@National Basketball Association

Shaq on Bill Walton: ‘A lot of times he would criticize me, criticize me, I was so mad I wanted to put hands on him.. I had to learn how to listen to what these legends say.. I saw Bill last year at the Final Four, we hugged, he told me he just wanted to make me better.. I’m glad he was hard on me’

Shaq on Bill Walton: ‘A lot of times he would criticize me, criticize me, I was so mad I wanted to put hands on him.. I had to learn how to listen to what these legends say.. I saw Bill last year at the Final Four, we hugged, he told me he just wanted to make me better.. I’m glad he was hard on me’

by babbagack


  1. GoForAGap

    I think bill saw shaq as a version of him in a way, an absolute paint bully. I think that’s why he was harsh on him at times.

    Also, bill was the best player in college and then couldn’t be healthy in the nba, he didn’t want that to happen to shaq I guess

  2. Robinsonirish

    Feels like shaq is just talking sbout himself here. He likes to think hes that guy when he criticises other players.

    Hes not that guy though. Walton was a very smart and thoughtful. Shaq is just a hater most of the time and doesnt have nearly the intellect to pull it off.

  3. mmaguy123

    Bill as a player was incredibly skilled for his era. Often hit elbow banks as well apart from just scoring in the paint.

  4. TraditionalDog6328

    “So now I do it but in a much more idiotic, insecure way”

  5. Technician-Temporary

    Odd thing to say as a “tribute”.

  6. jefe_hook

    The same guy who took a shot at Bill Walton two years ago.

    During the latest episode of “The Big Podcast with Shaq,”Shaquille O’Neal said there’s only one name he would remove off the NBA’s Top 75 players of all-time list: Bill Walton.

    Shaquille O’Neal believes that the ex-Blazer does not deserve to be in the Hall of Fame. “There are two types of Hall of Famers. Some who deserve it and shut your mouth with what they have done, and others who are here for very different reasons. For example, I don’t think Bill Walton deserves to be a member,” he added.

  7. Shaq is the most petty, insecure athlete ever.

  8. pifflord5

    Knowing Shaq the criticism was probably “eat a vegetable”

  9. Initial-Stick-561

    In a nutshell Shaqs tribute was him recognising Walton as part of his own great legacy. How very fortunate for the late Bill Walton to be not hated anymore by the most dominant and narcissistic ever.

  10. Good_Schedule3744

    Bill always wanted to help players and be a positive influence. Shaq was nothing but disrespectful to him for years. This seems like he’s trying to save face.

  11. juan_a_blonde

    Me, me, me, me, me. Shaq always has to make it about himself. I wonder what his “tribute” to Morgan Spurlock would’ve sounded like.

  12. BigCollarsAndBallers

    Shaq was calling Walton trash on air like 2 weeks ago

  13. WatchOutImCummin

    What Shaq has said about Walton honestly had me thinking Walton really wasnt that great. I didnt exactly take him seriously, I knew Walton was still a good player for his time if he was in the 75, but because of what Shaq said i would have never guessed that Walton was an MVP, and Finals MVP leading the Blazers to their only championship. Im still a big casual when it comes to the nba, started watching during covid, so realizing that Walton accomplished all that was a bit surprising to me.

    Shaq is a dickhead

  14. olorin9_alex

    I remember when Shaq took offense to Walton’s latest criticism and called Bill a “peon”

  15. I can only hope people don’t fall for Shaqs BS anymore, he’s an asshole

  16. matthitsthetrails

    its predictable how shaq can turn any situation into being all about him

  17. Losingtoweeds

    Ah of course, Walton got to be a side character in Shaq’s story. Truly the only thing to remember him by. Fuck Shaq.

  18. BoundGreef

    Frankly tired of Shaq’s nonsense. It says a lot that when a near universally beloved player passes away and everyone is reflecting on his great career and life, Shaq can’t help but let his pettiness and insecurities come through and find a way to make it about himself. He’s pathetic

  19. NeedleGunMonkey

    Even when remembering someone who passed – Shaq always manages to make it about himself.

  20. ExponentialHS

    Aren’t we all overlooking Ernie’s beautiful tribute at the end? All the analysts said some nice things but Ernie brought a heartful moment to the show

  21. Such a hypocrite. If Bill Walton were alive he’d say Nicola Jokic is a much better basketball player than Shaq ever was, then Shaq would tell him how much more money and rings he has got than Bill Walton.

  22. RetinolSupplement

    People like to take shots at Bill being in top 75, but we just had the bus riders vs bus drivers thing a while back and Bill was the best player on the youngest team to ever win the finals. Only Portland chip ever, ask Dame how hard that is. And he beat KAJ and Dr J on his road to the chip. He’s also the only player ever to win Finals MVP and 6th man of the year. A lot of the same people who hate on him would with the same mouth explain how Derrick Rose belongs in the hall of fame.

  23. On on one hand…glad he’s not actively shitting on the guy after he died? On the other…this is becoming a pattern. Shaq sort of gets to control the beef now, spin it in his favor. Oh now the problem was that Bill was trying to make you better? You just said a couple weeks ago that he sucked. Shaq has been saying Bill sucks for years now. I’m fully convinced that, god forbid, if Dwight Howard has an accident or something, Shaq would spin his beef with Dwight as a positive to make him look better, since he’ll have the final say out of the two.

  24. nonstopenguins

    Shaq is the smallest of the big men. Tall in height maybe but an insecure little man in stature.

  25. 8s8s8s8s8s

    If Shaq was 5’9” he’d be working at Walmart

  26. Zman2k02

    Shaq is the worst. Dude is an egotistical moron. He literally has nothing of value to add in any of his commentary. Thinks he was the greatest player of all time when in reality he just hit the genetic lottery. If the dude had put any effort into actually improving he would have probably been the GOAT.

  27. iuse2bgood

    I remember years ago he was trashing him foe being injured most of the time.

    Just like when Whitlock changed his tune on kobe after he died. Shaqs a fraud

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