
Emergency Podcast!!! Mark Sears is BACK for Alabama basketball!!!

Emergency Podcast!!! Mark Sears is BACK for Alabama basketball!!!

all right everybody I just could not wait on Jimmy Stein anymore feel like my whole life is waiting on Jimmy Stein and before that my whole life was waiting on Mark Sears and now Mark Sears at least he answers the [Music] call you are locked on Bama your daily podcast on the Alabama Crimson Tide part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day hey everybody and welcome to this emergency podcast of locked on Bama where Mark Sears is returning to the university and my god look we would have done this sooner um Jimmy was out of town today we didn’t we knew the news was coming today but we thought maybe it’d be one of those late night things and then we talk about in the morning but I’m so excited I was actually playing basketball uh over at lifetime when the news came through and like it it just reverberated through all the fans I mean and they were like Alabama fans there Clemson fans Auburn fans they were like wow that’s big news um and it is as a matter of fact and when Jimmy joins I’ll talk to him about this CBS uh CBS has already said moved Alabama up seven spots to number two in their preseason poll now I know a lot of people are going to say well they should be number one and maybe they should I could certainly make that argument CBS is gonna have Kansas number one and I certainly get that too um but look just being in the conversation is something incredible and we all need to take a moment and just enjoy uh what Nate oats is doing he is putting together a world class program um he just has it together he has uh he has all the pieces now to make something really big happen he made something really big happened last year and it was incredible and I loved every minute of it the the thing that the only thing that worries me is the expectations um and I’m hoping that we as fans can at least you know understand that even though this team is absolutely loaded for bear there’s going to be a find I’m sorry I took a shower recently and my hair is all kind of wonky but um there’s going to be a finding the chemistry of this team you know there’s going to be some moments where it may take a second to get everything uh the way it needs to be uh when you have this many guys who are so dynamic who can score who can uh you know make plays uh jiren Stevenson we 100% believe will announce he’s going to be back he he may announce it while we’re doing this excuse me I don’t know what happened just there but um and you know having jiren Stevenson is going to make things e even that much better but there’s only one basketball and there’s going to be a lot of guys who are going to expect to score a lot of points and or at least Le get a lot of minutes with opportunity to score a lot of points so um all that being said what a problem to have right is such a better problem than saying hey we got to go out there with uh three three stars two Walk-Ons and a dude that transferred uh from Brierwood Christian no offense to Brierwood Christian but that’s a high school so um I just think it’s it’s an amazing day for Alabama can’t wait for Jimmy to join and get his two cents on this we again shouldn’t be so surprised I mean if you’ve been listening to our podcast Jimmy and I have been saying he’s coming back now we couldn’t guarantee it but we we felt very very very good about it and it was just a matter of time and feel the same way about Jared Stevenson so um hopefully everybody is is as ecstatic as I am um got 35 people in the Pod right now uh appreciate everybody joining uh be sure please to subscribe to the podcast and uh you know we would appreciate that uh so I already mentioned CBS has moved to sub number two I can’t wait to see what ESPN is going to do they may come out with a new top 25 any day now I mean they’ve I mean a summertime for them and so when something this big happens uh they probably will update their Bracketology they’ll update uh their top 25 you know I think Jimmy and I put this out there would you be more surprised this year if Alabama won the National Championship in basketball their national championship in football I think I’d be probably more surprised if they won it in football this year because I really believe I would stack this team we have next year against anybody against anybody and the thing is we’re going to get to do that um there’re gonna be so many great teams look I talked about uh the CBS poll right well Kansas they have number one weirdly you know Ryland Griffin went there uh Bama 2 Houston three now if I’m not mistaken I don’t have any but Houston’s going to be in that Las Vegas tournament so we could have a shot at playing them again um they have North Carolina Yukon Iowa State I’m not sure if any of those are anywhere in our vicinity in terms of where we’d play them in any kind of tournament uh Baylor Gonzaga Duke and then of course Auburn I will’ll play them twice Texas A&M I think we only play them once next year but they’re number 11 Purdue is number 12 we’ll of course play them uh in Purdue this upcoming year Tennessee is 13 I believe we only played Tennessee once this upcoming year I can’t remember it off the top of my head uh Arkansas I think we only play them once they’re number 15 uh Arizona we were supposed to play them but that got move shoveled around as we all know Marquette Indiana UCLA kraton of course will come to Tuscaloosa Florida uh I know we play them I’m not sure how many times Texas I know we only play them once Rutgers is 23 I believe they will be out in that tournament in Vegas and then Xavier Cincinnati and Providence so I really feel like this schedule Alabama’s putting together is just going to be awesome so that’s the thing this could literally be the best lineup we’ve ever had the best roster up and down but it’s going to be one of the toughest schedules we’ve ever played too now there’ll be somebody who tells me you know the the 82 team played a harder schedule or whatever but I’m telling you this schedule that we’ve got coming up especially when you consider the lead the SEC expansion and the two teams are bringing in they’re not bringing in two dump trucks and basketball they’re bringing in two pretty good programs so um it’s it’s going to be heck and but and here’s the other thing after this year I think that uh as I’m gonna have to move because my dog’s thr nuts and because my wife just came home I can’t do anything about that I’m really sorry I didn’t think she was gonna be coming home right now and she’s coming home and my Yap dog is still going nuts there’s nothing I can do about that so y’all bear with me as I go upstairs and uh hopefully Jimmy will be joining me any second too this is quality pod cmans ship I know and I’m really sorry about that but uh just really excited about this year and I now I got to set the whole dang thing up because my dogs a nide okay so now I’m going to take a break here for a second and uh when we come back hopefully Jimmy will be joining us I muted myself when it’s only me did anybody here see that it’s one of the dumbest things I’ve done um Jimmy’s been absolutely no help uh as I’m gonna read some of these comments though it’s good B is playing Purdue they need to schedule a home and home against Yukon uh that comes from Jonathan McMillan look I’m I’m for that but not for this year um by the way that caraban kid is coming back for Yukon that’s also just been announced and I Bo yeah and yes I am a little out of breath from just walking up the steps um I’ll tell you the thing about um as s Vlog says mute I know I know I’m sorry I didn’t mean to um but the thing about playing oh know what I was going to say was I saw Dick vitel had a tweet about caraban coming back for Yukon and how big a deal it is and it is a big deal I don’t want to Discount that I think he’s a great player at the same time there’s been no peep from vitel about Mark Sears coming back and I I would think a guy like vitel who is so Pro college basketball would absolutely adore the fact that uh Mark Sears is going to return and and give College the college basketball World another year of himself I think that is um pretty awesome and and anyway it’s just it’s a little disappointing that um I understand Yukon is a national champ but we were in the final four it’s not like we’re chop liver and also Mark se’s returning does make Alabama a viable National Championship Contender so um couple of more comments best team Alabama basketball we’ve ever had next year we’ll see I mean of course we’ll see but I mean I would stack the roster up against just any other team right now you know for me I mean I guess you would always say 76 the team that probably if they had not um if they had not uh gone up against Indiana in the sweet 16 which I think at the time there was only 32 teams in the tournament so sweet 16 wasn’t really the same thing but if Alabama had played them in sweet 16 they probably would have met him in the national championship game um that team was awesome I I’ve always loved the 87 team with Derek mcke and godfried and farmer and Ansley and uh JJ Jackson Connor I mean I just I love that Squad so um I I would probably put them up there against anybody but uh as Jimmy Stein the Jimmy Stein joins us now and I’m GNA have arrived here Jimmy well a little traffic snafu apolog iiz for the traffic snafu out there on the interstate just short of Tuscaloosa very excited about Mark Sears let me guess you’ve been talking about Mark Sears well actually I was just telling the people about uh you know my life up to this point and luckily came right right at the right time uh you know pretty much like Homer Simpson said once I apologize for pretty much the entire marriage up to this point yeah apologize um but yeah what I was telling them was that uh CBS already has Alabama moved up to number two CBS I won’t give CBS a ton of credit they are the best at when um something like this happens they they act on like they get an article out almost immediately right like do they have Kansas number one or yeah Kansas still number one and you know I mean let let’s let’s look at that for a second i’ I’ve already gone down in you know Alabama’s RG with schedule it’s no real sense in going over that uh just because you’re late but um uh Hunter Dickinson is back I mean God knows people are going to say somebody uh I’ll tell you is this is true uh for those listen I’m not trying to name drop here um but Al Dillard you remember who played at Arkansas who could shoot it from the hog’s nose well I went to play basketball tonight at lifetime I only meant to play for like a game or two and I happen to get on a team uh with a guy who actually played football at Clemson from like 16 to 19 or something like that and uh another guy who could shoot it from anywhere and I mean I I just we kept winning so I kept playing and but Al Dillard was one of the guys we played against and uh when the news comes out about uh Sears he’s like how is he not graduating I said well you know this is the only good thing about covid really I mean is said all these people got next year he said man if I could have had an extra year he said he said I’d have so many records and I I mean I don’t think he’s being cocky I think he’s right um but uh and then we got off on the thing this is appropo of nothing we got off on the thing about nil and uh he he was like man yeah he said this is uh this is kind of wonky I said well you do know they’re gonna go back and retroactively pay some people but only up to 2016 he looked at me like I really you didn’t really even have to tell me that I wish you had not told me that because Al Dillard probably would have done pretty well in in an nil era I think oh no doubt regardless um yeah he was like yeah serious a dude and everybody’s pretty fired up about it and I mean it’s just it’s huge news what I was telling him too Jimmy is um Tim Green says Hunter rro played for eight years that much is true too by the way the guy that I played football I mean basketball with night that that actually played football at Clemson I just said boy so you played with Hunter rro because this guy was also a walk home and he was like yeah he’s a good buddy of mine he said you I said well who’s he with he hadn’t signed with anybody and uh he said yeah he’s not signed anybody and you know he may end up retiring may just end up going into coaching or something and I mean I was like this guy is literally trying to like replace dab his Invasion of the Body statues he’s gonna take dbos Sweeney’s whole life over you know he’s a walk- on he a better player than dbo D davo is a decent player but hunter infro is a better player yeah you know what stands out to me about Mark coming back you know my first thought when when Mark came back is tell me I’m I’m going to be missing someone here but the fifth guys on the team fifth year guys you know in college basketball when you’re an elite program you know for years they said well if you’re an elite program you’re like Kentucky right you have nothing but freshman and maybe a couple of sophomores because everybody else has gone look at the fifth year seniors not just seniors fifth year seniors Alabama has on the team next season Mark Sears Latrell ritell Grant Nelson Cliff omore that’s four I think there’s another one the kid from uh is it Young Blood young blood it’s a fifth year for young blood right is either young blood’s a fifth year guy or Mallet is a fifth year guy it must be young blood does Mallet have two years I don’t think it’s Mallet okay so uh yeah I I think there’s five fifth year great players not just good great player great college players now they’re fifth year Players let’s all be let’s also be honest about this Luke they’re fifth year players because the NBA has passed on them four times each but that’s okay right yeah well that is okay that’s okay I’m just saying it’s incredible that Alabama’s got five fifth year players and all that matters to us at Alabama is how good they are at college basketball that’s all that’s all that should matter to us but let’s not you know when people say this is the greatest starting five of all time well the NBA’s passed on these guys so that they’re not Brandon Miller yeah you know who they didn’t pass on at all or Noah Clowny that didn’t pass on at all so that’s also interesting it’s a great team of college basketball players and I think almost all these guys will play in the NBA Loop but I think that’s a great question those 550 year players will any of them be first year first round picks I don’t know that any of them will be but I kind of think all of them will be in NBA camps if that makes sense so heck maybe some of the second Team guys are better NBA prospects because now the second team and this is fun I don’t want to be hogging up I know you’ve been talking for 10 minutes but how about this uh you know if if a starting five is like Sears ritell Young Blood Nelson omore if that’s your starting five then a second five might be Holloway Mallet Reed Stevenson and Cheryl that’s your second team that team could win the SEC I’m Ser that’s second Holloway uh Mallet Reed Stevenson Cheryl that’s that’s a really good fivesome right there and that’s your second team by the way I just put Fon Mo diabat and Cunningham at the end of the bench and those dudes those dudes can play they can play God you know I mean I do feel like you know everybody I mean all the Auburn boards are going crazy like haha Holloway I think this is fine for Holloway I don’t think this has I mean I think if you’re a in holway you’re like hey I get to learn behind Mark Sears and maybe come back for one more year and then I’m the dude that’s what I would look at he should be 50% disappointed because every kid wants to play the minutes but 50% elated because I would tell Aiden Holloway Hey listen to this old man who’s been around the block a few times this helps you it helps you’re a kid who needs to stay in college for four years and now you get to learn from Mark Sears who’s as good as a college player as anyone ever gets to learn from and then you still get to do it you know two more years and and and how’s this for crazy advice that they’ll never take but like kids like like Fon and NS Cunningham that I just put at the end of the bench Luke now that with Revenue sharing with Revenue sharing that starts next year with these basketball kids and nil which isn’t going away and alustin money and everything else and you’re not a premium NBA Prospect playing for five years in college makes a lot of sense right now I would seriously consider going to the coach and say is there a chance I can red shirt because now you got five years earning what they’re going to be earning in college and with Revenue sharing added on top Luke it’s not crazy to me that basketball players at Alabama a typical basketball player might make as much as three four or even 500,000 a year a typical player not Mark Sears he’s going to make I think we all know he’s going to be making closer to seven figures but a typical basketball player and look if where does he think unless you’re a premium NBA Prospect where are you gonna go after college and make $500,000 playing basketball yeah I’m just saying red shirting and these kids won’t listen most of them are impatient they don’t want to sit but I’m telling you there is a major Financial reason to want to red shirt and hey let me get five years of this instead of just four now I’m not saying that for Brandon Miller that’s that’s totally different I’m saying non premium NBA prospects and that might be a fair way to call Fon and Nas Cunningham who who are really good prospects I don’t know if anyone’s talking about him being one and done first round picks that’s that’s a little too much for me I mean I I wouldn’t bet on that oh I can’t rule it out but I wouldn’t bet on it well I’ll say this too I believe you know people keep asking about Stevenson I believe Stephenson will be back I do yeah I’m optimistic there I mean like super optimistic uh so and then that just makes things even spicier uh and somebody actually mentioned hey Jimmy we need a roster countdown for BB basketball there will be one for sure and uh that’s gonna be a lot of fun to do I I’ll probably just do that a little closer to basketball season starting off because that’ll be a fun way to like I said that lineup I just sped out there you know that that’s without really thinking it through and things will change over the summer and Stevenson’s not official yet but yeah I mean I think it’ll be a fun way to to to do the roster countdown but the same way might be the best way to project a starting five right is I mean who are the five best players on the team this fall but uh you know you know I’ll probably put Fon and Cunningham near near the end uh because they’re freshman and again uh you know they’re not gonna listen to me nor should they but players that aren’t definitely cruising to an NBA first round future I take five years playing in college once Revenue sharing hits that’s it is just announced that Stevenson will be back John rosin just reported that so I mean we knew this and I hate not to do I mean I hate not to do an emergency pod for for Stephenson but we will talk about him um tomorrow when we talk more about this we just wanted to go live because basketball deserves this Mark Sears deserves this so we need to um seretta Vlog says who’s ranked 69 on the basketball countdown we should have us number 69 just like out of let’s just say Mark Sears yeah because he deserves it all he deserves it all he deserves even that he deserves even that he’s like I’ll take it hey one day I think I think Mark Sears Jersey how about this I mean bold Proclamation Mark Sears Jersey will one day hang in the rafters at uh in Coleman Coliseum and that’s saying a lot because to my knowledge the only one hanging the rafters is Wendell Hudson I think is the only guy with the jersey and rightfully so uh and and I I think Mark Sears will have a a jersey hanging in the rafters I think he’s uh I’ve said this before but man it’s so fun you have great players there’s a lot of great players I think Grant Nelson’s a great player I mean I really do I think Grant’s great and there’s other great we’ve had great players at Alabama MC Dice and a lot of others but there’s another tier the legendary player and we’ve had legendary basketball players in my mind Brandon Miller to me is legendary but what’s super cool Luke is when you have a legendary player that’s still playing yeah he’s a legend and he’s still playing here that is so rare in in college sports where these kids are in such a rush to go play pro basketball and pro football and take off and and do all this stuff but Mark Sears we have an Alabama legend that will still be playing a full year basketball and that man that that’s you know Montana Fouts I think is is a good example that her her final year Al she’s a legendary softball player maybe missed softball in the history of Alabama’s program we got to watch her play a whole senior season wearing that crown and now we’ll get to see that same thing with Mark Sears the same we saw it with Bryce young too I think his his final year in Alabama because he’d already won a Heisman all right guys that’s going to do it for tonight for this emergency podcast but we will’ll be back tomorrow with an actual podcast so until then roll tight everybody and roll Mark’s ears roll tight all right

As they (used to) say (before the bankruptcies) “You Can Count on Sears!”
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  1. Man, even the puppy dog is excited about. Mark says coming back. I know what that dogs thinking final for again! Way to go puppy dog❤

  2. Roll Tide Luke! Don’t be crackin’ on Jimmy Bravo. Hoo ha! Congrats to UA, Mark Sears and Coach Oats! This totally beats watching the Aubies compete for a golf natty! Congrats to AU anyway. Roll Tide!!!

  3. I don’t think we have played a tougher schedule in any previous year than we will next year in basketball OR football. We have definitely played tougher schedules compared to other schools in previous years.

  4. Guys this is on paper by far and away the best basketball roster ever on the court for the University of Alabama. It really is national championship or bust. Five 5th year players, Two 5 stars, a 6’11” 4⭐️ I mean this is where it’s at. Roll Tide. I’ll be surprised at any loss.

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