@Los Angeles Lakers

Game 4 Lonnie Walker

Laker Legend, wish him nothing but success 🙏

by Impossible-Ad7389


  1. locomocopoco

    This was Lonnie’s night. He took Warriors for a walk.

  2. Maleficent-Ice-2902

    He was absolutely amazing. I still remember that fantastic night made by Lonnie. I hope we can bring him back.

  3. StoneColdAM

    Lonnie and Schroder were bigger losses than we realized. 2 guys who could handle the ball and defend decently well while scoring. Vincent can get some slack for being hurt, but the rest of the bench was trash. Dinwiddie especially was embarrassingly bad 

  4. FeminismIsTheBestIsm

    I love how this was literally last year but this pic is pixelated so badly it looks like a highlight from 2009

  5. m3junmags

    That fourth quarter was something to behold.

  6. LakersUSC

    I’ve got nothing but love for Lonnie. He’s a beautiful human being and I’m so glad he had this sort of moment as a Laker.

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