@Los Angeles Lakers

[Buha] My sense right now is The Lakers are leaning more toward upgrading the supporting cast rather than the three-star model.

Conversation begins around the 02:30 mark here, citing luxury tax concerns and building a viable roster around a new big three.

Buha also adds:

"The Lakers have pushed back in recent weeks and months on the notion of going down the three-star build path, so we'll see how that all shakes out. I think LeBron James will have a say in that."

by Odd-Direction9452


  1. iiivoted4kodos

    “My sense is…” 🤔

    Donovan is about to re-sign with the Cavs and we’re probably not going for Trae Young either. Outside of Miles Bridges who’s a reach, there’s no one left. This is common sense to anyone who’s paying attention. These guys just make guesses and press send for clicks.

  2. A good sign if this is true. A 3 star system is a death trap.

  3. CabbageStockExchange

    That would be an actual smart decision for once. We need 7-8 reliable players that are versatile. The West is too deep to be dependent on one or two players to carry us. We need depth and guys to matchup depending on the opposition

  4. Bahamut727

    Donovan is staying with Cavs. Garland to the Pels. Trae or Murray to the spurs or somewhere else

    We can’t even trade for trade anyway it would require every single role player for salary purposes

    Let’s get DFS, Jonas, Brogdon, Robert Williams etc. get dudes that will help us in playoff moments

  5. Lucieddreams

    Wow, the FO is finally getting some sense of logic over star chasing? First bit of good news I’ve heard (then again it is Buha so who tf knows)

  6. LosAngeles1s

    yeah that makes sense, most likely candidates were Spida and Trae and even then, those seem incredibly unlikely

  7. ranchoparksteve

    For anybody who thinks the current supporting cast is sketchy, it would be complete crap under a three-star model.

  8. LongBeachBr0

    we need a closer bad, role players ain’t getting that done.

  9. nottherealstanlee

    Also says we’re not shopping Rui so… wtf we gonna trade? Lmao doesn’t make sense. Gabe/JHS/17 for something? Not much there that moves the needle. If Dlo walks and we DONT go for a star, we have nothing to replace him with. And if we come back with Dlo/Reaves then we have an immediate ceiling on how far this team can go with at least 3 non PLUS- defenders (regular season 40 year old Bron, Dlo, and AR). 

    On the other hand, Bron has talked a lot about having depth and stuff so who the fuck knows. I don’t see a better time to try to jump in than now. We won’t have another opportunity to trade 3 1sts until 2027 if we don’t do it now. 

  10. TallanoGoldDigger

    >My sense right now

    So he’s basically guessing. Great “reporting” there

  11. BizzyHaze

    We need an Aaron Gordon type of player. Someone who can bang on the board, score when open, plays good D and is scrappy. Easier said than done.

  12. Bigpoppalos

    Its bc there is no one worth it. Only player imo is spida but cavs owner would never help lebron

  13. It all depends on the 3rd star. Donovan Mitchell would be a great 3rd star alongside Lebron and AD. 

  14. songs_dongs

    how about naming some of these realistic possibilities.

  15. Outrageous_Fox4227

    The lakers are leaning towards this because its quickly seeming like donovan is off the table and they dont want trae and dejounte isnt viewed as a star by the lakers organization. On the fringes i dont know what moves they can make that make a difference. They said they didnt make any moves in the regular season so they could have three picks to package. The point im making here is the front office is a mass and lacks vision for the short term and the long term.

  16. MaryandMe1

    Amen. its never worked. we work best with 2 stars and supporting cast that play like stars.

  17. Miserable-Lawyer-233

    The three star model is upgrading the supporting cast. That’s the point of the three star model. LeBron needs DLo to be upgraded. If the Lakers are only going to bring in cheap, middling players, like they have been, LeBron will leave.

  18. Who elevated their value enough that you could trade them for help? D’lo probably has the most value, but his value is on the downswing after the final games of their run. Ruis value can’t be high. Maybe Prince but I think they keep him. Woods value isn’t high, neither is Hayes.

    Maybe im wrong, but it seems like they can’t really upgrade with the pieces they have?

  19. TorontoRaptors34

    Boast up the Perimeter movement and a real back up center. Draft Zach Edey

  20. discussionandrespect

    Def want CP3 for the min, I think he’s ours; he wants to be close to home

  21. StoneColdAM

    A true big 3 would be great, but don’t force one when it isn’t there. Russ after 2018 doesn’t make a big 3. Bradley Beal after 2020 doesn’t either. Trae Young probably never will. 

  22. So the on the other side of the spectrum, names I’m hearing is Lavine and Murray. Bron wanted Lavine at the trade deadline but didn’t materialize. Now, it can be argued that Lavine and Murray are not what you call “stars” but complementary pieces. Another voice within the org is that we’re looking for someone who can be 1A/1B 20ppg scorer that can take over games when AD need rest while Bron takes the backseat of being third option.

  23. Rocky2416

    The two biggest needs imo is athleticism in the backcourt and a big who can soak up minutes when AD sits. Dream scenario would be somehow pulling off a trade like the Mavs did to get Washington and Gafford

  24. AlarmingBranch1

    Most definitely, we should take note of how the Suns season went having the three star team with no depth whatsoever. We shouldn’t gut our team just improve on it

  25. That worked in 2020 and it would have worked in 2021 and 2022 but I think the problem with it now is you’re asking a near 40 year old lebron to be the primary guy to play make and score down the stretch and I think unfortunately he is past the age of straight carrying a team on his back like that

  26. So we just gonna hitch our wagon to a 40 year old LeBron James. He’s obviously a GOAT, but let’s be real here we need another star to take the load off of him.

    Bron should be break in case of an emergency and playoffs. I love Bron and everything he brings us but this league is getting younger and younger. Yes AD was phenomenal this year and shoulda have won DPOY but he is injury prone we all hold our breath every game thread he even trips and falls, and then he’s inconsistent.

    This idea that we can rely on a 40 year old for 82 games and then turn around go insane in the playoffs is wild. If we were in the east, maybe, but the west is a dog fight. Yes our supporting cast is good but they were hurt and up and down.

    Again Bron is amazing there’s no doubting that but with his age and AD’s inconsistency, we gonna keep fighting for a play in spot.

  27. gaius_worzels_bird

    We’re fucked, don’t see anyway to improve. We only solved 1 major problem which was the coaching staff. If things stay the same maybe we compete for the 6 seed

  28. _Zap_Rowsdower_

    That would be nice. Although i’m not sure how much we can improve. We don’t have many assets.

  29. JournalistKey4544

    I wonder if the lakers call the hawks and nets back to try again. Djm is not the greatest poa defender but hes a good off ball defender and gets many steals. Vando being our poa defender and having djm be the offball help defender would be nice. Even with that I would like another poa defender whos not a negative defensively. This is all wishful thinking but hey you never know

  30. motorboat_mcgee

    Good. I mean no offense to LeBron, but trying to do the 3 max guys + minimums is just not going to do it, when one of those guys is 40, and another has some terrible injury luck some seasons. We need a well rounded team, even if it means we have a pretty clear ceiling.

    Also, it’ll mean keeping picks for when he retires, and will make it easier for us to rebuild then.

  31. ValuableAssociate8

    No money for a good coach, very little money for new players. Rob need some Magic more than ever

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