@Cleveland Cavaliers

The Cleveland Cavaliers Must Make A MASSIVE Change!!!

The Cleveland Cavaliers Must Make A MASSIVE Change!!!

so I think it’s very very obvious that someone out there had to make this video and who better than a massive Cleveland Cavaliers fan which I am myself again the Cavaliers need to make a change unfortunately right now this young core that looked so promising 3 years ago that was supposed to be built into what some consider to be the next NBA super team really just hasn’t panned out of course there has been a lot of issues uh one of which the complete negative play recently of Darius Garin again whether this is the 888 injuries that Darius Garin has unfortunately sustained the personal issues that Darius Garin has faced all the fact that Darius Garin and Donovan Mitchell just can’t seem to figure it out and play together there seems to need to be a change on that front again that can be said to be one of the big changes obviously we know the other one which it will most likely lead into and conclude with is the trade of Donovan Mitchell so while I was making this video a ton of things of course did change again one of the big things being that it seemed like Donovan Mitchell this whole time was probably going to get traded but in realism it turns out Darius Garin might be getting traed with reports coming from Shams and others here and there as well that Donovan Mitchell and his uh agent are very close to potentially inking a deal worth $200 million while Darius gar and his agent Rich Paul could very well be looking for a trade again there is still a chance that they don’t do this and maybe Donovan Mitchell does look for a trade so of course again even though it’s slim now I will still be going over all those options in this video because again this is a video talking about all the potential plans the Cleveland Cavaliers could officially do Donovan Mitchell only has 2 years left on his contract one of them of course being a player option and the more likel chance he will decline that after the Cavaliers have now had 2 years in a row of pretty early playoff losses of course again with a ton of other issues the recent signings that the Cavaliers brought in of George Nang and Max stru have been somewhat of a disaster Max dreu and George Nang were both brought in to add desperate shooting to this Cleveland Cavaliers team unfortunately Max stru just really has not fit in with this squad as the Cavaliers have really had to just play him as a small forward and we know when he was on the Miami Heat his best basketball was played when he of course was playing the shooting guard position on defense and the small for position on offense unfortun Ely he has to do both small for positions and defensively it just hasn’t really been that great not just that his floor spacing has been really Dreadful not being a good shooter for the Cavaliers at all then George Nang is obviously a massive problem for the Cavaliers right now no one truly knows why this man decided to bulk up on Kentucky Fried Chicken and McDonald’s before the season started but it was very obvious that George Nang came into to the team extremely overweight and this really showed with his basketball this year with the first half of his year being Dreadful again later in the year he definitely got a lot better but as you can see now we’ve gone to the playoffs because he had to try and make so much loss he really has now just gassed out completely and it has been a massive disaster other issues for the Cavaliers being that aoro is now a free agent and there going to be teams out there that are going to be offering him around 15 million probably a season one of the best perimeter defenders in the league who has definitely developed a good jump shot now he’s going to get a ton of offers so what should the what should the Cleveland Cavaliers do look I certainly believe Mitchell would actually like to stay in Cleveland I think he’s happy in Cleveland issue is and Donovan Mitchell knows it is is he’s going to want a Max extension worth around 50 million per season unfortunately for the Cavaliers right now they are already paying Darius garland that super max contract and with new NBA rules you are only allowed two super max players on each roster meaning that again when ever M’s contract is eventually up the cavali are probably going to have to unfortunately for them give him a super max even though he hasn’t quite earned it just yet and it it’s just due to the fact that there will be a team out there who sees him with the potential of playing Center becoming double the play he currently is and of course offering him that super max deal Donovan Mitchell knows contractually it doesn’t work with the Cavaliers and again him he’s just making Garin a worse player gin is arguably making him a worse player as well they both just don’t feed off each other at all the reality is for the Cleveland Cavaliers there is a possibility now where you can still get a turn out of Donovan Mitchell I believe the Cavaliers traded three first round picks and like two pick swaps and a couple good players to get Mitchell to the team they will definitely get a trade like that in return there’s a ton of options we know the Brooklyn Nets are probably they might not be the most interested but they definitely have the most assets I think to give to the Cavaliers Miami don’t really have too much assets and they don’t tend to overpay for many players but they really want him and I don’t see how that’s going to work the Knicks will want him but again they are going to have contract issues as well I think look OG anobi is he worth a supermax probably not will a team probably offer him that in free agency yeah somehow that that will probably happen and they’re already paying a ton of dudes a lot of money there’s a couple of Maxes already on that team New York can definitely afford to pay overs but again a part of me thinks that they might not want to do it also I don’t know if they have enough to trade up for him again the Lakers are another one who was come out of nowhere who are really interested there is actually a discussion right now for LeBron to be traded to Cleveland in a Mitchell trade I’m actually talking about that in a different video but I’m not sure if that one will currently be out the time of this one but it’s obvious that Mitchell needs to be traded just because he might leave in free agency and not just that the Cavaliers need to get Darius Garland back to being the player who used to be and unfortunately he’s probably not going to do that while playing with Donovan Mitchell again it’s going to be really interesting to see what the Cavaliers do with Jared Allen and Evan MO again Evan MO is going to be looking for a big contract extension very very soon and he needs to play center in the NBA and unfortunately he’s stuck to playing Power Forward right now on the Cavs do you trade Jared Allen I don’t know cuz sometimes Jarett Allen is their best player do you trade ever Moy again that’s tough considering MO is a 22-year-old who could be one of the best centers in the NBA one day if used correctly there’s a ton of decisions to Cavaliers have to make and no matter what decisions they make they are going to be probably told that they’ve made the wrong one again do resign aoro right does trading Donovan Mitchell improve Max dreu as well as he gets to move to the shooting guard position what do the Cavaliers need to do if you were to ask me what I would do if I was the Cavaliers JM I would say look at a trade of Donovan Mitchell to the Nets you could look at a guy like Cameron Johnson who I actually think would fit this Cavaliers team very very well being a forward who can shoot he could play the small forward or he could play the power forward of course I would look at him as a certainty I would look at three first round picks as a lock two pick swaps if the Brooklyn Nets can of course uh for that to start off with and then again there’s going to be a bunch of other players that the Cavaliers are going to look at other than just Cameron Johnson again finny Smith would the Cavaliers like him maybe Dennis schrudder could he be a really nice backup guard who can add nice scoring pressure for this team possibly could the Cavaliers look at Cameron Thomas again they’re going to want a good young player for Donovan Mitchell Thomas could be the best six-man in the league one day I definitely think that’s someone the Cavaliers would ask back in return and yeah it could look really interesting if the Cavaliers say we want Cameron Johnson we want finy Smith we we want Cameron Thomas and we want Dron sharp three first round picks and maybe a pick swap on top do the Nets do that 100% they do because they can build an a really good core of Nick Claxton Mel Bridges and you know of course Donovan Mitchell and then if Ben Simmons develops into being half the player he used to be jeez that even helps the team even more let’s hope Ben Simmons can get back to what he used to be for their sake and for Australia’s sake really you do that if you’re the Cavaliers it makes it ton of sense for them again fills in a lot of needs you probably move on from George Nang as well maybe look for a trade there maybe even attach some second round picks or so to just get rid of him to a team that might afford to need him like the Charlotte Hornets again I really can’t decide in this video if I should trade Jarrett Allen or not it would really hurt to do so but it’s almost like you kind of nearly got to do it for Evan Mo SA again there will be a ton of teams out there that are looking for a dude like Jarett Allen of course the Charlotte Hornets would be a massive one who desperately need a guy like jar Allen let’s just say they fall down the draft and they get like pick six or seven the Cavaliers could offer up Allen and maybe a first round pick or two try and get that pick seven in the Cavaliers could go in and draft some dude here and there good help out long term as well a ton of really interesting things could Jared Allen himself be worth pick seven definitely probably in this draft you probably don’t even have to actually add first round picks in this draft so there’s a ton that the Cavaliers could do to revitalize this of course firing the coach JB biger sta is an incredible development coach but unfortunately the Cavaliers need to take that next step who could they hire I’m not sure I would would have very much liked Nick nurse on the team to be honest he would have been very cool a ton of different things the Cavaliers can do I’d very much like to hear what you guys think they should do please make sure to leave a like And subscribe to the channel comment your thoughts and opinions what should the Cavaliers do to improve very much like to know don’t forget to subscribe to my gaming channel and my r/ long channels links for them will be in the description down below but as I was saying please make sure to leave a like subscribe and comment and I’ll see you guys next time goodbye [Music] [Music] beginning [Music]

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