@Dallas Mavericks

Why the Dallas Mavericks Will Win 1 More Game vs the Minnesota Timberwolves

Why the Dallas Mavericks Will Win 1 More Game vs the Minnesota Timberwolves

on today’s show just like the players take the loss feel the disappointment and move on we’re moving on today why are the Mavericks gonna win one more game in the Western Conference finals and move on to the NBA finals Daniel Larson and I will tell you right now today lock M I’m lukic and this is lock on M Mavericks NBA champion it’s and the maver have won the game if you don’t believe you shouldn’t be here loyalty never Fades away and welcome you are locked on at the Dallas Mavericks my name is Nick angad media member and NBA channel manager for the lockon podcast Network your team every day thanks for being part of the show Making lockon Maps your first listen today with the best way you can help us grow the show is to listen every day on any podcast platform leave a five-star review like the video on YouTube and comment anything below let me know what’s one reason why the Mavericks will win one more game just just one just today’s episode is brought to you by FanDuel America’s number one sports book right now new customers get $150 in bonus Bets with any winning $5 bet that’s $150 in bonus bets guaranteed visit lockon to get started and joining me from Valley Sports Southwest the pre poost game the great Dana Larson here to bring us all back to Earth to to make us feel better about where the Mavericks are right now the great Optimus what you got for me Dana lson I love being called the Great Optimus the sun is shining the sun is shining today as opposed to the insane store we woke up to just 24 hours ago and I have peace and quiet to record with you because moments ago I was surrounded by chainsaws outside as I had an entire crew from the city was uh cutting down a tree that uh fell victim to that entire storm or that insane storm yesterday so I’m feeling so good about that and I had so much fun seeing you and Reggie and Isaac last night at the game in person and uh I didn’t get to see slightly in person but I heard him on the postgame pod and I feel pretty good about my decision Nick to let you three cook without me last night after the game us make a fool of ourselves instead after a game like that uh yeah yesterday we we exchanged tree falling pictures yesterday yes we did feel like everybody does that after a big storm like oh tree fell in my neighborhood oh tree fell in mine too look at mine mine’s worse oh man yeah so hopefully again hopefully everybody is is safe from all the storms I saw Mark fwell getting his chainsaw out too a bunch of people like uh cleaning up from the storms and all that so hopefully everybody is safe and all that the Dallas Mavericks fall in game four though the series is now going to be at least five games and uh the Mavs will win one more game they will and Dana and I are going to tell you exactly why they’re going to do that today we’ve got some reasons we’ll start going through them and I got to start here the fourth quarter execution the reason why why the Mavericks are in the place where they’re in right now up 3-0 and now up 3-1 is because they out executed the Timberwolves in the fourth quarter the last five minutes the Mavs dominated they got the right plays they made the right plays they made the right defensive plays they hit the right shots all that Luca and Kyrie better than Anthony Edwards and Carl Anthony towns in the last five minutes they were they’ve been better in the series than them until game four and there’s the stretch Dana from six minutes till 1 minute and in like 47 seconds where the Mavs had some just uncharacteristic mistakes for them and uh and to me I think that stretch right there will if they clean up some of these things I think that will it could could have completely changed the game last night but I don’t think the Mavericks will do those things again and I’m very encouraged by some of the things that I saw like oh they won’t do that again you oh they won’t they won’t do this again and I think that that execution just to start with is the most important thing for the Mavericks especially in a series like this absolutely that’s I think that’s what gives you so much confidence you know going forward is looking at at moments like that I mean you’re you’re you’re down five with plenty of time to go and it was absolutely you take the Mavericks in close games uh in every one of those situations especially as we saw how Minnesota looked in the first three games I was no way nervous about Carl Anthony towns making a couple of big shots so credit to him he did do that um and you know they made enough free throws when they needed to um and the strangest thing is seeing Kyrie Irving in those moments you know not just dominate we call him 4q Kai for a reason he’s a closer he’s fourth quarter Kyrie Irving for a reason he has built a resume um that you would put all your money on time and time again for executing making big shots living up to the moment um and so it was really strange to your point really I think the turnover was the one that I think everybody just went did we just see that that’s so shocking they were really denying him clean um you know looks to get rid of the ball clean shots at the basket and he was the first to admit it afterwards he was frustrated he said he didn’t feel like he started the game well or finished the game well and and he’s not going to do it again that’s what you you feel really good about right that that’s the thing is that these are things they’re not going to do again six minutes left in the game the Mavs take a onepoint lead Kyrie hit a jumper took advantage of goar had his fifth foul goar couldn’t come up and like really step up to Kyrie Kyrie great play took advantage of that then right after that towns hits a three Luca didn’t switch on the play just completely left him was sort of dropping back PJ Washington got stuck on a on a screen and Luca didn’t switch that that’s a mistake that that won’t happen again right you make sure that you you switch in that moment then Kyrie missed a layup he missed it and rushed it it was he was right at The Rim he kind of took it from a a bad angle which I am I can I say that I don’t think Kyrie can take a shot all angles are good from a bad angle but not an optimal angle I guess I’ll put it that way but he rushed it and he was right there at the rim and was able to to put it up there didn’t get it then on the other end the Mavs defense gets caught in these cross matches where Gafford was guarding Jaden McDaniels Derrik Jones Jr was guarding goar and Kyrie was guarding cat just all everything all mixed up their shell defense was not exactly set the way that it was and it turned out to be a disaster and the Timberwolves talked about this play after the game this was the one where Kyle Anderson is standing in the corner and towns is on the left wing and towns kind of sneaks behind Kyle Anderson he just kind of like sneaks behind him and Kyle Anderson’s looking at Anthony Edwards and on the other end of the Court Anthony Edwards is being guarded by both PJ Washington and derck Jones Jr at the same time Gafford and Kyrie both think they’re guarding Jaden McDaniels so now now no one is guarding towns and he’s just standing there Corner Luca is under the rim kind of getting goar and and Kyle Anderson at the same time and Kyle Anderson is like almost screaming with his with his eyes and pointing at towns behind him to to Anthony Edwards Anthony Edwards is like after the game he goes I was gonna take a shot and I saw I saw Kyle Anderson over there pointing and like pointing out this play and so I tossed it over cat and Cat made a wide open three because the Mavs defense just wasn’t set and that play put the Mavs down five at that point and that was just such a disastrous defensive play that didn’t it won’t like happen again no we heard the words um breakdowns being used by the Mavericks we heard the words miscommunication which was so weird it really jumped out to me because this is a defense that’s been Uber tied together yes you know for the the most part of the playoffs it’s why they are truly where they are at this point and I think um I I want to you know go back and maybe say so much of this has to do with the fact that there Derek Lively was out um they had gotten you know so so comfortable with having him in and there was there was so much consistency to the rotations the roles who was in late in games um and so I think there was from the get-go there was a little bit of this oh wait okay how are we doing this today you know we’ve got different looks different things because the only way to really explain indecision on rotations miscommunication breakdowns things like that that I think it just Personnel wise as the game was going spacing looked off at times things that you just hadn’t seen in a while and and unfortunately I think it was you know what ultimately led to these late game uh moments where they weren’t just really on top of it defensively and you know the way Pat had been shooting for the first three games most of the time you’d say fine let him take those shots take the Timberwolves themselves didn’t even want him taking those shots in the first couple games they were looking have NS Reed shoot him instead so um you know he did find a a big moment for him and hopefully we just look back on it as way too little too late for Carl Anthony towns to really you know turn things around absolutely so the Mavs are down five with five minutes left at that point Luca then missed the three it was an okay look it was kind of contested but you know he went for went for the three there uh then you get a couple couple other plays the Mavs are down three uh and with three minutes left Mavs down Luca went for the kill shot he rushed a step back it was a like a wild step back where you just go like if anyone else in the league took that shot you’d go what are you doing but if Luka takes it you’re like okay I guess I can understand it but went for the kill shot then the third cat three in this whole stretch three minutes left it’s contested by Derrick Jones Jr another cross matches thing where Luca had to guard Anthony Edwards PJ Washington was stuck on Kyle Anderson and Derek Jones Jr was on Carl Anthony town so again not exactly the defense set the way that you want it to be and Derrick Jones Jr has not stepped up on cat at that point he’s starting to shoot the ball well and he’s a great three-point shooter and you can defend him driving by you that’s not a problem stay up on him like stay up on him at that point and Derrick Jones Jr wasn’t cat hit the three it was contested it was a good shot by cat but he hits that timberl go up by five again then you have the PJ Washington turnover on the on the left side against Anthony Edwards where he’s trying to you know drive on him that’s a mistake that doesn’t happen too often he shouldn’t really drive on Anthony Edwards he’s Anthony ‘s getting to the point where it’s like Kawai it’s like remember in those Clipper series like no one should drive on kawhai no one like just just don’t do it uh then you had Derrick Jones Jr had a corner three kind of a rushed shot but it was open so you okay with that one and then you get the uh you know Anthony Edwards hits a tough one-on-one floater right there and uh and you’re down you’re down eight all of a sudden with a minute minute 30 left and that that to me that stretch that that like six minutes till like 1:30 was a really tough stretch in all those plays that I just mentioned the Mavs will execute better they’ll be better than that in the next game and so coming up let’s talk about the other reasons why the Mavs will be better and we’ll win one more game in the series we talk about all that more Dana coming up today’s episode is brought to you by FanDuel FanDuel Sports has all kinds of props and odds that you can use to get in on the action like we said at the beginning you got uh you can get $150 in bonus bets guaranteed with any winning $5 bet you can use it to put it on oh man game five Timberwolves minus 4 and A2 minus 4 and a half you get about three points usually for um for being at at a home team but the Mavs were one and a half Point favorites in game in game four or yeah in game four so that’s interesting Vega seems to like the Timberwolves either that or there’s a bunch of money going on the the Mavs right now and so they’re they’re trying to wait it the other way uh Mavs still the favorites to win the Western Conference Finals but only minus 600 so there’s that’s some pretty good odds actually if you want to jump on that to win the Western confence Finals any anything like that put down five bucks you get $150 in bonus bets to use on anything else lockon to do that lockon thanks everybody for hanging out with us on lockdown Maps being part of the show part of the raccoon Squad listening every day appreciate each and every one of you for checking out the show with me today if you watch the uh the unhinged three-man weave we did last night after after the game appreciate you and every one of you for watching uh just some insane awesome moment though just hilarious and I’m still laughing about today uh and if you didn’t listen to our post game from game three maybe one of the most electric openings to a show we’ve ever had I talked to uh Big Rob from The Maniacs the other day and we were going up the elevator together and he was like I think I watched that three times just just the just the beginning of it because it was so perfect we couldn’t have planned it any better with the crowd the TNT crew everything that’s happening the win the the energy from the stadium was just kind of one of those moments we go I don’t think we could recreate this if we wanted to so great moments on lockdown Ms we’ll continue all throughout the offseason all throughout the season and all that we continue as we have all season with Dana lson talking about reasons why the Mavericks will win one more Dana make me feel better about this team why would the Mavs win one more game well I think too one of the things we were just breaking down the last few minutes of the of the fourth quarter in the first segment and I was thinking about how desperate Minnesota had to play in that game and and so you get you get you know guys flying all over the place real active hands they were making things difficult they were having to play with the desperation of their season on the line and their season that had been so good going down in flames if you are swept in you know in the Western Conference Finals it really puts you know kind of a tarnish on all the good that you did so you knew it was going to be hard and you had a Mavericks team that was probably overly excited to try and in dealing with the pressure of being at home wanting to close it out wanting the confetti to rain down on them on their home court with their home fans and do trophy present you’re already and you’re a young team you’re already probably trying to fight off those thoughts right so Luca talked about the energy not being right for that game um Kyrie was you know disappointed in the way he said he came out and therefore it sort of ends up being kind of a leadership thing where the rest fall in line with that sort of an idea so to me you’re now everything changes now you you go to Minnesota you’ve got your backs against the wall again which is you know sort of that mentality that I think they enjoy having um you know you’ve given a team a little bit of life and maybe that’s all you need to refocus um and and and to get back to kind of doing what you’re doing you’ve now also seen Minnesota’s biggest adjustment right they switch Defenders on Luca and Kyrie they’re having to play uh they’re having to come up with what’s our last ditch effort here what are we going to do and those things worked for the moment and but they also know exactly how to adjust every single time Luca and Kyrie have seen everything so they’ll get back to shooting percentages that we’re used to seeing um they’ll get back to getting better quality shots because they will have watched film on this what just happened how are we going to attack it now um if those wide openen threes or Corner threes are available for the role players again which you’d like to think they are you’re going to have more guys hitting them I mean PJ Washington really struggled shooting the ball you know in that game I think he goes out and you know kind of Embraces that road mentality and hopefully he has a better day shooting Derrick Jones Jr a little bit more from three maybe you get Lively back you know that would be you know amazing it’s hard to to hope for that but if you don’t you’ve at least got another game with maxi Clea under your belt and that’s an you know having him is awesome it’s entirely different though than Lively so so those adjustments you’ve got some you know minutes under your belt with these different things and I just think there’s going to be a whole different feel and Vibe going into into this next one the feel and the vibe coming out of game four I thought was interesting from each team from each team and this was one of my things they this team has zero Panic right they they take on the mentality of their head coach Jason kid that uh that they don’t panic they don’t get too high they don’t get too low on any on any moment or any situation that they’re in Kyrie took responsibility after the game this one’s on me Luca took responsibility after the game this one’s on me Gafford took responsibility after the game this was on me and those are the only three that that talked in the on the podium and they all took responsibility for for the game each player is taking like their responsibility for what they can control and going out and trying to trying to fix the next thing and that just that sounds such like a normal sportsy thing that like oh they take responsibility for the loss but when all three of those players like that come out with the same message I think that I think that that means a lot for a team that they’re all on the same page they all know what they’re they’re working towards uh they all also mentioned they didn’t come out with the right energy Luca Kyrie and Gafford all mentioned the same thing they took responsibility they said they didn’t come out with the right energy and now like they’re going to respond Gafford also had a quote that I just found awesome at the end uh he said we was expecting to be happy at the end of this game and now we’re pissed off and now they’ve got to respond to that and this team has done really well responding because they have zero panic and they’re just such a resilient group I love pissed off Gaff and I love cranky Luca it’s one of my favorite things and you you can sense it you know Luca sits down to do those postgame press conferences and they your one onew answers you can look at your watch the whole thing might take three minutes and it and you know it’s because he’s mad and he knows that the game was right there to to me that’s the whole thing right that’s the whole thing about game four they didn’t shoot the ball well Derek Lively was out he’s the heart and soul of this thing and he’s out of the thing uh you know Max is back for the first time in weeks they’re one turnover and a clutch shot away from winning it all so all these things go wrong and they know it that’s why they were frustrated and mad about it um but there every time we’ve heard from cranky Luca this season it look out you know the next game because he uses it in such a a motivational way and you know there are usually not backto back games where he’s saying yeah I didn’t have the right energy again like go back and look that’s never happened you know he is the ultimate competitor they are killers he and Kyrie are absolute killers and and they’re not going to get this far uh and and you know not turn it around quickly you mentioned kind of the end execution there is that another reason why this team is resilient so I mentioned that stretch at the beginning or that stretch in the fourth quarter from six minutes to like a minute 40 where they go down eight you’re like ah just just they were leading and then they go down eight it was a nine-point swing basically for the Timberwolves with a minute two left Kyrie hits another like great floater and the Mavs only down three with a minute left and like I’m sitting next to slight leader in the game and he’s like oh it’s it’s done when they went down eight he was like he’s like it’s up it’s it’s done like pack it up just you know he he wasn’t commenting on the the actual team he was just like how he felt in that moment yeah and I was like I don’t know man there like a minute 40 left like they’re they’re only down eight like it’s only a couple buckets then all of a sudden they’re down three with a minute left and you get uh Anthony Edwards gets an open jumper off of a goar kind of like I can’t stand these goar like screens with his butt like it’s got to that’s got to be a foul I just I can’t Scott Foster uh but he hits the jumper it’s it’s you know it’s open jumper bad defensive play Then Kyrie has the turnover then Gafford fouls Conley on that play but luga gets the the and one three and he misses a free throw so Kyrie turnover Gafford F and Conley Luca missed free throw like all opportunities that were just missed right there from all three players that were on the podium that all took responsibility after the game and uh they had another chance even going down to eight with a minute 40 left was not enough to keep this team at Bay and I think that that will be the same in a game five even in a game six like this team will continue to come back and they’ll continue to keep fighting and that’s something that is really admirable about this team what we’ve seen so so far and so coming up let’s talk about the other reasons why the Mavericks will win another game Derek Lively will he come back Maxi will he look better in the next game let’s talk about that coming up shut it down let’s go all right Dana let’s talk about some more reasons why the Mavs are going to win one more game we’re confident feeling good about it what’s another reason why the Mavs are going to win one more game Dana well they are going to continue to play really really good defense that is what this team is now built on they know it is their calling card and to me when you look back this there was a stat that just reminded me uh that let’s see it said just the third time and either the regular season or the playoffs that the Mavericks have lost a game despite holding their opponent to 105 or fewer points they had been 26 and three in games before that um so again you know that you just love you love the fact that you’ve been able to do that and despite some of those breakdowns late and despite you know adjusting without Derek Lively um they are still able to really just dig in defensively against you know these tough teams and and make this Minnesota team in the series at times I’ve sat back and been like how did they get here like they they have not looked good offensively and you go it feels like sometimes all they have is Anthony Edwards um so they have put themselves in a really good position we know history is on their side as well no team has ever come back from down 03 right so history’s on your side the your the way you’ve been playing defense is on your side I think that um they know the offense will be there the the offensive rating had been really good and it dropped in this game for all the reasons we’ve talked about um but it’s you don’t over react you don’t overreact to that and uh you just you know you get ready for what we like to call a gentleman’s sweep you go get this next one and you and you win four to one there you go M’s defensive rating and the final score of the for the Timberwolves is the same in game one that it was in game four 105 points and the defense rating was 112. n literally the exact same in both games you win one you lose one because they score 108 MAV scored 108 points in game one and only 100 points in game four that’s the difference a couple of shots here or there a Kyrie Rush shot a Kyrie turnover a Luca Miss shot a Luca Rush three like it’s just a couple of bounces of the ball and that’s why we think that I think those things will be different and uh but yeah the defense staying the way that that it is even without Lively I think that is is super encouraging that they were able to uh like play the defense without Lively and Cat finally hitting some shots like I guess it was cat instead of Nas Reed hitting those shots now in this but uh Timberwolves got some some things going with their two stars finally and they had the same exact offensive output they’ve had in some of these losses basically right I that’s just it I think if you’re Minnesota you still you still feel like you’re barely hanging on you know I mean you found a way to scratch and Claw to a win one you had to have but there I don’t think there’s been any moments in this series where they would sit back and just feel really really good about everything kind of coming together it’s really been the Maverick setting the tone and so many any of these games and and and could have even won a game very you know a close game here in game four too so I still feel like there’s so much belief on the Maverick side that they have what it takes that this is a matchup that’s totally in their favor um I don’t think there’s any worry for them and on Minnesota side you’ve been questioning yourself since game one like wait a minute you know um things are not going the way we wanted them to and they’re fighting they got to fight that mental side um way more than the Mavs do yeah I think I think another reason to be encouraged by it is that they got Maxi kba back I thought that he looked good in some instances on defense he had a couple of good like drives or things that created offense that I think really helped them he looked timid on his three-point shooting it didn’t look like he wanted to take some threes and I think maybe that is getting some rust off but you get him back and I think that’s a positive he doesn’t tend to come back to a comfortable place with his three-point shot quickly um he usually takes a little bit of time um to find that confidence and the second anyone is is passing up a three and it felt like at times there were moments with this offense in that game four where guys were passing up good shots just weren’t feeling quite right with them I mean we had a we had a Dante EXA moment yeah and I was thrilled and he and he hit one that was great but then I felt like he kind of quickly passed one up too so if if it may take Maxi just a little bit of time to get it but we know how good he is in the playoffs when he gets it in the playoffs look out look out he could really be that three-point spark that they would need and Jaden Hardy Jaden Hardy is emerging and that’s another reason why I’m I’m excited about this and and expecting another win is because they needed one more ball handler they needed one more kind of scorer just just somebody five minutes here five minutes there doesn’t have to be a lot but Hardy has really stepped up he had you know his best little stretch there at the end of the third going into the fourth where he hit that three to start the quarter I mean he’s having a moment right now he hit 13 points in that in that game four loss he had hit three threes had a couple other shots one where he just squared up against Anthony Edwards one-on-one drove to the Lane and finished another one against Kyle Anderson where he had that huge dunk like just some awesome stuff from Jaden Hardy who is just seemly like growing into his confidence even more I love it it’s a Hardy coming out party in the playoffs it really is great and you can like I was watching Luca without the ball when Hardy had the ball and you could see it’s like Hardy looks to Luca like should I get it back to you and Luca looks at him and he go he tells him to go go go do your thing you know so you’re getting those those you know moments of um confidence coming from the star of the team telling you to go go cook we know you can do this and and it is great I think it’s it’s been really um you know interesting wrinkle that Jason kid um was willing to to do at this point in the playoffs and for Hardy to to come through is so exciting and I was also watching endlessly watching Derrik Lively on the bench I was looking for every moment I could find to think that he was gonna be okay soon you know how’s he walking oh he turned his head look he turned his head to the crowd really smoothly he didn’t look in pain and he was the he was loving you know calling out how many fouls cat had and how many fouls go head so he he looked physically pretty good over there don’t have any idea how soon you know at this point he’ll be able to return but um you just know I mean truly I don’t feel like I’m overstating it when I say he’s like the heart and soul of this thing now I think I really think the Mavs have have just found something so big in in Derek Lively and um and hopefully hopefully he’s not out for a long time it’s wild how much he’s like Tyson Chandler that way yes with like being vocal like if you heard the was it game two or game three where they had him miked up and you just heard him like screaming yelling at people telling PJ Washington where to go on defense because he’s the backline guy seeing everything you know hearing him scream after an alleyoop dunk where it just felt like felt like that scream just came from somewhere like it it came from somewhere deep below like he he he’s he’s got a lot too uh he’s got a lot going going on obviously but like a dunk like that just so cathartic in that moment and he’s he’s he’s putting it all out on the court and that’s one of the reasons why he’s out is because he put it all out on the court went for a loose ball and then gets kneed in the back of the head inadvertently by by towns and yeah he he does kind of feel like that right now and it I think he I think he’ll return because of what we’ve seen from next brains you know Jeff STS from in Street clo said the average for an NBA player with a next strain uh since 2006 has been like four days so that’s the average we’ll we’ll see if it’s you know on the the longer side or not the Mavericks have definitely bought him some time with with three wins but I think I do think he he will come back in this series at some point if not then you know for the finals because we expect them to win one more that’s right that’s right we do and he’s an important partner if you will with Gafford yeah because the words that we’ve heard Gafford say about Derek Lively he is pushing the rookie is pushing the veteran to be better and I think that is amazing he has he’s not shied away from it know saying that that he is it’s very motivating watching the way Lively plays in his stretches and then going out there and wanting to bring that same energy and they have differences they’re different things that they both do well um but I think that’s you know these are two guys that you know to kind of get all the way back to the way we started two tall trees that you know this Maverick’s team really needs in there to contend with what you know Minnesota brings and um you know hopefully they’re back together sooner than later yeah well sometimes trees fall and you can re-root them and you can put them back so that’s what I hope happens with Derek Lively that they can re-root him and bring him blome right stronger than stronger than ever he’ll he’ll come stronger Roots absolutely so there you go guys thanks for hanging out with us on lockdown Mavs go and listen to uh lockon wolves if you haven’t yet Ben Beacon’s doing a great job over on lockon wolves I’ll have more episodes for you we’ll have another post game these these games every other day they just never they never stop it seems like but we’ll have a postgame show uh after game Five Guys thanks for listening to locked on Mavs

The Dallas Mavericks are up 3-1 in the NBA’s Western Conference Finals against the Minnesota Timberwolves. How will Luka Doncic, Kyrie Irving, and the Mavs be better and win 1 more game?

Nick Angstadt & Dana Larson (@BallySportsSouthwest) share their reasons why Luka Doncic, Kyrie Irving, and the Dallas Mavericks will win 1 more game against the Minnesota Timberwolves.

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  1. Dreaded game #4
    Every Mavs player just assumed the favorable ending, defense and ball handling went haywire, and the shots were solo efforts (no put-backs, no offensive rebounds, no usual fight under the rim).

    Don’t understand hard rules of injury list. Could Lively be in playing list, sat out for most of the game except for the last 5 mins? That alone would have given Mavs the game.

  2. One (of many) reason(s) the Mavs win gm 5 is because Minnesota has not beaten the Mavs at their home this series.

  3. Luka went into game 4 with winning conference finals mvp goal. He barely passed the ball , also his assists were high he went for his shot as first second and third priority and only when stuck on last seconds passed the assist . Relatively to high ball possession 9 assists is nothing, average nba team has 20 assists a game and he controls the ball most of the game. In reality given possession his assists is below average. This cost Kyrie out of the game. End of first half gap was closed by Kyrie running the offence when Luka on the bench . This is repeated result when Luka on the bench.
    Luka play for team Luka.

  4. The Wolves just proved they can win 1 of 4. They didn’t impress to the point that anyone would expect 4 straight. Luka love road games and sucking energy out of crowed (see 2022 game 7 phoenix)

  5. Hot take: The Mavs don't suck. We as Mavs fans do. Because we have many in our community who quit on the team. And those loyal would much rather fight the trolls than rally the troops. Myself included. The Mavs don't suck. We do.

  6. It's the Mavs are relying on Hardy for a win they are in big trouble. Jason Kidd better get his head out of his ass. When Kidd took Gafford out last night and Luka sat for extended time was an absolute atrocity. Powell is a train wreck. Jason Kidd is a horrible coach. Luka deserves WAAAAY better.

  7. We played absolutely atrocious defense! We let them shoot over 50% from the field & over 45% from three. You cannot win if you’re letting your opponent shoot lights out.

  8. You have their bigs in foul trouble, ATTACK!. Get Lively back. Not so many defensive breakdowns. Kyrie good start. Mavs in 5.

  9. Dana is the Kyrie of Mavs media. She just brings a sense of calmness that says, we'll be fine, don't worry. 😊

  10. Dereck lively will play in game 5 if Derek was playing in game 4 Minnesota wouldn't have won that game see he's effective every time he get the ball he makes it hard for the Timberwolves Karl Anthony towns was trying to injure him I guarantee he will play in Game 5 its over

  11. Kyrie Irving didn't have a good game butt in game 5 it will be different Minnesota got lucky it's over for the Timberwolves

  12. DLive also taken the role of a defensive quarterback calling out defensive plays just like Dodo did.

  13. 3 things… This was a horrible shooting night for the mavs, partly because of a stagmant offense a d partly because of aggressive wolves defense. Is not like we lost a blowout, it was 5 pts.

    Luka will play better in game 5

    And I need this series to be over, ANT will be a great player but this hype train has been exhausted. Now he is a Kawhi level defender? 😂

  14. I'm a Mavs fan who just put $50 on the Wolves. I reckon the Wolves looked more convincing in their win than the Mavs did in there's – which could have gone either way. I'd still like the Mavs to win the series of course, but I like those odds (on the Wolves to win)

  15. Nick, I looked for you in section 124 at the last game, but I couldn’t find you! I did see Josh Howard and Devin Harris, though.

  16. Both teams are really good. Mavs top players a better than the Wolves stars AND they have the playoffs reps. Wolves don’t. It always comes down to that.

  17. win 1 more game is nearly impossible because maxi is not 100% healed, lively questionable status due to the scary injury, luka's knee issue … i am confident wolves win next 4 against the hobbling Mavs

  18. In Game 4 the defensive script was flipped. Wolves were helping and recovering to stop the lobs, where the Mavs help was less aggressive and the PnR was working a lot better for the Wolves. Time for J Kidd to earn his flowers again!

  19. People should relax, LUka & Kyrie shot 33% from the field, but only lost by 5 points, they is no way they shoot 33% from the field again, and I don’t think Carl Anthony towns can perform like he did in game 4, 4 another 3 games, even if he does LUka & Kyrie won’t shoot 33%.

  20. dont you ever think that timberwolves could not fight back, this is a great team. It is wise for mavs to stay on the ground & keep focus on the next game. they only win 3 battle but not a war.

  21. Gafford veteran at 25 😀yea when comperated to 20 yo Lively he is but they will both play in Mavs for many years. Also OKC young team look at Mavs. Beside Kyrie… Luka 25, Djones 27, Hardy 21, Omax 21, Green 23, PJ 25, Gafford 25, Lively 20…this core can stay together nex 5 years and play at top level an belice me Lively, HArdy, Omax will get only better! Is this Mavs dinasty that will rule NB_a next 5 years?

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