@Minnesota Timberwolves

“Give KAT A Lot Of Credit” | Inside Crew Praise KAT As Timberwolves Stay Alive in WCF | NBA on TNT

“Give KAT A Lot Of Credit” | Inside Crew Praise KAT As Timberwolves Stay Alive in WCF | NBA on TNT

this series is not over the Minnesota timber worlds come to Dallas and looking three nothing Square in the eyes they win game four 105 to 100 Frank arazzi you’re correct [Music] Chuck realizing he has to get another suit for game five yes I do Shaq you got some about the same size you got extra uh JC Penny which I own we got Shaq uh big and tall so okay I’m sure it’ll fit your big ass and we’ve got Inside the NBA presented by KIA Ernie Johnson Shaquille O’Neal Draymond Green Kenny The Jet Smith you going Charles Barkley no no he he he back this was his this was uh the four games real team player Dre come on I got to do something with my son though okay you can do it in Minnesota no you can’t London so 105 100 is your final score and the uh and the Timberwolves Dodge elimination and but we thought we uh had not seen for three games we saw in game four we saw Carl Anthony towns and we saw Anthony Edwards answer the bell in this one setting up a game five and that will be back in Minnesota on Thursday night and uh so you’ve been waiting for him to to come through and boy they did tonight yeah cat started off slow but uh he responded nicely listen as a big man you can’t be mad at nine for 13 four or five from the three uh he had a couple of silly fouls but he hit some timely shots threes threes I didn’t want him to take but like Chuck always says they look good when they go in but he played well you know when both of those guys play well together they’re tough to beat you know the previous games know only uh Ant-Man was playing well but you know tonight ant and Cat played well and now we got to go back to cold ass Minnesota it’s not exactly as cold as Chuck made it out to be but a 20 point second half for Carl Anthony towns he finished with 25 Anthony Edwards goes 29 10 and nine well I think the key was and I think coach Van gandi said it his first seven shots were in the paint when you can’t make a shot Reggie talks about it all the time you know Kenny was the shoo like sometimes you just need a couple layups to get yourself going his first seven shots before he shot a three cuz when you make a couple shots Ernie it really opens up the rim for you you know I don’t know if it’s too little too late I thought he should have been doing this obviously in game one but you know what hey he they they bought it tonight they did not not get swept which is always humiliating give cat a lot of credit and like I say man just go to the basket sometime it’ll open up your three-point shooting you’re four for 32 so you’re not making him but like I said coach Van Gund said it he went to the basket his first seven times were in the paint and then they just opened up three-point shoot and they they didn’t get swept hit those but I love Anthony after the game too when Ali says we he says oh you know we ain’t did nothing yet right and I love that response those uh those two three-pointers by cat with about five minutes to go just huge in this game they’re down 90 to 89 bang bang he hits two in a row I thought they were huge and he did a good job of sticking with it uh the way this this Series has not gone his way and he had an awful first half foul trouble no rhythm and he he stuck with it in the second half but I got to give credit to Kyle Anderson and you’ll look at this the stashi and it won’t show up in the stash she but he was huge Antman got in foul trouble and which I thought the whole game I’ve said it all series Kyle and should be on LCA dones he took on that challenge Luca didn’t have one of his best nights and it allowed Antman to stay aggressive on the offensive end because he didn’t lose his legs on a defensive end yeah donic 6 for 16 Kyle Kyrie Irving three for 11 on the night and so now we’re going hey what the delusions of grandor okay you’re down three to one now going home who knows what happens in Game see that’s why you could have a delusion because you’re always in the back of your mind you go well if we go win this we going home like if you’re in game four and you’re in a sweep you losing it you’re not going home you’re going on the road that’s a tough mindset so the delusion is is real uh Minnesota found a rhythm and they finished the game early for The Earnie for the first time they actually finished the game got the ball in the right places and they did not give a game away by not following any assignments uh I also thought that Dallas honestly were trying hit home runs where all the time they were getting doubles doubles were bringing in the runs so to speak they were trying to hit home runs and trying to knock him out from the beginning from the beginning I I I think they were a little uncharacteristic in the way they were playing offensively the ball stuck with Luca the ball stuck with Kyrie at times Kyrie proba actually pitched the ball more than Luca but it stuck more in Luca’s hand than he typically had been doing in this series Minnesota shoots 53% in this game they Dodge elimination Dallas still up three games to one in the series here’s LCA U I think that game is on me uh just didn’t give enough energy uh kind of uh so we got to do better they won one game we just got to focus on the next one always got to believe uh I believed in the end uh so uh it was close at the end but we couldn’t uh so they won the game like I said we just got to focus on the next one not energy energy what uh yeah I mean he’s a big Pace to our to our defense and offense so we miss s so there would be no fourth quarter Domination by the Dallas Mavericks in this game that’s been the difference in this uh in this series so far has been the way they closed but tonight it was Minnesota that got that done and this from a Minnesota team that allowed 30 points off turnovers Dallas got 30 points off turnovers in their gym and still could not win this game I thought that was big uh you never win a game if you give up 30 points off turnovers to do that on a row was incredible but it was their defense that their their defense had Kyrie bottled up all night Kyrie didn’t get good looks he didn’t where he had been starting off I and I talked about it him getting mid-range shots and getting the Rhythm Luca was getting mid-range shots and getting the rhy they took all those shots away so they never able to get a rhythm and their defense picked up and you know they was able to pull a game out yeah but also listen and Shaq talks about it Carlon Town played ball tonight we can talk talk about this and this and this Dallas had the lead going the car lines to town we’ve been waiting on him sha been saying that you know your stars have to play like stars he’s been awful in the series plain and simple he saved the Timber Wolf season tonight so just give him his flowers he deserves it you know we criticize him he doesn’t play well we got to give him his flowers cuz not a question he won that game for them tonight and it wasbe their team yeah yeah yes yeah he he had a big game but also as you guys always say is your best players have to play great and with Luca and Kyrie going 13 for 39 combined that’s not going to get it done you have to make shots when you’re open or when you take them and at certain times I felt that they got most of the same type of shots but they were quicker in the offense and I was much quicker and I was impressed with Minnesota from the beginning they fought they scrap you know they weren’t complaining they was out there filing holding they did whatever it take to get a win and now they’re going back home where anything is possible learning they’re uh they got to quit being stupid though yeah they’re one two out there just dumb 54 to 44 uh cat and ant outscore Kyrie Irving and Luca donic in this one and where there will be a game five it is a 3-1 Series right now um and to your point yeah I mean CAD fouled out in this game he going to be that old little Henry Henry little Henry it’s home how did you fall for this it’s snowing in s thing somebody sent me a picture you know a picture or a text no they sent me a a text that’s okay hey it is it was did they go to Auburn too it was Cottonwood it was Cottonwood education look looks like snow B you get state of North Carolina thank you or Georgia excuse

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  1. Dallas gave that away; A player like luka does not miss those kinds of shots in crunch time. He's too seasoned for that.

  2. KAT stepped up when needed and started out the game in the paint which does get you going. I don't understand why more players don't start in the paint to get a rhythm. Basketball basics are lost

    Now i just need Edwards to stop yelling "HEY" after every shot lol

  3. 4:03 “Luka didn’t have one of his best nights” bruh what? 28/15/10 and they’re acting like he pulled a Mr triple single himself. Luka needs to go for 50 for them to acknowledge he did anything lol

  4. Kat is actually pretty good at driving to the rim and finishing. He might not have a post game but at least do that instead of just jacking up 3's all the time.

  5. Luka is DANGEROUS!! hard to shut him down, he's LEGIT SCARY GOOD during CLUTCH GAMES!!

    WOLVES won this game, but game 5 against MAVS ,who would be Hungrier at Wolves Home court would be INSANE!!

    Big decider game for both ! Wolves just counting every breath ,every shot! Have they revived the series to take to a game 6, or are they doing just enough to avoid a sweep?

  6. Twolves have legit shot now at winning. I could easily see the Mavs choking again at home in Minnesota plays this way.

  7. Just because Luka is on the spectrum doesn't mean you gotta keep showing him talking. He lost. How about interviewing KAT or Ant man ? Oh wait… they ain't on the spectrum and their skin don't look the same.. funny.

  8. Bunch of tnt cowards. Ernie the Carnival barker didn’t invite RUDY to the set😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    What a CLOWN SHOW.

  9. Credit for what? Towns & Conley have folded in crunchtime THEIR ENTIRE CAREERS. Not built like that. Credit for finally having a decent stat line?? 4 games later?

  10. I will say this. If the Timberwolves shock the world and win this series it will be because KAT was MVP. This man actually bothered to post up. I was telling people that I want to see him get a minimum of 14 points in the post before he even considers tossing up a 3. Well if you count free throws he got 13. He will need to do this again if they are to even have a remote shot of pulling off another win.

  11. 5:33 No Luca this loss was not on you. MN is the better team when they actually make KAT post-up for more than 50% of his shot attempts. He did that tonight. Had MN done this from the start of the series you guys would be down 3 if not getting swept outright. You and Kyrie carry that team on your back offensively with little bench help in that department. The Wolves have a better bench on the offensive end. Your bigs are better than Rudy Gobert and Naz Reid on defense though. But as good as they are they will struggle to stop KAT when he actually bothers to post up and not make dumb fouls. It's what would have happened if Nicola Jokic was in this series instead of KAT. In game 5 if KAT decides to post- up all almost all game and you guys can limit him to at least 20 in the paint, then that should be considered a solid job.

  12. I ain't giving mediocre incompetent KAT any credit!!! Why? Thanks to him they're down 1-3 in the series!!! Why are y'all so conformed with the minimum? He should be averaging 27 this series no only scoring 25 once!!!!

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