@Detroit Pistons

Three Most Valuable Detroit Piston Players Entering Trajan Langdon’s First Offseason

Three Most Valuable Detroit Piston Players Entering Trajan Langdon’s First Offseason

after hiring Tran langen for the Detroit Pistons president of bask operations position who are the three most viable Detroit Pistons this offseason and should they be looking to keep or move these viable pieces we’ll talk about that in today’s episode of the lockdown Pistons podcast you are locked on Pistons your daily Detroit Pistons podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day what’s the deal welcome back to another episode of the lockdown Pistons podcast per usual I your host kill you can find me over on Twitter at CER Hill I want to thank you guys make a lock on Pistons your first listen every single day we are fre ofar podcast platforms if you haven’t already head to the YouTube channel at lockon Pistons hit that subscribe button or leave us a five star review or whatever past platform listening to us on is another great way to support the podcast and today’s episode is brought to you by game time download the game time app create an account and use cod La NBA for $20 off your first purchase terms Supply you hear more about game time a little bit later uh so the Detroit Pistons just hired Tran langon a few days ago as their president basb operations um it has not been officially uh put to Ink that’s something that we heard that was going to happen at some point this week um so we’ll see when that officially happens but obviously with the team that had its Worst season in franchise history and a team in quote unquote year four of its rebuild and having that kind of you know uh failure is and there’s no other word but failure there’s going to be a lot of changes um to a roster uh that won 14 games but on today’s episode I want to talk about the three most viable players the Detroit Pistons have and I know I said in the cold open I wanted to talk about whether uh you should be trading these players or not these are three players I’m going to say I would not trade because I think they provide more value to the Detroit Pistons I think there’s only three players right now that I not they’re not Untouchable if there was a good offer that wowed me yeah I would move them but these are three players I would rather not move on from I I guess I should say that would be a better word I’m not out there actively shopping them like I’m not actively out there including them in deals if there’s a deal that comes around that includes but it’s a good one then hey so be it it is what it is but these are three guys that if I had my choice I would rather walk into the next year with them so we’re gonna start from three two to one um because number one I think is pretty self-explanatory we’ll talk about Cade obviously at the end of the podcast I think that’s pretty obvious but I want to start I want to start at three then move to two and then move to Cade I’m the third player on this list there’s only three in my opinion right now the player at number three and I know a lot of you guys probably are going to be shocked to hear me say this but I think this will show my objectivity and willing to change my opinion when the facts change when the evidence changes so in my opinion that’s something I heard a lot growing up watching first take with Max Kellerman that was something he said a lot that as the evidence changes so will my opinion you have to be willing to be wrong Isaiah Stewart Isaiah Stewart I think is the Piston’s third most viable player and I think there’s some people out there that would argue him as the second most valuable player right now for the Detroit Pistons and to be honest I don’t know if I could even push back against that all too much but at the very least he is third and he is at this point I think I think it kind of says something about the Pistons rebuild that he is third on this list for me he should not be third um so it says a little bit about the Detroit Pistons rebuild and it also I mean that’s half of it but then also half of it talks is speaking to just how much he’s improved so Isa Stewart is a player that I was very um I I don’t want to say critical I would say not as uh what’s the right word not as high on um and thought had a lot of things to improve on and I think he did he he did have a lot of things to improve on he had a lot of things to prove and one of the main things that he had to improve this season and or or prove to the NBA not just the Pistons but Pro to the NBA was that he was going to be a good shooter and he he had some good touch throughout his first few seasons in the NBA on mid-range jumpers and then his third season in the NBA we started to see him take some threes and in that third season we saw him shoot 32.7% from three we saw him have a hot streak and then we saw him have some cold streaks and we saw him you know shoot basically below average from three his third season and more accurately line up with what he shot throughout the NBA even though it was on small volume at the same percentage at higher volume uh the first two seasons of his career shot 32% uh but only taking less than one three game he raised it to 4.1 attempts his third year still shot 32% so I did not have the greatest confidence in him being a shooter I thought that he could be you know a 32 33 you know three-point shooter but being like a legit floor spacer I didn’t have too much confidence in I I I had very much um a lot of questions about that along with the fact he’s never shot that great from the free throw line his touch around the rim doesn’t doesn’t uh you know is still something I think he has to or is still a weakness I would say of his but heading into the fourth season I was not one of the biggest Optimist in that regard and he proved me wrong this year absolutely proved me wrong now how much did he prove me wrong well let’s go ahead and look at a Synergy chart on all spot UPS which is by far his most huge play or most used play type this past year he had 170 possessions as a spot-up shooter the next closest for him the next next closest for him was 64 possessions uh and that was as a cutter so over 100 possessions of a difference between one and two and in 170 possessions as a spot up player he was in the 67th percentile which Synergy ranks as very good and it gets even better than that if you go to his shot types and they look at his jump shots and all jump shots now I wasn’t like he was taking any dribble uh dribble jumpers or you know anything like that but this takes into into account unguarded and guarded catch and shoot uh Threes And even midies in all jump shots he was in the 34 or not 34th 84th percentile which they have ranked as excellent on all catch and shoot shots he was in the 63rd percentile on guarded threes he was in the 61st percentile and on unguarded threes he was in the 55th percentile which are all major improvements for Isaiah Stewart and it was on another year of sustained higher value he shot 3.8 attempt from Deep this past year now for that to happen in the second season of him shooting like I said a higher volume from three and for him to show that kind of legit Improvement on a year where he ended up shooting 38.3% from deep that is pretty damn good I like there’s no other way to put it that’s pretty damn good he deserves all the credit in the world and the reason why I think that makes him easily the third most valuable player for the Detroit Pistons is that his value is under defense defensive end his ability to switch onto the perimeter his ability to I don’t think he’s a great shot blocker but I think he does challenge some shots at the rim and does offer some kind of Rim deterrence but his main superpower I would say is in switching his ability to switch and be a five out or um a fivan who can switch onto the perimeter that’s his superpower it has been since he was a rookie it still is so you add to the fact that he can do that you need to be able to space the floor and that was the question he’s was able to do that this past season so that is a huge development for Isaiah Stewart and it was a sustained he had a few you know coach you know cold streaks but every player goes through some cold streaks in the NBA season it’s a whole 82 Game season you’re gonna have some highs you’re gonna have some lows and where you’re at is usually in the middle and he sustained high enough highs to end up at 38% I major Improvement for stud this year and to add on to this I don’t think he is ever going to be someone that can do much off the dribble but you are seeing at least a little bit every now and then him his ability to every now and attack off the dribble like at least try to I don’t think it’s G to be something he’s ever gonna be that good at he’s a little he’s not you know very doesn’t have a great handle a little bit clunky I don’t think that’s something he’s going to have but you can see him working on that the the main thing I want to talk to more though more so to is I know a lot of people want to believe he’ll be off the dribble guy I don’t think he shown much in that department at all I like I don’t think that’s like his you know talking about him shooting after his third year where he had like a sustained you know too much where you shooting well okay I want to believe in it I don’t think he’s really shown that ability at all like that and when he has it look clunky he turned ball over so I don’t think that’s GNA ever be part of his game I don’t think it needs to be um the other part of his game that I think that has been extremely impressive this past year which I think has to do with playing him more um I would say uh to his position I guess is the best way to put it is his finishing around the rim remember last year in the all off season I talked about he is not a very good finisher around the rim that he had he does not have the greatest touch and he has not been a good finisher around the rim since his rookie year and that was the case that was that is that is true that is proven Howard this past year he shot 57 he was in the 57th percentile at The Rim which is not amazing but it’s good they have it ranked as good with Synergy and that is a again he’s a decent finisher he is he was an above average finisher I would say this past season and do I think that happened because um because I think his touch uh majorly improved I wouldn’t say so I think it’s because he was played in lineups we talked about on the podcast where when he was played with lineups with some spacing around him and he was the five when he’s rotating down to the basket you got guys who are much smaller on him and he’s not having to finish over guys his size it was a scheme kind of thing we talked about a lot throughout the season they put him in positions where instead of having to finish against guys bigger than him or guys his size he’s rolling to the rim with a a guard on him he’s rolling to the rim with a wing on him for example him playing next to assar at the four position him at the five the reason why that somewhat helps to is because a lot of times teams put the big guy on assar so when Stu was rotating down to the rim he has the smaller power for him he has a smaller wing on him so he’s able to F it gives him a cleaner look around the rim and we did a few video breakdowns throughout the season on the podcast and on my Twitter about this so I think they are finding b basically My overall point is steu took major steps forward in his game he deserves a ton of credit and I am more than willing to say I was wrong and that he proved me wrong he developed like that’s completely fine with me um but I think the other part of it as well is that the team started to realize how they wanted him um to play for this team and I think that’s something that you know when you’re a tweener like Isaiah Stewart is your team needs to have an idea and a vision for how they actually want to use you and for a long time it was just be the backup or be a starting four be a power for we want make you that I think this past season he proved he is a backup five and if you want to try to make have him start at the five and some and some spots that’s fine too but he proved that he will be most valuable as a five this past year as a stretch five who can switch on the perimeter you play him next to a guy like AAR and he can take advantage of smaller guys around the r on on pick and rolls like or cut to the rim like he can take advantage of that I think you’re starting to see that I think you’re starting to see him um become more aware of how what makes him good and what he’s best at and what positions he’s best at I think all those things are coming to terms with Stu entering what’s going to be his fifth year now but what we witnessed happen in his fourth year I think that’s what makes him the fourth valuable or not the third most valuable player for the Detroit Pistons he is the player outside of K Cunningham right now that has proven to at least be an NBA player for sure on like a good team like steu would get minutes on a good team he’s the only other player outside of Cade that I can say that about so I think he’s the third most viable player for the Detroit Pistons right now so let me know in the comment section down below or over on Twitter cuk Hill do you guys agree disagree with me what do you guys think about Stu season who do you guys have is the top three most viable Pistons uh heading into this offseason going into the next year again let me know in the comment section down below or over on Twitter at CER Hill when we come back I want to talk about who I believe is the second most viable to Detroit Piston heading into this offseason of change we’ll talk about that when we come back game time makes getting NBA Finals tickets even faster and easier prices on the game time app actually go down the closer it gets to the tip off with killer last minute deals all in prices and views from your seat and their lowest price guarantee game time takes the guesswork out of buying NBA tickets you can 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mean we’ll talk about Kade in a minute he he’ll be in the final but I think that’s pretty like obvious like Kade is is going to be number one okay um who’s number two though I think this is probably rather um I think this is probably an easy guess as well but it’s assar Thompson um I think assr is the second most valuable piece most VI second most valuable player the Detroit Pistons have and I can tell you guys this from some from stuff I know I can confirm this for you from things I know that SAR is the second most valued player to a lot of rival NBA teams there are a lot of rival NBA teams they have the Detroit Pistons start to try to get active in the trade market the player outside of KD are going to ask about the most they are going to they are most interested in heck even this past trade deadline I can tell you there were teams who were checking in on assar Thompson he is the second most viable player on the Detroit Pistons right now it’s not Jay iy it’s not Jaylen dur it’s not Isaiah Stewart even though I think Isaiah Stewart’s value is pretty high to be honest I I I do think he has pretty high value across the league it’s AAR Thompson and I want to start off as well by saying this this is also based off of what the Detroit Pistons are saying and what we know from reports and what I know from what I’ve heard about how they feel about these guys so what would I personally have a sar number two yes I would but I know the Pistons at at least as of this point they also feel really really really strongly un assar Thompson and there is a lot of belief from the from things I’ve or people I’ve talked to and things I’ve heard that and this has been you know reported in a lot of Articles James Edward articles and omari’s articles on MAR s kopa i second um that assara and Kate are view as like the cornerstones right now so I I that that this shouldn’t be shocking info but I just want to give that little bit of background for me as well um the thing this is the thing with thear yes he did does not have an outside shot right now okay it that is like not that that’s not shocking that’s not crazy you know basketball knowledge that’s not crazy know informative deep dives into assar Thompson he can’t shoot threes right now however the things that I pointed out pre-draft with assar Thompson the things I’ve pointed out during the season with assar Thompson the things that I’ve pointed out after the season with assar Thompson is the same things that rival NBA teams see and it’s the same things that the Detroit Pistons organization sees with assar Thompson and that is the fact that he most likely I to be honest I had his brother amen and I still do but I had his brother amen as potentially the best athlete in the NBA entering into the draft I I said I thought he was there was a legit possibility that our men would walk under the floor and immediately be the best athlete in the NBA immediately and then we talking about assar I said he probably is like a 95th percentile athlete like little bit like still like next level top of the NBA athlete but not quite as much as amen and I do still think that’s the case I think am man is a little bit twitchier um but I think assar might be like 98 percentile like so that’s number one the fact that there is probably only a handful of players that are better athletes than him in the NBA and I think he would probably make the argument and and he probably personally believes that there’s nobody and I can’t blame him because he’s that close to the top so you have that type of athleticism combined with his defensive tenacity and ability as a rookie remember before the year I said on the podcast numerous times entering into the year I said betting on assar Thompson to be your best Wing Defender as a rookie is risky B business because not a lot of rookies are good defensively a lot of rookies struggle on the defensive end now they show highlights they show flashes and those are the ones you can bet on being good Defenders but being consistently good Defenders throughout the season it’s rarely it it rarely ever happens and most rookies are just flat out bad like most of them are just flat out bad the ones who have potential down the line usually have some flashes and so some kind of consistency in some areas but Asar I thought especially at the beginning of the year when they were prioritizing defense in the lineup and he was a priority within the team which I thought they went away from after the first 11 games like the next 30 games I thought they went away from it but specifically the first 11 so games and then the LA I said the back end of his rookie career and even during that stretch in the time when he wasn’t playing as much you still saw it just not as much he was a legitimately good Defender already as a as a rookie I think a lot of people believe he’s going to be an all NBA Defender maybe even as soon as next year like legitimately not not hyping up not exaggerating like I think a lot of people believe that that he could be an all NBA Defender as soon as next year for the Detroit Pistons so there that’s that you have one of the best the very best athletes in the NBA but that kind of defensive versatility to guard guard on ball to provide weak side Rim protection to be one of the best rebounders at his position the only guy that was probably better than him at his position this past year was his brother on men in the minute he played those two guys they’re I I I just want to say how much fun I have watching them play basketball they’re both just crazy players but anyways assar how good of a rebounder he is how good of a weak side rim protector he is how good he is in the passing lanes and how good he is on the ball he could very well be an all-nba Defender this next season like would not be shocking at all so you combine that also with his tools so I’m looking down a world notification um to see if this has anything to do with the Detroit Pistons I’ve been no it doesn’t Okay um sorry it has to do with cl cavali head coaching search anyways um combine all that with the sarus tools offensively remember like three to four episodes ago I recorded an episode saying how bad is a sar’s offensive game actually and basically in that episode I said his offensive game is not bad he just can’t shoot threes like he can do all kinds of other things on the offensive side of the floor you just have to utilize it and you can’t just put him in the corner because he cannot shoot threes that is a fact he cannot shoot threes so having his most used Play Type which the Pistons did this past year being spot up shots when that’s his weakest link was like I don’t know like I don’t know the explanation for that there is no explanation for using for for for that you know use of him however he other teams and the Pistons they all see that he is a really good passer he has potential I think you’re going going to see this year for the Detroit Pistons by the way you’re going to see them try to tap into it but potential as a secondary ball handler you see that he has an ability to finish around the rim dunk on people dunk through people finish through people has nice touch around the basket I would say you see his ability to make quick reads in the half court you see his ability to not only make those reads off of a live dribble but in the short roll when used as a pick and roll man there’s multiple ways for him to be used within an offense I I think there are some people that bet on his three-point shot as well but even without the three-point shot you’re talking about a two-way player that can play defense is one of the best athletes in the NBA and has legitimate tools on on the offensive end in every every area besides three-point shooting if you add three-point shooting to assard Thompson you’re not just talking about like okay that’s a good starter there you’re talking about an All-Star plus player if assar is ever going to be a good three-point sh like that’s how good he will be but even without a three-point shot heck I think there’s a possibility he could be an allar without the three point shot it’s just it’s G to be harder to do but like you’re still having a two-way legitimate two-way impact player and he’s already an impactful player on one side of the floor and with better use and utilizing him in a better way in the half court he will impact that end of the floor instantly as well too and I think that’s you know what other teams view him as I think that’s what the Detroit Pistons are currently viewing him as and I think that makes him the second most valuable player on this team obviously he’s also a recent draft pick this is a thing that plays into a lot of these as well a lot of these conversations I don’t think Pistons fans um take into account enough and it’s something that I’ve heard over the last few weeks is that the fact that assar Thompson is on is going to be entering his second year is a big deal first of all it’s because he’s Young and then also because of his rookie contract he still has two three more years on that rookie contract whereas jayen Ivy and Jaylen durran like could I know that’s probably going to be the guys that get BRB the most in the comments and you know on Twitter to me when talking about these top threes those guys are inching towards you know they are they are farther moved away from the Mystique of the draft pick like AAR was the fifth overall pick this past season he still has that Mystique along with his potential he show on the floor but Jaylen Duran and Jane Ivy after a bad season are for or not let me not say a straight Bad season for Darren I thought he improved offensively but a down year for both at the very least a down year for both um they are a year away moved moved away from the Mystique of a lottery pick that they had um at the at at the top of the first round they’re a year away from that and a year closer to having to pay them which lowers the value as well so um that that that’s one of the other reasons why I didn’t have either of them on the list and one of the big things that’s playing into us our now if thear Thompson doesn’t improve that much this year and then we’re having this conversation next year like it’s the same conversation we’re going to be having about assar next offseason if he has the same type of you know um um uh projection as Ivy and Duran did it’s gonna be we’re gonna I’m gonna say the same thing okay the Mystique is rubbing off he’s kind of showed this his value gonna start dropping like that it’s gonna be the same thing would but you’re not there yet so that that that plays a part in his value as well so um but that that’s all I’ve got with that that’s why gotar is the number two guy and why the Pistons have that and it seems like a lot of NBA teams outside of Detroit also have that the way it is so let me know what you guys think about that comment section down below or over on Twitter ATK Hill when we come back number one man I think it’s pretty simple we’ll talk about him for just a brief second when we come back so I want to thank you guys again make Lon Pistons your first list of every single day you’re available on all your podcast platforms if you haven’t already head to the YouTube channel @ lockon Pistons hit that subscribe button or leave us a five star review on whatever podcast platform you’re listening to this on there another great way to support the podcast um I forgot to mention this in the assar Thompson section so I want to mention it real quickly again um he had very few possessions used in any other aspect offensively besides spot ups but in those limited samples when it came to him as a pick and roll ball handle he only had 29 possessions but he was an excellent percentile in the now it’s a very small sample size but in that small sample size he was fantastic he was an 87th percentile on all handoffs again 29 possessions not a lot should have been used more remember we were asking for this all season I was on the packet asking for it all season but didn’t get much of it I I don’t know why but in the few possessions we did 29 possessions 92 percentile was excellent at it in the pick and roll man possessions where he actually was used as a roller only 37 possessions 58th percentile good that Synergy has it ranked as good he has tools offensively you clearly saw it when used it popped they just didn’t do it and I don’t know why and I think uh the moves that the Pistons make and guys that may get moved I think will be moved and moves will be made with the idea in mind that assar Thompson will assume a lot of the secondary ball handling that’s what I believe um that’s that’s a projection now we’ll see if it actually plays out but I think that’s something that you’ll probably see play out that that’s what I think um they’re going to try to open up some of those possessions for him and they’re banking on that so they’re going to put resources in other areas I think that’s what’s going to end up happening um but anyways k Cunningham obviously number one uh Kade took a massive step forward this year and when you take into account which I’m starting to see more more people not just in Detroit but outside of Detroit really start to like mention which should like Elevate this like is elevating even more the season that Kate had is the fact that kateen improved the way he did in just about every facet of his game in the situation he had the fact that he was able to pull out of this situation this type of successful season despite the context of the situation despite the spacing despite uh the the team despite all the things that were going on despite everything Kade was still able to show these improvements imagine what it would have looked like in a an ideal situation not even a great one just an IDE ideal one I think that’s something I’m starting to see talked about more in the Pistons community and the NBA community so I it’s pretty self-explanatory Kade is him Kade Kade is the Pistons franchise right now everything is going to hinge on Kade becoming that franchise player and this season was a major step towards that actually happening I know there’s a lot of people within uh there are people within the Pistons organization and there are people close to the Pistons organization that believe that the Pistons were better this year Kade would have been an Allstar and I I don’t I can’t disagree with them if the Pistons were better Kade would have been an All-Star if you look at the numbers between K Cunningham and Paulo benero there is not much of a difference except one guy had a team around him I believe was the second or third best I I should have had this up but I know for a fact they were in the top three defensive team in the entire MB had that kind of defensive personnel and also some legit skilled players around him to have to field a good NBA team the Orlando Magic were a deep good NBA team so Pao was start up very highly but Cade who put up very similar numbers You could argue maybe even better numbers doesn’t get talked about in the same light because this team was bad I mean I can just run through it real quickly Paulo averaged 22.6 points a game 6.9 rebounds 5.4 assist he shot 45.5% from the field 33.9% from uh from three and 72% from the free the line Cade also 22.7 points a game 4.3 rebounds 7.5 assists also 45% from the field 35.5% from three on more attempts um than than Paulo benero Pao benero shot 4.4 attempts um Kade had what was it 5.4 attempts from Deep uh he shot 87% from the free line if you go look at their uh true shooting percentage which is the best way that people use to measure efficiency k had a 54.6 true shooting percentage this past season uh uh Paulo Banker also had a 54.6 true shooting percentage this past year so one player and this is not to say Paulo isn’t good I think Paulo is also really damn good I think Paulo also is a franchise player but Kade also proved in the same season the exact same stuff I think Paulo did I I just one doesn’t get talked about the same way because this team was bad so everything in part K took a major step forward in his jump shooting he took just that forward and his three-point shooting at one point after the All-Star break for a good like two three week uh three week span he was the best three-point shooter in the entire NBA and this is coming on a lot of Pull-Up looks as well uh self-created three-point looks got better in that department cut down the turnovers as the season went on got I think he has defensive potential that we all witnessed as rookie year when he actually had like other players that could do stuff he was able to focus more in the defensive end so I think once they get that you’ll start to see him be that two-way player that everyone expected him to be again um he K C is him he’s number one he’s going to be Untouchable the Pistons are going to sign him to that extension this offseason and everything’s going to be built around him and moving forward like that’s just what’s going to happen he’s not going to be moved but I can promise you this that if he was ever put on on the trade BL if there was any Whispers that Cade could be Traer or Cade wanted out I promise you there are 20 like almost 20 plus NBA teams that would immediately be calling the Detroit piness trying to get them I can promise you that so Kade number one assar number two and Isaiah Stewart number three that’s my top three most valuable Detroit Pistons let me know what you guys think will you guys disagree agree comment section down below but that’s all I’ve got for you guys today thank you guys for making lock on Pistons your first listen of every single day you’re on your podcast platforms if you haven’t already H the YouTube channel at lockon Pistons hit that subscribe button leave us a five stareview whatever pcast PL listening to this on and until next time I’ll see you guys later stay safe out there till next time peace out

Entering Trajan Langdon’s first offseason as President Of Basketball Operations, there is going to be a lot of movement and change. With that known, what three Piston players are most valuable and players you’d most like to keep?

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  1. Trade Stewart , 5th pick and other draft compensation for Capela and Hunter…2 defensive pieces! Hunter shoots 38% from three and Capela can mentor Duren! Sign Naja Marshall, he shoots 38% from three also! Thus gives us an opportunity til the trade deadline to see if our young guys have improved! We can make our decision then! Capela is on an expiring contract, so we'll will have flexibility next off-season!

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