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What NBA Draft Prospect Can Help Fix the Miami Heat’s Offense? | Blue Notebook

What NBA Draft Prospect Can Help Fix the Miami Heat’s Offense? | Blue Notebook

the Heat’s back court could be overhauled this summer and the upcoming NBA draft might be the best way to do it is there a guard that can fix Miami’s offense we look at some of the top names of the Draft Deon Carter Jared McCain and more and see how they could be a part of the Heat’s future on today’s episode of lock on [Music] heat you are locked on heat your daily Miami Heat podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day you are locked on heat your everyday podcast on the Miami Heat whether you’re tuning in on YouTube Odyssey or your favorite podcast app thanks for making locked on heat your first listen every day Monday to Friday I’m West Goldberg editor at all you can here with David raill both of us credentialed heat media members today’s episode is brought to you by FanDuel make every moment more right now new customers get $150 in bonus Bets with any winning $5 bet that’s 150 bucks with any winning $5 bet visit Lockton to get started if you’re watching us on YouTube help us on our road to 14,000 subscribers hit that subscribe button like the video if you’re watching us we’re beginning or we’re continuing along rather with our blue notebook NBA draft prep series on at least one episode every week between now in the draft at the end of June we’ll be diving into scouting reports on a bunch of prospects that we’re going to organize by major questions and themes today we’re talking about some guards in Heat’s range that can help fix their offensive issues let’s jump in that’s what I’m doing I’m taking 10 blue notebooks with me to Malibu with my wife blue notebooks blue notebooks blue notebooks 10 blue notebooks to Malibu blue notebooks blue notebooks blue notebook 10 blue notebooks in Malibu my life let’s jump in David we’ll start with Devin Carter the son of one Anthony Carter Guard from Providence 6’3 6′ n wingspan 200 PB 22 years old one of the risers after the Chicago draft combine what do you like about him I think he’s just a heat guy you look at everything that they say about him and the the intangible all aligned with heat culture like he’s a guy who understands how to make winning plays and that’s the the common refrain when describing his his performance at the Collegiate level is that he just does whatever is necessary whether it’s a steal he’s defensive minded he’s tough he’s learned how to improve over the course of his career and the fact that he’s been in NBA locker rooms he was asked about it during the NBA Combine and he just he knows the NBA mentality he knows what it takes a lot of guys have such a hard time adjusting especially nowadays when you’re younger and younger and you don’t come in we saw this last year with haime he’s a guy who was like you know what he’s not phased by the Star level attention because he was a star at UCLA but he was there for four years and he matured over that time with Devon it’s the same thing I think he has that kind of mental approach to say I’m ready for this I’ve been kind of born for this in in a way that you know not a lot of people can say it kind of gives me shades of Jaylen Brunson in terms of that you know what I’ve been around the NBA locker room like Rick Brunson wasn’t a great player he just happened to play for the New York Knicks but you you have something there when you’re the son of an NBA player that has kind of grown up around the game an understanding and a maturity doesn’t always translate but something about Carter’s gang kind of reminds me of that in the sense that he knows what it takes to play at a high level and I think there’s a willingness to do whatever it takes and he’s a Miami guy so you know Lo he is literally a Miami Guy having played in the city of Durell not too far from where Miami plays so I I think it’s just you know it’s such a natural fit in terms of the on court like he’s a shooter he’s a good Defender he’s a willing passer there’s a lot there that he does very well and again just the intangibles in tying all together seems like he would be a natural fit for Miami you mentioned you use the word willingness and I think that’s almost underselling the way that this guy plays basketball there’s an eagerness to it there’s an earnestness to it defensively it when you watch him play play you look you put on the tape on it looks like he can’t wait to get the offensive possessions over cuz he wants to go back and play defense he is so excited to play defense head on do always looking got the dog he’s just and it’s not just I want to get Steals and I want to get jump into these passing lanes and I want to get blocks and he does all those things he’s just really excited to disrupt what the opposing offense is going to do he’s great at getting over screens fighting through those screens he gets skinny he uses his arms well in terms of not drawing those defensive fouls but getting over those screens pushing guys out of the way he’s really strong um he’s at 200 lb already 63 6’9 wingspan uses every bit of that body and does not get moved out of the post easily even against bigger players who are trying to get him in the post I really like what he does defensively he might be the best perimeter Defender among the guard group in this draft and it’s because of the strength it’s be it’s because he’s able to read the game you’re absolutely right this guy looks like he’s just been around NBA level back basketball and he plays NBA level defense already it’s already there and that makes he’s a 2020 he’s a 22-year-old prospect on the older side the way that haime hakz Jr was as polished as haime was offensively coming out of UCLA like Devin Carter is as polished defensively uh there he was also he also had one of the best vertical leap at the combine and was an A+ on all the other you know athletic categories like he was so the athleticism is there even if the size isn’t that helps get blocked shots perimeter is that a record like in a shuttle run like a combine record like so the quickness is there even if it doesn’t just necessarily pop out he’s absolutely a great athlete so I’m glad you pointed that out the offensive stuff is a little Hit or Miss now we can kind of get into the stuff maybe that we don’t like you mentioned he’s a little bit of shooter 38% on low volume of Threes wonky shot a little bit Tyrese halberton like um where it’s it’s a it’s a long windup and it gets like a weird release and sometimes it looks like it comes off the side of his fingers side of his hand but it go it went in more times it went in at 30% at a 38% clip last year but that was almost an anomaly when you look at the rest of his career uh he shot 75% from the free throw line which is not great and is not necessarily an indicator of an elite shooter so I’m a little iffy on that but the ball is in his hands a lot and I don’t think that that helped I think he’ll be a better off the cat shooter when he doesn’t have to be off the dribble as much um and he didn’t get a chance to cut a lot off ball and stuff but you just look at the way he plays he’s going to be a good cutter I’m pretty confident in saying that even though he didn’t have a opportunity to do that a whole lot at Providence um and he’s good in transition he gets out on the break he plays with his head down he gets uh and he plays hard there’s some footwork under the basket that I like but um you know it’s a little bit of a hard read because he’s he’s such a primary ball guy at Providence where he’s going to be a third or a fourth offensive weapon at the NBA level which I think he’s better Suited Ed for right and at Providence one of the things I saw in the scouting reports on him was that you know he was really carrying that team to a way that most Collegiate players aren’t like especially at at their early stages of Lottery they’re probably on teams where it’s a number of lottery picks or high level recruits and things of that sort that wasn’t the case it was the Carter show basically in Providence and and so he was kind of the focus of a lot of Defenders and yet he still Thrive there and during his time I saw a lot of good off ball screens and things like that a lot of nice uh coming around screen suit with a ball in his hands and being he’s a good screen Setter I’m glad you saw that yeah yeah so he’s got he’s got some nice things that definitely will translate at the NBA level the shot looks ugly but you know what who cares like I I I thought about it and I was like you know I like I I seen or from what they say he’s been improving steadily over the course of his collegiate career and he’s put in the work and everything else like that I think the hitch isn’t completely gone but you know what as long as he’s able to continue to make him consistently at the NBA level and he was taking some from Deep during his collegiate career I think it’ll won’t be as big a problem so it you know with you on that I wish I wish the production was a little bit more consistent but to your Point sample size right it did improve and and he’ll be used differently at the NBA level there’s there’s another guy that we’re going to talk about who I think shot his his three-point shot is completely broken I don’t think that’s the the case with Devin Carter I don’t think it’s a broken shot I just think it’s weird and that’s okay sometimes that’s okay uh in terms of his comps I like Bruce Brown as a comp for this guy I like L Dort quite a bit as a comp for him um there’s a good one here that I like to Derek white that that might that would be that would be best case scenario yeah but it’s also it’s also this fully realized version of white like I’m I’m sure somehow Celtics fans will find a way to poke at me for saying this but like Derek white wasn’t Derek white until he got to Boston and played with other star-level players or actually I’m sorry not other do you think do you think dein Carter could run High a pick and roll on a on a on a championship cont team because that’s what Derrick White is doing right now he’s running pick and roll with Tatum and hor I don’t know that seven oh so yeah oh so you think like early Devin you think like early Derek white is more Devin Carter I where he is okay that’s is where Devon Carter is now like I think he’s at the same level white was when he came out of Colorado as a guy I mean they drafted him and he was basically a backup to dejon Murray and Tony Parker like they didn’t need him in San Antonio and they took him he was like yeah we like his potential he W up you know being a pretty gritty player ET so Carter’s you know he’s involved he’s he’s an okay passer he sees what’s in front of him maybe there’s room to grow there maybe with that athleticism he can kind of jump over the top and see some guy with a 69 reach that can jump 42 Ines and block shots and and isn’t going to be bullied off the low post like again that’s why I say when when you’re looking at a guy that the heat would probably love it’s him because he just the defense the mentality the understanding all the little things that the heat loves so much there’s two guys in this draft who feel like heat culture guys that like when you put them in a room with the heat front office folks they’re going to be like we really like talking in this Sky Devin Carter is one of them um we’re going to talk about the rest of our prospects including USC’s Isaiah Collier pretty polarizing Prospect I wonder where we’re going to land on this we’ll talk about that next year unlocked on heat today’s episode is brought to you by FanDuel it’s winner take all time in the NBA and NHL go cats and FanDuel is giving you a shot to bring home a big win of your own because right now you customers get $150 in bonus Bets with any winning $5 bet that’s 150 bucks to bet on spreads Body Lines player props and more visit lockon and make every playoff shot count FanDuel America’s number one Sportsbook make sure to go visit America’s number one Sportsbook we’ll be right back thanks again for making lock on heat your first listen every day make sure you’re subscribed on YouTube and on your favorite podcast app so we’re going to talk about Isaiah ker Jared McCain jacobe Walter and Carlton Carrington coming up here let’s start with Collier the USC guard at one time looked like he might be the number one pick in this draft and struggled a little bit at the start of his freshman year at USC missed a missed a month because of a hand injury came back looked a little bit better after that guys built like a running back here’s this is these are the things I like built like a running back Shifty gets downhill fast not a super explosive First Step but a pretty good one yep but plays with Pace kind of downshifts and up shifts and gets to the rim basically whenever he wants dude lives in the paint those are the things I like about him what about you no same uh you know good finisher always pushing like I saw that he plays at his own pace you know he can play quick he can play uptempo at the same time he’s always pushing the ball but he can slow it down and just find ways to penetrate so I think that skill could translate to the NBA level and just the fact that he attacks the rim something that Miami has needed so desperately at least before the acquisition of Terry Rosier they were just looking for somebody to put pressure in the rim I think ker can certainly do that at the NBA level he’s just a big Burly body and willing to constantly attack attack attack reminds me a little in please people don’t take this the wrong way like he’s like 20% of Luca Luka is like the entire package but just in the way that Luca isn’t the best athlete but is strong and has a wide frame and finds weird angles and is Shifty and just like always finds a way to get to the paint Collier does that he doesn’t do anything else like Luka donic but he at least does that a little bit a smallest percentage of the way that Luca does it um the things I don’t like about him the shots broken I hinted at it before there’s one guy who’s three point shot is broken it’s Isaiah Collier like the shot looks awful I hate it it doesn’t look good the free throw percentage is terrible uh 67% from the line I I don’t know what it is there were Mo there have been flashes I guess in his in like in IBL and and Stu in high school where maybe he was a little bit of a better three-point shooter I’m not seeing it it do and it wasn’t even great it was just like marginally better in terms of percentages it’s not good defensively lazy disappointing zero effort does not close out always up in his stance like just come on like a guy with the with with with this physical profile he should be a lot better defensively and if you’re a team taken Collier you’re betting on okay maybe the the the whole coaching situation at USC wasn’t great the team was kind of lousy all the way around they weren’t playing for a whole lot maybe with us with our coaching with our you know our our culture whether it’s the Heat or another team if you’re drafting him maybe you feel like you can coax a little bit more energy out of him defensively because he should be better than what he was he’s not he’s not he’s not a first round pick he’s not a top 15 guy certainly as good as he is in what he does best again NBA defenses and everything else they’ll that’ll change like he’s not going to be on the floor because of all of his other weaknesses he’s not going to have the opportunity to show off his strengths and so to me I see him as a really long-term project I think that he’s going to be one of these guys who in a couple years could be on the fringes of being out in the NBA unless he has that damn I’ve got to go ahead and and put in the work moment and completely rebuild his game which isn’t to say he’s not capable of that but right now he’s so young and he’s such a raw Prospect and I just don’t see that he can make an immediate impact on this seed especially because of what I had said it before with Terry Rosier on the roster I don’t think you need a guy like K here what he does bring he’s off my draft board that’s fair even without Rosier if you told me Rosier is not on the team next year I don’t care there’s other guys that can get there’s other there’s other guys that get into the paint he’s just not the right fit he could be on other player other team’s draft board but if I’m the Miami Heat he’s not on my draft board I’m not even taking let’s move on then Jared McCain from duke 6 foot three guard with a six foot three wingspan 200 lb 20 years old uh scored 14 points a game on 41% three-point shooting on a big volume six attempts per game five rebounds almost two assists best shooter in the draft from three-point range yeah one of them yeah that’s that’s that’s what I like awesome pull-up shooter great balance the shot looks great compared to guys like Carter and Collier um in transition he’s got that stop pop can slow down the guy’s going to be a pull-up threat at the three point at the NBA level I think that’s an immediate skill that translates over absolutely uh smart guy I think his at the combine he actually measured at 62 um but was little 75 or something like that yeah was he I thought it was 6 I gave him with with with shoes I rounded up to 630 you know he’s he’s going to be able to fit in because I think again as headyy as he is as smart as he is understanding you know he was at a high level program at Duke he can shoot so well like there’s gonna be an opportunity for him but he’s gonna be targeted and I think there’s just there’s as much as Miami might need that guy who’s a three-point shooter like you’re G to give up a lot defensively what he could provide offensively and so I wonder how much he’ll be able to actually Garner some time at the NBA level right away he’s another Prospect or a guy who might be a really Phil as needed basis you know like the comp most often is Seth Curry a guy who’s also undersized but can shoot the lights out and you see you know a guy like Curry as good as he is what he’s available and he’s had problems with health obviously like he’s you know a Civ defensively and that’s a problem because he just cannot defend at a high level and you wonder whether or not McCain McCain at least tries hard defensively he’s stronger than than he looks like he doesn’t really get pushed off of his spots at least not in the film that I was watching he he he plays hard he fights over screens like there’s things that I like at college but I I think I was reading somewhere that I the the strength measurements and stuff like that were pretty good at the combine so but look but he’s small he’s small he’s to your he’s going to get targeted and he’s not going to be able to switch onto anybody uh that’s bigger but he does try hard defensively and he’s one of the other guys when I talked about Devin Carter the the front office guys are going to to fall in love with his interview they’re going to fall in love with Jared McCain’s interview too this guy is heat culture stuff through and through looks good you mentioned the Seth Curry comp I saw the same comp that’s a pretty good NBA career and it sounds like a lot of the guys in this draft are sort of like hey long-term like role players who can land who would be in the NBA for a decade and I can see a little pton Pritchard too in his game you know something like that yeah guy not a starter good bench player that’s it and I don’t know is that worth taking it 15 I’m not so sure uh let’s do one more before we go to break here um Jobe Walter let’s do ja Kobe Walter sure what do you like about him I like a lot I I really do like I I know that there are weaknesses in his game but in terms of a a developmental project he’s got the size he’s got again the opposite of all we’re talking about in terms of the offense like his shot is fluid he’s got he’s just rangy he’s really young just 18 you know and we’re talking about these kids are so so damn young and and so like you’re you’re looking down the road I think he could be a high level impact player a guy who can really shoot he’s athletic um he’s got nice touch like he’s got an array of different offensive skills defensively he’s a work in progress he’s 18 like I mean there hasn’t been a lot of time for him to really develop these things and if you’re looking what he could be five six years down the road I think he could be a really good player I like the comp on him Chris Middleton too like a guy who you know was polished maybe this was a not necessarily a good one but in terms of like what he brings to the table he’s not like a pop off the screen type of athlete neither is Middleton but damn if that guy doesn’t just keep going and going and going and finding ways to beat you and so if you’re looking at a guy like Walter who could provide that kind of eventual upside it’s a nice pick but again we’re just talking about whether or not you want to risk a 15th pick on somebody like that knowing that you’re going to be investing years in what he can do I don’t know if it’s worth it he’s 19 he’s goingon to be 20 by the time the season starts Oh I thought he was I thought he was just 18 that’s okay uh 19 20 when the the when the season starts 6’5 with a 6’1 wingspan to talk about the the size that you were mentioning earlier he’s an okay athlete he was like a c minus on all the combine draft stuff but he’s got a real smooth handle great shooting stroke he’s got escapability with the dribble he’s good off the ball too when he was allowed to play off the ball um there was definitely he’s an accurate passer right he throws a good lob he was with a guy that we scouted who I really liked in in our Center uh portion of this eve Missy he’s just it was Walter Missy pick and roll all all season at Baylor and so he got a lot of practice in that he’s not making Advanced reads but he didn’t have to in that kind of pick and roll offense he’s not much of a driving kick guy like he doesn’t get to the basket a whole lot to pass he will get to the basket and score score but most of those assists most of his passes to Missy and his teammates were basically perimeter based so I’d like to see a little bit more advanced stuff but to your point the guy’s young he’s 6’5 he does at least have the size to see over the defense and get those passes out of the trees and defensively I actually liked what I saw he competes hard he’s got a good motor he uses his long long arms to get interceptions and kind of poke the ball away and stuff like that there’s definitely an upside here I saw the Chris Middleton comp I didn’t love it I don’t love it uh I actually it’s it’s okay it’s an okay comp I’m not I I struggled with this one too maybe like a smaller like a smaller herb Jones smaller Trey Murphy type could be where he is with a 6 fo10 wingspan I wish I just wish he was a little bit if this guy was 6′ s with a seven foot wingspan I think he would be a no-brainer lottery pick in this draft probably a top 10 pick in this draft I wish that as good as the three-point shot looks I wish the percentages were better he shot 34% on more than six three-point attempts per game the free throw shooting wasn’t great I just wish the I wish the production was a little bit better but I like what I saw on film the eye test is good the tape is good um I like jacobe Walter maybe more than uh most people kind of in this most other prospects in this range all right we’ve got one more Prospect to talk about then we’ll talk and then we’ll decide which one is the best fit for the Miami Heat at the 15th pick next here on lock on heat thanks again for making lock on heat your first listen every day make sure you subscribed on YouTube and on your favorite podcast app all right before we decide which one of these guys is the best fit for the heat at 15 we got one more blue notebook Carlton Bud Carrington what do you like about him he’s a good score um good offensive player good shooter put up really monster numbers at the combine in terms of his shooting um um and he’s young also he’s another guy who projects as a a potential kind of score that’s the role that everybody kind of envisions him although you in his interview he said that he sees himself as an underrated Defender that a guy that I think a lot of teams don’t really expect him to be able to provide that defense but that he’s going to continue to work at that and that he’s uh shown the ability to defend at a higher level I’m not sure if that’s necessarily the case he compared himself to Devin Booker and dejonte Murray so that’s an odd combination there but you know what if he if he has the defensive mind to set up one and the offensive ability of the other that would be a hell of a player I just don’t know at this point in time whether or not he’ll actually reach those high levels one thing I me I forgot to mention about jacobe Walter he compared himself to Kawhi Leonard love that love that energy for job um in terms of Bud Carrington um 6’4 with a 6 fo8 wingspan 195 pounds wet I’ll add uh I don’t know he’s he’s a mid-range guy and it looks good never gets to the basket I’m not sure that he knows that he’s allowed to get three feet within the overing on the jumper right oh yeah um and that’s fine but absolutely zero Rim prote uh Rim pressure you know what Miami already has a guy like that on this roster he’s had some several guys like that on the roster um 32% from three-point range so inconsistent as a shooter from there you know it doesn’t look good um I’m just going to be honest if if he says he’s a great a better Defender than he showed then I guess I’d have to believe him because he didn’t show it on tape gets overpowered nothing really pops off the tape defensively for him this guy’s off my board he’s he’s six-man potential and what the six man has yeah for another team because we’ve already got our six-man on Miami’s roster so you know he he he uh he’s he’s that kind of guy the with the the role the six-man has evolved into as being your spark Off the Bench offensively and you’re okay with him giving up a ton of points defensively I think he fits the bill so we’ve talked now about Devin Carter Isaiah Collier Jared McCain jacobe Walter and Carlton Carrington we were going to those are the guards that we’re talking about there’s going to be other perimeter-based guys wings that we’ll talk about in another episode but in terms of sort of on the ball guards this is kind of the group that’s in this sort of area at least for now on the drafts where the heat might be picking at number 15 so of this group to go back to our original question Miami was 21st in offensive rating last season which one of these guys can best help fix their offensive issues I don’t think any of them can um if anything you like McCain’s skill set if it’s able to translate at the NBA level in terms of his being you know a direct skill three-point shooting and he could kind of help run that second you know that second offense a little bit and the second team Off the Bench but I don’t I don’t know that that’s gonna fix anything to a huge degree it’ll be a nice spark to have something that they were missing last year I guess we should re No rookie is fixing Miami’s issues to the level that they need him fixed but I guess which one is the best to help address those issues right and so yeah like Coler on paper in terms of the drive and kick stuff like the heat still need that Rosier no Rosier they still need guys that get and do all those things I just don’t I I’m out I’m out on him you know at least for now maybe maybe if they he ultimately pick him at 15 I’ll delete this episode into it but for right now I’m not seeing it and so I I like McCain as a guy you can never have enough shooting you know you already lost Max stru who knows what’s going to happen with Tyler hero this this off season you never know he’s always he’s in rumors every summer just because you have Duncan Robinson on the on the team doesn’t mean you’re good for now not in today’s NBA like you need more and like to your point for now right and and this team is always trying to groom three-point shooting I kind of like McCain as a bench score for this team I think of this whole group though and now I’m going off I’m going off the path here Devin Carter to me is the one that makes the most sense and excites me the most out of this whole group group I like jacobe Walter fine if they want if they go ahead and get him that’s a little bit of an upside play and and I could talk myself into it that’s okay I think he I think there’s things that he could do at the NBA level for sure and I like the length and like some of the upside there but if you’re if you’re going to sell me on Devin Carter that to me is the going to be the easiest sell I think offensively he could still contribute in some of the ways that Kyle Larry was doing when he was really trying in terms of setting screens and being an off ball guy and doing all the the smart I’m not saying that Deon Carter is going to have the basketball IQ of Kyle Lowry from day one but in terms of doing those little things that I think the heat appreciate I like that and defensively he’s a guy who makes a lot of sense for a team that I think still has some scalability defensively I think what if I’m Miami I’m also trying to improve my defense next year from the fifth rated defense La last year I want to be top two in the in the NBA next year and how often did we talk about Miami’s lack of point of attack defense and I don’t think that you could just be like well we got the lawn Riot off the buyout Market problem solved no no no go get a young guy like Devin Carter and I think that goes a long way in addressing that issue yeah I I just also I’m trying to even picture even as we’re talking about like there’s no chance they would start I mean not even assuming that Tyler is benched or whatever like who knows what his future could be I just don’t see him starting and I just don’t see him like the defensive tenacity that’s a great the idea of like you know what have that guy kind of throw him out there be a disruptor on defense but at this point if you’re gonna invest a 15th pick on him and as much as I I love the idea I love the story and again similarly to you if if somehow they wind up selecting him happily delete this or or you know walk it back whatever but I just don’t see that you can invest a 15th pick it’s not like the 15th is a lotto Pick or anything like that or even like top five pick but you still want to hit on somebody that you think is going to be able to make it and have an impact whether it’s immediately and I think in miam’s case it’s probably immediately or in the long term I don’t know I don’t know if you can afford to invest in a a pick like this on a guy like Carter who might not get a chance to play much because honestly you know you’ve got You’ got derell right and you do address a lot of those needs and and maybe he can maybe you can groom Carter so that he can be a long-term impactful player but I just don’t know that it’s going to be somebody you can draft right away I I’d rather I’d rather they look elsewhere to shore up whatever weaknesses they have on this roster to your point right now the Heat have five guards that figure to probably compete at the very least for rotation minutes it’s Terry Rosier Tyler herro Duncan Robinson Josh Richardson who’s probably gonna opt in I would imagine and and D Wright so does dein Carter crack the rotation above those guys at the same time did the heat think that maybe they’re going to not have all those guys by the time Devin Carter is competing in training camp for a job right so that if if they were to take somebody at the guard position it might Telegraph something I guess the other version of this too is if the heat do end up trading Tyler hero or Terry Rosier or or Duncan Robinson even or one of these guys for help somewhere else because you and I agree like the spots that this team needs is elsewhere right they need help on the perimeter with Caleb Martin and Haywood heith probably leaving they could use a backup center maybe they can use a starting center or another front Court guy who knows maybe you’re able to trade one of those guys and address that need as opposed to trying to address that need at the 15th pick and then do one of these guys do you think and I’ll just kind of give you a new question here at the end do any of these guys speak to you as maybe a replacement for a guy you could be sending out whether it’s Terry Roser Tyler hero Duncan Robinson any of these guys I mean similarly I think Walter and his offensive ability is more fluid McCain similarly his shooting ability you know and I think Carter he just hits on so many intangibles you kind of almost feel like you have to take a guy like that especially given heat culture and everything else like that they would love to have a guy like that if this was another draft you know in a different roster composition maybe they would just say you know what he’s been our guy he just fits exactly what we’re looking for and he’s family like I mean he’s already practiced and played on this Miami practice court so he’s familiar with all this so I just I don’t know I don’t know if that they’d want to go that route this time around yeah I think if they did take a guard at this spot it would Telegraph something because the draft is at the end of June free agency doesn’t start till July 1st after the draft but if they were to take a guard here it might Telegraph something in terms of what they’re planning over the summer that’s a good point um it’s something to keep an eye on if they take Devon Carter I’d be fine yes I really I like I I would love talking to this guy I would be like hey this guy’s defensive and you know me I have like a weird attraction to guys who are have this particular skill set I think point guards who can guard their position at an elite level and and switch and guard other positions potentially is one of the most unique skill sets in the NBA and I think a lot of teams are trying to find that when they don’t have it and having a guy like Carter would help I think Jared McCain would be good insurance for just additional shooting for this roster I think that makes a lot of sense and then jacobe Walter is sort of the upside guy are you with me Isaiah ker Carlton Carrington just sort of off your board at this point yeah klier less so but even still like the fact that one best skill is I can run with the ball and I can attack the paint which is absolutely great and maybe that can translate I just need need to see something beyond all that I don’t know that Miami once again take a chance with him you could probably find somebody similarly skilled or could contribute just as well in the second round which is something to consider or on a minimum contract in free agency fair enough thanks for making lock on heat your first listen every day hit that subscribe button on YouTube and follow us on your podcast app oh

With the 15th pick in the 2024 NBA Draft, can the Miami Heat select a guard who helps fix their 21st-ranked offense?

Wes Goldberg and David Ramil continue their Blue Notebook NBA Draft scouting series with Devin Carter, Isaiah Collier, Jared McCain, Ja’Kobe Walter and Bub Carrington.

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  1. There is no hope for the Heat; Riley needs to go once he gets rid of the “slacker,” Jimmy. Imagine, if he played to his potential, they would have had an easy path to face Boston in the ECF.

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