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Mobley extension? Garland trade value and more – Cleveland Cavaliers News (The Junkyard Pod)

Mobley extension? Garland trade value and more – Cleveland Cavaliers News (The Junkyard Pod)

this is the moment we’ve all been waiting for for the thousands independants and the millions watching around the [Applause] world let’s get ready [Applause] [Music] for welcome to your weekly Cleveland Cavalier recap with the junkyard pod hosted by Tony P Cory Walsh and Jackson Flickinger this is a new format we plan on doing throughout the offseason so we can stay on top of everything going on with the Cavs today we have stories on Kobe alman’s job security Darius Garland’s trade value and Evan moy’s potential contract extension so this sounds like something you are interested in please consider hitting subscribe we all greatly appreciate it and let’s get into our first news story of the week from none other than Cleveland Legend and junkyard pod fan Brian windhorst uh and a quick shout out to who was a great Twitter follow and he provided a summary of Wendy’s recent appearance on ESPN Cleveland where he told us quote Kobe alman’s status is good and his contract goes through 2027 his future will be tied to this summer and the coach that he hires keeping Mitchell and handling the rest of the roster so in other words Kobe’s job seems to be secure let’s get into our discussion here starting with Jackson do you believe Kobe has earned this job security and do you think he has done a good job recently or throughout his tenure I think he’s done a good job in the grand scheme of things the way that the Cavs were able to quickly rebuild after LeBron was impressive especially considering how bad the roster looked um that first year so yes he’s done a good job I think this is we’ve been critical about some of the moves that he seems like he’s going to have to be making this summer we felt that should have been making them last summer uh that includes the JB bicker staff um firing that includes potentially breaking up the front court and the back court we both we all kind of thought that that was something that he could have done last year but I understand the slow and measured approach but this is the summer that things are really going to this is an inflection point for this team in this franchise and how we remember the Kobe Alman um tenure will probably be the Kyrie Irving trade and then this and the Kyrie Irving trade right now doesn’t really you know seems like a loss for both sides and we’ll see how this summer is I I think it’s a loss for both sides uh Corey where where do you stand on Kobe I feel like Kobe Alman is a benefactor of the fact that it looks really bad for an organization that’s trying to retain their star player to let go of their coach and their GM simultaneously I feel like it was kind of reported that the Cavs were kind of doing a group think of maybe possibly leaning one way or the other reflecting on both kobby Alman and JB bicker staff and obviously they chose the JB bicker staff Domino to fall instead because like Jackson said I think Kobe has garnered some uh good faith from the Cavs brass because of his quick rebuild and the fact that the Cavs have hit probably on more draft picks and I think most teams have in the same stretch they built cornerstones out the players they’ve drafted and they have a lot of the players from that rebuild still on their roster minus like Dylan wiler and Kevin Porter Jr which you could argue that Kevin Porter Jr probably would have been on the roster if he didn’t have the character issues for a longer duration of his time but overall I think if like if the Donovan Mitchell thing wasn’t looming over this organization I think they’d probably Kobe’s seat might be a little hotter than it is right now but they have to let him and Donovan Mitchell kind of work together and try to rebuild this roster yeah I think that’s a good point you don’t want to risk uh go into doomsday mode and ruin all stability with the potential to keep a player like Donovan Mitchell you don’t want to send that signal um I will say I think Kobe has done a a respectable job juggling the end of the LeBron era and managing to rebuild for the future uh he was very aggressive in acquiring Talent many times adding players who didn’t necessarily fit but he probably prioritized getting Talent over everything else uh I think of drafting Darius Garland despite Colin Saxon on the roster trading for Jared Allen when Andre Drummond was there and this has led to a lot of the awkward pairings that we’ve seen throughout the years and especially recently but the franchise climbed out of a rebuilding stage to kind of be on the Forefront of being contenders they’re like right at the doorstep they’re just not quite there yet um with that said though this is a what have you done for me lately League uh and as late you could say he whiffed on Tai Jerome which it’s not necessarily his fault because that injury kind of you know messed everything up but he whiffed on the Yang he didn’t quite stick to Landing with Max stru uh I I enjoyed maxu I think you’ll get a lot of value out of him if he stays in Cleveland if if they keep him but didn’t quite stick it this year and if you go back to last year whiffed on Rubio letting go of Kevin Love there’s there’s all these little moments where he dropped the ball and so the cows are going to need this summer Kobe is going to need this summer to hit on the margins and make the Right Moves so I want to pose the question to Cory do you trust Kobe to make the Right Moves In the draft in his coaching search and once the free agency floodgates open uh in the draft I feel like you have to have some level of faith in Kobe Alman making a good decision for the organization just because again of the track record in the draft I’d say the draft is probably his strongest area you could point to as a GM at least I don’t know I know he’s not like NE like in The Scouting but at the end of the day he is a part of the fin fin decision and the team that he’s built around him has done a fairly good job of indicating NBA level talent in the draft uh also he accept he’s the organization as a whole under him has also done a good job of picking players off of the undrafted free agency pool and getting players on two-way deals and eventually on the roster we’ve seen him make useful players at times out of players like Dean Wade and Lamar Stevens for a stretch overall um I think he has done a pretty good job free agency is hard for me to kind of judge him because I feel like the issue with free agency especially when the margins the Cavs are operating under were pretty slim you kind of were only able to take one swing in free agency last year and that was Max stru and with free agency in general you’re kind of only limited to the options that are available and the Cavs weren’t able to put themselves in the situation where they could out bid for players they probably wanted more than max stru they’re always trying to finagle between the margins just with the way their cap was was last season so I don’t think free agency this year is looks to be much more promising even than last season for the Cavs it’s still gonna be like can you just hit on the Derek Jones junior level type player that like I think when the MAV signed him last off season or so they weren’t like oh boy this is going to convert into a dynamic playoff player you just hope that those types of swings can land massive Gams and that I just I feel like in the draft is going to be a strength free agency I just think it’s a crapshoot I think I agree with everything that Corey says but kind of to take it back to a like a different place I think if you’re looking at a less generous view of Kobe it’s that the two things that he did that he’s done best is draft Evan Mobley and trade for Donovan Mitchell like those are those are the two things that raised the floor and ceiling of this team and drafting Evan Moy was kind of a no-brainer after you know the Rockets passed up on him the other options were you know like like Scotty Barnes was taken before people were expecting him and you could have talked herself in the Suggs but you know that seems like it was a pretty obvious choice in hindsight and then the Donovan Mitchell trade it’s he’s the one who accelerated this team he’s the reason why they got to the second round this year he was the reason why they were the fourth seed last year and like Cory talked about all the issues that they have in free agency well they have those issues because they’re so hamstrung with the you know with the cap sheet with the lack of assets and that’s because of the Donovan Mitchell trade and Mitchell was I think he was the right guy to bet on but it might not have been the right time to bet on that guy because the rest of the pieces haven’t really lived up to you know he was supposed to be the guy like he’s supposed to be the cherry on top of the Sunday and he’s more like the entire Sunday and that’s sort of where you know like what if another team that was kind like what if another competent team just offered that much for Mitchell would they be in the same spot that the Cavs currently are you know and that’s where I think kind of the kind of the criticism from Altman comes from and that’s where we have to kind of wait and see because you know if he’s just like giving him credit for getting out of the rebuild it is you know it’s accurate but it’s also like he he also hit the you know Sim to end button and it seems like I don’t know if this is sustainable especially you know if Mitchell wants out then you don’t own your draft pick until you know you don’t have full control of your draft pick until 2030 and you don’t have Mitchell on your team so it’s really you know like this could be looked at very differently in three months a thing too with Donovan Mitchell is that ju if the Cavs let’s say didn’t make the Donovan Mitchell trade last season then you’re kind of heading into a situation this year where you have a roster maybe where the players are slightly more developed because they weren’t operating under and around Donovan Mitchell’s skill set but then you’re also in the I guess we’re in the ogan anobi and Pascal cakam uh race and I don’t know if that would be as much of a needle mover for the Cavs as Donovan Mitchell was for them this year it’s all like with the NBA it’s like you never know know who’s going to be available but you also just can’t like hold your assets and hope that a certain type of player that may never ask out is going to so there’s like pros and cons and I feel like yes it was good for him to be aggressive but you could also make the argument like Jackson said like maybe it was too early yeah and I think a lot of it just comes back to he got us out of the rebuild by acquiring Talent Garland Moy making the trade for Allen making the trade for uh Mitchell but the problem is trying to figure out how that Talent works and rounding out the team on the margins that’s going to be what he needs to do this summer whether it’s through the draft trades free agency if you’re gonna take that next step he has to round out this team and so it’s kind of I think it’s GNA be a make or break summer for Kobe in the sense that if he drops the ball this summer next year I think his job security is starting to go out the window uh before we move to our next go ahead well I want to bring up like the Allen trade I think is like the best trade that he made because he bought but it’s also like now the Cavs are in a position where they could be trading Allen and it seems like they’re also not going to get the value back that they likely would want for him and that’s sort of the problem with this whole thing where like they have had the success that they have because of the talent of their four guys but them not fitting together and not being able to sort of make that all work out is kind of the problem and that’s you know what’s going to differentiate between this team staying good forever or making that leap to being great and being like a real contender in this conference yeah and I I do want to say I I think they could still get a pretty good return for Allen but we’re gonna we’ll save that for another time because we’re going to shift and talk about another players uh trade value and so heading into our next topic this one from Jake fiser of Yahoo sports who says multiple teams are interested in Darius Garland this summer some of which even prefer Garland to Trey young another potential trade candidate you can see on the market I knew Jackson would would have a comment on that because what was it a couple episodes we discussed that hypothetical but uh he continues to say that the Cavs could yield a serious return for Garland uh this relates to the recent reports that clutch Sports uh would consider asking for a trade if Donovan Mitchell extends in Cleveland to free Garland up in the backourt summer else uh but focusing this conversation on Garland’s current value Jackson let’s hear your thoughts this report do you believe DG’s trade value is actually this High even in spite of that recent slump I I don’t really um at least not more than Trey young and I know that Trey young has issues that Garland doesn’t have but Garland is just I think he’s a limited player and I don’t know how he gets much like I don’t know how he breaks through to the next level of not being somebody who is of this caliber which is right now it’s kind of like if he if if everything works out well he’s kind of a 10th or 11th guy on an All-Star team which is a good player but it’s not a you know all NBA type player which I think that you could say that Trey young you know still is an all NBA type player if he’s in the right situation so I find that hard to believe but at at the same time there aren’t many guys his age on during his first max contract that kind of come on the market so I get that but I don’t know I think the Darius Garland’s a big uh benefactor from the fact that I think people the league probably views Trey young this is specifically in that comparison as like a more finished product and I think people look at Darius Garland being still considered one of the young players in the league who’s proven himself to a certain extent that they feel like there’s something that can be built upon and with Trey young you kind of feel like you’re getting what you’re getting and I think teams like will always tell themselves that well if he was under our staff he’ll be completely different and as Tony po M pointed out in his article that he that came out recently like barius Garland’s issue is more that we feel like he’s kind of staying the same player and it’s not g to be a change of scenery that’s gonna change his situation it’s more what he’s doing himself becoming a more restrictive perimeter player and not really being multifaceted and like the three ways three-level scorer that we think he is or at least I bet the league perceives him to be well yeah because he can’t score at one of those levels which is the most important level to score at honestly and he can’t draw fouls but anyway that’s yeah I think uh on the Trey talking point I I don’t I don’t know exactly if I believe that Garland’s trade value is higher I think the argument that I would see is that Trey is a very heliocentric player and he hasn’t shown that he can break out of that the dejonte Murray pairing was went very poorly and if you’re looking at DG you think sure it’s not a raging success but he has shown that he can play alongside Donovan Mitchell to a degree at least more so than Trey young was able to do so with his backward running mate and so I think really what it comes down to is that I think a lot of teams will convince themselves to buy low on the DG stock right now and say hey he’s not getting his full I don’t necessarily agree with this but I think a lot of people a lot of teams could talk themselves into hey he’s not really unlocking his full potential next to Mitchell we’re going to trade for DG and we’ll get that potential ourselves so I think that would result in more of a bidding war than a lot of people would assume considering how bad Garland looked this year but I mean he’s still 24 years old he’s coming off the worst season he’s had in a long time I think a lot of teams will convince themselves that he will bounce back and rise up significantly from That season he just had and I think a lot of teams will be willing to sign up for that yeah kind of I see that because one of the things that I think the Hawks did a really big disservice to Trey young is they some of the ideas that they had were okay but they kind of missed on the execution on all of them you look at Jarrett Culver theoretically he should have been a good fit he wasn’t you know DeAndre Hunter was supposed to be a better player aong wo was has hasn’t really developed like he like like we thought cam reddish so and then the the jont Murray I think is just a really bad fit I think the Jon Murray everything you said about Garland in your in your article is like more true for Deonte Murray but Garland is a much more skilled player and a much better player so I think it’s I think it’s just a really tough fit for both of them on that Hawks team so it’s tough where like like Trey young has so many is much more skilled and can do a lot more things I know that he has his the problem with young is that his limitations are more glaring and it’s kind of more irritating like the f dra’s irritating his inability to do anything on defense is irritating like Garland doesn’t like Garland’s a better Defender like you like Garland doesn’t have that same baggage but I do think that what if you’re looking at both players I would have an easier time talking myself into Trey young being like sure the guy who’s actually like he could fit along in this system like I get why a team like the Spurs doesn’t want to rock the boat too much but overall I I don’t get I see your point there I mean Trey has shown that just immense offensive upside at times where Garland hasn’t been as consistent there or really just as explosive as Trey young can be so I get the the idea there and I do want to hit on the defense you mentioned before we move on move on because you always hear the concerns of Garland’s defense and really the the backcourt of Mitchell and Garland saying oh you can’t survive with those two guards defensively and while yes I I agree for the most part that that is usually how things work and I think plenty of teams could give them problems I just want to point out it has not been a limitation for DG or the Cavs up to this point I kind of think it’s a non-factor so far we just over the last two years even the last three years it just hasn’t been a thing that has truly hurt the Cavs uh not nearly as much as you hear from fans and other people it’s just it’s not really something that bothers them as much maybe that’s a result of the two bigs or you know I I couldn’t explain exactly why it is I think Darius Garland is just a little better on defense than he gets credit for um so I I did want to mention that I I do want to say the size is much more of a concern for me in on offense where it’s easier to trap both of them and they don’t like when you’re 61 62 it’s a lot easier to trap it’s a lot harder to find those passes out and when you have two guys who are the only two ball handlers on your team and they’re both easily trappable it’s really tough to like sometimes counteract that and I think that’s where my concerns mostly come from but like as you pointed out Tony in your in your in your article which is on fear if you haven’t checked it out um it’s like Garland needs to grow as a player no matter where he’s at because he’s not like like like Trey young is somebody you can build an entire offense around like you can’t have a heliocentric daros scr in offense and expect it to actually work so he needs to be able to fit into the team concept and it’s not that he is a self player and that he hasn’t but there are things that he needs to improve on and I think he could improve on those things next to Mitchell but some of the limitations that both those guards have on the offensive side of the ball with being able to be trapped and stuff like that I think requires a different configuration of the team yeah and I agree with that and the last thing that I’ll mention here just kind of in relation to that article that I wrote a good point that I saw something on fear check it out great place a lot of great writers there or so I here uh but something that I failed to really mention or articulate uh that I saw someone bring up is that some of it likely comes down to an adjustment mentally for Garland as as far as accepting playing a little more without the ball you know one of the the things that Jackson has pointed out a lot and then I tried to highlight in the article is that being on the ball is what got Darius Garland here but if he wants to raise his ceiling to being a potential Championship caliber player or just someone who goes deep in the playoffs he’s going to have to learn how to play without the ball and maybe this is the point that I feel to mention maybe it’s easier for him to accept that if he’s playing alongside a Zion or a weman Yama or a front Court player rather than someone else in the back court uh who is kind of just it it there’s more of an overlap there that I wanted to mention a little bit here but we’re gonna be talking about this all summer and last thing that I want to say is I don’t know how much of this is on the coaching staff too because you look at a lot of the times when Mitchell has the ball or when anyone else has the ball really Garland’s like super like he’s like super spaced out where he’s like drifting back almost to half court where he’s almost like the super Outlet lets reset everything type of guy and I don’t know what like that’s not how you know that’s not how sethh Curry operates off the ball so like I don’t know if that’s like Dar like a Darius Garland thing or if that’s a team thing I I will say things like pushing the tempo I feel like that’s a Darius Garland problem yeah because you see the tempo go up when he’s not in there and you always saw always says this you always see JB bakera on the Seline like waving him like come on come on you know especially late in games so like there it’s hard to differentiate sometimes between like Darius Garland problems and team coaching issues that we see so two great point it’s tough to like kind of parse that all out especially when you’re you know representing Darius Garland or you’re trying to build a team around Donovan Mitchell so yeah I mean that’s that’s interesting too just because as far as the coaching stuff goes too and like the offense I think other players other than Garland also don’t move without the ball as much so it makes you wonder there even like the pace the pace goes up when Mitchell’s out there so I don’t think that was a coaching thing but even when Mitchell was out there alone you didn’t really get as much off ball movement so maybe that’s some coaching and you need good screen Setters you you’re looking at like like Jared Allen’s the only good screen center like Center for one of the bigs which is really tough because if you have two bigs you need to be like they both need to be setting really good screens all the time to free up the guys who can dribble and shoot so that’s you know like there’s a lot of things you can point to that aren’t Darius Garland issues like if you just take Darius Garland off the team it’s not like oh they now can set screens and now everybody starts moving off Ball but it’s also like that could happen with Dary Garland still on the team so that’s why jameso good it’s a good transition to our our next our final topic actually uh speaking of the two bigs and lack of screen setting uh for our final story we have another windy special uh he believes Moy will receive a rookie Max extension from the Cavaliers and he went on to say that any team in the NBA would offer Moy that same extension if they were in that position Corey two-part question one do you agree Moy would get that deal from any team and secondly do we think Moy has earned it does it make sense for him to get that deal uh I feel like the answer could apply to both yes I feel like every team would do it and I feel like the reason that every team’s going to do it is because how the NBA just is all about retaining your assets Moy is the biggest asset the Cavs have arguably outside of Donovan Mitchell but internally this is considered their homegrown diamond in the rough Evan Mobley and overall like every team is gonna take that swing on the upside that Mooby can provide that’s the reason the Cavs drafted him that’s the reason we’re still talking about like how there’s room for him to grow it’s the reason that Jared Allen’s potentially going to be moved out is because they want to capitalize on what Moy can bring to this team and if they feel like him being the five is gonna take this team to the next level he’s truly the pendulum the deciding factor for this Cavs team of what they’re going to be in the next five years if Moy takes the jump a he’s worth the max that they’re going to be paying him but B he could potentially be a top 20 player in the league at minimum if he reaches his ceiling offensively along with the defense that we’ve seen from him thus far I think it it’s irregardless of the situation of any of the teams in the league it just comes down to they want everyone’s Gonna Take That Swing on the type of player that Evan Mobley can be has he deserved it definitely I would argue not I think overall I think offensively he’s stagnated over the past few years to where you’re kind of now reaching for what you think he’s going to be offensively more than what the trajectory would lead you to believe believe he’s going to be his incremental growth hasn’t been something where it’s been sustained for arguably more than a game at a time up until this Boston series where it was forced for him to play in the position to make him flash more offensively and I would I just think that even though he isn’t hasn’t really shown a max level of play you just have to take that swing yeah you have to I mean it’s I mean the thing is like he was a defensive player of the year finalist in his second season and he probably should have won um so definitely should won dud drop coverage I mean it wins every time did you thanks Brooke did you write that article for for Fear the Sword last year or did you only like talk about writing it I forget I did I’m pretty sure I wrote a story wow strange we have to look have to look no CU pretty sure I wrote a whole story on it Jackson all right all right you can edit that out if you did um but yeah like he definitely should have won so I mean defensive like defense usually takes a while for baks to kind of get a handle on and he immediately came in and was a day one impact and I think his impact is only going to grow as he becomes a better rebounder which he should just by adding more strength and and maturing physically so like like that’s like that alone is worth a Max I think the offensive issues are definitely worth highlighting but this is the same thing as the Garland conversation where it’s like is this is some of the issues because of fit I think they are are they because the team hasn’t asked him to grow in the ways that he needs to I think it’s really tough when you’re talking about Moy because he’s had to split time between Center and power forward where with when he with the starting lineup he needs to be like a power forward he needs to have the skill set as somebody who can dribble who can the ball who can do those things but he’s also playing 15 minutes a game where he’s the center where he’s going to have to be a better screen Setter and rebounder and I feel like forcing him or like not allowing him to choose either Lane but kind of forcing him to grow in both areas has kind of left him like stagnating in both so I think that some clarity there would show that he’s more worthy of a Max on the offensive end um but yeah I I think I don’t think you think twice about this yeah I agree with everything you said I think if he showed more of that offensive upside it would it would be the absolute Nob brainer that everyone assumed it would be when he was drafted but I still think it’s basically a Nob brainer I mean everyone knows where I stand at Moy his floor is already so high just because of his defense uh quick stat Moy was eliminated from the playoffs two weeks ago and he still leads all players in stocks which are blocks and steals take that 36 of them the next closest it’s Luca and Gafford tied with 34 and they played four more games than Moy so the dude is a generational Defender he’s your Cornerstone behind Donovan Mitchell I think he’s shown enough offensive flashes to where you feel through the Cavs there’s no argument for not just giving him the Max and betting on that potential you do it 10 out of ten times I think and so does every other NBA team uh the floors is already high like I said and the ceiling as Jackson was pointing out we we really aren’t sure how much higher he can climb offensively because he just really hasn’t been in a position where the Cavs have forced him to become that we saw the Boston series I think it people maybe would have argued against the max extension for Moy a little more if he didn’t have that Boston series when he came out and played the way he did I at this point it’s not a surprise at all that he’s gonna get a Max extension and rightfully so I do think Cory’s point is worth exploring further though because when you are in a salary cap League it does matter how you use that salary if you’re using a Max salary slot on Evan Moy he needs to improve like is the 2023 2024 version of Evan Moy worth a Max salary just on its own just in a vacuum I think you could argue no it’s not so I think that’s kind of like there’s reason to be hesitant because we’ve seen situations where this hasn’t worked out where it’s like if we were podcasting about the Minnesota timber woles five or six years years ago like is it Andrew Wiggins worth of Max Sal it’s like yes he was rookie of the year he showed so many NBA champion Andrew Wiggins right and he didn’t he didn’t do that on a Max contract that’s for sure and when he started getting more money that’s when the problem started um for his team so that’s where could be could be us according to the NBA Twitter machines trade machines uh yeah well that’s kind of where the Jared Allen trade value conversation comes comes into play here but like Andrew Wiggins at the time was like yeah I promise I’ll get better and he you know kind of stagnated in Minnesota and you saw like the player that wigin could become was worth a Max contract the player he actually was and stayed at was not worth a Max contract so it’s always worth pointing that out and I think that’s kind of a similar conversation with Garland where it’s like well the the difference as you mentioned Garland I thought you were gonna say Moy the difference is that Wiggins had the entire team kind of built around his development and still stagnated Mo did not get that he was not afforded that right so yeah and I think it’s a no-brainer but I I I do want to say that like Cory is not just like like Cory’s bringing up a good point by like yeah bringing that up to counter my own point is just that it’s would be it’s hard with Moy because like in a vacuum most rookies that get drafted in the top three are put in a situation where they’re able to develop and highlight their skills Mo’s timeline was just rapidly accelerating because the team’s goals and aspirations kept on getting knocked up with every incoming player or players that became Allstars and took the lead Mobly basically came in as the fourth option and for a top three player in the league I feel or in the draft it’s really hard for a player to develop alongside a team that’s also has three other players who are trying to improve as well and they’re not going to build an entire offense around Moy trying to get him to develop in certain spots it’s like they’re forcing him to fit like Jackson said in certain spots and that’s just stagnating everything because is never going to be like all right guys let’s run like 15 to 20 offensive sets where MO is just going to be getting the ball in certain spots and let’s just Hammer that home so it becomes a strength down the road it’s like Moy just take advantage of whatever situations and opportunities are in front of you yeah that is worth pointing out because it’s it’s not like the the timberwol strapped at Anthony Edwards and said all right let’s go get Zack LaVine back you know so that’s you know it’s it is it is tough I think it ties back into how we started the episode talking about Kobe because listen if you’re going to give Moy the max extension you need to start prioritizing him like a max player which means potentially trading Jared Allen potentially finding a way to give him more opportunities if you’re gon to give him that much money you got to treat him like a player making that much money and so far they have not uh so it’s going to be a really interesting summer uh that’s going to do it for this week’s recap of the news thank you to everyone who watched or listened I’m excited to keep running this format throughout the summer uh and we have all sorts of different on the way so one more time hit that subscribe and leave a comment with any hot takes or ideas that you have throughout the summer because we could end up using some of them throughout these episodes so drop your comments below uh if you want to be included in an episode potentially and with all that being said go Cavs I agree goaz Brian if you want to be included in this episode you can leave some comments below

Recapping this week of Cavs News

– Koby Altman’s Job Security
– Darius Garland’s Trade Value
– Evan Mobley’s Contract Extension

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  1. Extend Mobley,
    keep Allen,
    keep Donovan.

    Build with 3 and D wings around that core,
    a back up pg,
    and a backup center.

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