Jason Thompson was a free agent and he didn’t have a power forward on the roster and they were concerned that the malof weren’t going to give him enough money to retain any to sign any power forward so they drafted one instead at the last second and it’s a weird draft that’s you know again um draft good players not for need sorry keep going no totally totally that’s Dion Waiters moved all the way up from like number 20 to number four in that draft without ever working out for anyone he never worked out for anyone and then as soon as they got him in like a in a program they’re like uh okay we made a mistake this is not a good thing yikes yeah I remember I think I’ve told this story before but I remember Scott Pard on the radio station I was interning for during that draft was like yo Thomas Robinson is not an NBA player like this dude is not going to succeed in the NBA selecting him would be a huge mistake yes and bro I have done enough radio talking to various people about various draft prospects if you can find somebody who is around the school who will give you an honest opinion even if it’s a media person and they’re like that guy stinks believe him that is the number one source to me is like beat wrer or radio guy or broadcaster who will give you honest assessment because you’ll also get from those people like oh man great kid oh he can really oh this guy can really move he can fly because they just want to talk up their dude yeah when you get somebody who’s around a team like Scott knows KU yeah and when he’s like that guy is not a player just if I’m an NBA GM I’m like all right you got me yeah moving on I don’t think the Kings made that call unfortunately no I don’t think they did yeah and I also like it’s just a time when the Kings re like the Mal had really run out of money even like coming out of the dra like the night of the draft like they took a a limo or whatever to the to the airport and then flew uh commercial back and like he couldn’t stop complaining like that’s who this Thomas Robinson like that’s when like some people that were with the Kings then were like oh no this is not a good thing like they knew right away that it was like oh oh this is gonna be tough yikes yeah I mean there are a couple players they get traded Sacramento and like hey where is the spread after after the game like what do you mean like we have food over here no that’s not a spread that’s just like like no that’s not enough like where’s the rest of the food and they’re like well that’s what we do here it’s like well that’s not what we do where I came from it’s like well okay your team welcome to Sacramento your team didn’t make it to the like NBA Finals the year before so maybe that’s why I don’t know I don’t know to tell you but that’s what you either you’re going to eat it or you’re not you can stop it likeo Tom watch bar it’s across the street yeah little door Dash little door Dash action it’s time for everybody’s favorite segment here on the insid it’s time for Mitch in New Jersey Mitch what’s going on man Kyle how you doing James great everything uh geez I think Thomas Robinson should apply for NFL he look more like a defensive end than as play a great Point can’t believe I I guess I I guess I gotten that train mistakenly good yeah lcas a definitely I’m sorry Luc is definitely a top five and by the way cam R is a free agent if anybody’s interested um that was some Duke Pro they’re all one and done but only um well I think ball is he’s with Toronto now I saw him some of Jr bar is his name yeah we still waiting for him Z Williamson to stay healthy for a whole year I’m hoping the Kings and the reason why Minot one L finally one of the two big guys showed up y I mean for what the money they paying the height it’s kind of the worst uh big combination I’ve ever I think I’ve ever seen in a long time I’m hoping the K get somebody on the big side they can score whether via the draft or fre or both anyway um hey hey Mitch Mitch before No Mitch before you go you’re you’re in on the Kings getting DeAnthony Melton right oh like I like I want see keep uh monk but De Anthony mountain is more of a DEC a guy but he’s never you know he gets hurt quite a bit and he never never seems to get a chance to start what what do you guys could he start for here and keep Monk on the bench I mean this one want to be a starter or he’s just going for the best price that’s a great question Mitch and we’re going to talk about it next appreciate your call as always buddy I love that guy yeah is the best uh Mitch was the one who first brought up De Anthony malton’s name yes that’s what we’re going to talk about next we’re going to take a detour from our detour to get back on track here uh Mitch brought up DeAnthony Melton wild back as a potential Malik monk replacement and when we were going through each division and talking about each team we talked about Melton as as a potential Malik monk replacement yep you’re talking about a 6 foot2 guard he can shoot it I think he’s 37% from three for his career he’s a good Defender he comes from Memphis played a couple years in Philly last year got derailed by a back injury I think he only played like 38 games 38 games with 33 starts I think but that’s the kind of player that you Circle and you go hey if the Kings need to replace Malik monk you can De Anthony Melton is is a guy in that bucket for sure but you threw out an interesting scenario today yeah por noos do why not both yeah so that’s like if you’re looking at DeAnthony mton the Kings do have their mid-level exception right so like look if you have this moment where you’ve got to go to Malik Monk and you have to do I think the thing that the kings are are like I think they’ll do just about anything to keep Malik monk I agree but I I also don’t know that they want to say hey Malik we’ll make you the starting shooting guard mhm because that’s just tough defensively it’s tough right you’d rather have somebody who is more of a space holder and a defensive minded guy three and D guy like a Keon Ellis or something if you’re going to have a guy like monk right so you can kind of balance the situation but if you do give monk that starting job you still need a Malik monk Off the Bench and that’s where I look at Melton and go okay like what would it cost to get him as well because then you bolster your back court um you can do whatever you want with like some of the other pieces you have but I think he would look really nice next to Keon Ellis Off the Bench um I think that clearly if you’re going to do that you’d want to move on from either and or uh Chris DTE and uh Kevin herder so you kind of probably Davon at that point too yeah maybe Davon you also have the problem that that would make your back court really small and you probably need to bring in someone bigger like just to have like bigger depth there yeah but like why not because if monk is going to be a starter which I don’t know if he is or not you still need that fireball Off the Bench definitely and there’s a way to stagger your rotations and stuff where you have him on the court a lot but at the same time like the Kings need we learned during this this last 10 games of the season in the playoff in the play-ins that they needed a secondary playmaker and without monk when monk goes down if there’s an injury to Monk or an injury to Fox you don’t have enough Playmakers nope and that’s why we talk about a guy like Brandon Ingram and it’s why I would say like on paper a guy like Brandon Ingram and his 5.9 assists per game is more appealing to me than a guy like uh like um why am I Nets Mel Bridges oh like I love Mel Bridges as a defensive mind of guy I love him as as a three and D like the elite three and D Wing in the game but I also appreciate the fact that Brandon Ingram can go get a bucket for himself at will and he can also create for others because that’s something that the Kings just lost like when monk went down it’s like dearon Fox Dem man sabonis or bust there’s nothing else you’re going to get and it’s not a knock on Davon Mitchell it’s just that’s not his game really yeah he made some nice passes he did some things that were like unexpected but there wasn’t five or six of those a game which is what Malik monk does yeah and so when you lose that the fact that you’re you’re uh two forwards and Harrison Barnes and Keegan Murray aren’t assist guys you really get down to like this limited offense this really limited and and as much as the Kings offense numbers dipped a lot of it is because of that a lot of it is because you no longer had to sit there and rush out to Kevin herder on a three-point shot which if you rush out to Kevin herder on a three-point shot he can go around that attack the rim either make a play for somebody else or make a play for himself sure well that it like changes the dynamic all of these pieces change the dynamic of the roster and how successful your offense can be it’s not just like one reason why the Kings offense didn’t look the same or one reason why their defense improved it’s a multitude of reasons but sometimes there can be like pivot Points that really cost you yeah and I think that that was Ken yesterday when he came in for the handoff which is coming up in about an hour right here on ESPN 1320 believe DLo will be in today but Kenny yesterday because we were talking about the Kings defense and how they’ve needed to improve on defense and and how Mike Brown last year said they can get worse on offense but if they improve on defense then it’s fine and Kenny’s argument and and I tend to agree with him was like no you still need offense because at the at the the Bas line of what the sport is is putting the ball in the hoop and preventing teams from putting the ball on the hoop is great but at some point you need to make a shot and the Kings don’t and and we’ve been so focused on uh three and D wings and defensive minded guys and you know 68 and bigger these big bodied guys we we look at the Pelicans as the example right um shot creation is the cannot go by the wayside here they need and that’s why Brandon Ingram is is so appealing to me and to a to a to a little bit lesser extent Kyle kusma mhm because they will yeah you have to play the Kings have a have a have an offense that they run for sure but dude in the final three minutes of a game when it’s tied like getting into your offense is not always going to be available especially during a seven game series like at some point you just need to give the ball to a guy and say hey uh we’ve got nothing going right now you’d rather have dearen Fox and Brandon Ingram taking those shots then and and Keegan Murray and you know if Malik Monk Is around Malik monk that’s great that’s an awesome like group of guys to have at the end of games but you would so much rather that than like hey maybe work for a open three to Trey Lyles hey let’s kick it out there’s Keon out on the wing let’s kick it out to him like yeah okay those guys can knock down a shot but do you want with your season on the line do you want Trey lyes taking that shot or do you want it to be dearn fox or Malik monk or a player like Brandon Ingram yeah that’s kind of what and I not trying to overlook the defensive aspect of this because I think the reason the kings were really in it down the stretch and not completely falling apart is because they played so good defensively yes but at the same time that can’t be it it can’t be yeah hey they’re going to be this awesome defensive team you see with the Timberwolves right now the Timberwolves are having a really really hard time with just Anthony Edwards as their primary shot Creator finding ways to score late in these games okay you can have the best defense of the past decade or the century or whatever people were saying about the Timberwolves yeah well that’s great but when it’s crunch time can you make a shot yeah I was watching the Pacers series uh with the Celtics and I thought they brought up a really interesting point on the on the telecast that the Pacers are a concept offense right and so are the Kings like it’s a free flowing concept offense like there’s some basic rules and some basic concepts and you play Within those confines right and then you have the Celtics which are like an isolation team like everybody just gets the ball and it’s ISO time and they they take turns there’s a whole bunch of them that do the same thing and then those ISO guys find guys for the the spray three and there’s always somebody wide open so concept offense versus what we’ve seen from some of the other teams right but within a concept offense you need a concept breaker and that’s I think what Pascal seum is for for the Pacers on occasion yep but it’s also what Malik monk can be for the Kings and if you look at like the early 2000 Kings like Bobby Jackson was a total that was a concept offense it was brilliant the the Princeton offense was brilliant just gorgeous basketball and then you have Bobby Jackson who’s a concept breaker and he just plays outside of the concept and he does he can play Within the concept but he also plays outside of the concept yes the Kings could use another concept breaker because dearon Fox can be that but it’s also a DE Fox Centric offense that’s built around a concept right if you had another guy like a guy like Brandon Ingram that could create that way that could like put the concept away and like okay it’s time for me to go get a bucket that would really help this team take that next step in my opinion yeah yeah I’m I’m right there with you and again not trying to not trying to say that defense doesn’t matter because it does yeah um what Keon Ellis brought on that end of the floor and what dearn fox did defensively and what dpoy vote getter de sabonis did defensively um like that that that stuff matters and playing with that level of intensity on that end matters Keegan Murray is the is the name I left out for for what the kings were doing defensively uh his leap on that on that end of the floor last year was was tremendous as well but like all that is great but I I still think that they need more Wing depth for sure like that every problem we talked about with the Kings this year came back to like hey they need more guys who can play like the three and four they just don’t they don’t have a ton of options there they need more lengthen athleticism at every position yeah like that’s just flat out like that’s that’s the Baseline of of what the Kings need but to Kenny’s point yesterday you can’t just add guys where you’re going yeah hey we think he can make 36% of his Corner threes 38% of his Corner thre whatever like okay great you have another Trey l and a guy maybe who jumps a little higher okay yeah but if you had a guy like that who played Elite defense then I think it’s different well yeah it’s helpful for sure but late in a game like I just said with Minnesota late in a game if it’s hey dearn take it and please that just doesn’t that’s not going to work for a a four series playoff run yeah and that’s why so with all due respect to the need for length and athleticism and size and defense with yes a th% but I don’t think that the value of an additional shot Creator can get overlooked no I I totally agree with that but I would also tell you that finishing his season as a number one rated offense means absolutely nothing it means nothing yeah if it doesn’t translate to wins if it doesn’t translate to wins in the playoffs it it it doesn’t mean anything and so that’s where I get that you need to have this offense rolling and that I expected I expected this offense to not only be the same as it was last year but then to add new wrinkles to it right I think that’s what we all expected but I also think we no one expected that offense to be that good the first year that was the first year of the offense so you thought there there could only be growth and the fact is that’s not the way it went there wasn’t there the the players some of the players regressed that that just happened but I’m not I’m not trying to make them the number one rated offense yeah I’m trying to avoid them being in the position the Timberwolves are in late in these games yes where you know God love Nas Reed is Sixth Man of the Year but that’s that’s probably not the player you want taking your your last shot yeah um you know Kyle Anderson or or whoever like having that additional shot Creator is just a big deal and that’s not again this is not even about they need a better offensive rating I don’t that’s not the case at all it’s just when you’re going to make these improvements if you want to if you want to pull out an additional four or five wins I think they really would have benefited in some of these games from a Brandon Ingram type of player instead of Harrison Barnes a player who you can get the ball to and they’re going to create and they’re going to playmake and they’re going to score and they’re going to get to their spots and they’re going to rise up and there’s not a lot of guys who can defend them or Harrison Barnes who’s going to catch it and then dribble and then kick it back out to the top of the key so they can try and run their offense again yep yeah I’m with you like look you’ve gota you’ve got to have both right this this team needs to improve defensively and they need to get back to who they were offensively yeah yes I mean that that’s that’s clear but you know even like again I’ve brought this up but Kevin herder I thought was really in his post uh like his postseason conversation he said that he had work so hard on the the things that he was supposed to do within the concepts of the offense mhm that he got away from who he was as a basketball player and then when other teams took that away from him he didn’t have a counter and he thought it it took him out of his game and clearly uh like sure I buy it like 100% but you you do have to have like other players that can step up in those roles and order like there’s a counter punch that the team has to have not just Kevin yeah and that’s where I think that thisam team became very limited very quickly on the offensive end and that’s like teams took away the big sweeping three-point shot by Kevin hder and Kevin didn’t hit it yeah and so that was the other problem and you know the other thing is keing and Murray didn’t hit it either the first half of the season and and that really really hurt your ability to to like have this top tier offense and we can also looked at offensive rating defensive rating they’re cumulative throughout an 82 Game season yeah if you go the first 35 games and your two best three-point Shooters aren’t hitting their three-point shots it’s really tough to recover by the end of the season sure because those things you know again it’s cumulative it’s it’s going to add up that there’s no way for you to recover and be that team you just need to have it’s about to me having counter punches to that you cannot be a team you’re not going to win a title as a team who regardless of who the players are if your title hopes are completely resting on well hope our guys make their threes tonight they not going to win there just that unless they make them all right but right but realistically that’s not going to happen you need that to happen four nights out of seven four times and I’ll even say this the Indiana Pacers on almost every single one of their games they still hit all their they still hit a ton of shots yes it didn’t matter they got beat by a better defensive team it’s now shooting matters it’s can you get a stop when you need one and hey when the shot isn’t falling where where does your offense go who do you go to and that’s why I think a player like Brandon Ingram is is such a big deal yep because yep you still need Keegan Murray to hit his Threes And if Kevin herder’s still around or if it’s somebody else or if it’s Keon Ellis or whoever you still need them to knock down their shots Trey ly for sure but hey when the going gets tough offense not working team’s 0 for nine from three need a bucket to stop a run that’s where that’s where that shot creation’s valuable what do you think the um we got a break okay I was going to ask you a big sweeping question but I think we’re going to save it for the next segment okay and now I’m gonna try and Vamp for a minute uh hey real quick BR bronny James the deadline passed for uh him to go back to school he will officially officially officially be in the NBA draft yep and I’ve seen people complaining about how much coverage he’s getting and it’s like bro all we heard for six months was how awful this draft is and now we have this interesting story it’s LeBron James kid whether he’s good at basketball or not is of no consequence when it comes to media coverage yeah this is the story of this draft if you want to read about Donovan kingan go for it if you wanna re Alex SAR yes Alex SAR you want to go watch Alex SAR Zack Ed highlights go for it that is your prerogative but if you’re a media person and you’re covering this NBA draft and you’ve been like God this draft stinks and all of a sudden you’re like oh LeBron James kid is there I think it’s the only way to sell it man that is the story of this draft so buckle up dudes that’s all I just I got just just saw somebody whining about it this morning like oh he’s not even a top 50 player in this well doesn’t matter if LeBron James dad somebody said to me on the internet if LeBron James was a construction worker would be playing in China okay but he’s not okay yeah he’s not though he’s LeBron freaking James that’s right God and it could mean where he goes like that’s the other aspect of this yes the team the draon might just get LeBron anyways we have to go now okay we were gonna be super early for a break and now we’re gonna be late uh when we come back what’s the what what’s the identity the kings are aiming for we talked about that a lot this year uh did they find it and if not what’s it supposed to look like we’ll talk about that next in the second hour on ESPN 1320 this is the Insiders we’re clear by the way if my clear um lots of things happening in the chat uh let’s see what up Lizzy what’s up everybody sorry we got we started early um and we didn’t get to say good morning to everybody but good morning everybody thanks for hanging out yeah no I don’t think he’s best he might be the worst player in the draft but if you’re covering the draft and you’re looking for interesting stories that’s the one this is the top of the list and like look they’re trying to get him to the place they want him to go to I understand that I I I don’t know that I 100% agree with it because then you’re relying on one of these teams like the Lakers or the Suns to actually take him um but I don’t know it’s tough uh this is interesting um Holmes his agent kept telling everybody he was going to get a 4year 80 million and then he didn’t like the Kings had no way to give him that money it’s too bad he kind of just lost his fast ball because he’s kind of the type of player that’s really getting buzz and successful right now H I was looking after the All-Star break the kings were eighth in the NBA in offensive rating 11 15.3 which because of the change in um in the way the game was called that’s actually like their pre All-Star was 116 16.6 way way better but their overall rating was like 16th in the first half so their offense got worse but they moved way up in the rankings because everybody’s offense in the second half got worse except for the Celtics yeah second half of the Season posted a 125.2 offensive rating I like I’m going to look at there so we all know that the Kings set the record the year before at was it 118 .2 um this season 122.2mi oh I’m not sure how you would consider this the same as the babby Williams trade just saying 30 seconds that’s not the same I don’t know if Fox is way better than jaw but he’s definitely on the court which uh matters yeah it does yeah I just don’t I don’t know I like I like Jaw a lot but I’m not I’m not doing that deal no but I I don’t think the Grizzlies would do that deal the other way it’s not also that’s not a hour number two that’s James I’m Kyle we’re hanging out with you until noon on Sacramento sports leader and then we will hand it off to DLo and KC and they will take you up to 4 o’clock uh no basketball tonight because the Pacers couldn’t figure out a way to get a win against Celtics so any basketball I was really worried last night about 5 minutes left that we weren’t going to have basketball until next week buddy when there were like I think it was tied with four minutes to go I was I’m I was with you I was right there I was like the MS were winning oh yeah the MS were definitely winning this game the the the Timberwolves got up like six and Dallas really promptly got it back within one or two uh Luka had the four-point play oh and when Luka had the four-point play which ridic ulous shot but when he had that four-point play I was like that’s it that’s up that’s done they’re going to beat him we’re going to have no shootting baskets for a freaking week and a half alas the timber wolves pulled it out pause and um they uh they move on to game five Anthony Edwards out here telling people he’ll see him for game six we’ll discuss that he’s a confident young man discuss that coming up in a in a bit we’re talking about the Kings and their identity because we talked about that a lot this year uhhuh it felt like after every third or fourth game another head scratcher from the Kings be like hey Mike what’s this what’s happening here what’s the identity of this team and because it felt like it they we saw them evolve during this season they went from last year they were this high octane team that that couldn’t really get a stop but man they were going to make the heck out of some shots and they were going to make it really really hard to get stopped against them and then this year you saw them kind of falter and they the the car would try and start but then it would never really turn over but then by the end of the year they were this just like stalwart defensive team they were really really good on that end of the floor and I think ideally Mike Brown if he had his brothers like in an ideal world you’re both you’re high Octan you’re the Celtics you’re a high octane offensive team that’s getting a ton of stops but I think in my Brown’s Ideal World they’re probably trending more toward what they were at the end of this year versus the end of last year but is that the is that what they should be doing okay so the goal if I’m is to win a championship right that’s a goal for every team the Boston Celtics like first of all they have more Talent than anyone like I just like straight up they do I I think the only other team that like again Minnesota has a ton of talent uh OKC has a ton of talent but like just on paper look at the talent level of the Boston Celtics from one through 15 on the roster right um the goal is to like look at what we just talked about this their offensive rating versus their defensive rating they had the best uh offensive rating in the NBA and this oh no no the second best no on the season they set the record for the best offensive rating 122.2mi in the NBA and their their net rating is like a plus 11.4 that is astronomical that means that they’re they’re they’re great at both ends of the court and I think if you look at sort of the trajectory I I would just like I I don’t like bringing the Warriors up but if if you look at the trajectory of the Warriors as they won their championships their later championships even though the fact that they didn’t have a single rebounder averaging over like 7.2 rebounds per game they led the league in rebounding even though they didn’t have any outstanding Defenders outside of like a Draymond Green Kev Looney is a good Defender uh Andrew th was a really good Defender yeah but at a certain point his talking about 22 Yeah speciic well even like before that like his his run as a great defender was very shortlived like his lateral quickness and stuff slowed down even before the the injuries so if you look at that it didn’t matter though they were still number one in the league in defensive rating even though they had players who you would not think of as defensive players in their starting five playing 40 plus minutes a game during the playoff run there’s Concepts that they had that that put them in that running and I think that’s all Mike is trying to do right the the who are the kings well what they need to be is a really really good offensive team that also plays defense because that’s what the Boston Celtics are if you want to compete with the Boston Celtics you want to compete with the Minnesota Timberwolves you can’t just be one you’ve got to be both well no doubt but I think you your identity has to be if you if we’re talking about identity on a scale defensive team offensive team mhm you absolutely in this in the modern NBA you have to be more offensive than defensive you have to be like to to me you need to be a team and again Boston is is the maximized version of it but you need to be a team that you’re going to score you’re going to go get Buckets that’s going to be the case but in crunch time when the game is on the line you need to be able to string together stops but if you’re just a team that is going to go go score 120 points and then night in and night out give up 120 or more it doesn’t matter yeah but if you’re going to score 120 and yeah are you a lock down um you know alltime great 19 Bad Boys Pistons defense no maybe not but can you end of a game tied with two minutes left can can you string together three stops do you have the Personnel to go get three stops and continue scoring that but you have to to me in this day and age is as much as Mike Brown wants to you know harps on defense publicly I I think that the focus for the Kings has to be figuring out what’s wrong with their offense no I get that the that that to me is and you can’t again defense matters for sure but we’re seeing it now the Mavericks have cranked it up defensively there were better defensively in the second half and they’ve been good in the playoffs but they’re not great they’re not Elite oh my God but they can get stops and they can put together a game plan that slows down a team’s best offensive player and allows their very very good offense to take over yeah I agree with all of that you know I agree the Kings need to be a more offensive team because that’s what their best players are are offensive like really good offensive players but there has to be some sort of back something to fall back on when you have two of your starting five take a tremendous step back statistically like we’re talking with Harrison Barnes a 20% reduction in scoring with Kevin herder we’re talking like a 33% reduction in scoring like what do you do when that happens you have to have something else that you rely on you can’t just be again the Indiana Pacers just made it all the way to the Eastern Conference Finals but I think everyone like even even Indiana like Tyrese halberton said like what he learned was the healthiest team goes further in in the playoffs and I think he was saying that like we weren’t healthy so we didn’t keep going but also that hey we just got through two rounds of of beting teams that weren’t healthy and so there’s something to that but same time like like they’re an anomaly the fact that they it to the Eastern Conference Finals as just an offensive team that doesn’t really play defense okay that’s tough I mean that’s not the norm and so what you want to do is you got to figure out a way to compete with these teams that are around you and and all of them OKC plays defense Minnesota plays defense Denver plays defense you got to figure out a way to compete with everybody not just be an anomaly team that goes hey look look how far we made it and the Kings could have easily been that team the year before yeah like if they would have somehow beat the Golden State Warriors if Harrison Barnes would have hit that three-pointer at the end of game four and they would have gone on to beat the Warriors they easily could have beat the the Lakers as well sure and that’s that Lakers team they had their number all year they have the number they seven to one against in the last two years who knows what would have happened but would any of us been sitting here saying ah the kings were clearly the third best team in the league and and they made it all the way to the Western Comfort championship and that’s the way it should have been no we would have felt a lot of the same way we feel about the Indiana Pacers today are you sure I’m not so sure about that a team that like they didn’t play defense I think it would have been cited that they won 48 games they were a three seed in the west it’s not that crazy that they’re in the Conference Finals maybe I don’t know I don’t know uh it is nuts just speaking about the Pacers real quick and and defensive rating and offensive rating in the playoffs is a little wonky because you could have a team that plays four games and another team that plays 28 yeah like it’s it’s a it’s definitely wonky because Orlando is your number one team in defensive rating for the playoffs and they were out in the first round uh but what’s funny is 14 and 15 out of the 16 teams 16 is Phoenix 15 the Knicks who played the Pacers 14 the Bucks who played the Pacers and then 13 the Pacers the offensive rating I mean defensive ra defensive rating yeah yeah Pacers 11 18.8 number 13 in the play good for them crazy anyways uh good idea or bad idea we’ve got that and then we got a little bit of football too uh because there was an interesting wide receiver contract yesterday that I think of all the wide receiver contracts that have been signed this offseason I think the niik Collins contract um matters most for Brandon iuk we’ll talk about that coming up as well on The Insider sponsored by Jiffy Loop here ONN 13 20 all right I’ve got to go yeah s we talked about it first thing like right at the top of the show actually at the top of the show we talked about what do we talk about at the top of the show oh eating snacksack yeah that’s what I yeah we opened with snacks uh we have like two one two wow we have like three minutes I’m going to go fill up my water stay hydrated kids no no no I 45 minutes till lunch yes sauren we did speak on it yeah when you guys were talking about um someone’s bring up Jason Williams versus Mike Bibby uh I I don’t feel like like the reason why I don’t feel like the like a jaw for for dear and Fox Trade would would be the same um is I think it would be more like if Fred Van vet was the same age as uh or around the same age as uh dear Fox and you were making that trade where you’re trading a guy who’s more conventional for a guy who is a better scorer better Creator I don’t know like that’s like Jaw and dearon are very similar as players and dearon is uh been a much better citizen in the NBA stayed out of trouble um but they’re similar as as far as like play style just in my opinion so yeah no I I don’t see the like Fox for Ant-Man we’re talking about two totally different styles of players like I don’t know I’m I’m I’m just trying to think of other players in the league like that I I think would are more like system type players oh the other thing we have to do is our segment yeah yeah yeah I appreciate great offense as much as anyone I think if you’re going to be a bad team then you need to be super super high energy offensive team but as you get better as a team you should be able to have another another pitch as Kyle like to say here we go now back to the Insiders with James ham and Kyle Madson brought to you by Jiffy Lube on ESPN 1320 that guy over there that’s James I’m Kyle thanks everybody for listening on the radio and on the free Odyssey app shout out to everybody hanging out in the chatty house at ESPN 1320 and ESPN 1320 uh good idea or bad idea we do the segment every day we take three things that are happening in the news and discussing whether it’s a good idea or a bad idea uh this first thing doesn’t really belong in this segment and it may take up the whole segment and that’s fine uh because of all the good ideas and bad ideas that we’ve seen this one might be the best uh Major League Baseball added Negro League stats to official Major League Baseball records uh this is something that should have been done a long time ago a long time ago so players like Josh Gibson the legendary catcher is now the single season Major League Baseball record holder for average he hit 466 that is the new record Major League baseball players will be chasing is he also the alltime leader in hits no I don’t think so okay there who did he uh replace was it ta uh he replaced like like nap l or something I don’t know oh that’s who it was I will I will look it up right now yeah um like look good idea bad idea uh I think it’s a great idea I think it’s a long overdue I I think that uh again yeah to point out in the chat uh Ron Manfred uh got something correct for once I’m going to guess that it was more of a committee that did this um than it was one person uh but either way uh the like the Negro Leagues have not been uh recognized properly for you know like decades and decades and decades like yeah so to finally see this um yeah I think it’s spectacular and like look we’re talking this they’re all going to be like old stats like how do you bring them into the the new era of stat and and the fact is it’s really difficult to do but you also shouldn’t ignore something that existed uh because you don’t want it to exist and that’s you know it’s not great um Hugh Duffy in 1894 hit 440 oh I think that like all time like there are other stats that that are going to be like replaced right as As alltime Leaders uh yeah I think so like Josh Gibson specifically took over as the alltime leader in in a bunch in a bunch of uh in a bunch of stats yeah or single season leader God his his baseball reference page is just insane just a totally totally ludicrous player no um you can’t tell the story of of Major League Baseball and baseball in the United States without telling the Negro League story um that was such a massive massive piece of uh the growth of of baseball in in the United States and what the players in that league did and what that league did matter as much as anything anybody else was doing in the 1930s and 1940s um and I think that one of the one of the one of the reasons for for this and why I think that this is such a valuable inclusion is if you needed if you had any questions about the quality of the league consider that in the offseason Major League Baseball like Allstar teams would go barnstorming and play against these teams like it was that that it was that quality of a league so shout out to Major League Baseball for getting this right and making sure that those players while there were uh injustices done to them that will never be able to be undone uh at least making sure that they’re included properly and adequately in the history of of Major League Baseball yeah I I also like just we need to like I I think we all know the story of Babu we all know the story of of L G we don’t know these stories like we do the other stories and we should and I hope that it opens a door to learn a whole lot more about players that you know we should uh rever in a certain way yeah no doubt uh number two so good idea good job Major League Baseball number two hey James did you know the Clippers extended their head coach tyo what yeah are you serious that’s the thing that could happen that’s a great idea by the Clippers I didn’t know that that’s possible Ty it sure is Ty is a good coach tyo is a is a good coach good idea by the cers yeah I think it’s a good idea because it it uh like solidifies continuity yeah and and that’s a big thing in in professional basketball maybe more than any other league continuity is uh the good teams have continuity at their coaching position they have a culture that they develop and build and they stick to it yep that’s I mean even knowing that like the the Warriors extended Steve Kerr for I think like two years two year 35 because because they know like hey this thing is winding down at some point I’m guessing Steve Kerr will stick around as long as Steph Curry does and then he will go off and and live his life and let the Warriors let somebody else rebuild that team he’s done what he can do whereas the Clippers like yo there’s going to be life after James Harden and Paul George and kawh Leonard in the not super distant future so you can maximize those guy now guys now with tyo and tylo’s 46 he could very easily stick around well after that and be there through a rebuild and they locked up a really really good coach so good on them uh number three remember Anthony Edwards after game five against the Denver Nuggets when the Timberwolves lost that game he told the Nuggets locker room attendance see you in game s see you in a few days well Michael Parsons was among the Dallas Cowboys at the game last night and Michael Parsons after the game greeted Anthony Anthony Edwards and Anthony Edwards says I’ll bring you some nice shoes when I come back for game six oh is this a good idea or a bad idea for Anthony Edwards to tempt fate again hey why not Double Down why not like if you’re not confident if you’re not thinking that you’re going to be back there then what are you doing there like the way he’s performed on the biggest stage the way that he’s came out uh in in throughout the entire playoffs and really become like the player we all H that he would and like then next season I I think we’re going to see just a totally different version of this too I I think we’re going to see him as a 30-point game scorer I think we’re going to like all of these things that you kind of could see the outlined of it’s happening right now and so if he’s confident wants to like put it out there okay that’s fine I mean if he he has to eat Humble Pie a little bit here then that’s one thing but I I don’t like who cares that pales in comparison to exuding confidence yes so what if he’s wrong I’m with you this is a great idea if he’s wrong if they loseing game five nobody’s going to be like well they lost because he did that oh yeah no exude that confidence man and I I love to see the Timberwolves have a little bit of swagger they have to feel like that’s what’s interesting about this they have to feel like man uh and I don’t think like the Pacers probably felt this way too going into game four man we’ve been right there in a couple of these games if we hang on to the basketball and foul the right way then we could be up 2-1 going into game four man that stinks uh but but Boston is just better Boston was the way better team they were going to win that series whether it took four games or seven they were going to win that series the Timberwolves and Mavericks have not been the that that’s it’s not the same Dynamic Timberwolves were a better in the regular season but B like the talent Gap is not nearly as wide as the one between Boston and Indiana specifically Boston and an unhealthy Indiana oh I totally agree so if you’re if you’re Minnesota you’re looking at this going yeah we got game four now we get to go home for game five like I think there’s a Swagger that Minnesota could have that could help them here that the Pacers just were not capable of yeah that and like Dallas like they got the the dagger from from Luca and what it was like game three game game two like if that doesn’t go down like it’s very this series could be tied yeah or if Nas Reed’s follow-up shot does go down yeah he couldn’t miss that night and then misses misses the key shot yeah man they if if you’re Minnesota you’ve got to be feeling like man we’ve been right there we could very easily go get game five and then the pressure is on them in game six so um good idea for Anthony Edwards keep that Swagger yeah love that that’s if they’re going to win it they need him and they need him playing at a high level so he did last night 29 Points they got a win game five will take place tomorrow in Minnesota all right we’re going to do something fun with prize picks next I can’t wait James and I will give you our prize picks entries and hopefully you play along with us we will do that and then ESPN had 10 deals that need to happen this off season we’ll try and get to that as well that’s James M Kyle we’re on ESPN 1320 Sacramento sports okay I am currently looking at Tio’s career coaching stats good coach he’s a good coach but um like is it just me or do you feel like the Clippers have uh underperformed at least the last three years uh yeah I think injury stuff has had uh has played a role in that but this is the team that you expected to be in Championship contention I don’t know if we’re going to knock kawhai and Paul George for not being available I’m not then also going to knock the coach because his players aren’t available no I get that yeah see yeah well that’s 72 Game season here’s 82 man isn’t it weird that like yeah so we get hellofresh okay it just they send you the ingredients in a recipe and you make it sometimes they’ll send you like a free little sample of something my wife sent me this photo and I was like what is this it’s just a kiwi in a box they just sent us one kiwi just one that’s wild just a kiwi here you go not two not even two kiwis no no here you guys enjoy enjoy this enjoy this kiwi have this on us I’ve never actually eaten a kiwi ever uh I’ve had it like in a in a like fruit mix okay but I’ve never like bought a kiwi and sliced it do you peel it yeah you don’t want to really eat this skin I mean you you can eat the skin but um you can also cut it in half like uh like you would a lime and just spoon out the middle yeah or you can peel it huh okay hellofresh is cool how come we don’t have a sponsor here on the show from hellofresh I don’t know I mean that seems like shout out to hellofresh yeah they used one of my tweets one time to make a reel on Instagram what yeah I said hello fresh employees clock in by heating a drizzle of olive oil over medium high heat because that’s how like every single hellofresh recipe starts and then they did a video with like that tweet like pasted over the video and they it was people like as they were walking in pouring olive oil into a pan like damn uh like I got hello fresh jokes if you guys need me to write some reals for you that’s right kick me some free meals and we’re good that’s funny oh hell yeah does he happen to do so in the East Bay yo hey key lime pie in Key West goes crazy they just have these shops I could you guys this after but it’s just literally you just walk in that’s what they sell yeah I saw a whole video on this like who had like a whole like um like diners or whatever where they like go around and like who has the best key lime pie and like they’re they’re everywhere I’m so jealous because there’s a bunch of people who claim to have the best kiwi pie exactly yeah key Li pie every place you will not be slept on no more brother now back to the Insiders with James ham and Kyle Madson brought to you by Jiffy Lube on ESPN 1320 hey a huge shout out to hellofresh there we go get hellofresh we do like I think it’s three meals a week or whatever it is with hellofresh we love them uh they sent us a sometimes they send you a free sample of like a breakfast item they’re doing or uh like a like a like quick easy lunch meal that they’re trying so they say Hey try this out it’s on us uh today they sent us a kiwi in a box kiwi in a box a boxed kiwi I can’t decide if it’s better that it’s boxed or if it had been if they were just like there’s a kiwi he G throw it on top it just feels like a wait like is that not is that not does the Kiwi not already have a container no a kiwi is just sitting out there no I know but it’s it’s has a skin oh yeah its own container yeah it’s in its own banana yeah or I mean even I guess to to a different extent I know I know you I personally are there people who skin their apples before they eat them yes uh some people do that’s a weird thing so I just I just grab an apple and need a hole like that that technically too has its own like apples are just out they’re not in boxes that’s just a waste of cardboard don’t do that I totally I totally agree it’s insane yeah I I just think we need to like NASCAR out the show here we’re just gonna like put stickers for everything all over the show I’m down yeah I’m easy hello fresh I have a water bottle that just Reckless abandon with what’s on it yeah I got breweries I’ve got TV shows I would be more than willing to put your logo on my cup oh yeah absolutely you guys could have the what is this the coloa rum company there you go your logo could be there instead that’s right shout out to the con Republic flag as well we were just talking about Key West and key liai and uh Brick House golf shout out to Brick House yeah shout out to our guy we love Brick House Brick House yeah shout out to yeah um where were we prize picks prize picks speaking speaking of so James and I look here’s the deal priz is is the website um it’s daily fantasy you pick two to six players you pick more or less on their staff projections and it has dramatically enhanced my sports watching experience so we both do prize picks with our podcasts and then we decided hey we already do this so let’s just do do our entries and talk about them on the show yeah that sounds great to me okay great so I did a thre player entry today okay I have a combined and this is one of my favorite things a you don’t have to stick to a specific sport you can combine like baseball and basketball and then they have like MMA they’ve got golf hockey there’s darts darts is on there yes like uh gaming like video games oh gaming leagues they’ve got that on there it almost anything you can think of it’s on there so I have a little mixed bag I got a couple if I did a three player entry with uh with baseball and then WNBA so I have Christopher Sanchez and Kyle Harrison the starters for the Phillies and Giants game to give up less than half a run uh I shows that I have Alec monoa and Chris flexen the Blue Jays and white socks to go less than half a run allowed in the first inning okay and then uh Asia Wilson reigning WNBA MVP or should have been reigning WNBA MVP um for the Las Vegas Aces I have her to go more than 11 rebounds against the Minnesota links tonight oh okay I went with a a bunch of um what are they demons demons I did all baseball um I don’t watch enough WNBA it’s not that I don’t respect the sport or anything I just have a lot of sports that I already watch right and adding another uh I also don’t watch hockey Kyle sure even though it was on last night and I could see what was happening um but there there’s a limit to how many sports I can ask my wife for me to focus on um I stuck with baseball and I I’m totally glutton for punishment great because uh I chose uh Abraham Toro uh from the Oakland A’s to get more than 0. five singles which is a demon uh demons mean you have to pick more than on the number but the payout is more yeah the sort of the uh the odds of it are are more difficult right so it’s a more difficult pick uh I also take Brent Rooker with more than one.5 RBI uh Daz Cameron which I think this is where we start getting into some the weeds a little bit with Oakland A because half the players uh are in other teams uniforms so D Cameron who is an outfielder that the A’s have swooped up 0 five walks today I took Zach gof who doesn’t have a picture with with 0 five singles he of course has gone hitless I think in four straight games so he’s he’s due MH uh and then the last one I took the the Sanchez and Harrison uh less than 0.5 first inning runs allowed so how many players is that four I did a five okay so five square ENT five picks okay um how many are demons four of the five so you’re on demon time oh I’m on demon time yeah I am I am taking some uh I can’t wait to have a drop of you saying I’m on demon time okay I’m that’s my I want to stop the show I want to cut into our last break I want to take an impromptu break just to cut that okay so I have it I’m not gonna do that because that would be insane but I I would really really like to Yes uh shout out to priz Pi go to and play along it’s uh fantasy sports Made Easy and it is uh I think my favorite it’s been my favorite thing that we’ve gotten from the Pod yeah yeah it’s it’s definitely cool it just adds to your your viewing enjoy dude I I love the more or less than half a run in the first inning it’ll be twins Brewers on a Sunday afternoon and I’m watching it like it’s game seven of the World Series i z z runner on second two outs one like come on baby that’s awesome my go-to throughout the the king season was uh Keegan Murray more than 0 five dunks in a game dude every game and then Keegan Murray dunk I tweeted out every game it was outrageous it’s like prize fix make an adjustment they did finally I think they left it out there a little while they’re like oh this is a fun one yeah yeah it just it was like clockwork there was one where we were talking about it I think it might have been on the show or right after the show but it was a game I went to because we were sitting down and I think it was like the first play of the game Keegan gets a back cut and dunks it oh yeah first play that’s it just done that’s also I love the I love doing the half a dunk entry and doing less I had during the playoffs I had Terren man less than half a dunk and dude every time Terren man even got near the paint I’m like get rid of it get rid of it oh that’s amazing I’ve never been I have never been more excited by a spray three than when Terren man less than half a dunk is kicking it out when he gets in gets in the paint uh spectacular catches in the corner guy closes out he shoots it anyway it’s like come on it’s a good time I I have a good time with price picks I don’t take it too serious and you know don’t get don’t throw All the Monies in there but uh it’s definitely good time no all right uh I’m punting the ESPN 10 deals thing because I want to talk about this with you do you hear that Stephen A Smith said that he’s concerned about sports media’s future oh yeah H right message I think yes maybe not the best messenger I don’t know I would agree I I I think that like him and Colin coward and like uh skip Alis um like if they believe that there’s a sinking ship here then they are the captain of that ship like again it’s the hot takes the hot takes are I it to me I don’t I’m not a hot take guy no but that’s what but that’s the direction when when Stephen A Smith talks about uh the direction Sports media is heading mhm it’s heading that way in large part because of the foundation and I guess you could say it started with Mike and the Mad Dog and and sports radio on on WF on Odyssey station by the way out in New York but first take is the one that really like took this concept that had been around and kind of in the in the periphery kind of in the background skip Bist Stephen A Smith took it and really took off with it and it’s this debate show culture of you have to have one person is on one side one person is on the other side and you’re just going to yell about it like the nuance and that’s what JJ reic went on there and like where’s the Nuance here he like that’s not what the show is Dog the problem is and I think there’s space for shows like that to exist because there’s an entertainment factor to it for sure yeah it’s why they talk about the Cowboys and the Lakers and the Yanke LeBron James because that’s they are just trying to like it is pure entertainment the problem is in this is I think what Stephen A Smith is concerned about is that that has now bled into like every form of Journalism you now have people on certain beats I’m not going to say who or what beat you can discern it for yourself you know have certain people on on on Beats who are there at practices and in locker rooms who are then writing and podcasting with from this hot take I need to say the most inflammatory thing possible angle and that’s that overlap can’t exist to me that blurring of that area between what we used to call a columnist yeah and and taking the columnist role and turning it into I’m just going to say the thing that’s going to get the most clicks and the most eyeballs like that’s the that line blurring between journalist and that is I like I said Stephen A Smith being the guy who’s concerned about it is like kind of rich but he’s like he’s he didn’t say anything wrong yeah I think it’s also um as we’ve gotten further and further into like the social media world it’s you know for example last week I wrote 2,000 words on the Mike Brown situation one line taken out of context and thrown up by an aggregator site with 5,000 followers like then got aggregated by gigantic Twitter accounts yep with 200,000 or two million followers and then taken out of context by like so many different people like read the article like that’s that’s the point of of the and there is no like click through I’m not a click guy there is no clickbait even when you’re writing like when I you know used to write mock drafts for for NBC yeah right like people would complain about having to click through on slides and I would welcome to the medium I would like okay so first of all you’re typing out the complaint was more touches on the keyboard than if you just clicked through and read each one sure and you have to understand the value of my work and the value of the person who build the slides the value everything that we had to do to build that for you it should have value for us on the other side and either way like there is no click like I I’ve never been a a guy who’s searching for for clicks or trying to get famous off of off writing no but at the same time and this is what I try and try and tell people there’s okay there’s clickbait yeah okay um how I’m trying to think of a of a good example um when Darren Fox didn’t sign his extension uh writing a headline that’s it’s like dear and fox future with Kings in doubt yeah that is Click baity because that leaves out all context of the fact that he could make more money down the line by not taking an extension now that’s clickbait but writing jaran Fox doesn’t sign extension with Kings like yes you’re trying to get clicks because that’s what funds the the the job yes but you can go about that like you’re trying to write a catchy head line like for sure you 100% when you write a headline the goal is to get somebody to go oh that’s interesting and click on it like that’s what it is that’s the job that goes back to newspapers dude yeah like there’s the above the fold headline on the newspaper right if you’re unfamiliar with newspapers young people uh they’re folded in half and then there’s above the fold and then below the fold on so when it’s in a newspaper uh box I had that upside down they would slide in the the above the fold page window see whether or not you want to buy the newspaper off of off of the front headlines the headlines right the the big picture in the front that’s above the fold right trying to grab your attention even like when I when I wrote this Damien get in here we’re having real life discussions right now we are having real life discussions this is Big Time my title for I don’t know it’s always like that in there go my title for the Mike Brown piece Mike Brown coaching salaries and avoiding basketball Hill 2.0 not that’s a great headline ownership angry with right Mike mown on the hot seat no that would have been click ba it would have it’s not what I heard Damen Barling in the building Damian we’re talking about that’s not what the internet said right this is uh the handoff Daman Barling dowlo and casy coming up uh at noon right here on ESPN 1320 no we were talking about Stephen A Smith being the guy who’s worried about sports media’s future like come on dog come on bro okay bro this is the same guy who read a text from a source disparaging jayen Brown for like no reason whatsoever same guy yes okay and it’s even the same guy who once basically challenged Kevin Durant to a fight live on his television show yeah that guy all right dog he’s the one whatever you say bro that’s what’s frustrating about like Stephen A Smith and and and Skip bis because I do think the the debate show culture I I think there’s a place for MH like that’s just that that’s us that’s effectively like you’re sitting around with your friends and you guys are just arguing you know what that is that’s pardon the interruption yes that’s what it is yeah somebody I think saurin in the in the YouTube chat brought that up it’s genuine conversation yes genuine conversation yeah about a subject it’s not hey let’s get our stuff off here and try to go viral on a social media clip right I’m going to take this side you’re going to take that side yeah and that’s what that’s what to where what you’re saying doesn’t even become believable anymore the thing that sucks about it is like Stephen A Smith is a great journalist he is Skip B is won awards as a journalist well and I I don’t those two aren’t the same okay like but I I get while why they’re tied together but they’re not the same skip bis is of yeah I I can’t like no he’s a he’s a hack for sure I don’t believe he has a single redeeming quality in him I think Stephen A does I think Stephen A is an Entertainer at this point now in his career he’s an Entertainer more than he’s a journalist he was a journalist yes he all of the the the stuff that James preaches to to to Brendan and Frankie and all of those young gu he Stephen A was that but there was a a point where the game changed a little bit yes he’s not a journalist anymore that’s not what he does he is an Entertainer he is a very good one um but it’s not journalism It’s Entertainment and because of what you’re watching that can get muddy a little bit the blurring of that line yeah has been the the major issue yeah yeah I would totally agree and like when I’m talking a young journalist it’s show up every day do the job do not under any circumstance look to get famous off this job do not be the story write the story and and look for things that are intriguing to you that are intellectually stimulating to you while we’re in media scrums while we’re listening to coaches and players sit there and look for the things that are important to them and become important to you and your brain and then write about those things yep and it’s it’s really about just showing up and doing the job and that’s not everyone wants to do that some people come in hot you know like guns blazing and then they’re gone in 6 months and you’re like okay I saw that coming yeah like that’s it like the job is to is to grind it’s to work way too many hours to eat way too many bad fast food meals in the middle of the night because you’re you’re driving home from a game and like at the end of the day it’ll hold on by a thread until the season’s over and collapse yep and then start all over again with free agency and and and all the other things that you you have to cover so can I tell have I ever told my Stephen A Smith story when we had on a 957 I don’t think so so he have him on a 957 and you’re talking about Stephen A as the Entertainer and that’s what I’m the the Crux of what I’m getting to here because he does he does TV he has a podcast he has I think he still does a radio show like this dude is everywhere right so he has a few minutes uh Matt Nigi and the program director down in 957 knows him a little bit hits him up and says hey can you can you chat for a few minutes they on Klay Thom was coming back and Stephen is like yeah I got a few minutes so Matt tells me call Stephen A which like okay so I call him and he answers the phone and couldn’t been reallyy Stephen it’s Kyle with 957 got a few minutes he’s like he’s like yeah man I got it how you doing you know da D like really really yeah that’s Stephen that’s weird we get him on air and like switch on you know who was like that for us uh early early 2hour version of casy way throw back we had Michael irban on and we recorded it because we were only two hours and it’s tough to fit guys like Michael Irving into a two-hour window yeah so Danny and San Francisco um said hey we got Michael Irving it’s going to be at like you know 2:50 3 o’clock something like that we’ll just record it and played the next day or however that worked out and it was the same thing like we got Michael and he was like uh you know heyy you know hey brothers it’s it’s great to talk to you we’re happy to do this um and he’s just in you know total laid total chill and then we threw out the first question and the Southern Baptist preacher came out yeah like just like that wow and it insane it was phenomenal like it’s it it it very literally is a a switch like and I and I before doing am like the the joke I used to tell because my my family never believed I could talk enough to be in radio and it’s like well that’s why I’m DLo on the radio is because it’s a character it’s not really me it’s like a it’s a it’s a amped up version of of me who’s a little more extroverted than the real life version of me yeah and that’s changed a little bit because of because of am and and in the video stream and all of that but there is a certain on there’s a certain all right let’s go that comes along with all of this stuff but the you can be on and genuine definitely some guys are on and fake and you could see the disintegration of certain personal ities who started ESPN to where they’re wow that they’re in their first days like I’m watching Udonis has them right now and I I saw adonis’s first appearance with Stephen A on first take I was like man he’s really good like he he’s he’s enjoyable he grings a a great perspective to the game and I remember thinking the same thing about JJ and then JJ got shot with the ESPN thing to where it’s like bro what are you doing now what happened to the introspective guy who just stepped off of the basketball floor who was bringing insight into what we’re talking about what happened to that guy and then he became something else I think he’s reverted back a little bit to to who he genuinely is because he’s calling games now and that’s a different type of animal but I’m watching udas thinking man stay this like he’s really good he’s really enjoyable he’s really relatable he doesn’t talk over your head despite he was in the league for 20 years and I just watched I watched him a little bit I think it was either last night or this morning and it’s like man stay that stay that because you’re really really good at what you’re doing right now don’t fall into this other I gotta have a clip go viral on on Twitter the worst I think part of it is and we got about a minute but I think part of it is is there’s so much more access to information like fans are just smarter now like that’s that’s just there’s so much so the need for for what journalists are doing I think from a from a fans perspective has changed a little bit I think we’re I think we’re all smarter and Dumber at the same time yeah because definitely because an app like like social media in general it’s catered to you like your timeline is cated to your likes and your dislikes a perfect very very recent example as we’re running out of time here is when the Drake Kendrick thing was at its peak Casey came in every day with something Drake but man he got Kendrick he got because he was he’s more of a drake guy than a Kendrick guy so his timeline leaned towards that my timeline lean the other way yep same app same social media platform but our follows are different our interests are different our likes are different and therefore it can make you both smarter and Dumber if you’re willing to look at everything it makes you smarter if you’re willing to look at one side it makes you dumber people on your timeline were looking at Kenny’s timeline and saying they’re not like us that’s that’s exactly what they were saying made a song about it what you guys got coming up um I’m not sure Vibes we’re going to have fun today I’m in a phenomenal mood that that playlist when you guys hit that commercial break on my way in was incredible so I’m in a good place excellent D in a good place coming up with KC next on ESPN 1320 Sac Sports leader see you tomorrow see you guys all right guys appreciate you see you guys soon e e e they hear at least talking to the camera like you’re I wish this was RA talk you got like a minute I have a minute a literal minute go ahead it’s all you Happening Here must be Margaret hey Tyler no we don’t drink at Odyssey Kyle I’m not cursing hi Stephen did you just want to get on the stream and just read everyone I did did you guys see that one that one guy is his name Kai you know that one streamer K yeah do you see the one with him and Kevin Hart I don’t really watch but I okay well do you watch Tik Tok we should have a Tik Tok watch party what that sounds awful oh why would we not not because of you but with anybody you guys could like put it up here and then and then you um I’m sorry what did you say nothing 30 repeat it 30 seconds so you put it up here and then I’m so hungry I got to go bye where you going for lunch I’m starving I’m going to Chick-fil-A because it’s back open I’m sitting there and I’m not bringing anything back for you no no dog it’s a no for me dog no what about when I gave you my uh cranberry juice I jacked ited it um who’s who’s a Zabo same Hall of Fame yapper and who’s saying bye girl bye what what the heck turn off this entire thing oh that’d be fantastic who is that explain who that is how do you block can I blocky we’ve got a radio show to do yeah I told you you had 30 seconds seconds KX yeah yeah yeah yeah we got him screaming D KC KC KC D we got him screaming DLo we a number one spot we a number one spot for some sports huh got the city going crazy when we work huh we top two but we ain’t two we in first huh and when you need the real we is who you search huh D KC KC KC d number one talk to me baby talk to me talk to me talk to me or check baby check baby two baby check baby one two three that might have been the first ever audible we yo yeah no we we I want to see that song hit hard too boy hold on I don’t I don’t think there’s a way I could do this I got I gotta I gotta get Jonathan to help us out over here because hard every once in a while we got to get in here and and and and cross up our Two Worlds I I don’t think if I if I hit play on this anyone would hear it if I hit that right there yeah I I I got I got I gotta make this work yeah there’s there’s a way to do it we we could figure that out yeah y’all got to know what Vibes we was on this morning boy we was we was on one this morning we accidentally went down a little mini Rabbit Hole too that was had a little had a little little oops moment Library come wait what are we man we was looking for a particular song the song y’all know the song by this is what started the whole thing was uh uh in to deep back to the hotel and well we couldn’t find that they had another hotel but we found some other record another hotel in there wait did you guys find we found a slew of R&B records let’s say there you go there we found a bunch of R&B records that probably shouldn’t be in the system anymore I couldn’t get in too deep but I was able to find this the the one the one that was in there that was like it’s the mo I don’t know if it’s number one it might be number two of like yo this is you you can’t do this one yeah now they were there were yeah there were that that I think that’s number two because I think number one is uh the one where you know his mind’s telling himself that’s number one like that that is there’s no way but that next one might be number two you know the uh the uh uh underrated one is she’s she’s got the vibe where he just lists a bunch of got it he he just lists a bunch of girls names at the end and we know for an absolute Fact one of them is at least 13 years old oh man because he references Aaliyah by name on Born Into the 90s which the math alone has Aaliyah at 13 years old oh man yeah it’s all bad oh it’s so bad Vibe damn D just just just music just wiped away that is and they’re bangers too what I’m saying just wiped away like I mean oh slow dance I can’t never play slow dance again man what Public Announcement do to anybody yeah Public Announcement they never bother nobody what do you shaking your head at pal no what I mean no we say we say it’s gone we say it’s gone it’s in the box it’s it no it is it’s in a box all I’m saying is can’t be open all I’m saying is Public Announcement didn’t do anything to nobody yeah I mean we’re not necessarily calling for them to get the uh the The Cosby Show uh other actors and actresses treatments where you know they was like no like we didn’t do nothing to nobody play our stuff on TV1 we’re not saying Public Announcement should be on 1025 we’re just having a conversation what malcol Jore Warner do what if someone bought the publishing would that change anything like what if well I don’t know that’s crazy because remember I asked that question like a month ago I was like I don’t know if he’s still getting money from any of this stuff and that was the original what knew was what if it was someone we liked what if sexy red was getting pow pow ow pow they in Shawn Michaels I still even even in that case there are still some songs that just can’t be play yeah we stumbled across one of them today yo somebody Again In Too Deep they they talking about vtown to Vallejo 45 minutes from here but that record is in the in the system goodness you got gota our former leadership man come on man when our leader come on hash not my program director hey I found out we about to NWO a concert too oh snap that’s a Sho hey so yeah we about to NWO Summer Jam that’s a true story we walking up there well I don’t know we haven’t gotten that far yet so I asked I’m doing it we getting the tank are we getting the je what’s I think we already got it oh so there was there was a radio station promoting Summer Jam that’s crazy at Thunder Valley and someone said you know what this isn’t working and came over the old D KY and complex and they were like hey yo we got you so what I asked is look let’s sell this joint out we got two weeks let’s sell this joint out hell yeah but who’s gonna be on stage because their name for now is still on it and so uh we’re we’re going to get clarification on on that today cuz I told comp playay hey we’ll walk up there like Scott Hall and Kevin Ash did in 1996 unannounced hey hey yo you people you know who I am but you don’t know why I’m here look at Shorty you want to go to war look DLo dowlo gonna be sitting in the front row and just walk up onto the stage playing the popcorn playing the air guitar was that when the hell uh Scott he was sitting in the front row and then just climbing no he just walked through the stands he wasn’t sitting right he walked through the stands and Larry’s bit well what the hell is that get the camera off him get the camera hey yo get the camera off oh man oh it’s it has gone up it has gone up real quick oh very very quickly well I peeped that last week I said yeah wait a minute yeah and we didn’t say anything for like five days wait a minut I seen complex since like last Wednesday like hey what’s the deal with this because we were texting about this Kendrick Lamar thing that that Dave Garcia was working on I was like I was like hey I’ll just come see you soon when I get in I like hey what is the deal with this concert and he was like well laid out the whole story by the way here little breaking news actually this ain’t breaking news don’t tell nobody this just us it’s the Matthews mattress chatty house yeah yeah between families yeah yeah yeah yeah we got a winter show coming what Scott Hall say we are taking over do we have names no okay well I don’t okay complex M I’m just trying to get to uh yes yes we we’ll we’ll be working up the road quite a bit if it’s up then it’s up then it’s up then it’s stuck I wish we could I want to play rum Shaker so bad right now I can’t wait till 420 Jesse loaded is a hot key that’s 1025 kfm Dow and casy imk at Damian bar I’m sorry what what was that handle oh no they oh they got him oh they got him oh no hey you can go to that you can go to that handle if you want to it ain’t nothing there I ain’t gonna be there I promise you that I promise that bring back the handle hell no did you no yeah it’s about it’s getting ready to go down hell no man that that Rolling Stone article was crazy oh my God that roll you don’t want no association with dud none that’s what it’s look since this I have not called him that name one time I’ve called him Shawn that’s what we need to normalize his name is Shawn that’s his name take take did back King KC It’s just tough to remember shout out to the person who DM the the the DLo and Casey handle and said someone fix Casey’s name and I was like what the hell is wrong with Casey’s name what’ he do and then I realized that’s a DM though I was like oh he meant on the screen because it says D KC hosted by Damien Barling and I K Diddy that you click on that uh user if you want to you ain’t gonna find me you can’t click on anything it just goes black now a’t gonna find me damn shame damn shame what happened to that Twitter handle man boy oh boy hey look man I meant to I meant to text you guys but my phone was dead oh my phone was dead and I was at the Little League game and I I was you know my poor boys they was getting beat up so I was following along on the game I was I turned on the Xfinity app and was watching the end of the game and I you know I was watching the score the whole time and then I watched the game did you see the Luca shot live did you did you see potential four point yeah was that a foul I don’t it didn’t like I saw I I didn’t have I don’t feel like they had a good replay of like I didn’t have a go back like 10 seconds thing so I couldn’t see it but they didn’t really hit the good they did they never hit an angle where I was like oh he got him and ant-man’s reaction was like Hey like really but it’s and maybe at that point he was like I can’t fight it that much I don’t know what the challenge situation was they were you know they were ahead obviously he he misses the free throw but I I I didn’t see it I didn’t it was a hell of a shot whether he was fou or not that was crazy that was crazy yeah I missed I missed that um but so I’m watching the watching the game and I think it was no it was at the end of the game there something happened with the time or whatever the case may be and I like okay the the Timberwolves are gonna win this one and then and this is my first time I didn’t know look who steps in front of the camera and and says we’re putting more time on the clock he did his job Jessie Dame he did his job oh boy was that again Jesse um I don’t wow for those you who don’t know I’m talking about Scott Foster was the ref of that game who was his nickname Ken he’s the Pronger that’s doesn’t help anything either absolutely no you said it I can’t like I can’t even say the other one still head over to use the promo code DLo and KC I don’t know if that’ll get you anything but man Pronger crazy H enter the promo code 1320 enter the promo code ESP I don’t know one of them’s gotta work but either way he did his job and I remember this from Kenny Smith we’ll talk about it when we come back but there’s a different way to look at it if you are the team that has the game seven at home and I remember Kenny Smith saying this I don’t know how true it is like what what the statistic say but he said your mentality is always if you can get five your mentality is always let’s just all we got to wor or excuse me if you can get four your mentality is let’s just make sure we get game six well let’s uh the mentality well you got to get to gam you got get because his mentality is like we ain’t losing it home we ain’t losing we got one game to worry about that’s okay and it maybe it’s a mind trick or whatever the case may but two at home already I hear you but but the thought would be if you lost two at home already it’s like we ain’t Los yeah I got you uh we’ll talk more about that uh well let me state that more accurately we’ll talk about that we just getting started Vibes are way up way up on this summer Wednesday I saw a 100 degrees on my app oh boy that’s what I’m talking about let’s go so weird dude you’re so weird it’s the summertime baby let’s go this D and KC brought to you by Sky River Casino get in on the action Sky River Casino is the place to play with 2100 of the newest slot machines in over 80 table games sky is the limited Sky River Casino sa at it just publish them yeah yeah and don’t worry about don’t worry about publishing stuff after we go off the air just publish them like when they’re done if you want to space them out that’s fine but don’t worry about stuff getting published it like you know for The Insider stuff that stuff can go up right away okay I mean because if it draws people to the live show it’s you know good look you know what I I don’t know this for 100% certainty but it’s really working right now what browser do you use on your computer I read last night as I was researching why my MacBook has gone to hell that Chrome you is isn’t built for the Mac that’s why they have Safari or Firefox gota and it can cause your computer to overheat and because I’m like going through all of these different things like it’s not this it’s not I don’t know what it is and then I came across that and I was like all right let me switch back to let me switch back to Safari and see what happens because there Safari is built for your MacBook haven’t had an issue all morning I have to make the switch that that actually makes sense too because Chrome technically is like an outside uh it’s not really an app but a kind of app whatever the case may be but yeah yeah that makes sense as Dave Garcia says don’t use Chrome hey well look hey it’s fine with me we open the windows we we can we can close the blinds we got uh fans we ain’t got to run no AC that’s crazy talk we ain’t got to run no AC that’s crazy talk it’s good with me you know we get saved have you have you experienced this well not experienced it but do you know like uh in in your in your new estate does the sun ever shine into your house um yes um in the morning when it goes up it’s on the because you saw I don’t have any covers it goes up windows are too too big it goes up on like in that by that family room in the backyard but it’s only like an hour on the other side though where the guest room and all that stuff is that’s where directly yeah that’s where it can get tough that’s tough so my house because I’ve I’ve lived in a house like that right like where the sun would go down directly into the front of the house and like you can’t even walk through the front door like it in the summertime it is a mess this house that we have we get no sun going into the into the house or the windows at all like it’s it’s the greatest thing ever it’s the greatest thing ever that’s a good when my um my mom’s old house oh man there was there was like an open lot across the street from where we live like no houses no nothing an open lot and that from from like 5 o’clock to 8 o’clock in the summer you didn’t want to sit in the living room you didn’t want to walk through the front door because it would burn the mess out of the front of the house well like well yeah I it’s a shoot that’s a shoot rooms on rooms is it’s for real for real ma’am don’t you weren even there for real for real remember that scene of like Mike where that kid where the kid shows up to the pro ball player’s house like wow this is incredible that was me this is a shoot though why you can’t invite people over is because of this Stu right here it’s crazy bro it’s crazy no that that’s a hell of a house thank you that’s a hell of a house thank you fact you guys are ridic ridiculous absolutely ridiculous Casey the only one cheering on 100 degree temperatures yeah that’s nasty work I mean 100 degrees is horrible well look for pretty much all the 100 degrees I’ll be inside well that’s a shoe too that is a shoot right there um you you were talking about uh and we’re GNA talk about Mike Brown it I I don’t know what this means for the Sacramento Kings or Mike Brown there was another coach and another contract extension today another coach another contract extension and another dollar figure north of 10 million per and it’s my guy from the start of this show tyoo uh tyo at five years 72 million um again tyo has a championship you know we could talk about the Clippers all we want to but Ty L does have an NBA title uh just like Mike buher does his number though is north of the 10 million fair to say 72 is well north of of the 10 million num not I was trying to figure that out it’s like uh huh what what what no so yeah 10.2 so it’s still no it’s like 12 it it’s probably what 12 because it’s it’s was it five yearsing about t yeah was it I think I did the ma this morning 14 mil per year price is going up so that’s more than Monty we still don’t know what J kid got and remember Jay kids contract extension go ahead Jesse you can finish your point I was gonna say after do we know where the floor is though for Mike Brown where that number well to me it can’t be lower than n million like it can’t be lower than that see I feel like it can’t be lower than 10 that’s how I feel I would say that’s how I feel but there if if if I’m the Kings and I hate playing this role there is a distinction between the $10 million guys with one exception they’re all they’ve all won a championship hell even in Monty’s case he’s been to an NBA Finals right right Mike ha Mike hasn’t Mike Mike Mike been the one he’s been one it’s not short Change 06 that’s right you’re right you’re right you’re right I’m sorry you’re right yep so he’s got that on his on his resume but it just he doesn’t have an NBA Finals Victory he doesn’t no he does baby steps um but I yeah but I wouldn’t take but if I been the Kings I’m not taking that stance like 10 million to me is a perfectly I I think so too that’s a perfectly Fair number I think so too and that’s and also you know you compare it to you know Rick cares and things like that well Rick Carl got his deal years ago the market has changed the market has changed and 10 million for a guy like Mike Brown seems fair to this new coaching Market you know you can’t you can’t you can’t even treat him with the in the same Market that you did when he was higher absolutely you know what I mean that the market has shifted and we’re not just talking now at one point the outlier was Monty mty Williams right and you could kind of write that off a little bit but we’re not we’re talking about more than just Monty Williams now it’s shifted with with Coach bud with Ty Lou with Jason kid and I mean truth to be told we’re probably not talking about Monty Williams at all yeah like I I mean if you if if you’re Mike’s people and you want to use it as a reference point like it’s cool that’s a tough Hill to die on but I guess the one thing you could hang your hat on is manty has been to an NBA Finals just like Mike has and lost just like Mike has what Monty doesn’t have is multiple NBA championships with Steve Kerr as an assistant with Greg papovich as an assistant yeah and or a win percentage of 6015 like Mike buen holer does who just got1 million and and what I would say and I and once again I’m with you I don’t think Mike’s representation is necessarily trying to zero in on the Monty Williams number but if they are I would you know as a organization with the Kings I’d say come on man that’s not being fair that’s not that’s a little disingenuous to be like yo we want to be paid more than M we we’re both we’re alive here we’re and we know that’s a ridiculous contract like don’t don’t pin us to that number yeah you know what I mean and like I said I don’t think Mike’s team is doing that that’s just my my gut feeling tyou got 14 per to win an NBA championship with the Los Angeles Clippers um Mike boser got 10 slightly plus million per year to win an NBA championship for the Phoenix Suns you either want to be a title Contender or you don’t it’s to me it’s as simple as that you want to follow the model of all of these other teams you want to you’ve been following the model for Golden State for how long now if you’re VC ranad all right you want to win an NBA championship great you’ve got a coach that can win you an NBA championship the concern for me now is I believe that do you that’s my concern because if the number really is 10 and this is a lot of ifs cuz we don’t know if the number is really 10 and you’re Bing at it and we’re using terms like golf to people like Adrien W Janowski yeah that’s concerning to me that’s concerning to me but it could be the kings are thinking 10 and and in U Mike’s team is thinking tyu money 14 uh Monty Williams money 13 and a half yeah and I want to reiterate because we talked about this a lot yesterday okay um I think we’re both in agreement here we think it’s going to get done we’re we’re we’re talking a lot and we’re discussing it because it’s newsworthy and everything I’m not worried I can honestly say I’m not worried at all that this won’t get done like I’m not I’m not worried like I just I look at I look at to be honest with you we could talk about it now I look at the options for both sides and they both just point back towards each other like like I don’t think either side really has a lot of options moving forward that are that are better than what they have you know what I mean and and I know and one of the things I meant to ask Yer that I said I wanted to ask when Jason was here asked the wrong question uh not the wrong question but there was another one I wanted to answer we ran out of time I’ll ask both of you both of you guys before Mike Brown was was hired or when he was hired I I believe we were kind of all in agreement that yo Mike Brown you better make this work because this is probably your last shot you didn’t had multiple stops before you’ve been you know fired or whatever from multiple stops you took time off to learn as the Warriors this may be your last chance at a at a head coaching job do we still feel that way today after two years with the Kings I don’t think so I think I think he’ll get a job I think he’ll get another job I don’t think he’ll have to work like real did we I I don’t want to speak for you guys did we feel that way coming into this king’s job about Mike Brown I think at the time we might have yeah I think that’s fair yeah I think just the job coming into Mike Brown’s like just his history or whatever so here’s yeah and and and I think I side with Jesse on this and that if Mike isn’t brought back next year MH or they make him play out this year coach out this year excuse me and things kind of go south and you can take that to me whatever you want to but like things go south for the Kings and in Mike it’s going to fall on the organization I don’t think Mike’s gonna wear this so so that’s because it’ll look like another Sacramento Kings blunder and I don’t think Mike will wear it I don’t think I I understand that I I think I think what happened last time is he had the Lakers situation which was stepping into a win a championship now with at the time well still one of the one of the best players on the planet when like right now with a veteran team it didn’t work for whatever reason he didn’t have the respect of that locker room I think that hurts him MH and then the that blunder was magnified by accepting Dan Gilbert’s invitation to go back to celand if they um and and I and I don’t think the Lakers thing was his fault by the way at all right it was it was a bad fit it was just a bad fit like I don’t I don’t know it has to be yeah doesn’t have to necessarily be a bad hire or his fault or anything it just they thought they thought something they thought something would work with him it didn’t work those things happen they needed something else um so I’m trying to figure out how how I want to phrase this it because I agree with both of you guys I think he has changed his um he’s he’s opened up a new window a new coaching window for him here with this time in Sacramento you’re talking about if it goes south that means missing the Playoffs again and they just decide to walk away from each other I agree that there will be a large number of people who look at it as Sacramento messed up again but think about it from another organization that wants to hire him this guy one coach of the year and made the playoffs and then missed the two straight years and we’re gonna bring him in as an answer to our problems all right so it kind of ties into the point I want to make and stuff like that you brought up like we’re not worried yet I’ll be pretty worried if we’re going into game one he doesn’t have an extension because that kind of ties in Monty McNair now Monty McNair has to make moves where Mike has to work or whatever win ball games and all that like now Monty mcar is tied into this was like if I’m Mike Brown you got to get me these players right now I don’t have an extension they’re waiting on me to wait whatever it is to hold up like like I need the guys in order to make it happen last year well if it we’re at game one we better have the guys if we’re still talking about mon doing something at game one this isn’t a Mike Brown problem this is a Monty McNair problem I’m just saying yeah if he doesn’t have his contract going into game one then Monty like like you said he better have made it set up Mike to where he could succeed yeah and let Mike succeed because now all of a sudden that t now now all of a sudden give me Ty L’s money I don’t want Mike Bo HS it if if if if Monty does what he’s supposed to do this off season and they put Mike in a position where hey it’s cool I’ll hey I’m I’m a coach my guys I’m here I’m under contract that’s what I’m gonna do and we get to the Midway point and the kings of the two seed and it’s not people bitching about the Western Conference and how it’s weak it’s the Kings as a strong two seed or one SE yeah that contract has changed don’t give me Mike boen hoer money no more because you probably like what if he misses the playoffs the only way I see the Kings missing the Playoffs again is if yeah bony doesn’t make moves because I think I think Mike Brown is the coach for the Kings and that’s not on Mike yeah if this roster doesn’t change that’s not on Mike I agree I agree and and I I don’t think that if the if the team makes the playoffs and everybody is happy like they were last year I don’t think it’s an issue about his contract or what he’ll be paid and that and that’s going specifically to what James wrote about Mark Stein wrote about like that it seems like the issue was not making the playoffs so if they’re a two seed next year and we’re having negotiations or they make the playoffs again next year and you know there’s another um more revenue for for the ownership and thec and everything because of a playoff run and maybe they win a series even if they don’t win a series I don’t think none of that is an issue unless they’ll be look that there will be no more issues to have like he’s gotten you to the playoffs two of the last three years he’s up for a contract you pay him a you know a reasonable amount for what he’s asking I don’t think that’s an issue but here’s the thing that I I also said though is you know I think I think both sides both sides and I I feel like people maybe I’m wrong but I feel like people aren’t looking at it from both sides I don’t think there’s good options on both sides I don’t think the Kings have good options to replace Mike Brown with I don’t feel like Mike Brown has better places to go and I’ll lay some things out there’s some things I was thinking about next so let I agree with Jason what he said yesterday were yeah he’ll be coaching next year cuz there ain’t no job right yeah the hiring cycle I mean Cleveland’s open yeah he’s not going there the other job that’s open is the Lakers oh yeah which he’s not going there doesn’t seem like that’s open too much anymore either to we are we all agree Mike Brown coaches the Kings no matter what this season right yeah I think he coaches I think he Co yesterday I was what we were talking about was like there may be a way where he’s not the coach if he doesn’t have a contract I think he coaches I don’t think the two I think worst case scenario is the one that you laid out a second ago Jesse is Mike is coaching without a contract extension at the beginning of the year that’s the worst case scenario and and securing the mon I got I got the teams right here securing the Monk on a Matthews mattress chaty house says the Bulls will be open next year the Bulls will not be open next season it will be open after next year all all jobs that we’re talking about here are going to be after next season and you’re looking at I got toron I got Chicago okay these are potentials uhhuh I got Chicago Toronto Washington and the three out west are like I got triple question marks by them wait who wait who’s in Toronto the the guy dark we’re getting rid of him I’m it’ll be his third like would it be his third or second season second season yeah I don’t maybe maybe not maybe not I’m like I’m going um kind of you know to the stream okay it could be open but you’re right that would be after a second year that would be that be seemed a little Hasty right a little bit very kingish of the Raptors if they did that I I I agree and I understand but I just got them on the list just for argument sake all right Chicago Toronto Washington the Pelicans maybe okay maybe okay the Grizzlies been trying to get will green at the pain for a minut the Grizzlies the Grizzlies the Grizzlies are interesting okay go ahead and the Jazz maybe I don’t no I don’t think so but it that’s that’s an aggressive firing it would be the third season of and I’m assuming the Jazz have is that where we are with the Jazz I don’t think so no no no no no no is that where we are with coaches like you got two years to figure this out well it’ be his third year like he didn’t he didn’t figure out enough I don’t necessarily think so but I’m just like if you’re D it’s Darko right dark if you’re Darko like you gutted my whole team well that’s the thing to like with Utah like will Hardy’s like all right Danny go make that move and then they see what we’re working with but you can’t fire Will Hardy and like what’s Danny doing sitting no well okay I feel like I’m pushing back against everything you just said that’s because these jobs might not be available like will Danny like will is Danny’s guy yeah those are those are those are those are Jessie ties right there those are Celtics ties I went I went when I when I made this list I went complete worst case scenario will hardy would be the coach of the Boston Celtics right now if he didn’t leave I look I went complete worst case scenario and that’s what about Jacob Z what what about Portland oh Portland is on there port Portland is on there um so you can swap out that I got six teams right here potentially seven you could probably take off three of them take off I I I went worst case scenario I went worst case scenario and there’s seven I hear you there’s seven jobs five of them four of them are garbage jobs but but think about that for a second let’s let’s uh give me New Orleans Memphis those are probably the two good jobs Chicago’s up in the air Chicago I feel like really fits Billy Donovan I I don’t know but are you going to Mike Brown for either of those two jobs that well that’s the other question that that is assuming that Mike Brown would leave the Kings and be the number one coaching candidate to everybody in the NBA let me ask you that let me let me let me try this if and and I know we have to use our imaginations a bit and this is a bit unfair so forgive me if Mike buen holer didn’t have the one is he the head coach of the Phoenix Suns right now probably not probably not all right maybe he’s not coach of his sons but I think he eventually has another job like I don’t think Mike bu is out The League forever I don’t think he out The League either I think I think it’s up in the year and with those with those other teams too like whether they look at Mike Brown as one thing or whatever but like if I’m Mike Brown those team’s gonna pay me 10 mil that’s this and this is what I’m saying this is what I’m saying like when I talk about the options aren’t uh plentiful for both sides I don’t think Mike and I wouldn’t play I’m not saying this to say the Kings like should play hard ball like where you going to go like give him give be fair with him treat him right give him the contract that that he deserves in this situation but he don’t have a lot of good options either in my opinion number one we’ve wiped out next year you you leave the Kings now you’re not coaching next year so now you’re off for a year now those those teams that I talked about those are your options maybe Mike Brown is okay with being out for one two years until the right job comes around maybe I I don’t know well he won’t be out five no or six or whatever it was last time he a gonna do that again right and maybe maybe he knows that he’s like I’m willing to take some time off or whatever to wait for the right job maybe but like you just said the right job may not be the they may not be looking for you there’s that but there’s also because you mentioned like worst case scenarios if we WI a game one and Mike Brown doesn’t have an extension I think that’s where we’re headed to be honest I don’t see like talks are table and all that so obviously they’ll come back to it but I don’t see a month from now all right Mike yeah we’ll give you the 12 million whatever the number is we’ll give you that you wanted like so you’re GNA need results and I think like what if Mike is taking this Kings team winning ball games and all that like Dame said price is too high now maybe the Kings don’t want to pay whatever it is maybe it’s at that point you pay you you you pay if you’re winning yeah there’s no if you you get to the playoff you lose your entire fan base if you don’t pay for a winning coach if you if you get to the playoffs again next year you everything’s good everybody everybody loves everybody not to the level of Doc Rivers but Mike dating back to Cleveland and it’s the gift and the curse of LeBron James Mike has always had detractors his detractors when he was with Cleveland and during his brief sent with Los Angeles were National MH they were everywhere because when you’re coaching Lebron James and Kobe Bryant you’re under that National media microscope he has always had detractors here when you’re the Sacramento Kings coach it’s a little bit different it’s Sacramento right you made some noise you got some some some some Goodwill you you you you got things really really going and again it goes back to what my Peak frustration was when we when we got the first opportunity to talk about this story yesterday there is no reason for this story to be out there right now because Jesse just brought up okay they’re tabling talks you know tabling talks could mean like okay we’ll meet after Memorial Day right that’s what T all right we’re not going to we’re not going to hand this out we’ll we’ll we’ll meet go enjoy your weekend yeah we we’ll meet Monday yeah uh W I know you got a a basketball tournament to go to gojoy that tell Kenny we said hi well the thing someone in the chat I think said it yesterday maybe West like hey guys gotta go hang out with my pal Kenny this weekend can we try it again on Wednesday that’s a shoot that’s a shoot but that tabling talks it’s just hey let’s let’s let’s hold off on that conversation we we’ll get back to it it could mean next week it could mean hey I know I hey Mike I know you’re going on vacation uh Mon’s going on vacation let’s reconvene a week before the California classic it could mean anything but it doesn’t have to mean people are angry and like there’s no coming back for well yes which brings us back to the original question why the hell is this out there I agree we I think we could use look I we didn’t know these conversations were happening now we could use judgment and think yeah I mean Monty said they were going to happen so the they’re going to happen no one knew that these contract negotiations were happening right now so there is absolutely no reason for us to know that they’re not happening right now unless unless someone is a little frustrated H you look like you’re about to fire off a high take well it like my whole it’s all just thinking and speculation at this point like from what I’m getting like reading stuff like that and all that from the tweets and whatever like it’s all speculation I feel like Mike wants like probably around 10 12 with the going rers for coaches now but they’re trying to pay them single digits right now that’s what it yeah that’s what it feels like yeah they got to get off that they can’t the going rate for coaches now like it’s D it’s a double digit game now you got to pay them 10 million at least that that’s that that’s kind of ridiculous you know and and and look it could be one of those I think it’s actually eight digits if I’m not mistaken I mean 10 I got I got it I don’t play with these numbers like you guys do okay I don’t play with these numbers like you guys do all right well actually Marlin um and and at the same time may maybe that could be deemed as disrespectful too but it is it’s a negotiation right like if it let’s say it’s eight let’s just throw out a number and say it’s eight see if he takes eight it’s offer him like you once again and there you you you you play a a potential game of being disrespectful when you do that and and pissing off the other side that’s the downside to it but if they have meetings internally and are like Hey we’re willing to go as high as 11 start at eight see what he says he may be happy with eight I don’t know I feel like it’s farther apart because it’s like like Dame said it’s like we are already the um negotiations are tabled or whatever it’s not like if it’s 2 million you’re part like you can be in the middle whatever you keep negotiating but the fact it’s table it’s like oh it’s a golf now and all that like I just I feel like they’re really far apart and and also too like they gota well not they got it but free agency is in a month and and real quick the whole golf thing and them walking away probably tells me they’re both on the extreme ends because like you said if if if Mike and him wanted 10 if we think Mike is doing like six or 6.5 right now yeah now I don’t think they’re gonna be like yo you’re making six we want to move you to seven or 6.5 we want to move you to seven it’s probably something they deem is a true increase like six to eight like they gave Mike a cost of living increase no six to eight and like you said if it was if if if the if Mike Representatives was at 10 that means that’s that two mil that we’re talking about you’re like we’re not doing this over two two mil if it sounds like it feels like they’re saying eight and Mike and them are like we want Monty’s 13 that’s a golf eight to 10 isn’t a golf 8 to 13 8 to 12 that’s more of a golf Jan Jennings back with the San Francisco 49ers uh two-year deal uh 10.5 million guaranteed but restricted free agent Joan Jennings is back with the San Francisco 49ers I saw I saw a clip of Logan Ryan who signed with the 49ers late in the season last year while being on a cruise matter of fact he left the cruise I think sign with the 49ers oh he he he sign with the 49ers off the cruise and now I think he’s like fully retired and he was I think he’s on cow her show or something like that but he was talking about like he’s like the Niners window is now he’s like last year they probably should have won but he said this year I think this is this is the year which flies in the face of how I feel like I I’m I’m still like I’m rooting and everything but I’m like come on they gonna get back again and now win but he’s like this is he’s like this is the Year this is the year so let’s get it done let’s get it done I see you Logan Ryan let’s get it done then yeah let’s go to commercial cuz you misread me bringing that story up real quick but that’s that’s a good look see the one don’t tell you see look look he can’t take cues we’ll come back we’ve got a lot more to talk about regarding the 49ers and the Kings got to talk about the game last night as well Ste maey here on ESPN 1320 well no when he when he’s read it it was 44 I thought we just oh we just going to blow by it no I thought we were I just wanted to mention it real quick so people knew we saw it and had it we keep it going ah Jesse Joan Jennings boys we’re look hey it’s not so bad today boysan talk to me wait but what does that mean for Deo thank God that story broke when we were in here oh man all right calm down pal where did I put my water on man I feel like we just gota oh come on man hey hey hey music vide in the 9s hey that is is little that oh my God our money we gonna lose hold on now now if we hit you with the oh look at the come on man damn music is a beautiful thing I love what we do we going to need to get that record into the library back to the hotel that’s funny I didn’t text I didn’t text complex what we’re doing at the 420 I’m just gonna start sending a list of Records to add each week and then we’ll just we’ll just do whatever I got the black Broad and you got the white one oh man show Tiana Taylor Rump Shaker did not advance past number two in the Billboard Hot 100 because of n guess this 1992 Whitney Houston I Will Always Love You I’m surprised it got up to number two oh that’s right give minute yeah yeah oh no I don’t think I knew this but the video the rum Shaker was banned on MTV well it’s wild wild video well I forgot until I brought it up on the stream like hey is it that wild to get banned on MTV uh well this is 1992 yeah at the time they wasn’t having it although when when was when was nothing but a G thing it’s a little different 90 might have been 93 I thought it was 9293 92 it’s a it’s a little different than Rump Shaker but they they still have some moments and then um that was also the time when like people were hyper sensitive because of uh two life crew yeah for sure yeah n 93 was um nothing but a G thing yeah that well that rum Shaker go crazy nasty go and do in deep it does it does shout out into to deep the valley Joe you already know what it is baby we got love shout out Manny 91699 1320 Manny what’s happening baby what’s up y’all hey so with with Mike Brown so for me like the way I look at the whole thing is like he’s got the most he’s got the um like he’s holding all the cards in my in my in my opinion because with the King’s organization and the history of it and like monk being a free agent right like all the little things that are kind of correlating to this like if you don’t resign them or if it makes the organization look like it’s in disarray like that’s bad all around for in my opinion of of Monk resigning of getting other people here and the perception of Mike winning with the team he had and they were a good team don’t get me wrong but they weren’t necessarily it wasn’t his team yet right he still has guys kind of guys he wants to bring in like I think the outside perception is like man look what he did with what he had that year and he still doesn’t really have necessarily the team that he’s trying to put together you know the full stock team that what he wants like I think that perception is why he kind of holds all the cards here in a lot of ways and where this could be disastrous with a lot of consequences at the end of the day if they don’t resign them man Manny I understand that I just want to ask you a question too though unless unless Mike is ready to go scorched Earth and just not do anything what options does Mike have like he’s not going to coach next year like if he if he walks away from the Kings he’s not coaching next year and I laid out all those organizations that and and I was being generous like half of those teams probably aren’t going to be available other the the rest of the league is either like established people like SPO or brand new coaches like Mike boser so there they’re not going to be that many openings really for the next two years so yeah Mike is has the public perception behind him but if he still wants to be a coach and he still wants to do this right now what what advantages do you see him having so I think it’s this too right I think it’s twofold on this end I think is how far apart really is the money right and where is his ego at because we all have egos we all have sometimes we think we’re worth more and sometimes unfortunately people think they’re worth less but if I think that’s where it’s at like if it’s in his estimation like an insult what they’re offering I think his perspective of being in Golden state for as long as he was on that bench and kind of sitting back and learning a little bit I think for him be like hey I’ve proven that I can take this what they call quote unquote small Market team and have success I’m willing to wait but I think if they’re close like I think if it’s not as far as what they’re saying and maybe that’s just the hype and was just to add something to that to that uh tweet I think um I think he’ll I don’t want to use the word caveen but I think he’ll relent a little bit and resign at that point okay I Ain never thought I was worth less I can tell you that a no point in my life where you got you know what I’m not worth when I’m getting paid they they go treat me like Brock party real quick if around the corner we don’t know the numbers and all that but let’s say Mike wants Mike’s team wants 13 and be they want eight or whatever who who has the who’s closer to the more realistic um number the Kings well yeah I mean if I think it’s Mike Brown I think like because I’m saying like not 13 but like maybe you pay Mike Brown 12 11 million rather than like 910 part of the I mean man there’s a there’s a lot of there’s a lot of things at play let me look at something with my man tyo here quick I think 10 I don’t think he gets 13 or whatever but like 12 11 cuz I was think about this morning like if say money does what he does or whatever makes the moves they need to and all that we’re like yes Kings have the roster I’m confident enough in Mike Brown Mike Brown is a good enough coach to get this team to the finals I I think there’s there I think there’s a couple of other things that play I think there’s a couple of things that play here Mike and Mike B holer and brown they’re 54 years old MH that’s young they’re not Greg papovich is age right like they’re they’re 50 4 years old that’s still very young in this game also you talk about what’s realistic Jesse well let’s talk about tyo for a second because we’re talking we acknowledged he’s got it he’s he’s he’s got that Holy Grail he’s got the NBA Finals we did this with Mike boser and how him and Mike Brown their statistics their win percentage specifically are nearly identical tyo 5 129 games coached 312 wins 217 losses a winning percentage of 590 less than Mike Brown less than Mike boser but four million more per year than Mike boser got an important note regarding tyo tyo is 47 years old younger than both of them by seven years I think that plays a factor in some of this as well but to me Ty L’s contract we don’t know what Jason kid got I guarantee you Warren legary does though he knows what he knows what Jason kid got and the more coaches that sign contract extensions the the stronger case Mike Brown might have the the one thing that I would I would say and you’re right about that like what sorry go ahead no I was just I was just going to say if if the if the Kings if 10 is the number right but you know the kings are like we’ll go we’ll go to 10 and Mike and them went 12 or 13 Jesse you touched on a little bit earlier and we didn’t we didn’t really talk about it I think it’s a good point where is he getting 12 or team from like it’s it’s to a certain degree well he’s not getting it from Cleveland and he’s not getting it from the Lakers the two current job openings no you’re not getting it yeah you’re not getting it this year at all but of those other teams that we talk about like 12 12 to 13 I guess is there is there a established um but here’s head coach that was hired this year maybe Cleveland will be an example maybe that’ll be Mike buer is an established coach he got the championship okay well hate to do this what doc get I’ll look that up because doc doesn’t doc does have a chip oh he does oh that’s right he has the greatest championship of all time how how could I forget that Jesus Christ could you look up his contract anyways so I I mean he probably got 20 million per year because he has the most talked about NBA Championship in history four years roughly 40 million 10 mil per year well all right I think 10 is the the number I think that’s the number and so so I I have a response though to something where’s Mike getting I think you said 13 13 million yeah I don’t know I don’t I don’t know the answer to that if it if it if it exists maybe there’s a a good oldfashioned bidding war for Mike Brown good old any car away bidding war here but um the price for coaches is changing and it’s almost like a and I we don’t know who the Lakers are going to hire we think we do but we don’t that’s a number to watch because what it’s starting to feel like is there’s almost like a rookie pay scale with coach where you could see the will Hardies and the um Joe MAA those guys kind of kind of getting a run that’s probably all in the vicinity of five to six million if the Lakers hire JJ and if the Lakers hire JJ what if they hired him at like eight per year one if I’m darham I’m furious but salute to him because he’s getting $10 million in free money if he wants it right but we’re seeing the scale in which and this this happens in sports the scale in which coaches are getting paid changing we focus so much on players because of cap and Maxes and TV rights deals and cbas and all of this different stuff whereas coaching you you you get you get floored by a deal like Monty got Pop makes more no one blinks because it’s pop Steve Kerr makes more no one blinks because it’s Steve Kerr and they have Championship pedigree you blink when you don’t have that pedigree and you see that dollar figure but then you start to see other championship coaches be in that same vicinity the number one thing I’ve gotten out of the last two days is Nick nurse’s agent wasn’t nearly aggressive enough unless Nick nurse is getting some extra money from Toronto that we don’t know about by the current scale Nick nurse is underpaid for sure because Carlile went to Indiana three years ago yeah because he was there the year before Tai got there right yep yep okay so three years ago all right take a million per year Nick nurse went to uh uh Philly last year y yeah Nick nurse’s agent wasn’t aggressive enough he’s got to do better he got eight right now he the only championship coach that a making double digits Toronto taxes too make it out to about 20 bucks Toronto NTI though makes it all worth it from what I hear so and then those Drake shoulder rubs are Priceless so the what what you said is spot on I’m gonna give thank you I’m gonna give another another Outlook here I’m about to go nuts on these coaching salaries because now I’m just like hey what’s Chris Finch make well well look well look I I I agree with you though because to a certain degree that’s all outdated at this point yeah I think the thing to look at and maybe maybe this is what the uh Mike Brown’s representation is is is waiting for looking at and this may really set the market because this is going to be a little bit more in the ballpark of Mike Brown the Lakers hiring potentially hiring JJ reick it will be akin to that and will have relation because like I said if he’s getting eight mil that just boosts the floor for everybody but he’s a first time that’s a that’s a game changer yeah that he’s he is that’s boosting the floor for everybody but he’s a first-time head coach and he’s still first-time head coach Cleveland situation a may be the one because they’re probably going to hire someone closer to what Mike Brown is hasn’t won a championship but playoff success or playoff appearances and I’m looking right now and King James gospel I think that’s the uh one of the the Cleveland Cavalier sites on fan side okay King James gospel all right uh that’s actually clever when LeBron was there Kings James book in the Bible gospel it’s clever but he’s hasn’t been there for one way of putting it almost a decade you can you could tell God today that was a real clever website but they talk about no sir you’re going to hell Gabby they talk about the the I guess I don’t know if this is official or what but the top three coaching candidates top three maybe finalists for the Cavs job Kenny ainson Sam Cassell yep and um Sam boy Sam will be a unique one yeah Sam’s not will hardy no he’s gonna not Darin ham he’s gonna get what the guy in Charlotte got whatever he got that’s what Sam’s gonna get if he he’s gonna get what Charles Lee Charles Lee that’s that’s he not gonna get JJ he not gonna get JJ money which is potentially 67 something like that yeah I don’t know if we real quick I don’t know we mentioned it yesterday too cuz we’re talking about for a little bit but Jason kid he was making 8 mil a year originally so yeah he’s probably around 10 mil now after that at least yeah you think at least yeah I probably I think I’d go north yeah I’d go north of that because they did that contract did get signed during the playoffs right yeah it it OB it obviously wasn’t yeah sometime in May early yeah it wasn’t in the Western Conference Finals but it was during the playoffs it was when this team had clearly made a turnaround and we had to stop making fun of Jason kid because he was clearly doing a very good job still gonna get a couple jokes well yeah you can but but the last name on or you can Trash his playing career like one of us did yesterday I didn’t trash it I just said he ain’t better than Dame Lillard he not um the last name on this list is interesting Terry stots and what Cleveland decides to do with their with their coach and how they pay him I think will set the Mike Brown Market the most fairly I think I think Mike should make more than Kenny ainson Terry stots he doesn’t have a finals appearance but he’s got a lot of lot of success a lot of playoff appearances I still think Mike probably should make more than him but it it would it would be it would be in that vicinity he doesn’t have a ring he’s got a lot of playoff success I don’t know what his winning percentage is I’m assuming Mike’s is probably better but um oh let’s look I’m I’m that’s an assumption I don’t know Terry St didn’t have a lot of bad teams in Portland Terry stots he just never got past the second round 66 years old not that we’re agis here on D and Casey because you know Jesse old people have just as much rights as young people I’ve heard that on the office um 1,000 in three games 517 wins 486 losses a win percentage of 515 for Terry stots missed the playoffs one two times was fired in Milwaukee missed the playoffs his first year in Portland uh conference semis first round semis first first Conference Finals first first and that was his final year so missed the playoffs his first year in Portland in 2012 and never missed him again so if I’m if if I’m looking at the Cleveland situation I’m just I’m just kind of guessing like they’re not going to make coach Bud money I’m gonna guess they’re gonna make about eight if I’m if I’m Mike Brown’s repres Cleveland the Cleveland coach I think they’re gonna make around seven or eight if I’m Mike Brown’s representation I’m looking at that and I like I need I need at least whatever they get I need at least two million more I really need 10 like that that’s that’s the number $10 million a year is the number I I know they got to negotiate and all this stuff we keep dancing around I think1 million a year is fair I think it’s the right number I think I think that’s the number man you said something that’s got me I was say like we can’t saying 10 is the number and all it’s like what Dame said yesterday like it shouldn’t even have come out like we shouldn’t even be at this point with the negotiations and stuff I feel like like Clippers today like boom extension uh Mavericks there was no issue to extension all that no Clippers have some issues though they just happened earlier remember tyo was having issues getting this deal correct he’s been having it’s been out there right for what the whole season did he have a year a deal the last year did he what did he have a uh did he have this um those reports at the end of last year or was it during this I feel like it was during the off season where there was talk that coach that tyoo might just not sign a contract extension it was different than the conversation we’re having now but there was definitely like we all I think I could speak for we thought Ty was gone yeah I thought it was a real possibility yeah we thought Ty was out of LA and thought that might be more because of tyloo’s Desire than anything else so by the way since we’re doing this with everybody Jason kids win percentage we don’t know what his extension was for again I’m confident above six he’s had some good coaching well Brooklyn kind of messed him up what he did good Milwaukee and Dallas Brooklyn kind of messed him up he has two seasons above what Mike Brown’s career win percentage is his win percentage is 522 His Highest season was 634 his first year in Dallas when they were 52 and 30 and 610 uh which was this year uh with Dallas okay those are his two seasons above what he do in Milwaukee because I thought he had some good years in Milwaukee too I mean maybe they 600 win percentages but no he did not he he whatever you’re thinking he did in Miami uh Milwaukee he did not do they went above 500 uh 41 and well they they were that but not six that’s what I’m saying yeah 41 and 41 33 and 49 I can’t remember what happened that year uh 42 and 40 and then he was fired at 23 and 22 when the reports were he wasn’t getting the most out of Giannis on dungo first year in Dallas four years later three years later 634 uh 463 last year and then 610 this year so Brooklyn was before so his time in Dallas has been very successful um yeah Brooklyn was one year oh wow yeah Brooklyn was one year hey hey hey run into me run into me was that Brooklyn oh I don’t know I was think I was thinking of that moment for some reason I just assumed it was in Milwaukee hey run into me well 44 and 38 that year you said something though that I can’t I can’t shake and I I kept like we don’t know what Charles Lee is making you think Charles you think Charles Lee and Sam Cassell will make the the same range of money yeah they’ll like Charles Lee is 39 years old they’ll be in the same tier I think Sam Cassell has been an assistant coach for a very very long time yeah I don’t know if that’ll matter I mean think Darvin ham money yeah wow I don’t like I don’t think Sam Cel is getting potentially JJ reic money like yeah we’re totally making this JJ number up by the way we have no idea if JJ is seven or eight I don’t think Sam Cassel gets that you think he gets five to five million I I got the impression reading the stuff from the athletic following up a little bit after the show they’re rounding up that was the Imp I I suppose I could ask um but I I I felt like they were rounding up to 5 million and oh man Sam Cassell that that man I mean it sucks that’s but that first year first-time head coach yeah you know I guess that’s that’s kind of what I’m looking atess um no this is kind of unnecessary but Dr David on the Matthews mattress chatty house says have Odyssey take Mike some Mortons and get it done well that’s where deals get made see what you started what do you I how did I start it that actually happened got me out there acting like Paparazzi taking pictures of you and Stacy with my stupid ass mushrooms what are you talking about is it good Damian do you like your mushrooms hey they they look good you leave me alone I’m sitting next to the guy like stop asking them questions please oh my god oh look that was another one too where was like hey let’s go to dinner this day oh same day as the national championship game you know no TVs around here but let’s go I’ve maintained for four years no one in this building has a clue what we do we had to sneak and watch somebody’s private uh room we’re trying to watch broadcast of course Morton’s no wifi allowed there’s no like signal the Direct TV app is lagging on my phone I don’t even know if so and so’s made a shot yet one of the richest uh restaurants in the city and we can’t get good wi in there at the well I like Mor man I got to go back well it’s well that’s that’s what people like you do they just go to Morton on a regular hey and shout out to Rory man Morton’s broccoli is fire boy don’t I know it Morton Brockley is Morton is fire in general I’m a big fan of Mortons okay don’t don’t do that don’t do that to Mort don’t do that it’s fine no it’s bomb it’s not better than Prime no it’s not better than Prime it’s not better than Prime but Morton is really good I’m not even I gotta go back to Prime better than that other Ste house down the street don’t want at the other one I had that one I went to rof Chris though for my birthday well that’s what you do well don’t do that that’s what you do settle down like it’s not like I’m there for lunch it was a special occasion hey Dr David was right look get Stacy get Casey get Mike Brown get fette get to Morton and get this deal done or go to Sr Prim and I’ll take the picture they go to Sr Prime I’ll take the picture at Sr oh I guarantee you you go to Sr Prime get done you pull out that smokey old F deal is getting done yeah we got Sr we got the hey I’ll call Carrie right now we can get this deal done tonight get in the private room oh we we get this deal done two nights that’s facts then we’ll head over to the humodor oh we celebrating at the humodor we celebrating the humodor we’ll come back man we’ve got a lot more nonsense to talk uh we’ll dive into the game last night at some point as well steo and Casey oh phone open for you 91699 1320 Ste KC brought to you by Sky River Casino where Sr Prime is located yeah here on Sacramento sports leader ESPN 1320 frog and slim I don’t think I’ve ever heard of that oh we do the Blake Griffin joint was that was that Blake or was it DeAndre DeAndre or who did Blake post the picture I think didn’t Blake say he just pulled the picture off the Internet I don’t know I didn’t hear that story I think Blake said he just pulled the picture off the Internet and that was after brousard said Mark cubin was frantically driving all over the place I have it on good authority that was my fault that Mark cubin is frantically running and driving around Dallas as we speak to keep DeAndre Jordan as a Dallas Maverick was there ever a free agency period like that one that was a crazy one was that the same one when uh when when old boy got 16 million uh M goov no I think that was a different one I think that was a different one I’m um I I I I I I sat on this because I discovered it pause while uh Ramsay not Ramsey uh Manny was talking I was like I don’t say it yet it could derail everything do you know who wrote Teddy Riley’s verse on Rump Shaker it was forell wasn’t it yeah yeah I never knew that yeah until 30 minutes ago yeah I learned that about a year ago yeah for real wrote it we’re just going to just going to go down a a rabbit hole here no not the best get rid of that let’s take a listen okay all right follow the example out to motion I hear it I hear it let’s see what else is in here I love stuff like this leaving on that Midnight Train to Georgia leing on a midnight train huh like I don’t really hear it that sounds like U um You’ be killing them n he came back came back too quick Jesse cuz I I got a I got to hear one more one one more we got to hear the the the original one oh there it is yeah there it is that’s the original one hey Lafayette app Ro SL I love chasing down samples and figuring out where they all came from not been stuck on this have you ever listen to mixing like he would play this be mix he would play this like 30 seconds and then go in but he doesn’t for every but like he has special mixes where he plays where the sample came from for like 30 seconds and then mixes it into the song that we know phenomenal job there a great I I’ll say social media account I think it’s Instagram probably Instagram I don’t spend enough time on Tik Tok for well it could be Tik Tok but it it’s an account that breaks down how a record was made sample by sample and a lot of times like like we just played what like three songs that are all sampled in Rump Shaker which if you’re just tuning in sorry man sorry um but like okay so here’s what they did they took the uh uh Lafayette afro band and then they’d play that and then show how they sped it up or slowed it down or chopped it up or did whatever and then layered it with the James Brown sample and then layered it with the emotion sample or whatever it’s a it’s a fun account couldn’t tell you for the life of me what it is but it it it I I come across it every once in a while I I remember I saw on Twitter I don’t know if it was a count or just somebody just got the video for somewhere but they showed how Kendrick um all the there was like three three different I think it was like three different Janet Jackson samples for Poetic Justice M and just how they put them together in into making one song it was that that stuff is phenomenal how the the ear that those producers have for those sounds and um and how to Loop them when to Loop them when to stop it you know and and when to put it in it’s just it’s amazing poetic justice is one of the greatest uses of a record in history it’s one of the greatest uses of a hit record ever and I think honestly that’s one of my f that’s not my favorite because I love all right that’s probably my favorite but it’s it’s top five favorite Kendrick song ever for me I love potic Justice I think that’s where my morning started man I love music so much and working out this morning I had a good playlist and out of just nowhere I got borderline irrationally excited Janet Jackson She’s gonna be here in like 13 days yeah and it like clicked like Janet 13 days oh and then I started thinking about everything we got coming up on KSF and then that was before I knew about the NWO takeover hey yo so as it stands right now we got Janet on Tuesday and Summer Jam on Friday no we got Janet on Tuesday we’ve got cence in the park on Friday Summer Jam on Saturday is there something else Saturday don’t we have something juneth in park yeah oh my God oh my God come on man I think so I think that’s summer no it is yes 15 it’s the 15th yeah so uh Jun on the way to summer jym we are outside the week of June 10th wow come see us yeah we’ll be out at concerts in the park that Friday I forgot about that it’s on my calendar and then the NWO takeover hey I’m gonna need the Lakers to just go ahead and announce JJ reck as the coach so we can kind of better yet announce JJ reck as the coach specifically announce his salary because now every salary we get is fascinating in fact every salary that becomes public is crucial to the Sacramento Kings off season now again they know VC knows Monty knows whoever is in charge of this negotiation knows Warren the Gary all the Mike’s people they all know well let us in on it we need to know so what what do you think about what I said with Cleveland you think that’s a better gauge of where Mike Mike Brown’s deal might end up um with the with the guy like Terry St what he might get so let me let me let me ask a followup is it Terry Stouts or is it Cleveland it’s yeah a little bit because Kenny ainson I think I think isn’t the same resume wise isn’t the same level from W Lakers nowhere close on head coach that literally popped up 60 seconds ago terrific no that’s good that’s good go to hell just one more reason for the Lakers to go to hell okay L speak for yourself pal whoa whoa did they get your Celtics drop in there no I saw your Celtics drop those are your boys man I’m sorry you’re a Celtics fan no okay no no see there’s a difference between me and you I’m absolutely rooting for the Celtics to win the NBA championship that’s 100% accurate but there is a drop that appeared on social media yesterday of you yeah because I was I was copying you talking about okay selt show can I tell you my favorite part about that is it sounded like you were doing an imitation of you saying okay Lake show that was my favorite and it didn’t register as you were doing it live it registered when I saw Z’s video later that you are doing an imitation of yourself what does the dude say uh what cornbread say oh uh yeah seltz Nation or something like that he said no he said how about them Celtics how about them Celtics cornbread sit somebody get the microphone away from Cedric Maxwell stop it um okay so uh but but but again it your your idea or or your your your question there is that based on the Cleveland job or is that based on Terry Stouts getting the Cleveland job the the the Cleveland job and who they’re going to go after I don’t think they’re going after a firsttime guy right that would make sense and I don’t think they’re going after a guy who has the resume of a I don’t think they’re gonna get a guy with the resume of Coach Bud who has a championship or tyou or something like that so they’re gonna get a guy my thinking is they get a guy that is closer to Mike Brown resume wise who Terry leave again was it the Bucks oh yeah the Bucks yeah adri Adrian Griffin situation yeah God that looks worse and worse um oh sure yeah like I I guess or to your original point though is everybody seeing because everybody thinks it’s JJ reddic are they seeing what JJ gets to your original point to see how they’re gonna move going forward as far as Kenny a Kenny ainson or STS or anything like that in terms of money yeah no I don’t think seven or eight be clear I just made that number up like that that’s not a report like just we we’re we’re all just talking and we’re just saying if that happens then the pric has gone up for even for a Terry sty well well yeah right and that that was my original point in bringing that up is if if JJ gets I I mean two two million at that tier that’s substantially more than darham if JJ gets something in that vicinity it changes the conversation for everyone because we’re talking about championship coaches being in a certain tier and the outlier is Mony Williams which I really think is the Catalyst for all of the frustration here is that Monty Williams deal now knowing um that Jason kid’s probably in the general vicinity of that maybe at that 13 million Mark maybe at 12 million maybe at 11 and a half you’re in the general vicinity we know tyo Championship coach he’s at 14 now if you move the floor up for first year coaches yeah that to to me yeah that changes everything that that to so to to more directly answer what you just asked yes it does change things a bit because if it changes things for Nick nurse all it changes things for Terry Stouts I mean and if I’m Nick nurse I’m fuming I’m firing my agent yeah I’m like hey you dropped the ball here dog I’m the only dude in this league with a ring who I’m I’m the lowest paid Championship coach in the league at this point yeah doc was a commentator and he got more money than I did JJ was a commentator and he’s making the same amount a goddamn podcaster and he’s making what I’m making yeah if I’m if I’m Nick nurse I’d be f i I need to I need to look this up because I think I read this in my exhaustive research of head coaches I think Nick nurse’s former agent yeah yeah Nick nurse’s former agent is Mike’s agent and there was a bit of a a legal battle oh between the two it’s out there it’s public I’m not not breaking news like there’s there’s stories written about it I I don’t I don’t fully understand it it has something to do with the compensation of of his Raptor deal I believe but it’s it’s out there but yeah I think Nick’s former agent is is Mike’s current agent so maybe maybe War the Gary learn his lesson I ain’t gonna make that mistake again ain’t getting Short change over here we ain’t doing that again time around ain’t no way pal yeah I think one of the things about it to the moral the story one of the morals of stories I think uh and we don’t know we don’t know what the kings are doing you know but I hope they are getting with the times like this is the market now you know know what I mean you you want an established head coach you want a good established head coach with which is what Mike Brown is gotta pay the guy yeah like it there’s no more five6 million that’s not it’s not what it is no more you know it’s the the coaching um salaries and the way they go about it it’s just like anything else in life players aren’t making the same that they did two three years ago you as a as a owner in an organization you’re bringing in more money than you did four or five years ago coaches salaries are no different get with the times that would be that would be my thought get with the times man should be getting about 101 million a year wholeheartedly agree and uh in the end I think that he does I think I think so too and and and and I don’t think the end means February I think there’s just too much at stake for this franchise right now and if if you’re on ownership whatever the hell that means if you’re ownership and you’re unhappy with the way that the season went the way to correct it isn’t holding your head coach hostage it’s we’ve got business to get straight this year at this point item number one is to get the situation with Mike Brown dealt with item number two is for free agency to get here well hell I think you’ve got a draft first yeah but we have have the draft in Malik Monk and we have to improve our roster having Mike Brown’s contract situation you know lingering over all of these very very crucial business decisions help no one they don’t help Mike they sure as hell don’t help Monty and they don’t help whatever group in ownership is unhappy about missing the playoffs last year no I’m done we’ll see you tomorrow the other thing go back to Rump Shaker but the other thing I I was gonna um say about that as well is you got a guy like Mike Brown in house right now MH and you know he may be asking for something and we all hear these reports and everything and we’re feeling you know okay Mike Brown is deserving of this and all this other stuff maybe I stall out the the Kings organization a little too much or whatever my boy Uncle V I just want to reiterate we don’t know what the kings are or not doing that’s right you know we don’t know that the Kings aren’t offering $10 million we don’t know that hell to be honest with you we don’t even know what the holdup is we think it’s money it could be years on the contract Kings could be offering a three-year extension Mike Brown might want a five years you know which you heard that before tyoo tyoo with the Lakers yeah which which is technically a money thing but the the per year average salary is already mapped in that case is already mapped out they’re just trying to figure out the length of the contract we don’t know if that may be the case so there’s there’s a lot of assumptions um for you know what what’s going on with this this whole ordeal and a lot of it tends tends to lean towards oh the kings are being the Kings again we don’t know that we don’t we don’t know what’s going on there so there’s no way I I could possibly find this but I wonder what Rick adan’s uh succession of contracts were like when he came here was it a three-year deal when he came here was it a 5-year deal when he came here and and what did he sign along the way uh that kept him here uh 2006 yeah there’s there’s virtually no way I can figure this out especially live on the air but I I might dive into that later because he was here for what 10 nine 10 years yeah maybe not maybe maybe not that long about eight yeah I think it was probably eight about eight oh there it is right there look over in the other column stupid he was here it’s all no it’s always hilarious when David Curts is a cell out oh it’s like it’s literally right there I’m trying to what was it 10 years nine years no idiot it was the 1999 season to the 2006 season it’s right in front of you stupid so that’s probably not One Singular contract but there also is an argument that I would make that the Kings got rid of him a year too late rather than and when they should have um and paid for it for about 16 years oh gosh jez don’t remind me so let’s not do that let’s get this situation with Mike dealt with keep it moving get get it done let’s keep handle business everybody everybody come together and let’s work this thing out because I do think it’s best for for both sides to be here in Sacramento absolutely and it’s okay to be frustrated with missing the playoffs last year there’s nothing wrong with that but let’s also like we we’re putting that on Mike be clear that’s what we’re doing we’re putting that on Mike that would be wrong that’s that’s that that’s that’s not that’s not the that’s that feels like an easy way out to be honest I’m not gonna lie all right like just with like I I don’t know how you could put that on Mike Brown be like yeah I don’t know we can bring like pay him this or whatever just like I don’t see how you put that on him last season you you don’t you don’t it just doesn’t make sense to me no especially when your star player is saying like if we make free throws we’re a 50- win team Mike didn’t say that your leader said that well put some stock in what your leader says because at no point did man if our coach just got us to make free throws now I I’m not gonna I had moments plenty of them this year where I was critical of Mike Brown he did some things that I just don’t understand some of it involved Davon Mitchell early some of it involved Chris DTE we have talked talked openly about the handling of Kevin herder yeah that’s that stuff is on Mike but it’s not the reason that they were two games worse last year and really you find one way to be one in five versus the Pelicans that none of this is happening facts none of this and and and and to be honest with you you can exit the playoffs like the Pelicans did none of this is a conversation let let me ask you a question though do you think like everybody everybody is quick to once again here I go defending the Kings again a little bit too but everybody’s quick to to jump on on the Kings right now and talk about how could you do this and you know how all this other stuff and I agree like once again moving on from Mike Brown and Hell Monty McNair if that was the case that’s not the answer right now but isn’t there a heightened sense of urgency with everything that has to do with this this franchise the city there should be every everybody’s got it like while while we’re talking about you know oh it’s not his fault and um you know missing the playoffs once isn’t like we should have some patience and all that there is no other patience going on in this whole King’s world because Monty better do this Keegan better do this sabonis better be this they better go get this person like we’re all talking like that uh that the the the W’s quote about the Kings and how they’re frustrated they make the playoffs or or James’s story about how they’re not happy with missing the playoffs and we read that and we’re like what oh really you’re gonna feel that way after not making the playoffs one time this is what we do not just us but fans everybody involved we have been on like this the the sense of urgency is at 10 with this franchise in this city right now that’s fine and you’re 100% right but we’re not the decision makers it’s true if we were we’ probably fire well not us but there’d be people who will fire people the same people who say it’s crazy to even have this discussion they would trade so and so they would Monty and Mike would be on the hot seat because they’re not making a point play well not if I was the the owner and not if I was either I’m I’m a I’m a little bit would have traded Keegan Murray a week ago definitely would not you and you and your assistant general manager over there in the in the in the booth with his bubble jacket now he’s on the phone that he knows we talking about him absolutely not I think everybody involved just we’ll be okay we’ll gonna get there we got to make some moves we gotta get better we gotta improve we got to make the playoffs but I believe that the group that they have but all the way around is is is a great core for that if you want to make a move here and there to improve that and Mike is a part of that absolutely and that’s the 100% that’s the that’s the thing like you could you could feel how how you want to about herder and you can have these discussions about dorte and some of these different guys we’re not having a discussion about domas we’re not having a discussion about dearen most of us aren’t having a conversation about Keegan no nobody here but we’re well like to talk anymore nobody here here um and Mike Brown is not either at least not in my opinion Mike Brown is he is core core he is core foure I need to let me let me let me take one quick peek at something because streets have been calling for it now for a couple of days uh oh well yeah today am I you’re watching Jason kid back I’m about to get back on that winning yeah I’m I’m a little Rel I mean it’s it’s it’s oh oh it’s a good one yeah all right all right all right yeah you better be ready Jesse you better be ready cuz your boy’s back I’m not even gonna lie to you the guys past 2010 or whatever making their money I struggle with current standings now 17 and 16 Jesse tapio with the last victory well see I need you to tell the whole story if Jesse was 17 and 16 You’ be like Jesse in first place at 17 and 16 you didn’t tell the people who was in first place right now it’s every day with this guy tell the whole story Jesse Tapia is not in first place right now with a uh he he he’s he’s got a 16 and 17 record uh in Pocket watching which means casy will go first Jason kid the player who was greatly disrespected well don’t do that right K one of the great players of all time Twisted off the all 75 list yesterday well that’s only because you tried to throw off Dame Lillard and that can’t happen did and I don’t think I’m sorry about it to be honest with you I love Dame lard I’m good about that one I’m trying to get you you feel pretty good about Dame L yeah we’ll get him out of there not in a bad way but it’s just no like I’m trying to get Kyrie on I’m trying to get Kyrie on the list you saying kid is better than Dame Lillard look it I was a Youngster whatever Jason Jones was bringing up the defense the rebounding the assists that stuff matters I I know J kid or whatever but well I know I know we’re about buckets on this show too I know I post on lot this has never happened in the history of pocket watching but I’m like good old Jr folks we’re out of time oh we really do gotta go to break come back damn USA won’t give us that extra five minutes lefem Nikita is coming Nikita only the real ones know shout out to the chatty house brought to you by Matthews mattress your locally owned and operated mattress retailer uh silly Sterns and Foster Temperpedic Beauty res black whatever your Vibe is Matthews mattress has got you covered you can go to Matthews and find one of their 10 locations in the area yeah man I like the El Grove location personally well of course you do it’s right by you I like the Roseville location because it’s right by me good one too they got them everywhere though they got them for everybody all over the city again head over to Matthews find the location nearest you and let them know part of the chatty house let them know DLo and Casey sent you uh pocket watching Jason kid next on ESPN 1320 oh Silk Stockings good reference he go C Pros that’s a good reference right there Silk Stockings I don’t know nothing about that siling oh man didn’t and and later the little little more maybe in Jesse’s time didn’t they do uh psyched wasn’t that on afterwards oh psych yeah yeah psych wasn’t bad I feel I watched the season of Psych it wasn’t the wor Where was Pacific Blue in all of this Pacific Blue it feels like was that after was that a was that an after raw show it feels like that was like youm but no Pacific Blue might have been on there it might have been on after after all wen’t they running um what’s it called chrisly knows best or whatever but got like 10 years in jail they stop that yeah y that was a very very staged reality I liked it I enjoyed it yeah Pacific Blue was USA in the mid90s blue probably the biggest post raw show in history The Ultimate Fighter The Ultimate Fighter was after raw Spike spike yeah I don’t even know was it Spike yet I think it was TNN still I think it was spike it was maybe they were there for a transition was Spike TNN I thought they were too different uh channels yeah t TNN not TNT no no I know TNN yeah I thought I thought no [ __ ] Spike be TNN became Spike okay I feel like when WWE moved it was TNN what is Spike now is that a thing I think it’s it’s not they’re not on at all oh I that’s why I don’t play replays to my show what show show Pro vers Jo was on Spike oh one more time Pros versus Joe was on Spike oh oh oh oh oh if they had a channel they play replays like um Ridiculousness spike is Paramount now is that a shoot what a re that might be that’s a good call Paramount Network they play a lot of Bar Rescue well I just yeah I searched Spike TV and Paramount Network came up I like going from attitude error to J I think they curse on Paramount Network though they play good movies on there too TNN relaunched a Spike TV which targeted young adult male audiences oh that’s funny it was the national network I always thought it was the Nashville Network because it was some country ass Channel I was like you sending me over here G Brooks gonna do a run in oh no it was the Nashville Network it was the Nashville Network it changed to the national network then it changed to spike boy you get the most useless information on this show and shout out to sa he’s right Paramount I feel like Damian would be like good for Survivor I feel like you can handle that show me yeah oh I don’t think so I’d be on Survivor I’d be like this is some [ __ ] I’m not out there eating crickets and sleeping and do are they really eating crickets like I don’t know what they’re doing I I can tell you emphatically I’ve never seen an episode of that show I’ve seen the commercials trailers and the synopsises maybe they are but that’s crazy did you ever see uh Fear Factor Fear Factor yeah yeah yeah that that that that was insane going on that show that was what’s the purpose of this that’s what that is I don’t know none of these shows man y’all talking about big brother I don’t know what that I don’t know what that is I don’t know hey all right let’s get La in here before we do pocket watching you really excited when this record plays I just love when you get excited for Bumper Music my Jo 91699 1320 Ley DMS me yesterday man how come y’all didn’t talk about sexy red man it’s for the culture she’s on NXT lazy said that yeah bro we did talk about I know it’s literally in the YouTube comments or whatever sexy red on NXT tonight and my favorite thing was he forward me the video Ley make sure I got everything that’s why I appreciate Ley so much he forwarded me the video that was already on my Ig story but I love Ley because he because he he makes sure he he he he’s a he’s a remote producer that’s right man what’s up Le yo DLo KC what’s good guys he’s out the office yeah he’s out the office today hey I feel great I called out today that this guy incriminating himself he might have one of them Kenny jobs where they just didn’t know that was cool I just I just might hey what’s good guys hey my bad DLo you know can’t make sure I gotta make sure y’all don’t forget sex hey I appreciate you appreciate yes sir hey yo I want to call it now this this question for KY man Casey said I ain’t been talking to him so this a question for KY hey um right now a lot of people have been talking a lot about cat you know we’ve been giving his praise well last series they was hey man I got I got ask a question okay game four he was ducking the medium the media he wasn’t at the podium you couldn’t find cat game five he out here talking and some yellow cardigan he out here now KY isn’t that a front runner I gotta ask brother uh I don’t know when we went to the 70s Le’s calls are the most underrated bit on this show Ley Ley starts to call like super happy when he gets to his question he becomes aspiring journalist and then for some reason he ends the call as someone as an extra on the Jefferson said Le said he showed up to the podium with a cardigan ain’t that a jive turkey brother Carl Anthony towns was acting like a jive turkey to answer your question uh I mean yeah I that to be honest with you maybe I’m stalling him out we don’t know what happened after game three yeah he got his games mixed up yeah we we well even then I no I mean Ley did he said game five last night was game four yeah we don’t we don’t know if if he was asked if he declined if what what happened I I don’t know but if I I will say this though Ley if if he declined in game three he’s wrong for that you gotta go talk you you one of them dudes you know you was joking and doing all that other stuff you gotta go talk I’m not gonna call him a front runner necessarily but I mean you you gotta I think it’s a fair question no it is though it is I I’m I won’t label him as that but um you gota I do agree you got to go talk man I agree I understand and if and if somebody wants to label him as a front runner because of that I understand I’m not going to push back is because you gotta and and more than like being a front runner and all this other stuff to me it’s about leadership it’s I know we used to have this conversation about dear Fox and all this other stuff I do it it doesn’t change like everything in the world but I do I know me personally if I was considered the leader of this team if I was considered the guy if I was considered the Makai Fifer where everybody looks to me and takes cues I would take that responsibility to be the one to go talk that’s just me I’m not saying what if you were Omar apps well then i’ be I wouldn’t be able to shoot or actually I’d be I’d miss on purpose that’s what I would do but uh into deep I might have to go revisit that movie some sometime yeah that’s a phenomenal movie movie one scene was crazy but the rest a good movie po youy PR but um yeah I I would I would talk I would talk and I would I would take on that responsibility of talking not everybody feels that way about it but that’s that’s how I would go about it okay all right back to the business at hand this is broken down a little bit differently than in other years Jason kid wow 14 15 19 NBA seasons for the Hall of Famer and the Dallas Mavericks head coach these are player only earnings for the number two overall pick wow in the 1994 draft as Jason Jones emphatically stated out of cow again 19 NBA seasons for Jason kid his Peak earnings in those 19 years was in 2008 when he was 35 years old with the Dallas Mavericks Jason kid earned $21.3 million that year 21 3 million again the former number two overall pick in the 1994 NBA draft I need that I need the specifics again 19 Seasons 19 Seasons 19 okay 21.3 million was his Peak that was in 2008 when he was 35 years old you’re up first Kenny carway career earnings for the head coach of the Dallas Mavericks let the dramatic beat drop what do you got I’m gonna say Jason kid made $235 million $235 million yeah Bob yeah Bob it feels High Jesse Tapia with an opportunity to bring bring this thing back to even 19 NBA Seasons the former number overall pick the former number two overall pick in 1994 Peak earnings were in 2008 when he earned 213 million all right so this is my just this is my win guess I guess or whatever I’m assuming case going high I’m gonna go 2 like 28 million 228 million originally I would have guessed like 195 or very uh that was that was a nice move I would have went like 195 if it was closer that was a nice move Jesse would have gone 195 if it was closer and his instincts are correct to bring the score now to 17 to 17 500 damn it12 million got to get that second guess in then so just so they recognize 82 M 27,9 168 to be exact that is the total dam for Jason kids career earnings that was a tough one that was a tough one I disagree Dam it was easy for you no you I wish you had done the 195 saying I went for the dub I went for the dub I was like Hey so you know I get the strategy I like that what’s this I like that man hey man about to about to go to work I’m done playing with y’all well now we we’ll C your all we do is play well since you’re at the podium uh uh casy you just took your second straight loss in Pocket watching uh Jesse’s now got the score back to to 500 are you are you nervous about where the Los Angeles careways are here at this point next question I mean look we’re at we’re at 500 stupid ass questions that was my m Malone that was Michael Kenneth caroway over here wor I’m not worried not worried about nothing hope you enjoyed that little month and a half French Montana as French Montana West said ain’t worried about nothing you know I’ll be back tomorrow um you know Jason kid one was it was a little spotty it was a little spotty that was for you Jason I wouldn’t let them disrespect you like that and I think with the results of this um Jason kit has earned his place back on the all 75 list and Dame Lillard is off see that’s where you guys lose me Jason kid can be on the 75 list there no problem he’s one of the great players to ever play don’t be taking Dame Lillard off someone has to be off the list for Kyrie Irving to be on it take uh Bob Koy off they’re not gonna We’re not gonna do that you know I’m gonna defend Bob right now this is accolades l75 this is not just Talent all right Dam won Jack one nothing what say get him got a ring he he rode the coils to win a ring he actually well that during that uh during that run with the Mavericks I like Jason kid think he’s a good ball player I think kid is top five all time in assists around there might be sixth yeah Jason kid you could St he he’s he’s he’s not he’s not a better player than Dame will you’re just not wow really I think I think uh I feel like I’m disparaging Dame and I don’t mean to do that I’m a Dame lard fan I think Dame Lillard like we talk about the assist I I could be wrong Dame blows Jason kid away and scoring right yeah that’s fair oh yeah like I mean the thing with Dame Dame is probably and I think he said this and he’s not wrong he’s probably the second greatest shooter of all time he’s there um does Kevin male deserved to be on the list okay no all right that’s all right all right never mind I’m just looking at I’m looking at names Steve Nash is a two-time MVP I do kind of feel like they they kind of overrate Kevin mcel a little bit just a little he’s a really good ball player but I mean like is is no it’s a fair question it is a fair question is Kevin mcel a top 75 player let me go play up the stats I wasn’t alive in the 80s I I don’t even know the numbers either I know Casey’s gonna love this one Dwayne Wade yeah he’s top three at his position he he belongs top he’s top three shooting guard of all time what about Jim Harden did he even make it did James make it he’s he’s a he’s a TP I don’t know well no I believe he did but he5 every MVP make it except der Rose one Derrick Rose didn’t make it Derrick Rose was the one yeah Harden is yeah Harden deserves to be I was listening to um Bon and but yesterday and Bon just quick little blur he talking about like yeah don’t ever mention um uh Harden with with uh Luca again he’s like Luca’s way better than James Harden ever was I was like what I need to we need to slow down on the the revisionist history like just because he didn’t get it done in the Conference Finals and in the clutch which is very fair James Harden was kind of crazy like James James Harden was unguardable like put up 30 a night and let the league in assist then people talk about you know the fouls and all this like I get all that but he he didn’t go to the foul line 34 times what year did he get hurt in the playoffs not with Brooklyn did he get hurt with Houston I don’t think so Chris Paul did Chris Paul did do you remember what year that was that was 20 18 nope 2017 was KD then yeah 16 so that’s KD okay no actually it was 2018 because still KD yeah KD there for sure okay we got Mel’s numbers all right 18 points okay all right we got seven rebounds seven time Allstar three time rebound that’s the killer for me three time NBA champ one time all NBA oh no one time all rookie six time all defensive team we’s out of here we should we should have never we should have never read I’m not gonna lie I pulled up his page like oh this is not great for me yeah he’s out of here I I tried my best with those Dame no no no I apologize I apologize Dame male is off this thing Kyrie so here’s here’s the tough part because I’ve I’ve already taken Anthony Davis on and give it off and giv his spot to Dwight Howard Dam Dwight come on man that’s fair Dwight deserves to be on this list Dwight deserves to be on this list he deserves to be on this list Anthony Dwight who’s a better player then didn’t their after Peak after their Peak Dwight Howard took in the league where in the league where they were extinct he took the magic to the finals dominated I want Dwight I want Kyrie and I want Luca donit on this list anybody have a problem with that I don’t have a no I don’t have a problem with it some of the people that you gotta get Kevin mcc’s out of here we know that for sure that’s fine whatever yeah like I said I pulled up this basketball reference now I need two more names to get off this list if you’re not going to allow me to take Anthony Davis off yeah because Anthony Davis is a better player than right I it’s more talented maybe but he’s more talented I don’t even want to say that Dwight was dominant Dwight was something else I don’t want to say Dwight was special let’s not pretend like no Absolut he absolutely was he absolutely but like kind of what we’re talking about is like Dwight got to the finals he got to the finals I’m not I’m not sneezing on that at all but we talking about Dwight did this this and that that’s like it was like a really short time it like three years where he was like leading his team not true was like four five no it wasn’t he won like four defensive players the years but I’m I’m talking about like leading his team somewhere cuz like that’s where we’re comparing with ad like Dwight went to ad didn’t lead anyone anywhere ever well I mean we look he got to the he won an NBA championship he did do that LeBron was there I’m not saying he was the best guy but he won a championship we hold on hold on so so now we sneezing it that we didn’t sneeze A J kid we didn’t sneeze A J kid no I’m not even talking we added that to his resume that don’t do that I’m not talking about the title oh now all of a sudden oh now all of a sudden 2020 or something I’m just I’m just going by the fact wipe that stupid look off your face this a this ain’t the Dodgers okay this ain’t the Dodgers this ain’t the Dodgers and and there there are Arguments for and against that being tough and not as tough as the the right so I I understand both sides I I tried to make Arguments for it being tough and y’all tried to throw me off the show oh no I agree with it being tough it’s it’s definitely not the same though that’s all I I know I don’t know who to take on I have no idea ad ad80 is so Dwight Dwight had what two or three years of he’s the best big man in the league and his team wins sure he had at least four no because then he he wasn’t there for that long then he went to Houston well and he also hurt his back didn’t he yeah and then he went to the Lakers and didn’t do like didn’t didn’t perform at a high level the teams well he went to the Lakers first didn’t he yeah so in Orlando he’s eight time all NBA um May time Allstars Allstar he was an All-Star from 07 to 13 I think it was looking at basketball reference Dwight is phenomenal Dwight deserves to be he deserves to be on this list I just five time all NBA first team I just think when it’s when it’s all well that that we got go ahead disparage it I’m not I think we got him put put him in the top 75 KC that’s all not sure no for sure I don’t think ad I don’t think ad needs to leave outside of Luca donic he’s got to be the only five-time all-nba first team player to not be on this list about right gota be sounds about right unless the guys who played basketball before all NBA existed Kevin mcel hate to do this to pack up your playbook coach wants to go see you now look this also isn’t fair because because Dwight had some some years where he didn’t he didn’t play right like he had like a one-year sent with not the Kings but you know like the Kings like where he was way past his prime but I mean the career numbers are kind of crazy the comp the career number comparison between AD and Dwight is come on what what Dwight for his career is 1511 they don’t have his blocks up here or right in front of me but 15 and 11 ad is 24 and 12.6 you think ad is as impactful of a player as Dwight Howard was Dwight was about two blocks per game to 1.8 but we round up on the show and AD is two I think ad is 2.3 blocks per game give me well then maybe it’s not ad like you said Kevin Uh Kevin Kevin yeah Kevin’s already gone I’m trying to work a couple of other guys off is that is that how Kyrie got on is with with Kevin Kevin Mel feel now you’re asking me like now now I have to pick right now we’re at one so now I have to pick between Dwight Kyrie and Luca Luca gonna get on a 100 did yic make that list he didn’t I think so yeah he Luka Luka’s gonna be on a 100 so he cannot be on 75 that’s fine yeah 100 is going to be like the land of the Sinners the next because and let’s call it what it is it’s not the 100 list it’s the next 25 list because Giannis isn’t on this list either so it’ll be jannis joic Joe well keep getting them all NBAs any will does anyone have any strong feelings about Dave Bing they beinging did a lot for the city of Detroit so he can stay on he really played for the psons Post career he did oh I’m 66 to 75 I don’t know anything about playing career seven time NBA Allstar how do we feel about Dominique Wilkins and Kyrie Irving Dominique is Dominique is oh Dominique’s a good one I gotta be honest I that Dominic hold on Dominic did not make top 50 either right you didn’t he was he only kind one of the late ones that made top 75 that sounds right I’m not mistaken right wait he didn’t make top 50 yeah he didn’t make top 50 on the back of the prod they put him on 75 did he get the Kyrie spot yeah Dominique Wilkins Celtics Legend nine time NBA Allstar one all NBA first team four seconds two thirds Dominique doesn’t need to be on this list either Dominique’s out of here so that’s that’s that’s that’s that’s DWI so we got so who who we’re good because we said because we said Luka he’s just going to be on 100 Kevin and Kevin and Dominique out Kyrie and um Dwight yeah there we go we’re good we soft it sounded like an episode of the office for a second tell you through Dominique in there if you said D’Angelo that would have been a fullon uh episode of The Office all right shout out Dominique Wilkins he doesn’t he doesn’t need to be on this list big big ups to do he was very exciting very very exciting and it might be a little different um with like living through Dominique Wilkins you know what I’m saying like maybe maybe it was a different vibe living through him but I feel like that’s that’s about it I’m looking at the at the list right now I don’t know Dave Cohen don’t get too comfortable well well I feel like they’re not throwing anyone off like they’re not gonna make up for putting Dominique Wilkins on this list oh no one’s getting taken off yeah though this is just for our fun they love Dolph shads too I think he’s a a king’s uh disciple like the franchise what Rochester or Kans who who he who who you Dolph Ziggler who was it Ziggler Oh no I got one I got one look we can throw Dominique back on there you say Paul Pierce I’m done well okay I’ll just keep my mouth no you no no Dolph Shay’s got six all NBA first teams just for the record no no Dominique Dominique goes he stays on WE Dominique keep your ass on this list get James Worthy out of here man no that feels that feels very disrespectful Dominique Wilkins a better player than James worth disrespectful I don’t know I got to pull the Basketball Jam wait a second James Worthy three time NBA champion seven time NBA All-Star NBA Finals MVP to all NBA third teams James gota go no disrespect no disrespect you know what yeah he’s a Laker get him out of there get out James James Worthy I don’t know man his playoff numbers are man man that’s a tough one J I mean he he’s he’s he’s he’s almost got the Kevin mccale rub and that he got the Laker he he absolutely the Laker version of Kevin Mel really good ball player but he was elevated by the people if doing that I vote to take Dom and James of then because I want Luca on Luka going to get there I understand that in 20 years put Luka on the list now what are you doing with him y I found myself being so frustrated with the way the Timberwolves were playing yesterday in the fourth quarter I was rooting for Dallas one thing changed it that I completely forgot about I was really frustrated with the way that they were playing and then they caught um someone was going to the free throw line and and I snapped out of it was like oh can’t do that I remember my man elston’s over there and I will never no matter what team he’s coaching for rud against ston Turner and I was like okay all right all right straighten up dowlo come on now come on Minnesota play better and and and they did and and walked out of there with that win but man they were really they had a better fourth quarter than they had the first three games God they were really frustrating in that fourth quarter at times yeah I mean they we you could say this about a number of different series but the one thing that I would feel like if I was Minnesota player at the very least and having some type of confidence about potentially making history is we’ve been we’ve been right there in every game matter of fact we’ve you can make the argument except for maybe game three and obviously game four we we blew those other two games we were up definitely did we were up in control and we blew those games yeah so all we got to do we don’t have to do anything too drastic just keep with what we’re doing play good basketball and we can do this we can do this so yeah I I mean it is it is funny I I was looking at I think it was on uh bet ESPN bet or something like that while we were doing the show yesterday and like I don’t know why it stuck out to me Minnesota’s plus 1100 to win the series I don’t know I don’t know why it just caught my eye just like damn why like I took notice of it today yesterday down three 0 yeah plus 1100 oh this thing’s will work that’s all right and I just it just kind of I was like as you can see I committed it to memory was just like all right and you commit nothing to memory normally go I forgot to bookmark this I got to do a better job I got book this yeah but uh James I mean just real quick Dominique Wilkins 24.8 points per game 6.7 rebounds 2.5 those are his career stats yeah wow 24.8 6.7 James Worthy 17.6 5.1 James but look at J James numbers are higher in the playoffs he had a better team that’ll get him to the playoffs but he but but but when he did he was really good no no I don’t want to say like that yes he was really good big game James for a reason but he he had a he he let’s just stick with throwing Kevin mccale off for now we we’re getting James out of there too no it’s good it’s good you’re right you’re right let’s just leave it there James Worthy um yeah he can wrot the coils of kareim and Magic Cas he didn’t want to say it a minute ago I’ll say it we’ll come back he might have been better than Kareem at that time being honest it’s not what winning time told me well winning time told us a lot clip the countdown to clip is week out winning time told us more than we need to know we’ll come back um L more basketball to talk about James ham at the top of the hour lots of Kings basketball to talk about but baseball got something right well we’ll talk we’ll talk de them with Casey on ESPN 1320 hello how can I help you can’t help shut the hell up wow oh he’s on Sir wow wow you know what guys I don’t even have a 13th round today I don’t think there’s anything going on in boxing let me see if there’s a fight this weekend I mean there’s always a fight anything of notice because the yeah they might what weight class was Fernando Vargas was he 130 135 135 I think because Oscar he might have been 140 all right let’s say he’s 135 what is Shakur Shakur is 130 right now I think he just moved up to 135 all right who who wins that fight was just two randoms in my head right now I think Shakur wins it because he he would just he’s a better boxer and those in those situations I usually go with the better boxer the guy who can can maneuver around the the ring um I usually lean towards that sometimes it doesn’t happen but all right now we have a real topic oh we still really doing this yeah like Mike Ty did you see what happened what happened though I heard yeah yeah and there’s people in the chatty house like you guys think Mike can win can’t even ride a plane I think I think I think we’re in the minority I think Mike might be the betting favorite which is crazy yeah and I’m not pro Jake Paul but like I said Mike Tyson can’t write a plan right now it is crazy oh look oh that’s this is actually interesting uh Adrien Broner is fighting next week Deontay Wilder is fighting this Saturday in Saudi Demitri that’s what happened so Demetri ball is fighting this was supposed to be him versus uh better BF this week we got we got we got a little work we got a little work Deontay and bva then AB versus Blair Cobbs next week and then the 15th or I don’t know that’s something okay oh Xander uh Zas he’s a truth he fights next week s give me Chavez Chavez vers tank was Chavez in the same weight class I don’t know he’s an alltime great though he probably he probably was CA because sweet pee prob sweet pee so that’s probably like 135 or so T can knock his ass out Chavez Chavez Chavez was great Chavez no he slow hey bro hey go somewhere else with the fifth round I don’t know nothing about that bro with a with a rear necked CH cold go somewhere with that I don’t know n of M you drew down I guess that would be the the sixth round bro come on man hey come on man stop stop bro stop stop come on come on yeah pal come on hey come come take a seat right here let me talk to you real quick on come on man no no I get it Mike was a superhero back then but don’t watch don’t watch oh we talk about 60 red and Shawn Michaels come to Daddy sugar I completely forgot the Wizard’s job was open it’s open right now yeah oh take that off the list did they fire they fired was iteld during the season yeah that’s right and they had an interim yeah the interim is the head coach that’ll put some butts in the seats that’s that’s one off the list of next year the following year I don’t imagine he got uh JJ reic money which we have no idea what JJ reic money is oh they named him the the head coach yeah oh okay they just announced that yeah yeah he’s they they they’re taking the interim tag off him and he’ll be the head coach good for him so that that job won’t be well you never know they they be hitting that job’s gonna be open again in three years well I’m about to say they be hitting people with these oneye uh coaching jobs yeah he’s this is the hey we need someone to coach this team while we tank like come come get this check we call that to Stephen silus yes sir poor Stephen he had to do it though he had to do it poor guy um so help me out baseball didn’t get this thing right okay well before before we get into it go go ahead break break down what happened today so it it’s really been a a a a three-year project is is what they’re labeling it as but it’s been something that’s probably been a decade in the works where they integrated uh Negro League stats into Major League Baseball stats and there’s now no at least from what I understand differential between the two um you’ll see Josh Gibson at the top of a lot of list like career batting average like leaders have changed um one thing that solidified uh this sat integration though actually there there were two one dead all this Babe Ruth talk cuz not even close two Barry bond is emphatically the greatest player that’s ever lived like that’s the number one oh there’s Josh Gibson Barry Bonds Josh Gibson Barry Bonds Josh Gibson Barry Bond like every list when it comes to Barry Bonds is the one but um there have been you know Rob Manfred has kind of fumbled his way through this uh for the last several years they’ve worked you know they’ve kind of outsourced the the data retrieval over uh the last handful of years and I think yesterday was the culmination of all of that data research which major league baseball didn’t do it was it was outsourced to a couple of different uh entities and now there’s no unless I’m misunderstanding this there’s no Negro League stats anymore it’s ma it’s they’re now baseball stats they’re Major League Baseball stats and they’re all integrated into one so that that is a about where my problem lies okay and maybe I’m being too cynical maybe um my antennas are up well maybe they shouldn’t be but something about this I’m not comfortable with I gotta be honest with you I don’t want them erasing the Negro Leagues and I know everybody’s saying they’re they’re not erasing it they’re just in no I don’t want them erasing the Negro Leagues I do not want Josh Gibson’s stats to be Major League Baseball stats because that is not that’s disingenuous to what why this is an issue in the first place those are Negro League stats and his accomplishments and what he achieved in that League which a lot of people would say at times was better than the major leagues needs to be recognized as the the Negro Leagues and when we talk about the Negro Leagues we need to talk about why there was a Negro League and that needs to live forever we can’t it’s it’s I’m afraid of Reese my son who’s 11 his son looking at baseball stats and being like Josh Gibson is the Major League Baseball leader on base percentage and that’s just kind of what it is not no Josh Gibson was the best and he played in The Negro Leagues because they didn’t allow him to playing the Major League Baseball the Negro Leagues was this son grandson this the the Negro Leagues was some of the best baseball ever played yeah and I’m G tell you the story of the Negro Leagues to and like I said maybe I’m being too cynical about it but they’re racing the Negro Leagues by incorporating incorporating into Major League Baseball it’s not major league baseball and don’t try to wrap it in now it’s the Negro Leagues and I would I personally would want if you want to acknowledge and embrace it wherever you keep your stats whether it’s on your website or whatever the case may be make a separate section for the Negro Leagues and tell me the story there I don’t want it Incorporated in Major League Baseball you’re not being cynical at all you’re being naive you’re being naive to believe that if the stats were separated that the story would ever be told the story of the Negro Leagues is never told ever unless you go to the Negro League Museum M unless you got a guy like Rich from anywhere who sends you stuff from the Negro League Museum those stories shout out to him man absolutely those stories aren’t told though and but now it’s easier not to tell them because there’s no line of demarcation because I disagree and so it’s easy to I don’t think it’s easier to not tell the story of the Negro Leagues MH but but it’s more difficult to ignore them when so many guys at the top of these list are Negro League players can and work work with me here I don’t want to be I don’t want to do too much tell me if I’m doing too much anybody can tell me but this is I’m I’m trying to trying to um like I’ve been working through this all morning I’ve been talk shout out to my guy Rick Warren I was talking to him about it um this morning I was talking to the wife about it and I’m trying to like work through how I feel and I’m not saying it’s the exact same thing please understand baseball is not the same as real life but it gives me the same Vibes and the feelings as what they’re trying to do in these schools and ER and not have to tell the story of what the story is with the history and all this other St no I don’t agree with that at all but because there’s no marker for those stories like in baseball if you’re talking about on base percentage whatever you you have like there’s a there’s a mark there that you have to tell the story what they’re doing why do you have to tell the story because who’s at the top of the list Josh Gibson is a Major League Baseball leader in on base percentage there’s no that that’s the end if you had to say if you if you had to say okay fine we we we could stay with that what’s the there there there’s there’s nothing in schools like they’re they’re just trying to pretend like it didn’t happen and I get the same feeling like no it’s good he’s in all his numbers are in Major League Baseball we have his numbers we have their number it everything’s good no it’s not all good you didn’t let him play in Major League Baseball tell the tell the story don’t incorporate his numbers now and think that no it’s it’s with us now it’s good you didn’t let him play but again to me it’s not it’s not speaking to you being cynical it’s speaking to you being naive naive to the fact that and this is this has always been my gripe Major League Baseball was born what’s it April 15 1947 I think so I’m not I’m not exactly sure about the the year I should I think it’s 1947 I think it’s 47 it’s April 15th right 1947 Major League Baseball is born that day because before then you had the Negro Leagues and you had the white leagues and even when Jackie Robinson debuted it was still pretty much a white league with a black dude in it that’s always been that that’s never changing the fact that they consider Major League Baseball Major League Baseball despite the fact so many of the best players weren’t allowed to play in it is Never Gonna Change it’s but they they don’t even tell you that they don’t mention that no of course they don’t they don’t mention that so now there we don’t even have to tell you about the other league we don’t have to tell you about that because it’s all major league baseball it’s all major league my point is they don’t tell you about the other league anyways I understand but no we need to we we don’t need to eradicate that we don’t need we don’t need to incorporate all that I I much rather separate and when you if you have your little uh your record books or whatever you have your Major League Baseball record book this guy’s got higher numbers and and what the Negro Leagues what is that like even if even just if somebody is going through if they did what I said and put a section in there saying Negro League stats somebody could be going some historian some kid could be going through the website and let me see who’s the the league the Major League Baseball leader in in stolen bases all right here’s the section wait Major League Baseball and Negro League base what is Negro League they don’t even have to do that no more because they didn’t put it all in Major League Baseball let’s get Ramsay in here because I knew uh ramsy was either going to call during this conversation or bring this conversation up at the most inappropriate time so I’m glad he waited till the conversation Brown and he Ramsay what weigh in on this I personally I take the small win in the fact that they’ve Incorporated these stats repeat that one more time Ramsey you said you take this for a win I take this as a small win that that that these stats are being Incorporated and that these play that these players are finally being acknowledged for the fact that like Kenny was saying D and you were saying they been acknowledged regardless but take the win that Major League Baseball after this after this research is acknowledging them and I also want to give shout out to where you were talking about rich the man that runs that museum BoB Kendrick is a baseball encyclopedia especially when it comes to Negro Leagues that man knows everything about not not just Negro Leagues but baseball in Kansas City and he if you listen he has a podcast if you listen to it he’ll tell all the stories about NE the Negro Leagues and my my other point that’ll tie into today’s baseball how we say there’s no acknowledgement of the Negro Leagues or African-Americans playing there’s only 6% of the league is African-American players today so it’s that small of a of a piece of the league that started in Negro League Baseball where you don’t want to get acknowledgement to now we only have 6% playing there there needs to be ways to incorporate African-American players much more than just a 6% percentage of the league because there’s Talent there and it’s not being utilized across the board yeah good stuff Ramsey yeah good stuff Ramsey and once again how how what I’m saying isn’t the end all Beall I don’t look at it as that I’m not I’ve been trying to work something has not felt right about me well let’s work through it together what we do I saw my first thing was oh that’s great and then I started to read more about it and I heard different opinions about it too not like different black people who are like nah I don’t like the wording here I don’t like what they’re doing and I started to listen to what they were saying and then I formed my own thoughts and I I’m just worried about them eliminating the neg that’s that’s really what my my Crux let’s go back to your original let’s go back to your first analogy about this is what they’re doing in schools and they’re trying to erase slavery they’re trying to erase the Civil Rights Movement I mean they are I I learned much more about black history as an adult than I ever did as a kid and you know it’s a constant joke in the black community but every February where your kid goes to school they get to learn about Rosa Parks year after year in Martin Luther the King and that’s about it maybe if your school’s real edgy you’ll learn about Fred Douglas maybe Harriet tudman but that’s where it’s going to end you’re not going to learn about Malcolm X or huie P new you’re not going to learn about the variety of other people who influence black history along the way if we go with that line of thinking that they have worked to eliminate black history from schools mhm what would be any different of them just essentially erasing black history from baseball because if again we’re dealing with the arrogance of a league who determined this is Major League Baseball despite the fact some of the best players in the world can’t play in it this is Major League Baseball what do people always say whether they’re talking about uh a job a phone a moment this is the major leagues pal that’s the line people use and it was you know born from that this is the big leagues no ignore that the best players in the world a lot of them them are playing over there this is the major leagues what would stop them from just eventually just going the way of black history just my erasing it my my my initial thought is as long as that line of demarcation is there there’s always the the opportunity for a discussion but that’s what I disagree with who’s having the discussion we we are we we always are yeah or you forced to acknowledge it too you’re forced to like right now right 10 years from now what are they forced to acknowledge nothing really like because there’s nobody questioning what was the better League or who the because we’ve Incorporated all we’ve put it in our league so there’s there is no the ageo no this was a better League it’s all major league baseball now but is that conversation happening now yeah I I know people who have a conversation I don’t know if just in general or anything else like that like it’s happening on Sports Talk Radio or you know I but I I know people who are having that conversation and and who are keeping that conversation alive and keeping it going as far as saying like look man there needs to be an acknowledgement of on a grand scale is that conversation probably not and that’s what I and and and see those conversations can have that’s that’s the frustrating thing with all of all of this those conversations they’re always going to happen those conversations aren’t happening now well then this is this is the other thing shout out to our gu tone Big Ups to him this is the other conversation I had he said in the Matthews mattress chatty house it’s about MLB making money off the Negro Leagues there will be more NLB merchandise sold at MLB venues Josh Gibson jerseys will be sold at a higher rate also MLB still owes NLB player pensions and this is something that that I was thinking about when I was talking through it earlier was I was having a conversation with my wife and I’m in agreement once again maybe I’m cynical but in situations that feel a little funny always follow the money always follow the money where’s where is the money at the money is in the merch the money is in the relationship that you’re now able to make money off of from the Negro Lees and I saw this a little bit when and and I I enjoyed I thought it was an opportunity to teach as well when they Incorporated the Negro Leagues into MLB the show and when they did that I’m I was happy to see that but it was also like well somebody had to somebody got paid off somebody got paid off of it which is fine make your money or whatever but I I I I look at the situation where I would much rather have I would much rather them keep the Negro Leagues as they are and have that be a part of whatever your presentation is whether it’s a video game TV network your website and have it as the Negro League and have those numbers there I I’m not crazy about the idea of incorporating them in Major League Baseball I guess that’s that was that was the the the the end point I would get to you want to I appreciate the acknowledgement keep it as the Negro League so we can say Forever This Is The Negro Leagues this is not major league baseball this is the Negro Leagues these were the players of the Negro Leagues this is the numbers of the Negro Leagues Major League Baseball did their own thing and that’s I guess that’s where I always end up what if it was called baseball stats that’s another thing and I’m not trying to be funny I’m that serious that’s another argument I seen and that’s one of the problems that because we have the Basketball Hall of Fame we do not have the NBA Hall of Fame you’re spot that’s another argument I saw that I actually am more inclined to have like that happen as opposed to Major League Baseball taking these players in these numbers as if they in like you didn’t you didn’t let them play so don’t try and take their accomplishments and everything that they achieve now and say yeah this is part of Major League Baseball you could say like you just said professional baseball and and have those numbers I would be a little bit more comfortable with that because I still think there’s there’s room for conversations to be had about professional what does that mean oh the Negro Leagues and and all the major okay cool I you you you weren’t being funny you were actually being spot on I’d be more comfortable with professional baseball was than Major League Baseball just taking all of that stuff so what do you think erase is history more not merging the stats or where we’re at today what uh not where we’re at today where we’re at today I think that’s I think that’s where I disagree where we’re at today because I don’t I don’t because I feel like the Negro Leagues up until shocker like four years ago had been mostly ignored by Major League Baseball mhm until it was like and it’s not an accident that this all started four years ago mhm and it was kind of in a the Major League Baseball was essentially put in a position where you need to stop ignoring this and guess what buddy it’s the summer of 2020 now is the time to stop ignoring it and I don’t know for how long it was ignored so I I don’t know I guess it’ll be interesting to see you know if this is written out how these how the and I and I haven’t looked I wouldn’t even know where to look I don’t know if you go to baseball reference or or or where you go but how this is laid out you know when we look up stats we see uh you know uh Lebron James Cleveland Cavaliers points year whatever does it say you know uh Josh Gibson Team league years or is you know these these random Negro League teams just written in as if they’re part of Major League Baseball is there no acknowledgement Within These stats that these numbers occurred somewhere else and and that’s the thing so like once again I’m thinking about we’re we’re here we we’ve we’re close enough to it we live through it or whatever I’m thinking about my kid’s kid and if they’re you know crazy about stats and want to learn more about the game and they go to Major League Baseball and they see Josh Gibson of the homestead graay as leader of the on Bas percentage what’s the difference between the homestead Grays and the Montreal Expos at that point yeah that’s a good I don’t have the answer to that you know they don’t have to have that conversation about where who’s this where they come from or whatever like it’s just another team that was in and in like yeah you could do some more research and find them the lineage of where it is but now because it’s all in MLB you don’t necessarily have to like I said they’re no different than the Washington Senators you know what I mean and that’s what I don’t want them to lose Tyler Jennings in the in the chat asked a question that I asked as well and that that I fall back to because I was talking to my man Rick Warren about this this morning on the way in and Tyler ask what do the Negro League players think or want do they want their stats put in the MLB and I know Rick has talked to a lot of negro league players for years about what they’ve been trying to do and what they’ve been trying to get done just’s be clear there’s only three alive today um a lot of the consultation I don’t know if that’s the right word but a lot of the interaction between Major League Baseball and Negro League players was done through families Willie Mays believe it or not is one of the Negro players Negro League bball more hits I think they said they did yeah um tal Page’s numbers completely changed um and I can’t remember the other two they they might be in the athletic article or the ANS scaped article one of those to um but there are three players and interestingly enough Willie May is one of them that are still alive and and when I talked to Rick who has had conversations in like a long like he’s been trying to he’s been working with these guys for like 15 20 years and he said they want the acknowledgement they’ve always wanted the acknowledgement I don’t I didn’t get into specifics about do they want their stats to count the same as in I don’t know about but they want an acknowledgement for Major League Baseball they always have and that’s where I show respect to them if this is something that as a collective they wanted and they’ve been fighting for I’ll fall back on my stance completely because they’re what they feel yeah it matters more to me I’m I’m just worried about their story and the story of The League being told accurately and still being able to have a conversation about that in the future and and that’s where that’s where I come into play that’s where you come to play where you know and I talked to my son and make sure he passes this stuff down you you try to get this stuff passed down that’s that’s I guess my job and that’s the unfortunate part about black history is we’re the ones who have to pass it down MH whether it’s Negro League Baseball or Black Wall Street mhm yep and that’s probably not going to change we’ll come back uh James ham joins us at the top of the hour here on Sacramento sports leader ESPN 1320 good sh brother yes sir and you’re right sorry John bull didn’t mean to disrespect Babe Ruth like that brother babe where’ you go David this might not change I mean I can’t see why it would um cuz the Negro League Baseball music him would still exist yeah good [ __ ] guys um there you go talk about it it’s facts Charlie hello there so we decided to not do this on the air huh we’re g to do the later one on got you very good we’re gonna the we have another round of we have it these two weeks and then we have another round oh man it’s September I didn’t even yeah yeah yeah yeah so the September on the one we’re gonna push got it good stuff thank you mhm yeah well that Boss Man Charlie know and boss man complex know we got to get out of here a little early s at one point now he’s just kind of overdoing it it was Chris Jericho for me as far as underrated overrated is always the Ultimate Warrior 100% itim Warrior terribly overrated um I think like you’re on to something with Jericho like Jericho like has been so good for so long like and he might be you know like now he sucks but like like now he’s garbage but like before that’s what I’m saying like now it’s kind of but before might diminishing a little bit Yeah but man he’s up there um Jericho overrated himself in aew though I don’t think so I think done a good job of I think he’s done a he was really he’s he was really really important to the growth of that promotion in my opinion really really important because he was cooking he was cooking in like New Japan and all of that like and I think he he he’s also like he he’s he’s done a tremendous job of like revamping his character well there’s that like you said like you probably gotten over in like four different promotions right mhm yeah Jericho’s burying young talent that surprises me admittedly I haven’t watched a ton lately I saw uh this is off topic sorry guys but I saw a t a Tik Tock or real or something the other day of all the stores that are closing a massive amount of locations in 2024 it is jarring jarring to see the story I wish I wish I what a bookmark although there he is although I didn’t see it on my phone so there head over to ESPN and you can enter to win tickets to see WWE Smackdown at the golden one Center got figure out what we doing that day September 20th yeah we we just we gonna be there yeah we gotta figure what we doing we got we got we we’ll we’ll we’ll let the team know hey throw DLo and KC couple of tickets that means all of us and then um we’ll just let complex know hey we got to do a little radio magic here on this day I mean it’s a Smackdown what night is smack smackdown’s a Friday night oh yeah by five yeah little dj Oasis let’s get out of here yeah yeah we’ll be out there I don’t I mean might have to talk to our people about like yo do the show here you know what I’m saying talk let do the show here do the show at g1c Joe Brazil over here on the board man yeah right here on the patio what’s up we doing let’s okay we’ll take this to Megan immediately uh immediately following uh the broadcast today be back by then September post SummerSlam maybe he’s not on this list we got a list that says Randy Orton Kevin Owens La Knights yeah no don’t say a little more Bas in your voice no AJ Styles Bianca Bobby Lashley the street profits Jimmy Uso solo and many more man Smackdown popping um the priz is front row tickets wow yeah I noticed that too yeah wow I noticed that go to ESPN to enter to win four front row tickets to WWE Smackdown at the golden one Center on September 20th damn go in I was gonna say how about whoever from the Chad enters you win you take your three best friends DLo Casey and Jesse hey let’s do it hey that works let’s do you win one ticket to go sit with us hang absolutely can’t buy that stuff like it and look we could sit next to Duce dece always row Duce might be Ringside at that point D Duce might be like Solo’s manager something he’ be he is the wise man oh man I want to sit next to Samantha I love Samantha she might have been the biggest star coming out of WrestleMania facts facts did you see I didn’t see like what happened I just saw the clip where she brought back lilan or they brought back lilan the like two she was on TV Lilian was on TV um like oh that’s cute beat it lady it’s the road poor Lin one of the worst angles ever when Vis was guy yeah little visera had had 500 pound Nelson Frasier in silk pajamas well what a Time Spencer mentions that finishing move oh man boy oh boy after reading that Rolling Stone well never mind yeah that’s a that’s a tough look that that that one’s crazy that’s a tough look for viser tough look for my man viser hey real quick before because James is gonna get here it is gonna be all can I can I just throw everyone I don’t know if this was on the air or Not by this time yesterday Mar computer was on the verge of exploding and like it was dead all I did was was switch browsers from Google or Chrome back to Safari and man my computer’s working perfectly wow this is the most re I nearly bought a brand new $2,000 computer because I thought mine was dead got it all right now that wasn’t necessary that’s crazy wow man I’m just you owe him one back after that and wrest they called a receipt you owe your boy receipt after that went to his house the other day man what you think you tripping off a $2,000 laptop you think he tripping off of it they about to build the Republic Stadium over there that’s facts you guys it’s happening we found our whale we our wh we found our whale all right all I was saying was if you’re having computer switch browsers I didn’t switch it I’mma switch though cuz all my bookmarks are over here I got to make I know I got to move them over yeah but like I really thought I thought it was over like I was like I can’t use this this isn’t functional anymore yeah no it hasn’t had a single problem since I switched browsers and what you say makes sense yeah I mean that Safari is the in-house joint that’s the most Apple thing ever yeah use this browser your computer might blow up use ours and you’ll be just fine I think I think the reason why I even went to Chrome is because there was something that didn’t work like they didn’t support Safari didn’t support this was years ago now but they didn’t support like and it was a it was a main it was a main like website like a like a streamyard or something like that didn’t support it the right way I went to went to Chrome one work here and two Synergy maybe it was Synergy yeah so might have we’ll just use Chrome when we need to use Synergy um and then go back to keep my computer functional again but you mentioned J that’s just a pro tip for anybody else uh don’t go go don’t don’t go buy a new computer just switch browsers I was I was literally one weekend away from doing that not that’s crazy that that’s the simple I I oh my God that’s incredible that’s not D me telling nobody absolutely incredible say come here and spend more money it’s crazy um I I just wanted to say because it’s just a tidbit I don’t know if it’s a really big deal but did you see the um the article over the weekend your boy as we continue to talk baseball Rob Manford talked about what the a are planning to do with cter health park no yeah I don’t think so he talked about the upgrades because I guess he was asked like what are they goingon to do to make that a major league type uh facility he said the a from what I read the A’s are paying all of this the A’s are going to pay for a new scoreboard okay they’re going to build uh like a another building behind the stadium as a clubhouse I think the home Clubhouse not just not the visitors but the home Clubhouse so they’re gonna build another stadium and then he talked about I don’t know if he misspoke or what but artificial turf because there is going to be so much wear and tear because of the two teams playing that artificial turf will the new Turf will be put in at SU what’s there now is it natural grass okay and and I was thinking about like people were like artif oh settle down this isn’t it’s different than football right like I don’t think you really want Turf on football that’s that’s proven to be an issue yeah that’s a good idea to not do that I don’t think it’s that big of an issue in baseball the from what I know off the top of my head the Blue Jays and the Rays have field Turf it’s like a high level field Turf and it’s fine you don’t hear about them dealing with injuries at least I haven’t dealing with injuries and all this other stuff the infield is still dirt so you’re not losing that if they have to do that to make sure both teams play I think it’ll be it’ll be more than fine it’s fine so yeah I just saw that but I I I brought it because people were like really upset about the idea of turf like settle down it’s not that big a deal it’s gonna be lit it’s gonna be lit man I can’t wait for Friday nights Saturday nights you think youd be out there a lot as much as I can be with a two-year-old I’m try to take the family though the the wife was talking about let’s get season tickets wow she likes baseball more than basketball it’s a lot of games it is gotta I’ll take a ticket plan I don’t yeah I was gonna say give me a game plan some other solution I mean but as a with a family yeah that’s a lie if I was like single or like you know not married with kids if it was just me and her yeah season tickets we’ probably be there all the time all right abute summer nights ain’t much else going on go to a baseball game they did talk about the possibility of uh the A’s playing Sunday night games not the game of the week but because of the Heat playing Sunday night games the Rangers used to do that before they moved into their dome stadium they would play a good number of Sunday night games and they may have to do that here but the uh man what’s going to happen if the A’s play on the same night as a republic uh us cup in the state fair oh boy and Messi’s here mess and Messi’s here that weekend man oh yeah that that and the kings are playing in game five of the NBA Finals Celtics yeah because they coughed one up on the they coughed one up at the Garden so it’s 3-1 what was the uh the other game was the game was what last week realistically the Kings could be in the second round of the playoffs with the A’s game in a republic us yeah yeah yeah Brian Cruz in the chat house brings up something that makes me think like what are we calling you like at the baseball games like we what are you talking about home plate Kenny I do need those third Baseline Kenny first Baseline Kenny I want to be Dugout Kenny what mean a Dugout it’s good I want to be on my home home plate though that’s that’s I need those tickets can you Lo me a dollar okay dude I’ve just realized we’ll take a chunk out of um D’s marble floor Peg my make brown that way there we go that’s what we were going to do day with what were we supposed to buy with that no look it’s literally like one tile thing that’s fact yeah we don’t take much we don’t take much we put the couch over he’ll be the highest paid coach in the game take one for the team and then we’ll get the stadium right back there break he’ll make 20 million a year facts he might be overpaid it’s a lovely home by the way I knew as soon as I invited you guys over it was probably a mistake well I mean it is an estate stop I’m not gonna lie first thing you know that’s why that’s why you said it was a mistake because you know it’s in the state stop as soon as I get there I’m with keny or whatever we walk to the backyard oh yeah we’re talking about this on Tuesday do love my backyard and they’re talking about Luxury Box KC first pitch Kenny I know how how does that work does Luxury Box Casey work well you’ll know Luxury Box DLo no I’m okay I’m asking do they have luxury boxes there now they have some actually that’s the other thing I read in the uh in the story they’re they’re supposed to be building more Suites they have some right now they they do have some Etc when you you just maybe build them as you need them like like would you do you try to sell them now like like Odyssey you gotta you know buy a suite uh should Comcast buy a suite whoever Matthew’s mattress you know they got their site yeah yeah just West Coast Car Audio they got their sweet we’re gonna get all our stuff off today yeah can we say sky River already Sky River Casino well I think they do have you might rename the damn Park Sky River Casino Park I wonder what people would think about when we like say something then get quiet and laugh like what do these guys know this show we said so obvious we’ve said we’ve said it from jump the show is just one giant inside joke it’s like Vince Russo booking raw like Russ he’s just it’s just the show for him and no one else y that’s right that’s that’s right Tyler skott river is already with the rivercat so why not know what I’m saying why not not why not just make it make make you just just do what you do in this city let’s bring her man James Hammond here hammer what’s happening my man I just hope to end this show the way that uh your show started when you guys showed up in there into the studio well that was quite an eventful transition for sure uh Kimberly was she was she was she was feeling good today she was very anxious to see the chatty house very see the chatty house um James with a three yeah Mrs mtan says he’s yeah he’s freezing today we got I’m trying the other internet I’m trying I’m doing my best here people we got a 303 we got a 307 we got a 308 no one’s got you making it 10 minutes James my good goodness well there you go Brian Cruz went with 310 and special ed went with 324 come on little Verizon box you can do it prove these people wrong James gets frustrated with this but this is one of the great bits it’s tremendous of our show everybody loves it J I mean not James ham but everybody loves it yeah James hates it but my favorite is when he unfreezes without the reset and he’s just shaking his head just in pure frustration he’s shaking his head which is what pretty much all Kings fans have been doing uh since last Friday I blame most of this on you to be honest with you you were the one who started all of this it was uh all over the social media in Internet never lies uh when they report on stuff pertaining the sports and uh you said everyone was mad at Mike Brown and he was probably gonna be fired I’m pretty sure I read that in the Kings Kings beat and then of course Adrien W Janowski had the Friday report that talks have tabled let’s start with this question James why do you think this is out there cuz we now now now you you might have and and and kept it to yourself but it was not public that these two sides were negotiating we knew it was going to happen we knew that it was on the docket for the offseason that much had been said but we didn’t know that active conversations were happening why do you think we know that they stopped um I don’t know I I I think probably because momentum was building one way and like it at the end of the day we had heard you know again from aen Slater right at the end of the season what Mike Brown might be looking for an extension we heard the week before uh Jake fiser right very specifically that you know negotiations were expected to be in a Range that around uh what was it eight figures so you know the eight figures is right around 10 million bucks a year maybe a little more um so I think that that’s part of it that um you know maybe someone else wanted to get out in front of what was what was being said out there uh my point of view was always like look I know plenty of information that I you know I I choose not to share for variety of reasons and that’s quite often that I know a little bit more than what I can write and uh a lot more than what’s out there um but at the end of the day like these negotiations have to take their own shape and their own form and if I’m someone who’s on the outside looking in at the situation it’s kind of my job to do like a a zoom out zoom in type thing where we zoom out to look at like what this looked like in the past we Zoom back in to look at what other NBA coaches are getting whether it’s Mike bolzer whether it’s Jason kid getting an extension Jamal Mosley getting an extension uh today’s news at tyo getting an extension or all the extensions that came in the last year whether it’s bolstra or or Kerr or papovich or you know Monty Williams getting his build big deal all of these things are part of a larger piece that like I tried to put together in one giant format and of that like one line was pulled out and kind of ran with uh that that wasn’t taken in the right context but also I think it it kind of we’re seeing it play out that you know maybe both sides don’t like that information is getting out there maybe there’s there’s some consternation as to whether or not this is you know who the Kings brass want to go with for the next handful of years uh you know what it is that Mike Brown is looking for there there are a lot of like variables in this thing the only thing I know is that the deck keeps getting stacked against the Kings themselves like the landslide of support for Mike Brown is there you want to go look on social media uh you know this is a group that in the past has definitely liked to put things out there to see how they uh they they fa in the public eye and see how it goes well you know that it’s like overwhelmingly like I would say 95 to 5% Pro Mike Brown getting an extension uh so here we are we’re in a in a weird place where I think the Kings want to keep some options open and I think there’s a coach that’s a really good coach that wants stability and wants to know where he’s going to be two years from now and that and that’s crazy too like if uh if it if it was you know maybe the team side that that got this stuff out like we we’re where have you guys been like what do you what did what did you think the public re sir you have misread this situation do you do you go outside do you do you listen to DLo and Casey like what did you think the public perception would have been uh and you you weren’t sure so you had to put it out there to see like what what what what are we talking about well yeah but I I mean I like look this this organization is crowdsourced plenty of times um and and it’s it’s one way that they’ve they’ve made decisions it feels like but at the end of the day like look this is this is a negotiation and I mean I I don’t think it’s I’ll continue to say this I don’t think it’s so much uh about like we hear a gulf right I don’t think the gulf is so much on the dollar amount as it is like years and that’s something that I think like sticks out to me like either this is a path we’re going down or it’s not a path we’re going down and it feels like you’re already really far down a path to reverse course and try something new but as my partner on the king’s beat Mr Sean Cunningham has said multiple times if you’re not going to extend him then you might as well fire him now and figure out who you want to forward with yeah I I mean I don’t know that I agree with that because I would rather um like let this thing play out further and see if you can get a deal done and then would also like to see if the Kings just you know look like the 2022 23 Kings coming out of the gate their offense is rolling everything’s going well and you feel like there’s positive momentum that’s one thing um but I also don’t want to see the other side of it I like to see a season fall apart again because somebody decides in December to fire a coach it’s just I don’t know this fan base can keep dealing with the same thing especially with all the positive momentum right now going for forward yeah you’re a joke if that happens you’re an absolute joke it’s crazy but but I I will say you know I wouldn’t want to just move on from him right now because I know myself I thought tyo would be gone nine months ago and look look what happened here and they didn’t even really have success you know what I mean so things can change you look at the landscape of the league on for both sides for the Kings um and for Mike Brown and you may you may be able to work some stuff out so I to me he’s coaching next year that’s how I would do whether you have a deal or not like we gon we gonna work this thing out and we’re gonna see what happens next year and I don’t think he’s quitting so yeah he’s coaching if if it’s me yeah I don’t think that there like anything that we’ve seen so far would indicate that Mike Brown is not going to be the coach next year I mean we already saw like Luke LS getting promoted to to his uh to a front of the bench assistant we’ve um well at least that’s like that’s not groundbreaking news but that that’s happening right uh we also know that uh that Doug Christie is gonna coach the summer league Squad these are that a head coach the decisions head coaches make like as part of their summer uh plans so I I think everything is leaning towards that but a contentious negotiation um could have this thing go you know Zig one way when you’re thinking it’s going the other I just would keep putting it out there like my point of view is like stability is a really big thing in basketball it’s why you know story franchises stick with the same coach and when you start to mess with the the stability of a of a franchise which we’ve seen so many times over the last 18 years in Sacramento like there’s just never like a pathway forward you’re always starting over and for me that’s where like look you got a good thing like there could come a point a couple years down the road where it’s not a good thing but for right now you do have a good thing and it’s something that you should be building on and you should be fostering and you know you should try to breathe life into it and and not only that but give it more you know give it more fuel and by that I mean go out and and get some better players go out and get the pieces that you need to make this a contending team that’s on the table it’s this team isn’t that far away but you’re also seeing like the fragility of it like how one point we can say that it could go you know things great things could happen but also dark things could happen and you know you have to be able to look at both sides and and be fair about it like like there might be a coach out there that steps in and just figures it out and is and is better than Mike Brown and I don’t know that that’s the case but we can’t excuse it that might be a possibility but we also have to look at a track record and and know that like that’s not the way it has gone over not just you know since Rick Adelman left but since VC took over in 2013 there’s been way too many missteps way too many times where something was just barely missed and if there there’s a a thing a tag that the Kings used not this season but last season this year what was a tag it was uh um it was well the year before was Allin right um this last year it was something um connected I think that’s what it was connected Allin is where I would go right here everybody has to be Allin right now you just miss a the the playoffs by nothing like you’re right there you’re on the cusp you’re not a team that could take a giant leap and maybe get back into it like you’re right there on the cusp so are you all in or you not because all in means you’re all in with a coach you’re all in with a training staff you’re all in with you know improving the roster everybody has to be Allin right now and if you’re not that is a bit of a concern I think my concern is this is what that this is public like this it just doesn’t feel like this needed to happen you talked about a a potential uh you know how a contentious contract negotiation can can lead the thing you can be contentious behind the scenes like you can have you can meet together and have it out and say what you got to say that’s there’s nothing wrong with that in in in my mind that’s perfectly healthy but now now it feels like something else now it’s like hey just want to let everybody know here’s where we’re at here’s what’s going on and it’s like no wait a minute last season is only a disappointment because of what Mike Brown and this team did the year before we’re not talking about five six seven eight years here we’re talking about one Mike turned it around with that group and Monty McNair in a single year they fell short by two games and no one would care had they beaten the Pelicans one time out of six but there is now an expectation winning and to cut the legs off of it after three years potentially three years is ridiculous to me we should not be where we’re at regardless of what Mike is asking for and his people are asking for regardless of what Sacramento is offering James we should not be where we are today no I would agree with you like and this could have been handled this could have been handled different ways like without any question and like look I I don’t think that there was enough information out there that they needed to be a definitive hey uh we’re we’re stopping negotiations whoever put that out there um like I I don’t think that there was enough information out there by anyone that we needed that uh that sort of dead stop right because that’s what that somebody just put a period on a tweet like negotiations are are being sheld click there was no context in W’s article at all like his article was essentially the tweet it was the Tweet about table talks and then a rundown of Mike’s career that was the entire article I was like there’s nothing here what happened well yeah we are we also tried to you know Define the word tabled could be hey we talked about this Wes Willcox I I gotta go hang out with Kenny carway and Reno for the kids basketball tournament we pick gu what happened can we you know pick up on this on on Thursday or Friday can we pick up on this next week uh can we pick up on this for free agency whatever that’s tabling talks like this doesn’t mean like all right man we’ll see where your punk ass is at the allstar game and boy if this team isn’t good you’re out of here like we we we tend to think the worst right we we interpret with when we don’t have specific detail as you were just talking about Hammer we kind of interpret like we had yesterday people adding words the Kings refus to negotiate wait wait what where’d you read that we interpret things on our own with we don’t have the proper amount of information yeah yeah I I I totally agree with that and I like I’d also say that like things get blown out of proportion so quickly especially with the world of aggregation like huh what would you know about that yeah like I I mean that’s just it is the it’s part of my job is to deal with that like okay like I don’t know what else to say like if you if anyone out there thinks VC ronad was was was happy getting bounced in the play in then you’re taking crazy pills like so there is nothing Earth shattering about you know ownership was was not super happy about the way that the season ended or you know super happy about the fact that they they missed the postseason that’s not groundbreaking it’s just when you tie it in and you you change the the context of it and you add King’s ownership unhappy with Mike Brown no it’s not what I said at all and you know again there are a lot of people out there who actually need to just just do something simple like read the article uh to to get the message that’s in there and and to see if it’s fair or if it’s one-sided or not like completely fair question you know and like look again if you don’t think VC and all of the owners are upset that they got bounced from the playoffs that they’re not that they didn’t get an extra you know five games or or four home games or eight home games of of Revenue coming in the door you’re crazy like that’s what this is about this about not only making money but also winning basketball and and building something and so J James in your in your mind do you feel like this is um how do I put it are they in a bad spot right now both the Kings with Mike Brown is this an unusual place to be in for contract negotiations or is this close to the par for the course for negotiations right now um you know the funny thing is like we’ve never been through this actual thing in Sacramento like typically coaches just get fired on like Mother’s Day or or you know on specific days where you’re like huh great thanks for that you know two days there’s no real argument to keep them around because they haven’t been good for so long yeah I mean they’re they’re um I don’t know like this thing could turn around quickly and everything could be okay I just know that like there isn’t positive movement this isn’t I I wouldn’t view this as a good thing for either side and I I don’t know that uh that a deal is going to get done like it everything could change tomorrow the tener could change tomorrow but um as of right now like this isn’t isn’t a great situation to be in if you’re if you’re either side how impactful all of this uh James do you think this or how impactful is this on free agency if at all oh no I think it can be totally impactful like but players are going to want to know who they’re playing for you know that’s and that was the other like there are some main pieces to the article I wrote last week and like one of the biggest standout pieces to me is just how how infuriated Rudy Gay still is that he signed on and signed like a three-year extension with the Sacramento Kings to play for Michael Malone and and then a month later he was fired um and then you know he’s starting over and he’s starting over with multiple coaches I mean Rudy Gay from that moment on had I think three additional coaches and his three seasons so yeah I definitely think that this is um it’s one of those situations where you want stability if you’re a player and you want to know who you’re going to be playing for and you want to know that you know if you’re a player who let’s say on occasion gets in an argument with your coach on the sidelines and you want to know that that coach no matter what loves you and has your back and those arguments are are what they are and you move on and you you have a quiet conversation the next day or or maybe you don’t even need to and and things are okay and right back to where you were um that’s not always the case like you every coach is different the way they approach players is different every player is different the way they approach coaches and so if I’m a player I would want to know exactly what I’m getting into if I’m if I’m on the hook for a two-year deal or four-year deal or whatever it might be I still think they’re getting this done James I think this is uh we’re hyper sensitive right now in Sacramento there’s a sense of urgency I talked about it earlier with z and Jesse there’s a sense of urgency all throughout the city about this team you know whether it’s the coaching situation whether it’s what Monty McNair needs to do to improve this roster everybody wants to get back to where the beam team was a year ago and it’s it’s a everything is intense right now I think when the dust settles and I don’t think it’ll be through the summer I think it’ll or like after the summer I think it’ll happen in a Rel ly good amount of time um I think they’ll get this done I’m not I’m not worried about it yet I’m not like a 100% freaking out that this thing whole thing’s gonna fall apart either but I I would say this like we always have this we have this thing that was like super untested in Sacramento forever it’s that winning CES all and it’s something that like we all were like man if they could just string together if could just break the curse you know winning will fix everything and I don’t know about you but I think we’re learning that winning didn’t fix everything that that winning just turned up the intensity of things and all of a sudden winning can be the reason why you’re doing something else could be the reason why you’re making a mistake uh because you you get like so enamored with the winning that you you think that there’s something better out there there’s more that you can do and there is there’s a lot more the king things can do but you got to you got to keep your head on your shoulders and do the right things and and try to build things the right way in the NBA I think that that’s what we’re learning look at the teams that are that are in the playoffs right now that that are or or that were in the playoffs even the last you know series they’re teams that have kind of stuck it out that have kept a group together that have tried to build something you remember how Denver get gets almost all the way to the promised land and then Falls part they didn’t fire Michael Malone they didn’t take radical steps backwards they just kept staying the course and then rebounding and better look at OKC who’s just organically built this thing with Mark dagel which again just random a guy that like not a lot of people ever even heard of uh let alone be able to spell his last name and they are sticking with him but look at the program that he’s built look at how they how hard they play for each other how hard they play for their coach the mentality of the team look at Minnesota how they just incrementally have started to turn the corner they they made the playoffs last year they’re jumping way ahead this year these are things that actually matter in the NBA and so um I hope that like in the end cooler heads prevail how much do you think um we don’t know the number for Jason kid but he recently got a contract extension we know tyou got a very very very healthy contract extension today how much do you think these uh this which really the it’s a change in the coaching Market the the coaching salary Market how much of this do you think impacts where we are with the negotiations with Mike Brown we because we’re partaking yeah um like look at I can’t imagine that tyo contract today Hurt No it’s the Conant of doing business right like Tao’s contract was huge um and it’s it’s way more than than the reports of what Mike Brown is looking for it’s way more than what Mike Brown is asking for um but I kind of look at it this way like I If you want to live in a certain neighborhood let’s just say somewhere like in Rockland right a and you want to go look at houses but you only have a certain dollar amount budget and the houses are all more expensive than that then you can’t go live in that neighborhood and I just think that you know for somebody who like e either you can play in this pool or you can’t like this is this is uh the it’s major league sports like coaching salaries just went up this is a reality the reality is that Sacramento Kings as an organization were bought 11 years ago for valuation of $535 million and they’re now worth well over $3 billion like everybody is making money hand over fist in that the players are making so much more money when I started covering this team the salary cap was 58 million it’s 141 million this year and four years from now or five years from now it’s going to be 205 I mean that’s in in basically the span of 20 years that’s how much the salary cap has changed and and NBA coaching salaries have been right around the like again remember Paul W made like 1.75 million lowest paid coach in the league um some of these coaches make three four million bucks a year all of a sudden that’s that’s not the going rate for a coach and it’s certainly not a going rate for a coach who has a 607 career winning percentage in in nine years that’s just not he just doesn’t have the one thing that everyone else in that category has and he just need to forget about that and give them what the needs man it’s crazy gez take care of them also nurse do better um we we discovered Nick nurse is probably the and I don’t think we’re missing anyone Nick nurse is the lowest paid coach in the league with an NBA title oh my goodness he got a good job yeah he he’s got a great job but he got it he’s he’s at eight million per year and you look at the rest of the championship coaches including you know buen hoer um I think kid will fall into that category we don’t know uh should he get there um I don’t know what Chris Finch makes he’s he’s he’s not there yet and Joe MAA probably he’s probably in the the Darin ham category of but that’ll change yeah like that’ll change he wins an NBA championship that’s GNA change um we’ll come back we’ll talk more uh about the Kings we’ll talk more about the NBA and we’ll talk with more with uh James Hammer the Insiders here when D and KC return on Sacramento sports leader ESPN 1320 this is fun I would point out too like to your point there that the coaches with a chip are making x amount of dollars um Monty Williams doesn’t have a chip uh and and Jason kid Jason kid doesn’t have a championship as a as a coach um and these are the deals that that teams are this is what they’re getting paid like the coaching salaries as a whole have gone up and again that doesn’t mean that you pay um well I I know for a fact Mike Brown isn’t asking for 15 million bucks a year he’s not asking for pop money he’s not like the the ballpark figure that is out there is is a very accurate ballpark figure you know who don’t know just dawned on me is Michael Malone Mike is a championship coach and we don’t know what he makes he did get an extension too not that long ago uh years yep 2023 yeah November 2023 yeah I’m not sure what he makes after the title yeah June yeah that’s after the title but doesn’t say how much uh Malone to be amongst highest paid coach that’s all that says so [ __ ] yeah gota do better Nick look and again I think that there is this like giant push here that people are saying W the Vex cheap or something like that I don’t think that’s the problem I I mean I like the negotiations are what they are and like I also I don’t think that they’re that far apart on dollars I where they’re I believe they’re far apart is on years and that’s more of a problem in my mind Jason sthal the range has been reported is is 10 to 12 million that’s the range per year but like the less that you ask him to take the longer he’s going to want the contract like he’s going to want more security yeah I like look this is It’s a complicated matter but I think Mike is valued like they understand what Mike is accomplish golfing again guys what are we doing everything looked happy then what was two weeks ago oh golfing everything was awesome look at that list of free agents Paul George James Arden and Russell Westbrook yeah somehow in the ESPN rankings of the top free agents uh DeAnthony DeAnthony Melton was number six ahead of OG an anobi and Pascal SE yakum because they’re using their very specific uh oh got a Cory barking I’m coming back James James’s dogs are having a Royal Rumble in the background they’ve been going at it like the bloodline and Cody rhods for the last couple of months uh we just continued the conversation through the commercial break about Mike Brown the Sacramento Kings years dollar figures coaching salaries all of that different stuff we did discover my apologies to Michael Malone he has been left out of this discussion in terms of championship coaches part of that is because his salary isn’t public uh when wge tweeted about his contract extension uh in November and the subsequent writings that came with it it was just stated that Michael Malone will be amongst the highest paid coaches in the league doesn’t you know State whether that’s top two top three top four top five but if someone says you’re amongst the highest paid coaches in the league I’m probably automatically going to think you’re in the top three right there um 1 two three four and four well I guess now five with the tyo stuff it’s all pretty close um but Michael Malone a name that we’ve left off out of this conversation because his money just isn’t reported out there which I also think is ridiculous James we know every penny that gets paid to players we should know what coaches make as well I don’t know why this is such a big deal yeah it’s funny I I mean I don’t even think we know what like almost any assistant coach makes right we have no idea what most assistant coaches make so I think I can provide a little insight into that well no I can’t I I’ll say in conversations that I’ve had I don’t think you want those out there because it’s it’s not Universal and there are some coveted coaches but we’ll we no I don’t I want to use anyone as an example there are some coveted coaches who might be new but like hey you have a bright future we really believe in you we’re GNA pay you this amount which might be more than guy on the front of the bench who’s been there a little bit longer and you probably don’t want that stuff out there okay yeah that that makes perfect sense that even on on my part that’s all yeah even on the same coaching staff that there would be um there wouldn’t be a clear pecking order n um as far as like what kind of what financially yeah I mean that makes sense because you know you can even look at like former players might make more than somebody who didn’t play the game um who came from the college game or something uh so like I think that there could be a lot of variance there as far as like you know and who’s negotiating their deals I think a lot of young coaches don’t have agents uh then coaches that do have agents probably get more financial uh like they get better deals and I believe you’re on the right path with that line of thinking James yeah I I think that all of that’s totally understandable totally so and with all that said like with the exception of like the associate head coach like the guy right next to the head coach they probably don’t make anything close to what you might think and it’s a it’s it’s a fraction of like all of these numbers we’re talking about with Mike and Mike and Mike and tyo and all these other guys it’s a fraction of that it it it would probably be surprising to most people to learn what assistant coaches make yeah I totally agree I don’t think that they’re like number one it’s there’s no uniform dollar amount um but number two like I like lowlevel coach on my coaching staff um like you’re not talking most of them are nowhere near six figures and in college Hammer sorry I’m I’m sorry to interrup in in college the the there’s a budget for a coaching staff like that’s not the case in the NBA right like if Mike wants an assistant like do you know the process in that there’s a team imposed budget but whatever that is like there is no NBA budget for assistant coaches that I’ve ever heard of at all but there is like a team can say yeah no we’re not gonna pay that or we will pay this but like it’s based on the team it’s the team’s decision yeah it’s a team’s decision um like we talked about this a little bit last week with uh with the fact that every NBA head coach has it built into their um their contract that they get to hire and fire their own assistant coaches that that doesn’t mean they have an unlimited budget to hire whoever they want and that’s I I think where people get kind of confused like I remember uh a few years ago there was um there was some murmurs that uh Brian Shaw was GNA be the lead assistant in Sacramento on Luke Walton staff and um that didn’t happen and it didn’t happen because uh they didn’t want to pay what his his asking price was and you know that’s that’s a ownership that that’s totally that’s fine or general manager who might have a a budget specifically set aside for whatever I mean every team has to work uh under like some sort of financial business plan and and so I don’t blame people for any of this but I would just say like look if you understand that that the television deal is going to Triple in like two years and and your team is going to be so flushed with money and like all this new found money that’s not just like 51% has to go to the players well like look at all the other money that’s going to be there like you’re going to have tons of extra money just coming in the door without even selling a ticket and so that’s kind of the hangup that I have because I would assume that part of the the question is like let’s just say that they give Mike a three-year contract extension so he plays out this coming year at his current deal and then the next three years he would be under contract and then you figure out that like let’s say maybe the kings make the playoffs this year but then next year they don’t right and you’re like oh we got to move on it’s that extra two years that you’re going to be paying that I think might be the hold up here it’s like the the unknown if again if the Kings would have made the playoffs this year I don’t even think we’re having this discussion I think it would have just been okay Mike Brown got a contract extension maybe I’m crazy but I also you know they’re there has to be a certain style of play and there’s got to be some the owner has to want whatever the coach is providing that’s got to be something that the owner and that the general manager are on the same page with and they they want to keep working with somebody and like I haven’t heard that Mike is a difficult guy to work with at all when it comes to this stuff but uh you know at the same time you know this franchisees has multiple times play paid one or two coaches that weren’t currently employed any longer while paying another head coach at the same time and that’s not a situation that you want to get yourself in again and so maybe that’s part of this is just being a little gun shy on extending somebody that you know as of right now you you did make a playoff and you did have an 18 game in increase but the next season you took a slight step backwards or you know lateral move 461 versus 48 and you’re just not sure and and again all of these things are okay but I don’t blame a coach for not wanting to walk into the final year of a deal and uh and I also I understand where the the financials have gone with coaching salaries around the league so you you talk about that with the Kings and potentially you know if they’re they’re not sure and um they don’t want to get stuck in a situation where they fire a coach and they got to pay him for two extra years whatever the case may be one stop firing coach so you don’t have to worry about that two um like we talked about this a little bit earlier myself and dowlo what’s what’s the time frame they give these coaches right like because it doesn’t feel like if you have the four-year deal that you’re getting all four years to turn things around is it two years now is it three whatever the case may be because we were looking at um potential job openings not next year but the following year and some of these coaches I had potentially losing their job yeah Kenny’s got a short leash man years these dudes are out of here he fired half the league in the 12 o’clock hour what what do you think they kind of like what kind of time do they get to to to build a program so to speak and and have success or anything like that is it two three years Max well no I think it totally depends on the coach right so like we’ve seen like the Darin ham situation like you can still be winning and have things spent out of control right uh we what was it Dave blat that got fired in the middle of a season when his team was like wasn’t he the I’m sensing a theme Here Yeah wasn’t he the Eastern Conference what don’t do that Daman cck don’t do that wow I just said I’m sensing a theme Here you brought up Darin ham brought up David blad leave Luke out of this too yeah I didn’t Luke well I’m just saying like there are points though yeah but that’s not something you should want like switching coaches midy year is one of the most catastrophic things you can do to a group right it rarely does it give you some weird boost and everything works out and you know more often than not it happens it everything spirals out of control and players go okay uh I guess we’re on vacation early this year man like okay which one of us is getting tra 30 who’s 30 and 11 I think he would have coached the the Eastern Conference Allstar team and got fired just like never heard he had a win percentage of 732 okay but look at what happened with the Bucks this year like the Bucks just went through this right where yeah and it didn’t help anything there switching out coaches did didn’t help anything but Championship that year there’s that and to be fair to to the Bucks I guess didn’t seem like Adrien Griffin got along with anybody no it did not seem like he was well-liked which and and I think in a different way that was this the story with David blat like he was having a really difficult time relating to the players yeah and I I don’t again different but relationships with players is really important and I I I guess in the ca did Adrian make it through the first year no hell no it was like that was this was his first year right yeah yeah he would have been the Eastern Conference like uh coach wasn’t he wasn’t HEC yeah doc sent no doc didn’t go doc if I remember correctly doc sent his staff like him and joerger and is it rex calamian that that they brought in those guys stayed back and the assistance that were there went and and hung out and and also one more thing with the Adrian Griffin the Terry STS thing was really bizarre I was gonna say the Terry St thing and his firing all happened in the first half of the Season yeah yes I don’t think they didn’t get through training camp and Terry STS is like I’m done so I don’t know seems like a I mean I don’t know I’ve never played he seems like a pretty easygo guy I don’t want to make any you know disparaging uh casting disparaging Shadows on Adrien Griffin because I don’t know the guy and I don’t know what happened but a lot of people weren’t happy with him it seems like yeah but I mean again that’s the cost of doing business in the NBA when a coach doesn’t work out and and you I’m assuming Adrien Griffin out of four or five-year contract they just bit the bullet you got to pay it it is what it is like that’s part of doing business and then they gave doc a whole bunch of money what did Doc get didn’t doc get 50 like yeah well I mean we don’t the mark watch you know what I got I’m just out here I’m trying to do a job I mean you see the team that I have I’m trying to do what I can and we don’t have to worry about how much I’m making and anything like that that’s not anything that that we’re really doing here we’re we’re trying to win basketball games and you know it goes down to myself it goes down to the ball boy it goes down to the announcers we’ve all got to be we’ve all got to be better yeah so how many coaches now make over 10 million a year have we figured this one out oh yeah uh no but I think well I think it’s safe to assume Michael Malone does I think it’s safe to assume that Jason kid does because Jason kid I believe was at nine he signed a contract extension uh earlier this month we don’t know the dollar figure so I think it’s safe to say those two do uh we know Steve Kerr does Greg papovich does Eric spola Monty uh Williams Williams uh buen holer tyo and tyo I I think that’s it so we’re at least at eight coaches we don’t know what Rick carile makes which I’m gonna guess car I think is at 7.5 oh okay I believe I believe car is 7.5 and Nick nurse is eight dummy where’s and we don’t know where Missoula is right we don’t know where Joe moula is I’m gonna assume Joe is on the lower end yeah because well we know why because yeah I think he got extension like 13 million or something like that so he’s like five like four four or like a total of 13 yeah oh yeah where is tibs there’s no way Tibido doesn’t make 10 mil good question good good good good we have to pass the hat around for Joe moula yeah we might have to he he got the still making sure Brad gets paid for his time E’s got to get his I think well Brad still works there for the record doubling up like Brad still works everybody getting paid more than Joe about to win the NBA I i’ said that Joe Joe Masa was a second row coach two years ago they’re like look buddy you could be the Boston Celtics coach and you’re just going to get what we pay you Joe Missoula one thing I did notice is I know he works hard to make sure everything is taken care of and everything’s ready for the game but so can we get a lineup can we get a sh too busy watching the to during that time to have somebody do it while you’re watching I mean got lock in he’s gota lock in I’m gonna guess because Tom diido going into the final year of his deal next year he signed this in 2020 so my guess is he does not make $10 million yeah probably six seven eight that would be my guess my guess is in the range of price is gone up price is abs hold on hold on now you said thbs is going into the last year of his deal next year uh he just finished the four season of a fiveyear deal that’s correct so we should I mean conventional wisdom of what we talked about here with Mike Brown yeah yeah that was a big yeah yeah that was a big discussion on when the when the Knicks got eliminated yeah yeah absolutely this this this thing was with uh New York and and and Tom Tibido should hit a point during this off season we talked one way or the other we we talked about um watching these other teams I didn’t even it’s good call by James that’s one to look at bibs is in that Mike Brown tier probably one just as much not won a championship he hasn’t even got to an NBA Finals as a head coach was the defensive coordinator but um yeah he might be that might be comp thibo I love that it’s buen holer but we call him Coach bud and it’s thid but we call him tibs this the English language is fascinating and it’s yic but we call him the Joker right thank you we do what we want here we do we do what we want that’s Tom Tibido 9116 NBA games 52 s wins 389 losses a win percentage of 575 like Mike Brown he has missed the playoffs not counting the year he got fired because I didn’t do that with Mike either he has missed the playoffs twice bar for bar like Mike Brown except except Mike got a higher winning percentage Mike’s got a higher winning percent finals yep I don’t know if thibs has even been to a maybe won Conference Finals with the with Chicago uh he went to the Conference Finals his very first year is the head coach of the Chicago Bulls his first two years 756 win percentage 758 win percentage is he the Tommy Lort is he the Tommy Lort of the of the NBA because Tommy Lort was known to like won didn’t he well yeah but Tommy Lort was known to like run every single one of his pitchers into the like just run him to dust well you you keep doing that to tibs and I think that I I think I think the New York version of Tom tiido is different I don’t think that he does that anymore but I I obviously the postseason it is what it is like he only had seven healthy bodies to begin with he was trying to win a series um no I get it I I I think that was a perfectly Fair representation of uh Tom thibo from Chicago to Minnesota I think New York tibs is different Broadway tibs is different Broadway tibs is different that was a good man that was a good name I didn’t even think of that man maybe maybe maybe Warren the gar is waiting back like or maybe he’s his agent too who knows I don’t think there’s a ton of NBA James you might know this better than I do I don’t feel like there’s a ton of NBA coaches agents I need to get Mark there’s only two major ones two so yeah there’s only two major ones and that’s Warren legary and uh and yeah um well that’s Mike but it’s also everyone else’s it was George Carl is Dave joerger uh and then the other is uh Spencer breaker and Spencer has well he’s got the other guy guys he’s got Michael Malone he’s got um I think he had Alvin Gentry Maybe I’m Wrong um like so so I’m getting in there the other the other uh people who might um so here’s the deal there they other um their players to some of them use their their uh agents when they were players so which you’re seeing from like like Luke Walton his person was from Lerman um who was his agent when he was a player um same thing with like I believe like chony Phillips um you know again they they have very specific people that they use and then uh the contract that we saw uh today with tyo I think Tao’s agent is uh is the guy who the person he had when he was uh when he was a player uh here’s a new one Billy Donovan or I’m sorry not Billy Donovan Quinn Schneider I was going to look up Billy Donovan Quinn Schneider he’s in the eight million range that’s reported gota be hir than him he’s in the eight million range um Billy Donovan was one I did want to look up though Kenny’s trying to fire him well you know look now hell hell with all that I’m gonna be an agent there it is these prices going up I’m going to be an agent no money money for Billy no no no announce money just yeah and I don’t know what dagnal makes I don’t know what uh Finch makes or yeah I couldn’t find I was looking for Chris Finch too I couldn’t find him Taylor Jenkins spell dagnal so I can’t I I can’t Google just never look him up there’s a g in there um no no no dollar figures just multi-year contract extension no dollar figures yeah no it’s crazy like coaching salaries are are skyrocketing oh what did um that qu’s a good one that Quin Schneider’s a good one because Mike oh what did Emmy udoka get let’s see that’s another qu that’s somebody who could make money I got you I got you e may e may he he had the the the of being a young up and cominging guy oh e Oka he’s not happy right now oh 6.7 oh man had take pay cut after yeah he got four he got four years 28.5 uh gets him about 6.75 uh that’s what he made in this last season yeah he had to he had to fall back after that Fiasco and I ain’t talking Lupe he’s making a smidge bit more than Darin did oh boy yeah I wouldn’t know what chony makes either up in Portland I’m gonna guess he makes a good amount of money but it’s his first yeah there’s not not too much time left there yeah and I I don’t think ch’s gonna be reported and it’s not yeah Chon Chon isn’t out there we we we did have a a fun moment earlier where we speculated the the the market for first year coaches could change if JJ reick is named the Los Angeles Lakers coach because we don’t think he’s going to get five million he’s not going to get the Darin ham contract we think it’ll be higher and that’ll be that’ll be he’s gonna get if JJ reick is in fact name the head coach of the Los Angeles Lakers I think he’s gonna get the Monty Williams version of a first year head coach contract so Eight’s he’s not GNA get 13 but he’s gonna get like at first head coaches are getting like four or five he’s going to wind up getting like seven or eight yeah I I’d put him around eight and Jamal Mosley just signed an extension right and what did he get like I think his seven and a half eight and a half that’s about right yeah not bad making good money I’m gonna look it up so let me see Jamal Mosley not announced h no no money announced to Jamal either just four-year extension um they just gave him the four years and it’ll run through the 2728 season I’m feeling like Kenny you should either be a coach or a coaching agent I think coaches seem to make more yeah coaches are making more and if I get fired I can just get another job I I’m down to be a coach I’m down to be a coach there’s one I re there was one I was really hoping to find this one he came up earlier I didn’t look it up but there’s no money attached to it but man I gotta wonder he’s I I he’s when did he sign this oh 2022 so he’s probably not at 10 but I’m guessing he’s eight and it’s Taylor Jenkins Taylor he feels like eight I’m guessing Taylor Jenkins is in that eight eight you know I think once you get 2022 that’s after they made the playoffs and everything okay we gotta go because we have been looking forward to play Rex and effect in 20 minutes on ksfm so uh if you want to it’s been a 4H hour buildup to Rump Shaker um so flip over to 1025 if you want to catch that we’ll run it back I assume there isn’t a game on the planet to be played uh make sure you’re back here at 10: am with the Insiders here on Sacramento sports leader ESPN 1320 BOS Aces good stuff good stuff good stuff all right guys we are headed over Roxy you know what it is check baby check baby one two three four um we did the Matthews matches stre all right we’re in good shape we will uh we’ll see you guys tomorrow 10: am James and Kyle hit the thumbs up appreciate you for being with us

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0:00 Stream starts
1:15 The Insiders
15:00 break
21:00 Have the Celtics separated themselves?
30:30 break
41:00 De’Anthony Melton an option for the Kings?
1:00:30 break
1:06:30 the Kings identity
1:15:30 break
1:21:00 Good Idea/Bad Idea
1:30:30 break
1:37:00 Prize Picks
1:48:00 The Handoff with D-Lo
1:58:30 The Insiders ends
2:03:00 D-Lo & KC
2:16:00 break
2:21:00 Ty Lue got paid/Mike Brown’s price
2:46:30 break
2:51:30 more on Mike Brown
3:16:30 break
3:21:00 We’re the NWO
3:30:00 the market for head coaches
3:46:30 break
3:52:00 Wolves-Mavs
3:59:00 NBA Top 75
4:16:30 break
4:21:30 MLB Incorporating Negro League stats
4:46:30 break
5:02:00 James Ham
5:30:39 break
5:35:36 more Ham
5:57:30 See you guys tomorrow

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